Papua Birding in Paradise I nd th 2 July to 20 July 2017 (19 days) Trip Report

Super -of-Paradise by Bjorn Anderson

Tour Leaders: Adam Walleyn & Gareth Robbins Trip report compiled by Adam Walleyn

Rockjumper Birding Tours | Papua New Guinea Trip Report – RBL Papua New Guinea - Birding in Paradise I 2017 2

Tour Summary

Our all Swedish group convened in Port Moresby and headed out for an afternoon excursion to the grounds of the Pacific Adventist University. This is a great place to start out a New Guinea tour, with its abundant and easily observable birdlife. Birding the grounds, we quickly scored most of the specialities: Grey-headed Mannikin, Yellow-tinted , Black-backed Butcherbird and Fawn- breasted Bowerbird. As always, the ponds harboured a nice collection of waterbirds: Little Pied and Little Black Cormorants, Australian White and Straw-necked Ibises, Nankeen Night Heron, Pied Heron, Great, Little, Eastern Cattle and Intermediate Egrets, Dusky Moorhen, Australasian Swamphen, Masked Lapwing, Comb-crested Jacana, Pacific Black Duck, and both Wandering and Plumed Whistling Ducks. Fruiting and flowering trees in the vicinity produced stunning Orange-fronted and Orange-bellied Fruit Doves, Bar-shouldered and Peaceful Doves, Torresian Imperial Pigeon, plus several Australian Figbirds and Orange-fronted Fruit Dove by Bjorn Anderson Rufous-banded .

The collection of raptors present included Black, Whistling and Brahminy Kites and Brown Goshawk. A careful scan of some nearby raintrees was rewarded with three roosting Papuan Frogmouths – massive and perfectly camouflaged! On the outskirts of the grounds, several Pheasant Coucals were noted, along with Sacred, Forest and Common , Blue-winged , Golden-headed Cisticola and a rather unexpected Black Bittern.

For our first full day of birding, we ventured up to Varirata National Park early in the morning. We headed up immediately to the Raggiana Bird-of-Paradise lek, with their loud calls resonating through the forest. It did not take long for a few males to arrive on the scene and do some displaying – a fine way to start off our day! Before returning to the vehicle, we scoped up a distant male Growling Riflebird giving quite a nice view. We then moved to a more open area and soon had a Dwarf Koel sitting out in the open.

A patient wait at this clearing added a nice collection of new – Amboyna and Great Cuckoo Doves, great views of Zoe’s Imperial Pigeon, Moustached Treeswifts, Red-cheeked Parrot, Stout-billed, Barred and Boyer’s , Mimic, Plain, Tawny-breasted and Streak-headed Honeyeaters, , poisonous Hooded , and Red- capped Flowerpecker. A Grey-headed Goshawk also made a quick appearance here. Distant calls of Crested Pitohuis were coming closer and closer and, eventually, we were lured into Papuan Frogmouth by Bengt Grandin

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the forest by them and had a pair calling extremely close to us. This is one of the most elusive birds in the country to see, and so we were extremely fortunate to get pretty good views of this pair, and hear their amazing calls throbbing at such close range. We also scoped up a pair of stunning Brown-headed Paradise Kingfishers here. A small flock came through, containing Black Berrypecker, Dwarf Longbill, Chestnut-bellied , Black-winged Monarch and Yellow-bellied Gerygone. A Purple-tailed Imperial Pigeon showed very well here as well. We eventually pulled ourselves away from this exciting spot, and went for a walk through the forest for the remainder of the morning. It was very quiet, although most people got to see a Black-billed Brush-turkey walking on the trail ahead of us.

Taking a lunch break, we continued to add new birds. Grey Crows flew through and no less than 7 Long-tailed Honey Buzzards kettled up together on a thermal – a most unusual sight. We tried a different trail after lunch and soon had a curious Barred Owlet Brown-headed Paradise by Bengt Grandin Nightjar staring at us from out of its roosting hole. We were then fortunate to have a good encounter with a male Painted Quail- that crossed the trail several times, and most people also got good views of it creeping along on the forest floor. Also here we had a nice encounter with a pair of Papuan Dwarf Kingfishers showing quite well, and further down was an Azure Kingfisher.

A busy bird flock further down the trail added more ; including an unobtrusive Olive Flyrobin and a Fantail perched quietly for quite a while – two infrequently seen birds. Other new birds present in the flock included Green-backed and Fairy Gerygones, Spot-winged and Frilled Monarchs and . A couple of Wompoo Fruit Doves and a single Superb Fruit Dove were found here as well. A most unusual sighting along this trail was a Grey Dorcopsis – a small forest wallaby that is common here but normally very shy; this one was sitting and staring at us from just a few metres away!

Leaving the rainforest behind, we spent a couple of hours birding through the eucalyptus forest flanking the border of the park. We soon found our main quarry – the localised White-bellied Whistler. Also here were Pink-spotted Fruit Dove, Shining Bronze Cuckoo and Common Cicadabird, along with Hooded Butcherbird, White- bellied , Grey , White-throated Honeyeater, Lemon-bellied Papuan Dwarf Kingfisher by Bengt Grandin Flyrobin and a Leaden Flycatcher. Three Brown Quails, flushed up in this area, were a bit of a bonus. Above us, we spotted a soaring Pygmy Eagle and the parrots were starting to get active for their afternoon flights – Black-capped Lory, Eclectus Parrot and Dusky Lory being amongst the species seen. Having done very well today, we

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squeezed in one more spot where a good find was a single Grand Mannikin scoped up in the company of several Grey-headed Mannikins.

We returned to Varirata for a second full day of birding. Our first bird of the morning was a responsive Yellow-billed Kingfisher that eventually showed off quite nicely. Another early morning watch at the clearing added Plain Honeyeater and Black-fronted White-eye to our lists. Heading off on the trails, morning bird activity was very good, with busy flocks regularly moving through the canopy and keeping us on our toes. Some of the better finds in these flocks included repeat views of Growling Riflebird, Rusty Pitohui, Drongo Fantail and Olive Flyrobin. Black Cicadabird, Grey Whistler, Little -thrush, Black-faced Monarch and Crinkle-collared Manucode were additions from yesterday.

Another Brown-headed was scoped up, and then a pair of Chestnut-backed Jewel Babblers gave us a really nice performance as they walked about on the forest floor giving their loud ringing calls. We then had a good look at a Black-billed Brush-turkey calmly walking around on the forest floor.

After lunch, we tried a different trail. We soon found a pair of White-bellied Whistler by Bengt Grandin White-faced Robins showing quite nicely. We continued to bump into busy flocks, although most were high in the canopy. Within one of the flocks, we finally located a Goldenface – although it was rather elusive as it called incessantly. Nearby was a pair of Wallace’s Fairywren showing quite nicely – a species that is rarely seen here. Yellow-breasted Boatbill was another addition in the flocks here. A Yellow-billed Kingfisher right down at eye level was a nice treat as well. Up high in the canopy, a was repeatedly visiting a white flower – the smallest bird in the country and a very tricky one to get on!

We tried one last trail in the late afternoon and here we had another Goldenface, again it was calling incessantly but staying largely hidden, although most people eventually caught up with a reasonable view of it. We also heard a couple of White-crowned Koel calling loudly, but still well out of sight.

Today was a travel day bound for Tari in the highlands. Unfortunately, the plane was not able to land in Tari this morning so a quick reshuffle of our plans saw us flying to Mt Hagen. Australian Pratincoles on the runway were unexpected, and the keen raptor watchers picked up two Papuan Harriers here. From Hagen, we were able to arrive in the late afternoon at the famous Kumul Lodge, with just enough daylight to get acquainted with the bird feeding table. Visitors this afternoon included our first Drongo Fantail by Stefan Ribbon-tailed Astrapias, hordes of aggressive Belford’s Johansson Melidectes and Common Smoky Honeyeaters, Island Thrushes,

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Red-collared Myzomela, Grey-streaked Honeyeater, Brehm’s Tiger Parrot, Rufous-naped Whistler walking on the ground, a stunning Crested Berrypecker, Friendly Fantail and White-winged Robin.

Before dark, we made an attempt to see the skulking Lesser and succeeded pretty well, with most people getting a view of the bird hopping along the forest floor. As dusk descended, we headed out into the forests in light rain for a seemingly futile search for the New Guinea Woodcock. Much to our surprise, a gruff call from a Woodcock preceded the bird landing on a snag for a reasonable view – wow! We then went out owling and heard a Papuan Boobook, followed by a Mountain Owlet-Nightjar. We got very close to the latter bird but it was calling only every few minutes, so difficult to pin down. by Stefan Johansson We saw its silhouette flutter just over our heads and it was not heard from again!

We were out early this morning and heading down into the Minamb Valley. With first light, we were climbing a steep track to reach some remnant montane forest. As we arrived at the forest patch, we could hear the calls of two of PNG’s finest and most unique birds-of-paradise – Superb and Blue. It took some patience, but we eventually all connected with excellent views of males of both these incredible species (along with females too). Many other good birds were to be seen in this area as well; and as we waited, we recorded Amboyna, Bar-tailed and Great Cuckoo Doves, Buff-faced Scrubwren, Marbled Honeyeater, Slaty-headed Longbill, Black Fantail, Slaty Robin, Island Leaf Warbler, Blue- faced Parrotfinch, Hooded Mannikin and Papuan White-eye. Not long before we left, a appeared, sitting and calling out on an open perch for ages, with its crest raised as it was scolded by an angry group of Mountain Myzomelas. This was certainly a highlight, as was a brief and unexpected appearance by a pair of Black Pitohuis.

Pleased with our morning, we returned to Kumul for lunch, before carrying on to Murumuru Pass and walking to a large forest clearing there. It was a rare fine afternoon, and consequently, bird activity was actually pretty quiet to start with, but things got livelier as the afternoon wore off. We stayed in pretty much the same spot all afternoon, and new and fantastic birds just kept coming through. Princess Stephanie’s Astrapia was the first BoP to appear, followed soon after by female Brown Sicklebills. A couple of male Brown Sicklebills also appeared and their machine-gun-like calls rattled through the forest. Madarasz’s Tiger Parrot by Bjorn Anderson King of Saxony BoP was also present in good numbers, although we only got on female birds here. A couple of Loria’s Satinbirds showed well in a fruiting tree and would prove to be our only sighting of this unique species. As good as the BoPs were,

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they were overshadowed by the appearance of almost all of the endemic bird families of PNG. First up it was a lovely pair of Blue-capped Ifrits. Joining them was a fine male Wattled Ploughbill – an enigmatic and spectacular bird that caused quite a commotion when it was spotted! Finally, the elusive Mottled Berryhunter was also heard throughout the afternoon, and eventually seen as well, although the views were quite brief. Our first day in the highlands and we had seen all the endemic families – pretty amazing! Yet another highlight for some was an Ashy Robin that appeared at the edge of the clearing, this is another one of those super elusive birds that one rarely gets a decent look at. Other birds seen during our afternoon vigil were Plum-faced, Yellow-billed, Orange-billed and Papuan Lorikeets, Fan-tailed and Tit Berrypeckers, Black-breasted Boatbill, Black- bellied Cuckooshrike, Rufous-naped Whistler and Regent Whistler, plus a rare Streaked Berrypecker for Bjorn. As daylight waned, we returned to Kumul for the night. A couple of people had enough energy for another owlet-nightjar search, though in a light rain it was a futile effort! Black-throated Honeyeater by Bengt Grandin

Another early morning start saw us on the flanks of the Lai Valley as daylight emerged. We eagerly scanned a small remnant patch of forest, where a pair of Lesser Birds-of-Paradise were soon found displaying low down in the trees; and later on sitting out in the open, showing off their fine plumes. Another excellent bird we found from this spot was a Yellow-breasted Bowerbird, perched up in the open. Despite the degraded nature of the here, it is still a birdy place and we racked up a number of species: Goldie’s Lorikeet (large flocks in flight), Ornate Melidectes, Rufous-throated Bronze Cuckoo, nice views of a perched Collared Sparrowhawk, Brown-breasted Gerygone, White-shouldered Fairywrens and Mountain Myzomelas.

From here, we carried on down to the Lai River itself, where we found several Mountain Honeyeaters, a couple Marbled Honeyeaters, a Long-billed Honeyeater, a cooperative pair of Torrent Flyrobins and a fine male Black-headed Whistler. Then we continued right on up to Murumuru Pass, where birding was, again, very good. We recorded many of the same species as yesterday, although a major highlight of this visit was obtaining excellent views of the male Mottled Berryhunter – a notoriously elusive species that is hard to see well! Another highlight was the excellent views of a female Madarasz’s Tiger Parrot here, at an unusually high elevation for the species. Other new birds for us were Black-throated Honeyeater and Dimorphic Fantail.

After a late lunch back at Kumul, we stayed around the lodge area for the afternoon. A Wattled Ploughbill by Bengt Grandin patient wait at a fruiting tree produced a

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good array of birds. Crested Satinbird was our prime target; and although we had several good looks at females, the stunning male eluded all of us but Erling. Other birds seen during our wait included Crested and Tit Berrypeckers, White-bibbed Fruit Dove, and for some the rather incredible sighting of a pair of Wattled Ploughbill copulating! For the late afternoon period, we returned to the feeders and we had a shy Bronze Ground Dove make a couple of appearances underneath the table. We also saw a couple of Large Scrubwren here – which were, amazingly enough, the only ones of the trip. Most of us then headed back out onto the trails, where we had quite good views of the New Guinea Woodcock on dusk. Some post-dinner nocturnal birding was again quiet.

Our next day was a long travel day from Kumul to our next destination of Ambua Lodge. We had a long drive, and there was little to see along the way in the severely degraded we drove through. We did note a few raptors, best of which was a couple of Papuan Harriers. Eventually, we arrived to the famous Ambua Short-tailed Paradigalla by Bjorn Anderson Lodge with just enough time to check out the fruiting trees, which did have quite a lot of fruit in them and a few birds – Brown Sicklebill, Princess Stephanie’s Astrapia and Lawe’s Parotia. We tried some after-dinner owling, but it was a futile effort in the heavy fog, so we headed to bed in anticipation of a big day tomorrow!

