Safetysuit Rocks AACC
Vol. 27/ Issue 10 An Independent Student Newspaper In this Issue: Basketball Champs page 4 Vagina Monologues page 6 Unicycle man page 9 Upcoming Events page 10 Anne Arundel Community College Monday, March 15 , 2010 Composite sketch of Concert Review “The Parking Lot Predator” SafetySuitBy Brent Boso sold over 100,000 rocks copies of their tar), DaveAACC Garofalo (guitar), Jer- Current Staff Writer 2008 record, “Life Left To Go.” emy Henshaw (bass), and Tate They have toured with big Cunningham (drums), there is a Play it with heart. bands such as 3 Doors Down, lot more to music than just rock- DEscription It’s what SafetySuit did in front Collective Soul, and Parachute, ing out for the hell of it. Ê of over 300 students at AACC on but the fame and fortune isn’t just “Music is a powerful thing,” White male the night of Feb. 27. Their deep what the band, formerly known Henshaw said. “Not to sound Ê 5’ 9’’ passion for music comes from as “Crew,” goes for. Ê 170-180 lbs Nashville, Tenn., and they have For Doug Brown (vocals, gui- see SafetySuit page 8 Ê medium build Ê dark brown hair Ê balding Ê neatly dressed wearing a blazer or suit Ê clean cut Ê very tanned complexion The parking lot predator may have struck again. A man identified as a white male, in his late 30’s, early 40’s, approxi- mately 5’9” weighing around 180 lbs., is suspected of fourth degree “Music is a powerful thing,” said Jeremy Henshaw (far right).
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