Middlesbrough Summer 2016 School Holiday Activities Activities are either free or cost no more than 50p per session. All sessions include lunch (some include breakfast) For additional activities and events see also www.middlesbrough.gov.uk/fsd Hope4Summer http://www.hope4boro.org.uk/hope4summer2015/activities/ Day Date Time Location Activity/Event Criteria Contact WEEK 1 18-22 July Friday 22 July 9.30- St Oswald’s Family Friday Lunch Club Children
[email protected] 12.30 Church, Lambton must be with Road, Grove Hill an adult WEEK 2 25-29 July Monday 25 July 11-1 Caldicotes Lunch club and activities Pupils of Joanne_russell@middlesbr School, Caldicotes ough.gov.uk Spencerfield School and Cres, Thorntree their younger siblings only. Children must be with an adult Monday 25 July 10-1 Trinity YCP, Olympics Holiday club and
[email protected] Trinity Centre, lunch North Ormesby Tuesday 26 July 11-1 Caldicotes Lunch club and activities Pupils of Joanne_russell@middlesbr School, Caldicotes ough.gov.uk Spencerfield School and Cres, Thorntree their younger siblings only. Children must be with an adult Wednesday 27 July 12- St Agnes Church Wild West Wednesday’s
[email protected] 3pm Hall, Broughton Holiday club with lunch Avenue Easterside Wednesday 27 July 11-1 Caldicotes Lunch club and activities Pupils of Joanne_russell@middlesbr School, Caldicotes ough.gov.uk Spencerfield School and Cres, Thorntree their younger siblings only. Children must be with an adult Wednesday 27 July 10-1 Trinity YCP, Olympics Holiday club and
[email protected] Trinity Centre, lunch North Ormesby Thursday 28 July 11-1 Caldicotes Lunch club and activities Pupils of Joanne_russell@middlesbr School, Caldicotes ough.gov.uk Spencerfield School and Cres, Thorntree their younger siblings only.