This morning, we headed straight up for some high elevation forest at the Tari Gap, and spent the first couple of hours of the day doing some very productive roadside birding. Flowering trees were abundant in the area and, there was an extraordinary number of Black-throated Honeyeaters feeding on them and giving excellent views, along with Papuan Lorikeets and Red-collared Myzomelas.

A male Garnet Robin posed nicely for us in the treetops and was a highlight, as was a Black-throated Robin sitting up and issuing its piercing calls. A Mountain Firetail was seen by some. Ribbon-tailed Astrapias are common in this forest patch, and a couple of males showed off their unbelievably long tail streamers. Yet another male Wattled Ploughbill was seen this morning, and this sighting was the best of all, with it showing up outrageously close to us!

We then spent the rest of a long morning in the mossy forest interior on some narrow mountain trails. Birding in here can be extremely tough, but we came away from our walk with a really good selection of birds. A trio of Spotted Jewel Babblers walking back and forth across a trail rated very highly; while other shy forest interior birds we saw included White-bibbed Fruit Dove, Papuan Treecreeper, Lesser Melampitta, Blue-capped King of Saxony Bird-of-Paradise by Bjorn Anderson Ifrit and Mountain Mouse Warbler. Chestnut Forest Rail and Papuan Logrunner were both

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heard calling at very close range, but just could not be seen! We decided to try another forest trail, and were handsomely rewarded with a ridiculously responsive male Logrunner that came running straight at us for exceptional viewing. With a very good morning under our belts, we ate a picnic lunch, watched a Papuan Grassbird, tried another forest interior trail and then settled in at a forest clearing near the Bailey Bridge. We had yet to see a male King of Saxony BoP; but had little to worry about, as we spent the mid afternoon watching several at close range, including some unusually close and low birds. At one stage, a King of Saxony male was calling in the tree above our heads, and was then joined by a male Brown Sicklebill that gave its deafening alarm call almost close enough to shatter our ear drums – magical! Our long wait in this clearing was also productive for two rare forest interior Accipiters. A few folks saw a Black-mantled Goshawk fly through the back of the clearing; while we all saw a bulky adult Meyer’s Goshawk come through at canopy height, being mobbed by several small as it flew. This is an extremely elusive bird and it was my first time seeing it during many visits to Ambua.

Returning to the lodge for a lovely dinner, we headed out for some nightbirding. It was again quite misty, and all we could manage was a very brief view of a Papuan Boobook before calling it quits for the night.

With another full day to bird Ambua, we decided to Huli Wigman by Bjorn Anderson concentrate on the lower elevation areas today. We started out at daybreak, overlooking a valley where Black Sicklebill emerges to utter its calls from prominent perches. We soon scoped up the distinctive silhouette of this impressive bird. From here, we returned to the lodge to spend some time at the fruiting trees during that early morning period when they are at their busiest. It was a good move, as we were soon enjoying a procession of various BoPs, headlined by the bizarre Short-tailed Paradigalla. Other BoPs seen included female Lawe’s Parotia, immature male Superb BoP, female Blue BoP and a female Black Sicklebill – much closer than the male from earlier in the morning, and an infrequent visitor to the lodge grounds. Another unexpected sighting here was a couple of flocks of Pygmy Lorikeets flying past – a highly nomadic species that roves around in search of flowering trees, and which is rarely Crested Satinbird by Bjorn Anderson present in the Ambua area.

We spent the rest of the morning back on the forest trails. It was rather quiet inside the forest here, but we did pick up several new birds – White-bibbed Fruit Dove, Sclater’s Whistler, Midmountain Berrypecker, Rufous-backed Honeyeater, Hooded Cuckooshrike and Capped White-eye. With a bit of

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time before lunch, we squeezed in some roadside birding where there were active little flocks around; and a nice surprise was a large flock of Papuan Sitellas creeping along tree trunks and showing off their glaring white heads.

Following lunch, we made a visit down into the Tari Valley to visit the Huli wig school to learn how they grow their famous wigs, before resuming the birding for the duration of the afternoon. We did some more roadside birding and recorded our first Mountain Peltops, and then we ducked into the forest a short distance to enjoy an encounter with a couple of Lesser Ground Robins. An incessantly calling Black-billed Sicklebill was just too distant to have a chance at seeing. The weather tonight was quite good after dinner, so we spent some time nightbirding. All was rather quiet inside the forest but we did score really good looks at the resident Papuan Boobook before calling it a night. Feline Owlet-Nightjar by Bjorn Anderson

Due to the rearrangement of our schedule in the highlands, we now had to drive back to Mt Hagen, but not before some morning birding. Apart from getting a final chance to enjoy the lodge’s birds-of- paradise, a great bonus here was fantastic views of a male Spotted Berrypecker. We then spent some time birding the Tari Gap before continuing on the long drive back to Kumul Lodge. We did add a couple new raptors on the drive: Black-winged Kite and Brown Falcon.

With a bit of daylight left, we actually scored quite a few interesting birds in the lodge area – foremost of which were excellent views of the male Crested Satinbird. Other good stuff around included Mountain Firetail, Mountain Mouse Warbler and even a couple of mammals: Raffray’s Bandicoot and DeVis’ Wooly Rat.

Following dinner, we made one final search for the elusive owlet-nightjars and suddenly had both species calling at close range. Both the Mountain and Feline were there but still proving elusive, offering only brief flight views. Two diehards – Bjorn and Ola – stuck it out and were eventually richly rewarded with excellent views of the Feline Owlet-Nightjar!

In the morning, we headed to the Mount Hagen Airport. Our flight left on time, bound for Tabubil at the base of the Star Mountains. The pilot made a good landing Greater Bird-of-Paradise by Bjorn Anderson at the rather socked-in airfield, and we

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headed off to our hotel to enjoy a bit of down time at our comfortable hotel while a typically rainy and misty Tabubil afternoon happened. Later on, we headed out in the rain to Ok Menga. We spent some time watching the river and were rewarded with a Torrent Lark, along with a few other new species – Orange-breasted Fig Parrot, Scrub Honeyeater and distant female Great BoPs. As sunset approached, we headed into the territory of the notorious Shovel-billed Kookaburra and got an immediate reaction as the bird flew straight in towards us. Over the next few minutes, everyone was able to get on this bird – a male – as it moved from perch to perch. This massive-billed bird is one of those difficult Papuan birds that can be so hard to see, so it was a very good result! Getting back to the vehicle, we saw a Papuan Boobook and called it a day.

Next morning we were up to Dablin Creek in heavy mist. We spent the first couple hours just waiting for the mist to clear; and as it gradually did, the birds began to put in appearances. Good numbers of Queen Carola’s Wallace’s Fairywren by Bengt Grandin Parotia were around, including several nice males, and there were also a few Magnificent BoPs, including at least one male. A nice array of honeyeaters is usually present here too, and today we picked up some of the scarcer species – Green- backed and Spotted Honeyeaters, plus a Mottle-breasted Honeyeater for Nils. While we scanned, a couple of elusive forest interior birds showed themselves from the roadside: White-rumped Robin, White-bellied Thicket Fantail and Rusty Mouse Warbler. This is one of the few sites from which the appropriately-named Obscure Berrypecker is known, and we were very fortunate to have prolonged viewing of a group of 4 of them feeding on some low berries. Other new species seen here included Black-shouldered Cicadabird, Northern Fantail and Black Monarch. As we returned to the vehicle, we were pleased to pick up a Black-billed Coucal.

After lunch, we returned to Ok Menga for a lengthy sit at the Salvadori’s Teal site – unfortunately, the ducks did not make an appearance during our vigil. While we waited, Great Cuckoo Dove showed extremely well. Later in the afternoon, we scoured the nearby hillsides and were richly rewarded with a couple of Pesquet’s Parrots showing nicely in the scope. We then headed back into the Shovel-billed Kookaburra territory a bit earlier than last night, in the hopes for more views; however, the bird was only seen briefly in flight today. Of interest as well, was a Greater Melampitta calling at close quarters but remaining hidden in the dense undergrowth.

We had one final morning in the Tabubil area; and with another cloudy, drizzly morning in store for us, we opted to return for one final visit to Ok Menga. The teal Palm Cockatoo by Bengt Grandin seemed to be a no-show again; so half of us

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left, leaving the other half to continue looking. Just as we were getting out of earshot, a great cheer went up from the group who had stayed behind and we got back in plenty of time to all enjoy two Salvadori’s Teal at close range – big grins all around! The rest of the morning’s birding was pretty quiet – but with such good views of the teal, it mattered little! We carried on down to Kiunga, with a brief stop en route to see the locally breeding race of Little Ringed Plover.

After lunch, we headed out into the lowland forest interior at kilometre 17. We stopped under the display tree of a King Bird-of- Paradise, and soon found this small red and white gem glowing up in the canopy. After training scopes and cameras on it, we settled- in to watch it for a while, and were delighted to see it go into full ecstatic display! We then carried on just a bit further, where the famous Greater Birds-of-Paradise were arriving for an afternoon display. Once locating their bare display tree, we could sit and watch to our heart’s content as several stunning males put on quite a show – classic PNG! Large Fig Parrot by Bengt Grandin

We now had a full day of birding the lowlands of the Kiunga area, and headed out at first light to “Bowerbird Knoll” on the Boystown Road. It was a bit of a misty morning but the mist soon cleared and a few exciting birds revealed themselves. Foremost, of course, were the Flame Bowerbirds, and we had several males and females in flight over the course of the morning. The incredible males were also scoped up in distant trees a few times – what a bird! Another highlight of the morning was getting good views of Obscure Honeyeater – we found it by following up on the distinctive call, this is a really tricky bird to see! We also had an incredibly obliging pair of Wallace’s Fairywrens, which just sat out in the open for a long time. Other birds of interest seen through our productive morning included Grey- headed Goshawk, Purple-tailed Imperial Pigeon, Papuan Spine-tailed Swift, Yellow-capped Pygmy Parrot, Double-eyed Fig Parrot, Meyer’s Friarbird, Papuan Babbler, Lowland Peltops, Golden Monarch, and both Glossy-mantled and Crinkle-collared Manucodes.

In the afternoon, we opted for some interior forest birding back at km 17. It was pretty slow going in there, but we did come away with a few nice birds – a large fruiting tree had Dwarf and Beautiful Fruit Dove, we scoped up a stunning pair of Golden Cuckooshrikes and several people saw a Blue Jewel Babbler walking across the trail. Near the roadside, in the late afternoon, were flocks of Yellowish- steaked Lory and Pinon’s Imperial Pigeon. As darkness descended, we returned into the forest to hear a succession of interesting nocturnal birds Yellow-eyed Starling flock by Bengt Grandin calling – Papuan Boobook, Papuan and

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Marbled Frogmouths and then a very close Wallace’s Owlet-Nightjar. We saw the latter bird in flight and then it was calling very close to us, but as soon as it was located in the torch beam it flew off, not to be seen again.

The next morning, we were on the shores of the Fly River at first light and boarding boats to head up river. As we cruised up this mighty river, large flocks of Collared Imperial Pigeon were seen in riverside trees. We also had a few Channel-billed Cuckoos and Black-faced Cuckooshrikes – both migrants from Australia. Heading up the quieter Elevala River, we entered more intact forest and started to encounter prolific birdlife. We soon found a pair of Long-billed Cuckoos, which were whistled-in for excellent views as they Southern Crowned Pigeon by Bengt Grandin sat upon the tip of a tree.

A couple of male Twelve-wired Bird of Paradise crossed the river giving brief but good views of this much-wanted species. Palm Cockatoos put on quite a show with multiple birds perched up in the open. Other good species seen during the morning included Rufous-bellied Kookaburra, Pacific Koel, Glossy-mantled Manucode, Golden Myna and a nice variety of pigeons and parrots.

In the late morning, we disembarked our boats and set off through the flooded forest. We quickly found a Common Paradise Kingfisher – which was a bit furtive, but eventually settled down for some good views. A couple of large flocks of raucous Papuan Babblers entertained us. A Hooded Monarch played hide-and-seek, but eventually showed itself to us. Next up was a gorgeous Large Fig Parrot staring down at us out of its nesting hole. The rest of the forest was pretty quiet as we carried on to Kwatu Lodge, where we had lunch and settled into our rooms.

After a quick break, we were back onto the boats and birding some more flooded forest. Birds were typically elusive in here, although a Black-sided Robin came charging in and sat out in the open for some time – rare behaviour for this bird here! Shortly before reboarding the boat, we heard a Papuan Pitta at close range; and after a lengthy wait, several people were able to watch one bound across a narrow trail. From here, we had a relaxing cruise along the Elevala River, watching various species of pigeons and parrots flying around in the late afternoon period. A trio of Ornate Fruit Twelve-wired Bird-of-Paradise by Bjorn Anderson Doves was something of a surprise and proved to be our 8th species of fruit dove seen or heard today – the variety of fruit doves here is just unbelievable! A large flock of about 100 Yellow-eyed Starlings offered up some good viewing of this highly-localised species. Our only Ivory-

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billed Coucals of the trip were also seen this afternoon, clambering along thick vines.

Our main quarry for the afternoon was Southern Crowned Pigeon, and we finally saw one fly low across the river and then walk slowly away from us on the forest floor. Not exactly the greatest views ever, so we were relieved to find an excellent pair sitting out in the open on our way back to camp, allowing great views – what a bird! Here as well, a couple of White-bellied Pitohuis came flying across the river. As dusk approached, we found two more Crowned Pigeon and then a Great-billed Heron landed in a large tree.

After dinner, we were once again back up the Elevala River for a night birding King Bird-of-Paradise by Bjorn Anderson excursion. We soon spotlit a Marbled Frogmouth from the boat and then a shy Common Spotted Cuscus. Spending some time at a large forest clearing along the Elevala, we heard a very distant Papuan Hawk Owl. It came steadily closer and eventually landed on a palm frond quite close to us, offering wonderful views of this poorly-known forest owl – quite a moment to have it glaring at us as it puffed out its throat and called! Another Marbled Frogmouth was spotlit on the way home, and then we continued to look for owlet nightjars until a rather heavy rain began. No more nightbirds were seen; but just before the rain came, we found a male King Bird-of-Paradise roosting at eye level a few metres away – magical!

