Concurrency Patterns for Easier Robotic Coordination Andrey Rusakov∗ Jiwon Shin∗ Bertrand Meyer∗† ∗Chair of Software Engineering, Department of Computer Science, ETH Zurich,¨ Switzerland †Software Engineering Lab, Innopolis University, Kazan, Russia fandrey.rusakov, jiwon.shin,
[email protected] Abstract— Software design patterns are reusable solutions to Guarded suspension – are chosen for their concurrent nature, commonly occurring problems in software development. Grow- applicability to robotic coordination, and evidence of use ing complexity of robotics software increases the importance of in existing robotics frameworks. The paper aims to help applying proper software engineering principles and methods such as design patterns to robotics. Concurrency design patterns programmers who are not yet experts in concurrency to are particularly interesting to robotics because robots often have identify and then to apply one of the common concurrency- many components that can operate in parallel. However, there based solutions for their applications on robotic coordination. has not yet been any established set of reusable concurrency The rest of the paper is organized as follows: After design patterns for robotics. For this purpose, we choose six presenting related work in Section II, it proceeds with a known concurrency patterns – Future, Periodic timer, Invoke later, Active object, Cooperative cancellation, and Guarded sus- general description of concurrency approach for robotics pension. We demonstrate how these patterns could be used for in Section III. Then the paper presents and describes in solving common robotic coordination tasks. We also discuss detail a number of concurrency patterns related to robotic advantages and disadvantages of the patterns and how existing coordination in Section IV.