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278=0k278;3A4=:8;;438=@D0:4A4<4<14A43 Columbia, MD Washington, DC Rockville, MD Baltimore, MD Monday, June 2 Tuesday, June 3 Tuesday, June 3 Thursday, June 5 6-7:30 pm Noon-1:30 pm 6-7:30 pm 6-7:30 pm


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mbf^l`h^l[^rhg]^qZ``^kZmbhgmh iZk^mheZn`a'Pa^ma^kma^l^lmhkb^l ]^lb`g^][rZgml':g]lhf^phkd [^\Znl^ma^rpZgmmheZn`a'Ë ,)44,%"2/7.!.$#/-0!.9 hnmkb`am_Z[kb\Zmbhg' k^Zeerf^^mma^20i^k\^gm[^g\a& [^mm^kmaZghma^kl'Abl+))/[Z\& Mabl[hhdpbeef^^mmaZm`hZe' 7D<>A8BCADC7CADC77D<>A)$AVID Lh%[^_hk^rhnieng`^bgmhma^++ fZkdhkghm%ma^rÍk^Zie^Zlnk^ \ZeZnk^Zm^Z]]k^llZmIkbg\^mhg Ahg^lm'<0;2>;<A8CC4A0? 3EDARISSTICKSTOTHEFACTSˆSORTOF Appreciated Adv. Tix on Sale THE INCREDIBLE HULK (PG-13) # Adv. Tix on Sale THE INCREDIBLE HULK (PG-13) # Adv. Tix on Sale KUNG FU PANDA (PG) # Adv. Tix on Sale THE INCREDIBLE HULK (PG-13) # Adv. Tix on Sale KUNG FU PANDA (PG) # Adv. Tix on Sale THE HAPPENING (R) - ID REQ'D # Adv. Tix on Sale KUNG FU PANDA (PG) # Adv. Tix on Sale THE HAPPENING (R) - ID REQ'D # THE STRANGERS (R) - ID REQ'D (1200 240) 500 720 950 Adv. Tix on Sale THE HAPPENING (R) - ID REQ'D # THE STRANGERS (R) - ID REQ'D (1210 150 240 420 510) 650 740 910 Your customers, Adv. Tix on Sale THE INCREDIBLE HULK (PG-13) # SEX AND THE CITY (R) - ID REQ'D (1100 1150 1220 1250 210) 310 340 THE STRANGERS (R) - ID REQ'D (Stadium) (1250 145 255 355 510) 1010 Adv. Tix on Sale KUNG FU PANDA (PG) # 410 520 630 700 730 830 950 1020 1050 620 730 825 945 1030 SEX AND THE CITY (R) - ID REQ'D (1145 100 130 200 300 400 445 OC & DA: INDIANA JONES: THE KINGDOM OF THE Adv. Tix on Sale THE HAPPENING (R) - ID REQ'D # SEX AND THE CITY (R) - ID REQ'D (Stadium) (1145 1230 115 215 300 530) 615 715 800 845 930 1030 residents and visitors CRYSTAL (PG-13) (1215) 645 SEX AND THE CITY (R) - ID REQ'D (1130 1230 100 230 345 415) 600 345 430 530) 615 700 745 845 930 1015 OC & DA: INDIANA JONES: THE KINGDOM OF THE CRYSTAL (PG-13) INDIANA JONES: THE KINGDOM OF THE CRYSTAL (PG-13) INDIANA JONES: THE KINGDOM OF THE CRYSTAL (PG-13) (1120 700 730 915 1015 1045 (1230) 630 (Stadium) (1210 1245 105 135 205 250 320 400 420 450 520) 605 635 1150 1245 230 300) 330 400 545 615 715 845 915 945 1010 will appreciate finding THE STRANGERS (R) - ID REQ'D (1230 300 530) 800 1030 715 735 805 835 920 950 1020 CHRONICLES OF NARNIA: PRINCE CASPIAN - DP (PG) (1210) 320 INDIANA JONES: THE KINGDOM OF THE CRYSTAL (PG-13) (1130 1200 110 140 210 230 310 330 410 430 500 540) 600 700 730 810 830 INDIANA JONES: THE KINGDOM OF THE CRYSTAL (PG-13) (1145 CHRONICLES OF NARNIA: PRINCE CASPIAN (PG) (Stadium) (1200 650 1000 900 940 1000 1040 1245 115 300 330 400 430) 615 630 715 745 930 1030 110 210 415 515) 720 820 1025 WHAT HAPPENS IN VEGAS (PG-13) (1140 220) 530 800 1025 Express at your location. WHAT HAPPENS IN VEGAS (PG-13) (Stadium) (125 350) 725 1000 SPEED RACER (PG) (1110) AM CHRONICLES OF NARNIA: PRINCE CASPIAN - DP (PG) (120 440) 750 OC & DA: INDIANA JONES: THE KINGDOM OF THE SPEED RACER (PG) (Stadium) (1235 330) 625 925 MADE OF HONOR (PG-13) (110) PM CHRONICLES OF NARNIA: PRINCE CASPIAN (PG) (1150 1240 320 CRYSTAL (PG-13) (1215) 1000 MADE OF HONOR (PG-13) (Stadium) (120) 710 IRON MAN (PG-13) (100) 420 740 1035 350) 640 950 • Retail • Food service • Office • Residential • CHRONICLES OF NARNIA: PRINCE CASPIAN - DP (PG) (1215 345) IRON MAN (PG-13) (Stadium) (140 340 440) 640 740 940 1025 BABY MAMA (PG-13) (215) 450 725 955 WHAT HAPPENS IN VEGAS (PG-13) (1215 245 520) 745 1015 BABY MAMA (PG-13) (Stadium) (150 425) 655 935 SPEED RACER (PG) (1220) 610 715 1030 FORGETTING SARAH MARSHALL (R) - ID REQ'D 350 710 940 FORGETTING SARAH MARSHALL (R) - ID REQ'D (Stadium) (405) MADE OF HONOR (PG-13) (325) 925 CHRONICLES OF NARNIA: PRINCE CASPIAN (PG) (245) 615 955 IRON MAN (PG-13) (1140 250) 620 720 920 1020 IRON MAN (PG-13) (1245 345) 700 1000 BABY MAMA (PG-13) (1135 205 435) 710 945 WHAT HAPPENS IN VEGAS (PG-13) (1200 230 500) 745 1030 FORGETTING SARAH MARSHALL (R) - ID REQ'D (1155 235 515) 755 Adv. Tix on Sale KUNG FU PANDA (PG) # 1035 MADE OF HONOR (PG-13) (400) 645 930 THE STRANGERS (R) - ID REQ'D (100 320 540) 800 1020 FORGETTING SARAH MARSHALL (R) - ID REQ'D 930 PM WHAT HAPPENS IN VEGAS (PG-13) (215 450) 730 1005 Adv. Tix on Sale THE INCREDIBLE HULK (PG-13) # SPEED RACER (PG) (1200 330) 640 955 SPEED RACER (PG) (1230) PM Adv. Tix on Sale KUNG FU PANDA (PG) # Adv. Tix on Sale THE HAPPENING (R) - ID REQ'D # SON OF RAMBOW (PG-13) (205 440) 735 1010 THE STRANGERS (R) - ID REQ'D (Stadium) (1240 320 545) 755 1020 THE VISITOR (PG-13) (1155 235 525) 805 SEX AND THE CITY (R) - ID REQ'D (Stadium) (100 130 400 430) 700 FORBIDDEN KINGDOM (PG-13) (125 415) 705 945 Adv. Tix on Sale THE INCREDIBLE HULK (PG-13) # Adv. Tix on Sale THE INCREDIBLE HULK (PG-13) # 730 1000 1030 FORGETTING SARAH MARSHALL (R) - ID REQ'D (225 510) 755 Adv. Tix on Sale KUNG FU PANDA (PG) # INDIANA JONES: THE KINGDOM OF THE CRYSTAL (PG-13) (1145 Adv. Tix on Sale THE HAPPENING (R) - ID REQ'D # Adv. Tix on Sale KUNG FU PANDA (PG) # INDIANA JONES: THE KINGDOM OF THE CRYSTAL (PG-13) (Stadium) (1145 1215 1245 115 315 345 415 445) 615 645 715 745 915 1215 1215 1245 145 300 330 400 430 500) 615 645 715 745 815 930 THE STRANGERS (R) - ID REQ'D (Stadium) (1140 200 420) 750 1005 Adv. Tix on Sale THE HAPPENING (R) - ID REQ'D # 945 1015 1045 1000 1030 SEX AND THE CITY (R) - ID REQ'D (Stadium) (1130 1215 1245 135 235 THE STRANGERS (R) - ID REQ'D (1200 240) 500 720 950 CHRONICLES OF NARNIA: PRINCE CASPIAN (PG) (Stadium) (1140 330 415 500 540) 645 730 830 900 950 1030 SEX AND THE CITY (R) - ID REQ'D (1100 1150 1220 1250 210) 310 340 1210 300 330) 640 720 950 1040 INDIANA JONES: THE KINGDOM OF THE CRYSTAL (PG-13) WHAT HAPPENS IN VEGAS (PG-13) (Stadium) (1250 410) 710 940 410 520 630 700 730 830 950 1020 1050 (Stadium) (1145 1245 115 145 300 400 430 500) 615 715 745 815 930 SPEED RACER (PG) (Stadium) (110 405) 725 1025 Adv. Tix on Sale THE INCREDIBLE HULK (PG-13) # 1040 OC & DA: INDIANA JONES: THE KINGDOM OF THE MADE OF HONOR (PG-13) (Stadium) (145) 740 Adv. Tix on Sale KUNG FU PANDA (PG) # CHRONICLES OF NARNIA: PRINCE CASPIAN (PG) (Stadium) (1200 CRYSTAL (PG-13) (1215) 645 IRON MAN (PG-13) (Stadium) (1255 135 350 425) 705 735 1005 1035 Adv. Tix on Sale THE HAPPENING (R) - ID REQ'D # 1230 130 315 345 445) 700 800 1015 INDIANA JONES: THE KINGDOM OF THE CRYSTAL (PG-13) (1120 FORGETTING SARAH MARSHALL (R) - ID REQ'D (Stadium) (450) SEX AND THE CITY (R) - ID REQ'D (1220 1255 130 205 335 410 445 WHAT HAPPENS IN VEGAS (PG-13) (Stadium) (1155 220 455) 720 940 1010 1150 1245 230 300) 330 400 545 615 715 845 915 945 1010 520) 650 725 800 835 1005 1040 SPEED RACER (PG) (Stadium) (1225 320) 620 920 THE STRANGERS (R) - ID REQ'D (1210 1250 230 310 450 530) 710 MADE OF HONOR (PG-13) (Stadium) (1135 205 440) 740 1010 CHRONICLES OF NARNIA: PRINCE CASPIAN - DP (PG) (1210) 320 750 930 1015 IRON MAN (PG-13) (Stadium) (1115 225 530) 640 845 1000 650 1000 INDIANA JONES: THE KINGDOM OF THE CRYSTAL (PG-13) (1145 WHAT HAPPENS IN VEGAS (PG-13) (1140 220) 530 800 1025 Adv. Tix on Sale THE INCREDIBLE HULK (PG-13) # 1245 120 155 255 325 355 430 505) 600 700 735 810 855 925 955 1030 Adv. Tix on Sale KUNG FU PANDA (PG) # SPEED RACER (PG) (1110) AM OC & DA: INDIANA JONES: THE KINGDOM OF THE Adv. Tix on Sale THE HAPPENING (R) - ID REQ'D # CRYSTAL (PG-13) (1215) 630 MADE OF HONOR (PG-13) (110) PM THE STRANGERS (R) - ID REQ'D (1115 130 345) 600 815 1020 Adv. Tix on Sale THE INCREDIBLE HULK (PG-13) # CHRONICLES OF NARNIA: PRINCE CASPIAN - DP (PG) (300) 620 SEX AND THE CITY (R) - ID REQ'D (1215 115 415 445) 715 800 1015 Adv. Tix on Sale THE HAPPENING (R) - ID REQ'D # IRON MAN (PG-13) (100) 420 740 1035 940 1100 SEX AND THE CITY - DP (R) - ID REQ'D (1200 315) 630 945 BABY MAMA (PG-13) (215) 450 725 955 CHRONICLES OF NARNIA: PRINCE CASPIAN (PG) (1200 345) INDIANA JONES: THE KINGDOM OF THE CRYSTAL (PG-13) (1130 SEX AND THE CITY (R) - ID REQ'D (1245 115 155 400 430 505) 715 FORGETTING SARAH MARSHALL (R) - ID REQ'D 350 710 940 115 145 215 400 430 500) 645 715 745 930 1000 1030 WHAT HAPPENS IN VEGAS (PG-13) (250 540) 820 SPEED RACER (PG) (1240) 640 745 815 1030 CHRONICLES OF NARNIA: PRINCE CASPIAN (PG) (1200 315) 630 SPEED RACER (PG) (1230 345) 655 1000 945 IRON MAN (PG-13) (115 420) 705 745 1010 MADE OF HONOR (PG-13) (1200) PM IRON MAN (PG-13) (105 135 405 435) 705 735 1005 1035 WHAT HAPPENS IN VEGAS (PG-13) (100 320 540) 800 1020 FORBIDDEN KINGDOM (PG-13) (120 420) 720 1020 MADE OF HONOR (PG-13) (1140 440) 700 FORGETTING SARAH MARSHALL (R) - ID REQ'D (350) 950 Adv. Tix on Sale THE INCREDIBLE HULK (PG-13) # EXPELLED: NO INTELLIGENCE ALLOWED (PG) (145 445) 730 1015 IRON MAN (PG-13) (130 430) 730 1030 Adv. Tix on Sale KUNG FU PANDA (PG) # FORGETTING SARAH MARSHALL (R) - ID REQ'D (200) 930 NIM'S ISLAND (PG) (1215 330) 700 940 Call Charles Love Adv. Tix on Sale THE HAPPENING (R) - ID REQ'D # to find out how THE STRANGERS (R) - ID REQ'D (230 515) 800 1015 SEX AND THE CITY (R) - ID REQ'D (1245 115 330 400 430) 645 715 Adv. Tix on Sale THE INCREDIBLE HULK (PG-13) # Adv. Tix on Sale THE INCREDIBLE HULK (PG-13) # Adv. Tix on Sale THE INCREDIBLE HULK (PG-13) # you can offer Express free of charge. 745 950 1020 Adv. Tix on Sale KUNG FU PANDA (PG) # Adv. Tix on Sale KUNG FU PANDA (PG) # Adv. Tix on Sale THE HAPPENING (R) - ID REQ'D # Adv. Tix on Sale KUNG FU PANDA (PG) # INDIANA JONES: THE KINGDOM OF THE CRYSTAL (PG-13) (1230 Adv. Tix on Sale THE HAPPENING (R) - ID REQ'D # THE STRANGERS (R) - ID REQ'D (Stadium) (1150 1255 200 300 410 Adv. Tix on Sale THE HAPPENING (R) - ID REQ'D # 202-334-6992 100 130 315 345 415 445) 630 700 730 800 930 1000 1030 SEX AND THE CITY (R) - ID REQ'D (1230 245 345) 615 700 945 1015 510) 635 735 845 945 THE STRANGERS (R) - ID REQ'D (215 515) 800 1045 THE STRANGERS (R) - ID REQ'D (1230 145 245 400 500) 630 715 830 OC & DA: CHRONICLES OF NARNIA: PRINCE CASPIAN (PG) (1245) SEX AND THE CITY (R) - ID REQ'D (Stadium) (1200 1230 145 250 315 SEX AND THE CITY (R) - ID REQ'D (1200 1245 130 145 315 400 430) 930 1045 600 645 730 830 930 1000 1030 715 350 450) 610 640 710 800 920 950 1020 INDIANA JONES: THE KINGDOM OF THE CRYSTAL (PG-13) (1215 INDIANA JONES: THE KINGDOM OF THE CRYSTAL (PG-13) (1130 1245 115 300 330 400 430) 615 645 715 745 930 1000 1030 1100 INDIANA JONES: THE KINGDOM OF THE CRYSTAL (PG-13) CHRONICLES OF NARNIA: PRINCE CASPIAN (PG) (300 330 400) 615 1230 200 230 345 415 500) 630 700 745 815 915 945 1100 CHRONICLES OF NARNIA: PRINCE CASPIAN - DP (PG) (100 415) (Stadium) (1145 1215 1245 135 210 240 310 345 430 500 530) 615 645 645 1000 1030 CHRONICLES OF NARNIA: PRINCE CASPIAN - DP (PG) (1120 300) 730 1030 725 755 830 910 940 1025 WHAT HAPPENS IN VEGAS (PG-13) (200 500) 745 1025 CHRONICLES OF NARNIA: PRINCE CASPIAN (PG) (1215 315) CHRONICLES OF NARNIA: PRINCE CASPIAN (PG) (Stadium) (1205 615 950 SPEED RACER (PG) 930 PM IRON MAN (PG-13) (130 430) 630 730 945 1015 225 320) 620 925 CHRONICLES OF NARNIA: PRINCE CASPIAN (PG) (100 445) WHAT HAPPENS IN VEGAS (PG-13) (Stadium) (1240 330) 605 835 WHAT HAPPENS IN VEGAS (PG-13) (115 350) 620 850 MADE OF HONOR (PG-13) (500) 730 1010 WHAT HAPPENS IN VEGAS (PG-13) (130 345) 600 815 1100 BABY MAMA (PG-13) (115 330) 600 815 1100 SPEED RACER (PG) (Stadium) (1235) 625 SPEED RACER (PG) (1210 330) IRON MAN (PG-13) (1230 345) 700 950 SPEED RACER (PG) (100 415) 745 MADE OF HONOR (PG-13) (Stadium) (335) 935 IRON MAN (PG-13) (1145 245) 715 900 1015 X247 FORGETTING SARAH MARSHALL (R) - ID REQ'D (215) PM MADE OF HONOR (PG-13) 1045 PM IRON MAN (PG-13) (Stadium) (155 455) 630 745 930 1030 BABY MAMA (PG-13) 740 1010 Times For 6/2 ©2008 <>=30Hk % !! 