Another full day on the trails was in store for us today. We started out the morning watching a very close Twelve-wired Bird-of-Paradise up on its display post – amazing! Also here, a flock of White- bellied Pitohuis danced around us. We then carried on up the Ketu Creek and went to a sago swamp in search of the near-mythical Flightless Rail, but luck was not on our side this time around. We had to content ourselves with pretty good views of Yellow-bellied Longbill, really nice views of a Yellow- capped Pygmy Parrot and yet another pair of Wallace’s Fairywren! We continued to bird the flooded forest, with little to show for our efforts, until we paused for lunch.

After lunch, we walked one final trail. We soon had a good encounter with Blue Jewel Babbler showing really well as it walked along the forest floor. Not long after, we flushed up 3 Southern Crowned Pigeons from the ground – they flew across the river and were scoped as they perched there. Having been met by frustration by the local kingfishers, we New Guinea Crocodile by Bengt Grandin came around a bend in the trail to find a

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Hook-billed Kingfisher sitting at eye level above the trail just in front of us. Sadly, it disappeared before everyone could get on it. When we walked forward to try and relocate it, a Little Paradise Kingfisher was suddenly sitting low over the trail as well – again, it too disappeared before it could be located. A mix of excitement and frustration! Also in this area, we had a pretty good look at a Black Thicket Fantail and a large flock of Emperor Fairywren showed off. We stayed here until the latest possible time, but just could not relocate the kingfishers, and had to return to our boats for the journey back to Kiunga, arriving in the dark. A hot shower and a cold beer were much appreciated as we reflected on our multitude of amazing sightings from this true wilderness.

With a few hours of birding time available the next morning, we headed back to the Boystown Road. It was drizzly and the birding was very quiet, so we were Silver-eared Honeyeater by Bengt Grandin appreciative for the very good morning we had enjoyed a few days before. Before lunch, we stopped in to check the airport area and eventually located a small flock of finches. Two White-spotted Mannikins were feeding in some flowering grasses and giving good views in the scope – a great find, as this is a localised and seldom-seen species. Behind them popped up two Crimson Finches of the white-bellied evangelinae subspecies. And then, in front of them, two Black Mannikins popped up – an even more highly-localized Trans-Fly endemic that very rarely wanders to the Kiunga region. A pretty amazing little flock of finches!

After lunch, we returned to the airport, this time to catch our on-time flight to Port Moresby. Upon arrival, we made a quick stop in a rather incongruous-looking spot in the city, where we quickly found a couple of Silver-eared Honeyeaters before calling it a day.

We were out early again, driving out of Moresby for a visit to the Brown River area. We started off in some lowland forest where we picked up a nice assortment of fruit doves, headlined by Coroneted and Ornate Fruit Doves, the former being rarely seen on the PNG circuit. Lots of other interesting birds were to be found in the forest edge here, including Yellow-billed Kingfisher, Buff- faced Pygmy Parrot, Dusky Lory, Elegant Honeyeater, a displaying Crinkle-collared Manucode and a wintering Satin Flycatcher. From here, we moved on to some Eucalyptus savannah, where we added a few Australasian Yellow-billed Kingfisher by Bengt Grandin species to the trip list, such as Chestnut- breasted Mannikins, White-throated Gerygone and Brown-backed Honeyeater. We then visited a few wetlands which held a nice diversity of waterbirds, the most appreciated of which was a small group of Spotted Whistling Ducks roosting in some large trees. Other new waterfowl for the trip included

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Australasian Darter, Glossy Ibis, Australasian Grebe and Green Pygmy Goose.

From the wetlands, we carried on to the Hisiu mangroves – it was rather hot by the time we reached the mangroves, but some time spent here produced a couple of new birds: Little Bronze Cuckoo and Mangrove Gerygone; while we only heard Torresian Kingfisher and Mangrove Robin. We rounded off our birding along the beach by watching several species of terns, Brown Boobies and both Lesser and Greater Frigatebirds. We carried on back to Port Moresby, where one final stop produced a White-winged Triller being chased by a Brown Goshawk! Lesser Frigatebird by Bengt Grandin

For our final morning, we squeezed in one more birding session at Varirata. Having already spent two full days on the trails here, it was unlikely we would be able to add much in terms of anything new – but the quality of birding is such here that it was certainly worth having a go at! And indeed we had a pretty incredible morning. The first highlight was a Papuan Scrub Robin crossing the trail. A bit further on along the trail, we had a real shocker – the notoriously elusive Thick-billed Ground Pigeon was standing in the middle of the trail and then started walking towards us – it then started flicking its tail and calmly walked off. At Varirata, you just never know what you might see! Before turning around, we added Chestnut-breasted Cuckoo and then suddenly heard a Pheasant Pigeon calling at close range. A minute later, it was strutting around on the trail in much the same fashion as the ground pigeon had been half an hour previous – pretty amazing. A pretty incredible turn of events to finish the tour with!

Thanks to the group for their unflagging energy, enthusiasm and exceptional spotting abilities, it was a great success!

______Annotated List of species recorded Note: Number in brackets ( ) indicate number of days on the tour the species was recorded. List powered through the report generator of our partner iGoTerra.

Birds (377 in total: 361 seen, 16 heard) Nomenclature and follows Gill, F and D Donsker (Eds). 2017. IOC World Bird List (v 7.2). Status codes: E = Endemic, NE = Near-endemic, I = Introduced IUCN codes: CR = Critically endangered, EN = Endangered, VU = Vulnerable, EW = Extinct in the Wild, NT = Near Threatened, DD = Data Deficient

Ducks, Geese, and Waterfowl Anatidae Spotted Whistling Duck Dendrocygna guttata (1) 5 Hisiu 19.7. Plumed Whistling Duck Dendrocygna eytoni

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(1) 40 Pacific Adventist University 2.7. Wandering Whistling Duck Dendrocygna arcuata (2) 20 Pacific Adventist University 2.7 and 20 Hisiu 19.7. Salvadori's Teal (VU) Salvadorina waigiuensis (1) 2 Ok Menga Hydro Powerplant 14.7. Green Pygmy Goose Nettapus pulchellus (1) 30 Hisiu 19.7. Pacific Black Duck Anas superciliosa pelewensis (2) 100 Pacific Adventist University 2.7, 2 Hisiu 19.7 and 1 Brown River 19.7.

Megapodes Megapodiidae Black-billed Brushturkey Talegalla fuscirostris (7) 1 Varirata NP 3.7, 2 Varirata NP 4.7, 1 heard Km 17 14.7, 1 heard Km 17 15.7, 1 heard Boys' Town Road 15.7, 2 heard Kwatu Lodge 16.7, 2 heard Kwatu Lodge 17.7 and 2 heard Varirata NP 20.7.

Pheasants, Grouse, and Allies Phasianidae Brown Quail Coturnix ypsilophora (2) 3 Varirata NP 3.7 and 3 Hisiu 19.7.

Grebes Podicipedidae Australasian Grebe Tachybaptus novaehollandiae novaehollandiae (1) 2 Hisiu 19.7.

Ibises and Spoonbills Threskiornithidae Australian White Ibis Threskiornis molucca molucca (3) 10 Pacific Adventist University 2.7, 2 Pacific Adventist University 3.7 and 5 Hisiu 19.7. Straw-necked Ibis Threskiornis spinicollis (1) 3 Pacific Adventist University 2.7. Glossy Ibis Plegadis falcinellus (1) 1 Hisiu 19.7.

Herons, Egrets, and Bitterns Ardeidae Black Bittern Dupetor flavicollis australis (1) 1 Pacific Adventist University 2.7. Nankeen Night Heron Nycticorax caledonicus (4) 3 Pacific Adventist University 2.7, 1 Port Moresby 4.7, 2 Kiunga 14.7 and 1 Fly River 16.7. Striated Heron Butorides striata (1) 1 Elevala River 16.7. Eastern Cattle Egret Bubulcus coromandus (7) 25 Pacific Adventist University 2.7, up to 100 Port Moresby 3-5.7, 50 Port Moresby 18.7, 10 Brown River 19.7 and 20 Varirata NP 20.7. Great-billed Heron Ardea sumatrana (1) 1 Elevala River 16.7.

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Great Egret Ardea alba modesta (5) 2 Pacific Adventist University 2.7, 3 Elevala River 16.7, 1 Elevala River 17.7, 1 Port Moresby 18.7, 20 Hisiu 19.7 and 10 Brown River 19.7. Intermediate Egret Ardea intermedia plumifera (1) 5 Pacific Adventist University 2.7. Pied Heron Egretta picata (2) 10 Pacific Adventist University 2.7 and 5 Brown River 19.7. Little Egret Egretta garzetta nigripes (1) 1 Pacific Adventist University 2.7.

Frigatebirds Fregatidae Great Frigatebird Fregata minor palmerstoni (1) 3 Hisiu 19.7. Lesser Frigatebird Fregata ariel ariel (1) 15 Hisiu 19.7.

Boobies and Gannets Sulidae Brown Booby Sula leucogaster plotus (1) 100 Hisiu 19.7.

Cormorants and Shags Phalacrocoracidae Little Pied Cormorant Microcarbo melanoleucos melanoleucos (3) 5 Pacific Adventist University 2.7, 1 Elevala River 16.7, 5 Hisiu 19.7 and 5 Brown River 19.7. Little Black Cormorant Phalacrocorax sulcirostris (3) 50 Pacific Adventist University 2.7, 1 Pacific Adventist University 3.7, 150 Hisiu 19.7 and 50 Brown River 19.7. Great Cormorant Phalacrocorax carbo novaehollandiae (1) 2 Lai River Bridge, Highlands Highway 7.7.

Anhingas Anhingidae Australasian Darter Anhinga novaehollandiae papua (1) 1 Hisiu 19.7 and 1 Brown River 19.7.

Hawks, Eagles, and Kites Accipitridae Black-winged Kite Elanus caeruleus hypoleucus (1) 1 Highlands Highway: Tari - Mt Hagen 11.7. Pacific Baza Aviceda subcristata (4) 1 Varirata NP 3.7, 2 Tabubil 15.7, 2 Fly River 16.7 and 2 Brown River 19.7. Long-tailed Honey Buzzard Henicopernis longicauda (6) 6 Varirata NP 3.7, 3 Varirata NP 4.7, 1 Tonga 6.7, 1 Ok Menga Hydro Powerplant 13.7, 1 Tabubil 13.7, 2 Kwatu Lodge 17.7 and 1 Brown River 19.7. Pygmy Eagle Hieraaetus weiskei (1) 1 Varirata NP 3.7.

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Variable Goshawk Accipiter hiogaster (4) 2 Varirata NP 4.7, 1 Ok Menga Hydro Powerplant 12.7, 2 Ok Menga Hydro Powerplant 13.7, 1 Tabubil 12.7 and 1 Elevala River 16.7. Brown Goshawk Accipiter fasciatus (3) 5 Port Moresby 2.7, 1 Highlands Highway: Tari - Mt Hagen 8.7 and 4 Brown River 19.7. Black-mantled Goshawk Accipiter melanochlamys (1) 1 Tari Gap 9.7. Grey-headed Goshawk Accipiter poliocephalus (5) 1 Varirata NP 3.7, 1 Varirata NP 4.7, 1 Km 17 15.7, 1 Elevala River 16.7 and 1 Boys' Town Road 18.7. Collared Sparrowhawk Accipiter cirrocephalus papuanus (2) 1 Kama Village 7.7 and 1 Boys' Town Road 15.7. Meyer's Goshawk Accipiter meyerianus (2) 1 Tari Gap 9.7 and 1 Ambua Lodge, Tari 10.7. Papuan Harrier Circus spilothorax (7) 2 Mount Hagen 5.7, 1 Kumul Lodge 7.7, 2 Tari Gap 8.7, 2 Ambua Lodge, Tari 10.7, 2 Tari Gap 11.7, 2 Mount Hagen 12.7 and 1 Brown River 19.7. Black Kite Milvus migrans affinis (9) 2 Pacific Adventist University 2.7, 5 Port Moresby 3.7, 10 Mount Hagen 5.7, 20 Kumul Lodge 6.7, 30 Kumul Lodge 7.7, 10 Highlands Highway: Tari - Mt Hagen 8.7, 30 Highlands Highway: Tari - Mt Hagen 11.7, 20 Mount Hagen 12.7 and 1 Port Moresby 20.7. Whistling Kite Haliastur sphenurus (6) 5 Pacific Adventist University 2.7, 1 Varirata NP 4.7, 2 Mount Hagen 5.7, 2 Mount Hagen 12.7, 1 Kiunga 15.7, 20 Hisiu 19.7 and 30 Brown River 19.7. Brahminy Kite Haliastur indus (14) 10 Pacific Adventist University 2.7, 4 Varirata NP 3.7, 1 Varirata NP 4.7, 3 Ambua Lodge, Tari 10.7, 2 Highlands Highway: Tari - Mt Hagen 11.7, 2 Mount Hagen 12.7, 2 Ok Menga Hydro Powerplant 13.7, 2 Tabubil 13.7, 5 Tabubil - Kiunga Road 14.7, 5 Boys' Town Road 15.7, 5+5 heard Fly River 16.7, 5+5 heard Elevala River 17.7, 1 Port Moresby 18.7, 20 Brown River 19.7 and 5 Varirata NP 20.7. White-bellied Sea Eagle Haliaeetus leucogaster (2) 1 Kiunga 15.7 and 2 Hisiu 19.7.

