Equalities Information About the People of Northampton
Equalities information about the people of Northampton Northampton is a distinctive market town strategically situated at the centre of England, spread over an area of 80.51 sq. km. 1 In 2014 Northampton was estimated to have a population of 219,5000F , making it one of the largest towns and the largest district in the country (30% of the Northamptonshire total) and a population density of 2,631 persons per km2. Northampton is expected to show a population growth of over 22% in the next 25 years. By 2025 the population of Northampton is projected to increase to 243,300 and by 2035, to 260,300. Population Resident Population (2014) Northampton England All people 219,500 62,756,300 Males 108,300 30,890,900 Females 111,200 31,865,400 Source: ONS mid-year population estimate (2014) Age In 2014, the proportion of the population aged 65+ in Northampton reached nearly 14.2 %. In contrast, the population of under-16s is just over 20%. It is projected that by 2025 there will be an additional 16,000 people aged 65 and over, including an extra 1,700 aged over 90. By 2035 it is projected that those aged 65 and over will account for 23% of the total population. Gender In 2014 the number of males stood at 108,300 (49%) whereas the number of females at 111,200 (51%) Sex, 2011 (QS104EW) (2011) 1 Source: ONS mid-year population estimate (2014) 2 Source: IMD 2010 Data sources: ONS, Nomis, Northamptonshire analysis Health, Disability and Carers Key Figures for Health and Care Variable Measure Northampton England Very Good Health (Persons, Mar11)2 % 46.4 47.2 Good Health (Persons, Mar11)2 % 36.5 34.2 Fair Health (Persons, Mar11)2 % 12.5 13.1 Bad Health (Persons, Mar11)2 % 3.6 4.2 Very Bad Health (Persons, Mar11)2 % 1.0 1.2 Source: Office for National Statistics General Health, 2011 (QS302EW) (2011) Long-Term Health Problem or Disability, 2011 (QS303EW) (2011) Provision of Unpaid Care, 2011 (QS301EW) (2011) Ethnicity Northampton is the most ethnically diverse district in the county.
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