'k4G?A4BBk ( 4]cTacPX]\T]c Tech Advance LEARNGROWADVANCE Experienced trainers Professional Development Programs with industry Bg\hgo^gb^gmMknmaËpbeea^eii^h& experience Web Design Jun 03 ie^l^^ma^phke]Íl^gobkhgf^gmZe Information Technology Foundation Jun 07 HVk^c\ ik^]b\Zf^gm_khfZ_k^laihbgm Hands-on training (A+, Network+, MCP, CCNA, Security+) h_ob^p' Microsoft Sharepoint 2007 Jun 10 ÊHi^kZfZd^lrhnk^_e^\m%Ëa^lZb] Daytime, evening and Oracle 10g Certified Professional Jul 07 I]Z:Vgi] bgZgbgm^kob^p?kb]Zr'A^blphkdbg` weekend classes MCSE Windows 2003 Sep 09 hgZghi^kZ[Zl^]hg@hk^Íl[hhdZg] Oracle 11g Database Administration Sep 15 _befZ[hnm\ebfZm^\aZg`^' Continuing education units awarded CISSP Training to meet DoD 8570.01-M A^[^`Zgphkdhgma^hi^kZZ certification requirement >cHdc\ r^ZkZ`h%Zg]ma^FbeZghi^kZahnl^ Jun 07-Aug 18 (Alternate weekends) - Arlington Flexible payment Jul 14-Jul 18 (Monday-Friday) - Herndon (Dulles tollroad) >_TaPXbP[XeTP]S EZL\ZeZieZglmhik^l^gmbm]nkbg` 0!2!-/5.4#,!33)#3 options ma^+)**l^Zlhg' 34AA>B4=:0E4;40AC7)!L'OREWILL For complete outline and schedule, fT[[¹P]SXcWPbP ÊBmahn`ambm\hne][^Z`hh] GETTHEOPERATICTREATMENTAT,A3CALA visit our website at http://ite.gmu.edu/techadvance Courses meet Arlington, Herndon, and Loudoun b^RXP[R^]bRXT]RT b]^Zmh]^ZehgmablbfihkmZgm DoD 8570.01 h\\ZlbhgpbmaZln[c^\mmaZmbgoheo^l \aZkZ\m^klZg]ghmZgZkkZmhk%a^ requirements 703-842-7404 [email protected] >?4A0kBmZebZg\hfihl^k@bhk`bh ghmhgerBmZer[nmma^phke]%Ë;Zm& lZb]'A^ieZglmhbg\en]^ma^_b`nk^ ;Zmmblm^eeblZrla^[^eb^o^lhi^kZm& mblm^eeblZb]' h_ma^_hkf^kN'L'ob\^ik^lb]^gmbg b\mk^Zmf^gmh_:e@hk^Íl_befÊ:g Ma^hi^kZpbee[^mhe]makhn`a ma^lmhkr'2>;;44=10AAH0? master of arts in Advanced Ticketing at MovieWatcher.com COMMUNICATION See it first - Tickets on sale now! The Incredible Hulk Opens June 13th Learn the theory and practice of communication with Johns Hopkins’ AMC HOFFMAN CENTER 22 AMC POTOMAC MILLS 18 AMC TYSONS CORNER 16 cutting-edge curriculum for working professionals. Attend our open Eisenhower Ave and Telegraph Road in Alexandria 2700 Potomac Mills Circle, Ste 886 7850 Tysons Corner Center 703-998-4AMC 703-998-4262 703-998-4262 house and imagine what a Johns Hopkins degree could do for you. DIGITAL PRESENTATION DIGITAL PRESENTATION DIGITAL PRESENTATION THE CHRONICLES OF NARNIA: PRINCE THE CHRONICLES OF NARNIA: PRINCE THE CHRONICLES OF NARNIA: PRINCE CASPIAN (PG) 4:15, 7:50 CASPIAN (PG) 1:25, 4:35, 7:55 CASPIAN (PG) 12:10, 3:30, 7:05, 10:20 Washington, DC OPTIONAL CONCENTRATIONS SEX AND THE CITY (R)  1:20, 2:10, 3:00, 4:00, 4:40, 5:30, 6:20, SEX AND THE CITY (R)  12:00, 12:45, 1:30, 3:15, 4:00, 4:45, 6:30, SEX AND THE CITY (R)  12:00, 1:00, 2:00, 3:05, 4:05, 5:05, 6:10, 7:20, 8:00, 8:40, 9:40, 10:20 7:15, 8:00, 9:45, 10:25 7:10, 8:10, 9:15, 10:15 THE STRANGERS (R)  3:10, 5:35, 8:05, 10:25 THE STRANGERS (R)  12:30, 2:50, 5:15, 7:40, 9:55 THE STRANGERS (R)  12:40, 2:55, 5:20, 8:00, 10:25 Open House Public and Media Relations INDIANA JONES AND THE KINGDOM OF THE CRYSTAL INDIANA JONES AND THE KINGDOM OF THE CRYSTAL INDIANA JONES AND THE KINGDOM OF THE CRYSTAL SKULL (PG13) 12:15, 12:45, 1:15, 1:45, 2:15, 3:00, 3:35, 4:00, 4:30, Monday, June 23, 2008 SKULL (PG13) 1:10, 1:50, 2:30, 3:20, 3:50, 4:20, 5:10, 5:50, 6:40, SKULL (PG13) 12:20, 1:00, 1:35, 2:10, 2:45, 3:20, 3:55, 4:30, 5:10, Political Communication 5:00, 5:45, 6:15, 6:45, 7:15, 7:45, 8:30, 9:00, 9:35, 10:00, 10:30 7:10, 7:40, 8:30, 9:10, 10:00, 10:30 5:45, 6:20, 7:00, 7:30, 8:10, 8:45, 9:20, 10:00, 10:30 6:30–7:30 p.m. INDIANA JONES AND THE KINGDOM OF THE CRYSTAL THE CHRONICLES OF NARNIA: PRINCE CASPIAN (PG) 1:40, Health Communication THE CHRONICLES OF NARNIA: PRINCE CASPIAN (PG) 2:10, 5:15, 8:30 2:50, 5:40, 6:15, 9:20, 10:10 SKULL (PG13) JF 1:35, 4:30, 7:30, 10:30 Washington, DC Center THE CHRONICLES OF NARNIA: PRINCE CASPIAN (PG) 2:00, SPEED RACER (PG) 12:00, 3:00 SPEED RACER (PG) 5:05, 8:20 Digital Technologies 2:35, 5:20, 5:55, 8:30, 9:10 WHAT HAPPENS IN VEGAS (PG13) 12:35, 3:15, 5:55, 8:20, 10:45 1717 Massachusetts WHAT HAPPENS IN VEGAS (PG13) 3:30, 6:10, 9:00 SPEED RACER (PG) 1:20, 4:15 IRON MAN (PG13) 12:30, 2:05, 3:25, 5:00, 6:30, 8:00, 9:30, 10:50 IRON MAN (PG13) 1:00, 1:40, 2:00, 4:10, 4:50, 6:30, 7:15, 8:10, 9:50 Corporate and Non-profit WHAT HAPPENS IN VEGAS (PG13) 1:50, 4:25, 7:20, 9:50 MADE OF HONOR (PG13) 6:00, 8:30 Avenue, NW MADE OF HONOR (PG13) 1:55, 4:25, 7:05, 9:30 IRON MAN (PG13) 12:10, 1:05, 1:40, 3:10, 4:05, 4:40, 6:10, 7:05, BABY MAMA (PG13) 12:20, 2:45, 5:05 Red Line Metro to Dupont Circle Communication BABY MAMA (PG13) 2:05, 7:00 7:35, 9:15, 10:05, 10:30 FORGETTING SARAH MARSHALL (R) 7:25, 10:05 HAROLD AND KUMAR ESCAPE FROM GUANTANAMO BAY (R) MADE OF HONOR (PG13) 7:25, 9:55 AMC MAZZA GALLERIE 4:35, 9:45 BABY MAMA (PG13) 1:15, 3:50, 6:40, 9:05 Learn more and RSVP online. Evening and weekend classes are FORGETTING SARAH MARSHALL (R) 1:25, 4:05, 6:50, 9:35 Jenifer and Wisconsin AMC COURTHOUSE PLAZA 8 202-537-9553 AMC COLUMBIA MALL 14 communication.jhu.edu offered at the Washington, DC Center. Courthouse and Birch Rd. DIGITAL PRESENTATION 10300 Patuxent Parkway 703-998-4AMC To request disability services, please Take advantage of rolling admissions 703-998-4AMC IRON MAN (PG13) 1:45, 4:40, 7:40, 10:25 SEX AND THE CITY (R)  2:00, 3:10, 4:10, 5:10, 6:20, 7:10, 8:10, SEX AND THE CITY (R)  1:15, 3:30, 4:15, 6:45, 7:15, 10:00, 10:15 call 202-452-0983 at least three weeks and apply online anytime. DIGITAL PRESENTATION 9:20, 10:10 INDIANA JONES AND THE KINGDOM OF THE CRYSTAL in advance. THE CHRONICLES OF NARNIA: PRINCE THE CHRONICLES OF NARNIA: PRINCE CASPIAN (PG) 3:20, SKULL (PG13) 1:30, 4:30, 7:30, 10:15 CASPIAN (PG) 12:05, 3:15, 6:30, 9:45 4:20, 6:40, 7:30, 9:45 THE CHRONICLES OF NARNIA: PRINCE CASPIAN (PG) 2:50, IRON MAN (PG13) 2:10, 4:00, 5:00, 7:00, 8:00, 9:50 6:30, 9:30 SEX AND THE CITY (R)  12:30, 1:30, 2:35, 3:40, 4:45, 5:45, 6:50, MADE OF HONOR (PG13) 5:20, 10:00 WHAT HAPPENS IN VEGAS (PG13) 2:00, 4:50, 7:20, 9:50 8:00, 9:00, 10:00 BABY MAMA (PG13) 2:50, 7:40 BABY MAMA (PG13) 3:00, 5:20, 7:50, 10:20 THE STRANGERS (R)  1:35, 3:50, 6:10, 8:30 INDIANA JONES AND THE KINGDOM OF THE CRYSTAL MAGIC JOHNSON CAPITAL CENTRE 12 LOEWS RIO CINEMAS 18 SKULL (PG13) 12:25, 1:10, 1:45, 2:30, 3:25, 4:05, 4:40, 5:25, 6:20, 800 Shopper’s Way, Largo 9811 Washingtonian Boulevard 7:00, 7:40, 8:20, 9:15, 9:55 301-324-4220 301-948-0906 INDIANA JONES AND THE KINGDOM OF THE CRYSTAL IN WASHINGTON, DC SEX AND THE CITY (R) 1:15, 4:15, 7:15, 10:15 DIGITAL PRESENTATION SKULL (PG13) F 1:45, 4:40, 7:40 THE STRANGERS (R) 12:35, 2:40, 5:05, 7:35, 10:00 THE CHRONICLES OF NARNIA: PRINCE CASPIAN (PG) 1:20, INDIANA JONES AND THE KINGDOM OF THE CRYSTAL THE CHRONICLES OF NARNIA: PRINCE 4:35, 7:50 SKULL (PG13) 12:30, 1:30, 2:30, 3:30, 4:30, 5:30, 6:30, 7:30, 8:30, CASPIAN (PG) 3:20, 6:40, 9:50 SPEED RACER (PG) 12:45, 3:45 9:30, 10:15 SEX AND THE CITY (R)  1:00, 1:45, 2:45, 4:00, 4:45, 6:00, 7:15, WHAT HAPPENS IN VEGAS (PG13) 12:10, 2:40, 5:05, 7:30, 10:05 INDIANA JONES AND THE KINGDOM OF THE CRYSTAL 8:00, 9:15, 10:20 IRON MAN (PG13) 2:20, 5:15, 6:40, 8:10, 9:35 SKULL (PG13) F 1:30, 4:30, 7:30, 10:15 THE STRANGERS (R)  1:10, 3:25, 5:45, 8:10, 10:25 MADE OF HONOR (PG13) 4:30, 9:30 THE CHRONICLES OF NARNIA: PRINCE CASPIAN (PG) 12:15, INDIANA JONES AND THE KINGDOM OF THE CRYSTAL BABY MAMA (PG13) 2:10, 7:10 2:35, 3:35, 6:05, 7:00, 9:35, 10:05 SKULL (PG13) 1:00, 1:40, 2:20, 3:00, 3:30, 4:00, 4:40, 5:20, 5:55, SPEED RACER (PG) 12:25, 3:25, 6:25, 9:25 6:30, 7:00, 7:40, 8:20, 9:00, 9:30, 10:00, 10:40 LOEWS GEORGETOWN 14 WHAT HAPPENS IN VEGAS (PG13) 2:25, 4:55, 7:25, 9:55 INDIANA JONES AND THE KINGDOM OF THE CRYSTAL 3111 K Street, N.W. IRON MAN (PG13) 12:20, 1:20, 3:20, 4:20, 6:20, 7:20, 9:20, 10:10 SKULL (PG13) F 1:40, 4:40, 7:40, 10:40 202-342-6441 PROM NIGHT (PG13) 4:40, 9:40 THE CHRONICLES OF NARNIA: PRINCE CASPIAN (PG) 1:15, TYLER PERRY’S MEET THE BROWNS (PG13) 2:10, 7:10 2:30, 4:25, 5:40, 7:35, 8:50, 10:40 DIGITAL PRESENTATION SPEED RACER (PG) 1:05, 4:05 THE CHRONICLES OF NARNIA: PRINCE LOEWS SHIRLINGTON 7 WHAT HAPPENS IN VEGAS (PG13) 2:00, 4:30, 7:20, 9:55 CASPIAN (PG) 12:30, 3:25, 6:40, 9:55 2772 South Randolph IRON MAN (PG13) 1:20, 2:15, 4:10, 5:10, 7:05, 8:05, 10:05 703-671-0910 801 MADE OF HONOR (PG13) 7:10, 9:40 SEX AND THE CITY (R)  12:25, 1:00, 2:10, 3:15, 4:00, 5:10, 6:20, BABY MAMA (PG13) 2:40, 7:30 7:00, 8:10, 9:35, 10:15 ————$AMC SELECT%———— HAROLD AND KUMAR ESCAPE FROM GUANTANAMO BAY (R) THE STRANGERS (R) 12:30, 2:50, 5:30, 8:00, 10:20 BEFORE THE RAINS (PG13) 2:20, 4:50, 7:30, 9:50 5:15, 9:45 INDIANA JONES AND THE KINGDOM OF THE CRYSTAL THE FALL (R) 1:50, 4:30, 7:00, 9:20 FORGETTING SARAH MARSHALL (R) 2:10, 4:55, 7:55, 10:35 SKULL (PG13) 12:45, 1:30, 2:30, 3:00, 3:45, 4:25, 5:15, 6:00, 6:45, SON OF RAMBOW (PG13) 2:10, 4:40, 7:10, 9:30 7:30, 8:15, 9:00, 9:45, 10:30 THEN SHE FOUND ME (R) 1:30, 4:10, 7:50, 10:00 LOEWS WHITE FLINT 5 INDIANA JONES AND THE KINGDOM OF THE CRYSTAL ROMAN DE GARE (R) 2:00, 4:20, 7:00, 9:10 North Bethesda SKULL (PG13) F 1:30, 4:25, 7:30, 10:30 THE VISITOR (PG13) 1:40, 3:50, 7:40, 9:55 1-800-FANDANGO #741 YOUNG@HEART (PG) 2:30, 5:00, 7:20, 9:50 THE CHRONICLES OF NARNIA: PRINCE CASPIAN (PG) 1:20, SEX AND THE CITY (R) 1:30, 4:30, 7:15 4:30, 7:50 LOEWS UPTOWN 1 INDIANA JONES AND THE KINGDOM OF THE CRYSTAL WHAT HAPPENS IN VEGAS (PG13) 2:05, 4:40, 7:10, 10:10 SKULL (PG13) 2:00, 4:45, 7:20 Get Tuesdays in Express IRON MAN (PG13) 1:15, 4:20, 7:40, 10:30 3426 Connecticut Avenue N.W. THE CHRONICLES OF NARNIA: PRINCE CASPIAN (PG) 1:25, MADE OF HONOR (PG13) 4:50, 10:00 1-800-FANDANGO #713 4:20, 7:25 A weekly section about how to look and feel and BABY MAMA (PG13) 1:25, 3:50, 6:30, 9:20 INDIANA JONES AND THE KINGDOM OF THE CRYSTAL WHAT HAPPENS IN VEGAS (PG13) 1:50, 4:20, 7:15 be your best. FORGETTING SARAH MARSHALL (R) 2:00, 7:20 SKULL (PG13) 1:15, 4:15, 7:15, 10:15 IRON MAN (PG13) 1:55, 4:35, 7:25 Times for Monday, June 2, 2008 -SPECIAL ENGAGEMENT No passes or discount coupons F - Closed Captioning · J - Descriptive Video Service A publication of GHI XX142c 2x1 U.S. Department of Health and Human Services Food and Drug Administration

