Michael A. Berta +1 415.471.3277 Direct
[email protected] June 7, 2021 VIA EDIS Secretary Lisa R. Barton U.S. International Trade Commission 500 E Street, S.W., Room 112-A Washington, DC 20435 Re: Certain Casual Footwear and Packaging Thereof Inv. No. 337-TA-_______ [DN: ________] Dear Secretary Barton: Enclosed for filing on behalf of Complainant Crocs, Inc. (“Crocs”) are the following documents in support of Crocs’ request for the Commission to commence an investigation pursuant to Section 337 of the Tariff Act of 1930, as amended: 1. Crocs’ verified non-confidential Complaint and public Exhibits (19 C.F.R. §§ 210.4, 210.8, 210.12, as amended by the Commission’s Temporary Change to Filing Procedures, dated March 19, 2020); 2. Crocs’ Public Interest Statement (19 C.F.R. § 210.8(b), as amended by the Commission’s Temporary Change to Filing Procedures, dated March 19, 2020); 3. Crocs’ letter and certification requesting confidential treatment for the information contained in confidential Exhibit Nos. 3, 30-37, and 91 (19 C.F.R. §§ 201.6(b) and 210.5(d), as amended by the Commission’s Temporary Change to Filing Procedures, dated March 19, 2020); 4. Unredacted, confidential Exhibit Nos. 3, 30-37, and 91 (19 C.F.R. §§ 201.6(b) and 210.5(d), as amended by the Commission’s Temporary Change to Filing Procedures, dated March 19, 2020); and 5. Appendix Nos. 1-6 containing U.S. Trademark Registration Nos. 3,836,415, 5,149,328, and 5,273,875, and their respective file histories.