
Christchurch Attack antoinettejames.com


Christchurch Attack antoinettejames.com

Disclaimer Although this podcast-paper exposes institutions, organisations, secret societies, churches, Lodges, Foundations and “isms” behind the conspiracy to systematically destroy Western nations, it is in no way an accusation on all individuals within them. Many adherents are good and upright people with little or no knowledge of the innerworkings and hidden agendas.

Introduction………………………….………………………………………………………3 Podcast 1The Christchurch Attack…………………………………………………………....7 Podcast 2 False Flags, Red Flags…………………………………………………………….10 Podcast 3 Gunman Anti-gun Woman……………………………………………………...... 16 Podcast 4 Gun Messaging……………………………………………………………….…..23 Podcast 5 Under gUN Control……………………………………………….38


Christchurch Attack antoinettejames.com


‘The suppression [of the Jesuit Order] is accomplished. I do not repent of it, having only resolved on it after examining and weighing everything, and because I thought it necessary for the church. If it were not done, I would do it now. But this suppression will be my death.” Pope Clement XIV 1705-1774’ John Dowling, History of the Romanism, P604

In 1774, Pope Clement XIV was poisoned by a poison fig that made him extremely ill with inflamed bowels for months. He said ‘Alas, I knew they would poison me; but I did not expect to die in so slow and cruel a manner.’

Forty years later, in 1814 the Jesuit Order returned to Europe by Papal Bull under Pope Pius VII. From this date the Black Pope has steered the affairs of the world. It is on his word and carried out by his sworn followers that perpetually keeps the people of the West in fear. Fear of war through the 20th century, then fear of nuclear bombs during the cold war period, followed by fear of the sun’s rays by ozone depletion scam dovetailing with fear of global warming, even though the planet is cooling, so good the propaganda; the same fear continues today, fear of fatal illnesses such as cancer, Alzheimer’s.

Woven through the second half of the 20th Century and into the 21st the people of the world have been taught to fear Islamic Terrorism. Governments have told their people; Islam is their greatest threat. THE attacks of 9/11, that most Americans think was indeed an inside job, has been used across the West to make air travel an ordeal, and to introduce laws allowing governments to store and access, for years, all an individual’s personal online correspondence. The world is being controlled and manipulated. The people’s thinking has been herded to see the government, and only the government, as the saviour. People are told through education and media, cunningly crafted by governments and their hidden partners concealed in the shadows, the need for a more comprehensive geo-political covering.

‘Never before in the course of the whole world’s history had such a Society appeared. The old Roman senate itself did not lay schemes for world domination with greater certainty of success.’ Friedrich von Hardenberg (1772-1801), German philosopher

‘The organization of the [Roman Catholic] Hierarchy is a complete military despotism, of which the Pope is the ostensible head; but of which, the Black Pope [the Superior General of the Jesuits], is the real head. The Black Pope is the head of the Order of the Jesuits and is called a General. He not only has command of his own Order but directs and controls the general policy of the [Roman Catholic] Church. He is the power behind the throne and is the real potential head of the Hierarchy. The whole machine is under the strictest rules of military discipline. The whole thought and will of this machine, to plan, propose and execute, is found in its head. There is no independence of thought, or of action, in its subordinate parts. Implicit and unquestioning obedience to the orders of superiors in authority, is the sworn duty of the priesthood of every grade…’ Brigadier General Thomas M Harris (1817-1906), American Physician, author

‘During the 19th-20th Century the Jesuit Order instigated the following revolutions - At the word of the Jesuit Superior General (the Black Pope), the 1770 American Revolution took place, 1789 French, 1823 Spanish, 1831 Polish, 1848 Italian (and the exile of the Pope), 1917 Russian, 1949 Chinese, 1975 Cambodian, and so on. The Black Pope controlled how long the Cold War was in place inciting nuclear fear, and by his word, he replaced it in the 21st Century with terrorism.’ Antoinette James, We Are Revolting 2019, Page 162

‘In the twentieth century the Jesuits have conducted their Inquisition under the names of Nazism, Fascism, Communism and now Islamic Terrorism…Today the Black Pope orders his Holy Office of the Inquisition…through his International Intelligence Community headed by Papal Knights, including Skull and Bonesman George Bush’ [the first and only president who went out to meet the Pope on the tarmac as he stepped off the plane, on American soil]. In the past, the assassins were either Jesuits, like Jacques Clement or killers easily connected to the influence of the company, men like John Wilkes Booth. Today


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these professional “terminators” are cleverly distanced from their Masonic master, the Black Pope, and given deceptive titles by the Pope’s internationally controlled press Corps, jurists and historians; such titles as “anarchists”, “nihilists”, “rogue agents”, within intelligence agencies, or just “lone nut assassins”. Sometimes these individuals, in fact, do killing consciously and unconsciously (as do the “Manchurian candidates”)…’ Eric Phelps, Pastor, author, The Vatican Assassins’

7/7 Ripple Effect is an excellently researched and presented documentary on London bombing designed and carried out by the government and Tavistock to herd the British public to allow Fabián Tony Blair’s government to wage war in Iraq. A war, prior to 7/7, the public were adamantly against. An attack that killed and maimed Londoners swung thought, setting-up young Muslim men and then murdering them to keep them quiet. Casualties? Collateral damage! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kwyzpzEgUWE&fbclid=IwAR3rInNgQEyuTnM07_DarIYI21H7 KW14sVjjpnalr1J48KRA5IGP0z8f2oM

We Are Revolting Facebook page tried to wake people up to the Christchurch false flag event. New Zealand’s Fabián-trained Marxist Labour Leader and Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern used the carnage as a PR tool, conducting the whole scam as a ringmaster at the circus.


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One sleeping sheeple bleated from Plato’s Cave the post below. Please note the coward edited his original post after my reply. The original claimed, I and my book We Are Revolting were quote, ‘white supremacists’ unquote. Clearly he had not read the book, or even seen the cover – White???? Maybe Steve is colour blind, or maybe it was a micro aggression, as his worldview may want the West to be white, hence the hasty edit. I have news for the likes of him it has NEVER been white. He also wrote how dare I claim New Zealand was quote, ‘chosen’ unquote. I suspect he altered his slanderous words, on one account and blatant lie on the other, after his Commander, Comrade Ardern said in a television News brief, quote “New Zealand was chosen” unquote. For the likes of this socialist troll, he takes his cues from the government like a well-oiled NPC (Non-Player Character). Incredibly sad. As it is said, tyrannical governments can only become despots because people enable them. History bears proof to this.

2017 poll Sorry Steve to nonsocialists, she did not have a mandate from the people

Above: cowardly edited and “cleaned up” post

I could not find the source of 23%. However, 35.8% is still side splittingly laughable. It is true that Socialists are waging a war with reality. He claimed my calling out of this elite’s criminal hand in using Muslims and non-Muslims to advance their tyranny, as exploitation; and he arrogantly claims he knows what I think and who I associate with. But, the truth of my post would outrage a post-truth Cave Dweller, where thought crime and guilt by assumed association is enough evidence to have one permanently removed off the street. I can only


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conclude Troll-Steve is, as the elite’s say, a useful idiot. In the face of bewildering ignorance, and misplaced slander We Are Revolting author was compelled to reply.

We Are Revolting author’s retort encapsulates the motivation for the Christchurch Attack podcast series.

The truth is, We the People, are being scammed by an enemy too frightened of our numbers, too nefarious in intent, too superior for care, too satanic to own virtue, soul, or empathy. We need to stand up, assign internet trolls to no more than muses and say, ‘We do not consent!’ New Zealand, a haven of freedom with representative of many peoples around the globe, has been injured by an outside-hand, and insulted by a complicit inside-hand of government that holds Marxist ideology higher than human life. This assault will not go unspoken of.


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Christchurch attack: The Hinge on which New Zealand Demise Swings Podcast One https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GJn7f00XIQI

A heinous event geared to get New Zealand up to speed with other larger (hijacked) Western countries. The elite are determined to crush the West. Even the smallest most southern outpost cannot be allowed to escape.

When discerning awake individuals around the globe first heard the news, they smelt a rat. One needs only spend a few years down elitist “rabbit-holes” to learn of their globalist culture, their globalist-elite practises and most of all, their absolute hate for individual freedoms experienced by the common-man.

This clearly, pre-planned massacre and subsequent “mop-up” by the has been a horrifying unfolding of planning, deception, cover-ups, corruption, and secrecy.

Condolences should have been given to New Zealand as a whole, not just exclusively (though rightly) to the Muslim community, because that implied, a section of New Zealanders were implicit in the operation. But perhaps there is the clue, for it looks for all the world like those in government were indeed complicit. New Zealanders, especially the Muslim communities were sitting ducks. This scenario had been well practiced around the globe and in hindsight the country should have been more vigilant knowing a globalist government committed to United Nations Agenda 21 was in power.

Muslim and non-Muslim need to cast their eyes above each other and focus on those who govern. They are the ones to blame; the blood is on their hands. New Zealand’s Ardern led government promptly shut down free speech, shut down New Zealanders right to question or comment, treating the population like babies at preschool.

The New Zealand People need to be asking Ardern and the cowering opposition parties, to explain themselves.

Who is Jacinda Ardern?

She moved extremely swiftly up the political ladder like other groomed politicians before her (most notably Barack Obama, who she followed on Twitter to learn from him).

Details we do know is that she was well-apprenticed in the United Kingdom in war-monger Tony Blair’s cabinet. Ardern has extraordinarily strong connections to Freemasonry in New Zealand and the United Kingdom.

Ardern was a member of the review team in the Stalker Affair in the United Kingdom and the police paedophilia accusations. Throughout the West, the police force, and Masonic Masonry hold hands, as they have done for decades and in fact hundreds of years. There is no wonder the elite used one of their own for the “cover- up”. Ardern got into power in New Zealand because Winston Peters political party went into coalition with Labour. Even though most of the country voted status-quo.

The National party, though far from perfect, had positioned New Zealand into a very strong economic situation and the voters wanted National, New Zealand’s more conservative government (though lead by a globalist) to remain in power. Backroom deals were made and as an Australian Newspaper printed, New Zealand went Labour in a political coup.


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Soon after 2018 Barack Obama (born Barry Soto) and Satanist Hillary Clinton visited New Zealand for secret talks. Days before the Christchurch massacre, Hillary’s 2016 Presidential run Campaign manager, John Podesta visited, declaring New Zealand has cyber-security issues. To make the series of “coincidences” more unbelievable, the day before the killings, Facebook shut down their security settings for maintenance. Therefore unfortunately, or maybe planned, Facebook were unable to prevent the live streaming of the attack.

However, this worked to Ardern’s globalist handlers benefit. Ardern was then able to enact laws to threaten convictions and lengthy prison sentences for anyone who dared look or share the video. Those who have seen the video, tell of the gunman’s handlers in red boiler suits being caught on camera several times, and the gunman’s accomplice in the car is also caught. The globalists had no option, but to make it illegal to watch, such was the video bungling. Just watching the video could mean the person could go to prison for longer than a murder! Globalists were desperate and went into crisis mop up. Amazingly, the dumbed-down New Zealand public did not think it odd to be treated like pre-schoolers and said nothing.

Ardern started on the socialist narrative to shut the people down, by saying that white supremacy was on the rise. At the same time Facebook, a globalist tool set up to control the online narrative, sent their trolls to start posting far right Christian extremist material as a way to confirm the lie.

Ardern astoundingly, was able to present some gun reform laws within days of the massacre that would have taken months to prepare, suggesting, again, that this attack was well planned and Ardern knew about it ahead of time (another 9/11).

The New Zealand People need to hold their globalist-owned media to account. New Zealand was used as a prop by the elite funded anti-gun lobby in America by the usual suspects. CNN, linked Trump to the shooting, as if somehow it was his fault. In the process CNN lost 17% of its viewers. Comparing it with the same time in 2018, and a staggering 31% of viewers aged between 25 and 54. The left wing secular liberal propaganda tool that is mainstream media, will not let go of the globalist anti-gun narrative even if it means very few lefties tuning in. The elites have to de-arm the population before they call military law and bring in the UN armed police to manage the people. An unarmed population cannot defend itself. New Zealanders need to think logically and objectively. They need to rise from their dumbed-down thought patterns of 10 to 15 years of brainwashing and programming in socialised classrooms and think for themselves and ask questions.

Did the attack happen organically? The public was told this was one man who decided to go and kill a group of people using a semi-automatic assault weapon with its serial number conveniently rubbed off, that only the NZ military carry!

Was it choreographed from above? Was it handled by globalist elite middle-management? The elites use terror to herd the people’s thinking. The end goal is submission of the people to a de-arm world under United nations governance.

Can we believe the gunman was an Australian, living in Dunedin who decided to target Christchurch? Why not Auckland? Because it is the financial hub of the country and that could not be put into lockdown? Why not ? Because it is the political hub of New Zealand? The city could not afford to go into lock-down.

In February 2011, Christchurch endured earthquakes, which changed the nature of Christchurch. Today, it is still a vulnerable city. Many new residents have settled there. They have taken up


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opportunities to help make it a great city once more. However, it is still in transition; cohesiveness is still developing. Christchurch was chosen became of the ease to further socially engineer the city. An example of a socially engineered city is Plymouth, UK. The elites subliminally and socially engineered the attitude and wellbeing through its architecture and sculptural art after WWII. Interesting to note, that John Key said twice that the earthquakes there were manmade!

What are some of the Objectives? There are several objectives of the Christchurch false flag.

1) Unify the people to think globally so the New Zealand citizens will identify with America and Sweden and other countries who have had such atrocities forced upon them by outside globalist factions.

Clearly, no country is too big or too small to be used to their ends.

It is important to understand in the light of the assault New Zealand experienced in March 2019, that the West is not a colour. The West is an ideology based on the Bible- Bishops, Pilgrim and King James Bibles. The West is Protestant Christian. Look at the most prosperous countries in the world, they are the Protestant Christian countries. This Bible Based ideology is open for business for anyone regardless of their colour or their religion. Everyone prospers because the West is founded on the ideology of personal freedom. This is what is in jeopardy in New Zealand now. Individual freedom does not work for the elites; they want total control of the people. The United Nations Agenda 21/2030 is their action plan for the world. The globalists are desperate to get New Zealand up to the global speed and crush those freedoms. “Vigilance is the burden of the free.” All Westerners need to be vigilant as there is more Chaos ahead of us.

With the Brexit gridlock as the globalist EU holds on to the British Isles with all its might, with Trump’s government in the US, allowing the middle class to burgeon once again, and the Yellow Vest uprising in many countries in Europe the elite’s Sauron like eye is upon minor Western countries. Such jacked up organised event like the attacks that murdered 49 people in Christchurch will playout again and again, while the People sleep.

If the people of New Zealand buy into the shame the government is putting on them, if they cower and look to our government to be told what to think, to be told what to say, freedoms will be taken very quickly.

‘What is really interesting is that the video (of the Christchurch Attack) provides further evidence that this was hugely organised. Those who have watched it say it clearly; he is almost planned. When he is going to say something into the camera, when he is going to shoot. It is almost as if he has planned the angle of the shot that he is going to take which shows an astonishing degree of planning that has gone into this thing.’ James, journalist BBC a few days after the Christchurch attack

This clearly smacks of a false flag operation!


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False flags, red flags Podcast Two https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mN3AF1df-2A

Our senses are used to enjoy the world, but also to alert us of danger. Are our senses now to be legislated against us? Is intuition to be outlawed? Time to wake up!

When I first heard about the brutal Christchurch massacre, I instantly thought of the London bombings, the 7/7 London attacks of some years ago. The reason was of the “red-flags” within the false-flag. (note the image to the left. The roof of the bus is inconsistent with a terrorist bomb. Bombs blow out windows and leave the roof intact).

A false flag is an operation like the Christchurch attack, where things just do not add up. Brenton Tarrant, could not have organised the whole affair and performed as well as he did, killing the number of people that he did by himself.

When a false flag presents itself, one needs to ask, is there the usual red flags within it?

Here are four reasons to suspect a false flag operation.

Red flags

1) Typically, the attacker was a young white male. 2) First the public was told there were several attackers, as some of the eyewitnesses in the second Mosque testified. Then, typically the story changed to a lone gun man. 3) The gunman attacked two mosques. There was no commotion in the street, there were no raised voices, no one saw anything alarming, the attack was quietly carried out. 4) The graffiti on the gun. Clearly printed out for everyone could see and come to the conclusion that Tarrant was a right-wing radical. All just too manufactured. 5) However, the clincher that this was a false flag was the sign he gave with his hand, on his first appearance in court. The media said, Oh, that is a white supremacist symbol! A shiver ran down my spine because I know that was him signalling to his handlers. The camera was perfectly positioned to capture and exploit it. The reality is that the hand sign is an illuminati signal. A signal that the elites use to signal that you in the music and Hollywood industries. Even the Beatles exhibited this sign on their record album cover. It is a symbol commonly used by people and celebrities who are controlled.

