Order in Council No 2 0 7 3 , Approved and Ordered NOV 10.1988

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Executive Council Chambers, Victoria APIr. 771.11 iltheblaraot On the recommendation of the undersigned, the r, by and with the advice and consent of the Executive Council, orders that

1. Supplementary Letters Patent in the form attached hereto do issue which amends the participants boundaries and functions of the Greater Vancouver Regional District.

2. Supplementary Letters Patent in the form attached hereto do issue which amends the participants boundaries and functions of the Central Regional District.

This part Is tor admingstrant e pa) poses °nil and is not part of Ow Order

Authority under which Order is made:

Act and section Municipal Act, Section 774

Other ispecifyi - 1429.2,3711 93/24,-8/43 lAw.temamaess r




ELIZABETH the SECOND, by the Grace of God, of the United Kingdom,

Canada and Her Other Realms and Territories, Queen, Head of

the Commonwealth, Defender of the Faith.

To all to whom these presents shall come-

GREETING. ( WHEREAS pursuant to the provi-

( sions of the Municipal Act the

( Central Fraser Valley Regional

( District was incorporated by

Minister of ( Letters Patent issued October 17,

Municipal Affairs ( 1967:

Recreation & Culture

- 1 - AND WHEREAS section 774 of the Municipal Act provides, inter alia, that the Lieutenant-Governor in Council may alter the boundaries of two or more adjoining regional districts:

AND WHEREAS the City of Langley and The Corporation of the

Township of Langley have requested removal from the Central Fraser

Valley Regional District in order to be member municipalities of the

Greater Vancouver Regional District:

AND WHEREAS the Boards of the regional districts aforesaid mentioned have been consulted and are in favor of this realignment:

AND WHEREAS the Minister of Health and the Boards of the respective regional districts have been given six months notice:

AND WHEREAS the provisions of section 774 of the Municipal

Act have been duly complied with:


NOW KNOW YE THAT by these presents, We do order and proclaim that on, from and after December 1, 1988, the City of Langley and The

Corporation of the Township of Langley cease to be member municipalities of the Central Fraser Valley Regional District:

AND THAT Section 2 "Boundaries" of the Letters Patent of the

Central Fraser Valley Regional District dated October 17, 1967, as amended, is repealed and the following substituted therefor:


"2. The regional district shall comprise all that tract of land, foreshore, and land covered by water within the following described boundaries: Commencing at the southwest corner of Section 1, Township

19, East of the Coast Meridian, New Westminster District, being a

-2 point on the southerly boundary of the Province; thence northerly and

easterly along the westerly and northerly boundaries of said Section

1 to the northeast corner thereof; thence northerly along the

easterly boundaries of Sections 12 and 13, Township 19, to the

southwest corner of the Northwest Quarter of Section 18, Township 22;

thence easterly and northerly along the southerly and easterly

boundaries of said Northwest Quarter of Section 18 to the northeast

corner thereof; thence easterly and northerly along the southerly and

easterly boundaries of Section 19, Township 22 to the northeast

corner thereof; thence westerly along the northerly boundary of said

Section 19 a distance of 1,741.4 feet; thence on a bearing of N.0*

7'W., referred to the central meridian of Township 19, a distance of

10,494.2 feet; thence N.0* 2' E. a distance of 6,200 feet, more or

less, to the middle line of Vedder Canal, as now constructed; thence

northwesterly along the middle line of said Vedder Canal and the

middle line of Vedder Canal produced northwesterly to the point of

intersection with the middle line of Sumas River; thence northerly

and westerly along said middle line of Sumas River to a point on a

straight line drawn between Monument 8378 and 8363, distant 230 feet

from said Monument 8378; thence northwesterly along a straight line

drawn to a point on a straight line drawn between Monument 8381 and

8363 distant 1,090 feet from said Monument 8381, said point being in

the ; thence in a general westerly direction along the

middle line of the main channel of Fraser River and passing to the south of Matsqui Island (Indian Reserve 3), and to the north of

Crescent Island, to the point of intersection with the northerly

prolongation of the easterly boundary of the West Half of Section 32,

Township 14, East of the Coast Meridian; thence southerly along said

prolongation and continuing southerly along the easterly boundaries of the West Halves of Sections 32, 29, 20, 17, 8 and 5 of Township 14

and Sections 32, 29, 20, 17, 8 and 5 of Township 13 to the southeast corner of the said West Half of Section 5, Township 13, being a point

3 on the southerly boundary of the Province; thence easterly along said

southerly boundary of the Province to the aforesaid southwest corner

of Section 1, Township 19, East of the Coast Meridian, being the

point of commencement."