ADVANCE YOUR CAREER WITH OPPORTUNITIES IN PUBLIC HEALTH The Center for Drug Evaluation and Research, Offi ce of New Drugs located on the FDA’s new White Oak campus in Silver Spring, Maryland is seeking individuals to serve in the highly challenging and innovative atmosphere of drug development, regulation and research. If you are looking for the opportunity to: • Advance the public health through new drug development • Experience teaching and training opportunities • Work with a wide range of scientifi c disciplines in a team oriented atmosphere We may have a position that is right for you! • PHYSICIANS: Various Medical Specialties Evaluate clinical trial data related to the safety and effi cacy of new drugs Civil Service Salary at the GS-14 level ($98,033-$127,442), plus a Physicians Comparability Allowance up to $30,000 • SCIENTISTS: Pharmacologists, Toxicologists, Biologists, Microbiologists Determine scientifi c validity of manufacturer’s tests relating to safety and effi cacy of new drugs Civil Service Salary at the GS 12 or 13 level ($69,764-$107,854) depending on level of experience • CONSUMER SAFETY OFFICERS Perform project management and liaison responsibilities by; monitoring work progress and performing coordination activities with pharmaceutical industry offi cials Civil Service Salary at the GS 9-12 level ($48,108-$90,698) depending on level of experience All positions include an excellent Federal Government Benefi ts Package including health and life insurance, thrift savings plan, retirement, fl exible work schedules and opportunities for professional development. Recruitment Bonus, Relocation Expenses and Student Loan Repayment may be offered to eligible candidates. GENERAL INFORMATION: The following positions may be fi lled as civil service or U.S. Commissioned Corps, which requires U.S. citizenship. Permanent U.S. residents may apply for Staff Fellowship appointments in physician and scientist positions. Graduates of foreign colleges/universities must provide proof of U.S. education equivalency certifi cation.

PHYSICIANS: Basic Requirements: Degree: Doctor of Medicine or Doctor of Osteopathy from a school in the United States or Canada approved by a recognized accrediting body in the year of the applicant’s graduation. [A Doctor of Medicine or equivalent degree from a foreign medical school that provided education and medical knowledge substantially equivalent to accredited schools in the United States may be demonstrated by permanent certifi cation by the Educational Commission for Foreign Medical Graduates (ECFMG) (or a fi fth pathway certifi cate for Americans who completed premedical education in the United States and graduate education in a foreign country).]

SCIENTISTS: An advanced degree such as a PhD, Pharm D., or D.V.M, in an appropriate medical, biological, veterinary or physical science, or pharmacy is highly desirable. Pharmacologists: Basic Requirements: Degree: with a major in an appropriate biological, medical, veterinary, or physical science, or in pharmacy that included at least 30 semester hours in chemistry and physiology and 12 semester hours in pharmacology. Toxicologists: Basic Requirements: Degree: toxicology; or an appropriate discipline of the biological, medical, or veterinary sciences that included at least 30 semester hours in chemistry, biochemistry, or physiology, and 12 semester hours in toxicology. Biologists: Basic Requirements: Degree: biological sciences, agriculture, natural resource management, chemistry, or related disciplines appropriate to the position. Microbiologists: Basic Requirements: Degree: microbiology; or biology, chemistry, or basic medical science that included at least 20 semester hours in microbiology and other subjects related to the study of microorganisms, and 20 semester hours in the physical and mathematical sciences combining course work in organic chemistry or biochemistry, physics, and college algebra, or their equivalent.

CONSUMER SAFETY OFFICERS: Basic Requirements: Degree or combination of education and experience, which includes at least 30 semester hours in one or a combination of courses in the fi elds of biological science, chemistry, pharmacy, physical science, food technology, nutrition, medical science, epidemiology, engineering, veterinary medical science, or related scientifi c fi elds.

FOR CONSIDERATION: Submit electronic curriculum vitae with a cover letter to Recruitment Team via e-mail at: [email protected] no later than August 1, 2008. Please indicate that you are applying to source code # 08-005-6. For more information, contact the Offi ce of New Drugs/Recruitment Team at 301-796-0800. FDA IS AN EQUAL OPPORTUNITY EMPLOYER AND HAS A SMOKE FREE ENVIRONMENT. MINORITIES, WOMEN, INDIVIDUALS WITH DISABILITIES AND VETERANS ARE ENCOURAGED TO APPLY.

Sell your home in Express. Place your Classified ad today. 202-334-6200.

MONDAY It’s time to leave her A Publication of the GHI 06.02.2008 housemates for a house. www.readexpress.com

EXPRESS Classified ads appear in Express and The Washington Post. X167a 5x3 20 <>=30Hk % !! 'k4G?A4BBk!


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ACTIVISM Community Education: Finance THEA BOWMAN PREPARATORY ACADEMY is a JOBS values-based, public charter school opening in August. Join our team of dedicated and creative SUMMER JOBS educators as a member of our founding faculty and WITH staff. Teachers must have a bachelor’s degree & Accounting Controller be able to meet “highly qualified” requirements for Transportation Management Services is a global Environment America middle school. Positions available: transportation planning and management com- •Classroom Teachers (Math/Sci, LA/SS, duel certs pany that manages transportation for various $9-14/hr Community Health Center Job Fair perf) Business Financial Analyst, GS-501-14 large events. Our company is looking to hire •Teacher Assistant an individual as a Controller. Job responsibilities Fight Global Warming! Full-time Career $98,033 to $127,442 Opportunities •PE/Health will include managing accounts receivable and Work with Great People •Visual Arts payables, preparing job cost reports, financial Make a Difference Exciting career opportunity on Capitol Hill. Join Unity Health Care is a multi-site, non-profit •P/T Music the team of professionals dedicated to providing statement preparation for multiple entities, cash •Special Education account reconciliations, international currency Work with Environment America on a campaign organization offering a continuum of medical care support and services to visitors to the United and human services primarily to the homeless •Reading Specialist States Capitol. exchange and intercompany account reconcili- for clean energy and a green economy. •Administrative Assistant ations. This position will also be responsible and medically underserved. In twenty one years The Architect of the Capitol (AOC) is recruiting of existence, Unity Health Care has grown to •Custodian for a Business Financial Analyst for the U.S. for daily management of accounting department. Career Opportunities and benefits available. •Kitchen Manager We are headquartered in Sandy Spring, MD, just be the largest preeminent Health Care Delivery Capital Visitor Center (CVC) with responsibility System in Washington, DC. Join Unity Health for managing budget and financial issues for outside Columbia, MD. We are a rapidly growing Capitol Hill, DC Send resume, credentials and 3 letters of company with developing opportunities. Call Sandy at 202-546-3965 Care, where last year we made a difference in the CVC. Manages the financial structure, proce- over 70,000 DC residents’ lives we served. Serve recommendation to: dures, polices and reporting systems for the CVC. Fairfax, VA Thea Bowman Preparatory Academy PCS The candidate should have the following Call James at 571-214-4486 our mission, vision, values and community by Compiles financial information that accurately applying for the following career opportunities Attention: Human Resource Committee reflects the CVC's business transactions in com- characteristics: www.jobsfortheenvironment.org 330 21st St., NE, H B.S. Degree in Accounting or relevant field available: pliance with Federal generally accepted financial H Washington, DC 20002. reporting procedures. Oversees and manages Accounting experience (5 years required) Architect/Project Manager or [email protected] H CPA preferred (or public accounting experi- JOB FAIR the CVC's budget operations, including both ence) McLean VA design firm has an immediate opening This Saturday, June 7, 2008 budget formulation and execution. Establishes H Good interpersonal/communications skills for a Project Manager with 10 years experience FACILITIES and manages internal controls for CVC financial H Detailed organizational skills Community (AmeriCorps) Health Corps operations. Prepares payment vouchers. Ensures in light commercial, industrial, mixeduse, and/or Members Only H Dedication to getting the job done correctly multi-family projects. We've got it all. controls are in place to account for all goods and H services that are provided by the CVC both to Experience in Quickbooks is a plus We will be hosting an AmeriCorps Job Fair on Now you can, too. We need a person able to schedule and prioritize internal customers and the public.. Full federal Saturday, June 7, 2008 at 3020 14th St., NW benefits package included. Salary is commensurate with multiple tasks, has knowldedge of the design from 9am-1pm, 4th Floor. This program Sibley Memorial Hospital seeks: experience/resume process, detailing, and construction documents. Qualified candidates must have experience Please email resumes to [email protected] requires you to be committed to serve 1700 preparing and monitoring budgets for a major Candidates should possess strong technical and hours over an (11) eleven-month period. This •Safety & Security Officer problem solving abilities for a fast~ paced environ- •Lead Mechanic organization, compiling/analyzing financial data position is full-time (37.5 hours a week). In and preparing financial reports. Federal budget ment. addition, you will receive a living stipend of Please apply online at sibley.org or email: experience and experience managing financial $11,675 and an education award of $4,725, upon data related to revolving accounts and Point of We offer upward mobility, flexible hours, full ben- completion of your term of service. This is not at [email protected] efits including profit sharing/401k, a comfortable EOE Sale (POS) operations are highly desired. Youth Summer Program, only individuals who can Positions are being filled through an ON-LINE workplace, continuing education opportunities, work full-time hours will be considered. Accounts Payables flexible hours and a 40 hour week. application system. To apply, please GO TO: For more details, visit us at: http://www.avuedigitalservices.com/aoc/applicant.html www.unityhealthcare.org Specialist Email resume to: Applications submitted by any form of mail delivery [email protected] Click on Career Center will not be accepted. If you are unable to apply on- International 501©3 non-profit organization, to apply online to ARTS line, you may call the Employment & Classification located in Arlington, VA seeks an Accounts Community HealthCorps Member Branch at 202-226-7000 for assistance. Vacancy Payables Specialist to take charge of Accounts KENNEDY Unity Health Care announcement CVC 2008-180 closes on June 12, Payables. This position will report to the Senior is an Equal Opportunity Employer. HOTEL 2008 Accountant and will be responsible for the prepa- ration and processing of accounts payables on a CENTER COOKS/GRILL COOKS No experience necessary, If you LOVE Ballet, Theater, Dance or Classical FINANCIAL SERVICES - BECOME AN OWNER/ weekly basis as well as assisting with monthly will train. Temple Hills, MD. Call 301-894-1188; or Start Part-Time closing journal entries and other related tasks. Music, and have sales ability join DC's best sale 202-494-8122; team and call from The Kennedy Center. Flexible Get paid helping others & begin building a finan- Prior experience in Fund Accounting a plus but CUSTOMER RELATIONS POSITION cial service business. You may own, willing to not a must. Ideal candidate will possess excellent Part Time hours 16-32/hrs wk: days & eve's. For more information Please call 202-416-8492 Up to $16hr The legendary train, high earning potential. Call Ms. Hood communication skills, attention to detail, and FT/PT Positions Available St. Regis Washington, D.C. 202-744-0612 or 202-636-1686 the ability to meet deadlines. Experience in Automotive Sales Manager No Exp. Necessary Microsoft Word and Excel required. Experience We have an immed. opening for an energetic, 301-560-1512 in Navision Attain accounting software is a plus. expe'd motivator to take our sales dept. to the next Is delighted to announce Fundraising Advocate Salary commensurate with experience. Excellent level. Our high volume dealership offers great pay, their signature restaurant benefits. Please e-mail, mail or fax resumes to: 401k and health benefits. Ford anR&Rexperience DENTAL When you begin a career with the Share Group, preferred. Call Randy Fluharty at 703-986-5500 or Assistant Fairfax, FT. Min 6 months exper you’re really taking the first step in securing Jane Goodall Institute [email protected]. Dental Receptionist Fairfax, FT. Min 2 yrs exper. ADOUR a brighter – for you, and for the world. [email protected] Auto Call 703-425-3738, ext 18. Fax 703-425-2487 Support Political Organizations, Protect Choice, Attn: Accountant Search Preserve the Environment, Fight for Animal Wel- Dental Assistant 4245 North Fairfax Drive,Suite 600 SERVICE MANAGER In partnership with fare. $10-15/hr including bonus. Contact Linda Arlington, VA 22203 We are seeking experienced Service Manager that Busy practice in Greenbelt, MD in search of a Groupe Alain Ducasse Ballard 202-223-3444 X5339 Fax: 703 682 9316. has high energy, strong leadership and organiza- certified DA for FT position. Benefits/Sal. based on EOE tional skills. We offer a multi-franchise dealership exper. This is a great opportunity to work in a fun Opening September 2008 Fundraising with highly trained and long term technicians; a environment. Please fax resume to 301-446-1787. Account Executive Activism state of the art service center with the latest To become a part of our legacy Seeking Account Executive to provide exception- equipment. Please send resume to DENTAL LAB TECH Landover MD. Must have some experience. al customer service for our non-profit database Call 301-213-9008 Please visit our web address at management clients. The right person will be able BE THE CHANGE SERVICE ADVISOR to work directly with both clients and techni- We are seeking an honest, ethical customer sat- Dry Cleaner Presser & Spotter cal systems engineers and will analyze, produce isfaction oriented individual that will meet the www.stregisjobs.com/ Working America, AFL-CIO Experienced Dry Cleaner & Spotter needed and quality check data output requests ensuring demand and requirements of todays automotive Call Sandra at 301-418-8199 washingtondc accurate representation of clients needs. Qualified business. High energy dealership with great oppor- YES, in ’08 we can: candidates should possess the ability to multi- tunities, high pay, benefits and 401k. Please send EDITOR HOTEL task, excellent communication and problem solv- resume to -Win universal health care ing skills, strong account and project management Sports Copy Editor skills and proven ability to work both independently Please send responses to: -Stop outsourcing Web Assistant Editor and as part of a team. Prior experience with non- Reply to Box NumberM1000000143 profit orgs and / or fundraising databases a BIG plus! The Washington Post, Washington DC 20071 -Get our economy back on track Stars and Stripes, daily newspaper for U.S. Military We are PIDI, located in Old Town, Alexandria next Beauty--People's Family Shop now hiring Salon overseas, has openings for a sports page layout to the Metro, we offer a competitive benefits pack- We’re seeking concerned citizens to educate Stylist, Massage Tech, Nail Tech & Barber. Immed. copy editor and a web assistant in our Washington, age Send resume' with cover letter and salary and empower communities on the issues that opening. Call 703-330-7970 eves: 703-257-5457 DC, office. E-mail your resume to: requirements to [email protected]. [email protected]. Include Join our professional and matter. Leadership opportunities available. Call Cook - DC Based Boys Group Home in URGENT friendly environment! today, start tomorrow. Located in Fairfax, VA need of FT/PT Cooks. Qualifications; Minimum H.S. announcement number NCNAFAN0 80536 for Hotel sports page layout and NCNAFAN080537 for web & 2 yr exp. Please fax resume and salary negotiable ID# 11395 $400-550/wk PLUS BENEFITS 202-462-7050 assistant. Contact Sharnise Frazier (202) 782-5028. Finn & Porter Restaurant and Hilton Alexandria Equal Opportunity Employer Complex IBT Sales Manager (Salary ranges from $50K-$60K) Mark Center are currently accepting applications Call Matt at 703-323-1370 for the following positions: Editors & Writers H www.workingamerica.org COOKS ID# 11384 Director of Group Sales Room Service Server H Director of Convention Svcs. Day & night cooks, apply in person between 3pm & The Diaspora, a quality weekly news magazine, H Banquet Chef ACTIVISM - Hiring Now (shift from 1:30pm until 10:00pm) 5pm. No Phone calls. Black Rooster Pub, 1919 L St devoted to the advancement of Africa and H Front Office Manager Join Progressive Maryland to fight for better health NW, DC. Africans in the diaspora, including African-Amer- ID# 10997 H Restaurant Server care, clean elections and lower tuition. Full-time, icans, is in search of experienced EDITORS and H part-time positions available. Start making a differ- Counselors - DC Based Boys Group Home has Houseperson Housekeeping Bartender URGENT need of FT & PT Counselors. Qualifica- WRITERS. H Accounting Clerk ence now! $400-600/wk. H Call Paula, (301)495-7004. tions; Minimum H.S., some college preferred & 2 ID# 10138 Groundskeeper years exp. Please fax resume and salary negotiable Previous experience reporting and writing for Breakfast Busperson H Overnight Bellperson 202-462-7050 a magazine, demonstrable good prose, and a H Shuttle Van Driver (CDL req.) decent knowledge of African and Black History, ID# 10136 Food Server For specific job requirements, please see our job AUTOMOTIVE SALES PROFESSIONALS would go a long way. (PM shift) listings at the hotel. Please apply in person, Due to increased volume, we have a RARE oppor- Customer Service/Sales All replies to: [email protected] ID# 10135 Tu 2-5 pm, We 9-12 N, Th 2-5 pm tunity for self-motivated, experienced sales profes- Banquet Captain 5000 Seminary Road, Alex., VA sionals to sell one of the most desirable import cars For large company. Great pay plan, benefits, Education or Fax Resume to 703-845-7653 on the market today. If you have the ENTREPRENE training, $40k+ & $2k signing bonus. Call 301- Medical Assistant Lecture & Clinical Teachers ID# 9908 EOE/AA/Drug Free Workplace -URIAL drive and the hunger for SUCCESS, then we 299-7612 P/T AM/PM. Fax Francine: (301) 608-0802 Housekeeping Supervisor will provide you with: H H ID# 10343, 10340, Stability (104 year old family owned/operated Customer Service/Sales Education company) 9509 & 9508 Hotel H Aggressive pay plan For large company. Great pay plan, benefits, Special Room Attendants H Strong bonus programs training, $40k+ & $2k signing bonus. Call: 301- Education Head Steward H Full company benefits 299-7612 Coordinator Apply on line at: H Great hours www.hiltonfamily.jobs Responsible for most of the Food and beverage H Advancement opportunities DANCERS— Wanted for Gentleman’s Club operation’s purchasing/receiving for a busy City Lights Public Charter School, a secondary location: Virginia Northern/ D.C Metro (PG County). $300-$500/night. No exp. needed. school for adolescents with emotional and downtown Private Club. Fully manage a staff of If you have the desire to earn above your potential Leave info: 240-286-3660 or 301-568-8500 (use the Search function and 7 stewards. Must have excellent communication behavioral disorders, in North East Washing- ID numbers provided for easy access) and wish to work in a great environment, please ton, DC is accepting applications for Special skills; bilingual a plus. Keen understanding of fax resume to Tom Roe @ 202-362-2544 or Email to customer service with 2 years of purchasing Direct Care Staff Educatioin Coordinator. Applicants must pos- Embassy Suites Hotel in [email protected]. All interviews are strictly sess a valid D.C. Special Education License experience in a high end environment or as an confidential. (Females Encouraged to Apply) Total Care Services, Inc. is currently seeking Crystal City is a Hilton Hotel achieved Culinarian. Must be highly organized, and prior Special Education Coordinator expe- managed facility. caring individuals to provide supports of daily rience. To apply submit resume and creden- ability to manage multiple tasks simultaneously MARTENS VOLKSWAGEN We offer a competitive salary & benefits package and high paced environment, to prioritize and living skills to person with MR/DD in our In- tials to Human Resources at 202-832-3654. along with growth opportunities. 4800 Wisconsin Ave, NW Home Supports Program. Part Time, Weekend This is an Equal Employment Opportunity. City focus, without compromising attention to detail Washington, DC 20016 and quality. Must be able to work in a team Positions available. $10.00 per hr - $11.75 ph. Lights is a Drug Free Workplace Embassy Suite Hotel WE ARE AN EOE AND DRUG FREE COMPANY Must possess High School Diploma/GED and environment with minimal supervision. Knowl- 1300 Jefferson Davis Hwy edge of Microsoft Office Suite a must. FT clean Background. Applicants may apply or pick Arlington, VA 22202 BEAUTY—Full-time Hairstylist Wanted. Virginia up an application at 5780 2nd St., NE WDC w/benefits. EOE/Fax resumes w/salary require- License Required. Call 703-494-7722 20011 M-F 9;00am -4:30 pm. ELDERLY CARE - Live in. Will fly to Seattle, WA for ments to 202-835-2569 90yr old. $90/day cash. 703-966-4150. EOE, M/F, D/V <>=30Hk % !! 'k4G?A4BBk!" Classifieds