We Are Revolting: The Inconvenient Truth gives information about the Hollywood and music industries and the way actors and singers are controlled. These industries are propaganda tools for the elite to spread an ideology using mind-control techniques.

When I was writing We Are Revolting, I was living in Britain. I searched online for others who were awake to the elite’s agendas. I found many voices in the US mainly on YouTube who were warning their listeners of the tyranny. The UK, too, had voices who were actively challenging the evil agendas of the government under the United Nations control. However, it was hard to find such voices in New Zealand. Recently, because of the Christchurch attack, the NZ voices became easier to find in the YouTube algorithms.


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I came across Vinny Eastwood’s YouTube channel dedicated to making people aware of what is really happening behind the fluffy dumbed-down News the country receives. Vinny challenges people not just to think about what is happening, but to take the next step to ask questions.

On Vinny Eastwood’s website there is a list containing forty-one signs of a false flag event, by Kirk Richard- Hassel. Vinny and Kirk were able to identify seventeen of the forty-one red flags in the Christchurch incident making them realise that this was indeed a false flag.

More typical Red Flags

1) One of the first things that happened very quickly was the video was removed off social media platforms for New Zealand viewers. It was important enough to censor.

2) The perpetrator, Tarrant, was found in record time by the authorities.

3) New laws are introduced. Ardern had gun law reforms in place within days. The six-hundred-page anti-gun amendments would have taken several months to be correctly framed, edited, written and presented to the house.

4) The event received abnormal media coverage. This is a usual in mind-control technique. International media picked up the story creating socialist narratives and anti-gun rhetoric.

5) There was a lot of focus on Jacinda Ardern, hailing her as a strong leader. Her photo was even projected on the tallest building in the world located in Dubai. This signalled a pre-knowledge of the massacre suggested a total set up. She was promoted as a wonderful leader which the New Zealand Plato’s Cave Dwellers basked in the glory hailing her a hero.

6) The country has recently upset Israel. Ian R Crane of the United Kingdom mentioned this. Israel as a nation is a very complicated subject. Israel is a legitimate state, but it was founded by the political Zionist movement headed by the House of Rothchild on behalf of the Vatican. Zionism from day one hijacked the nation of Israel. The land was legally bought and paid for at an extraordinary inflated price at that time.

7) A visit from an elite. New Zealand had a visit from John Podesta (aka Podesta the molester) I review the John and Tony Podesta in my book We Are Revolting. John Podesta was campaign manager for Hillary Clinton. He arrived in New Zealand a couple of days before the murders, warning New Zealand of a suspected cyber-attack.

8) A systems failure. In this case it was Facebook social media platform that incidentally went down for maintenance the day before. This conveniently insured that a record number of viewers were on Facebook the day of the life-streaming of the attacks.

9) Facebook has the reputation for stopping or preventing livestreaming of right-wing, conservative commentaries and alternative media, deeming it hate speech. Yet for this attack it was as if all the offense-hunting algorithms were conveniently turned off.


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10) The conflict is promoted as being between religious or racial groups. Those who are trying to polarise Western country push Muslim as a race, whereas Muslim is a religion. The New Zealand government were able to gain leverage on both of accounts from one event.

11) Government controls the narrative - The Mosque attack narrative was controlled by Ardern. She took the chance to remove Jesus Christ out of parliamentary sessional prayers. She went further, replacing it with the Muslim prayer declaring Allah the only God. This, by design straightway divided and polarized the country, while stripping New Zealand of her Christian culture. One needs only look to the US and the UK to see how this Hegelian dialectic destroys Christianity in schools, the workplace and government.

12) Media carry out hero interviews (always non-European heroes) Unbelievable “hero” stories. The New Zealand public was seduced, blinded and beguiled by the “hero” who came forward to give his story.

13) Friends and family of the victims of the Mosque who were interviewed showed a significant lack of emotion. There were no tears and no mournful body language. In fact, the interview were more like movie auditions, rather than real people grieving for the deaths of real family members.

14) Undetonated bombs, gun fire are usually found.

15) Manifesto found and released very quickly. These attackers seem to spend time writing their ideology first. Tarrant’s was short and almost a copy and paste of the Uni-bombers manifesto. Smacks of sloppy work by the handlers. This was so with the Christchurch attack. The police were running antiterrorism exercises, under a military trained commander on the same day. At the same time, in the same area!

16) If those odds do not ring alarm bells, add to that coincident that on 9/11 the air force was running a dummy air strike exercise at the same time and same place as the real attack. The 7/7 London bombing was playing out at the same place, at the same time as the British forces were running a drill. The Oklahoma bombing took place while exercises were in progress at the same place; likewise, the Boston bombers attack, Sandy Hook, and so on, the “coincidence” of the real and the drill is mind bogging. What are the odds?

17) Has the same feeling/air of other attacks. Often hard to pick up and the elites are expecting it to go under the radar as it were. From start to finish, it feels as if it is a production that goes around the globe, just with different actors, but same top down control and propaganda to induce reliance on the government. Most people around the West are otherwise diverted. Most people wouldn’t research the attacks and therefore would not see the similarities. The elites employ “experts” in psychology of people. The elites know that by far the majority of the population can easily be fooled.

The question that needs to be asked is, what has the Ardern government instore for the future of the country?

The answer - observe other larger Western countries, like the US, the UK and all the European countries in the European project – a loss of nationhood and sovereignty.


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It is time for New Zealand to wake up and smell the stench of globalism wafting in from offshore. It is time to discern the evil and not buy into it. It is time for respect among us and time to at all costs keep the unity. The Ardern needs a polarised country to foment chaos, to allow her government to become more dictatorial and to remove more and more freedoms from the people.

Once people do realise, they are being hoodwinked and look at well researched documentaries like 7/7 Ripple Effect and The Hillsborough Ripple Effect thoughts crystalize and reality is found.

7/7 Ripple Effect reveals how the Muslim lads were set up by the CIA and Tavistock, used and then, murdered like the Boston Bombers, because dead men tell no tales. A New Zealand girl witnessed part of what went down with these Muslim lads at the 7/7 and died mysteriously soon after. Further documentaries to check out are The Corbet Report Oklahoma bomber and 9/11 that work with facts, not hypothesis and misinformation.

18) The authorities always find evidence that the attacker belonged to some kind of radical element, watched right-wing or violent videos or listened to radical music. Usually they run with far right Christian or such type demographic. If Muslim, he is described as a ‘lone wolf” and was mentally ill. This type of media misinformation is quite a different story than what is the reality. What they do not say is that most of them were rapid evolutionists who believed in the survival of the fittest. Evolution is a sacred cow that must not be touched or seen in a bad light.

19) Little or no cell video footage. In today’s world where everyone has a cell phone, everyone can quickly capture an event. A lack of CCTV camera footage. Usually there is an array of amateur footage, yet none has turned up. At the Bealey Plaza, where JFK was shot, all amateur camera footage was confiscated. Previous odd footage of the perpetrator is used by media to enlarge the “official narrative”.

20) Photos or videos of the person acting in a bazaar manner, showing odd or bazaar behaviour is another give-away that the event is a possible false flag.

What the New Zealand public needs to be aware of is the government is manipulating them to change their world view away from an insular sovereign nation to a no borders region of a One World Government. From Protestant Christian values to non-protestant Christian values.

A technique called gaslighting (after the 1944 Film gaslight) is used to confuse and herd and let go of sensibilities once held dear. This psychological technique is used to train, control and make people accept what is happening around them by pulling constants and reliable living patterns out from under them, making them vulnerable to suggestion. It is designed to make the public look to government as the “fixer”. What the public is unaware of is, their freedoms are systematically eroded, taken from them.

“Gaslighting psychological warfare technique. You know something, what you know is right in front of you, it is obvious to you; but someone who you trust, might be government, some authority above you, on the other hand, is insisting that it is, not what you think it is. That your eyes didn’t see what you saw. That your ears didn’t hear that your ears didn’t hear what you heard; and as a result you start going, a little bit insane because of a congruent reality that’s going with your senses is comforting, but when people start contradicting it, spread misinformation, disinformation it starts to make you question your own sanity and reality.” Vinny Eastwood, The Vinny Eastwood Show

Every citizen wants to believe their government would do no harm; but more people are killed every year by their government than any other way. This happens through Rockefeller medicine, vaccines, secret experiments, conducted upon the population.

The 2019 Christchurch Mosque attack exhibited a few other unusual coincidences - red flags


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21) Attacker’s often wear body armour, in the case of Tarrant, it was New Zealand police issue. The New Zealand military issue assault rifle Tarrant used had its serial number scrubbed off.

MFAT (Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Trade)) oversaw the aftermath clean up. The office holder at the time was Duty Prime Minister of New Zealand, Winston Peters, who made the Labour coalition possible. Basically, a coup – this one man took the country into a socialist Globalist led government, despite the majority of voters voting for a conservative government. Most of the MPs in the Labour caucus belong to globalist, socialist organisations. This one man, Peters, negotiated behind closed doors and changed the direction of the country from a nationalist to a globalist focus.

22) Oddly enough, Winston Peters, the Minister of Foreign Affairs and Trade, he is the officer holder. It was MFAT that looked after the clean- up operation and in charge of police issue.

Tarrant did not just walk into the country with all this military gear. The question left unanswered is where did he get it all from and who issued it to him? Perhaps the leaked Police Issue mail order form image below helps clear this up!

Police Issue

Tarrant’s signature


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Of course, anyone who calls this event a false flag is verbally attacked, as I was on, We Are Revolting Facebook page, as inappropriate and how dare you. But if we do not stand up and say Hey! False Flag! we will soon wake up to more under hand tyranny. Don’t fear the ignorant bullies, be a voice!

Vinny Eastwood, alternative News host was bullied and harassed by the New Zealand police for daring to interview experts on the issue of false flags, for interviewing Muslims at the Mosque to get the real story and for encouraging the New Zealand public to critique the government’s role and narrative. Critical thinkers are not welcome.

The sleeping populace nationally and internationally may well think that our New Zealand population harbours horrible, nasty, tendencies. The outcome will hobble the nation as it will be forced to wear shame, that many German citizens two generations after the Nazi regime are struggling with.

This is what gas-lighting does to the human psyche.

When the false flag cry goes out, it is time to do one’s own research to find out exactly what is happening. Thankfully, there are many who do research in such incidents as this. If the research checks out, share the information.

These awake minds that come from diverse backgrounds are finding often by primary research the truth. That differs from the government and media. Mis and dis information is fed to the population. These voices are given no mainstream media airtime. Across the West, these researchers are ex weapons industry experts, ex FBI, military and CIA whistle-blowers, eyewitnesses and well-respected journalist and a growing number of the regular citizens.

The trap is that there are government trolls in amongst the truther movement that deliberately spread falsehoods and lies that same people run with. The government loves this for they can then turn around and censor or filter what they deem a fake News. The government also use this as a way to vilify those who speak the truth, the same way Rockefellers in the early 1900s called naturalists and herbalists “quacks”. The result was only mainstream medicine is now registered and those outside of Rockefeller medicine are found dead as in the USA or imprisoned as in the UK.

These false flags are herding thought techniques, making the government and media weaponised against the public. There are nefarious agendas behind these attacks and there are people in powerful globalist positions pulling the string.

The New Zealand media, after the Christchurch attack gave subliminal messages to support Ardern’s false claims of growing numbers of white supremacists in the country. This has been obvious by carefully selected groups and people who were interviewed. There were no conservative or Christian groups interviewed or conservative voices allowed to express their condolences making unbalanced reporting. In fact, there were no “white people” given space to have a voice to be part of the healing process for the country. This has left the country polarised. This in turn, breeds fear, hate and suspicion all suppressed and overtone building pressure to rise up as a group like the yellow vests in France.

All this is part of the agenda towards globalisation of every nation, all part of the gas lighting designed to make the people cringe in fear and finally look to the government. The government gives answers in one hand while taking away freedoms. In an ever-ending cycle of one following the other with repetition, until it is too late to undo.


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Gun Man anti-gun woman

Podcast Three https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OY_zZTUGr2E

Will history recall two-gun handlers? One looks on the ground, the other elevated to high places. One brutally took lives, the other dictatorially took freedoms. One a Manchurian Candidate? The other Common Purpose trained? Which one used symbolism to "speak" to their handlers? Which one has no care for the individual, but only the collective? Which one is unstable?

New Zealand was ceremoniously brought up to globalist speed by the Christchurch Mosque attack in 2019, it is now a country in free speech lock-down. Obama’s mentor, Zbigniew Brzezinski (1928 – 2017) (left) at a CFR and a Bilderberger meeting in 2010 identified ‘the Rapid Political Awakening amongst the masses …,’ as the biggest obstacle to establishing a One World Government. In 1970 Brzezinski observed that the challenge for Western Governments will be to keep their people locked into Consumerist Materialism, ‘… preventing them from realising who they truly are!’

The elite amazingly and quite brazenly announce their concerns and aspirations, thus giving the game away – one would think! However, they know that most people in the West are asleep. The elite’s words do not filter down (thanks to mainstream media giving them privacy). It is left to the awake to bring awareness of the tyranny afoot. Mostly the sleeping sheeple’s thoughts are herded by peer dependency and so bleat ‘Conspiracy theory’ ‘Tinfoil hat wearer’ and ‘You’re probably a flat earther’ and so on. There is a mystery behind the gun that was used in the Christchurch attack. To get a better perspective it is sensible to critique and do a background check on the main players. In this case there are two main players.

The First player the Gunman The gunman Brenton Tyrant. There are questions the New Zealand public are not allowed to ask. Questions New Zealander’s are not allowed the answers to. Was he mind controlled? Was he a Manchurian Candidate? The US senate investigated the CIA Manchurian candidate scandal. Many ordinary US citizens who went into hospitals for routine surgery were experimented on through hypnosis and drugs to see if they could be turned into unwitting assassins. Because of these experiments, the US senate outlawed assassinations and assassins in the 1970s.

‘Manchurian Candidate" ARTICHOKE CIA Files - ARTICHOKE was the CIA'S cryptonym for the study and/or use of special interrogation methods that have been known to included hypnosis, drugs and total isolation. It grew out of the Agency's Operation BLACKBIRD and was a forerunner to the Agency's MKULTRA. Project ARTICHOKE also known as Operation ARTICHOKE was run by the CIA's Office of Scientific Intelligence. The project went deeper into interrogation methods studied in the CIA's Project BLUEBIRD. ARTICHOKE offensive mind control techniques experiments attempted to induce amnesia and highly suggestive states in its subjects. ARTICHOKE focused on the use of hypnosis, forced morphine addiction, forced morphine addiction withdrawal, along with other drugs, chemicals, and techniques. The main focus of the program was summarized in a January 1952 CIA memo, "Can we get control of an individual to the point where he will do our bidding against his will and even against fundamental laws of nature, such as self-preservation?" One program experiment attempted to see if it was possible to produce a "Manchurian Candidate." In Richard Condon’s 1959 novel "The Manchurian


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Candidate" an American soldier, who has been placed into a hypnotic state by Communist forces, returns home to assassinate on command. Five years earlier the CIA considered the possibility. A January 1954 CIA report asks the question, “Can an individual of [redacted] descent be made to perform an act of attempted assassination involuntarily under the influence of ARTICHOKE?’ CIA Files, Operation Artichoke

There are more questions we will not get the answers to – How did Tarrant make his thousands of dollars? He said he made his money through the cryptocurrency Bit-connect. Yet at the time he said he made the money, others who had invested in the cryptocurrency lost a lot of money. Why did Tarrant visit Turkey twice, for lengthy stays? Coincidentally, or not, during his stay there was a terrorist attack mounted on the German embassy in Turkey. Was Tarrant a vulnerable man? Was he used and then discarded in some sort of black op? Why are we told he was a lone wolf, when Muslim eyewitnesses say there were multiply terrorist on the day? Why did Tarrant, while in court, with the mainstream media cameraman lens honed in, give the Freemasonry illuminati hand signal? Was he signalling to his handlers and the elite worldwide that this is an elite operation that had been completed to irreversible shock and change the nation of New Zealand? A signal that we are now told is a white supremacy signal in a handy piece of social engineering to confirm to the sheeple of NZ that he was a white supremacist, which was conveniently confirmed by the NZ Prime minister. She stated that white supremacy was alive and well in NZ. Such a blatant lie and highly offensive to the people of this outstandingly generous and tolerant multicultural country. Jacinda Ardern is a meddler and troublemaker. Why did Tarrant’s grandmother say that on his return from traveling through Pakistan, Israel, Croatia, North Korea, Hungary, he was a completely changed man? Why is it that Tarrant’s so-called manifesto is called ‘Replacement’? This is a movement that is gaining ground in France and a country he also visited. What happened to his psyche? (right) is his Facebook post from Pakistan in 2018. In 2018, he was awe- inspired by the Muslim country; he had no problems with the religion.