Rails, Gallinules, and Coots Rallidae Chestnut Forest Rail Rallicula rubra (1) 2 heard Tari Gap 9.7. Buff-banded Rail Gallirallus philippensis (3) 1 Ambua Lodge, Tari 8.7, 2 Ambua Lodge, Tari 10.7 and 1 Ambua Lodge, Tari 11.7. Pale-vented Bush-hen Amaurornis moluccana (1) 1 heard Ok Menga Hydro Powerplant 14.7. Australasian Swamphen Porphyrio melanotus (3) 25 Pacific Adventist University 2.7, 1 Sogeri Road War Memorial 3.7, 10 Hisiu 19.7 and 5 Brown River 19.7. Dusky Moorhen Gallinula tenebrosa

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(1) 20 Pacific Adventist University 2.7.

Plovers and Lapwings Charadriidae Masked Lapwing Vanellus miles miles (4) 20 Pacific Adventist University 2.7, 5 Port Moresby 5.7, 1 Port Moresby 18.7 and 2 Brown River 19.7. Little Ringed Plover Charadrius dubius (1) 3 Tabubil - Kiunga Road 14.7.

Jacanas Jacanidae Comb-crested Jacana Irediparra gallinacea (2) 10 Pacific Adventist University 2.7 and 20 Hisiu 19.7.

Sandpipers and Allies Scolopacidae New Guinea Woodcock Scolopax rosenbergii (2) 1 Kumul Lodge 5.7 and 1 Kumul Lodge 7.7. Whimbrel Numenius phaeopus variegatus (1) 4 Hisiu 19.7.

Pratincoles and Coursers Glareolidae Australian Pratincole Stiltia isabella (4) 10 Mount Hagen 5.7, 5 Tabubil 12.7, 15 Kiunga 15.7 and 20 Kiunga 18.7.

Gulls, Terns, and Skimmers Laridae Gull-billed Tern Gelochelidon nilotica macrotarsa (1) 10 Hisiu 19.7 and 1 Brown River 19.7. Greater Crested Tern Thalasseus bergii cristatus (1) 50 Hisiu 19.7. Lesser Crested Tern Thalasseus bengalensis torresii (1) 5 Hisiu 19.7. Bridled Tern Onychoprion anaethetus (1) 4 Hisiu 19.7. Common Tern Sterna hirundo (1) 3 Hisiu 19.7.

Pigeons and Doves Columbidae Rock Dove Columba livia var. domestica (4) 3 Port Moresby 2.7, 10 Port Moresby 5.7, 2 Highlands Highway: Tari - Mt Hagen 8.7 and 3 Port Moresby 18.7. Amboyna Cuckoo-Dove Macropygia amboinensis (13) Up to 6 Varirata NP 3-4.7, 5 Murmura pass 6.7, 2 Lai River Bridge, Highlands Highway 7.7, 2 Kama Village 7.7, 1 Ambua Lodge, Tari 10.7, 1 Ambua Lodge, Tari 11.7, 2 Dablin Creek Road 13.7, 6 Boys' Town Road 15.7, 4 Elevala River 16.7, 4 Kwatu Lodge 17.7, 2 Boys' Town Road 18.7, 6 Brown

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River 19.7 and 4 Varirata NP 20.7. Bar-tailed Cuckoo-Dove Macropygia nigrirostris (5) 1 Tonga 6.7, 2 Lai River Bridge, Highlands Highway 7.7, 3 Tari Gap 9.7, 2 Ambua Lodge, Tari 10.7 and 1 Ambua Lodge, Tari 11.7. Great Cuckoo-Dove Reinwardtoena reinwardti griseotincta (10) 2 heard Varirata NP 3.7, 2 Tonga 6.7, 2 Ambua Lodge, Tari 8.7, 1+2 heard Tari Gap 9.7, 2 heard Ambua Lodge, Tari 10.7, 2 Ok Menga Hydro Powerplant 13.7, 1 Ok Menga Hydro Powerplant 14.7, 1 Boys' Town Road 15.7, 1 Kwatu Lodge 17.7 and 4 Brown River 19.7. Stephan's Emerald Dove Chalcophaps stephani (3) 1 heard Km 17 14.7, 1 heard Km 17 15.7 and 1 Kwatu Lodge 17.7. Thick-billed Ground Pigeon Trugon terrestris (2) 1 heard Km 17 14.7 and 1 Varirata NP 20.7. Peaceful Dove Geopelia placida (2) 10 Pacific Adventist University 2.7 and 2 Brown River 19.7. Bar-shouldered Dove Geopelia humeralis gregalis (2) 3 Pacific Adventist University 2.7 and 3 Hisiu 19.7. Bronze Ground Dove Alopecoenas beccarii (2) 1 Kumul Lodge 6.7 and 1 Kumul Lodge 7.7. Pheasant Pigeon Otidiphaps nobilis (1) 1 Varirata NP 20.7. Southern Crowned Pigeon (VU) Goura scheepmakeri (2) 5 Kwatu Lodge 16.7 and 3 Kwatu Lodge 17.7. Wompoo Fruit Dove Ptilinopus magnificus poliurus (6) Up to 5 Varirata NP 3-4.7, 1 heard Boys' Town Road 15.7, 1 heard Km 17 15.7, 2 heard Kwatu Lodge 16.7, 2 heard Kwatu Lodge 17.7 and 1 Varirata NP 20.7. Pink-spotted Fruit Dove Ptilinopus perlatus (4) 3 Varirata NP 3.7, 4 Varirata NP 4.7, 10 Boys' Town Road 15.7 and 2 Elevala River 16.7. Ornate Fruit Dove Ptilinopus ornatus gestroi (2) 3 Elevala River 16.7 and 2 Brown River 19.7. Orange-fronted Fruit Dove Ptilinopus aurantiifrons (4) 20 Pacific Adventist University 2.7, 1 Varirata NP 4.7, 15 Elevala River 16.7 and 1 Brown River 19.7. Superb Fruit Dove Ptilinopus superbus superbus (4) 1 Varirata NP 3.7, 3+3 heard Km 17 15.7 and up to 4 Elevala River 16-17.7. Coroneted Fruit Dove Ptilinopus coronulatus (1) 1 Brown River 19.7. Beautiful Fruit Dove Ptilinopus pulchellus (7) 1 heard Varirata NP 4.7, up to 5 Km 17 14-15.7, 5 heard Kwatu Lodge 16.7, 2 heard Kwatu Lodge 17.7, 1 Boys' Town Road 18.7 and 1 heard Varirata NP 20.7. White-bibbed Fruit Dove Ptilinopus rivoli (4) 4+3 heard Kumul Lodge 7.7, 1+2 heard Tari Gap 9.7, 3+5 heard Ambua Lodge, Tari 10.7 and 1 Ambua Lodge, Tari 11.7. Orange-bellied Fruit Dove Ptilinopus iozonus

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(8) 5 Pacific Adventist University 2.7, 2 heard Varirata NP 3.7, 5 heard Varirata NP 4.7, 3 heard Km 17 14.7, 3 heard Km 17 15.7, 5 Boys' Town Road 15.7, 40 Elevala River 16.7, 10 Elevala River 17.7 and 10 Brown River 19.7. Dwarf Fruit Dove Ptilinopus nainus (5) 1 Varirata NP 3.7, 2 Km 17 15.7, 1 Kwatu Lodge 17.7, 2 Elevala River 17.7, 2 Boys' Town Road 18.7 and 1 heard Varirata NP 20.7. Purple-tailed Imperial Pigeon Ducula rufigaster (7) 1 Varirata NP 3.7, 1 heard Varirata NP 4.7, 2 heard Km 17 14.7, 2 heard Km 17 15.7, 1 Boys' Town Road 15.7, 2 heard Kwatu Lodge 16.7, 2 heard Kwatu Lodge 17.7 and 1 Brown River 19.7. Pinon's Imperial Pigeon Ducula pinon (5) 2 Km 17 14.7, 2 Boys' Town Road 15.7, 20 Elevala River 16.7, 5 Elevala River 17.7 and 20 Brown River 19.7. Collared Imperial Pigeon Ducula mullerii (2) 30 Fly River 16.7, 20 Elevala River 16.7 and 10 Elevala River 17.7. Zoe's Imperial Pigeon Ducula zoeae (7) 2+2 heard Varirata NP 3.7, 2 heard Varirata NP 4.7, 4+2 heard Boys' Town Road 15.7, 2 heard Km 17 15.7, 2+5 heard Elevala River 16.7, 5 heard Elevala River 17.7, 2 heard Boys' Town Road 18.7 and 2 heard Varirata NP 20.7. Torresian Imperial Pigeon Ducula spilorrhoa (2) 5 Pacific Adventist University 2.7 and 5 Brown River 19.7. Papuan Mountain Pigeon Gymnophaps albertisii albertisii (12) 2 Varirata NP 3.7, 15 Tari Gap 9.7, 35 Ambua Lodge, Tari 10.7, 5 Tari Gap 11.7, 1 Ok Menga Hydro Powerplant 12.7, 300 Ok Menga Hydro Powerplant 13.7, 20 Km 17 15.7, 20 Elevala River 16.7, 20 Elevala River 17.7, 1 Boys' Town Road 18.7, 5 Brown River 19.7 and 10 Varirata NP 20.7.

Cuckoos Cuculidae Ivory-billed Coucal Centropus menbeki menbeki (5) 1 heard Varirata NP 3.7, 1 heard Varirata NP 4.7, 2+5 heard Elevala River 16.7, 3 heard Elevala River 17.7 and 1 heard Brown River 19.7. Black-billed Coucal Centropus bernsteini (1) 1 Dablin Creek Road 13.7. Pheasant Coucal Centropus phasianinus (5) 5 Pacific Adventist University 2.7, 2 Varirata NP 4.7, 1 Kiunga 15.7, 5 Brown River 19.7 and 2 Varirata NP 20.7. Dwarf Koel Microdynamis parva (4) 1 Varirata NP 3.7, 1 heard Varirata NP 4.7, 1 heard Brown River 19.7 and 1 heard Varirata NP 20.7. Pacific Koel Eudynamys orientalis (3) 2+3 heard Km 17 15.7, 3+2 heard Elevala River 16.7 and 1 Kwatu Lodge 17.7. Channel-billed Cuckoo Scythrops novaehollandiae (3) 1 heard Pacific Adventist University 2.7, 5 Elevala River 16.7 and 5 Brown River 19.7. Long-billed Cuckoo Chrysococcyx megarhynchus (1) 2 Elevala River 16.7. Rufous-throated Bronze Cuckoo Chrysococcyx ruficollis

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(4) 1 heard Tonga 6.7, 1 Kama Village 7.7, 2 Tari Gap 9.7 and 1 Tari Gap 11.7. Shining Bronze Cuckoo Chrysococcyx lucidus (1) 1 Varirata NP 3.7. White-eared Bronze Cuckoo Chrysococcyx meyerii (2) 1 heard Ok Menga Hydro Powerplant 13.7 and 1 heard Varirata NP 20.7. Little Bronze Cuckoo Chrysococcyx minutillus poecilurus (1) 1 Hisiu 19.7. White-crowned Cuckoo Cacomantis leucolophus (2) 3 heard Varirata NP 4.7 and 1 heard Varirata NP 20.7. Chestnut-breasted Cuckoo Cacomantis castaneiventris (1) 1+1 heard Varirata NP 20.7. Fan-tailed Cuckoo Cacomantis flabelliformis excitus (2) 4 Tari Gap 9.7 and 1 Tari Gap 11.7. Brush Cuckoo Cacomantis variolosus (7) 4 heard Kama Village 7.7, 1 Dablin Creek Road 13.7, 2 Ok Menga Hydro Powerplant 14.7, 2 Boys' Town Road 15.7, 2 heard Kwatu Lodge 16.7, 2 heard Kwatu Lodge 17.7 and 1 heard Boys' Town Road 18.7.

Owls Strigidae Papuan Boobook Ninox theomacha (8) 1 heard Kumul Lodge 5.7, 1 heard Kama Village 7.7, up to 2 Ambua Lodge, Tari 8-10.7, 1+1 heard Ok Menga Hydro Powerplant 12.7, 1 heard Km 17 15.7 and 1 heard Kwatu Lodge 16.7. Papuan Hawk-Owl (DD) Uroglaux dimorpha (1) 1 Kwatu Lodge 16.7.

Frogmouths Podargidae Marbled Frogmouth Podargus ocellatus (2) 1 heard Km 17 15.7 and 2+4 heard Kwatu Lodge 16.7. Papuan Frogmouth Podargus papuensis (2) 3 Pacific Adventist University 2.7 and 2 heard Km 17 15.7.

Nightjars and Allies Caprimulgidae Large-tailed Nightjar Caprimulgus macrurus schlegelii (2) 2+1 heard Varirata NP 3.7 and 4 heard Varirata NP 4.7.

Owlet-Nightjars Aegothelidae Feline Owlet-Nightjar Aegotheles insignis (1) 1 Kumul Lodge 11.7. Wallace's Owlet-nightjar (DD) Aegotheles wallacii (1) 1+1 heard Km 17 15.7. Mountain Owlet-Nightjar Aegotheles albertisi (2) 1 heard Kumul Lodge 5.7 and 1 Kumul Lodge 11.7. Barred Owlet-Nightjar Aegotheles bennettii

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(1) 1 Varirata NP 3.7.

Treeswifts Hemiprocnidae Moustached Treeswift Hemiprocne mystacea (3) 3 Varirata NP 3.7, 2 Km 17 15.7 and 3 Elevala River 16.7.

