Copyrighted Material
Index Page numbers followed by f or t stand for figures and tables. Acquisition of startups, 100 Barriers to entry, 7, 11, 51, Adoption of technology, 75, 97–98, 100 85–86, 85f Barringer, Bruce B., 30 Adoption rate, 75, 76f Bay, Greg, 86 Alpha M product, 64 Beachhead, 106 Amazon, 59, 74, 83, 96 Berberian, Paul, 148–150 Ambiguity, 21, 22, 23 Bias, 23–26 Ambush exposure, 95–96 Bielby, Trevor, 128 Amini, Albert and Richard, 56 Bing search engine, 98 Anderson, Chris, 138–140, 141 Birch, David, 3 Andreessen, Marc, 88 Blank, Steve, 4, 9, 31, 33–34, 58, AngelList, 10, 137 88, 105, 111 Apple, 74 Blockbuster, 74, 96 Apple App Store, 92 Blue ocean strategy, 87 Ash, Mary Kay, 19 Board of directors/advisors, Ask, making, 127 57–58 Attitube product, 97 Borders, 96 Aulet, Bill, 31, 35 Bot, Sonia, 130 Availability bias, 25–26 Bounded rationality, 22, 83 Average revenueCOPYRIGHTED per user Branson, MATERIAL Richard, 86 (ARPU), 79–80, 93 Breathometer product, 87 Broderick, Peter, 92 Baby Loves Disco, 81 Brooks, Josh, 108 Bailetti, Tony, 130 Brun, Larry, 97 Bankruptcy, 100 Business Model Canvas, 29, Barnes & Noble, 96 32–33, 33f, 120 165 bindex 165 26 April 2017 7:16 AM 166 Index Business Model Generation, Crossing the Chasm (Moore), 85 31–33 Crowdfunding, 10, 11, 22, 39, Business models, 4, 37, 67, 59, 78 119, 120 Cuban, Mark, 59, 101, 108 Business model validation, Customer acquisition costs, 88, 88f 79–80, 93 Business plans, 34, 105, 120–121 Customer collaboration, 9 Customer Development theory, Callaghan, Jon, 140–141 9, 31, 34 Cameron, William J.,
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