AND THAT Section 3 "Member Municipalities" of the Letters

Patent of the Central Fraser Valley Regional District is hereby

repealed in its entirety and the following substituted therefor:

Member Municipalities

"3. The member municipalities of the regional district are

as follows:

(a)Municipalities: District of Abbotsford, and The

Corporation of the :

(b)Electoral Areas: Electoral Area A (Sumas Mountain)

the boundary of which is described in Appendix A

attached to and forming part of these Letters



AND WHEREAS The Regional Board of the Central Fraser Valley

Regional District has requested that the voting unit, as amended by

Supplementary Letters Patent dated February 21, 1983, be amended to

be a voting unit of 8,000.

NOW KNOW YE THAT by these presents we do hereby order and

proclaim that on, from and after January 1, 1989, the following be

added to the objects, powers, obligations, duties, limitations and conditions of the Central Fraser Valley Regional District:

Section 4 of the Letters Patent dated October 17, 1967, as

amended by Supplementary Letters Patent dated February 21, 1983 be

- 4- further amended by striking out the figure 4,000 and substituting the figure 8,000 so that the section reads as follows:

Voting Unit

"4. The population deemed to be a voting unit is 8,000."


AND WHEREAS Supplementary Letters Patent dated April 10,

1975, granting the function of Division VIII - Mosquito Control require amendment and whereas Supplementary Letters Patent dated

December 10, 1981, granting the function of Division XI - Economic

Development Commission require amendment:

NOW KNOW YE THAT by these presents We do hereby order and

proclaim that on from and after January 1, 1989, that Division VIII -

Mosquito Control granted by Supplementary Letters Patent dated April

10, 1975, is hereby amended by deleting section 1 in its entirety and

substituting therefor:

Division VIII - Mosquito Control

"1. The member municipalities of the District of

Abbotsford, The Corporation of the District of Matsqui and Electoral

Area A (Sumas Mountain) participate and share in the cost of the

regional district pursuant to this Division."

AND THAT on, from and after January 1, 1989, Division XI -

Economic Development Commission granted by Supplementary Letters

Patent dated December 10, 1981, is hereby amended by deleting Section

1 in its entirety and substituting the following therefor:

5 Division XI - Economic Development Commission

"1. The regional board may establish, maintain and operate

an Economic Development Commission with the District of Abbotsford,

The Corporation of the District of Matsqui, and Electoral Area A

(Sumas Mountain) as participating member municipalities subject to the provisions of Sections 3 and 4 hereof."


AND THAT WE do further order and proclaim that on, from and

after January 1, 1989, the Letters Patent of the Central Fraser

Valley Regional District, as amended, be further amended by adding

the following therefor:

Municipal Finance Authority Debt

"17. Money borrowed by the Central Fraser Valley Regional

District, including the payment of interest on any money borrowed,

and all obligations of the Central Fraser Valley Regional District to

the Municipal Finance Authority on December 31, 1988 shall be the

obligation of the Central Fraser Valley Regional District, the City

of Langley, and The Corporation of the Township of Langley and shall

be on their credit at large and shall, in the event of default, constitute an indebtedness of the member municipalities of the

Central Fraser Valley Regional District, the City of Langley and The

Corporation of the Township of Langley for which they are jointly and severally liable.