Swifts Apodidae Glossy Swiftlet Collocalia esculenta (11) 50 Varirata NP 3.7, 5 Varirata NP 4.7, 20 Murmura pass 6.7, 20 Lai River Bridge, Highlands Highway 7.7, 10 Kumul Lodge 7.7, 50 Highlands Highway: Tari - Mt Hagen 8.7, 20 Tari Gap 9.7, 50 Ambua Lodge, Tari 10.7, 100 Highlands Highway: Tari - Mt Hagen 11.7, up to 20 Ok Menga Hydro Powerplant 12-14.7, 30 Mount Hagen 12.7 and 30 Dablin Creek Road 13.7. Mountain Swiftlet Aerodramus hirundinaceus hirundinaceus (9) 30 Mount Hagen 5.7, 1 Murmura pass 7.7, 3 Lai River Bridge, Highlands Highway 7.7, 30 Kumul Lodge 7.7, 30 Highlands Highway: Tari - Mt Hagen 8.7, 5 Tari Gap 9.7, 20 Ambua Lodge, Tari 10.7, 10 Highlands Highway: Tari - Mt Hagen 11.7, 20 Tabubil 12.7, 10 Dablin Creek Road 13.7, 100 Ok Menga Hydro Powerplant 13.7 and 50 Ok Menga Hydro Powerplant 14.7. Uniform Swiftlet Aerodramus vanikorensis (9) 20 Varirata NP 3.7, 2 Varirata NP 4.7, 10 Km 17 14.7, 100 Boys' Town Road 15.7, 100 Elevala River 16.7, 50 Elevala River 17.7, 30 Boys' Town Road 18.7, 10 Brown River 19.7 and 10 Varirata NP 20.7. Papuan Spine-tailed Swift Mearnsia novaeguineae (5) 5 Boys' Town Road 15.7, 2 Km 17 15.7, 20 Elevala River 16.7, 20 Elevala River 17.7, 5 Boys' Town Road 18.7 and 2 Brown River 19.7.

Rollers Coraciidae Oriental Dollarbird Eurystomus orientalis (9) 1 Pacific Adventist University 2.7, 4 Varirata NP 3.7, 1 Varirata NP 4.7, 5 Boys' Town Road 15.7, 40 Elevala River 16.7, 20 Elevala River 17.7, 2 Boys' Town Road 18.7, 10 Brown River 19.7 and 1 Varirata NP 20.7.

Kingfishers Alcedinidae Hook-billed Kingfisher Melidora macrorrhina (3) 1 heard Km 17 15.7 and up to 3 Kwatu Lodge 16-17.7. Common Paradise Kingfisher Tanysiptera galatea (2) Up to 3 Kwatu Lodge 16-17.7. Little Paradise Kingfisher (DD) Tanysiptera hydrocharis (2) 1 heard Kwatu Lodge 16.7 and 1 Kwatu Lodge 17.7. Brown-headed Paradise Kingfisher Tanysiptera danae (3) 2 Varirata NP 3.7, 1 Varirata NP 4.7 and 2 heard Varirata NP 20.7. Shovel-billed Kookaburra Clytoceyx rex (3) Up to 1 Ok Menga Hydro Powerplant 12-14.7 and 2 heard Dablin Creek Road 13.7. Blue-winged Kookaburra Dacelo leachii intermedia (3) 1 Pacific Adventist University 2.7, 1 Varirata NP 4.7 and 2 Hisiu 19.7.

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Rufous-bellied Kookaburra Dacelo gaudichaud (9) 2 heard Varirata NP 3.7, 2 heard Varirata NP 4.7, up to 1 Ok Menga Hydro Powerplant 12-14.7, 1 heard Km 17 14.7, 2 heard Km 17 15.7, 1+1 heard Boys' Town Road 15.7, 5 Elevala River 16.7, 2 Kwatu Lodge 17.7 and 1 heard Boys' Town Road 18.7. macleayii (2) 3 Pacific Adventist University 2.7 and 2 Hisiu 19.7. Torresian Kingfisher Todiramphus sordidus sordidus (1) 1 heard Hisiu 19.7. Todiramphus sanctus sanctus (11) 5 Pacific Adventist University 2.7, 1 Varirata NP 3.7, 3 Highlands Highway: Tari - Mt Hagen 8.7, 2 Highlands Highway: Tari - Mt Hagen 11.7, up to 4 Ok Menga Hydro Powerplant 12-14.7, 2 Kiunga 15.7, 5 Elevala River 16.7, 2 Elevala River 17.7 and 5 Hisiu 19.7. Yellow-billed Kingfisher torotoro (5) Up to 5 Varirata NP 3-4.7, 1 heard Boys' Town Road 15.7, 2 heard Km 17 15.7, 1+2 heard Brown River 19.7 and 3 heard Varirata NP 20.7. Mountain Kingfisher Syma megarhyncha (2) 1+2 heard Tonga 6.7 and 1 heard Ambua Lodge, Tari 10.7. Common Kingfisher Alcedo atthis (1) 2 Pacific Adventist University 2.7. Papuan Dwarf Kingfisher Ceyx solitarius (1) 2 Varirata NP 3.7. Azure Kingfisher Ceyx azureus (2) 1 Varirata NP 3.7 and 1 Varirata NP 20.7.

Bee-eaters Meropidae Rainbow Bee-eater Merops ornatus (5) 50 Pacific Adventist University 2.7, 100 Varirata NP 3.7, 10 Varirata NP 4.7, 20 Kama Village 7.7, 20 Hisiu 19.7 and 20 Brown River 19.7.

Hornbills Bucerotidae Blyth's Hornbill Rhyticeros plicatus (8) 4 Varirata NP 3.7, 2 Varirata NP 4.7, 2 Ok Menga Hydro Powerplant 12.7, 2 Boys' Town Road 15.7, 6 Elevala River 16.7, 3 Kwatu Lodge 17.7, 6 Brown River 19.7 and 2 Varirata NP 20.7.

Falcons and Caracaras Falconidae Nankeen Kestrel Falco cenchroides (5) 1 Highlands Highway: Tari - Mt Hagen 8.7, 1 Mount Hagen 12.7, 2 Tabubil 13.7, 1 Tabubil - Kiunga Road 14.7, 1 Km 17 15.7 and 1 Kiunga 15.7. Australian Hobby Falco longipennis longipennis (1) 1 Port Moresby 3.7. Brown Falcon Falco berigora novaeguineae (2) 1 Highlands Highway: Tari - Mt Hagen 11.7 and 1 Mount Hagen 12.7.

Cockatoos Cacatuidae

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Palm Cockatoo Probosciger aterrimus (3) 5 Elevala River 16.7, 3 Elevala River 17.7 and 2 Boys' Town Road 18.7. Sulphur-crested Cockatoo Cacatua galerita triton (6) 7 Tabubil 12.7, 4 Ok Menga Hydro Powerplant 13.7, 1 Boys' Town Road 15.7, 5 Elevala River 16.7, 3 Elevala River 17.7 and 2 Brown River 19.7.

Old World Parrots Psittaculidae Pesquet's Parrot (VU) Psittrichas fulgidus (3) 3 Ok Menga Hydro Powerplant 13.7, 2 Ok Menga Hydro Powerplant 14.7 and 1 heard Kwatu Lodge 17.7. Yellow-capped Pygmy Parrot Micropsitta keiensis (2) 6 Boys' Town Road 15.7 and 1 heard Kwatu Lodge 17.7. Buff-faced Pygmy Parrot Micropsitta pusio (2) 4 heard Varirata NP 4.7, 15 Hisiu 19.7 and 2 Brown River 19.7. Red-breasted Pygmy Parrot Micropsitta bruijnii (3) 2 Murmura pass 6.7, 2 Ambua Lodge, Tari 10.7 and 2 Dablin Creek Road 13.7. Papuan King Parrot Alisterus chloropterus (3) 2 Varirata NP 3.7, 4 Varirata NP 4.7 and 2 Ambua Lodge, Tari 10.7. Eclectus Parrot Eclectus roratus (9) 2 Pacific Adventist University 2.7, 6 Varirata NP 3.7, 2 Varirata NP 4.7, 5 Ok Menga Hydro Powerplant 13.7, 4 Ok Menga Hydro Powerplant 14.7, 2 Boys' Town Road 15.7, 10 Elevala River 16.7, 10 Elevala River 17.7 and 15 Brown River 19.7. Red-cheeked Parrot Geoffroyus geoffroyi (10) 4 Pacific Adventist University 2.7, 10 Varirata NP 3.7, 6 Varirata NP 4.7, 1 heard Km 17 14.7, 20 Boys' Town Road 15.7, 30 Elevala River 16.7, 5 Elevala River 17.7, 10 Boys' Town Road 18.7, 15 Brown River 19.7 and 10 Varirata NP 20.7. Blue-collared Parrot Geoffroyus simplex buergersi (1) 1 heard Dablin Creek Road 13.7. Brehm's Tiger Parrot Psittacella brehmii (5) Up to 4 Kumul Lodge 5-7.7, 2 Murmura pass 6.7, 3 Tari Gap 9.7 and 2 Kumul Lodge 12.7. Madarasz's Tiger Parrot Psittacella madaraszi (1) 1 Murmura pass 7.7. Plum-faced Lorikeet Oreopsittacus arfaki grandis (2) 8 Murmura pass 6.7 and 10 Murmura pass 7.7. Pygmy Lorikeet Charmosyna wilhelminae (2) 20 Ambua Lodge, Tari 10.7 and 2 Ambua Lodge, Tari 11.7. Red-flanked Lorikeet Charmosyna placentis (3) 30 Boys' Town Road 15.7, 5 Elevala River 16.7 and 10 Boys' Town Road 18.7. Papuan Lorikeet Charmosyna papou (5) 1 Kumul Lodge 5.7, 2 Murmura pass 6.7, 2 Murmura pass 7.7, 10 Tari Gap 9.7 and 6 Tari Gap 11.7. Yellow-billed Lorikeet Neopsittacus musschenbroekii (7) 20 Murmura pass 6.7, 10 Murmura pass 7.7, 4 Tonga 6.7, 2 Kumul Lodge 7.7, 10 Ambua Lodge,

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Tari 8.7, 20+10 heard Tari Gap 9.7, 40 Ambua Lodge, Tari 10.7, 10 Ambua Lodge, Tari 11.7 and 5 Kumul Lodge 12.7. Orange-billed Lorikeet Neopsittacus pullicauda (2) 2 Murmura pass 6.7 and 2 Kumul Lodge 7.7. Black-capped Lory Lorius lory (6) 1 Varirata NP 3.7, 1 heard Varirata NP 4.7, 2 heard Ok Menga Hydro Powerplant 14.7, 10 Boys' Town Road 15.7, 4 heard Km 17 15.7, 15 Elevala River 16.7 and 2 Elevala River 17.7. Yellowish-streaked Lory Chalcopsitta scintillata (5) 10 Km 17 14.7, 15 Km 17 15.7, 10 Elevala River 16.7, 2 Boys' Town Road 18.7 and 2 Brown River 19.7. Dusky Lory Pseudeos fuscata (3) 20 Varirata NP 3.7, 10 Ok Menga Hydro Powerplant 14.7, 20 Hisiu 19.7 and 10 Brown River 19.7. Goldie's Lorikeet Psitteuteles goldiei (2) 100 Kama Village 7.7 and 30 Tari Gap 9.7. Coconut Lorikeet Trichoglossus haematodus (9) 10 Pacific Adventist University 2.7, 30 Varirata NP 3.7, 10 Varirata NP 4.7, 10 Kama Village 7.7, 2 Ok Menga Hydro Powerplant 12.7, 10 Dablin Creek Road 13.7, 10 Ok Menga Hydro Powerplant 14.7, 2 Boys' Town Road 18.7 and 10 Brown River 19.7. Large Fig Parrot Psittaculirostris desmarestii (1) 1 Kwatu Lodge 16.7 and 3 Elevala River 16.7. Orange-breasted Fig Parrot Cyclopsitta gulielmitertii (7) 3 Ok Menga Hydro Powerplant 12.7, 3 Dablin Creek Road 13.7, 6 Ok Menga Hydro Powerplant 14.7, 20 Boys' Town Road 15.7, 20 Elevala River 16.7, 5 Elevala River 17.7 and 6 Boys' Town Road 18.7. Double-eyed Fig Parrot Cyclopsitta diophthalma (4) 1 heard Km 17 14.7, 2 Boys' Town Road 15.7, 12 Elevala River 16.7 and 1 Boys' Town Road 18.7. Orange-fronted Hanging Parrot Loriculus aurantiifrons meeki (1) 1 heard Ok Menga Hydro Powerplant 13.7.

Pittas Pittidae Papuan Pitta Erythropitta macklotii (3) 1 heard Boys' Town Road 15.7, 1 Kwatu Lodge 16.7 and 1 heard Kwatu Lodge 17.7. Hooded Pitta Pitta sordida novaeguineae (2) 5 heard Kwatu Lodge 16.7 and 5 heard Kwatu Lodge 17.7.

Bowerbirds Ptilonorhynchidae Archbold's Bowerbird (NT) Archboldia papuensis sanfordi (1) 1 heard Tari Gap 9.7. Flame Bowerbird Sericulus ardens (2) 4 Pacific Adventist University 2.7, 5 Port Moresby 2.7 and 6 Boys' Town Road 15.7. Yellow-breasted Bowerbird Chlamydera lauterbachi (1) 2 Kama Village 7.7. Fawn-breasted Bowerbird Chlamydera cerviniventris

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(2) 1 Port Moresby 4.7 and 5 Hisiu 19.7.

Australasian Treecreepers Climacteridae Papuan Treecreeper placens (1) 2 Tari Gap 9.7.

Fairywrens Maluridae Wallace's Fairywren Sipodotus wallacii (3) 2 Varirata NP 4.7, 2 Boys' Town Road 15.7 and 2 Kwatu Lodge 17.7. Emperor Fairywren Malurus cyanocephalus (1) 10 Kwatu Lodge 17.7. White-shouldered Fairywren Malurus alboscapulatus (8) 2 Sogeri Road War Memorial 3.7, 2 Varirata NP 3.7, 10 Tonga 6.7, 2 Kama Village 7.7, 2 Ambua Lodge, Tari 10.7, 2 Dablin Creek Road 13.7, 1 heard Kiunga 15.7, 2 Kiunga 18.7 and 2 Brown River 19.7.

