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THE KUTZTOWN PATRIOT Isbtm MP People, Spots In The News! THE KUTZTOWN PATRIOT VOL. LXVI KUTZTOWN, PA., THURSDAY, AUGUST 29, 1940 NO. 15 Vacation Ends Labor Day For Hundreds Fair Association Experiences One Of Of Kutztown Boys And Girls Who Will Most Successful Weeks In Its History; March To School Next Tuesday Morning iSBtm MP 45,000 Attend 36th Annual Exposition New Teachers Include Caroline Stabler and Richard Thomp­ More Than 10,000 Enjoy Mule, Pony and Bicycle Races and son; 49 to Attend School for First Time; Many Im­ Midway Attractions Friday Afternoon; Jalopy Races provements Noted in School Buildings Big Feature Final Day of Fair Program Two new teachers and one who has privileged to enter the K. S. T. C. A NATION UNITED Approximately 45,000 persons at­ principals of the Kirk Circus, the Ab- changed her name from Miss Paula Kindergarten or Nursery. Non-resi­ tended the Kutztown Fair last week, dallah Girls, the Roller-Skating Fam­ Mae Davis to Mrs. Simmons, will greet dent pupils are asked to present their Salutes LABOR according to Worth A. Dries, presi­ ily and Victor's BaCnd, who also nsr- the pupils of the local schools next previous school records and vaccina­ dent of the Fair Association. formed, edged close to the track hid BULLET-PROOF tires are tested by close-range rifle fire at Akron. Tuesday morning at 8:30 o'clock, when tion certificates. Thursday, the "big" day attracted echoed the shouts and laughter of *he O., where they are being developed by Goodrich company formffi; the 1940-41 term starts off with a Supervising Principal W. W. Raker Never has the figure . the significance . the more than 12,000 and officials esti­ grandstand; and owners of the maIss, tary use. Inner tubes are triple layers of special rubbw com*- half-day session. reminds parents that according to the mated at least 10,000 witnessed the rumor has it, got so excited that }he pounds, which automatically "seal" holes, evenfrom rifleop ma­ The new teachers include Caroline law passed by the State Legislature value of Labor loomed so large in relation to our home talent show staged on the race grandstand could no longer hold 'eu; chine-gun bullets, on movmg wheels without appreciable lots of air Stabler, who replaces Mrs. Russell in 1939, all youth up to and including track, and the many midway attrac­ and the grin of Worth A. Dries, pr is- Stein in second grade of the down- 17 years, must attend school. The only nation and the preservation of Democracy. tions Friday. ident of the Fair Association, was rn- two schools, and Richard Thompson, exceptions are those who have secured If ever "a good time was had by usually broad. Also among the »p!C- M.A., Allentown, who will take the employment certificates; have been World events and the pressure of outside forces all" it was o Mule-Day, Friday after­ tators, for a brief while, was Da^id place of Miss Ruth E. Bonner, on Sab­ granted certificates enabling them to noon, v/hen, for the first time, a second Miller, aged 10, who was brought in batical leave. Miss Bonner, who re­ do household labor; those with mental have caused these States to become most truly Children's Day was observed, with en­ his new, glorified coaster. cently won the Nathan C. Schaeffer or physical disability; or those rural tertainment by home-town cowboys in The starter was Chief of Police scholarship, will spend the year at pupils who having completed 8th United in a common purpose—national defense. picturesque attire and clever make-up, Robert Gallagher, and the judges in­ Cornell. Her substitute will have grade and have no means of transpor­ I who rcjde such steeds as Hi-Test, Sea- cluded Burgess Bard, announciir; charge of 11th and 12th grade English. tation. From coast to coast vast factories have been biscuit, Bloomer Girl and Hangover, Trooper Lester Lucas; H. C. Sim­ A large enrollment, particularly as Improvements and vi( d for heavy purses. A pony race mons, Allentown; and Oscar Stein ^nd regards pupils from svirrounding The school buildings are in shape, turned over to the production of goods which will by hone-talent was also staged, and Karl Fritz. townships, is expected in the High all necessary repairs having been equip our forces on land, on the seas, and in the three !)icycle races, the prize money The prizes were divided as folloivs: School, and Beginners total 49. made. The walls of the elementary for th( afternoon totaling $106.50. Mule Race, $50—First prize, $15; sec­ Beginners are asked to bring one building have been re-painted on the air. Steel. .. ton after ton of it—textiles in great The grandstand was crowded; Bur­ ond and third $10, each; fourth, fifth