Continuation of Functions

18. Every function, power, duty and obligation of the

Central Fraser Valley Regional District provided by Letters Patent, or Supplementary letters Patent or bylaw pertaining to the area described in these Letters Patent, except those repealed prior to the

-6- date of these Letters Patent, is deemed to be a function, power, duty

and obligation of Central Fraser Valley Regional District, and shall

remain in full force and effect in and for the Central Fraser Valley

Regional District until amended or repealed and shall continue in the

same manner as if granted to the Central Fraser Valley Regional


Surpluses and Deficits

19.1 Surpluses and deficits of The Central Fraser Valley

Regional District remaining as of December 31, 1988, accruing to

functions and responsibilities of the Central Fraser Valley Regional

District in which the City of Langley and the Corporation of The

Township of Langley participated shall be shared with the City of

Langley and the Corporation of the Township of Langley, on the same

basis that each contributed to the Central Fraser Valley Regional


19.2 In the event the regional district and the two

municipalities cannot agree, the Inspector of Municipalities shall

determine the final disposition of surpluses and deficits.

Assessment Roll

20. For the purpose of producing an assessment roll

pursuant to section 2 of the Assessment Act for the area covered by these Letters Patent the regional district boundary alteration is deemed to have taken place on September 30, 1988.

Effective Date

21. These Letters Patent are effective December 1, 1988.

AND THAT the Letters Patent, as amended, of the Central

Fraser Valley Regional District be deemed to be further amended accordingly.

-7 - IN —,TIMONY WHEREOF, We have caused these Our Letters to be made Patent and the Great Seal of Our said Province to be hereunto


Allan McEachern, Administrator WITNESS, the Honourable am-,- Li-et±nrairl=talammr of

Our said Province of British Columbia, in Our City of Victoria, in

Our said Province, this 1O day of 1\174C2"11‘)°r , in the year

of Our Lord one thousand nine hundred and eighty-eight and in the

thirty-seventh year of Our Reign.

By Command.

Minister of Tourism and

Provincial Secretary



Commencing at the point of intersection of the middle line

of Sumas River with the northerly boundary of Fractional Section 12,

Township 20, East of the Coast Meridian, New Westminster District;

thence westerly and southerly along the northerly and westerly

boundaries of said Fractional Section 12 to the point of intersection

with the northerly boundary of Lot 430, Group 2, New Westminster

District; thence westerly and southwesterly along the northerly and

northwesterly boundaries of said Lot 430 to the point of intersection

with the northerly boundary of Fractional Southwest Quarter of

Fractional Section 2, Township 20; thence westerly along the said

northerly boundary of the Fractional Southwest Quarter of Fractional

Section 2 to the northwest corner thereof; thence westerly and

southerly along the northerly and westerly boundaries of Fractional

South Half of Fractional Section 3, Township 20, to the southwest

corner thereof; thence westerly along the southerly boundaries of

Sections 4, 5, and 6, Township 20 to the southwest corner of the East

Half of said Section 6; thence northerly along the westerly

boundaries of the East Halves of Sections 6 and 7 and Fractional

Section 18, Township 20 to the northwest corner of said East Half of

Fractional Section 18; thence due north to the point of intersection

with the middle line of Fraser River; thence in a general easterly

direction along said middle line of Fraser River to the point on a

straiyht line drawn between Monuments 8381 and 8363, distant 1,090 feet from said Monument 8381; thence southeasterly along a straight line drawn to a point on a straight line drawn between Monuments 8378

and 8363, distant 230 feet from said Monument 8378, said point being

in the Sumas River; thence easterly and southerly along the middle line of Sumas River to the aforesaid point of intersection with the

- 9- northerly boundary of Fractional Section 12, Township 20, being the

point of commencement, save and except therefrom any lands, foreshore or land covered by water lying within the corporate limits of any city, district, town or village municipality or any land, foreshore or land covered by water that may be hereafter incorporated therein.

- 10- CANADA


ELIZABETH the SECOND, by the Grace of God, of the United Kingdom, Canada

and Her Other Realms and Territories, Queen, Head of the

Commonwealth, Defender of the Faith.

