Wlltsrlre'. [ L'ret:Tl's
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28! W.OOTIO~ BASSETT. WlLTSRlRE'. [ l'rEt:tl's Baines Matthew Talbot esq. Westbrook, Horsham Marston Mai~ay, 'Purtori, Tockenham, Wootton Bassetto~ Bond Richard esq. Stafford house, Wootton Bassett, The population of the union in I9II was n.oo4; .area, Swindon 46,734 acres; rateable value, Lady Day, I91J._ £86,ssar Bulley Frederic Pocock esq. Marston Hill, Marston Chairman of the Board of Guardians, J ame$ Sadler; Maisey, Fairford, Gloucestershire vice-chairman, Goorge Twine 1 • Buxton Gerard James esq. Tockenham manor, Wootton Clerk to the Guardians & Assessment Committee, Harry Bassett Bevir, High street, Wootton Bassett Gantlett William Roger esq. Manor farm, Fairford, Treasurer, William Brewer Wearing, Lloyds Bank Ltd. Gloucestershire • Swindon ; • ·' Gou.idsmith Capt. Jesse Devenish, The Mill cottage, Collectors to the Guardians & Relieving Offiaers, First Ashton Keynes, Cricklade district, Isa11oc Watts, Wootton Bassett; Second dis· Hay.Drummond Arthur William Henry esq. Ashton trict, Rufus Isaac Webb, Oricklade Keynes, Cricklade Medical Officers, Nos. I & 2 districts, Andrew Fernie Hussey-Freke Ambrose Raufe Eyre esq. Hannington, L.R.C.P. & L.R.C.S.Edin. Wootton Bassett; No. 3 dis Highworth, Swindon trict, Frank Lewarne M.R.C.S.Eng., L.R.C.P.Lond. Miller Thomas Butt esq. The Manor house, Cricklade High street, Cricklade ; No. 4 district, Her}Jert Jona Pritchard Ernest esq. Woodhill park, Calne than Finch M.R.O.S., L.R.C.P.Lond. Purton Sadler James Henry esq. Lydiard house, Lydiard Milli Public Vaocinators, Nos. I &; 2 districts, And·rew Fernie oent, Swindon L.R.C.P. & L.R.C.S.Edin. Wootton Bassett; No: 3 dis Ward John Edward esq. Red lodge, Purton, Swind<ln trict, F1rank Lewarne M.R.C.S.Eng., L.R.C.P.Lond. Wilson Vice-Admiral William, Manor house, Cli:ffe High street, Oricklade; No. 4 district, Herbert Jona Pyparu, Swindon · . than Finch M.R.C.S., L.R.C.P.Lond. Purton The chairman (for the time being) of the Cricklade and Vaccination Officer, Elisha George Guy, W ootton Bassett Wootton Bassett Rural District Council, is an ex-officio Workhouse, Purton, building of brick, built in 1838, & magistrate• will hold I2o inmates, Rev. John Veysey, chaplain; Clerk to the Magistrates, Harry Bevir, High sbreet, Herbert Jonathan Finch M.R.C.S., L.R.O.P.Lond. Wootton Bassett medical officer; Sidney William Maundrell, master; The following places are in the Petty Sessional Division, Mrs. Emma Maundrell, matron Superintendent Registrar, Harry Bevir, High street, Tiz. :-Ashton Keynes, Braydon, Broad Town, Cliffe Pypard, Cricklade, Latton, Leigh, Lydiard Millicent, Wootton Bassett; deputy, Robert Collins Ilawkes, Lydiard Tregoze, Lyneham, Marston Maisey, Purton, High street, Wootton Bassett . & Tockenham & W ootton Bassett Registrar of Births Deaths, Wootton Bassett sub-dis· trict, lsaac Watts, High st. W ootton Bassett; deputy, The magistrates meet at the Town hall, Wootton George J. Watts, Wootton Bassett; Cricklade sub Bassett, on the second saturday in each month at II district, Rufus Isaac Webb, High street, Cricklade; a.m.; at the Town hall, Cricklade, on the last satur deputy, Francis J. Ba·rnes, 'I' he Common, Purton • day in each month at u a.m. & at the Police court, Registrar of Marriages, W o.otton Bassett sub-district, Swindon, on every monday & thursday Waiter Richard Armstrong, High street, Wootton The clerk's office at Woott-on Bassett & the cle.rk's Bassett; deputy, George J. Watts, Church street, office at Cricklade are also appointed as the Occasional Wootton Bassett; Cricklade sub-district, Alhert Thos, Court Houses for the division Giles, Cricklade; deputy, Charles J. Little, Oricklade CRIOKLADE & WOOTTON BASSETT RURAL • PUBLIC OFFICERS . DISTRICT COUNCIL. Assessor & Collector of Taxes, Assistant Overseer & Clerk Meets at the Workhouse, Pm·ton, every alternate thurs- to the Parish Council, Robert Little, High street day, at I.3o p.m. Clerk to the Burial Committee, Robert Little, High st Chairman, James Sadler Customs & Excjse Officer, Sydney J. Cotton, High st Clerk, Harry Bevir, High street, Wootton Bassett Vaccination Oilicer, Elisha George Guy, Wootton Bassett Treasurer, William Brewer Wearing, Swindon Town Crier, Joseph Wiltshire, ()emetery Treasurer for Highway Purposes, Joseph Rawlings, ' Cirencester PLACES OF WORSHIP, with times of Services. Medical Officer of Health, John Nuthall Watson M.R.C.S. All Saints' Church, Rev. James Charles Stewart Mathias Eng., L.R.C.P.Lond. High street, Wootton Bassett L. 'I' h. vicar; 8 & 11 a.m. & 6.30 p.m , Surveyor, Henry James Godfrey, Purton Baptist, I0-30 a.m. & 6.30 p.m Sanitary Inspector, Alfred Hitchcock, Greatfield, near Congregational, Rev. David Besley Williams; · 10.45 a. m. Wootton Bassett & 6.30 p.m.; wed. 7.30 p.m Primitive Methodist (Brinkworth Circuit), Rev. Ernest CRICKLADE & WOOTTON BASSETT ISOLATION G. French (supt.}; 10.30 a.m. & 6 p.m.; wed. 7·I5 HOSPITAL COMMITTEE. p.m The Committee, consisting -of 7 members, was formed Wesleyan (Swindon (Bath Road) Circuit); I0.30 a.m. k 6 p.m in 1895. Meetings are held at the Board room at .Purton W ark- SCHOOLS. house quarterly, or oftener. Free, founded in I786, by Richard Jones, of Nether Chairman, James Sadler J.P., C.C Stowey, Somerset, &; endowed with lands now pro Clerk, Harry Bevir, solicitor, Wootton Bassett ducing about {.2I per year; but a scheme was ap Treasurer, Lyttleton Etty, Lloyds Bank, Swindon proved in I 898 by the Charity Commissioners by which the income was diverted for establishing scholar PUBLIC ESTABLISHMENTS. ships for children belonging to the town ; Exhibitioners Cemetery, Robert Little, clerk to the blllrial authority from this charity attend any school selected by the County Police Station, John Bowyer, sergeant in charge, parents, subject ta the approval by the General Edu & I constable cation Committee of the Wiltshire County Council Fir.e Brigade, George Hunt, supt. &; 10 men Elementary (mixed), rebuilt in 186o, for 283 children; average attendan{!e, 97 boys & girls & 8o infants; CRICKI.ADE & WOOTTON BASSETT UNION. John S. Searle, master; Mrs. Annie Searle, mistress .Board day, alternate thursdays, at the Workhouse, Elementary (mixed), built in 1858, enlarged in 1892, Purton, at 1.30 p.m. for 262 children; average attendance, I2~ boys & The parishes & places in the Union are :-.Ashton Keynes, girls & 65 infants; Jam{!s Smith, master; Mrs. Selina Braydon, Eroad Tow:rr, Cliffe Pypard, Cricklade, Latton, Smith, mistress Leigh, Lydiard Millicent, 'Lydiard Tregoze, Lyneham, Railway Station, Arthur John Campfield, station master PRIVATE RESIDENTS. Forster R. Carnaby, Vasterne manor Humphries Jas. Wener ho. High st Armstrong Miss, High street French Rev. Ernest G. (Primitive Hunt Mrs. High street Armstrong Waiter Richard, High st Methodist), High street Little Robert, High street Beaven ·Mrs. William, High street Gough William, Nore Marsh house, Little Robert, jun. High street Bevir Harry, Lime kiln Nore marsh Marchant William Clement, Wood st Bond Richard J.P. High street aawkes Robert Collins, High street · Maslin Charles, High street Boulter David, Church street Hawkes William, Cox stalls Maslin Henry, High street Bryant Mrs. High street Hope Horace George, High street ~athias Rev. James Charles Stewarl Cannon William Frederick, Elmleigh, jH~rsell Howard, Dudley ho. High st L.'I'h.Durham, Vicarage • Nore marsh · Humphries Alfred Ricks, Fair view, Mills Miss, High street , Fern~e Andrew, High street High street Mundy Frank, High street . • • .