We the People of the New Zealand and the world will not be privy to the answers. New Zealand’s political and social landscape changed. New Zealand’s has a Starzi lookalike government. Globalist puppet, Jacinda Ardern, speedily reformed the gun ownership. The official paperwork was ready to be introduced to parliament within a couple of weeks of the attack! This type of governmental reform takes months to compile, write and have legally checked. Yet somehow her “on to it” government had it completed in two weeks. Or could it be that secretly the law change was done and dusted months before and left on a shelf waiting for this prearranged attack?


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Even before the amendments to gun ownership were passed in parliamentary process, Ardern had rallied the police to do early morning raids (3 am) on household that were known to own semi- automatic firearms. She instructed her police to act illegally. It could be argued that no private citizen should own such weapons. That is a valid debate to be had. But that misses the point, that these law-abiding New Zealand citizens held these guns lawfully in a democracy. The police arrived, woke up the occupancy and with trumped up charges confiscated the weapons – just as Stalin with his long and endless list of those who needed to be permanently removed in Communist Russia. The truth is democracies in the end become communist due to the soft belly of care.

‘Karl Marx in the Communist manifesto wrote that democracy is the first step to Socialism. There are two paths to Communism, one is evolutionary-socialism by way of violent revolution and there is infiltrated-Socialism of the Frankfurt school. People in democratic countries look to central government to pay for education, health and welfare, straight out of Marx Manifesto. All the “social burdens” are handed to government care, increasing taxes; Socialism hiding in plain sight.’ We Are Revolting, 2019, Antoinette James, Page 44

A more moral New Zealand of the 1960-70s were outraged at the early morning police raids on overstayers from Polynesia. The practice was terminated as draconian and anti-democratic. Memories fade, and now New Zealand’s socialist government is trying in on again – and this time getting away with it due to compliance of those who have succumbed to socialist brainwashing. New Zealand too has been psychologically morally and intellectually dumbed down by the rhetoric of this post-modern age where post truth/subjective truth has robbed people of rational thought. It is a NAZI mindset that can rationalise the heavy hand of the government having bought the false flag scam. New Zealand joins Britain and other Western nations as a perfect example of a Colluding Establishment of the five P’s - politicians, press, prosecutors, police and professors; all sharing the load to stitch the people up. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_8CPF1mK9Fo

‘When the Nazis came for the communists, I remained silent; I was not a communist. When they locked up the social democrats, I remained silent; I was not a social democrat. When they came for the trade unionists, I did not speak out; I was not a trade unionist. When they came for the Jews, I remained silent; I wasn't a Jew. When they came for me, there was no one left to speak out.’ Friedrich Gustav Emil Martin Niemöller (1892-1984), Protestant Pastor during Nazi regime, author, speaker. Excerpt from a speech

The second player, the anti-gun woman The public was allowed to know her name. Unlike Brenton, whose name she suppressed, her name was allowed to be liberally spoken about in New Zealand and abroad. International mainstream media puffed her up hailing her as a mighty leader in a time of national crisis. Nothing could be further from the truth. The Public Relations exercise on the backs of murdered individuals is a scandal.

Ardern’s role as the Hegelian Dialectic pendulum swing was the anti-gun lobby. She is the anti-gun woman. Her job, to start to de-arm the public for her globalist handlers. The gunman is the thesis of the Hegelian Dialectic. The anti-gun woman and a small socialist followers, the antithesis. And the socialist NZ governments laws are the synthesis. And like all organised dialectic manoeuvres, the public has surrendered


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their freedoms to the government. Freedoms whittled away, waiting for the next managed crisis on which to whittle more away. Each whittling is assessed. How little the public complain registered. How much they can whittle away in the next round sorted.

The elite with help from idiot governments believe it is their right to rule, convincing the public through stress that it is their right to be ruled (see We Are Revolting, which takes time to unravel this long held belief of the elite and their strategies to convince the We the People it is our right to submit to them and be ruled). Like the gunman, there are questions we are not allowed to ask about the anti-gun woman. Is she mind controlled? Is she a common purpose graduate? (refer We Are Revolting Page 447). What was the real purpose of her mentoring by Fabián (refer We Are Revolting), warmonger former Prime Minister of Great Britain, Tony Blair? Was she mentored by drug addict Bill and Satanist Hillary Clinton in New York before the elite jettisoned her up the Labour party ranks? Why was the New Zealand public not allowed to know the topics of the talks between her and Hillary Clinton on her visit to NZ?

What we do know is, yes Globalist Helen Clark, globalist Phil Goff, globalist Tony Blair all had their part in the ideological grooming of her. She was chosen and was promoted and was put into power via a Winston Peter’s coup. The majority of voters voted for the conservative National party. It was Ardern, the anti-gun woman who has denied the gunman a voice, while falsely claiming she spoke for the whole nation of New Zealand. Ardern scripted and held the narrative monopoly of delivery - by force. She threatens any dissenters with up to 14-year prison sentences for independent research or viewing/sharing the YouTube footage. This “altruistic” anti-gun woman Ardern and her political toy-boy Winston Peters have no national feeling and concerns. The nation is a meal ticket for him and a communist advancing platform for her. In her closing speech as President of the Socialist Youth International (in which she continually addressed the delegates as Comrades) she gave guidelines to how their socialist ideology would “win”. She is in politics to change the country to her heart’s desire as the Fabián motto exhorts; she is not Prime Minister to serve!

Professor Ed Dutton, an English anthropologist, BA Theo, Ph.D. Religious Studies teaching in Finland, in an interview with Vinny Eastwood called Jacinda Ardern ‘A deeply unstable woman’. He went on to say, for a leader of a country to break down in public, wear a headscarf, and influence others, including the police in a controversial display shows her extreme opinions must be followed. He went on to said, her display of agreeism empathy was not appropriate for a leader. She was susceptible to neuroticism and worry. Saying further, ‘for a Mormon, who would have been brought up to believe she was achieving a degree of Glory destined for the celestial heaven for that person to give up all they have been brought up with and to leave it with the threat of going onto outer darkness was an extreme swing producing instability in any individual.’ He further said that Ardern was not up for the leadership position.

Ardern openly spoke out of when she suffered from anxiety when she was deputy minister of the Labour party. Making people question if she is just a puppet. Is she New Zealand’s Alexander Corts. Who is really running the country? Ardern had declared she was ‘At the precipice’ of mental stability such were her problems and anxieties. Dutton suggests her struggle with infertility lengthy interventions to become pregnant is associated with anxiety. Science backs this up, as anxiety creates physical issues in the human body.


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Dutton observed that she would not say the gunman’s name, suggesting that this was a symptom of obsessive-compulsive disorder. He also suggested she looked very gaunt for a woman who has just had a baby; being another sign of anxiety.

‘Under normal conditions of course and were people are more questioning and people are prepare to talk about mental illness, and say, well, perhaps mental illness is not a particularly good idea in people in power, good in artist maybe, but not in power. Under normal conditions where you can talk about that this would never have happened. But under conditions where you can’t talk about that, which is being caused by these ideologies like political correctness, which themselves could be ultimately seen as expressions of the spiteful mutation that manifests. So, should you be prime Minister? You can’t say, look you a have just had a baby, do you think this is a good idea? You can’t! and you end up with this hysterical woman in charge of a country. Who indulges her own insanity her own hysteria in a whole nation this is very dangerous. She should be running a cake stall, not a country! She is a dangerous woman to be in this position.’ Dutton

It has to be said, for a leader who says she is transparent, she had no qualms keeping her pregnancy from the public until after the election. She was advised to keep the news under wraps as it would stop a bulk of the public voting for her. She deceived a nation, lost the election and then was shoehorned in anyway. Whether Peter’s had a gun to his head, or an enormous bribe, we may never know. But something very nefarious went down to overturn NZs democracy in 2017. The elites were not going to allow New Zealand to vote right in the populist uprising seen throughout the world.

So how could Ardern be dangerous? Dutton cites that she has, used the law change to shut down free speech and the ability to question the official narrative, backing it up with lengthy jail time. She has effectively shut down critical thinking that mature educated adults naturally indulge in.

NAZI German started out this way, while the NPC blindly cheered the regime on as it suited their narrow government fed worldview. With these the German people’s freedoms were slowly eroded. One of Hitler’s first acts was to regulate gun ownership; even those members of his own party he mistrusted.

Aleksandr Isayevich Solzhenitsyn (1918-2008), Russian novelist, historian, and short story writer, author of One Day in the Life of Ivan Denisovich and Gulag Archipelago said ‘We should have resisted the KGB at the front door. If the KGB thought that they might not go home that night, the Russian people might have had a different fate.’

If the Christchurch attack is significant in the country, it is as a wakeup call to rally the people to stand up and resist the taking of freedoms while it is still at the front door. The New Zealand public should be asking, why a democratically elected government make laws to suppress the truth and shut down enquiry. Why is the media the government’s lap dog instead of the public’s guard dog? The answer? Could it be that this anti-gun woman is the elites window mannikin and the government the window dressing? In her address to the nation after the attack, she wore a red shirt under her jacket. Yes, red is the Labour colour of socialism, but it is also an elite signalling colour. After these types of attack around the world and particularly NATO countries, which NZ joined in 2016, News presenters often wear red attire as a signal to the insiders around the world that it was an elite op and all is managed and controlled. New Zealanders need to be aware that the elites’ middlemen are marching through the institutions as happened in Communist China. The Fabián’s in the UK who are behind Common Purpose, a supposed charity, have near crippled the country’s institutions; the NHS hardest hit. Common Purpose front woman, Julia Middleton and her team use NLP brainwashing techniques in their training sessions. To be Common Purpose trained is by invitation only. The team look for those individuals who can easily be manipulated and conformed to a useful idiot to their bidding. Not institution is left untouched. From


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Teachers to police, from clergyman to criminals, from charity workers to teachers to targeted groomed children at school, they are all trained to be the change agents in their sector of influence.

‘Let me tell you this: that I regard your notion of the 'long march through the institutions' as the only effective way...’ Marcuse’s (Marxist) response in 1971

Common Purpose is targeting New Zealand youth. On their website commonwealthyouthnewzealand they entice young people to be the next generation of global leaders to empower. Do not be flattered if you are chosen. That is the best time to run if you want to keep your own psyche in check. Where Common Purpose has run in UK schools, there seems to be clusters of youth suicide that follow. Several spouses of policemen reported a completely changed personality and attitude after her husband had been common purpose trained. Whole councils have had a change in vision where Common Purpose trained councillors have been employed. Common Purpose is alive and well in New Zealand. It would be wise to upskill your knowledge on this nefarious charity funded up the elites. This 9 year old (2012) YouTube is just as pertinent today as it was then - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=q8hVd... NLP [neuro - linguistic programming] Brian Gerrish.

LINKEDIN NZ advertise common purpose positions for alumni. One position that stood out was the senior financial advisor for the New Zealand Defence Force. The other jobs were just as alarmly in key sectors of the country

Common Purpose has headquarters in London and branches scattered all over the world. Their courses run on Chatham house rules - you can use all the information learnt from other attendees but are not allowed to mention names of anyone. The courses are highly secretive. Matrix course 40-hour intensive course 3000 pounds and taxes subsidise. They looked for those people who are in positions of influence. Those people who can be manipulated. They are then sent out to get positions in businesses or countries where they can make changes to the elites’ outcomes.

Common purpose in the UK is closely associated with DEMOS, a Marxist think tank who were working with the Fabián Tony Blair (right) standing beside the Fabián window cabinet while he was Prime Minister. Deutsche bank is a big contributor of funds to this charity as well as taxes as I am sure is the case in NZ. The Common Purpose end goal is to create future leaders without definition. They have re-engineered what the word Leader means. This re defining of words is word trickery the elites love to do.


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We the People hear a word and understand its meaning and therefore agree with that word in a statement. What we do not know, is that word has been redefined and we are agreeing to the elite’s definition without being aware of that crucial fact. Common Purpose is looking for a new society, a Big Society, a collective Marxist society modelled on collectivism. We are in fact, living in a post-democratic era, we are living in an elite, an oligarchical globalised world that we do not discern. This globalised world will very soon, if we the People do not wake up, be formalised literally over night by the signature of other leaders. They are reframing thinking, breaking down Christian values pulling down boundaries, dumbing down thinking.

Common purpose has strong similarities and framing as Freemasonry. Jacinda Ardern, a freemason financial recipient is bought and paid for by this global entity with its head in the Jesuit Vatican. New Zealand is being controlled from this external power.

DEMOS, registered as an educational Charity, was founded in 1993, by Marxist Today editor martin Jacques (right), a son of parents who belong to the communist party of Great Britain. In 1997 in the UK’s general elections DEMOS was closely linked to Tony Blair and his Labour Party.

DEMOS co-founder Jeff Mulgan (left), held the post of director of policies at 10 Downing Street under Tony Blair. He was also a chief advisor to Gordon Brown and board member of Big Society Capital.

DEMOS make visible the elite symbols (right DEMOS highly occult logo), culture and cultural changes at work. We Are Revolting, 2019, goes into depth on these issues. Once we understand the symbols and the elite culture and philosophy, it is very easy to spot their hidden hand at work to herd the people to their desire. As the Fabián Glass window famously declares, ‘Mould it closer to our heart’s desire’.

‘Liberty has never come from the government. Liberty has always come from the subjects of the government. The history of liberty is a history of resistance. The history of liberty is a history of the limitation of governmental power, not the increase of it.’ Woodrow Wilson, Speech at New York Club 1912, and in The Papers of Woodrow Wilson, 25:124


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The Gun’s Message: Graffiti Podcast Four https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ouLF2QhXBUU The Christchurch shooter’s gun and kit were covered in messaging. There is a common thread in the graffiti and misunderstandings surrounding the take home message. Sadly, the elite got the desired response internationally. This podcast sets the record straight with clear and plain historical context –

On the names on the Christchurch shooter’s gun and backpack, I could only deduce that the names, campaigns, slurs, numbers, and symbols were purposely and conveniently staged by his controllers. On investigation, most of the messaging refers to Roman Catholic/Vatican events. Roman Catholicism was in the beginning and still is today, a tyrannical political movement. Although it has many souls who claim to be Christians having asked the Lord Jesus Christ to take away their sins and come into their lives, the movement itself is not Christian; nor does it teach Biblical Christianity. Roman Catholicism is Mithraism with a thin Christian veil. This is more fully explained in We Are Revolting. Read Fox’s Book of Martyrs to grow a body of knowledge about Roman Catholicism and its persecution of Christians and Muslims.

The words False Flag was first use during naval battles in the 12 Century. A ship would fly the enemy’s flag to gain the advantage, thus getting close to their ships to take them out. This is the tacit the Vatican has used through history. One does not need to dig too deeply into history to verify this; research will reveal that all wars are indeed Vatican Wars for supremacy.

There are only three religions whose leaders call for conversion or death. They are Islam, Roman Catholicism and more covertly Atheism. Atheism has its strings pulled by the Ancient Mystic Religion that is known as the New Age Religion today. Protestant Christianity, that was birthed in the beginning of the 1600s by Martin Luther is actually the emergence of early Christianity from the smothering of Romanism. It is prudent today to differentiate between Roman Catholicism claims of Christianity, and Christianity itself – hence the qualifier Protestant.

‘It has often been charged…that Catholicism is overlaid with many pagan incrustations. Catholicism is ready to accept that accusation - and even make it her boast…The great god Pan is not really dead, he is baptised.’ The Story of American Catholicism, P.37

Here once again, in New Zealand this time, fundamental far-right Christian Strawman is being used and pushed for nefarious ends. And this is why, in New Zealand, if one tries to find the truth, one is stalked, harassed and intimidated by the police on orders of the government. The globalist-controlled government have written laws making the citizens of the country the enemy and have reinforced their despotic decree with the threat of lengthy prison sentences hanging over the people’s heads.

The attacker’s gun conveniently is the only evidence the NZ government is allowing its citizens to see. The gun has been thrown to We the People as a bone on which to gnaw, to imprint into our psyche the


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colours of Isis (terror and revenge) used in this attack.

We the People, Muslim and non-Muslim, need to understand this is deliberate. The gun is still shooting bullets, bullets of a different kind, in the hands of the anti-gun woman, Jacinda Ardern the NZ puppet- Prime Minister on orders of her globalist handlers. The Christchurch shooter’s gun is now shooting subliminal bullets to an international community by design. Nothing, nothing significant happens by accident in this world. The globalists are skilled at herding thinking through Hegelian dialectic swings.