REAL ESTATE — Administrator/recept./office man- Hotel MORTGAGE LOAN OFFICER Program Manager Entry Level Training available. 301-529-1552. ager needed for one-person property management JOBS office. Must have knowledge of commercial and Nursing residential real estate, light bookkeeping, marketing CNA and GNA needed. Priv. Duty. and tenant relations, experience in MRI helpful. Healthcare Call 301-793-8703. Highly organized, with strong computer and cus- ORKIN in MD & VA tomer service skills. Please fax your resume to: is seeking qualified professionals for: 301-270-2129 or email to Sales Management Service [email protected] For details see our ad on WashingtonPost.com DynCorp International, a global company that Are you looking to create memories and be Fax resume: 301-948-1499 (MD) 703-555-5555 (VA) provides services essential to national security, Real Estate Appraisers part of an exceptional guest experience? Then humanitarian operations, nation building, peace- needed for Washington DC area - VA, MD & DC. come join the outstanding team of hospitality Pipefitter keeping and military aviation is seeking an AFR- ACI preferred. 40-50% fee split. Pls e-mail license, 1 Community Health professionals at the Holiday Inn Georgetown. We ICAP Program Manager. sample & resume to [email protected]. No trainees Center and Correctional are currently looking to fill the following position: The National Gallery of Art is seeking an experienced Pipefitter to repair, maintain, and Must demonstrate success at strategic level Restaurant Full-time Career Front Office Supervisor: install piping equipment. The individual shall have engagement with multiple customers – U.S Opportunities H Ability to stand for a long period of time. hands-on experience with steam heating, high Embassies/Country Teams; Host Nation Lead- "First IHOP in Washington DC" H Ability to work in a fast paced environ- temperature hot water heating, steam valves, ership, U.S. Combatant Commands, and Non- Unity Health Care is a multi-site, non-profit Governmental Organizations. ment. relief valves, float valves, and other plumbing Capital City Restaurant Management is looking organization offering a continuum of medical care H Ability to maintain control and composure equipment. Knowledge of trade practices, mea- and human services primarily to the homeless MAJOR DUTIES AND RESPONSIBILITIES for quality restaurant personnel for the first in difficult situations and exhibit good surements, and layout; ability to understand and Washington, D.C. IHOP restaurant ever! Posi- and medically underserved. Serve our mission, judgment. interpret blueprints and specifications; and ability include: vision, values and community by applying for the H H Executive level direction and supervision for tions available: Back of House: Line Cook, Prep Good communication and interpersonal to discover and eliminate malfunctions are also Cook, Combo (dish), Front of House: Host/Host- following career opportunities available: skills. necessary. Secure government job with great the development and submission of all indi- H vidual Task Order Requests, fulfilling all AFR- ess, Server, Togo Server, and Cashier. Send H Previous Supervisory Front Desk experi- benefits. Salary range $23.59-$27.55, hourly. Call resumes to [email protected] or con- Physician - Internal Medicine ence. Mr. Bixler at 202-842-6350 for more information. ICAP Program requirements as directed by the H Psychiatrist customer and DynCorp Leadership. tact Mr. Harris @ 301-661-9955, 10am -5pm H U.S. citizenship is required. For specific applica- H Mon-Sat. Customer service skills are a must Dentist Holiday Inn Georgetown provides a work envi- tion information and instructions go to http:// Successful planning, supervision and execu- H Register Nurse (RN) tion of a complex, multifaceted international first timers welcomed, experience is preferred. H ronment that demands exceptional performance jobsearch.usajobs.opm.gov/a9nga.asp. The va- License Practical Nurse (LPN) yet reaps great rewards. If you are looking cancy announcement number is 08-34A. Appli- program in Africa. H Regulatory Affairs Nurse H Ensuring a high degree of customer satisfac- H for a career in Hospitality, a supportive work cations will be accepted through 6/6/08. EOE. Grants Management Specialist environment and are ready for this challenge, tion by quality on-time performance Restaurant—24-hour full-service family H Radiologic Technician H Review and submission of all proposals sub- restaurant is hiring Kitchen Managers & H then we are ready for you! We offer excellent pay Printing Health Center Director and benefits. mitted in response to Department of State Floor Supervisors. Great pay. H Driver RFP(task orders). Email: [email protected] H IT Data Analyst/Trainer H Provides status to upper management of oper- or fax: 202-399-7257 H Apply Mon. - Fri. 8:30am – 5pm, or fax your Pre-Press Dental Assistant resume (please put job of interest on resume) ations and approaches on solution to problems H Pharmacy Technician Coordinator of the operations. H to Human Resources at 202-338-0909. No calls H Charge Entry Clerk please. Responsible for growing existing business Restaurant H Assistant WIC Coordinator Great opportunity for detail-oriented individual within the AFRICAP Program and developing H Bartenders WIC Nutritionist The Holiday Inn Georgetown managed by experienced with pre-press and on-press quali- new business in Africa. H HIMS Clerk ty control to manage multiple print projects for H Ensures compliance with company policies Security H Donohoe Hospitality Services Care Management 2101 Wisconsin Ave NW integrated media company in VA. Proven ability and procedures and other practices set forth Alt lifestyle , Cap Hill nightclub hiring all positions. H Correspondence Assistant to negotiate with vendors, manage budgets, by upper management directives. Great work environment. Benefits. Resumes to: H Washington, DC 20007 H HIV Care Associate EOE communicate status and track information Responsible for DI AFRICAP Program Oper- [email protected] within team environment. Must have basic ations, Logistics, Plans, Contracts, Human We offer an attractive working knowledge of Quark, Photoshop, Illus- Resources, Finance, Management Information benefits and compensation package. trator, InDesign and Acrobat in Mac and PC Systems, and Quality Assurance. For more details, visit us at: H Responsible for all AFRICAP Program monetary Restaurant and catering company hiring experi- Lab. Tech-Histology platforms. Exc. salary & benefits package. Email enced Mexican Chef. Experienced Only. Must www.unityhealthcare.org FT 3-11pm, recent BS/Biology for a Path. Lab resume & salary history to [email protected] resources and ensures compliance with DI Click on Career Center budget requirements and the Federal Acquisi- have great work ethic and organizational skills in Sterling VA. Fax resume to MAPS at: & be able to work in high volume at a fast to apply online 703-404-1131. tion Regulation (FAR). An Equal Opportunity Employer H Secret security clearance is required. Performs pace. Work schedule: Monday-Friday, no nights Legal/Executive Secretary PRINTING other duties as assigned. or weekends. 401K, paid vacation & Federal H Masters Degree preferred holidays. Salary based on experience. Located to the Managing Partner H Extensive overseas program operations expe- at the Dupont Circle Metro. Work as right hand to Managing Partner of promi- rience is required nent DC law firm. Candidate must be very Reproduction Equipment To Apply: Please forward your resume to: professional, with 5 years exp supporting a CEO Operator/Clerk CNFCATERING@GMAIL. COM Or fax resume Reference # 080471 To apply visit or Managing Partner. Coordinate conferences, www.dyn-intl.com and click on careers. and cover letter to: 202-293-0546 travel, meetings/appts for attorneys and clients, (Apply for position #1989) maintaining high level of discretion. Successful candidate will prepare print Applications Available at: Call 202-785-7800 or email materials utilizing offset, high-speed elec- CF Folks Restaurant [email protected] trostatic production equipment and other 1225 19th St NW printing production equipment. Hands-on R.E. or call 202-293-0515 experience operating small presses and HOUSEKEEPER. Fairfx/ Merrifld. Organize home, MARKETING folders is highly desirable. clean floors. PT. $9/hr. 703-573-3855 Hourly Rate $18.67 1st Get Your Real ROOFING DIRECT MARKETING SPECIALIST For additional info. & to apply online, Estate License. Roofer with slate or metal experience needed for Are you a great writer with a passion for graphic visit our Website: Register with Us today! residential work in Upper NW. Call Robert at design? Can you drive response with your words www.metroopensdoors.com 301-913-9111. and designs? Our Creative candidate will: H Convenient day, evening and Saturday classes. H Top Notch Instructors H SALES Execute direct campaigns H Highest pass rates Energetic, motivated with excellent customer ser- H Write & design marketing materials H Exam prep classes H vice skills. FT. Montgomery Mall. Up to $40/hour. Manage vendor relationships H Over 70 school locations throughout the Mid- Davinci Bright Worldwide, 1-888-498-7645 ext 4. H Atlantic Region www.davincibright.com Our direct marketing efforts include direct mail, TV, web, and other media. Required Skills: Direct www.longandfoster.com Response Marketing, Proven Design w/Adobe & Property Management Sales - Kitchen Designer Insurance Quark, Direct Mail Copywriting. Metro Washington Area, Established company with 4 locations. Exc. com- Leasing Specialist Calverton, Gaithersburg, pensations pkg. 3 yrs exp. Ph 703-615-4222 or PENSION PROCESSOR Impress us with your writing & design portfolio! Waldorf, Uptown DC and email resume Stone Street Capital, LLC is an innovative, estab- Northern Virginia [email protected] lished financial services company located in down- Full time position in Foggy Bottom/Georgetown. Multi-employment pension fund located downtown town Bethesda. Great benefits include bonus, Close to the metro. Applicants must be articulate, near Metro needs organized individual with college proficient, energetic and a team player. Positions Call for a Free info health, 401K, 3 weeks vacation, paid park- packet on getting your degree and at least 2 years work experience, ing/metro, casual dress & fitness club reimburse- do require some Saturday's. Prior experience in SECURITY GUARD demonstrating excellent math, research, analytical leasing and proven track record a plus. Real Estate License. ment. 1-800-543-3365 Need weekend Guard for Saturdays and Sundays and communication skills for processing, pension Send resume, cover letter & salary history to : e- from 9am-5pm for large Condo to monitor inside application. Must be able to work under pressure mail: [email protected] or fax: (301) 347-4439 Call 202-333-2400 or fax your resume to and outside. and under minimal supervision. Work 35 hours per Contact Susan at: 703-931-2900 week. Flex. time hours available. Excellent pension 202-333-1239 benefits, fully paid benefits including medical, den- tal and vision for employee independence. Also 2 weeks vacation after one year, and 12 holidays per Messenger/Office Asst MEDICAL JOB FAIR year. Starting salary $42,242 increase to $44,408 Bicycle deliveries in DC, copying, upkeep of after probation period. Fax resume to: offices (some heavy lifting), $10/hr, F/T. apply OPEN HOUSE 202-463-8098 in person M-F 8am-3pm. 1323 RI Ave NW DC. HEALTH CLUB PROFESSIONALS Hiring Event Saturday June 7th Shape Up Your Career at Washington Sports Clubs 10A.M.–3P.M. Now hiring for all locations • DC, MD and VA Cardiac Monitoring Fairfax LPN Loudoun Co. • PERSONAL TRAINERS Clinical Device Tech Fairfax Mammo Tech Fairfax Echo Tech Leesburg Nurse Practitioner Fairfax • POOL OPERATORS Medical Assistant Leesburg RN Annandale • FRONT DESK STAFF Medical Assistant Fairfax Surgical Tech NWDC • LIFEGUARDS RN Leesburg Medical Receptionist Vienna Medical Receptionist Fairfax Medical Biller Fair Oaks • CHILD CARE Medical Receptionist Arlington Patient Assistant Georgetown • MANAGEMENT Office Manager Arlington Patient Coordinator Arlington • SALES CONSULTANTS Medical Biller Fairfax Site Manager Loudoun Co. Join Us at Apply online at: Arrhythmia Institute 8505 Arlington Boulevard, Suite 420 mysportsclubs.com Fairfax, VA 22031

