
Emergency Response Coordination Centre (ERCC) – DG ECHO Daily Map | 14/06/2021 | Temperature Anomalies in May 2021

The global average temperature for May 2021 was about 0.26ºC higher than the 1991-2020 average for the same month. Globally, and despite lower regional temperatures e.g., across parts of , May 2021 was warmer than any other May in the 1979-2015 period. NORTH Temperatures were above average over northern ATLANTIC , the Middle East, The , Central OCEAN NORTH and most of . Other of the world with above-average temperatures include northern , western Alaska and western USA, south- east Asia, and western . , in the vicinity of the Weddell , also experienced above- average temperatures. During May 2021, below-average temperatures occurred across most of Europe (except for ), most , India, north-eastern Asia, southern Africa, over most East and parts of . Source: Copernicus Change Service (CCCS): Surface air temperature for May 2021

0.8 Monthly global-mean surface air temperature Surface temperature anomalies*, from January 1979 to May 2021 0.6 anomalies* in May 2021 *Relative to 1991-2020 reference period SOUTH (°C, measured at 2 metres) 0.4 ATLANTIC Source: OCEAN Copernicus Service (CCCS) 0.2 9 0

6 SOUTH -0.2 May 4 PACIFIC 2021 OCEAN -0.4 2 0 -0.6

-2 -0.8

1979 1985 1990 1995 2000 2005 2010 2015 2020 2021 -4 Latest additional overview maps on global temperature anomalies -6 have been produced as DG ECHO Daily Maps, available on the ERCC Daily Map Portal. -9 © , 2021. Map produced by the JRC. The boundaries and the names shown on this map do not imply official endorsement *Relative to the 1991-2020 reference period or acceptance by the European Union. Average daily Arctic concentration in May 2021 sea ice concentration in May 2021 *Daily interpolated SOUTHERN maximum temperature Bering SOUTH OCEAN maximum air +1.5 PACIFIC OCEAN ATLANTIC (°C) for May 2021 temperature using OCEAN across Europe* around 4,000 Source: JRC-EDO, stations. Average sea ice cover anomalies1 Average sea ice cover anomalies1 JRC-Agri4Cast, JRC-MARS -100% -50% 0% 50% 100% -100% -50% 0% 50% 100% +35 to +38 Chukchi Weddell May average ice edge 1991-2020 Sea May average ice edge 1991-2020 Sea EAST +30 to +35 Source: CCCS sea ice cover Source: CCCS sea ice cover ANTARCTICA Ronne +25 to +30 Beaufort In May 2021, the sea ice extent was 12.6 Sea million km2, which is approximately 2% +20 to +25 Laptev Bellingshausen NORTH below the 1991-2020 average for May. In Sea In May 2021, extent Sea +15 to +20 ATLANTIC this month, the Arctic melting season for ARCTIC was very close to the 1991-2020 OCEAN sea ice is ongoing. Though below average OCEAN average. It reached on average 10.4 WEST +10 to +15 anomalies dominated, there was a million km2 (less than 0.1%) below the ANTARCTICA +1.5 to +10 mixture of above and below average average for May. Sea ice concentrations anomalies around the Arctic. The largest were above average from Bellingshausen No Data below average anomalies were recorded Sea to the eastern , while below Amundsen in the Sea and in the northern average concentrations were recorded in Sea Ross . the northern and northern Sea Barents Ross Sea. Sea Labrador 1 1 Positive percentages indicate areas Sea Positive percentages indicate areas with greater than average ice with greater than average ice concentration, whilst negative concentration, whilst negative +35 percentages indicate areas with less NORTH percentages indicate areas with less than average ice concentration. than average ice concentration. SOUTHERN OCEAN