The globalists realize the public is disinterested in things belonging to adulthood. They are otherwise consumed with posting What I am having for lunch, my view right now and who are you in this picture? Posts on their Facebook timeline and other social media, indulging in endless quizzes on Your spirit animal, or what queen you would be in history, all designed to perpetually keep the public in pre-adult stage. By design, TV, Hollywood and social media is set at a 6th Grade level of engagement (11-12yr olds)

The Christchurch shooter’s gun is intended to shoot the globalist esoteric, and subliminal narrative for years to come.

What subliminal message does this gun carry? Looking at the writing on the gun objectively, with historical context, i.e. within the centuries they fit is logical; this is called history or truth. Then, look at the writing subjectively within the context of the direction the New Zealand government and their handlers are herding We the People, This is called social engineering, post modernity, or fed socialist narrative. Truth and fed narrative are two different ideas. The gun inspired fed narrative is designed to polarize Muslim and Christian, to socially engineer them to a globalist desired position. Both are being played. The outcome will be more protection for Islam and a crushing of Christianity to bring more tension and chaos. Once Christianity is crushed, the globalist will turn their attention to the Muslim believers. Islam is not the end point. Christians and Muslims both need to stop eyeing each other up with hostility and see the real enemy – the elites. Then together We the People can defeat them. By far the majority of Muslims and Christians just want to get on with peaceful, happy lives. The elites are very frightened of a wake citizenry.

The Christian/Muslim discussion was a buzz on social media for at least two weeks after the Christchurch incident. The Muslim side of the discussion dominated. The Christian voice was small or non-existent because Christianity, historically and now in the 21st Century, is a peaceful faith that, perhaps sadly, will not stand up for itself. You will understand what I mean as this dialogue progresses.

On reading some Truth group postings on the Christchurch attack. 99% focused on the rhetoric written on the gun and kit. No surprises, as this, remember, was the only information the people were fed. Here is an example of the feelings within the Muslim online Truther community.

Aqdas Usman explained the writing on the gun after this tell all statement… ‘This is the gun that the terrorist used to kill and murder the Muslims in the two Mosques in Christchurch, New Zealand. This weapon has been covered with extremist Christian Bigotry, and many dates and names from the pages of history (many of these figures mentioned have always been revered in the Christian Extremist ideology for ages) has been written all over the weapon.’ He goes on, ‘Now, what does these writings actually mean?’


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He continues to go through about 8 of the titles and names on the gun, using rhetoric such as, ‘Christian extremist teaching…Christian Kingdoms…martyrdom’

Is he right? As I have already alluded to, such events do not fit the Christian mode of operation, now or historically.

We are told the shooter was a lone wolf, but Muslim eyewitnesses at the 2nd mosque all said there was more than one shooter going on to say four were involved. Christchurch general-public eye-witnesses who came forward all said there was no way, no way the shooter could have done all that he did at the first Mosque and get to the second mosque in the time We the people have been told, further suggesting he was no lone wolf madman. Also, Muslims at the Mosque claim they received an anonymous call the morning of the shooting warning them of a terrorist operation suggesting it was pre-planned. Someone is telling porkies, and I do not think it is the Muslim witnesses. So, again was this an act of a far-right Christian?

Below are the names, campaigns, slurs, symbols and numbers written on the shooters gun and gear, with context. Do they belong to Christianity, or Roman Catholicism? See if you can discern a trend. (I will be using the classical AD. The politically correct term, Common Era (CE), only kicks the can down the road. I realize it is about making Christianity disappear and separating the West from its roots but at the end of the day AD or CE its source reference remains found in the arrival of the historical Jesus Christ.)

Names of individuals 1) Odo the Great, was the Duke of Aquitaine by 700 AD. He fought the Carolingian Franks making alliances with the Moors to combat them. He is remembered for defeating the Umayyad Caliphate in 721 AD. It was the first major battle lost by the Muslim forces in their military campaign northwards, claiming the lives of thousands of Umayyad soldiers. The heroic victory was celebrated with gifts from the Pope who declared, the Aquitanian duke a Champion of the Catholic Church (Romanism as it was called back then). In order to help secure his borders against the Umayyads, Odo married his daughter to the Muslim Berber rebel lord. This battle was a battle of two forces, Muslim and emerging Papal Rome. Although it could be argued Papal Rome secured Europe for Christianity much latter in history. Martin Luther’s Religious Reformation was not foreseen by the Vatican; this was a Vatican power-play, not a Christian power- play as the Vatican at that time had conquered Christianity, leaving a tiny remnant.

2) Charles Martel was the king of Francia (modern day France), who formed an alliance with Odo the Great. Martel was a Roman Catholic, known as the Romanist King, who defended his land from Islamic invaders. Islamic caliphates advanced with huge armies into Western Europe. Martel is famed for the 732 AD Battle of Tours, also cited on the shooter’s gun, which followed two decades of Umayyad conquests in Europe. Historically the Persians, Assyrians, Pagan and Papal Rome conquered each other by Caliphates, Crusades all over broken alliances, treaties and power. Charles’ grandson was Charlemagne, who was the face of the Holy Roman Empire, (Pagan Rome had collapsed), ruling as the Holy Roman Emperor. The title was, almost without interruption, held in conjunction with the title King of Germany, throughout the 12th to 18th Centuries. The Battle of Tours https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Rb8pGJy2aXs

3) Alexandre Bissonnette is the name of the terrorist who carried out the Mosque shooting in predominantly Roman Catholic Quebec City, Canada, in 2017. Bissonnette told the courtroom


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at the time, ‘I am ashamed of what I did.’ He said, ‘I am not a terrorist, I am not an Islamophobe.’ Many think he was a CIA patsy. Initially three masked gun men were announced as shooters. Multiple witness at the mosque confirmed this, just like the Christchurch attack. 29 minutes away, sitting in a car Bissonnette was reported as turning himself in. His friends said this was out of character as he was a quiet shy lad. The media on the strength of 2 face book likes, one of Trump and the other Marine LePen, (who the media tell us is far right, because she is tough on immigration in France, but she is very left leaning, like her father before her and as her party polices infers). On Bissonnette’s Facebook page, the self-described Christian Crusader liked and followed many Christian leaders among them, Pope John Paul II and Edward Feser a Visiting Assistant Professor at the Jesuit Loyola Marymount University in Los Angeles. Perhaps he would have been more accurate to call himself a Roman Catholic Crusader. Christian Crusader suits the media faked narrative better by labelling the boy a Christian Terrorist.

There is convincing evidence that the Quebec Mosque attack was Muslim on Muslim, as the attacker was shouting Allah Akbar during the shooting. Alfred Lambrement Webre, an International lawyer said in an interview with Press TV, Quebec, in his opinion it was a setup, a false flag. On the strength that Alexander fitted the MK Ultra candidate profile perfectly. His father was in the military, he was a twin, shy and a loner –

‘All these profiles fit the profile of MK Ultra. Especially since we are dealing here with the area where the MK Ultra was first developed under the CIA doctor, Doctor Donald Ewan Cameron. We have identified the CIA operation 40, which is like Operation Gladio in Europe, which is a travelling false flag troop’

In my book We Are Revolting I explain that NAZI Germans were smuggled out of Germany at the end of WWII in the 1940s in Operation Paperclip. Some went to South America, but many of these Nazis were put to work in a new organization called the CIA, FBI and later NASA.

4) Gjergi Arianiti Skanderbeg, Turkish for Lord Alexander. He was an Albanian nobleman who initially served the , to later betray them and lead a ruthless and cruel rebellion against them. In 1463, Pope Pius (right), called for a crusade, leaving Skanderburg high and dry, although Venetians, who had a tentative relationship with Papal Rome (refer We Are Revolting), gave some assistance. After Skanderbeg’s death, the Roman Catholic Church dubbed him the Champion of Christ. This had a double meaning; the Pope calls himself Christ, so the title was to fool the people that he was a champion of the Lord Jesus Christ maintaining the peoples fealty, while signalling to insiders that Skanderbeg has saved the Pope and his interests. Skanderbeg https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=k3Qelvsi_5E

5) John Hunyadi, was an Hungarian general and governor of Transylvania who defeated the Ottomans twice. Once in 1441 and again in 1442, effectively stalling their entrance into Europe. Hunyadi’s victories over the Ottomans prevent them from invading for decades, not only the Kingdom of Hungary, but Europe as a whole. For this reason, he received from Pope Pius II the title Athleta Christi (Christ’s Champion). This was a political title which is granted by Popes to men who have led military campaigns defending the Pope; who gets a following exclusively by claiming he is a Christian. Christianity is exoteric word for The Papacy and the Roman Catholic Church. Really Athleta Christi means The Pope’s Champion.


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6) Marco Antonio Bragadin was first a lawyer and then a military officer in the Republic of Venice. He most certainly would have been of noble Venetian blood (elite), and most certainly would have attended Padua University therefore saturated in Aristotelian teaching. In 1569 he was elected as captain of the Kingdom of Cyprus and moved to Famagusta, from there he attacked Muslim ships which were carrying Muslim pilgrims to Mecca and Medina. The captured Muslim prisoners were tortured and were mercilessly executed (all in line with Venetian noble Aristotelian culture of supremacy (as today), handed out to any one regardless of colour or creed). In 1570, the Ottoman Navy besieged the city until it fell, whereupon all were massacred. Bragadin was later executed by the Ottomans for the crimes he committed towards Muslims, his body quartered and then distributed as a war trophy among the army. His skin was stuffed with straw and sewn, reinvested with his military insignia, and exhibited riding an ox in a mocking procession. Then, together with the severed heads of three other generals, Bragadin stuffed body was hoisted upon the masthead pennant of the personal galley of the Ottoman commander. Bragadin's skin was later stolen from 's arsenal in 1580 by the young Venetian seaman. He brought it back to Venice, where it received a hero’s welcome. The skin was interred with full honors in the Basilica di San Giovanni e Paolo where he is today. Bragadin's Vatican fame rests upon the incredible resistance that he made against the vastly superior besieging forces. The Holy League, being an alliance of Roman Catholic thrones except France, arranged by Pope Pius V (right), in 1570 with intensions to break the Ottoman Turks' control of the Eastern Mediterranean Sea, concluded in 1571.With the Holy League’s help the fleet was later victorious against the Muslim power at Lepanto.

7) Anton Lundin Pettersson, was the 21st year old terrorist who carried out the Trollhättan school attack in Sweden, 2015. The media created the fake narrative that he was radicalized by extreme Christian teachings. During the school shooting he wore a German WWII helmet looking for all the world like Darth Vader, from Star Wars. Darth Vader’s character was modelled on the third Reich army uniform. Nazi Germany was funded and backed by the Roman Catholic Vatican. In the movie, Star Wars, Darth Vader was an SS officer look-a-like and Chancellor Sidious was a Pope look-a-like. Although Hitler’s Party was called the Social Nationalist Party, his politics was far left akin to Fascism. The elite’s ability to manipulate and change meanings of words to suit their narrative is proficient. It is convenient for the globalists to assign Nazism to nationalism, for they want to vilify nationalism in the public’s eye to herd thought to globalism.

8) Sigismund of Luxemberg, was born in Nuremberg (1368 – 1437), the son of the Holy Roman Emperor Charles IV. He was Prince Elector of Brandenburg, King of Hungary and Croatia and King of Germany, Bohemia and Italy. He was crowned Holy Roman Emperor of the House of Luxemburg. In 1396 he led the Crusade against Ottoman rule. Afterwards, he founded the Roman Catholic Order of the Dragon to fight the Turks. The Dragon, being a symbol of the Papacy (right). Sigismund was one of the driving forces behind the Council of Constance, that ended the Papal Schism, known as the Great Occidental Schism of 1378, a split within the Roman catholic Church lasting from 1378 to 1417, in which three men, simultaneously claimed to be the true Pope, having excommunicated one another. Driven by politics rather than any theological disagreement, the


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shism was ended by the Council of Constance (1414-1418), exposing the papacy’s aims as anything but religious.

9) Bohamoad I of Antioch, was the Prince of Taranto from 1089- 111 and the Prince of Antioch from 1098-1111. He was a leader of the Pope Urban II First Crusade from 1095–1099, being the first of a number of crusades that attempted to recapture the Holy Land that had fallen to the Turks in the 7th Century. In 1099 in the re-conquest of Jerusalem and the establishment of the Kingdom of Jerusalem which was governed by a committee of nobles, a social class normally ranked closely with royalty possesses more acknowledged privileges and higher social status than other classes. They hold all the privileges still today. We do not call them noble; we call them elites. They hold privilege that they have falsely assigned to White males to take the heat off themselves. This polarizes We the People, so we fight each other, are discontent and covet others prosperity, as if money somehow brings happiness. We the people have been spoon fed a narrative that has been perpetuated in the Humanities department of universities. Two generations of students have fed on the notion and have fallen for it hook line and sinker. They have abdicated their own responsibility.

10) Luca Traini, was a 28 year old Italian man who was a failed Northern League candidate. He injured 6 African immigrants in the City of Macerata. The media made him out to have extreme right-wing views. He was sentenced to 12 years in prison for shooting. He later abandoned his car and made a fascist salute, an Italian flag draped over his shoulders, as police arrested him. Mein Kampf written by a Roman Catholic Jesuit, but “sold” to the world as Hitler’s own hand, was reported to be found in his home. Traini apologized in court for his actions. ‘I am sorry for the injuries I caused,’ he said. ‘While in prison, I have understood that the colour of ones’ skin has nothing to do with anything.’ Many believe that the massacre that Traini is accused of was intended by the left-leaning executives who needed a MONSTER, leaving many to call this a false flag.

11) Sabastiano Venier, was Doge of Venice from 1577 to 1578, and Venetian admiral at the Battle of Lapanto 1571 in which the Christian League, being Roman Catholic thrones joined the Papacy fighting in the name of Christianity (false flag). He decisively defeated the Turks. Doges were all powerful oligarchy from a tyrannical strict dictatorship rule of the 1% over the 99%. They believed Aristotle’s teaching that they were born to rule the 99% who were born to serve, the same as the elites of today. The same ideology crafts the United Nations endeavours. In 1570 Venier was procurator of St Marks. To understand the importance of St Marks, (refer We Are Revolting). Our history books are silent on the subject, but they held and still today hold much power, ruling from the shadows.

12) Konstantin II Asen, was the son of a tsar of Bulgaria thought to have ruled from 1397 to 1422. His Roman Catholic nation joined others to resist the advance of the Ottoman empire. Little is known of him.

13) Gaston IV of Bearn, was a lesser knight but carried his own standard and commanded his own


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men. At the Siege of Antioch, he led one of the divisions in the final battle against Kerbogha in 1099. Gaston was the first crusader to enter the city. 14) Pelayu is probably a reference to the Spanish nobleman Don Pelayo who died in 737 AD. He became a symbol of the Roman Catholic wars against the Muslims. The wars and crusades were against heretics that meant - Christians as history records read Fox’s book of Martyrs, Jews and Muslims. Christians because they saw Roman Catholicism for what it was, Jews because the Pope wanted and still wants Jerusalem for himself believing it holds mystic powers. The Vatican created Zionism as a political movement in his bid to get Jerusalem. The difference between the acts of the Zionists and the people of the State of Israel, needs discernment as they are two different entities. It is extremely complicated. The Jesuit instigated WWII was partly to herd the Jews back to Israel. The Muslims, when they took Jerusalem in the middle ages reneged on the deal to hand it to the Pope as planned. Islam hierarchy and the Vatican are united behind the curtain. In every Islamic state a Roman Catholic Church is sited next door (right), and in return, Islam is allowed to have mosques in Catholic countries. The mosques and the Roman Catholic churches and cathedrals share much of the same iconology and symbolism. The Pope set Islam against the Christians in Africa in the first Century to halt the spread of Christianity in Africa. Pelayu is credited with beginning the Reconquista, the Roman Catholic reconquest of the Iberian Peninsula from the Moors. He established an independent Catholic state in opposition to Moorish hegemony.

15) Josué Estebanez, was reported to have been a Spanish neo-Nazi and ex-soldier from the Basque Country, who was sentenced to 26 years in prison, for the murder of Carlos Palomino (right), in 2007 on the day of an anti-migration march. Estebanez is something of a legendary figure in far- right networks. The message ‘Free Josué’ is frequently seen written on walls across Spain.

16) Feliks Kazi Mier Patocki, was a Polish noble, magnate and military leader. He became famous in the Chocim expedition in 1673. He fought against Tatars and Turks in many battles. In 1698 the Polish army under his command completely smashed the Tatar expedition to Poland.

17) Lazar of Serbia, was a 14th Century Serbian ruler who died in the , which ended with a Turkish victory. At this stage Serbia was predominantly an Orthodox Christian country, despised by the Roman Catholic Papacy. The orthodox church is a Christian faction that pulled away from the Roman catholic political-religious movement in the 11th Century, known as the Great Schism. They pulled away because they did not believe that salvation was only gained inside the Roman catholic Church. They did not believe in its supremacy and primacy, nor that the Pope was infallible, as he was born like another man into sin.