Click on “Careers” EOE/M/F Email your resume to [email protected] !#k4G?A4BBk % !! 'k<>=30H Classifieds CONSTRUCTION JOBS CAD MMIHTIHT Become a Medical Billing MANAGEMENT Train for a career in computer-aided Train for a career in design at Westwood College. Call and Coding Professional Construction Management at SECURITY 800-342-2249 today to receive your Become a Westwood College Call 877-789-7323 today to receive Whelan SFI is currently hiring Security Officers free Career Success Kit! DENTAL free Career Success Kit! in the VA area. We have various shifts available. www.westwood.edu/locations www.westwood.edu/locations A VA Unarmed Security License is preferred. OFFICE MANAGER Qualified individuals must possess at least one 888.639.5627 year of security experience, customer service in 10 Weeks oriented, good writing skills, and be a team CRIMINAL JUSTICE player. Must be able to work any assigned shift including weekends. Candidates must pass a 1-866-611-MIHT Train for a career in Criminal Justice at criminal background check, drug test, and have www.MetroSchool.net APRENDAAPRENDA Westwood College. Call 888-605-2244 a High School diploma or GED. We offer paid CTO SCHEV today to receive your free vacation, free uniforms, health, dental, and vision Career Success Kit! benefits. Please apply online at INGLESINGLES www.sfi.appone.com. Previous applicants need www.westwood.edu/locations not apply.We are an Equal Opportunity Employer. Se Habla Español HELP FIGHT CRIME Social Work - DC Based Boys Group Home in 11(877)(877) 844-2505844-2505 WITH A CAREER IN CRIMINAL JUSTICE! URGENT need of F/T Assistant Administrators, Train in Criminal Justice or Information Systems Senior Counselors, Shift Supervisors. Qualifica- Security! tions; College BS Social Work preferred & 2 years Ongoing Career Services Assistance. exp. Please fax resume and salary req. to 202-462- Financial Aid available for those who qualify. 7050 Help Yourself by Helping Others Become a Certified For a Brochure, Call now! 888-790-2444 Computer Technician Gibbs College - Vienna Social Worker 1980 Gallows Rd. Licensed Social Worker needed full time/part- Vienna, VA 22182 time to work with small non-profit organization Gibbs College is certified by the State Council of providing group and individual counseling sessions Train to be a Higher Education for Virginia to operate for at-risk girls 14-21 . Please email resume to campuses in Virginia. [email protected] 888.639.6244 NEEDED: .TEACHER People to train as Infant/Toddler. Qualified, experienced and ener- MEDICAL ASSISTANT CARDIOVASCULAR getic in child care center, Takoma/Silver Spring L.P.N. area. Call 301-589-0613 or fax resume to: TECHNICIANS! 301-270-8359 Get training in this exciting career field and you C.N.A. could help save lives! CALL NOW Teachers Sanz’s Medical Assistant program equips you MLC (703) 527-0055 888-805-2333 ( 4 Pos Avail) Sanford-Brown Institute FT catholic School NW DC. Degree and 1840 Wilson Blvd., Arl., Va 8401 Corporate Dr. Ste 500 experience required. with the skills you need to succeed Landover, MD 20785 H Pre- Kindergarten, Certified SCHEV • Approved VBON H Grade 1, in the healthcare field. H Grade 5-8 Math. PARAMEDIC TRAINING H Grade5-8 Language arts/ Social Studies. Westlink offers CPR, Basic EMT & Paramedic train- Resume to PO Box 25308 Washington DC 20007 ing. Classes meet weekly. Upon completion you will by June 6th . take the certification exam. Close to Metro Center. Work with Doctors at Clinics, Doctors’ Offices MMIHTIHT For details call: (202) 552-7385 TEACHERS/ BBecomeecome a or email: [email protected] PART-TIME and more. ..excellenceexcellence Private school. Silver Spring. 5th Grade. Hours: ..experienceexperience DDENTALENTAL Prepare for a new life! 12-4. Fax resume: 301-962-9755 Make a difference, .iindividualityndividuality AASSISTANTSSISTANT even with the little ones as a Teacher Training includes: .ccommitmentommitment iinn 1 100 W Weekseeks Diagnostic Medical Sonographer. Teachers ..learninglearning Train in less time than you think! Chelsea School seeks H.S. Math, M. S. Sci- • Evening Classes ence/Math, and Reading Teacher: Fax cover Phlebotomy ..charactercharacter • Job Placement Assistance Career services available letter and resumes to 301-585-9621 or email ..choiceschoices Financial Aid for those who qualify. to [email protected] Vital Signs • Financial Assistance Program Training includes an externship! Diagnostics CTO SCHEV For a Brochure, Telemarketer Temple Hills, Get $15/HR salary+bonus!!! Administration 11-866-611-MIHT-866-611-MIHT call now! 888-805-2333 Cold call Ken 301-423-9348 Sanford-Brown Institute Web designer/graphic artist needed. Two years wwww.MetroSchool.netww.MetroSchool.net experience preferable. Send resumes to 8401 Corp Dr. #500 Landover, MD 301-270-0512 [email protected] Accredited by Call Today! Classes Start Soon. ACCET since 1939 WINDOW INSTALLER Approved by Exper w/new const./replacement. Driver's lic. req. "New Horizons helped me double my income and secure a position as 301-322-3450, Brenda. DC Education Licensure Commission Maryland Higher Education Commission a Tier One Customer Support Specialist AND a Security Clearance! All CAREER TRAINING State Council of Higher Education for Virginia this year while I was 19 years old and still attending training." -Chris-Lord H. -Support Specialist A Bar Career in 1-2 Weeks Financial Aid If You Qualify • Days, Evenings & Weekend Classes • Free Lifetime Job Placement Assistance Job Placement Assistance • Approval by the State of MD • National Alcohol Awareness Certificate (T.I.P.S.) Financial Aid Call for nearest location 1-866-411-2MIX Convenient DC, MD and VA Locations www.authenticbartendingmd.com Convenient AM, PM and Weekend Classes VA & GI Bill Approved Job Placement Assistance ARE YOU CREATIVE? Train for a new career in SCHEV Certified Graphic Design! www.newhorizons.com Ongoing Career Services Assistance. (703) 749-4022 Financial Aid available for those who qualify. Call now for more information! 888-791-3444 Gibbs College - Vienna Cyber Defender • MCSE • MCSA • MCTS • • CCNA • A+ • Network+ • Security+ 1980 Gallows Rd. 11(888)407-8222(888)407-8222 Vienna, VA 22182 Gibbs College is certified by the State Council of www.sanz.edu New Horizons Computer Learning Centers Higher Education for Virginia to operate World's Largest Computer Training Company campuses in Virginia. Silver Spring, MD Washington, DC Falls Church, VA 2010 Corporate Ridge, Suite 200 • McLean, Virginia Learn PHLEBOTOMY career education career education 12 Weeks: Eves or Sat or Sun You SANZ College 1(888)461-8181 doodle? Boy or Girl? Whether it’s museum quality or the LearnLearn MedicalMedical stickman, maybe it’s time you think You could help track the health and growth of babies! BBILLINGILLING & CCODINGODING about training to become a You can prepare to become a Graphic Designer! Diagnostic FFinancialinancial A Aidid iiff q qualifiedualified Medical Sonographer! JJobob P Placementlacement H Helpelp Call now for a free brochure! Call now for a FREE brochure! Day and evening classes available! DDay,ay, E Eve,ve, W Weekendeekend     888-771-2433 1(887878))740671--48418881       www.sblandover.com CTO SCHEV Gibbs College is certified by the State Council of Higher Education for Virginia to operate campuses in Virginia. A Leader In Health Care Education 8401 Corporate Drive, Suite 500 • Landover, MD 20785 <>=30Hk % !! 'k4G?A4BBk!$ Classifieds

Dupont/Columbia Rd EHO GREENBELT EHO Bethesda EHO Lg Eff & 1BR apts avail immed. hw flrs, all utils CAREER TRAINING PETS paid. call 202-265-5377 for details. Housing choice Vouchers welcome where rental amounts are with- The Hanover in voucher limits. LEARN & EARN A COMPUTER A+ Cat/Kitten—Social Playful Cats of Stop Looking! Start Living! SPCA Nova ISO Homes SEE Kitten pix @ Fairfax City—$2300, 4 br, 3 ba, 9895 Becket Ct Nr ALL UTILITIES INLCLUDED www.spcanova.org 703-799-9390 or spcano- ES HS pool lake, Newly Ren, deck DR/LR HSI DW WD MEDICAL ASSISTANT [email protected] dogs/cats ok, 703-440-8884 ADMIN ASST/BOOKKEEPING ADOPT A CAT/KITTEN VET CHECKED H Washer/Dryer! Balcony or Patio! Call Feline Foundation. FAIRFAX H Fitness Center & Olympic size pool! TECHNICAL LEARNING 703-920-8665 www.ffgw.org Bethesda's Best Address H Pet Friendly! Great Specials! CENTERS AKC German Shepherd—$1200.00, Puppies, 6 H Close to Metro & Shopping! Financial Aid Males and 2 Females, 6 weeks yrs old, Born Convenience, Location & Amenities H Minutes from 495 and 295 04/09/08. Ready 703-304-6363. Champion Blood- H Superior Service Available line 2 Blocks from Metro Job Placement Apply Today & Receive $1000 Off Visit your New Home Today! BICHON FRISE Designer puppies. Non shedding. 1st months Rent!* 7232 Hanover Pkwy Assistance Great temperaments. Family raised. 540-937- 877-695-0279 H 4332 # JVK6 Designer Kitchens Greenbelt, MD 20770 Flexible Schedule H Multiple Floorplans BOXER PUPS—AKC, fawn, brindle & white. 4400 East - West Highway H Olympic Size Pools $675 each. Call 540-854-4589 or H Pet-friendly! Cats & Large Dogs Welcome! or call (866)580-0965 [email protected] H High-speed Internet Ready H Play Ground & Sundeck Herndon—$1700,TudorStyle,3lvls Cane Corso - Formentino w/ gray mask. 13 wk old BLADENSBURG/Nr Metro • Mins from BW Pkwy. H Microwave Ovens in Each Apartment F. Grt temperament. Champ lines. Show quality. 3br,2.5ba,deck,2fplc, wlkout bsmnt 1105 Player ONE MONTH'S RENT FREE H Walking Distance to Wakefield Recreation Way, 703-471-4639 ICCF reg. All shots. 301-928-7929 Center,Pizzeria, Pharmacy, Dry Cleaner, On- ON 1-BR APTS ONLY site Metro Bus Hyattsville EHO Eng. Sprg. Span—Gorgeous Englsih Springer 1 BRS START AT $885 Walking Distance To: Spaniel Pups - AKC Registered. Beautiful and Sweet. Green Line Metro & Shopping Ready to go - $400. Call 703.946.8794 ALL UTILITIES INCLUDED 866-575-6070 ENROLL NOW! 7931 Patriot Drive, Italian Greyhound—2 Males, 9 & 13 weeks, red- Annandale VA, 22003 Transportation at your door! 202.223.3500 fawn and fawn. Parents health-tested; pups vet- www.avantapartments.com Elementary school across the street checked, shots, AKC, litterbox-trained, health guar- The Phoenix *Must move in by May 31th Ask about Move in Specials! 1001 Connecticut Ave, NW antee. $900. 703-477-4311. www.ultimateigs.com HURRY CALL TODAY!! 301-853-2315 • Spacious studios, 1 & 2BRs Suite 435 Lab Puppies-AKC - Choc. & yellow. Grt pedigree. Falls Church Coralain Garden HYATTSVILLE— 4BR/2BA corner house near Farragut North Metro Ready 7/3. $350. Good homes only. • Wall-wall carpet One Month Free!* schools, Shops, Metro. w/w, w/d. fenced yard. ACCET Accredited [email protected] for pics or 717-485-4405 • Eat-in kit w/European style cabnts Newly Renovated Eff, 1 & 2BRs $1650+ utils. Sect.8 ok. Call 301-420-5062 Labrador Retrie—$750, AKC Males/Females, 8 • Patio/balcony Call Today 1-888-430-4508 *Move in by 6/25/08 Hyattsville Weeks, Shots, 301-831-8754, 301-675-1791, • 24-Hr. emergency maintenance Move In Now to 1 BR $895, 2BR $995 + elec. A/C, Westwood College www.Urbanalabs.com • Garage parking available FOGGY BOTTOM/GWU EHO W/W, UMD shuttle, off-street pkg, near Hyattsv MS. Train for a new and exciting career at Maltese—M & F, Incredibly cute & sweet puppies. THE ELISE Call today! 301-864-5933, 301-559-9111. Westwood College Call 877-852-9712 AKC reg. estab. brdr, home raised, vet ckd. CALL TODAY! 866-807-0429 Large Eff apts avail immed. from $1350. All utilities Hyattsville - Fully Renovated TH 4br, 2ba, 540.616.7955 [email protected] 5802 Annapolis Road Bladensburg, Md. 20710 included! Call 202-333-7711 for Specials. Housing $1750/mo 301-705-5478 OR 917-751-0954 today to receive your free Choice Vouchers welcome where rental amounts Mastiff—English $800-$1000, 5 females, AKC, www.TheDonaldsonGroup.com are within voucher limits. Career Success Kit! Champ lines, fawn & apricot, Raised w/kids, Shots, Hyattsville Novo Development www.westwood.edu/locations Kate 703-443-9464 Bowie—$1582, 2lvl Townhouse w/2 BR, 1 BA + half FOGGY BOTTOM/G.W. EHO BA, WW Carpet, WD, fenced rear patio. Call 301- Large Eff and 1BR apts (most with balconies) avail MINIATURE SCHNAUZER Designer puppies. Some 325-9170 Christmas in June! are toy size and rare colors. Non shedding, family immed. 24 hr. desk, pool on roof. H/W floors, util BUSINESS AND raised. 540-937-4332 # JVK8 Bowie - Vistas at Lake Arbor - Conteporary 2BR paid. Call Resident Mgr at 202-296-1645. Housing 1BA. 2 flrs. Loft layout. D/W. Nr public transp. Newly Choice Vouchers welcome where rental amounts ONE MONTH FREE RENT* Mini Dachshund—$400-500, Blck & Tan Fem.s, renov.Hwds, fp, prkg. 301-316-0222 are within voucher limits. FINANCIAL OPPORTUNITIES short & long hair. 3 mnths old shots & worming, raised in a home environment, 434-575-1413 Camp Springs EHO FORESTVILLE No Application Fee* BAD CREDIT— Removed from Credit Report. mini schnauzer—$500-700, 2 m/4 f, 6 wks, blk & The Courts of Camp Springs PARKLAND VILLAGE 1 & 2 BRs from $995 Guaranteed. 202-775-6932. s&p,hand raised, first shots,AKC,parents on prem. 6201 Maxwell Drive, Camp Springs, MD 20746 OPEN HOUSE 6/07 & 6/08 301-549-1132 serious inq. only 888-731-6453 No Application Fee H ALL UTILITIES INCLUDED Two Bedroom Rent Specials $999 H New baths, kitchens & appliances OLDE ENGLISH BU—1200 OBO OLDE ENGLISH H Washer/dryer in each apartment H SERVICE SOLUTIONS Newly Renov. Community & Huge Floor Plans Bus stop at entrance BULLDOG, IOEBA, 10 WKS OLD FEMALE, PICK OF H Central Air H Major retail store minutes away LITTER, CALL 202-380-2284 OPEN HOUSE DAILY 9 a.m. - 6 p.m. H Walking Distance to Restaurants, Grocery,& Spe- SATURDAY 10 a.m. - 3:30 p.m. cialty Shops DENIED AN APT DUE TO CREDIT? Poodle Toy AKC—$400.00 & up, AKC Toy, tiny toy, FREE GAS CARD!!!* Call Today! MD, DC, VA 301-577-5705 teacup, health guarantee, poodlepuppylove.com 888-288-2159 www.secondavenueonline.com 240-723-6573 [email protected] FORT TOTTEN EHO 202-321-0231 G&G Landscaping Inc Shar Pei Puppies- AKC shots de-wormed lots of First 20 qualified applicants who Large 1 BR garden Style apts. Avail imm. All utils Visit: www.novodev.com Commercial and Residential. Low Mainte- wrinkles, very smart $750 shelly's shar/pei's.com apply will receive a $25 gas card incl. from $800. Call 202-526-4607 for info. Housing nance& Tree Removal 703-898-6160 410-758-3994 choice Vouchers welcome where rental amnts *Move in by the end of June. Restrictions apply starting, Weds. May 28, 2008. are within voucher limits TOY POODLES—$5T0600.00, FEMALE&MALES, 8W NE EEKS&7MONTHS yrs old, 434-990-4211 STUFF Selected 2BR units low as $899 & FORT WASHINGTON EHO Yorkie—$350/150, female/male, 1yr/2 yrs old,well Duplexes $985 Spring into Savings behaved,good home only,moving 571-332-5758 5% Discount for Govt, County & Military Personnel 1 Heat Pump & 2 Air Handlers (2 Ton) Haler, Convenient to Metro Bring this ad & move in by May never used. $350 each Text 'WCS6' to #30364 for instant Info & Photos 31st to get $200 off June's rent Call 703-647-0566 RENTALS www.thecourtsofcampsprings.com on top of prorate! 6PC- Cherry Bedroom Set- New in crates William C. Smith & Co. $450.Can del.301-399-7870 *Limited time only. AAFB/CLINTON $1950/mo. 1 & 2 BRs from $885 BD $125 full sz set new in plastic.Can del. 3-4BR homes,3.5BA,fin.bsmt., gar.,Barry301-203- Cap Hts-$160-$200/wk cbl nr metro $35.00 Appl to 1st Month's Rent 240-372-6691/571-926-1990 3402 Re/Max 202-330-7265 240-304-4482; BD $235 pllw top king matt set Brand new in ADAMS MORGAN EHO Capital Heights $780 5% DISCOUNT FOR plastic.Can del 301-343-8630 Large Eff apts on quiet tree lined street near Regency Village Apartments Military & Government Employees! BLOWOUT SALE! Zoo. H/W flrs. all util paid. Eff fr $1095 Housing 1 br, 1 ba, 6501 Hil-Mar Drive, Forestville, MD, H Washer/Dryer in unit choice Vouchers welcome where rental amounts Newly Renovated, Designer Upgrades, Pet Friendly, H Private Balcony or Patio Carpet $1.59 sq ft. Hardwood floor $5.98 sq ft. H Price includes installation. 301-341-2499. are within voucher limits. Minutes to D.C., Free Hlth Fac, 301-420-1117 Wall to Wall Carpet Resident Manager 202-234-3636 H Dishwashers Couch/Lvst $450 mcrfiber, New never used CAPITOL HEIGHTS H Parking Included 2 & 3 bedroom Luxury apartments 301-399-7870/571-926-1990 Alexandria - Fairfax County—Kingstown - 2MBR H Metrobus at Your Front Door from $1,675 Dining Room Set—Stickly formal mahogany gar tnhs. 2.5.5 ba, fpl, hdwd fl, fncd yd, WD, pool & CAPITOL COURTS H PETS WELCOME! pedestal table inlaid border with 8 chairs, 4 leaves, ftns rm. Sm pet ok. $1800. 6002 Keble Avail 6/7/08. 703 493-8910. 6936 Walker Mill Rd. CALL TODAY! seats 12. Matching lighted breakfront. Both in Capitol Heights, MD 20743 excellent condition $5,000.00, North Bethesda, MD, ALEX/Park Fairfax—$1900 incl all util, park, 2/2 866-204-8062 866-652-4957 202.462.5106 ext. 16 301-530-1312 br/ba, high rise, Martha Custis,small pets,pool, Hours: M-F 9-6PM Sat 10-5PM 240-350-3225 FURN—Entire Apt. incl.acces.,Radio/Rec.PlyrStere 2 BR Special!!! Cmbo, LR lamps,cock/end Tbls, FrnchPrvntial ch,DR Arlington—$2550, 3 br/ba/lvl TH on busline nr FT WASH/AT MARINA 4BR. 2.5BA. SFH fin Set, Must go. AS IS. Best Offer 202-251-2138 metro. Location! Open 6/1: 11a-1pm WD, Fplc, $200 Off 1st Month's Rent!!!* basement. Stainless Steel appliances. huge yard. HONEYWELL HXRD9C250 9 CHANNEL HwFlrs. Info: [email protected]; 703-624-3591 $2000/mo. Call 301-237-9043 H Controlled Entry Kingstowne—$2800, 4 br, 3.5 ba, 3 levels, 2 Car DVR—Brand new in the box, unopened, perfect, H professional model, Internet ready, 16 simultane- ARLINGTON NORTH EHO Individual Patios/Balconies FT WASH/AT MARINA 4BR. 2.5BA. Attached gar, deck, Gas FP, swimming pool, tennis H Spacious Closets SFH fin bsmt. $2000. 301-237-9043 court, near VRE 703-644-2494 ous viewers, new $2950, sell $1500. Sealed box. H 202-714-3774 Wall-to-Wall Carpeting Lanham—$700.00, Huge Master Bedroom W/pri- POTOMAC TOWERS H Large On-site Laundry Facilities FT WASH/WALDORF — rent w/opt to buy. 4 houses MATT $140 Qn Double pllwtop set new in plas- H avail. $1600-$2000 mo. Call 800-662-1961 x5227 vate bath,Nr Pub Transp, parking, call 301-254- 2001 N. Adams Street Central Heat & AC 3474 tic.Can del 301-343-8630 703-485-4903 H Playgrounds Steinway Grand Piano Model C—$15,000, H Swimming Pool GAITHERSBURG/1/2 mile fr. Rte. 270 EHO LANHAM/SEABROOK Millersville, MD,410-303-1595 Efficiency from $1145* Model C Blk Steinway Grand 1 Bedroom from $1375* Professionally Managed By NEWLY RENOVATED The Last Mattress Ad That You'll Ever Read lrg 2 Bedroom from $1705* William C. Smith & Co./EHO selection, all szs in plastic, $79-$279/Basic, Serta *call for availability *Must move in by 6/30/08. WASHER/DRYER IN EACH APT MANAGER'S SPECIAL! & Simmons. Box spring included. Warr. DC/MD/VA H NO SECURITY DEPOSIT CATHEDRAL AREA EHO ASK ABOUT SPECIALS SPACIOUS 1,2 AND 3 -BEDROOMS Same Day Delivery avl. A.J. 301-674-2843 / 301- H 3 blocks to Courthouse Metro; Metro bus 1 1BR apts avail immed. Hdwd flrs, all utils paid. 779-4BED block Located on Wisc. Ave. Bus stop in front of bldg. Call H H Washer/dryer in each apartment www.mattressforlessstore.com Convenient to Key Bridge, easy access to Rte. 202-363-8282. Housing choice Vouchers welcome H Sep. formal din. rm/step-down liv. rm Thomasville—$500 ea, Rosslyn:703-298-0588. 2 66 & GW Pkwy where rental amounts are within voucher limits. GROVE H Generous cabinet, closet & storage space H Fitness Center/Pool/Free-on site parking H loveseats and chair. Golden fab. Pristine. Pics by H Plush wall-to-wall carpeting email. 24-hr front desk, valet, convenience store on CentralAve-Furnished Rms, w/bath Nr metro/bus H High-speed internet and cable available site line. $500-$700 202-863-2060 PARK H H Sparkling swimming pool with sundeck Hi-speed internet available CLINTON—JUST REDUCED to $299,999. SFH, 3BR H Ride on Bus at community entrance H Playground and picnic area SALES & AUCTIONS 3FB, hwd flrs, updated kit. w/blk appls., ingrnd pool, H Fitness center and clubhouse H Close to Greenway Shopping Ctr. & Beltway From Key Bridge, right on Lee Hwy. R. on Trina Colbert, 202-409-7107. Exit Premier Realty H Swimming Pool Plaza, easy access to B.W. Pkwy, I-95 & N. Adams to 2001 H MORE! Bltwy. CLINTON---spac. rambler. 4BR w/loft, 2BA, any Arlington North—Lots of quality furniture incl Arlington North—WALK TO EFC METRO! $3195, 4 credit OK, $1900. 301-638-0004. CALL TODAY 866-441-3309 BR set, lamps... br, 3 ba, gar, deck, Hw Flrs, sm dogs ok, 703-532- www.homesjust4u.com www.phoenixaptsmd.com COUNTRYSIDE 1208 N Inglewood St, Arlington, VA, 5/31, 8:00 am, 2847 750 Clopper Rd. 703-362-2446 Damascus—garden condo, $1050.00 +util, 2 br, 1 se habla espanol Arl N- 2BR -$1280 + elec. Walk to Metro ba, Nr Pub Trans, Newly Ren, WD, 301-273-5733 (888) 878-8371 Silver Spring—4313 Ivy Glen Rd, SAT 5/31, 9to3, 703-528-8736 avail now www.countryside-apts.com Home decor; Nat'l Geographic books, videos, puz- GEORGETOWN/BURLEITH -5BR,2BA,kitch. zles; Sci-Fi cards/figures; clothing; household items; Beltsville - Bsmt Apt. to rent in TH $750/mo sep. DUMFRIES $2500. Detached 4BR 3.5BA. 2 car upgrades, parking for 4. Avail June 4. $4850 LARGO—2 lvl, 3BR. 1.5BA TH. $1600+utils. Call furniture&MORE! entr. 240-476-3257 gar. landscaped yard.703-403-0748 Jobin Realty 301-654-4139 301-523-4772 !%k4G?A4BBk % !! 'k<>=30H Classifieds