Honeyeaters Meliphagidae Dusky Myzomela Myzomela obscura fumata (2) 3 Pacific Adventist University 2.7 and 2 Brown River 19.7. Papuan Black Myzomela Myzomela nigrita (3) 1 Varirata NP 4.7, 1 Ok Menga Hydro Powerplant 12.7 and 5 Dablin Creek Road 13.7. Mountain Myzomela Myzomela adolphinae (2) 6 Tonga 6.7 and 6 Kama Village 7.7. Red-collared Myzomela Myzomela rosenbergii (5) 1 Kumul Lodge 5.7, 1 Murmura pass 6.7, 1 Murmura pass 7.7, 1 Tonga 6.7, 1 Kumul Lodge 7.7, 4 Tari Gap 9.7 and 1 Ambua Lodge, Tari 10.7. Green-backed Honeyeater Glycichaera fallax fallax (2) 3 Dablin Creek Road 13.7 and 2 Ok Menga Hydro Powerplant 14.7. Rufous-backed Honeyeater Ptiloprora guisei (2) 2 Tari Gap 9.7 and 10 Ambua Lodge, Tari 10.7. Grey-streaked Honeyeater Ptiloprora perstriata (6) Up to 20 Kumul Lodge 5-7.7, 6 Murmura pass 6.7, 10 Murmura pass 7.7, 20 Tari Gap 9.7, 2 Tari Gap 11.7 and 2 Kumul Lodge 12.7. Plain Honeyeater ixoides (2) 4 Varirata NP 4.7 and 2 Boys' Town Road 15.7. Marbled Honeyeater Pycnopygius cinereus (2) 1 Tonga 6.7, 2 Lai River Bridge, Highlands Highway 7.7 and 1 Kama Village 7.7. Streak-headed Honeyeater Pycnopygius stictocephalus (7) 2 Varirata NP 3.7, 1 heard Varirata NP 4.7, 1 Ok Menga Hydro Powerplant 14.7, 2 Boys' Town Road 15.7, 1 heard Boys' Town Road 18.7, 1 Brown River 19.7 and 1 Varirata NP 20.7. Silver-eared Honeyeater Lichmera alboauricularis (1) 2 Port Moresby 18.7. Spotted Honeyeater Xanthotis polygrammus

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(1) 1 Dablin Creek Road 13.7. Tawny-breasted Honeyeater Xanthotis flaviventer (8) Up to 4 Varirata NP 3-4.7, 1 Dablin Creek Road 13.7, 2 Boys' Town Road 15.7, 5 Kwatu Lodge 16.7, 2 heard Kwatu Lodge 17.7, 2 Boys' Town Road 18.7 and 4 Brown River 19.7. Meyer's Friarbird Philemon meyeri (1) 1 Boys' Town Road 15.7. New Guinea Friarbird Philemon novaeguineae (9) 10 Pacific Adventist University 2.7, 4 Varirata NP 3.7, 3 Varirata NP 4.7, 5 Ok Menga Hydro Powerplant 13.7, 2 Km 17 14.7, 10 heard Km 17 15.7, 5 heard Kwatu Lodge 16.7, 10 heard Kwatu Lodge 17.7, 5 Elevala River 16.7 and 8 Brown River 19.7. White-throated Honeyeater Melithreptus albogularis albogularis (2) 20 Varirata NP 3.7 and 4 Hisiu 19.7. Long-billed Honeyeater Epthianura megarhynchus (2) 1 Lai River Bridge, Highlands Highway 7.7 and 2 Dablin Creek Road 13.7. Common Smoky Honeyeater Melipotes fumigatus (8) Up to 20 Kumul Lodge 5-7.7, 10 Tonga 6.7, 20 Port Moresby 6.7, 10 Murmura pass 7.7, 10 Ambua Lodge, Tari 8.7, 20 Tari Gap 9.7, 25 Ambua Lodge, Tari 10.7, 20 Ambua Lodge, Tari 11.7 and 10 Kumul Lodge 12.7. Rufous-banded Honeyeater Conopophila albogularis (2) 5 Pacific Adventist University 2.7, 5 Port Moresby 2.7 and 20 Hisiu 19.7. Brown-backed Honeyeater Ramsayornis modestus (1) 1 Hisiu 19.7. Black-throated Honeyeater subfrenata (5) 1 heard Murmura pass 6.7, 5 Murmura pass 7.7, 1 heard Tari Gap 8.7, 25 Tari Gap 9.7 and 2+4 heard Tari Gap 11.7. Obscure Honeyeater Caligavis obscura (1) 1 Boys' Town Road 15.7. Yellow-browed Melidectes Melidectes rufocrissalis (5) 10 Tonga 6.7 and up to 6 Ambua Lodge, Tari 8-11.7. Belford's Melidectes Melidectes belfordi (7) Up to 25 Kumul Lodge 5-7.7, 20 Murmura pass 6.7, 10 Murmura pass 7.7, 20 Tari Gap 9.7, 1 Ambua Lodge, Tari 10.7, 5 Tari Gap 11.7, 10 Kumul Lodge 11.7 and 10 Kumul Lodge 12.7. Ornate Melidectes Melidectes torquatus (3) 2 Tonga 6.7, 2 Lai River Bridge, Highlands Highway 7.7, 2 Kama Village 7.7 and 1 Dablin Creek Road 13.7. Yellow-tinted Honeyeater Ptilotula flavescens (2) 5 Pacific Adventist University 2.7 and 5 Hisiu 19.7. Mottle-breasted Honeyeater Meliphaga mimikae (1) 1 Dablin Creek Road 13.7. Mountain Honeyeater Meliphaga orientalis (1) 6 Lai River Bridge, Highlands Highway 7.7 and 1 heard Kama Village 7.7. Scrub Honeyeater Meliphaga albonotata (3) 5 Tabubil 12.7, 3 Dablin Creek Road 13.7, 5 Ok Menga Hydro Powerplant 13.7 and 2 Ok Menga

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Hydro Powerplant 14.7. Mimic Honeyeater Meliphaga analoga (5) 2 Varirata NP 3.7, 4 Varirata NP 4.7, 2 Boys' Town Road 15.7, 1 Kwatu Lodge 17.7 and 1 Brown River 19.7. Elegant Honeyeater Meliphaga cinereifrons (1) 5 heard Hisiu 19.7 and 2 Brown River 19.7. Puff-backed Honeyeater Meliphaga aruensis (3) 1 Varirata NP 4.7, 1 Ok Menga Hydro Powerplant 13.7 and 1 Boys' Town Road 15.7.

Thornbills and Allies Acanthizidae Goldenface Pachycare flavogriseum (1) 2 Varirata NP 4.7. Rusty Mouse-Warbler Crateroscelis murina (6) 1 heard Varirata NP 3.7, 2 heard Varirata NP 4.7, 4+2 heard Dablin Creek Road 13.7, 1 heard Boys' Town Road 15.7, 1 heard Kwatu Lodge 17.7 and 2 heard Varirata NP 20.7. Mountain Mouse-Warbler Crateroscelis robusta (5) 1 heard Kumul Lodge 5.7, 1 heard Murmura pass 6.7, 1 Murmura pass 7.7, 3 Kumul Lodge 7.7, 3 Tari Gap 9.7 and 2 Kumul Lodge 11.7. Papuan Scrubwren Sericornis papuensis (3) 4+5 heard Tari Gap 9.7, 2 Tari Gap 11.7 and 1 Kumul Lodge 12.7. Large Scrubwren Sericornis nouhuysi (1) 3 Kumul Lodge 7.7. Buff-faced Scrubwren Sericornis perspicillatus (3) 10 Tonga 6.7, 6 Ambua Lodge, Tari 8.7 and 30 Ambua Lodge, Tari 10.7. Brown-breasted Gerygone Gerygone ruficollis (5) 2 heard Murmura pass 6.7, 2 Murmura pass 7.7, 2 Kama Village 7.7, 1+5 heard Tari Gap 9.7, 6+2 heard Ambua Lodge, Tari 10.7 and 1 heard Tari Gap 11.7. Mangrove Gerygone Gerygone levigaster pallida (1) 4 Hisiu 19.7. Large-billed Gerygone Gerygone magnirostris (1) 1 heard Kwatu Lodge 17.7. Yellow-bellied Gerygone Gerygone chrysogaster chrysogaster (8) Up to 6 Varirata NP 3-4.7, 1 Km 17 14.7, 2 Boys' Town Road 15.7, up to 2 Kwatu Lodge 16-17.7, 2 Boys' Town Road 18.7 and 2 heard Varirata NP 20.7. Green-backed Gerygone Gerygone chloronota (7) 2+3 heard Varirata NP 3.7, 4 heard Varirata NP 4.7, 2 Dablin Creek Road 13.7, 1 heard Boys' Town Road 15.7, 1 heard Kwatu Lodge 16.7, 1 heard Brown River 19.7 and 2 heard Varirata NP 20.7. White-throated Gerygone Gerygone olivacea cinerascens (1) 2 Hisiu 19.7. Fairy Gerygone Gerygone palpebrosa (1) 4+4 heard Varirata NP 4.7. Grey Thornbill cinerea (1) 16 Tari Gap 9.7.

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Pseudo-Babblers Pomatostomidae Papuan Babbler Garritornis isidorei (3) 6 Boys' Town Road 15.7, 16 Kwatu Lodge 16.7 and 2 heard Boys' Town Road 18.7.

Logrunners Papuan Logrunner Orthonyx novaeguineae victorianus (1) 1+1 heard Tari Gap 9.7.

Satinbirds Cnemophilidae Loria's Satinbird Cnemophilus loriae (2) 2 Murmura pass 6.7 and 1 Tari Gap 9.7. Crested Satinbird Cnemophilus macgregorii (4) 1 heard Kumul Lodge 5.7, 5 Kumul Lodge 7.7, 1 heard Tari Gap 9.7 and 3 Kumul Lodge 11.7.

Berrypeckers and Longbills Obscure Berrypecker (DD) Melanocharis arfakiana (1) 4+1 heard Dablin Creek Road 13.7. Black Berrypecker Melanocharis nigra (3) 4 Varirata NP 3.7, 4 Varirata NP 4.7 and 2 Varirata NP 20.7. Mid-mountain Berrypecker Melanocharis longicauda (1) 2 Ambua Lodge, Tari 10.7. Fan-tailed Berrypecker Melanocharis versteri (5) 4 Murmura pass 6.7, 2 Murmura pass 7.7, 2 Tonga 6.7, 10 Tari Gap 9.7, 1 Ambua Lodge, Tari 10.7 and 3 Tari Gap 11.7. Streaked Berrypecker Melanocharis striativentris (2) 1 Murmura pass 6.7 and 1 Tari Gap 9.7. Spotted Berrypecker Rhamphocharis crassirostris (2) 1 Ambua Lodge, Tari 10.7 and 1 Ambua Lodge, Tari 11.7. Dwarf Longbill iliolophus (5) 1+4 heard Varirata NP 3.7, 10 heard Varirata NP 4.7, 1 Ok Menga Hydro Powerplant 13.7, 1 heard Ok Menga Hydro Powerplant 14.7 and 1+7 heard Varirata NP 20.7. Pygmy Longbill Oedistoma pygmaeum (1) 1 Varirata NP 4.7. Yellow-bellied Longbill Toxorhamphus novaeguineae (1) 1 Kwatu Lodge 17.7. Slaty-headed Longbill Toxorhamphus poliopterus (2) 1 Tonga 6.7 and 3 Ambua Lodge, Tari 10.7.

Tit Berrypecker and Crested Berrypecker Paramythiidae Tit Berrypecker Oreocharis arfaki (3) 10 Murmura pass 6.7, 4 Murmura pass 7.7, 6 Tonga 6.7, 5 Kumul Lodge 7.7 and 2 heard Tari Gap 9.7. Crested Berrypecker Paramythia montium

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(3) 1 Kumul Lodge 5.7, 5 Kumul Lodge 7.7 and 2 Kumul Lodge 12.7.

Whipbirds and Wedgebills Psophodidae Spotted Jewel-babbler Ptilorrhoa leucosticta (1) 3 Tari Gap 9.7. Blue Jewel-babbler Ptilorrhoa caerulescens (3) 2 heard Km 17 14.7, 1 Km 17 15.7 and 1+3 heard Kwatu Lodge 17.7. Chestnut-backed Jewel-babbler Ptilorrhoa castanonota (3) 1 heard Varirata NP 3.7, 2 Varirata NP 4.7 and 1+2 heard Varirata NP 20.7. Painted Quail-thrush Cinclosoma ajax (2) 1 Varirata NP 3.7 and 4 heard Varirata NP 4.7. male

Boatbills Machaerirhynchidae Yellow-breasted Boatbill Machaerirhynchus flaviventer (1) 3 Varirata NP 4.7. Black-breasted Boatbill Machaerirhynchus nigripectus (4) 2 Murmura pass 6.7, 1 Murmura pass 7.7, 2 Kumul Lodge 7.7, 4 Tari Gap 9.7 and 1 heard Ambua Lodge, Tari 10.7.

Woodswallows, butcherbirds and allies Artamidae White-breasted Woodswallow Artamus leucorynchus leucopygialis (5) 3 Pacific Adventist University 2.7, 2 Port Moresby 2.7, 10 Varirata NP 3.7, 2 Km 17 14.7, 2 Kiunga 15.7 and 10 Brown River 19.7. Great Woodswallow Artamus maximus (6) 2 Highlands Highway: Tari - Mt Hagen 8.7, 2 Tari Gap 9.7, 15 Ambua Lodge, Tari 10.7, 10 Ambua Lodge, Tari 11.7, 5 Highlands Highway: Tari - Mt Hagen 11.7, 10 Tabubil 12.7 and 5 Tabubil 13.7. Lowland Peltops Peltops blainvillii (3) 2 Km 17 15.7, 1 Elevala River 16.7 and 1 Kwatu Lodge 17.7. Mountain Peltops Peltops montanus (3) 1 Ambua Lodge, Tari 10.7, 5 Dablin Creek Road 13.7, 2 Ok Menga Hydro Powerplant 13.7 and 2 Ok Menga Hydro Powerplant 14.7. Black Butcherbird Melloria quoyi (6) 1 Varirata NP 3.7, 1 Varirata NP 4.7, 2 Ambua Lodge, Tari 10.7, 2 Ambua Lodge, Tari 11.7, 3 Dablin Creek Road 13.7, 1 Ok Menga Hydro Powerplant 13.7 and 3 Ok Menga Hydro Powerplant 14.7. Black-backed Butcherbird Cracticus mentalis mentalis (2) 5 Pacific Adventist University 2.7 and 5 Brown River 19.7. Hooded Butcherbird Cracticus cassicus (9) Up to 4 Varirata NP 3-4.7, 5 Ok Menga Hydro Powerplant 13.7, 1 Ok Menga Hydro Powerplant 14.7, 3 Km 17 14.7, 3 Km 17 15.7, 5 Elevala River 16.7, 5 Elevala River 17.7, 2 Brown River 19.7 and 3 Varirata NP 20.7.