18) Milos Obilic (right), was a Serbian knight, in the service of Prince Lazar, who assassinated the Ottoman Sultan Murad I.


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19) David IV of Georgia (right), was an 11th century king who ran the Turks out of Georgia. Georgia was orthodox Christian country and was more collateral damage of the Vatican Islamic power-play.

20) Marko Milianov Popovic, was a secular Montenegrin Duke, who led the offense against the Ottomans in the 1861-62 and again in 1876- 78 wars. Popovic’s father was an Orthodox Christian priest who wore the Maltese Cross, an esoteric symbol that he was aligned with the Jesuits who had been banished from over 80 countries during the 1800s.

21) Sir Edward Codrington, was a British Admiral who fought in the with the French and Russians, destroying Ottoman fleets. Codrington was working knowingly or otherwise for the Vatican as Knight of the grand Cross of the Order of the bath, and an order of St George. Although he was buried in an Anglican Church, he had a Freemasonry/Roman Catholic obelisk erected in his memory suggesting he was a Jesuit or Roman Catholic insider.

22) Count Ernst Rudiger von Starhemburg (left), was sent by Leopold I, a Habsburg and Holy Roman Emperor to defend Vienna in 1683, gaining the upper hand over the Ottomans.

23) Losif Gurko (right), was a Russian Marshal who fought against the Turks in the Russo-Turkish War of 1877-78. He led his troops at The Battle of Shipka Pass, as part of the orthodox coalition. He too wore a Maltese Cross.

24) Serban Cantacuzino (left), was the Prince of , who sabotaged his Turkish allies. He warned the Austrians of the pending siege of Vienna.

25) Bajo Piyljanin (right), was a 17th Century commander who fought against the Ottomans in the North-West Bakans. He was a hero in the Service of Venice.

26) Fruzhin (left), was a 15th Century Bulgarian noble who fought against the Ottomans.

27 Ebba Åkerlund, was an 11-year-old girl killed in the 2017 terror attack by Uzbekistan asylum-seeker Rakhmat Akilov who drove a stolen beer truck through a crowd in Stockholm, Sweden.

There seemed to be two other names written on the gun, too poorly to get the spelling correct enough to research.


1) Tours 732 AD, This battle was one of the deciding battles. If the Muslims had won the Battle of Tours, the Muslims would have conquered all of Western Europe. The Vatican won the day and Europe became Roman Catholic or die. The Inquisition worked mercilessly to have it so until the martin Luther Religious reformation in 1521. The persecution of Christians did not stop, but the true Bible Gospel slowly gained the advantage as people chose to leave the tyranny, they had been under for centuries. Ships Mayflower and Speedwell took fleeing Protestant


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Christians to North America as settlers (they stole no land, but paid the indigenous Indians for the areas where they settled) and the West was born.

2) Vienna 1683, speaks of a two month siege by the Ottoman Empire. The , 1683 AD was the last offensive Jihad led by Islamic Caliphate in history. Pope initiated Crusades insisted all military and civilian personal (non-elites, the cattle), would be used as a human wall to push against the Ottoman advance. The battle was fought by the Habsburg Monarchy, the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth and the Holy

Roman Empire. It marked the first time the Commonwealth and the Holy Roman Empire united in their battle against the Ottomans. The Ottomans lost the battle, marking a turning point, the Ottoman Turks ceased their conquest into Catholic Europe and in 1699, the Ottomans lost almost all of Hungary to the Holy Roman Emperor Leopold I.

3) Shipka Pass, is 13 kilometres north of the small town of Shipka, lying between Ruse, on the River and Makaza border crossing to Greece. During the Russo-Turkish War in 1877 and 1878, many conflicts took place in Shipka Pass therefore named the Battle of Shipka pass.

4) Calivijo 844, refers to the Battle of Calivijo, which was a great victory for the Roman Catholic Vatican over the Muslims. Some European historians state no such battle took place. Some say this was propaganda circulated by the Catholic Church of Spain to boost hatred towards the Muslims. Stories of apparitions of Apostle James and Jesus joining the battle and leading the troops to victory was widespread and did the job of inspiring and rallying the faithful.

5) 1571 , was a naval engagement. A fleet of the Holy league, led by the Venetian Republic and the Spanish Empire inflicted a major defeat on the fleet of the Ottoman Empire in the Gulf of Patras, resulting in a decisive Holy League victory. The coalition was arranged by Pope Pius V and led by John of Austria. The league was largely financed by Philip II of Spain and the Venetian Republic was the main contributor of ships. The Venetians were very proficient on the sea and they ruled the waters around Europe at that time. While Papal Rome was warring against Muslim forces, the Venetian cunning was getting the upper hand.

6) Acre 1189-1191, was part of the Pope’s third Crusade. It was the siege and recapture of Levant, at Port of Acre from the famous Muslim Saladin. Saladin was the first Sultan of Egypt and Syria, who also was noted for capturing Jerusalem.


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7) Battle of Kagul (right), was a Russo-Turkish land battle that took place in 1770. The Ottomans were defeated and expelled from the Ukraine.

8) Battle of Bulair 1913, This was fought by Orthodox Christian Bulgarians, led by General Georgi Todorov. These Orthodox Christian nations embroiled in battle with the Ottomans were the consequence of the Roman Catholic Crusades, which The Popes also called against the orthodox Christians, making Europe a hot bed of war and a struggle for sovereignty.

9) Vac 1684, came after the Siege of Vienna where the Ottomans were defeated by the Austrians and the Holy Roman Empire, which encompassed Germany, the dominant force.

Recent Islamic intrusions

1) For Berlin, for Madrid, is reference to the citizens deliberately run over by a truck driven into unsuspecting Christmas market crowd of non-Muslims in the city of berlin and Madrid.

2 For Rotherham, is reference to Pakistani Muslim grooming gangs (still in operation in cities around the UK), who raped underage white and Sikh underage girls, prostituting them out. The UK police knew about them, but looked the other way as the girls were not considered worth the trouble and the bad press and that would ensue against these men and the police being targeted as racists in this post truth world. The Muslims were criminal by action, but more to the point the police establishment, full of their own paedophiles are the primary criminals. The “white” parents who tried to get their daughters back were arrested instead.


Turkofagos, meaning Turk-eater. It is a nickname widely used by Greek militias fighting Ottomans many centuries ago.

Statements 1) Refugees welcome to Hell, seems a frivolous comment among the other messaging, until one puts what we read together with an understanding of how the elites of today announce, warn and herald their exploits. The elites always announce the next part of the plan. Usually they use Hollywood fiction, sometimes blatantly in through News media and sometimes they announce it themselves. The people do not react, and the delighted elite see that as a green light. No objection means compliance. The elites take the silence to mean they have the legal (but not lawful) right to continue their diabolic agenda. In a court of law ignorance is no excuse, silence means an individual is complicit.


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Welcome to Hell is an esoteric black humour. This is not something a New Zealander would say to an immigrant. This is the elite signalling to each other, that immigrants and citizens of New Zealand are going to get a lot of problems coming their way in the future. They are saying that New Zealand is, in the future, going to be made like hell to live in so oppressive their plans are for the country. It is a veiled warning to all. Muslim people are going to be pawns the elite will use to make all citizens compliant through the usual Hegelian dialectical trick of polarizing the population. The elites are going to make it hell in every way they can conceive. The West has been brought down so low over the last 60 years by multi-corps, UN treaties and NGO partnering with corrupt globalist puppet governments. The New Zealand government already operates in a hellish shadow of its former self. The longer it takes to rises up to say, ‘I do not consent’ the longer the West will continual to spiral down, and lose its God given rights and freedoms.

2) Here’s your Immigrant Compact, goes hand in hand with the welcome to Hell messaging. 2018 the United Nations non-binding global compact was signed without the people of New Zealand’s say so by the Prime Minister. This compact as the small print says is a binding document and it is in line with International Law/Vatican Law. This is also known as Marine Law or The Law of the Sea (refer to We Are Revolting for a breakdown). The reason that this was written on the gun is to gag voices by association with the murder, the terrorist and the false right-wing strawman they have created. The public is being bullied to remain silent when their governments become dictators, instead of taking their cues from the citizens. It is about shutting down questions – after all only “racists” would ask questions about the Vatican approved compact! This message on the gun is designed to trigger globalists socialists to be the “police” to shut down those who want New Zealand to be a sovereign nation. This is to irate the NPCs to rise up and hate on anyone who engages in critical thinking about the Compact.

The United Nations Global Compact is strongly supported by Pope Francis, (pictured right holding an extremely occult bend cross used in witchcraft in antiquity). The Vatican has had its hand pulling strings behind the curtain in the UN since its inception. Many oppose the compact because it is not protecting immigrants, but multinational corporations (Fascist Corporations), allowing them to do what they want. It effectively takes down New Zealand’s borders. The United Nations push for financial migrants is the humanitarian cover-story for corporate control. A world without boarders will make the 1% richer. We the People will have rise in cost of living to fill the elites pocket with no redress due to their monopoly.

A European Commission leaked document - .46 ‘It must be, therefore concluded that the GCM has legal effects, as it is able to decisively influence the content of the legis lation adopted by the EU legislature.’ Meaning it is already binding.

The word right in printed in the document 112 times, making lawyers around the world struggle to understand the implications. The word racism is printed ten times; the word democracy is not there at all. Most of the compact remodels thinking and hate speech concepts to herd thinking towards group thinking and thereby curb dissent.


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1) The Black Sun,is also known as the Sun Wheel and hails from antiquity. The “rays” numbered between five and twelve, with the twelve-rayed symbol denoting the passage of the Sun god Horus’ footsteps through the months of the year. The largest sun wheel in the world is found on the grounds of Saint Peter’s Square, in Vatican City (right). The black sun is an esoteric occult symbol used by Neo-Nazis and Satanism. Hitler said he was returning Germany back to its pagan past and Himmler worked tirelessly to change the Judeo-Christian culture of Germany to a mystic religion, designed especially for the Aryan people. Where the single swastika is banned in Germany, but not the Black Sun symbol hiding three swastikas within it. As the Vatican promoted and funded the rise of Hitler and Mussolini in Italy the Roman Catholic esoteric meaning is shared by both.

In 1933, Heinrich Himmler acquired 17th Century Wewelsburg a castle in Germany (floor mosaic above), planning it to be the center of the proposed “New World Order” once victory was achieved. It was the center for the top SS personal where they carried out the occult Spiritual Exercises of the Jesuits, created by Loyola ceremonial purposes in the crypt (left), of the castle. Adolph Hitler, German Fuhrer NAZI Leader stated - ‘I have learnt most of all from the Jesuit Order. …So far, there has been nothing more imposing on earth than the hierarchical organization of the Catholic Church. A good part of that organization I have transported direct to my own [Nazi] party. …The Catholic Church must be held up as an example. …I will tell you a secret. I am founding an Order [the Nazi SS]. …In [Heinrich] Himmler [head of the Nazi SS] I see our Ignatius de Loyola.’ (left) Loyola kneeing before the pope. 2) Symbol of Venus The other two ancient mystery symbols are a little bit harder to track down. The L shaped one the hardest. The other looks identical to the symbol for Venus, also known as Isis, Ishtar and who the Roman Catholic Church renamed The Virgin Mary. This is why in Catholicism she has stars around her head, is dressed in blue and sometimes holds a lightning bolt, sometimes stands on a snake and often is in a grotto or cave alcove.


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Numbers 1) 14 or 14/88 refers to the publication Mein Kampf thought to be written by Adolf Hitler, but was written by a ghost writer, an Irish Catholic Priest Father Bernard Staempfle (right), as Leo H Lehman, a convert from Catholicism to Christianity) reveals in his book Behind the Dictators, written in1942. Staempfle was later murdered by the Nazis to keep him quiet. Visit antoinettejames.com for a free download of Lehman’s book

Mein Kampf refers to securing the future for Aryan children. Today we hear endlessly the Nazi’s were white supremacists. They were not. There were many “white” peoples that they butchered; many Jews are white. They were interested in retaining their noble ancient bloodlines back to the Aryan peoples who, also used the swastika in their occult religious practises. (refer We Are Revolting) to learn about the historical and archaeological evidence that traces Aryan peoples to Germany. Calling Nazi’s white supremacists is a convenient lie told by the elites to deflect from their and the Vatican’s supremacy goals. It also is a great foundation to crush a whole group of people whose ancestors fled Roman Catholic Europe for the freedoms of the West.

Here is another quote that typifies comments on social media, especially on Muslim sites – ‘Of what I have seen as evident by the writings of his gun, the attack was a religiously motivated massacre, it was an act of Christian extremism, it was an act of terror driven by religious fanaticism.’

I have to agree but need to qualify – it is Elite fanaticism to control the world, Vatican fanaticism to control a One World religion as once they had.

Some say, what does all this contextual knowledge matter; 49 people are dead, many more are grieving? It matters because the globalists are herding We The People to a One World Order under United Nations governance. With the Roman Catholic Pope as head of a one world religion.

United Nations is a shop-front for the elites to get their way. Like Nazi Germany, it is choreographed by the Vatican. The UN is heading towards a One World Governance and a One World Religion, not like but the very same as Himmler’s Occult religion in Nazi Germany. This is why conflict between Muslim and Christian communities are staged.

The elites who run the UN hold the same ideals as Nazi Germany because the UN serves the Vatican, as Germany Nazi party did and Mussolini’s fascist Italy did. Like Nazi Germany, the elite filled United Nations is looking to change Christian traditions in the West and replace it with a One World Religion - their religion. United Nations holds to the teaching of the occultist Alice Bailey (left). She modernized the ancient Mystery religion that Himmler embraced and called it the New Age. Her publications are in every UN building around the world. They are the esoteric beliefs of Himmler and Ignatius of Loyola. Pantheism, that is the worship of nature over man is a strong philosophy that comes out in all UN documentation.


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Historians call the Nazi party the inheritors of the Roman Catholic Crusaders and the Roman Catholic Inquisition. The UN is the fourth Reich in the wings waiting to inherit. They are wanting a One World Order and to achieve this they need a One World Religion. They will not stop at anything no country; not even tiny NZ is to be left behind. No one individual has importance, it is just about the collective of people and countries. In the 13th Century when the Roman Catholic Church was dominant, all peoples needed to convert or die. The Cathars in Germania were a people who would not bow the knee to the Pope as they had their own independent religion. The Pope decreed a crusade against them.

Sean Martin, author of The Carthars stated this of the Roman Catholic Church - The Cathars were the biggest threat that the medieval church faced and were dubbed the great heresy as a result. They were fully independent counter-church, totally opposed to the Church of Rome.’

In 1209 a bloody crusade was called for by the pope. Over 100,000 Carthars were butchered – genocide for their faith. United Nations is the Papal crusade preparing for action in the 21st Century. Freemasonry is Catholicism for Protestants said a Roman Catholic priest. When the Jesuits were banished from every country in Europe during the 18th Century they went underground calling themselves the illuminati and infiltrated the Freemasonry. Most of the secrets of Freemasonry are Vatican Jesuit esoteric Occult Mystery Religion secrets. The UN charter was written by Freemason patterned on Russian Communist manifesto. Communism is the Jesuit Order’s model memorandi. Loyola’s Order lived to these tenants as did the Indians living in the Jesuit Paraguy Reductions of the 17 and 18th Century in South America. The One World Order is to run the same way. The first Secretary General of the UN was a Communist, the second a Marxist and the Third a Nazi.

Following quotes will explain Papal backed Nazi Himmler - ‘We must move as quickly as possible to a one world government, a one world religion, under a one world leader.’ This is the Vatican’s goal. Pope Paul VI wrote in a Encylical that called nations to abandon sovereignty to form a one world government.

Pierre Teilhard de Chardin, a French Darwinian Jesuit priest had always viewed the UN as the progressive institutional embodiment of his New Age occult philosophy. Quote – ‘Although the form is not yet discernible, mankind tomorrow will awaken to a pan- organized world.’ A Pan-Europe was how the European Union first was introduced back in the 1940s.

Robert Muller Former Assistant Secretary general of the UN was deeply influenced by Jesuit Teilhard. The UN prayer and meditation room planned by the occultist Alice Bailey under the Security Council chamber, is full of occult symbolism from cubes, triangles, black and white colours and snake like vertical lines. The UN laurel leaf is a symbol of honour to the occult ancient gods.


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Patron Saint of the UN is Francis of Assisi, a colleague of Jesuit Ignatius Loyola. Pope John Paul II wrote this: ‘Whoever denies or places in doubt any truth that must be believed with divine and catholic faith, or repudiates the Christian faith as a whole, and does not come to his senses after having been legitimately warned, is to be punished as a heretic…whoever obstinately rejects a teaching that the Roman Pontiff or the College of Bishops, exercising the authentic Magisterium, have set forth to be held definitively, or who affirms what they have condemned as erroneous, and does not retract after having been legitimately warned, is to be punished with an appropriate penalty.’