NE EHO NW. Luxurious living. New City Vista D'twn. Top flr. Riverdale EHO RENTALS Spring In To Savings At 1BR 1BA + den Condo. $2800/mo. 1st mo rent free.    MLS #DC6671114. 240-417-7396 May Special! JETU APARTMENTS Reduced Rent for the First Year and Laurel—$800 Laurel Suite: BR/BA, wlk-in clst, 1/2 Off 1st Month's Rent* lvgroom, woodstve. In home w/ DW/WD/HSI. 410- 869 21st St NW— Newly renov 5BR hse, HVAC, W/D, Sec 8 591-4056       welcome. 301-408-8990. $35.00 Application Fee to be 1 BR $725 Applied to 1st Month's rent         Capitol Heights 2 BR from $825          5% Discount for Military & FREE UTILITIES!! OXON HILL Goverment Employees OPEN HOUSE       H Wall-to-Wall Carpet Forest Hills H MetroBus at your front door Saturday May 10, 10-4pm H Resident Controlled Entry H On-site Laundry H On-site Laundry & Playgrounds Apartments H Gourmet Kitchens H 24-hr. Emergency Maintenance H Wall/Wall Carpet H LEXINGTON H Steps away from Cafe, Shopping & Metro The owners have lost Private Balconies Court their minds?? CALL TODAY!   877-814-0692 Call now to inquire about our 866-906-9224 APARTMENTS !"#$% William C. Smith & Co. amazing rent reductions!!! Hours: Mon-Fri 9-5PM; Sat 10-3PM; Sun 12-4PM www.wcsmith.com *Must be credit approved 1 bedrooms from $725.00 NORTHEAST EHO New bath, kitchens & appliances! NAVY YARD—2BR 1BA, Any credit OK. $1800. 2 bedrooms from $987.00 Availabale now . 301-638-0004 Comfort-Convenience-- ½ off application fee Rockville EHO 1 BR from $805 www.homesjust4u.com 2 BR from $850 AFFORDABLE! Enter to win an XBOX 360 NE/228 Randolf Pl.---spac 3 BR, w/w, w/d, porch, COME CHECK US OUT! d/w, near metro, $1795. Rocklin Park Call 1-866-724-2960 Delwin Realty 301-608-3703 x105 866-394-2064 708 Lenmore Ave. 1439 Southern Avenue Rockville, MD 20852 NE/3095 Hawthorn Dr. Spac. 2BR, 2 lvl condo.Hwd FORT CHAPLIN PARK Oxon Hill, Md 20745 Lorton—9404 Lakeland Fells Pl, $2200, 3 Br, 4 Ba, flrs, w/d. Delwin Realty 301608-3703 x105 One Block from Metro 301-294-9448 571-213-5731. FREE off-street parking NE-3BR 2BA apt. for $1200 & 4BR, 2BA apt for Landscaped courtyards 1 BR Special $925 $1300 - We accept. Sec. 8 For appt. 1 & 2 BR apts/3BR townhomes OXON HILL MACOMB ST/WISC AVE EHO Call 301-927-2542 5811 Field Pl. 1 Month Free! Large Eff & 1BR apts avail immed. Eff from 5% DISCOUNT TO ALL H Great Location Look Here! H $1095.Next to Shops & restaurants. All utilities NE/443 15th St - Cap Hill. 4BR 1.5BA. $2,000. METRO & DC GOV'T EMPLOYEES Remodeled kitchens included. Call 202-244-4095 or 202-725-5348. Hous- Great Move In Specials! H Wall to wall carpet NE/956 Mt. Olivet Rd - 1BR apt., close to Rh. H ing Choice Vouchers welcome where rental Is. Metro. Sect 8. $750. Ownr/agt. 202-256-7025 Walk to Metro amounts are within voucher limits. CALL TOLL FREE 877-269-4216 H On Metro Bus route Apply & Move in Before May 31, H near kentlands—3 B/3.5ba,twnhs W/D,fnc yrd, 4212 East Capital St N.E. 08 Convenient to shopping and dining Manassas-3BR 3.5BA 3 lvl TH. Like new.Fin PETS OK w/aprv, 15 mins - metro, $1800 202-351- 1013 Housing Choice Vouchers Welcome where rents & Receive FREE Prorated Rent & bmt.$1,500. 703-450-0345 are within voucher limits Half of June rent FREE! William C. Smith & Co./EHO N.E. - Nr Metro. 1BR: $875 & 2BR: $980, incl utils + 1, 2 & 3 Bedroom Manassas—Rent To Own! $1100/mth, 3 br, 2.5 gas. Call 202-388-0137 Northwest 3636 16th St. NW ba, 8087 Community Drive, Manasssas, VA, Renv. Apartments Available. New Carpet, New Appl. NE The Woodner H Large Gourmet Kitchens ROCKVILLE/GAITHS—Lrg 1&2BR. 1mo free, Lots of More details go to SwanPropertiesInc.com, Call H discounts. All utls/cbl incl. Unfurn/Furn/Corp. Balc. 301-346-4394 Owner/Agent. OPEN HOUSE Wall to Wall Carpet 1 MONTH FREE Apartments H Parking included Nr Metro, park w/ gym/pool, grocery. 301-948-0087. Lotus Square H Metrobus at your front door Manassas/Rent-to-own- 3BR 2.5BA remod TH. Brand NEW 2 bdrm/2bath $1329 1/2 OFF 1ST MONTH RENT* H Minutes from new National Harbor & Stadium $1695/mo. $500 credit back towards purch. Washer/Dryer & Microwave in all H We are a pet friendly community! SE 703-450-0345 All utilities included! Income Limits Apply Don't Wait! Call Us At EHO 866-413-4729 Studios from $825! Check Out Our Specials!!! Mount Rainier- Ready Now! 1 & 2BR fr $750. Gr ALL UTILITIES INCLUDED! 866-456-8736 Hours: Mon-Fri 9-6PM; Sat 10-5PM; Sun 12-PM Large One bedrooms $725 location conven to DC & MD, bus to Red Line. 301- NE/UPTOWN 3BR , 2 flrs, 130 Taussig Pl., $1800 H 864-5341, 301-559-9111. utils incl. 202-550-2249 Walk to Columbia Heights Metro Station H Free Shuttle Service to Red Line Metro Station $10 application fee!!! H Spacious Apartments SE H On-site Grocery & shops Deposit as low as $200!!! H Close to Rock Creek Park Garden Village Riverdale EHO H Close to schools & shopping • 1 BRs from $725* H Metro bus stop on front of property Ask About Accent Walls 888-869-2126 $500 OFF H Central AC & Heat • Upgraded units with H W/W Carpet H stainless steel *On Studio Apts. only. Must sign 12 month lease 1ST MONTH* Dining Room w/ chandelier • Walk to the New FREE Month’s NW -$1000/mo No Application Fee Minutes from the new National Stadium & Harbor Super GIANT Rent* RENT TO OWN • FREE Splash Park & New 1BR Condo (202) 563-6968 FREE Metro Shuttle • FREE Off-Street Parking $213,900 1 BEDROOMS • Boys & Girls Club at the THEARC Call Mike 877-335-2335 ext 300 Friendship Court NW 1336 Missouri Ave FROM $875 Professionally Managed By, • Daily 8-6, Wed 8-7, Sat 9-4 WALDEN COMMONS CIH Properties, Inc. 1-866-286-2476 Just released spacious 1BR apt homes for $1065. 1720 Trenton Pl., SE Conveniently located these residences offer sep Brand new kitchens dining area, wall to wall carpet, and onsite laundry. Eat-in kitchens William C. Smith & Co. Call 202-829-3620 for more information. SE/1560 27th St — Lrg 1BR apt $725, all utils. sec www.thearcdc.org Large closets bldg, near Metro. NW - 1BR $930 incl utils. Laundry on-site. FREE gas cooking & hot water Delwin Realty, 202-561-4675 www.wcsmith.com Ft Stevens Prop 301-316-4590 Swimming pool and tot lot *Call for Details NW/219 UPSHUR- SPACIOUS 1 BR, CARPET, H/D FLOORS & LAUNDRY ROOM. FREE HEATING. NEAR Minutes to I-495, BW Parkway & SE 2343 Green St. spac 1 &2 BR, CAC, hdwd fl balc TO METRO FOR $865. DELWIN REALTY 301-577-7917 New Carrollton Metro lndry, near metro $675-$775. Delwin Realty 202- One Bedrooms starting from only $810! OR 240-413-1378 678-2548 $0 application fee SaturdaysLimited Time only Only! - Limited Time Only! NW 4625 13th St-lg 1BR co-op,n crpt, CAC, lndry rm. Nr Metro. $875. AUBURN MANOR Delwin Realty 301-608-3703 x 105 SE - 2BR. 154 Xenia St. $800+ gas & electric 301-608-6703 NW/63 Rhode Isl Ave. Eff,1 & 2 BR apts. nr Metro. 888-332-6003 703-403-9321 NW/Ledroit Pk- $1165+ electric, Fab 1BR immac. INCOME RESTRICTIONS Apply SE/3740 1st St—Spac 1BR,Sec Bldg, cond, nr metro, lge clst, mdrn kit, CAC, clng fans, *ask for details Nr Met,Pvt Pkg.$585 + gas/electric. cable/net, landry, 202-494-2848 LIC AGT Delwin Realty, 202-561-4675