To all to whom these presents shall come-

GREETING. ( WHEREAS pursuant to the provisions of

( section 767 of the Municipal Act the

( Greater Vancouver Regional District

Minister of ( was incorporated by Letters Patent

Municipal Affairs, ( issued on June 29, 1967

Recreation & Culture

- 1 - AND WHEREAS section 774 of the Municipal Act provides, inter

alia, that the Lieutenant-Governor in Council may alter the boundaries of

two or more adjoining regional districts:

AND WHEREAS both the City of Langley and The Corporation of the

Township of Langley have requested inclusion in the Greater Vancouver

Regional District as member municipalities:

AND WHEREAS the Boards of the respective regional districts have

been consulted and are in favor of this realignment:

AND WHEREAS the Minister of Health and the Boards of the

respective regional districts have been given six months notice:

AND WHEREAS the provisions of section 774 of the Municipal Act

have been duly complied with:


V4 KNOW YE THAT by these presents, We do order and proclaim

that on, from and after December 1, 1988 the City of Langley and The

Corporation of the Township of Langley are member municipalities of the

Greater Vancouver Regional District:

AND THAT Section 2 "Boundaries" of the Letters Patent of the

Greater Vancouver Regional District dated June 29, 1967, as amended, is

repealed and the following substituted therefor:


"2. The regional district shall comprise all that tract of land, foreshore, and land covered by water within the following described

boundaries: Commencing at the point of intersection of the southerly

boundary of the Province with the middle line of the Strait of Georgia,

being a point on the 49th parallel of north latitude; thence easterly along said southerly boundary of the Province to the southeast corner of the West Half of Section 5, Township 13, East of the Coast Meridian, New

- 2 - Westminster District; thence northerly along the easterly boundaries of the West Halves of Sections 5, 8, 17, 20, 29 and 32 of Township 13 and

Sections 5, 8, 17, 20, 29 and 32 of Township 14 and continuing northerly along the northerly prolongation of the easterly boundary of the West

Half of said Section 32, Township 14 to the point of intersection with the middle line of the main channel of Fraser River; thence in a general westerly direction along said middle line of the main channel of Fraser

River and passing to the north of McMillan and Barnston Islands to a point on the northerly prolongation of a straight line drawn between a point on a straight line drawn between Monument 5972 and 5997, distant

1,525 feet from said Monument 5972 and a point on a straight line drawn between Monument 5997 and 5976, distant 1770 feet from said Monument 5976 said point being 1,650 feet northerly along said prolongation; thence northwesterly in a straight line to a point on a straight line drawn

between Monument 3578 and 5976 distant 1,810 feet from said Monument

5976; thence North 76'15' West, for a distance of 2,740 feet to a point on the middle line of Fraser River; thence northwesterly along the said middle line of Fraser River and passing to the north of Douglas Island to the point of intersection with the middle line of Pitt River produced southwesterly; thence northeasterly to and along the said middle line of

Pitt River and continuing northeasterly along the middle line of Pitt

Lake, passing to the west of Goose Island, to the point of intersection with the southerly boundary of Lot 3011, Group 1, New Westminster

District; thence westerly along the southerly boundary of said Lot 3011 to the southwest corner thereof; thence due west to the westerly boundary of the watershed of Pitt River; thence northerly along said boundary to a point thereon which lies due east of the southeast corner of Lot 2029; thence due west to the middle line of Indian River; thence southerly along said middle line of Indian Ri-er to a point thereon which lies due east of the most northerly corner of Lot 1580; thence due west to a point which lies due north of the northeast corner of Lot 1291; thence due south to a point which lies due east of the northeast corner of Lot 1293; thence west to the northeast corner of said Lot 1293 and continuing westerly along the northerly boundary of Lot 1293, to the northwest corner thereof; thence westerly along the southerly boundary of Lot 1294 to the southwest corner thereof; thence westerly in a straight line to

- 3 - the northeast corner of Lot 3041; thence westerly along the northerly

boundary of said Lot 3041 and the westerly prolongation thereof to the

middle line of Howe Sound; thence in a general southwesterly direction

along the middle lines of Howe Sound, Queen Charlotte Channel (passing to

the west of Bowyer Island), Howe Sound, and Collingwood Channel (passing

to the west of Hutt and Bowen Islands and to the east of Worlcombe

Island) and continuing southerly along the southerly production of the

said middle line of Collingwood Channel to a point which lies due west of

the middle line of Burrard Inlet, at the entrance thereto; thence due

west to the middle line of the Strait of Georgia; thence in a general

southeasterly direction along said middle line of the Strait of Georgia

to the point of intersection with the aforesaid southerly boundary of the

Province, being the point of commencement."