In a similar vein, note the conversation at a 1999 interfaith meeting: ‘As reported in the Associated Press, with the Dalai Lama (33 degree Freemason), sitting by his right side, this October [1999] in Rome the Pope presided at a special council of some 2000 religious leaders of various faiths, sects, and cults…The Pontiff told the assembled Buddhist monks, Zoroastrian priests, Catholic cardinals, Hindu gurus, American Indian shamen, Jewish rabbis, and ecumenical clergy that all must join in condemning the Christian fundamentalists who “abuse speech” and whose efforts at converting others “incite hatred and violence.’

The UN follows the copious writing of occultist Alice Bailey. New Age teacher Alice Bailey, whose occult writings the United Nations follow said these words that were later published on the UN Good Will Organization website - ‘The day is dawning when all religions will be regarded as emanating from one great spiritual source; all will be seen as unitedly providing the one root out of which the universal world religion will inevitably emerge. Then there will be neither Christian nor heathen, neither Jew nor Gentile, but simply one great body of believers, gathered out of all the current religions. They will accept the same truths, not as theological concepts but as essential to spiritual living; They will stand together on the same platform of brotherhood and of human relations; they will recognize divine sonship and will seek unitedly to co-operate with the divine Plan…such a world religion is no idle dream but something which is definitely forming today.’

Robert Muller Former Assistant Secretary General of the UN stated - ‘No human force will ever be able to destroy the United Nations, for the United Nations is not a mere building or a mere idea; it is not a man-made creation. The United Nations is the vision-light of the Absolute Supreme, which is slowly, steadily, and unerringly illuminating the ignorance, the night of our human life. The divine success and supreme progress of the United Nations is bound to become a reality. At his choice hour, the Absolute Supreme will ring his own victory-bell here on Earth through the loving and serving heart of the United Nations.’

And - ‘Do not worry if not all religions will join the United religions organization. Many nations did not join the UN at its beginning, but later regretted (sic) it and made every effort to join. It was the same with the European community and it will be the case with the world’s religions because whoever stays out or aloof will sooner or later regret it.’

In short the Christchurch shooting was just the hinge on which the globalist agenda is to move forward. We the people need to wake up! The psyche of the Isis style white on black messaging on the shooters gear was no accident. This would have been carefully planned. Its subliminal messaging of fear, and shame, is not to be underestimated to cripple and herd group thinking of New Zealanders.

Jacinda Ardern said in her address that New Zealand had been ‘Chosen’. The esoteric message of the choice of her words were deliberate and carefully crafted to signal to others. She said – ‘Clearly be called a terrorist attack.’ Why did she not say it was a terrorist attack? During her address she focused in on one person, even when she shook her head. Who was she keying in with for reassurance? This event was for an international audience. Where is the usually vocal Pope Francis? Hiding under his sheets in this Papal Palace surrounded by crazy high walls built specifically to keep the Muslim invaders out? Time for him to get up and clarify the situation and apologies for historical war crimes instead of sending cold-heart felt condolences.


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New Zealand Under gUN Control Podcast 5 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ncIkUAzYO5E

New Zealand moved into a new era – an overt Jacinda Ardern lead Socialist government era. She is not batting for team NZ, she is batting for team UN

It has been two months since Christchurch mosque attack, and it is time to consider New Zealand’s position as it totters at the tipping- point of total lock-down of civil freedoms. The laws of the land are swirling at the mouth of the total control of a One World United Nations Governance.

The Mosque attack was meticulously choreographed with clear projected outcomes. The globalist overlords no doubt rejoiced at the ease in which the people accepted every angle of the post attack social-engineering.

The elite are not a new breed of people. They have been long at their work as I clearly show with citation in my book, We Are Revolting, The Inconvenient Truth (AMAZON). For the uninitiated, the elite’s agendas are not easy to spot. Globalist planning is so convoluted as to make one’s head spin, so organised that all desired outcomes have contingence plans in place. Once one recognises their sleight of hand, their smallest of moves can be discerned. They scheme in secret societies and think tanks meetings, such as Club of Rome, Bilderbergers and CFR.

The globalist elites are not like the average life loving human. They take their work seriously; the world is their monopoly board. They have their own culture and symbols that can be traced by archaeologists back to ancient Egypt. They are out to win at any cost. However, it gets worse; what one needs to understand and not gloss over is that they are highly religious, and everything they do has a religious angle to it. Atheism is for the masses. Atheists are easier to herd than Christians.

The April 2019 New Zealand Mosque attack threw up a problem, of alarming degrees; the shooters handlers wearing red boiler-suits were carelessly caught on camera. The globalists needed a fast and stringent mop- up and their tool for the mop up was girl-Friday on the spot, Jacinda Ardern, the NZ socialist puppet-prime minister. Ardern moved with swift Stasi-like authoritarian clout, enacting the Objectional Materials Act on all citizens. The enactment shut down freedoms threatening the population with long prison sentences if they watched or even shared the expose-all video.

She went further, reforming the gun laws, that the New Zealand citizens, only a year before said “no thank you” to. She went further, before the law was processed, she sent her Nazi-SS-like police raiding houses of lawful citizens at 3am in the morning stealing their


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guns. She went further, the alleged gun man Tarrant’s trial is being held behind closed doors, so the public do not see the shady deals done to protect their Manchurian candidate. A cover-up very much like Timothy Mc Veigh, of the 1995 Oklahoma City bombing. The public have been told he was put to death by lethal injection, but eyewitnesses tell a different story. This false flag operation was arranged to secure damning Clinton fraud documents, which were rescued before the medical teams were allowed to attend to the victims.

In New Zealand judiciary has conveniently only approved credentialed journalists, (that means bought media) to cover the case. To have credentials a journalist must belong to the NZ Media Council which is controlled by the corporate interests. Since Corporate interests and the global elite are one and the same, Tarrant’s handlers are accomplices, judges and jury. The guy is being hedged about by Fascist NGOs with consent of the NZ corrupt government taking under the table rewards. This whole soap- opera performance is an example of Marxist agenda of walking through the institutions. Such corruption seems to reek of Common Purpose NLP, trained targeted individuals placed in authority. The judges in the increasing numbers of secret courts in New Zealand are taking a leaf from Julia Middleton’s book, Beyond Authority, as they act undemocratically beyond the law out of the public eye.

Anthony C Sutton was a British and American economist, historian, researcher, professor, and writer who died in 2002. The following is a quote from one of his speeches that is very poignant in the light of the New Zealand Ardern’s government abuse of freedom. When Sutton says Washington, think Wellington.

‘We live in a socialist society and suppression of information is typical in such societies. To eliminate freedom, one must first eliminate widespread knowledge of the truth… There are three levels of information. The first level we could call the establishment version. It’s what most people have believed in the past to be true about events in history. The…credibility of the establishment has been shattered, people in general, no longer believe Washington, or anything that comes out of Washington. So, this first level is what the government or establishment wants you to know. Only coincidentally is it the truth. The criteria they use are two…One, they say ‘what do we want them to know?’ and secondly, they say ‘is it consistent with what we told them last time?’ And sometimes they slip up and the statements become inoperable. Then we have the second level of information, sometimes called the revisionist level. It challenges the first level, but it’s still based on documents and information released by the bureaucrats and politicians…It does not get to the root of the problem… because it relies mainly on facts which they decide can be released. Then you get the third level…it is based on new documented evidence that has to be rooted out on a research point of view. You have to know where to look. You have to know about its existence. You have to demand it. You have to get it declassified.’


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Ardern announced on national television, that New Zealand had been “chosen” for this attack. The elite globalists are Freemasons, Roman Catholic Jesuits, which are two branches of the same Luciferin Ancient Mystery Religion marketed today as the New Age Movement. Their narrative and propaganda issued through spokesmen like George Soros, espouses the Roman Catholic-Fabián mission statement “bringing order out of chaos”.

So powerful are these elite that no American president since the 1960s has been elected by the people who was not first selected by the elite, that is before Trump. Jacinda, the compliant maidservant, charming girl next door, is the perfect trojan horse for the globalist’s agendas. New Zealand citizens who have demanded the truth and a chance for the NZ public to intellectually critique the massacre has been met with police sent to their homes to intimidate.

Why would Ardern work against the will of We the People in New Zealand? To answer this question, we need to learn what underpins her ideologies. All politics is identity politics without exception. The socialists want their philosophy to rule the people, as much as the free market capitalists want individual freedoms to rule. Once we understand Ardern’s ideology, we will be able to assess whether she has sworn allegiance to the people of New Zealand or to the International globalists. She has said she is no longer a member of the Mormon Church but can that be believed? and she plays down her Fabián mentoring under Warmonger Tony Blair’s cabinet in the United Kingdom that holds to the same ideologies.

She flippantly speaks of the post, as if it was a summer job picking apple in an orchard when in reality, she sharpening her political claws protecting freemasons from paedophile accusations. I am not saying Ardern is a paedophile, but her involvement in the UK freemasonry/paedophilia review is a very interesting rabbit hole to go down.

Jacinda Ardern on working for Tony Blair Quote - "It was totally pragmatic. I wanted to live overseas. I wanted to have that time and experience abroad. I was doing amazing voluntary work that I loved, but I needed to live so I took the job."

It wasn’t that her Mormon-freemasonry upbringing groomed her for the job, right? Tony Blair also used false flags to take away freedoms from the British people while justifying going to war; two birds with one stone for his globalist friends. Watch the 7/7 Ripple effect documentary to see how the Muslim lads were set up, then murdered.

Death is not a problem for socialists as the collective is more important than the individual. Socialism is the acceptable name, but its first title was eugenics. Eugenics is the right for the elite to kill by war, disease, medicine, vaccination and terrorism. Historically in socialist countries millions are put to death. Over the last 150-200 years of modern socialism over 150 million innocent people were killed by their own government particularly in the 20th Century - for being considered an ideological threat to the elite utopia. Jacinda Ardern has been indoctrinated with socialist ideology since birth. Being raised a Mormon, known as the Latter-Day Saints, means that Ardern is saturated in the freemasonry ideology, symbols, iconologies and tokens akin with Loyola’s Jesuit Order and esoteric Roman Catholicism.


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Career politicians, as we know, are people on a mission. Often that mission is for change and most certainly it is to bring into fruition their ideologies. The tell-tale expression on former NZ socialist Prime Minister Helen Clark’s face when greeting Ardern is chilling (left); handing over the baton of globalist business. The Mormon/freemasonry/globalist ideology Clark and Ardern follow is the same as Tony Blair’s failed Third Way repackaged for the 21st Century. No doubt, Ardern will be rewarded, like Clark with a fat salary and welcomed into the arms of the globalist elite who do their nefarious business through the United Nations.

Because Mormonism is a faction of Freemasonry with all the same trappings Ardern’s ideology is identical to her globalist handlers. The eye of Horus, pyramids, wheat, the beehive etc, working in secret with secret agendas and oaths kept by the inner circle. Ardern has been groomed as a socialist leader her whole life. She was indoctrinated and scooped up by handlers many years ago. She sealed her fate when she took the financial grant from Freemasonry.

The Joint Committee in Massachusetts 1834 combatted the tyranny of Jesuit infiltrated Freemasonry publishing a statement for the record about Freemasonry’s hand in US politics. ‘…a distinct independent government within our own government, and beyond the control of the laws of the land by means of its secrecy.’

Mark Tordai, ex-Mormon wrote about the underlying ideology of Mormonism in the wake of Mormon Mitt Romsey’s run for US president – ‘…I find…both interesting and peculiar…the Law of Consecration. According to the Wikipedia… “The Law of Consecration, as practiced by the Latter-day Saints, was for the support of the poor. Latter-day Saints were asked to voluntarily deed their property to the Church of Christ, and the church then would assign to each member a “stewardship” of property “as much as is sufficient for himself and family” for his “needs, wants, family, and circumstances.” One could sum up this concept with Marx’s infamous “From each according to his ability, to each according to his need.” It is also worth noting that the LDS or Mormon Church has its own internal welfare system which provides its members with food, clothing, job skills and emotional support in times of need. This welfare program is entirely voluntary, and its finances are taken from the tithe system that all Mormons give into. A tithe is when Church members give 10% of their income to their Church as a donation. While I’m personally all for this kind of private welfare, which gives all kinds of meaningful support to its members and have visited Salt Lake City to see what is known as Welfare Square, something all free market advocates should go see. I believe that the Law of Consecration is nothing but a form of religious Communism.’

The socialist ideology is the same as the United Nations Agenda 21 committed to no private ownership of property. This is Ardern’s agenda for every New Zealander and she made her first grab knowing people were going to die by exploiting the mosque massacre. The gun reform laws clearly prewritten and the shutdown of the freedom to view footage of the crime and shutdown freedom to use critical thinking and ask questions was speedily enacted.

Another modern-day Western leader with ideologies set on a communistic religious base was US President Kennedy, also indoctrinated from birth and driven by


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ideological religious belief of Roman Catholicism as one world religion. Like Ardern, JFK’s ideology came before the good of the nation and people who he took an oath to serve. The oath to the country means nothing in Mormonism, Freemasonry and esoteric Catholicism, for the oath to Mormonism, Jesuit freemasonry, being one and the same ideology, comes first by pain of death.

JFKs is an example of Papal Rome’s power behind the United Nations and behind Catholic leaders as was seen in Vietnam. This is not an unusual example, but a modern one in which many people living would have observed first handed, even if only through the first and second corrupt level of information: - This quote from the well-researched and referenced book, Vietnam, Why did we go (shows the Roman Catholic hand in it) by Avro Manhattan. He was the world's foremost authority on Roman Catholicism in politics. He was a resident of London, during WWII where he operated a radio station called "Radio Freedom" broadcasting to occupied Europe. He was the author of over 20 books. He risked his life to expose some of the darkest conspiracy secrets. His books were number one on the Forbidden Index for 50 years. He died in 1990. He wrote -

‘Two Catholic presidents, Diem and Kennedy (right),…From the Vatican's point of view and the promotion of its plans in Asia were concerned, this had unlimited possibilities…Kennedy himself before reaching the Whitehouse had been a consistent supporter of the Vietnamese Diem as part of the Catholic Lobby which steered the US towards the Vietnamese war.’ ‘The scheme to use nuclear weapons against Vietnam was disclosed in declassified material in the first volume of a 17-volume official history of the Vietnam War published in 1984 by the Army's historical office. The massive result of this blatant partiality for anything or anybody who was Catholic was that many decided to join the Catholic Church. More than 33,000 people became Catholic (in Vietnam) by the end of 1954. Officials in the national or local administration were converted, not to risk endangering their careers. Ambitious individuals did the same. Others became Catholics, having discovered that Catholics got the best food, clothing and money, indeed having found out that even when the U.S. sent relief— food for the Vietnamese population at large, only the Catholics were assured of help, the Buddhists more often than not, got nothing. This outrageous favoritism eventually came into the open in the U.S. when finally it was discovered how all the aid which had been sent to South Vietnam and which had been distributed mostly by the "Catholic Relief Services" during two whole years, had been deliberately used to persuade Buddhists to become Catholic. Having proved such mishandling of American aid, the U.S. officials at long last refused to give more aid to Catholic Relief Service…their efforts to hide the scandal for fear of Protestant reaction at home, it came to light that the hundreds of thousands of tons of food sent by the U.S. and meant for an estimated 700,000 people—"of all denominations" was received by only 270,000 individuals…Only twenty years before, in Europe, another Catholic, Ante Pavelich, had created the Catholic state of Croatia in which the Catholic Church ruled supreme to the exclusion of any other religion. Like Diem, Pavelich had justified Catholic totalitarianism on the ground that a Catholic dictatorship was the best defence against communism. Ante Pavelich employed terrorism, political extremism and religious fanaticism with such ruthlessness as to outsmart even his two main Fascist protectors, Benito Mussolini and Adolf Hitler. He enjoyed the protection of Pope Pius XII, who helped him via diplomatic and monetary means to achieve his ultimate objective. When Ustashi Croatia collapsed, Pavelich hid in the Vatican, then, disguised as a monk, fled to Argentina.’

Catholicism historically is a philosophy of war and conqueror, starting in the first Century AD Crusades that were waged against Muslim, Jew and Christian, all being monotheistic religions, unlike esoteric beliefs of the Papal freemason, and Mormon inner circles.

Mormonism too is historically a warlike ideology. Joseph Smith the occult founder of the Church of the Latter-Day Saints, was a 33-degree freemason who was shot to death by Freemasons for breaking the oath to keep the secrets of Freemasonry. Smith


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made them the doctrine and foundation of Mormonism. In the heat of the Missouri Mormon War of 1838, he was reported to say, ‘I will be to this generation a second Mohammed, whose motto in treating for peace was ‘the Alcoran [Koran] or the Sword.’ So shall it eventually be with us—Joseph Smith or the Sword!’