Mottled Whistler Rhagologidae

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Mottled Berryhunter Rhagologus leucostigma obscurus (2) Up to 2 Murmura pass 6-7.7.

Cuckoo- Campephagidae Black-faced Cuckooshrike novaehollandiae melanops (3) 10 Kiunga 15.7, 20 Fly River 16.7, 2 Hisiu 19.7 and 10 Brown River 19.7. Stout-billed Cuckooshrike Coracina caeruleogrisea (5) 2 Varirata NP 3.7, 2 Varirata NP 4.7, 1 Ambua Lodge, Tari 10.7, 2 Dablin Creek Road 13.7 and 2 Varirata NP 20.7. Barred Cuckooshrike Coracina lineata (2) 5 Varirata NP 3.7 and 2 Varirata NP 20.7. Boyer's Cuckooshrike Coracina boyeri (6) 4 Varirata NP 3.7, 8 Varirata NP 4.7, 2 Boys' Town Road 15.7, 2 Km 17 15.7, 15 Elevala River 16.7, 5 Elevala River 17.7 and 6 Varirata NP 20.7. White-bellied Cuckooshrike Coracina papuensis (3) 4 Varirata NP 3.7, 4 Lai River Bridge, Highlands Highway 7.7, 1 Kama Village 7.7 and 6 Brown River 19.7. Hooded Cuckooshrike Coracina longicauda (1) 4 Ambua Lodge, Tari 10.7. Common Cicadabird Coracina tenuirostris (1) 1 Varirata NP 3.7. Black-shouldered Cicadabird Coracina incerta (1) 1 Dablin Creek Road 13.7. Grey-headed Cuckooshrike Coracina schisticeps (5) 1 Varirata NP 3.7, 4 Dablin Creek Road 13.7, 2 heard Km 17 14.7, 4 heard Km 17 15.7, 2 Boys' Town Road 15.7 and 2 Boys' Town Road 18.7. Black Cicadabird Coracina melas (2) 3 Varirata NP 4.7 and 1 Kwatu Lodge 16.7. Black-bellied Cuckooshrike Coracina montana (3) 2 Murmura pass 6.7, 4 Murmura pass 7.7 and 2 Tari Gap 9.7. Golden Cuckooshrike Campochaera sloetii (4) 3 heard Km 17 14.7, 2 Km 17 15.7, 2 heard Kwatu Lodge 16.7, 2 heard Kwatu Lodge 17.7 and 2 Elevala River 16.7. White-winged Triller Lalage tricolor (1) 1 Brown River 19.7. Varied Triller Lalage leucomela (6) 1 heard Km 17 14.7, 2 Boys' Town Road 15.7, 4 heard Kwatu Lodge 16.7, 4 heard Kwatu Lodge 17.7, 1 Boys' Town Road 18.7 and 1 Varirata NP 20.7.

Sittellas Neosittidae Papuan Sittella Daphoenositta papuensis (1) 15 Ambua Lodge, Tari 10.7.

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Ploughbill Eulacestomatidae Wattled Ploughbill Eulacestoma nigropectus (3) 1 Murmura pass 6.7, 1 heard Murmura pass 7.7, 2 Kumul Lodge 7.7 and 1 Tari Gap 9.7.

Australo-Papuan Bellbirds Rufous-naped Whistler Aleadryas rufinucha (7) Up to 4 Kumul Lodge 5-7.7, 1 Murmura pass 6.7, 1 Tonga 6.7, 1+3 heard Tari Gap 9.7, 1+2 heard Ambua Lodge, Tari 10.7, 1 Kumul Lodge 11.7 and 2 Kumul Lodge 12.7. Crested Pitohui Ornorectes cristatus (2) 2 Varirata NP 3.7 and 1 heard Varirata NP 4.7.

Whistlers and Allies Black Pitohui Melanorectes nigrescens (1) 2 Tonga 6.7. Brown-backed Whistler Pachycephala modesta (4) 1 Kumul Lodge 7.7, 3 Tari Gap 9.7, 4 Ambua Lodge, Tari 10.7 and 2 Tari Gap 11.7. Grey Whistler Pachycephala simplex (2) 1 Varirata NP 4.7 and 2 Varirata NP 20.7. Sclater's Whistler Pachycephala soror (1) 3+3 heard Ambua Lodge, Tari 10.7. Regent Whistler Pachycephala schlegelii (4) 1 Murmura pass 6.7, 2 Murmura pass 7.7, 1 Kumul Lodge 7.7, 2+5 heard Tari Gap 9.7 and 1 Kumul Lodge 12.7. Black-headed Whistler Pachycephala monacha lugubris (1) 1 Lai River Bridge, Highlands Highway 7.7 and 1 heard Kama Village 7.7. White-bellied Whistler Pachycephala leucogastra (1) 1 Varirata NP 3.7. White-bellied Pitohui Pseudorectes incertus (2) Up to 6 Kwatu Lodge 16-17.7 and 2 Elevala River 16.7. Rusty Pitohui Pseudorectes ferrugineus (3) 2 Varirata NP 3.7, 10 Varirata NP 4.7 and 1 Varirata NP 20.7. Little Shrike-thrush Colluricincla megarhyncha (4) Up to 2 Varirata NP 3-4.7, 2 Ambua Lodge, Tari 10.7 and 2 heard Kwatu Lodge 17.7. Grey Shrike-thrush Colluricincla harmonica superciliosa (2) 1+1 heard Varirata NP 3.7, 2 Hisiu 19.7 and 2 Brown River 19.7.

Shrikes Laniidae Long-tailed Shrike Lanius schach stresemanni (4) 4 Kumul Lodge 6.7, 5 Kumul Lodge 7.7, 2 Murmura pass 7.7, 2 Kama Village 7.7, 5 Highlands Highway: Tari - Mt Hagen 8.7 and 7 Highlands Highway: Tari - Mt Hagen 11.7.

Old World Orioles Oriolidae Australasian Figbird Sphecotheres vieilloti salvadorii

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(2) 20 Pacific Adventist University 2.7 and 4 Brown River 19.7. Southern Variable Pitohui Pitohui uropygialis (2) 2 heard Km 17 14.7 and 1 heard Km 17 15.7. Hooded Pitohui Pitohui dichrous (3) Up to 5 Varirata NP 3-4.7 and 2 Varirata NP 20.7. Brown Oriole Oriolus szalayi (10) 1 Pacific Adventist University 2.7, 10 Varirata NP 3.7, 4 Varirata NP 4.7, up to 5 Ok Menga Hydro Powerplant 12-14.7, 2 heard Km 17 14.7, 6 Boys' Town Road 15.7, 2 Boys' Town Road 18.7, 2 Brown River 19.7 and 5 Varirata NP 20.7.

Drongos Dicruridae Spangled Drongo Dicrurus bracteatus (8) 6 Varirata NP 3.7, 10 Varirata NP 4.7, 4 Boys' Town Road 15.7, 5 Kwatu Lodge 16.7, 2 Kwatu Lodge 17.7, 5 Elevala River 16.7, 4 Boys' Town Road 18.7, 6 Brown River 19.7 and 2 Varirata NP 20.7.

Fantails Willie Wagtail Rhipidura leucophrys melaleuca (18) 10 Pacific Adventist University 2.7, 1 Port Moresby 3.7, 2 Port Moresby 4.7, 2 Kumul Lodge 6.7, 2 Lai River Bridge, Highlands Highway 7.7, 10 Highlands Highway: Tari - Mt Hagen 8.7, 1 Ambua Lodge, Tari 9.7, 1 Ambua Lodge, Tari 10.7, 10 Highlands Highway: Tari - Mt Hagen 11.7, up to 5 Ok Menga Hydro Powerplant 12-14.7, 10 Tabubil 12.7, 5 Tabubil 13.7, 2 Kiunga 15.7, 2 Kwatu Lodge 16.7, 5 Kwatu Lodge 17.7, 10 Elevala River 16.7, 2 Kiunga 18.7, 2 Port Moresby 18.7, 4 Hisiu 19.7, 4 Brown River 19.7 and 2 Port Moresby 20.7. Northern Fantail Rhipidura rufiventris (1) 2 Dablin Creek Road 13.7. Black Thicket Fantail Rhipidura maculipectus (2) 2 heard Kwatu Lodge 16.7 and 2 Kwatu Lodge 17.7. White-bellied Thicket Fantail Rhipidura leucothorax (1) 2 Dablin Creek Road 13.7. Black Fantail Rhipidura atra atra (4) 6 Tonga 6.7, 2 Lai River Bridge, Highlands Highway 7.7, 2 Tari Gap 9.7 and 6 Ambua Lodge, Tari 10.7. Chestnut-bellied Fantail Rhipidura hyperythra (3) 3 Varirata NP 3.7, 4 Varirata NP 4.7 and 2 heard Varirata NP 20.7. Friendly Fantail Rhipidura albolimbata (7) Up to 2 Kumul Lodge 5-7.7, 4 Murmura pass 6.7, 2 Murmura pass 7.7, 2 Tari Gap 9.7, 4 Ambua Lodge, Tari 10.7, 1 Tari Gap 11.7, 2 Kumul Lodge 11.7 and 2 Kumul Lodge 12.7. Dimorphic Fantail Rhipidura brachyrhyncha (2) 2 Murmura pass 7.7 and 4 Tari Gap 9.7. Drongo Fantail Chaetorhynchus papuensis (2) 1 Varirata NP 3.7 and 1 Varirata NP 4.7.

Monarch Flycatchers Monarchidae

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Black Monarch axillaris fallax (1) 1 Dablin Creek Road 13.7. Spot-winged Monarch Symposiachrus guttula (3) 2 Varirata NP 3.7, 6 Varirata NP 4.7 and 1 Kwatu Lodge 16.7. Hooded Monarch Symposiachrus manadensis (2) 1+2 heard Kwatu Lodge 16.7 and 2 heard Kwatu Lodge 17.7. Black-faced Monarch melanopsis (1) 2 Varirata NP 4.7. Black-winged Monarch Monarcha frater periophthalmicus (1) 1 Varirata NP 3.7. Golden Monarch chrysomela (3) 2 Boys' Town Road 15.7, 2 Kwatu Lodge 16.7 and 2 Boys' Town Road 18.7. Frilled Monarch telescopthalmus (7) 1 Varirata NP 3.7, 6 Varirata NP 4.7, 2 Boys' Town Road 15.7, 1 Kwatu Lodge 16.7, 1 Kwatu Lodge 17.7, 1 Boys' Town Road 18.7 and 3 Varirata NP 20.7. Torrent-lark bruijnii (2) 1 Ok Menga Hydro Powerplant 12.7 and 1 Ok Menga Hydro Powerplant 14.7. Leaden Flycatcher rubecula (2) 1 Varirata NP 3.7 and 2 Hisiu 19.7. Satin Flycatcher Myiagra cyanoleuca (1) 1 Brown River 19.7. Shining Flycatcher Myiagra alecto (2) 15 Elevala River 16.7 and 5 Elevala River 17.7.

Crows, Jays, and Magpies Corvidae Grey Crow Corvus tristis (6) 4+2 heard Varirata NP 3.7, 3 Ok Menga Hydro Powerplant 13.7, 2 Boys' Town Road 15.7, 4 Elevala River 16.7, 2 Brown River 19.7 and 2 Varirata NP 20.7. Torresian Crow Corvus orru orru (3) 10 Pacific Adventist University 2.7, 20 Hisiu 19.7, 30 Brown River 19.7 and 5 Port Moresby 20.7.

Melampittas Melampittidae Lesser Melampitta Melampitta lugubris (2) 1 Kumul Lodge 5.7 and 1+1 heard Tari Gap 9.7. Greater Melampitta Megalampitta gigantea (2) 1 heard Ok Menga Hydro Powerplant 13.7 and 1 heard Ok Menga Hydro Powerplant 14.7.

Ifrita Ifritidae Blue-capped Ifrit Ifrita kowaldi (6) 2 Murmura pass 6.7, 2 Murmura pass 7.7, 1 Kumul Lodge 7.7, 3 Tari Gap 9.7, 3 Ambua Lodge, Tari 10.7, 2 Tari Gap 11.7, 2 Kumul Lodge 11.7 and 3 Kumul Lodge 12.7.