AND THAT Section 3 "Member Muni,_':salities" of the Letters Patent

of the Greater Vancouver Regional District is hereby repealed in its

entirety and the following substituted therefor:

Member Municipalities

"3. The member municipalities of the regional district are as


(a) Municipalities: Village of Anmore, Village of Belcarra,

The Corporation of the District of Burnaby, District of

Coquitlam, The Corporation of Delta, City of Langley, The

Corporation of the Township of Langley, Village of Lions Bay,

The Corporation of the City of New Westminster, The Corporation

of the City of North Vancouver, The Corporation of the District

of North Vancouver, The Corporation of the City of Port

Coquitlam, City of Port Moody, The Corporation of the Township

of Richmond, The Corporation of the District of Surrey, City of

Vancouver, The Corporation of the District of West Vancouver and

The Corporation of the City of White Rock.

(b) Electoral Areas: Electoral Area A (University Hill),

Electoral Area B, and Electoral Area C (Bowen Island), the

- 4 - boundaries of which are described in Appendix A attached to and

forming part of these Letters Patent."


AND [HAT WE do order and proclaim that the Letters Patent of the

Greater Vancouver Regional District be further amended by adding the

following sections:


"17.1 Every function, power, duty and obligation of the

Greater Vancouver Regional District provided by Letters Patent,

Supplementary Letters Patent or by bylaw prior to December 31, 1988 and

pertaining to the area described in these Letters Patent, except those

repealed prior to the date of these Letters Patent is deemed to be a

function, power, duty and obligation of the Greater Vancouver Regional

District, and shall remain in full force and effect in and for the

Greater Vancouver Regional District until amended or repealed and shall

continue in the same manner as if granted to the Greater Vancouver

Regional District.

17.2 The City of Langley and The Corporation of the Township of

Langley shall be members and participate and share in costs of the

functions listed in Appendix B attached to and forming part of these

Letters Patent on and from January 1, 1989."


AND THAT WE do order and proclaim that on, from and after

December 31, 1988 the Letters Patent of the Greater Vancouver Regional

District be further amended as follows:

Municipal Finance Authority Debt

"18. Money borrowed by the Central Fraser Valley Regional

District, including the payment of interest on any money borrowed, and

all obligations of the Central Fraser Valley Regional District to the

Municipal Finance Authority on December 31, 1988 shall be the obligation of the Central Fraser Valley Regional District, the City of Langley and

5 The Corporation of the Township of Langley and shall be on their credit at large and shall, in the event of default, constitute an indebtedness of the member municipalities of Central Fraser Valley Regional District, the City of Langley and The Corporation of the Township of Langley for which they are jointly and severally liable.

Assessment Roll

19. For the purpose of producing an assessment roll pursuant to section 2 of the Assessment Act, the regional district boundary alteration is deemed to have taken place on September 30, 1988.

Effective Date

20. These Letters Patent are effective December 1, 1988."

AND THAT the Letters Patent, as amended, of the Greater

Vancouver Regional District be deemed to be further amended accordingly.

IN TESTIMONY WHEREOF, We have caused these Our Letters to be made Patent

and the Great Seal of Our said Province to be hereunto affixed. Allan McEachern, Administrator WITNESS, the Honourable Dep0040.26c==ttam, 1,44444144414-Govorner of Our said

Province of British Columbia, in Our City of Victoria, in Our

said Province, this 00 day of },../04e-Y14(!..r , in the

year of Our Lord one thousand nine hundred and eighty-eight and

in the thirty-seventh year of Our Reign.