The Mormons were abhorred wherever they went in the early days of the American Union. After Joseph Smith’s death, Brigham Young took up the leadership.

‘However, that soon changed as less scrupulous settlers arrived on orders of the Vatican. Roman Catholic, Jesuit soldier Pierre Jean de Smet (1801-1873), advisor to 33-degree Freemason, Albert Pike, and one of the most powerful Jesuits of the 19th Century moved west and evangelised the Indians into Romanism, persuading them to crush the Protestant movement, whereupon settlers were butchered in the hundreds. De Smet also, was very good friends with 33-degree Brigham Young of the Mormons. Smet suggested the Mormons make Salt Lake Valley their base, as they had been chased out of all the other states. The Mormon church adherents settled, making Salt Lake City their home and building their temple. Governor Boggs of Missouri, announced in 1838 – “The Mormons must be treated as enemies, and must be exterminated, or driven from the State, if necessary, for the public peace.’” Antoinette James, We Are Revolting, 2019

The Mormon, the Church of the Latter-Day Saints temple in Salt Lake City is a carbon copy of a Freemasonry temple with all the same rituals, rites iconology and symbols, including, the Freemasonry hand signal of distress that Joseph Smith performed while yelling the freemason words “Who will save the widow’s son” as he was being shot by Freemasons.

Mormonism, Freemasonry Jesuit Order and Papal Rome share the same ideology as socialism because it was the Order of Loyola who created the socialist model made famous in Marxism. Socialist Ardern, and Canada’s Justin Trudeau, Sweden’s feminist socialist government and Macron’s socialist government in France align themselves with the globalist and the United Nations over the will of the people. The media, the second level of information, are banned by their governments to report on the populous uprising throughout Europe and the West. Social media are banning conservative voices off cites such is the globalist back leash in effort to stop the spread of the ugly truth of the United Nations herding of the earth to a One World Governance. Most people under the age of 40 have been brainwashed in socialist engineered feely feely Touchy touchy disengage your logic and intellect, truth is subjective New Age, globalised, UN common core educational system. They have been mentored and groomed by Fabián Socialist Globalist curriculum, of which Bill Gates holds the copyright

So, what has Jacinda got instore for New Zealand besides the removal of freedoms for the citizens? The Fabián Logo is a wolf in sheep’s clothing. In other words, be sweet and tell pretty stories until it is time to strike. As the Fabián motto goes “When I strike I strike hard”.


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The Fabián Society was official founded in 1884 to align and celebrate Fabián member, George Orwell’s Novel 1984, (fictionalised minutes of their meetings, an instruction manual of sorts). Deep in the pages of 1984 is found The Theory and Practice of Oligarchical Collectivism. Oligarchy the few ruling over the many.

Here is a quote from The first pamphlet put out by the Fabián Society – ‘For the right moment you must wait, as Fabius did most patiently, when warring against Hannibal, though many censured his delays; but when the time comes you must strike hard, as Fabius did, or your waiting will be in vain, and fruitless.’

In her first year of office Ardern has struck hard. She has behaved like the ajax spray and wipe ads of a few years ago. Socialist governments do not last too long in power in New Zealand’s conservative social landscape. Ardern’s handlers know this and are exploiting her youthfulness knowing it is going to be short lived. Do not expect Ardern to tell the truth; she was mentored by the best. The Fabián Society founded the International Court of Justice, Hague, that runs very similar to the Roman Catholic Inquisition. And perhaps the Fabián’s finest work was the Foundation of The League of Nations, the precursor to the establishment of the United Nations. A self-positioned world dictatorial dictatorship apparent.

Dutiful Ardern wasted no time hailing the corrupt United Nations on her first visit. In her speech, carefully crafted by a speechwriter, she said, - ‘I am struck as a leader attending my first United Nations General assembly by the power and potential that resides here.

And afterwards, in an interview with Mike Hosking talking about the United Nations nefarious Papal backed Global Compact, she said looked him in the eye and lied,- ‘hand on heart I would never sign anything that gave away our sovereign control of our borders.’

To the Plato’s-Cave-Dwellers and NPCs this girl next door image may beguile, but to the awake and concerned, her oath to the people of New Zealand means nothing. She has a prior oath to keep.

New Zealand in 2019 has irreversibly changed, having a ripple effect of silencing the population by keeping one’s opinions to oneself. The United Nations Global Compact that Ardern signed, further shuts down free speech, setting the stage for the next choreographed show of chaos the elites will have in store for the country. Being treated like ignorant disobedient great unwashed has the effect of dehumanising the population from individuals with rights to group conformity and workers for the state. This affects pride of sovereignty and lowers people’s resistance to being governed from outside due to feeling inadequate.

Ardern has assigned the New Zealand citizens, as the enemy setting them up for another takeover by the globalist minority, just like Vietnam, where the sleeping majority, being Buddhists at that time of between 10 to 11 million peoples were slow to read the signs of tyranny. There were only 1500,000 Roman Catholic 2/3’s being refugees herded by Vatican propaganda from the north, altogether equalling only 12 to 13% of the south Vietnams population, but were given special treatment. Today the immigration compact is doing the same thing. No one is anti-immigration if it is organic, but the Papal backed UN is forcing this migration for nefarious outcomes and Ardern’s puppet government looks at the public with smiles. If any New Zealander queries anything, Ardern’s unaccountable socialist government gives itself the right to spy on them.


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Ben Vidgen, a research journals, whose name is been put on the terrorism list due to his investigative journalism into the Christchurch attacks, in an interview with Vinny Eastwood said, - ‘My issue… the rest of the media in new Zealand haven’t been concerned with is this, to say when there has been a major terrorist attack, I don’t have a problem with police putting out a list which looks at people who have a history of violence and even affiliation with…neo-Nazis… It’s a logical conclusion, but they add on this bit at the end…Oh, and we are also looking at anybody that’s critical of the New Zealand police. I’m sorry! I beg your pardon?!...at what point does the police have the right to turn round and (spy on the people) we’ve already seen this happen. We saw this with Thompson and Clark. Instead of turning around and using all these private security agencies and government agencies and this billions of dollars…and actually go and look for actual neo- Nazi terrorists, what we (the government) did was…turned around and…spied on the people in Christchurch that weren’t happy with the earthquake commissions handling with issues…” “This current (Christchurch) event has now allowed the police to go back… ‘Oh no, we can go around and spy on who we want whether we’ve actually got any reasonable grounds or whether, simply, they actually do not like us and want to question the status authority.’

Fundamental Islam is allowed to come into the West through the UN Global Compact open border scam. They are being used as another tool of UN to bring chaos to the West. The UN has already falsely labelled the citizens of the West as unsustainable. The same elites who pull the strings behind the UN are the billionaire owners of the multinational corporations who are desperate to have open borders for their trade and to lock up land for themselves. The elites want the West to be like Mexico and Venezuela. Both extremely resource rich, but their people are required to live like peasants. Today, as in Europe during the Dark-Ages these Catholic countries have little or no middle class, just the oligarchical rich rules and the peasants.

Many Third World countries are leaving the UN because they see the scam. The UN will not allow them to access their wealth or natural resources to produce sufficient electricity. The globalist war on the third world is hidden under humanitarian pursuits but does not lift third-world standards of living and poverty. The elite’s war on the Third World has the strategy of keeping them down. The strategy in the West is to pull it down. Ardern’s political pedigree is perfect for the task of destroying New Zealand.

The Mormon Church have the data base in Utah. This keeps the biometrics of everyone on earth and their blood lines. The Mormons are well known for genealogy. This data tracking service is share with many different entities, genealogy.com being one of the. In the 21st Century biometrics has become a big part of IDs and passports. Biometrics will be weaponised if the elite get 5G up and going worldwide.

Utah share this information with the Vatican and by association the UN making the UN ID2020 agenda easy, in the same way that IBM corporation punch card system helped Nazi Germany efficiently round up the Jews. This UN document that will affect every New Zealander. Many people are already getting chips implanted in their hand. As always, the UN’s nefarious evil lurks behind a humanitarian mask as they claim that mandatory ID of everyone will prevent hunger! No, food distribution will do that.

New Zealand’s Mormon PM is already up to speed and she will be first to line up at the UN to enslave every New Zealander. During her speedy crafted rise to the top she took part in TVNZ One’s genealogical travel show to encourage all to give up their spit for the Utah database. The UN has made it easy for her, as it will be brought in in a humanitarian way and hate speech laws will shut dissenters’ voices and compliant media will go silent on the totalitarian warning.

Tracking chips are already sewn into some clothing lines in the West and if the purchaser bought the clothes with a card, the Vatican can track them. Once 5G, that the Globalists are desperately trying to roll out throughout the West gets established, there will be no privacy, no escape. Ardern is fully behind the 5G roll out in New Zealand. This is the second attempt to get it rolling out in NZ. The first time it


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was denied such was the health risks. Brussels has recently stopped the roll out there. However, the Fascist multi international Freemason- luciferins enabled by the likes of Ardern a ‘no’ from the people will not be accepted.

Ardern also stated in her address to the UN, ‘We must demonstrate that collective international action not only works but is in the best interests of all of us.’ Out of the horse’s mouth itself! Ardern is restructuring New Zealand as the pacific arm of Rothschilds restructuring of North America.

Ardern has skilfully used the deliberate housing shortage to be the crowbar to birth the notion that those who own homes are those who are creating homelessness in the NZ. This is also buying into The United nations Agenda 21, also called Agenda 2030 and hidden in the trojan horse sustainable development. The endpoint, a socialist utopia where no one owns their own home, or if they do the small print gives than only the right to inhabit.

No longer do you own your car in New Zealand. The person who paid for it receives registration papers only giving them the privilege, no longer the right, to travel, for now, as the UN do not want the average person traveling. This is the first step of theft by the UN. Now they are setting their sights on no land or home ownership. The Pope decreed centuries ago that he owned the earth. He wants it back. As the Papacy is the power behind the UN he aims to get it through naive, brainwashed socialist puppet prime ministers in awe of the Power of the UN. Ardern’s euthanasia assisted suicide bill is another step getting NZ up to the UN agenda 21. The UN is committed to not just zero population growth, but depopulation. You can be sure she will not have her daughter up for the culling list. No-discern-Ardern is not batting for team NZ she is batting for team UN. Why would she be looking at bringing in hate speech laws? If she was batting for team NZ she would be listening to the people, going to them for direction. Instead she is going to the UN. The Globalist socialist Vatican backed UN has a completely different agenda. Stuff.co.nz 28thApril 2019 headlines read, - Criminalising hate speech: New Zealand considers policing hateful Expression

Ardern may have thrown her Mormon freemasonry secret under-garments out of her smalls draw, but she is solidly in bed with this Luciferian UN agenda. Hate speech laws that knits into the UN compact re-education and discipline for anyone including the Press who want to critique or assess or evaluate UN policy. Considering it is Judah and Christendom that is being targeted world-wide it is laughable that Christians are targeted for hate speech. Certainly, in inclusive NZ, this law is heinous. It is so ill fitting. This is a pre-emptive bill to pre-shut down the population before more invasive agendas are dictatorially put in place. What is really happening here is the globalists are panicking. Hate speech is to target the West who are waking up.

Although the West is made up of all colours, these hate speech laws target white people, especially those who refuse to have their words and actions labelled with shameful titles as white supremacy. Many white people see the sham and mind control techniques that are coming against them.

Saturated in her Mormon latter-day saint’s upbringing, her White Supremacy statement carried an esoteric message of truth. As the 1% white elite Aryan bloodline globalists who trace their genealogy back to the Pagan Roman empire and their occult religion. Mormonism, freemason, Jesuit and Papal


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Rome are proudly white supremacist. The elite call the NPCs and Plato’s cave dwellers who voted for her and agree with her slander, useful idiots.

Ardern would have been taught in the Mormon church, from an early age that White Supremacy is God given. This is not a Protestant Christian worldview. She would have been taught that Jesus and Satan were brothers who fell out. The outcome is the white people backed Jesus and those who stood with Satan lucked -out, according to Mormonism, getting the brown skin in their pre-existence. The elites who are 100% white noble bloodlines, are fearful of the white Protestant masses they are trying to crush, for Protestant Christianity holds none of their evil doctrine.

Ardern spieled off the globalist narrative lie after the Christchurch massacre saying white supremacy is on the rise. The truth is Nationalism, a belief in a sovereign nation is on the rise. She wants to confuse the issue in the ears of the Plato’s Cave Dwellers and socialist NPCs to get them activated, as the left always defaults to violence.

James True of Jtruth, author of Blueprints of Mind Control, gives some insight into the social engineering of the word ‘supremacy’ and ‘prejudice’ in an interview recently - ‘Allow everyone to embrace supremacy again. It is funny how that word is shamed so strongly…Supremacy is the mastery of self. When you have a pyramid system, a satanic system…you are actually saying “NO, you are not allowed to master self…You need another master outside of you. That is really why it is slavery and that is exactly why the mind control works. They attack supremacy, they attack the word prejudice…prejudice really means free-will. I have the prejudice to wear blue socks today…All these are prejudice that really define my freewill. But here we have a culture outside that says prejudice is bad, prejudice is where evil comes from. Supremacy is bad, supremacy is where evil comes from. What you are looking at is the same systematic attack on the supremacy of self, on the right to have freewill, to express your free will. That is what the entire government is all about. Suppressing that notion and harassing that power.’

Ardern would also have been taught that Adam of the Bible was God because he fell upwards and gathered wisdom. She would believe that sin is a gift from Satan who was the liberator and gave wisdom. Again, this is also freemason/papal Rome/Jesuit gnostic teaching. This is the same as NAZI doctrine as Alice Bailey’s satanic doctrinal writings on which the United Nations adheres to in all their treaty and conventions. And here is the rub, the bottom line is that the United Nations is a vehicle for a one world religion. The Rockefellers, Jesuit and Rothschild gopher bought the land in New York for the UN building so the One world governance and the elites one world religion could get a foot in the door of the Protestant West in an endeavour to crush it. This is not a theory, the UN’s own writings that follow Alice Bailey, Helena Blavatsky, Manly Hall and Albert Pike’s are the philosophical seat of those running the UN from the shadows. Most of the United Nations writings can be found in PDFs online. It is a case of hiding in plain sight. Robert Muller the former secretary of the UN and his guru Jesuit Priest Teilhard Chadin, who was involved in the evolutionary Peking man hoax, controlled much of what went into UN the documents. Do some research on the UN occultist prayer room (left), just below the security chamber.

Robert Muller stated, - ‘In my view, after fifty years of service in the United National system, I perceive the utmost urgency and absolute necessity for proper Earth government. There is no shadow of a doubt that the present political and economic systems are no longer appropriate and will lead to the end of life evolution on this planet. We must therefore absolutely and urgently look for new ways.’

New Zealand is part of the highly secretive 5 Eyes Alliance that formed in the wake of WWII between US and UK with Canada, Australia and NZ joining later. All these countries have globalist Fabián puppet


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governments. The respective countries laws made in illegal to spy on their own citizens. By allowing another country in the alliance spy and hand over “unsolicited” information on law abiding citizens got round the law. It is not rocket science to see how the elite controlled spy network and the elite controlled governments are beyond submission to the people. Absolute power corrupts absolutely.

William Binney, former technical leader for Intelligence , National Security Agency (NSA) spoke on secrecy and treating the population with distain by spying on them, he said –

‘Once you adopt these totalitarian procedures, I mean this is straight out of the KGB, Starsi, Gestapo, SS, Mao’s people, everybody, all the dictators and despots down through history do this kind of thing; and so, once you adopt that you have to do in secret, pass laws change things and suppress your population and keep them from knowing what you are doing, you have an uniformed public and so you have destroyed your democracy. That’s what is happening.’

Ardern hit the NZ political ground running for her globalist masters, putting a tick in the capitalism box. The Protestant West sits on freedoms of all kinds including a free market economy. The globalists abhor free markets. They must be able to control every part of human life. Ardern’s first interview as prime minister elect, on The Nation in October 2018, saying Capitalism was a ‘blatant failure’.

Her philosophy might be neatly summed up with her view of the balance between the market and the state: ‘When you have a market economy, it comes down to whether or not you acknowledge the market has failed and where intervention is required. Has it failed our people in recent times? Yes. How can you claim you’ve been successful when you have growth of roughly 3%, but you’ve got the worst homelessness in the developed world?’

She signed up to the Comprehensive and Progressive Transpacific Partnership, (CPTPP) to destroy the economy within the first two weeks of her leadership to the delight of the UN, Trilateralists and Club of Rome all run by the same people.

Taking a leaf out of the Nazi agenda, the precursor to the UN. Spokesman, Dr Joseph Goebbels, Nazi Ministry of propaganda Chief, who said Quote: ‘Make the lie big, keep it simple, keep saying it over and over and eventually they will believe it.’

