35 Line Bundles on Cpn
35 Line Bundles on CPn n n Recall CP = {[z0 : z1 : ... : zn]}. Here CP , the set of all complex lines passing through the origin, is defined to a quotient space Cn+1 −{0}/ ∼ where n+1 (z0, z1, ..., zn), (z0, z1, ..., zn) ∈ C −{0} z , z , ..., z λ z , z , ..., z λ ∈ C −{ } are equivalent if and only if ( 0 1 ne)=e ( 0 e 1 n) with 0 . 1 Holomorphic line bundle of degree k over CP The holomorphic line bundle OCP1 (k) 1 e e e 1 of degree k ∈ Z over CP is constructed explicitly as follows. Let CP = U0 ∪ U1 be the standard open covering. Using the standard atlas, take two “trivial” pieces U0 × C and 0 1 i U1 × C with coordinates (z0,ζ ) and (z1,ζ ) where zi is the base coordinate of Ui and ζ is ∗ 1 the fibre coordinate over Ui - and “glue them together” over the set C = CP \{0, ∞} by the identification 1 1 0 ζ z0 = , ζ = k . (121) z1 (z1) This line bundle is usually denoted OCP1 (k), or simply O(k) for brevity. The total space k k H of O(k) is the identification space; thus H consists of the disjoint union U0 U1 of 2 0 1 two copies of C = C × C, with respective coordinates (z0,ζ ) and (z1,ζ ), which have been ∗ ` glued together along C × C according to (121). The transition function from z0 to z1 is 1 g01(z0)= k ; (z0) 1 the other is g10(z1)= (z1)k . n CPn In general for higher dimensional case, let {U} = {Uα}α=0 be the standard atlas on .
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