By Command.

Minister of Tourism and

Provincial Secretary



Electoral Area A (University Hill)

Commencing at a point on the southerly production of the middle

line of Queen Charlotte Channel, New Westminster District, which lies due

west of the middle line of Burrard Inlet, at the entrance thereto; thence

due east to said middle line of Burrard Inlet at the entrance thereto and

continuing easterly along the said middle line to a point which lies due

north of the most westerly northwest corner of the City of Vancouver,

said corner being North 13' East and 2,000 feet distant from a boundary

survey monument set near the natural high water mark of Burrard Inlet, on

the southerly shore thereof and as defined in the Vancouver Charter

(R.S.B.C. 1979) updated to September 6, 1985; thence due south to said

northwest corner and continuing in a general southerly direction along

the westerly boundary of the City of Vancouver as defined in the

Vancouver Charter (R.S.B.C. 1979) updated to September 6, 1985, to the

point of intersection with the northerly boundary of The Corporation of

the Township of Richmond being in the north fork of the North Arm of

Fraser River and as defined in the British Columbia Gazette under date of

May 25, 1934; thence in a general westerly direction along said

Corporation of the Township of Richmond boundary as defined in the

British Columbia Gazette under date of May 25, 1934, to the northwest corner thereof; thence due west to the middle line of the Strait of

Georgia; thence in a general northwesterly direction along said middle line of the Strait of Georgia to a point which lies due west of the

middle line of Burrard Inlet, at the entrance thereto; thence due east

along said line to the aforesaid point on the southerly production of the

middle line of Queen Charlotte Channel, being the point of commencement,

save and except therefrom any lands, foreshore or land covered by water

lying within the corporate limits of any city, district, town or village

municipality or any land, foreshore or land covered by water that may be

hereafter incorporated therein.

- 7 - Electoral Area B

Commencing at the point of intersection of the southerly

boundary of the Province with the middle line of the Strait of Georgia,

being a point on the 49th parallel of north latitude; thence easterly

along said southerly boundary of the Province to the southeast corner of

the West Half of Section 5, Township 13, East of the Coast Meridian, New

Westminster District; thence northerly along the easterly boundaries of

the West Halves of Sections 5, 8, 17, 20, 29 and 32 of Township 13 and

Sections 5, 8, 17, 20, 29 and 32 of Township 14 and continuing northerly

along the northerly prolongation of the easterly boundary of the West

Half of said Section 32, Township 14 to the point of intersection with

the middle line of the main channel of Fraser River; thence in a general

westerly direction along said middle line of the main channel of Fraser

River and passing to the north of McMillan and Barnston Islands to a

point on the northerly prolongation of a straight line drawn between a

point on a straight line drawn between Monument 5972 and 5997, distant

1,525 feet from said Monument 5972 and a point on a straight line drawn

between Monument 5997 and 5976, distant 1,770 feet from said Monument

5976, said point being 1,650 feet northerly along said prolongation;

thence northwesterly in a straight line to a point on a straight line

drawn between Monument 3578 and 5976, distant 1,810 feet from said

Monument 5976; thence North 76'15' West, for a distance of 2,740 feet to

a point on the middle line of Fraser River; thence northwesterly along

the said middle line of Fraser River and passing to the north of Douglas

Island to the point of intersection with the middle line of Pitt River

produced southwesterly; thence northeasterly to and along the said middle

line of Pitt River and continuing northeasterly along the middle line of

Pitt Lake, passing to the west of Goose Island, to the point of

intersection with the southerly boundary of Lot 3011, Group 1, New

Westminster District; thence westerly along the southerly boundary of

said Lot 3011 to the southwest corner thereof; thence due west to the

westerly boundary of the watershed of Pitt River; thence northerly along said boundary to a point thereon which lies due east of the southeast corner of Lot 2029; thence due west to the middle line of Indian River; thence southerly along said middle line of Indian River to a point