of their parents, and be ready to hand inside and new lights have been in­ gess Ralph M. Bard was in his glory and sixth, $5 each; Pony: $26.Si)— to their teachers their birth or bap­ stalled. „ bolts—paper by the carload ... of what avail are on the judge's stand and made a fine First prize $7.50; second and ti^d, tismal certificates and their vaccina­ The high school auditorium has been job of it; and the participants in the $5 each; fourth, fifth and sixth $3 tion certificate. Eligible Beginners are repainted, the gymnasium has been all these, without Labor—whose brain and might contests were thoroughly good sports, each; Bicycle races: $30—three fi'^sts those who will be six prior to Febru­ refinished. and a protective fence has despite the fact that a collision pre­ at $5 each; three seconds at $3 ea<ih; ary 1, 1941, and those younger are (Conlimtud •« pmg* ftp*—eo/»»i» #</*») are the only means of converting such resources vented two of the cyclers from win­ and three thirds at $2 each, in acdi- ning first and second place. Even the (Comtimm*d mm pmg* *itht—eolmmm H0i JUNIOR DRUM AND BUGLE into the mechanized strength necessary to estab­ Bethany Home Is CORPS TO HOLD BENEFIT lish and hold our line of defense? Thank God we BAKE SALE SATURDAY Kutztown Rotaridns Kempton Miss Is HORSE LAUGHing comes nat­ Celebrating 77th The local Junior Drum and Bugle can count on our men of Labor in these critical ural to Spencer Scott, colt owned PICNICKER'S-ETE view of Wen­ Corps of Hoch-Balthaser Post No. 480 by C. W, Phellis of Greenwich, dell Willkie is caught by photog^ American Legion counted it a privilege times. They are 100% American, in spirit xind Hold Family Picnic Named Dairy Queen Conn., after scoring his straight- rapher as Repubhcan presiden-^ Anniversary Today to share in the grand parade at the heat victory in the famous Ham- tial nominee relaxed under » recent State Legion Convention in love of country. The chimneys which so richly bletonian harness-racing classic tree at home of his mother-in-^ Reading, but the experience had its At "Ten Springs" Of District Six at Goshen, N. Y. He was an law in RushviUe, Ind., between drawbacks. The buglers and drummers smoke above them unfurl a banner symbolic of odds-on favorite and came nomination - acceptance speech Local Reformed Churches were obliged to stand in the rain from and start of his campaign. through. 1 to 6 p. m., prior to the parade, and A merican labor at work—as man, materials and Entertainment Direct From Margaret LeVan Hanun to Represented; Orphans Pre­ damage was done to three drum-heads. sent Pageant "Joseph" Nothing daunted, the youthful Corps the means to produce, join forces in the name of New York World's Fair Fea­ Vie With Queens From 21 and its Captain Paul Bock, Sr., has tures Annual Affair Other Districts, in Phila. Mrs. Walter Sunday, Kutztown R. D. 3, The inclement weather was no already planned a series of benefits to that democratic form of government for the pres­ drawback, this morning, to a group earn money to buy uniforms and to ervation of which this nation is irrevocably "Ten Springs", the sunruner home "Life is swell when you feel well," of local f>atrons who went by bus, replace the drum-heads. of Dr. and Mrs. George F. Leiben­ declared Margaret LeVan Hamm, 18 Tops Prize Winners At Kutztown Fair chartered by the women of St. John's The first of these is a bake sale to united. sperger, was the scene Wednesday year old daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Reformed Church, to Bethany Or­ be held Saturday, beginning at 9 a. m. George Hamm, Kempton, R. 2, in her It was a topsy-turvey Fair, really, afternoon and evening, of Kutztown Seltzer. Leon Weiser. Kutztown; Mrs. phan's Home, to attend the 77th anni­ at the S & H Electric Shop, 215 West THE EDITOR three-minute essay on "Why Milk what with men winning awards for George Reimert, Kutztown R. 2; Mrs. versary program featuring the page­ Main street. Donations will be grate­ Rotary's annual family picnic. and Milk Products Are Our Best All- yo-yo bedspreads, Shoe-Fly cake. George Stump, Fleetwood. ant, "Joseph." fully received, and a liberal patronage Following a delicious covered dish Around Foods" which had much to do gladioli, a child's dress, and canned Two Awards Music for the annual observance was is expected. suppt-r, climaxed with large portions with being named Dairy Queen of peaches, and women capturing honors Mary Jane Christ, Nita Rohrbach, provided by the Home Band and the District Six, Interstate Milk Producers for ewes and rams, buckwheat and of ic^ cream and cake; Jimmy Johns­ Henry Frey, Kutztown; Mrs.
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