Spring 2015 Vol. 12, No. 1 CeruleanThe Quarterly Newsletter of the Ohio Ornithological Society www.ohiobirds.org •
[email protected] For inquiries about your OOS membership, please e-mail us:
[email protected] From the Editor Passenger Pigeon I am excited to assume the edi- torship of The Cerulean with this Spring issue. Since its inception in 2004, the OOS and its news- REMEMBERED letter have grown quite a bit (you can find back issues online). AN From its initial 4-page newsletter M format, The Cerulean matured into a publication of broader scope for Ohio birders. My hope and goal for The Cerulean is to continue to serve and appeal to its various OOS audiences: Prairie Warbler established, novice, backyard, MARLENE DE LA CRUZ-GUZ and uncategorized birders, orni- Great Egret Marsh thologists, nature educators and VOLUNTEER enthusiasts, young birders, family Preserve Bird & Nature birders, local groups and clubs, Walk and citizen science enthusiasts. May 14, 2015 WITH US! Scott Pendleton has produced three wonderful issues as interim With Craig Caldwell and Tara Volunteers are the lifeblood editor. Thank you Scott! And he Baranowski - Register for one of two of this organization. If you has not only ironed out a few hic- walks with Elisa Demis at edemis@tnc. are interested in lending your cups with the publication sched- org or by text at 330-665-1348. Limit 20 for each walk. time, talents, or treasures to ule, but has introduced several our Society, please send an new features such as “Name We will likely see waterfowl, eagles That Nest”, “Beyond Birds”, or soaring above, herons, egrets, and e-mail to Jason Larson, Volun- “Make Your Data Count” that other wildlife including water snakes, teer Chair, at have great educational enter- fish, and turtles.