-8 thereon which lies due east of the most northerly corner of Lot 1580; thence due west to a point which lies due north of the northeast corner

of Lot 1291; thence due south to a point which lies due east of the

northeast corner of Lot 1293; thence due west to the northeast corner of

said Lot 1293 and continuing westerly along the northerly boundary of Lot

1293, to the northwest corner thereof; thence westerly along the southerly boundary of Lot 1294 to the southwest corner thereof; thence

westerly in a straight line to the northeast corner of Lot 3041; thence

westerly along the northerly boundary of said Lot 3041 and the westerly

prolongation thereof to the middle line of Howe Sound; thence in a

general southerly direction along the middle lines of Howe Sound and

Queen Charlotte Channel (passing to the west of Bowyer Island) and

continuing southerly along the southerly production of said Queen

Charlotte Channel to a point which lies due west of the middle line of

Burrard Inlet, at the entrance thereto; thence due east to said middle

line of Burrard Inlet, at the entrance thereto and continuing easterly

along the said middle line to a point which lies due north of the most

westerly northwest corner of the City of Vancouver, said corner being

North 13' East and 2,000 feet distant from a boundary survey monument set

near the natural high water mark of Burrard Inlet, on the southerly shore

thereof and as defined in the Vancouver Charter (R.S.B.C. 1979) updated

to September 6, 1985; thence due south to the said northwest corner and continuing in a general southerly direction along the westerly boundary

of the City of Vancouver as defined in the Vancouver Charter (R.S.B.C.

1979) updated to September 6, 1985, to the point of intersection with the

northerly boundary of The Corporation of the Township of Richmond being

in the north fork of the North Arm of Fraser River and as defined in the

British Columbia Gazette under date of May 25, 1934; thence in a general

westerly direction along said Corporation of the Township of Richmond

boundary as defined in the British Columbia Gazette under date of May 25,

1934, to the northwest corner thereof; thence due west to the middle line

of the Strait of Georgia; thence in a general southeasterly direction

along said middle line of the Strait of Georgia to the point of

intersection with the aforesaid southerly boundary of the Province, being

the point of commencement, save and except therefrom any lands, foreshore

or land covered by water lying within the corporate limits of any city,

-9 district, town or village municipality or any land, foreshore or land covered by water that may be hereafter incorporated therein.

Electoral Area C (Bowen Island)

Commencing at a point on the southerly production of the middle line of Queen Charlotte Channel, New Westminster District, which lies due west of the middle line of Burrard Inlet, at the entrance thereto; thence due west to the point of intersection with the southerly production of the middle line of Collingwood Channel; thence in a general northeasterly direction along the said southerly production of the middle line of

Collingwood Channel and continuing along the said middle line (passing to the east of Worlcombe Island and to the west of Bowen Island and Hutt

Island) to the middle line of Howe Sound; thence in a general easterly direction along the said middle line of Howe Sound to the middle line of

Queen Charlotte Channel; thence in a general southerly direction along the said middle line of Queen Charlotte Channel and the southerly production thereof to a point which lies due west of the middle line of

Burrard Inlet, at the entrance thereto, being the point of commencement, save and except therefrom any lands, foreshore or land covered by water lying within the corporate limits of any city, district, town or village municipality or any land, foreshore or land covered by water that may be hereafter incorporated therein.





Division Function Adoption Details

Division IV Public Housing Supplementary Letters Patent

dated January 19, 1971 as

amended April 30, 1974 and

March 25, 1975 Division V I Regional Parks Supplementary Letters Patent

dated January 13, 1972 as

amended March 21, 1972 and

August 10, 1975 Division VI Labour Negotiations Supplementary Letters Patent

dated December 13, 1973 as

amended November 22, 1982. Division VII Mosquito Control Supplementary Letters Patent

dated May 28, 1974 Division XIII Urban Transit Supplementary Letters Patent

dated January 3, 1980 as

amended February 22, 1983.

Division XVII E911 Emergency Supplementary Letters Patent

Telephone System dated May 19, 1988

Division XVIII Development Services Supplementary Letters Patent

dated August 17, 1988

Division XIX Air Pollution Control Supplementary Letters Patent

dated Dec. 22, 1971