SE Benning Rd Live Right Gr 1BR w/balc, CAC, bus to Metro $783+elec. ONLY on the Line 1 LEFT! 202-575-3709, 301-559-9111. A brand new gated community SE EHO right at the Branch Avenue Metro THE COLONNADE Two months FREE RENT!* 2 Forrester St., SE SE • Walk to Branch Avenue Metro 888-865-0763 • Minutes to Washington, DC & I-495 Manor Village 1BR: $665 Ask About Accent Walls • Convenient to Andrews AFB • Indoor basketball court • Swimming pool • Tennis court ALL UTILITIES INCLUDED • Apartments from $1375 Receive a $200 H Controlled Entry H Near Shopping, hospital & schools GIANT gift card* H Walk in closets H On and Off Street Parking • 1 BRs from $725* • Upgraded units with stainless steel • Next to the NEW Super H Laundry Facilities on site Giant • FREE Splash Park & FREE Metro Shuttle • FREE Off-Street Parking • Boys & H 24 hour emergency maintenance H Adjacent to 295, 395, and the Capital Beltway Girls Club at the THEARC • Daily 8-5, Wed 8-7, Sat 9-4 and Sun 11-4 AT TOWN CENTER 1717 Alabama Ave., SE 1-888-275-2914 4300 Telfair Blvd. Professionally Managed By Camp Springs, MD 20746 William C. Smith & Co./EHO William C. Smith & Co. www.thearcdc.org 866.203.7530 MetroPlaceatTownCenter.com www.wcsmith.com *Concession on select floor plans SE— Newly renov 5BR house, 2BA, Sec 8 welcome. *Call for Details $2500/mo. 301-408-8990. <>=30Hk % !! 'k4G?A4BBk!& Classifieds

SOUTHEAST EHO TAKOMA PARK TRINIDAD- 2br,AC, w/d, partial Util. Sec. 8 $1200 GERMNTN - Shr TH. Germ & Clopper Rd, rm avl, RENTALS Paul 301-725-3007 $450+1/3 utils. Free cable inter, bed avl. TWO MONTHS FREE!* UPPER MARLBORO—rent w/ opt to buy 240-601-3350 1,2,3 BRs Avail $1,800-$3,000. Catherine Holroyt Exit Premier RE Kensington master BR w/priv BA, $700+ SE DC 202-391-2347 301-560-6700 1/4utils.quiet nbrhd, W/D, no smk, no pets, nr SPACIOUS2&3BRApartments NIH 301-760-6640 Great Savings Are in Bloom! Convenient to shopping, schools WALDORF New SFH, 4BR 2.5BA, Any Credit OK. Come Grow With Us At STARTING @$900 $2600. Call 301-638-0004 Laurel—$600,Share Laurel Lakes TH, own and major highways www. homesjust4you.com room+bath, cable, deck, wifi, Utils 150/m Avail 6/1! Wingate Tower and Dishwasher . Walk-in Closets BELFORD TOWERS DOWNTOWN/NORTHWEST EHO 410-300-6393 Wall-to-Wall Carpeting Laurel—$750 1 br, 1 ba, Priv Rec (57" HD, Sofa, FP) Garden Apts. 5% DISCOUNT TO ALL Is accessible by bus and rail • is walking & Den, Share Kit, FR, LR Laurel, MD (Russett) 240- METRO & DC GOVT EMPLOYEES distance to nearby shopping ctrs & recre- 281-1535 1 BRs from $750 ation. Just minutes from Washington D.C. 495 City Living at its BEST... 2 BRs from $850 and East-West Hwy. Odenton—$675, Lrg Rm, pr bathrm & entrance, Meadow Green Courts gas and water included 1BRs from $1317 shared TH Odenton/Ft. Meade, MD, HSI, DW, 301- 3 BRs from $960 2BRs from $1516 526-2519 877-595-7389 5% discount to military, government 4 BRs from $1490 employees and students Rossyln—$1250, 3BR, 2ba, Gym, AC, Pool, Balc, 5 BRs from $1600 3539 A Street SE Only Steps to Metro, Restaurants, Museums, HSI, Avail-6/8. Near GTown. 202-491-3875 Housing Choice Vouchers welcome where rents Verizon, Chinatown & More! are within voucher program limits (800) 331-8319 SE—Share Newly Renov. Fully furn, Cable, W/D, $99 Security Deposit Special Open Late Tu/Th 10am-7pm Jacuzzi Tub, Full Kit, Nr. Metro/Shops. $175/$250 *See Leasing Consultant for Details www.beaconmanagement.com •Gated Parking 1st Month FREE! •1 Block from New Convention Center per wk. util. incld. Jasper St, 202-536-5586 You could win a 32" or 42" LCD TV! Temple Hills •Wall-wall carpet SIL SPG—Prof share wonderful house, BR, Bath, Move in by 5/30/08 •Laundry Facilities on 2nd Floor private entrance $795, $499. —. incl limited utili- SUITLAND HEATHER HILL APARTMENTS ties .ac No smkg, No Pets. 301-593-2435 202-563-2652 5837 Fisher Road Washington Apts 2nd CHANCE 1201 6th St, NW Springfield - Furn rm in hse to shr. W/D. Move in by 6/12 Open Monday-Friday 9-5:30. Sat/Sun 10-4 $175/weekly incl utils & cable. CREDIT!* 5 mins to Metro. Call 703-231-0320 SE/The New Anacostia And get June Rent Free 877-231-1135 Renovated Units Available No security dep. on approved credit *Limited time only Temple Hills- Piggy back lease 1/2 MONTH FREE* 1 Bedrooms from $845 month -to-month share on select apartment homes $99 Security Deposit* cable and internet $1350 Robert: 301-613 4851 *FOR QUALIFIED APPLICANTS 2 Bedrooms from $1035 Must move in by 6/14/08 3 Bedrooms from $1290 ROOMMATES TYSONS CORNER — 1BR for rent in SFH. Shr BA. $775/m. Incl util & internet. Call 703-475-3742 ALL UTILITIES INCLUDED H Interior renovations Upper Marlboro - Wlk to PG Comm Coll. 2BRs in UTILITIES INCLUDED 5% Discount to H Olympic size pool ALEX/Old-Town - Shr hse. Near Metro & shpg. Military, college students, teachers, H shr SFH. $500/each incl utils. Fireplace in top-floor units Furn'd BR avail now. C AC, W/D, deck. $575/mo. 301-247-9039 or 240-432-4827 firemen & police. H Controlled card access 703-660-6090 Minutes to Andrews, Metro & Shops H Large pets welcome Waldorf—$600, 4 br, 2 1/2ba, 339 Bucknell Cir, MARBURY PLAZA Pets allowed with restrictions H ARL/CRYSTAL CITY-roommate to share hse,near Minutes from VA, Downtown DC,395 & Metro Shopping & great restaurants close by Waldorf, MD, 301-963-1010. Open-house Sun, Jun 1, H Gas/water included metro, hot tub in bkyd. 2BR, bsmt, loft. $750 + 1/2 10-3. THE BEST VIEW IN THE CITY! H Laundry room in every building utils. Call 703-599-3985 PINEWOOD CHASE H ARL — Walk Ballston/Va Sq. $650-$695. Also avail WOODBRIDGE M/F to shr TH. Rm avail. all Metro bus stop on site to Naylor Road Metro amenities. Cable. $600/mo incl utils. 2300 Good Hope Rd. SE (800) 531-4369 lg rm, pvt ent/BA, deck, $850+utils. Call 703-599- Open Late Tu/Th 10am-7pm 888-332-7740 7572 703-606-0359 *Restrictions apply 888-798-1916 *must move in by 6/14/08 Bethesda—Shr hse. Furnished rm $550 inc utls WOODBRIDGE/LAKERIDGE—Shr TH. MBR & Bsmt & internet. Nr 495 exit 39 & NIH. 240-899-1363 Rm avail $650 incl all utils + free Cable. *for qualified applicants. 703-868-2839 SUITLAND TEMPLE HILLS BOWIE rm for rent in shr TH, nr shop. cntr, $650 w/ WWW.beaconmanagement.com Utils, Cble + Wireless int incl.N/S, N/P 703-459- SPECIAL LOW DEPOSIT Princeton Estates 8272 CONDOS FOR SALE Apartments Cap Hts/Seat Pleasant—Furn rm, Nr Metro. $145 Silver Spring $100 off 1st Month! up. Dep. 301-602-9120 Capitol Heights - furn rm, nr metro & shpg, kit priv, CAP HTS- 3 lvl, gar, fin bsmt, 3BR 2FBA, 2HBA, lr, A GREAT PLACE TO No quarters needed!!! sep entr, cable avail, prof person, cc fee dr, eat-in ktch, deck off of ktch. $1700+ utls. Near COME HOME TO! Washer & Dryer in each 301-420-4980 metro Available Jun 15th. Contact Shirley at Remax Allegiance 240-508-8405 1 & 2 BRs from $750 Apartment Home Fairfax/by GMU - Male to shr SFH. $625/month 1 Mo. Rent Free* UTILITIES INCLUDED! incl utils & DSL. Addt'l rm avail. N/S, N/P. SILVER SPRING $199,900 1 bedrooms from $785.00 703-609-8343 Open Sunday June 8 1PM-4PM WOODVALE SILVER HILL APTS. 2 bedrooms from $930.00-$984.00 FT WASH Shr SFH. Fully furn Rm w/ refrig, microwv, Gorgeous2BR, 2BA, w/Den, Elevator Remodeled w/new Kitchens CATV, free phone. $175/wk + sec dep. 202-253- New HVAC, W/D, $5000 Closing This beautifully landscaped community features ½ application fee 6203 Updated Kit & Baths, RideOn/ Metro New Cabinets, New Carpet, New Appliances Christina Koch-Garcia 301-633-8556 and So Much More • DIRECTLY ACROSS FROM METRO! $99.00 reserves an apartment Germantown—New lux TH. 2 Elegant BRs w pvt Gerald Garcia 301-537-0000 • Ceiling fan in kitchen • Hardwood floors, Mini-blinds today!! baths $650 & $850 (master BR ). Rte 355. 1/3 util. Century 21 Trademark 301-230-2300 • Tile Entrance Foyer • Laundry facilities on-site 703 587 2016. 3301Hewitt.CkSellsHomes.com • Washer & Dryer in all homes • Free parking 866-394-2034 • Swimming Pool/Tennis Courts 4637 Dallas Place • Wooded picnic areas Temple Hills, MD 20748 RENTALS RENTALS • Now under new management! 301-423-3131 Call Today for details (866) 522-5427 SW *restrictions may apply 2 MONTHS Move into an Exceptional Enclave apartment home and Silver Spring—Sunny basement 1 br apartment, $975 incl util, walk to metro, 202-363-3830 FREE!* Silver Spring—Sunny basement 1 br apartment, Eagle's Crossing $975 incl util, walk to metro, 202-363-3830 1&2 BEDROOM APTS. (It’s our Entertaining housewarming gift!) Southeast Park-like Setting. Emergency Maint Wall-to-Wall Carpet . Walk-in Closets Central Laundry Facils .Dishwasher 5% DISCOUNT TO ALL Move-in today and don’t pay rent until September 1st.* 2 & 3 Bedrooms METRO & DC GOV'T EMPLOYEES $9 million Renovation Call TOLL FREE (866) 416-1325 The Village 116 Irvington Street SW OPEN SUNDAYS 11-3 at Chesapeake Housing Choice Vouchers Welcome *See Leasing Consultant for Details H W/W carpet H SW/47 Galveston Pl— Lg renov. 4BR new w/w Hardwood Floors carpet. nr Metro. $1000. H Central Air Delwin Realty 301-608-3703 x105 H Near DC/MD METRO SW — Beaut 1BR, 1 blk to metro, shps, stadium. H On-site Laundry New appl/crpt/paint. $1250 incl gas & elec. H 24hr. maintenance 301-203-1009 H Future On-site Learning Center SW H Affordable H Section 8 Welcome RIGHT PLACE! H Subject to criminal and RIGHT PRICE! credit checks Units avail for immediate 1BR $750.00 occupancy H W/W Carpet H Gated Community 877-275-1129 H Modern Kitchen with Breakfast Bar H Laundry room in every Bldg M-F 8-6. Sat. 10-2 EnclaveSilverSpring.com Friendship Crossing 866.357.5909 11225 Oak Leaf Drive Silver Spring MD A VESTA PROPERTY EHO (202) 563-6800 Professionally Managed by Springfield—3 BR TH, Just Renovated NO PETS firm CIH Properties, Inc *Prices, availability, specials and lease terms subject to change at any time. $1775 703-560-5514 !'k4G?A4BBk % !! 'k<>=30H Classifieds