Paul Watson, Co-Founder of the globalist funded Greenpeace Quote - ‘It doesn’t matter what is true. It only matters what people think is true.’

Retired NZ politician, Wayne Mapp, reflected in an article, ‘Her reference to capitalism being a blatant failure galvanised both left and right. For the left it was proof that after 30 years they finally had a radical prime minister and for the right, it was proof that Winston Peters had chosen a naïve socialist.’

Jeff Berwick, the editor and chief of Dollarvigilent.com tells it nicely. In your mind replace the United States with the West and do not forget that mainstream media is owned by the globalists, hence the vilifying of alternative media - ‘The biggest error that people make today is that they believe that what is happening and what exists in the US today is capitalism. The US is one of the least capitalist places on the earth at this moment in time, in many ways, not in every way, but in many ways. For example, in Capitalism you do not have central banks, you do not have


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regulation, you do not have taxation. You don’t have anything except for the free exchange of services and goods between two parties voluntarily – that is capitalism. All these things get completely misconstrued through the propaganda in the mainstream media. I think they are trying to get people to misuse or misunderstand words and they have used that with capitalism so much. They are trying to make people hate capitalism, so when people look at things like these large companies and some CEOs making millions and millions of dollars while many of the employees of the company earn minimal wage. The way they portray it, they will say look this is bad that’s what capitalism is. But it has nothing to do with capitalism.’

What we have, and Ardern knows this, a Corporate fascist economic system. The interests of the state are intertwined with corporate interests at the expense of the people. It is not market lead but corporate and government lead. It is choreographed from above. We the People are having our income controlled at source. How much we get paid and the massive 33% plus of tax we are mandated to give to the government. Much of that tax money goes back to the corporates and the United Nations in one way or another. We the People are their debt slaves. We live in a fascist corporate world being herded in thought, philosophy, beliefs, at the same time individual’s health and freedoms are being taken down. Fascism is really a form of socialism. Ardern is a mouthpiece of propaganda that Plato’s-cave-dwellers and NPCs ignorantly thrive on. They are the people the elite call useful idiots.

Capitalism only works well on Protestant Christianity. Therefore, Protestant Christianity is the enemy to the globalists. Protestant Christianity is not a White man’s religion, it is a multicultural religion. Just go to your nearest truly Protestant Christian church and look at the unity among the diversity of ethnicity. NZ still holds a lot of Protestant Christianity, that is why the multi-cultural experiment by the elites after WWII has worked quite well in New Zealand.

Another reason to be worried by this PM who has been drenched in socialism from the cradle, perfected by the Jesuit order in Loyola’s writings and played out in perfect exploitation in the Uruguay reductions of south America and crafted by Karl Marx schooled at the socialist Fabián university in London the London school of economics, is deeply brainwashed, is her Government has introduced a Zero Carbon legislation to Parliament, setting targets to decimate New Zealand's agriculture sector and endanger the self-sufficiency of the country to a place where it may not be able to feed its population. Having population groups dependent on the government for food is a UN agenda, as food controls a population, Check out Mao’s China. The cost of food in New Zealand is going to soar as the government aiming to reduce all greenhouse gas emissions, aside from biogenic methane, to net zero by 2050 on Al Gore’s hoax of the century. Crime and suicide rates will rise

Ardern – who has referred to climate change hoax as ‘our generation's nuclear-free moment’, lied when she said ‘New Zealanders have demanded it – and today we delivered it.’ New Zealand meet Venezuela.

Ardern is a self-confessed neurotic, therefore a sitting duck for selection. Ardern rose strategically rather than organically up the Labour ranks, left in the wings as a mole till the time was right. Through a series of convenient resignations and deaths she found herself top dog of the globalist Labour Party. This re- branded, fragile personality and questionably mentally unstable is ideal candidate for the Globalist elite.

John Coleman, an Analyst of world affairs, British Intelligence Officer for MI6, author of several books


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and numerous papers analysing the power structure of the world said this about James Earl Carter’s selection by the secret society of elites called Committee 300, in a speech, ‘James Earl Carter – He was specially chosen because he had had three mental breakdowns and he would be a good guy to manipulate…I first heard of him through my intelligence contact…he told me, your next president is going to be a peanut farmer from Georgia…The Royal Institute for International Affairs had ordered David Rockefeller to find a candidate who was totally weak, preferably mentally weak. They put one of the greatest brainwashing specialists in the world, trained by Tavistock Institute for Human Relations, Dr Peter Vaughan, on the job…The next thing, we saw Time, News Week, every newspaper in the country – James Earl Carter…[Committee 300] also did the exact same thing with William Jefferson Clinton.’

Pierre van Paassen, who died in 1968 was a multi-lingual Journalist, and author of the book Days of our Years, 1939, wrote – ‘Fascism is the regime that corresponds most closely to the concepts of the Church of Rome.’ The United Nations is a fascist regime. They proclaim peace and unity but in reality, when one looks at their history it is one of corruption, war and abuse. The Pope pulled that strings behind Russia’s cold war, the Vietnam conflict, as they pull the strings of the UN that Ardern is in awe of.

The endgame is a Jesuit run United Nations governance and a papal run one world Mithra religion with no separation between church and state. If you are an atheist, you won’t be. You will convert or die. If you are a Christian, you won’t be, it will be convert or die. The United Nations is political and religious Nazism in new garb. Once the Christian veneer comes off statues of Mary, David and Paul in the Roman Catholic Cathedrals and churches, Mithraism will advance as the world will revert to Pagan Rome. Pope Francis has declared the final solution concerning the Protestant Christian problem. It is a hybridising of Christianity and Islam called Chrislam complete with logo.

Staunch atheist Richard Dawkins, said this about Protestant Christianity, ‘There are no Christians, as far as I know, blowing up buildings. I am not aware of any Christian suicide bombers. I am not aware of any major Christian denomination that believes the penalty for apostasy is death. I have mixed feelings about the decline of Christianity, in so far as Christianity might be a bulwark against something worse.’

Ardern did her master’s bidding airbrushing Protestant Christianity out of the halls of parliament in a Hegelian swing to Islam declaring Allah as the only God. Islam is not the end point, just the workman’s plane to whittle Christian expression out of the nation. Puppet Ardern’s job is to fashion New Zealand thinking to globalism hence the terrorist attack. The UN and the globalist mantra in think globally, act locally.

Here is an unsettling quote from an occultist that is the voice of Freemasonry and philosophy behind the United Nations Albert Pike a high racking KKK member – ‘We shall unleash the nihilists and atheists and we shall provoke a great social cataclysm which in all its horror will show clearly to all nations the effect of absolute atheism; the origins of savagery and of most bloody turmoil. Then everywhere, the people will be forced to defend themselves against the world minority of the world revolutionaries and will exterminate those destroyers of civilization and the multitudes disillusioned with Christianity whose spirits will be from that moment without direction and leadership and anxious for an ideal, but without knowledge where to send its adoration, will receive the true light the true light through the universal manifestation of the pure doctrine of Lucifer brought finally out into public view. A manifestation which will


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result from a general reactionary movement which will follow the destruction of Christianity and Atheism; both conquered and exterminated at the same time.’

‘Global Tyranny…Step by Step’, by William F Jaspar, writer researcher, ‘Today, all people of good will recognize the diabolically evil nature of the Fuehrer’s failed regime. What is now desperately needed is a widespread recognition of the fact that the neo-pagan, internationalist-socialist new world order being promoted by and through the United Nations is as militantly anti-Christian, as malevolently totalitarian, and as satanically evil as that Jack tyranny of our recent past. This time, its headquarters is not in Berlin, but in New York City.’

NZ parliamentary building is oozing with freemasonry/Mormon Jesuit symbolism in its very form. The symbol of a beehive is occult/paganism. The beehive is an especially important symbol to Roman Catholicism, the Jesuits, Freemasons and Mormons. Mormon leader, Brigham young put a sculptured beehive on the roof of his house. It speaks of industry and particularly the industry of the masses, the slaves. Because all the above inner circle believes the Aristotelian philosophy that they have the right to rule and we the people have the right to be slaves as worker bees.

Jacinda will be very much at home in the parliamentary building called the Beehive, that was commissioned by Freemason, New Zealand Prime minister . Basil Spence, the architect, drew the design on a napkin while dining with Holyoake in 1964. The Beehive was built as a statement, an expression of belief and culture and intent. Esoteric philosophy is reflected in the architecture. The building expresses the ruling class’ culture. Worship of nature and spiritual belief that the common people are worker bees for the hive (State); it was not built for parliamentary functionality, as many seasoned parliamentarians testify at getting lost in the impractical halls.

Bees, beehives, moon, sun, eye of Horus, pyramid, secret handshake, sunburst, aprons, slipper pentagram, windless building are all gnostic pagan symbolism shared by the Mormons, Masonry, papacy, Jesuits and other ancient mystery religions.

A United Nations report entitled The New International Economic Order: A Spiritual Imperative, proclaimed: ‘Today a new understanding of spirituality is emerging which recognizes that all efforts to uplift humanity are spiritual in nature.’

Alice Bailey, UN spiritual teacher wrote, quote – ‘That is spiritual which lies beyond the point of present achievement...." ... Given this new understanding of spirituality, the work of the United Nations can be ... seen within the entire evolutionary unfoldment of humanity. The work of the U.N. is indeed spiritual and holds profound import for the future of civilization.’ ‘There will not be any dissociation between the universal church , the sacred lodge of all true Masons and the inner circles of the esoteric societies…In this way the goals and work of the United Nations shall be solidified and a new church of God, led by all the religions and by all of the spiritual groups, shall put an end to the great heresy of separateness.’

Global Tyranny…Step by Step – ‘According to spokesmen at the Lucis Trust (once known as Lucifer publishing, but changed its name as it was too revealing), all people of good will, whether they realize it or not, belong to the New Group of World Servers (NGWS) who will bring about "spiritual unfoldment" and "lead humanity into a


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new age of peace and plenty.’ ‘Humanity is not following a haphazard or uncharted course — there is a Plan," say the Lucis theosophists. The "Plan" involves a "spiritual Hierarchy of the planet" and the building of a "synthetic unity" that will be manifested in an "inner centre or subjective world government, whose members are responsible for the spread of those ideals and ideas which have led humanity onwards from age to age." The leaders of the New Group of World Servers "provide the vision and mould public opinion." But there is yet a higher class of adepts. "Behind these leaders and the cooperating men of goodwill," we learn, "are the Custodians of the Plan, ‘the inner spiritual Government of the Planet.’" According to these possessors of esoteric wisdom, "People in the world at this time can be divided into four groups": First the uninformed masses.... They are, however, enough developed to respond to the mental suggestion and control of more advanced people. Second, the middle classes — both higher and lower.... Because they can read and discuss and are beginning to think, they form the most powerful element in any nation. Third, the thinkers everywhere.... They are steadily influencing world affairs — sometimes for good and sometimes for selfish ends. Fourth, the New Group of World Servers. These are the people who are building the new world order.... They own to no creed, save the creed of Brotherhood, based on the One Life. They recognise no authority save that of their own souls.” Behind this four-fold division of humanity stand those Enlightened Ones whose right and privilege it is to watch over human evolution and to guide the destinies of men.’

G. K. Chesterton, died in 1936 was a writer journalist among many things observed, ‘If man will not believe in God, the danger is not that he will believe in nothing, but that he will believe in anything.’

In 1959, the "Ascended Masters" (spirits) contacted Benjamin Crème101 an obscure English painter who dabbled in the occult who died in 2016 and told him to perform a mission: the advancement of the Masters’ plan for humanity. Creme was instructed to prepare the way for one Lord Maitreya — a Master and self-proclaimed Christ who would soon begin to assume a human form to begin preparing humanity for the Age of Aquarius. The Aquarian Age would be a time of peace, plenty, perfect equality, and global governance under the Masters, via the United Nations.

Crème said – ‘The new religion will manifest itself through organizations like Masonry and will inaugurate a "new world order" to be headed by the United Nations: At the head of several of the governments of the world and in the great world agencies, like the United Nations’ agencies, there will be either a Master or at least a third degree Initiate. So the great international agencies will be under the direct control of a high member of the Hierarchy....’

Tara Center’s Network New Age Newsletter of October 1987 printed – ‘In the coming years the United Nations is destined to be the world’s main focal point for the practical application of love, brotherhood, justice and sharing. We can help bring this about through our support." This support is essential because when "all the impossible solutions have been eliminated, it will become clear that the only answer to our problems is the U.N.’

Ardern and her government are acting like the Nazi gestapo, the Russian Stasi. In 2019 New Zealand public square is digital, on social media. Those who ask questions of this government are being de- platformed, the police are sent to their homes to intimidate and harass. New Zealanders today are being told from a dictator government what they are allowed to watch and what they are not allowed to watch.


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Jacinda’s government de-platformed alternative media in a variety of forms during the weeks after the Christchurch attack.

This is made much worse by the New Zealand secret courts that run, like the UK, where unaccountable judges decree sentences behind closed doors while they sit above the law. A hot bed for corruption and collusion with a corrupt government. The effect the Ardern government has created “thought crime”. The future looks bad for the citizens of New Zealand, as the country is part of the 5 Eyes alliance. In this digital 21st Century and particularly after 9/11 false flag, which everyone knows was an “inside” job, spy funding has massively increased. This means the citizens hard earned money that is stolen from them, called taxes is used to spy on them. All online communication is stored by the Government.

Woodrow Wilson said, ‘Freedom has never come by the hand of Government’

Remember, that the United Nations is firstly a vehicle to a one world religion. Avro Manhatten’s book Vietnam, why did we go? gives insight to the way things will play out when the UN has the upper hand. And remember, Catholicism the heart of the UN is the Ancient Mystery Religion in Fabián disguise.

‘…an administration which was totally Catholic, which was inspired by a nucleus of Catholics, which were 100 per cent reliable, religiously and ideologically, notwithstanding the fact that they had to rule a vast majority which practiced Buddhism. The achievement of this goal necessitated first the neutralization of those who might object to the scheme; secondly the elimination of those who would actively oppose it; and ultimately the removal of anyone or anything which did not accept the Catholicization of South Vietnam. The scheme had been the brainchild of Pope Pius XII, and had been supported by Cardinal Spellman, and had been abetted by John Foster Dulles. It had been approved by sundry U.S. politicians of the inner circle of the Catholic lobby in Washington, not to mention by certain elements at the CIA, many of whom were non-Catholics Operation resettlement began in earnest (that was the herding by nuclear threat of Catholics from the North). Agencies of all kinds were set up for the purpose. The Diem government spawned them daily. The most efficient and the most effective being provided by the U.S., or rather by the American taxpayers, the majority of whom are Protestants. U.S. money was poured in at once. The U.S. gave an instant 40 million dollars to resettle the Catholics. This meant that every Catholic, who had left North Vietnam, was given about 89 dollars each by Protestant America to reinforce the Catholic administration of Diem. This, it must be remembered, in a country where the average income of the average Buddhist was only 85 dollars per year. Cardinal Spellman, one of the ablest of the American cardinals. He was a skillful financial operator and a vigorous politician…He was a personal friend of Pius XII since the days when Pius was Papal Nuncio in Germany and helped the Nazis form a legal government in January, 1933. Pius XII used Spellman as the spokesman for the Vatican in America to influence politicians, businessmen, military leaders, and the Catholic lobby…The U.S. taxpayer supported the Catholics for more than two years…pouring out millions of dollars, it sent millions of tons of food, surplus agricultural instruments, vehicles and uncountable goods of kinds, everything covered and paid for by the U.S. "Relief Program."… State officials consulted the Catholic priests, as to where the U.S. relief or money should go, or to whom it should be given. The result was that the Catholics got everything108, whereas those who were not Catholic were lucky if they got a meal or a few cents.’

Jacinda dodges tricky questions uncovering corruption like the alleged NZ SAS war-crime coverup and the Karel Sroubek fiasco among other discrepancies in Parliament and the speaker of the


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house Trevor Mallard quacks and protects the hen duck while she sits on her socialist eggs waiting for them to hatch. The Christchurch shooting timed to perfection took the heat off her, followed by a quick announcement of her engagement to Clark to turn a story of tyranny into a story of Romance wooing the New Zealand Socialist NPCs.

The next elections New Zealanders needs to vote this regime out. Vote for limited government and demand New Zealand’s sovereignty be returned.

Julia Middleton Common Purpose https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rmMAr... Manchurian Documentary CIA: MK Ultra - Manchurian candidates, controlled assassins. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CvDK7... Vinny Eastwood Ardern exposed https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_kmuk... There is something about Jacinda https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7BQZC... Basil Spencer’s Beehive https://nzhistory.govt.nz/media/photo/beehive-drawing-basil-spence

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