Birds-of-paradise Paradisaeidae

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Glossy-mantled Manucode Manucodia ater (5) 5 Boys' Town Road 15.7, 15 Elevala River 16.7, 2 Elevala River 17.7, 2+2 heard Boys' Town Road 18.7 and 2 Brown River 19.7. Crinkle-collared Manucode Manucodia chalybatus (4) 1 heard Varirata NP 3.7, 3 Varirata NP 4.7, 1 Boys' Town Road 15.7 and 2 Brown River 19.7. Trumpet Manucode Phonygammus keraudrenii (2) 2 heard Km 17 15.7 and 1 heard Boys' Town Road 18.7. Short-tailed Paradigalla Paradigalla brevicauda (2) 1 Ambua Lodge, Tari 10.7, 1 Ambua Lodge, Tari 11.7 and 1 Highlands Highway: Tari - Mt Hagen 11.7. Ribbon-tailed Astrapia (NT) Astrapia mayeri (6) Up to 5 Kumul Lodge 5-7.7, 10 Tari Gap 9.7, 1 Tari Gap 11.7, 5 Kumul Lodge 11.7 and 5 Kumul Lodge 12.7. Princess Stephanie's Astrapia Astrapia stephaniae (5) 2 Murmura pass 6.7 and up to 3 Ambua Lodge, Tari 8-11.7. Queen Carola's Parotia Parotia carolae (1) 15 Dablin Creek Road 13.7. Lawes's Parotia Parotia lawesii (4) Up to 1 Ambua Lodge, Tari 8-11.7. King of Saxony Bird-of-paradise Pteridophora alberti (4) Up to 5 Murmura pass 6-7.7, 5 Tari Gap 9.7 and 1 Tari Gap 11.7. Superb Bird-of-paradise Lophorina superba (6) 4 Tonga 6.7, 1 heard Kama Village 7.7, up to 2 Ambua Lodge, Tari 9-11.7 and 1 Dablin Creek Road 13.7. Magnificent Riflebird Ptiloris magnificus magnificus (2) 4 heard Boys' Town Road 15.7 and 1 heard Boys' Town Road 18.7. Growling Riflebird Ptiloris intercedens (3) Up to 5 Varirata NP 3-4.7 and 5 heard Varirata NP 20.7. Black Sicklebill Epimachus fastosus (1) 2 Ambua Lodge, Tari 10.7. Brown Sicklebill Epimachus meyeri (5) 5 Murmura pass 6.7, 3 Murmura pass 7.7, 1 Ambua Lodge, Tari 8.7, 5 Tari Gap 9.7 and 1 Ambua Lodge, Tari 10.7. Black-billed Sicklebill Drepanornis albertisi (1) 1 heard Ambua Lodge, Tari 10.7. Magnificent Bird-of-paradise Diphyllodes magnificus (4) 1 heard Kama Village 7.7, 5 Dablin Creek Road 13.7, 2 Ok Menga Hydro Powerplant 14.7 and 1 heard Varirata NP 20.7. King Bird-of-paradise Cicinnurus regius (3) 1 Km 17 14.7, 1 Km 17 15.7 and 1+3 heard Kwatu Lodge 16.7. Twelve-wired Bird-of-paradise Seleucidis melanoleucus (2) 4 Kwatu Lodge 16.7 and 1 Kwatu Lodge 17.7. Greater Bird-of-paradise Paradisaea apoda

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(5) 2 Ok Menga Hydro Powerplant 12.7, 5 Ok Menga Hydro Powerplant 13.7, 8+10 heard Km 17 14.7, 5 Km 17 15.7, 5 Boys' Town Road 15.7 and 2 heard Boys' Town Road 18.7. Raggiana Bird-of-paradise Paradisaea raggiana (5) Up to 25 Varirata NP 3-4.7, 2 Kwatu Lodge 16.7, 2 Kwatu Lodge 17.7 and 3 Varirata NP 20.7. Lesser Bird-of-paradise Paradisaea minor (1) 3 Kama Village 7.7. Blue Bird-of-paradise (VU) Paradisaea rudolphi (3) 2 Tonga 6.7, 1 Ambua Lodge, Tari 10.7 and 1 Ambua Lodge, Tari 11.7.

Australasian Robins Petroicidae Ashy Robin Heteromyias albispecularis (3) 1 Murmura pass 6.7, 1 heard Murmura pass 7.7 and 2 heard Tari Gap 9.7. Black-sided Robin Poecilodryas hypoleuca (2) 1+3 heard Kwatu Lodge 16.7 and 2 heard Kwatu Lodge 17.7. Black-throated Robin Poecilodryas albonotata (2) 1 Tari Gap 9.7 and 2 heard Ambua Lodge, Tari 10.7. White-winged Robin Peneothello sigillata (6) Up to 10 Kumul Lodge 5-7.7, 2 Tari Gap 9.7, 2 Kumul Lodge 11.7 and 2 Kumul Lodge 12.7. Slaty Robin Peneothello cyanus (3) 1 heard Murmura pass 6.7, 6 Tonga 6.7, 1 heard Tari Gap 9.7 and 6 Ambua Lodge, Tari 10.7. White-rumped Robin Peneothello bimaculata (1) 1+1 heard Dablin Creek Road 13.7. Mangrove Robin Peneoenanthe pulverulenta pulverulenta (1) 1 heard Hisiu 19.7. White-faced Robin Tregellasia leucops (2) 3 Varirata NP 4.7 and 10 Varirata NP 20.7. Torrent Flyrobin Monachella muelleriana (3) 2 Lai River Bridge, Highlands Highway 7.7, 2 Ok Menga Hydro Powerplant 12.7 and 2 Ok Menga Hydro Powerplant 13.7. Canary Flyrobin Microeca papuana (4) 1 Ambua Lodge, Tari 8.7, 2 Tari Gap 9.7, 2 Ambua Lodge, Tari 10.7 and 5 Tari Gap 11.7. Olive Flyrobin Microeca flavovirescens (2) 1 Varirata NP 3.7 and 2 Varirata NP 4.7. Lemon-bellied Flyrobin Microeca flavigaster (2) 3 Varirata NP 3.7 and 4 Hisiu 19.7. Garnet Robin Eugerygone rubra (1) 2+1 heard Tari Gap 9.7. Papuan Scrub Robin Drymodes beccarii (3) 1 heard Varirata NP 3.7, 1 heard Varirata NP 4.7 and 1+2 heard Varirata NP 20.7. Lesser Ground Robin Amalocichla incerta brevicauda (1) 2+1 heard Ambua Lodge, Tari 10.7.

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Swallows Hirundinidae Pacific Swallow Hirundo tahitica (8) 10 Pacific Adventist University 2.7, 5 Mount Hagen 5.7, 5 Port Moresby 5.7, 1 Ambua Lodge, Tari 10.7, up to 10 Ok Menga Hydro Powerplant 12-14.7, 10 Tabubil 12.7, 10 Tabubil 13.7, 10 Tabubil - Kiunga Road 14.7, 10 Kiunga 18.7, 10 Hisiu 19.7 and 10 Brown River 19.7. Tree Martin Petrochelidon nigricans (1) 10 Hisiu 19.7 and 10 Brown River 19.7.

Leaf-Warblers Phylloscopidae Island Leaf Warbler Phylloscopus maforensis (2) 2+6 heard Tonga 6.7 and 2 heard Ambua Lodge, Tari 10.7.

Reed-Warblers and Allies Acrocephalidae Australian Reed Warbler Acrocephalus australis sumbae (1) 1 Brown River 19.7.

Grassbirds and Allies Locustellidae Papuan Grassbird Megalurus macrurus (6) 1 heard Tonga 6.7, 1 heard Lai River Bridge, Highlands Highway 7.7, 1 Tari Gap 8.7, 2 Tari Gap 9.7, 1 Ambua Lodge, Tari 10.7 and 2 Tari Gap 11.7.

Cisticolas and Allies Cisticolidae Golden-headed Cisticola Cisticola exilis (3) 1 Pacific Adventist University 2.7, 2 Kiunga 18.7 and 4 Brown River 19.7.

Yuhinas, White-eyes, and Allies Zosteropidae Black-fronted White-eye Zosterops minor (1) 4+10 heard Varirata NP 4.7. Capped White-eye Zosterops fuscicapilla (2) 4 Ambua Lodge, Tari 10.7 and 20 Dablin Creek Road 13.7. Papuan White-eye Zosterops novaeguineae (2) 20 Tonga 6.7 and 3 Murmura pass 7.7.

Starlings Sturnidae Metallic Starling Aplonis metallica (4) 100 Fly River 16.7, 50 Fly River 17.7, 20 Kiunga 18.7 and 10 Brown River 19.7. Yellow-eyed Starling (NT) Aplonis mystacea (1) 100 Elevala River 16.7. Singing Starling Aplonis cantoroides (3) 20 Port Moresby 2.7, 5 Port Moresby 18.7 and 10 Hisiu 19.7. Yellow-faced Myna Mino dumontii (9) 30 Pacific Adventist University 2.7, 4 Varirata NP 3.7, 6 Port Moresby 4.7, 3 Ok Menga Hydro Powerplant 13.7, 5 Km 17 14.7, 20 Km 17 15.7, 5 Boys' Town Road 15.7, 20 Elevala River 16.7, 5

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Elevala River 17.7 and 2 Brown River 19.7. Golden Myna Mino anais (2) 10 Elevala River 16.7 and 4 Brown River 19.7.

Thrushes and Allies Turdidae Island Thrush Turdus poliocephalus (4) Up to 6 Kumul Lodge 5-7.7, 1 Tari Gap 11.7 and 5 Kumul Lodge 11.7.

Old World Flycatchers Muscicapidae Pied Bush Chat Saxicola caprata (8) 1 Port Moresby 2.7, 3 Mount Hagen 5.7, 6 Kumul Lodge 6.7, 5 Kumul Lodge 7.7, 5 Lai River Bridge, Highlands Highway 7.7, 2 Kama Village 7.7, 20 Highlands Highway: Tari - Mt Hagen 8.7, 1 Ambua Lodge, Tari 10.7, 15 Highlands Highway: Tari - Mt Hagen 11.7 and 5 Mount Hagen 12.7.

Flowerpeckers Dicaeidae Red-capped Flowerpecker Dicaeum geelvinkianum (13) 5 Varirata NP 3.7, 2 Varirata NP 4.7, 1 Murmura pass 6.7, 2 Murmura pass 7.7, 4 Tonga 6.7, 2 Lai River Bridge, Highlands Highway 7.7, 2 Kama Village 7.7, 3 Ambua Lodge, Tari 10.7, 2 Tabubil 12.7, 2 Dablin Creek Road 13.7, 2 Ok Menga Hydro Powerplant 13.7, 2 Km 17 14.7, 2 Boys' Town Road 15.7, 2 Elevala River 16.7, 2 Boys' Town Road 18.7, 1 Brown River 19.7 and 2 Varirata NP 20.7.

Sunbirds and Spiderhunters Nectariniidae Black Sunbird Leptocoma aspasia (6) 1 Ok Menga Hydro Powerplant 12.7, 1 heard Km 17 14.7, 1 Ok Menga Hydro Powerplant 14.7, 6 Boys' Town Road 15.7, 10 Elevala River 16.7, 5 Elevala River 17.7 and 2 Boys' Town Road 18.7. Olive-backed Sunbird Cinnyris jugularis (1) 10 Brown River 19.7.

Old World Sparrows Passeridae House Sparrow Passer domesticus (4) 2 Pacific Adventist University 2.7, 2 Port Moresby 5.7, 1 Highlands Highway: Tari - Mt Hagen 8.7 and 2 Port Moresby 18.7. Eurasian Tree Sparrow Passer montanus (8) 10 Pacific Adventist University 2.7, 5 Port Moresby 5.7, 5 Tabubil 13.7, 5 Kiunga 14.7, 5 Kiunga 15.7, 10 Kiunga 18.7, 20 Port Moresby 18.7, 5 Hisiu 19.7 and 10 Port Moresby 20.7.

Waxbills and Allies Mountain Firetail Oreostruthus fuliginosus (3) 1 Tari Gap 8.7, 1 Tari Gap 9.7 and 1 Kumul Lodge 11.7. Crimson Finch Neochmia phaeton (1) 2 Kiunga 18.7. Blue-faced Parrotfinch Erythrura trichroa (1) 2 Tonga 6.7. White-spotted Mannikin leucosticta

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(1) 2 Kiunga 18.7. Great-billed Mannikin Lonchura grandis (1) 1 Sogeri Road War Memorial 3.7. Grey-headed Mannikin Lonchura caniceps (4) 100 Pacific Adventist University 2.7, 50 Sogeri Road War Memorial 3.7, 100 Hisiu 19.7, 100 Brown River 19.7 and 2 Varirata NP 20.7. Hooded Mannikin Lonchura spectabilis (5) 10 Tonga 6.7, 50 Murmura pass 7.7, 10 Highlands Highway: Tari - Mt Hagen 8.7, 4 Ambua Lodge, Tari 10.7 and 30 Highlands Highway: Tari - Mt Hagen 11.7. Chestnut-breasted Mannikin Lonchura castaneothorax (1) 30 Hisiu 19.7 and 5 Brown River 19.7. Black Mannikin (NT) Lonchura stygia (1) 2 Kiunga 18.7.

Wagtails and Pipits Motacillidae Australian Pipit Anthus australis exiguus (2) 2 Mount Hagen 5.7 and 1 Highlands Highway: Tari - Mt Hagen 11.7.

Mammals (7 in total: 7 seen) Status codes: E = Endemic, NE = Near-endemic, I = Introduced IUCN codes: CR = Critically endangered, EN = Endangered, VU = Vulnerable, EW = Extinct in the Wild, NT = Near Threatened, DD = Data Deficient

Marsupial carnivores Dasyuridae Speckled Dasyure Neophascogale lorentzii (1) 1 Ambua Lodge, Tari 10.7.

Bandicoots Peramelidae Raffray's Bandicoot Peroryctes raffrayana (1) 1 Kumul Lodge 11.7.

Kangaroos, Wallabies Macropodidae Grey Dorcopsis Dorcopsis luctuosa (2) 1+2 heard Varirata NP 3.7 and 1 Varirata NP 4.7.

Possums Phalangeridae Common Spotted Cuscus Spilocuscus maculatus (1) 1 Elevala River 16.7

True Mice and Rats, Gerbils, Spiny Mice, Crested Rat Muridae De Vis's Woolly Rat Mallomys aroaensis (1) 1 Kumul Lodge 11.7.

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Deer Cervidae Javan Rusa Rusa timorensis (1) 10 Varirata NP 3.7. Old World Fruit Bats Pteropodidae Great Flying Fox Pteropus neohibernicus (2) 100 Elevala River 16.7 and 100 Elevala River 17.7.


Rockjumper Birding Ltd Tel: (USA & Canada) toll-free: 1-888-990-5552 Labourdonnais Village Email: [email protected] Mapou Alternative email: [email protected] Mauritius Website:

Rockjumper Birding Tours | Papua New Guinea