LUXURY FORECLOSURES HONDAS FROM $500! HOUSES FOR SALE UPPER MARLBORO—LUXURY FORECLOSURES WE BUY HOUSES Police Repos! MOTORCYCLES AVAILABLE AT 20%-50% DISCOUNTS! BANKS PAY- ANY PRICE OR CONDITION For Listings, 800-585-3563 x2602 ING ALL CLOSING COSTS! TAKE ADVANTAGE NOW! Honda 2001 Civic — EX, $8,000 obo, Good cond, ARLINGTON N $325,000 HAVEN REALTY CENTERS Do You Need To Sell Quickly? Harley Davidson 2006 Dyna Superglide FXD— 1 888 476 6849 WE BUY HOUSES FAST FOR 20 YRS 64k mi, Silver, 4 dr, Sunrf, 240-426-7044 new trans, The Continental new MD state inspection $9500.00, Exc cond, 9k mi, Black, Stage-1 Largest luxury studio available, really nice unit, MONTGOMERY VILLAGE - 3BR 2.5BA TH. Cash, No Contingencies, No Commission, No Fees upgrade, low-rider shocks, extra chrome, 10K $1450+util. 3 lvl fully rehab, fresh paint, new/fix- You Save $. Buying in Maryland, DC & Virginia. Jaguar 2005 XJR — $36,000 obo, Mint cond, 15k service and detail included, w/leather jckt, hel- balcony, washer/dryer, garage parking, pool, media Brian, Re/Max 2000, 301-996-9695 room,2 blocks to Ballston Metro-hurry! tures/tile/crpt, W/D, DW,no bsmt, swiming pool, mi, Off White int, Blue ext, 4 dr, Htd Seats, 301-746- met, bettery tndr, all stock parts included. 443- tennis & basketball courts avail. www.ListOrBuyHomes.com 8118 310-0559 [email protected] ARLINGTON $195,000 OPEN HOUSE Sun 6/01, 6/08 4-6pm. HD 2005 FATBOY—Anniversary Edition, black, Jaguar 1996 XJ6 — $7,200 obo Excellent cond Sec 8 Welcome. Call 301-257-5126 injected, loaded, low mi., excellent condition. Stratton House 84k mi, Tan int, Gold ext, 4 dr, Htd Seats, DVD, 434- New Listing - Spacious 1BR 700+ s.f., Nice unit, OXON HILL $247,900/ofr. Det. updated 3BR, bsmt, COMMERCIAL REAL ESTATE 974-4578 $14,900. Call 703-786-1604 1 mile to Ballston Metro & Mall! 3 lights to DC! nr harbor, Barry 301-203-3402 Re/Max MCKENZIE BY MONACO 2007 MEDALLION Potomac $649,000 Lincoln 2004 Town Car — Signature, $18700, ESTATE— $55,000 obo, Mint cond, WHITE/GRAY, ARLINGTON N $125,000 and up Open Today 12:00 to 5:00 Excellent cond, Low mi, Beige int, Brown ext, 4 dr, 4 Occupancy, 443-235-6611 1629 K St, NW.—Office Intelligently: On demand Lthr Int, 410-977-4833 River Place Charming Colonial Elegant 5BD 3 1/2 BA Hrdwd Flrs. offices, phone, mail, Net, incubator, other svcs. Just listed-fix-up special on cheapest unit in River Fam. Rm. Eat-in Kitch, BDs w/walk-in closets, Rec. Plans $55-$200/mo. OSI 202-835-0680 Mercedes-Benz 2002 SLK — SLK32 AMG, $20000, Place-needs renovation, but a great price! Also, Rm. formal Liv/Din. New windows, Garage. 44 units motel Excellent cond, 58k mi, Black int, Black ext, 2 dr, great selection of 1 BR's starting from $195,000; Weichert Realtors 703 760 8880 Htd Seats, Lthr Int, 703-895-3433 2 blks to Rosslyn Metro! Walk to Georgetown, too! Tatiana Moody 571 216 1028 blacksburg— VA Excellant location on main street near VT Campus for quick sale. Serious buyers POTOMAC $749,000 Plymouth 1995 Acclaim- automatic, 4 cylinder, 4- only. call harry 540-520-1322 or email door gas saver new tires $1100 firm 202-744-7187 Marion Cloud Beautiful Split w/4BR, 2.5BA, FB, Church Hill Schl [email protected] District, LR & DR, Updated Kit, Family Rm, w/FP. Subaru 1996 SVX — $5500 obo, 230hp AWD, 89k Real Estate & Insurance Christina Koch 301-633-8566 Occoquan-office/shop for rent, Historic Place. $1,200 incl util. Call 703-441-7994 or 703-347-5555 mi, leather, new tires, MD insp. Green, 2 dr, Mnrf, Century21 Trademark 301-230-2300 Lthr, Moving- MUST SELL 301-326-4689 703-314-7033 8805Postoak.CkSellsHomes.com SE DC - PRICE REDUCED! $435,000. 4-unit Bldg www.marioncloud.com separately metered, two 2BR's, two 1BR's + den, Sterling- wonderful spacious 3BR/2.55BA TH w/gar, Toyota 2005 Highlander — $26000, Excellent Keller Williams Realty fully occup. 703-403-0748 Jobin Realty cond, 21k mi, Brown int, Black ext, 4 dr, CD, airbag The Marshall Agency Insurance immac cond. Corner lot w/pvt brick patio. Uppr lvl deck. Rdy for summr grillng. Open House Saturday passenger, 301-515-1926 BOWIE-$309KHUGEPRICE DECREASE Updated 5 & Sunday, 12-4. Denise 301-922-5173 CARS Toyota 2001 Sienna — LE, $7900 obo, Sailfin Blue BR Colonial w/ 2 Car Garage, Granite Kit., New ext, Gray int, 67k mi, Garage-Maintained, FWD, hardwood flrs., large Corner Lot 301-343-4236 SW—1BR, upgrded condo in gated comm, OSP. Owner assist in closing cost. $144K. 301-753- Roof Rack, Orig owner, 703-830-7302. BOWIE 6 ACRES HORSE FARMNewly renov 8291 Audi 2006 A3 — 2.0T manual, $19,995, mint cond, Toyota 1999 Sienna LE- 122K mi, All power, excel home,10BR 5BA fenced yard,barn included. 13k mi, Nav, Black lthr int, Silver ext, Bose sound, $699,000 301-343-4236 TH from $215K-$250K ALL Incl. 3Lvl, 3BR, 2.5BA cond, good cond, $6,500 (negotiable). Call Now For Details Catherine Holroyd Htd Seats, 857-488-9158 240-793-1800 BUY+REHAB=INSTANT EQUITY! Exit Premiere RE 202-391-2347 301-560-6700 BMW 2003 325 — i, $17500 obo, Excellent cond, BANK OWNED—BUY A HOME, REHAB IT,AND HAVE 38k mi, black ext, 4 dr, Mnrf, Tan Lthr Int, 5 spd, one Volvo 2006 XC70 — 2.5T, $24,900, Excellent cond, INSTANT EQUITY IN A DOWN MARKET, FOR ONLY UPPER MARLBORO — $218,900. Col style TH, owner. new brakes. 703-532-2847 55k mi-all hghway, Black int, Black ext, 5 dr, Htd $1000.00 OUT OF POCKET! 3BR,2.5BA. Contact Edward Cunningham. Exit Seats, 703-283-2150, 100k tranferable warranty. HAVEN REALTY CENTERS Premier RE . 301-669-0063 or 301-560-6700 BMW 2003 325 — i, $17500 obo, Excellent cond, Bank holds title, when certified funds clear, bank 1-888-476-6849 38k mi, black ext, 4 dr, Mnrf, Tan Lthr Int, 5 spd, one will release title to buyer. WALKERSVILLE—$279,000.Updated Split foyer. owner. new brakes. 703-532-2847 CAP Hts Foreclosures only $397/mo! Nice yard. New carpet. Hdwd flrs. Granite kit. 301- 343-4236 CHRYSLER 1997 Sebring Conv—JXi 96K, Va insp Volvo 1998 S70 — $3,000.00, Good cond, 130k mi, More 1-4 bedrooms available! Gray int, Gray ext, 4 dr, Htd Seats, Sunrf, Cass, ABS, For Listings 800-585-3617 xR680 Mar. 2009, Red, cloth top, lthr, am/fm cass/CD, prem snd, A/C, PW. $3,500. Call 703-879-0450 alarm, 301-203-1153 Chevy Chase The Willoughby $490,000 Corner Unit w/Bal. 12th Flr. 2BR, 2Rnv. BA, New RESORT PROPERTIES Dodge 1998 Stratus — $850.00, Mechanic's Spe- Kit, 1 Gar. Prkg space.Wood Flrs., Roof Top Pool cial, 151k mi, 4 dr,Automatic, Possible head & Deck, 24hr. Desk. 2 Blks to Metro, Shopping & gasket, else OK condition. 703-927-9081 100 GOOD PEOPLE WITH BAD CREDIT INVESTMENT PROPERTY 100 GOOD PEOPLE WITH BAD CREDIT Restaurants. 5500 Friendship Blvd. #1216 N Ford 2003 Ranger — Edge, $9000, Excellent cond, • None Established • Bankruptcies • Judgments Malcolm Real Estate 202-333-8500 Dewey Beach DE $685,000 100k mi, Black ext, 4 WD, V6, 5 spd, alloy wheels, • Charge Offs • Repossessions • Tax Liens www.malcolmrealestate.com 28K Rental Income. Oceanview Liv Rm/Cathedral truck box, 6 disc changer, 610-405-4289 New Test Program For Automobile ceiling, 4BR, 2.5BA 1Flr., decks/balc, hdwd, granite FinancingNew Test Special Program Allocation For Automobile of Funds College Park $250,000 kitch, upgrades thru out, Tommy Bahama furn, Ford 2001 F250 — XLT Sup Duty-CrewCab,Autom, +FinancingNEED A CAR Special – CALL NOW Allocation of Funds UNBELIEVABLE STEAL 8cc Diesel Turbo,Black,$14995, Excell.cond, 123k + WANT TO SELL YOUR CAR FOR CASH – CALL NOW readexpress.com website incl in sale! + NEEDWe Ahave CAR all – CALLmakes NOW & models available. 9741 Wichita Avenue, Hollywood. 3 br, 1 ba, 2 Sty whisperingpalms-db.com mi, Gray int, 703-768-0335 Hurry, these funds won’t last forever! det brk col, deck, drwy, CAC, WWC, Hw Flrs, eat-in 5942820612er CallCall Mr. Mr. Samuals Samuals Today Today • Toll •Free1-877-877-5557 301-604-1339888-241-2121 Contact 610-888-5866 Ford 1996 Mustang — GT, $4700 OBO, Good cond, LaurelLaurel Kia Kia Used Used Cars & Trucks kit, fncd yard, Bsmt. Near 495, 3 blks Metro OPEN 72k mi, Navigation, Tan int, Green ext, 2 dr, DVD, SUN 2-4 PM. EHO, FAIRFAX REALTY 202-669-3616. OCEAN CITY, MD—Visit www. oceancityresort- Lthr Int, chassis has 150K. 4409356359 properties.com for the vacation you deserve. 1- ***DISTRESS SALES—Free list w/ pics of bank $$$WILL BUY HONDA ACCORD 1990-1997 any 800-638-3242 w Ford 1991 F150 — SuperCab, $2800, Good cond, condition. 301-467-0426 X571 1x4 frclsres&pwr of sale prop.Free 24-hr rec msg 1- 148k mi, Gray int, Maroon ext, 2 dr,ABS, Automatic, 800-910-0453X2042,www.ExpressDistress.com OCEAN CITY—Oceanfront condo, 2BR 2 balconies, PS, PB, 703-282-3230 tennis, pool, $1200/wk + tax, or possible 1/2 wk FORECLOSURES-Too many to list all. 3/4 BR THs & $800. Call 240-401-9379 Honda 1998 Accord — EX, $7,750, Excellent cond, BOATS & AVIATION SFHs. $200 & below. Call Lisa Bell 202-997-6317 Exit 77k mi, Beige int, Silver ext, 4 dr, Sunrf, Buckets, Premier Realty 301-560-6700 x 1184 ABS, alarm, CD, 703-642-3274 Fort Washington—$271000, 4 br, 2.5 ba, brick, REAL ESTATE SERVICES Honda 2000 Accord — EX,$6750 obo,Great detached, 2fpls, garage, Exit Premier Rlty Ms. Reese cond,106k mi,a/c, Silver 2dr, auto, cd/am/fm, Sunrf, 301.379.7337, 301.560.6700 x1108 HOLLY ACRES MARINE Huge tent event starting Blk Lthr, spoiler,301-540-6770 May 31st thru June 8th. Huge discounts. Call for details 800.800.7537 LAUREL - $259,000 - Newly renov 3 BR 2.5 BA STOP PAYING RENT/OWN Grants up to $15K. Honda 2004 Civic — EX, $11,500 obo, Excellent www.hollyacres.com TH, fin bsmt, new hdwd flr, gran kit,new appli,6926 $40K Income Required. cond, 20k mi, Beige int, Blue ext, 2 dr, Mnrf, alloy Bayliner, Maxum, Trophy Scotch Dr.Closing help,qck settlmnt 301-343-4236 All credit Considered Larry 240-381-1641 wheels, 202-486-8120. RENTALS RENTALS RENTALS RENTALS

RIVERDALE LANDOVER • Gated Community Call now 1, 2, & 3 BR Apts Huge 2 BR Townhomes • Free Gas & Water for our • State-of-the-art FANTASTIC Maple Ridge fitness center 888-583-3045 • Free 6 week SPECIALS Parkview GardensMove in 2252 Brightseat Road • Landover, MD 20785 summer 888-251-1872 now with camp ONLY $200 OXON HILL 6400 Riverdale Road • Riverdale, MD 20737 (limited time GATED COMMUNITY offer select • FREE UTILITIES CALL • Swimming pool ABOUT Beautiful Kitchens - Granite Countertops 1BRonly) Colonial • Free 6 week summer camp FANTASTIC • Fitness Center on Property • Washer/Dryer** • Private balconies/patios SPECIALS • Beautiful Kitchens- • Outdoor & Indoor Pools 888-583-3047Village • Minutes to Metro, DC, readexpress.com Granite Countertops** • Free 6 week summer camp Virginia, and 495 908 Marcy Ave. • Oxon HIll, MD 20745 • Roomy, Modern Apts Call now LANDOVER HILLS Riverdale • Private Balconies/Patios • Gated Community FREE X571 1x3.75 • Free 6 week summer camp for our • FREE Gas & Water FANTASTIC • Free 6 week summer camp APP. FEE Village • Cathedral ceiling *select units Calvert Hall w/this ad 800-767-2189 • 1, 2, & 3 BR AVAILABLE. SPECIALS • B/W Parkway, Metro, 495 5409 Riverdale Road • Riverdale, MD 20781 • HUGE 2 BR TOWNHOMES Apartments • New Walmart Across the 877-203-6036 Street 3817 64th Ave. • Landover Hills, MD 20784 • Sparkling Pool LANDOVER • FREE UTILITIES HYATTSVILLE • Walk to Metro Call now • FREE UTILITIES CALL NOW • Walk to Elementary for our FOR OUR Kings Square School FANTASTIC • Free Application Fee • Daycare on Premises Fletchers Field • Spacious and modern apts FANTASTIC SPECIALS! Apartments • Free 6 week summer camp SPECIALS • Wall to Wall carpet Apartments877-898-6958 Apartments • Security Deposit payment 866-805-0782 • Dishwasher readexpress.com 3402 Dodge Park Road • Landover, MD 20785 plan (call for details) • Private balconies/patios 5249 Kenilworth Ave. • Hyattsville, MD 20781 Come Visit us Mon.-Fri. 8-5, Sat. 10-4, Sun. 12-4 Come Visit us Mon.-Fri. 8-5, Sat. 10-4, Sun. 12-4 X571 1x2 CALL FOR FANTASTIC SPECIALS! CALL FOR FANTASTIC SPECIALS! <>=30Hk % !! 'k4G?A4BBk!(

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Chevy Chase Clinical Research is conducting a clinical research study for men and women who are 18 to 75 years of age and experience the abdominal pain and discomfort of diarrhea-predominant irritable bowel syndrome (IBS-d). Qualifying participants will receive the following at no cost: 2A>BBF>A3k5867C8=6270=24 • Study-related medical exams • Study-related laboratory tests %$)4%$"94)-/4(9%0!2+%2 02A>BB MEASUREMENT • Study medication -ILK #ORPORATE PRODUCINGANIMAL DEPARTMENT If you are experiencing abdominal pain and diarrhea, you may be (ARDLYHUMBLE ,ATINLIST ENDER eligible for this clinical research study. Health insurance is not required "RIDLESITE 7ATER 4ENNISNAMEOF LOVING and you may be compensated for your time and travel. FAME SALAMANDER For more information or to see if you pre-qualify for this research study, 7AKEUP &LIP INAWAY please call Chevy Chase Clinical Research at 301-652-5520. -IDVOYAGE $AMAGEDBY ,IGHTPUNISHMENTS DROUGHT !SSUMEWITHOUT PROOF 3>F= $IVIDE "REATHTAKING !POTHECARYS ACTION WEIGHT %UROPEAN 'UNITINNEUTRAL CAPITALONCECALLED "ARNYARD #HRISTIANIA SCRATCHER 7ORDSTHATARE !LIMONY MUSICTOTEACHERS RECIPIENTS EARS This research study is being conducted at Chevy Chase Clinical Research. All 'OALOFABEES .EITHERHOTNOR studies are conducted in accordance with an approved protocol, clinical study conduct QUEST COLD guidelines, regulations and ethical principles. Participant confi dentiality is strictly adhered )TCANBEAROUSED #OWBOYOR)NDIAN to and all participation is strictly voluntary. $IVVY EG 3HIPTHATCARRIED (OWARDOR3ILVER THE'OLDEN&LEECE #ONTRACTLOOPHOLES $ISORIENTATED 4HEATERWORKER (AMBURGERS %XCAVATEFURTHER ARTICLE (ENRY6)))SSIXTH )NDIANLOOM 7ORLDMAP PRODUCTS DOMINATOR 0ARTOFACAVALRY "ECKETTS 5aXSPh½bB^[dcX^] )TSMINEDAND 5NPREPARED REGIMENT HOMELAND REFINED STUDENTSDREAD 'REEKMALL &ROMSQUARE 2ITZYVACATION %NMITY ,ASSOED ONE SPOT "OLTWITHNO 4HE0ENTATEUCH h'ETLOSTv $EEPINTHOUGHT THREADS 4OPEXEC "AKERSDOZEN #USHION &RIENDLYGESTURE 2EADYFORPICKING !NGLINGHOPE 3AVERSOPTION 7AGONPART 4OTHEREAR +ODIAK EG BRIEFLY 0INOCHLECOMBOS )NTHEMONEY 4ROPICAL 0ARTOFAPUMP !PPALACHIAN4RAIL $ROPSBEHIND GETAWAY 3HORESCENE VENTURER 3LEEP 4HEYEMPLOY 3 Master’s Programs (EBREWCLERIC 46PUPPET DISORDER SPEAKERS BRIEFLY 3PENDING 3OME0LYMOUTHS 4HEYHAVEPINSAT "RIDGE 3 Ways To Get Ahead SPARINGLY 5NTILNOW ONEEND AUTHORITY 4WO DIMENSIONAL 0AC SCHOOL 3 More Reasons Why Now Is The Time %XTENDACROSS #ULBERTSON

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