Congressional Record—House H1190
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H1190 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE March 9, 2010 Chile and the United States have a Mr. CONNOLLY of Virginia. Madam of Justice, has identified Mexican drug traf- long-standing and important partner- Speaker, I object to the vote on the ficking organizations as ‘‘the greatest drug ship. It is one of mutual respect and ground that a quorum is not present trafficking threat to the United States’’; understanding. Both countries under- and make the point of order that a Whereas the illegal trafficking of firearms, stand their democratic and economic quorum is not present. including from the United States to Mexico, contributes to drug-related violence, and the prosperity are aligned, and that we The SPEAKER pro tempore. Pursu- United States–Mexico Joint Statement on need to work together for our mutual ant to clause 8 of rule XX and the the Merida Initiative on October 22, 2007, benefit. The Congressional Hispanic Chair’s prior announcement, further stated that the United States will ‘‘continue Caucus has worked to build on this re- proceedings on this motion will be to combat trafficking of weapons and bulk lationship by recognizing the rich cul- postponed. currency to Mexico.’’; tural heritage both nations share. The point of no quorum is considered Whereas the Mexican drug cartels have be- As chairman of the CHC’s task force withdrawn. come increasingly violent, killing at least on commerce and international rela- f 5,600 people in 2008 and more than 7,000 peo- tions, I am committed to working with ple in 2009; SENSE OF HOUSE REGARDING AS- my colleagues to strengthen our rela- Whereas the Mexican State of Durango, SISTANCE TO MEXICO IN FIGHT where Bobby Salcedo’s execution took place, tions with our neighbors in the West- AGAINST DRUG VIOLENCE is one of the most violent with more than 700 ern Hemisphere. recorded gang related killings in 2009; Mr. CONNOLLY of Virginia. Mr. b 1515 Whereas the Government of President Speaker, I move to suspend the rules Felipe Calderon has significantly stepped up The devastating disaster that has and agree to the resolution (H. Res. Mexico’s efforts to confront the drug cartels struck Chile is a humanitarian impera- 1032) expressing the sense of the House and end the violence, deploying some 45,000 tive requiring immediate action. Mil- of Representatives that the United troops and 5,000 police throughout Mexico; lions of families have lost their home States should continue to assist the and or been displaced by the gigantic earth- Mexican Government in fighting the Whereas the United States Congress has quake and the following tsunami and drug cartels and curbing violence appropriated over $1,300,000,000 under the strong aftershocks. Hundreds have died against Mexican and United States Merida Initiative to help Mexico break the and many are still missing. Hundreds citizens, both in the United States and power and impunity of the drug cartels, as- of thousands of families in Chile re- sist the Government of Mexico in strength- abroad, as amended. ening its judicial and law enforcement insti- main without running water or power. The Clerk read the title of the resolu- The United States has been quick to tutions, curtail gang activity in Mexico, and tion. disrupt demand for and distribution of drugs respond to President Bachelet’s call for The text of the resolution is as fol- in the region: Now, therefore, be it help and is providing much-needed lows: Resolved, That the House of Representa- equipment to reestablish communica- H. RES. 1032 tives— tion and has deployed two C–130 cargo Whereas Mr. Agustin Roberto ‘‘Bobby’’ (1) expresses sorrow at the death of Mr. planes to help transport humanitarian Salcedo, a United States citizen and resident Agustin Roberto ‘‘Bobby’’ Salcedo; cargo. The United States stands ready of California, was senselessly murdered on (2) supports continued cooperation between to provide whatever additional aid is December 31, 2009, at the young age of 33 the United States Government and the Gov- necessary to help the victims of this while vacationing with his family in the city ernment of Mexico to help identify and con- natural disaster. We have seen the gen- of Gomez Palacio, Durango, Mexico; vict Mr. Salcedo’s killers; (3) calls on the Governments of the United erosity of the American people during Whereas Bobby Salcedo was a rising star in the community, had just been elected to his States and Mexico to increase cooperation to the recent disaster in Haiti, and I am prosecute those responsible for the drug-re- confident that spirit of generosity will second term as a member of the El Monte City School Board, and served as the vice lated killings of innocents in Mexico, be they also be extended to the people of Chile. principal and football coach at his alma United States or Mexican citizens; and In closing, I want to say that the res- mater, Mountain View High School; (4) reaffirms its continued support for bi- olution recounts the tragic events that Whereas Bobby Salcedo was studying for lateral cooperation with Mexico to break the have unfolded in Chile so I will not his doctorate in educational leadership at power of the Mexican drug cartels and turn read it again. The resolution reaffirms the University of California, Los Angeles, the tide of violence. the House of Representatives’ commit- after having earned his bachelor’s degree in The SPEAKER pro tempore (Mr. ment to the people of Chile to aid in history from California State University, CLAY). Pursuant to the rule, the gen- their speedy recovery. We applaud the Long Beach, and a master’s degree in edu- tleman from Virginia (Mr. CONNOLLY) resolve and the resilience of those af- cational administration from California and the gentlewoman from Florida (Ms. fected by the earthquake. The people of State University, San Bernardino; Whereas Bobby Salcedo, the son of immi- ROS-LEHTINEN) each will control 20 Chile on other occasions have come to- grant parents, sought to chart a better minutes. gether to help their friends and neigh- course for his entire community, serving as The Chair recognizes the gentleman bors rebuild. Today we want to assure a local leader for such organizations as the from Virginia. them that we will stand by their side South El Monte/Gomez Palacio, Durango, GENERAL LEAVE to help as they recover from this trag- Mexico Sister City Organization; Mr. CONNOLLY of Virginia. Mr. edy. Whereas, on December 31, 2009, Mr. Salcedo Speaker, I ask unanimous consent that I urge all of my colleagues to support was having dinner in Mexico in a restaurant with family and friends when a group of all Members may have 5 legislative this important resolution. days in which to revise and extend Ms. ROS-LEHTINEN. Madam Speak- armed and masked men burst in and forcibly their remarks and include extraneous er, I have no further requests for time, removed Mr. Salcedo and 5 other men; material on the resolution under con- and I yield back the balance of my Whereas Mr. Salcedo was killed execution- style with a single gunshot to the head; sideration. time. Whereas Bobby Salcedo’s body, along with Mr. CONNOLLY of Virginia. Madam The SPEAKER pro tempore. Is there the bodies of the 5 other men, was found sev- objection to the request of the gen- Speaker, I want to thank Mr. HINOJOSA eral hours later dumped in a field near a tleman from Virginia? for his leadership on this important canal; There was no objection. resolution, and I thank my colleague Whereas the Federal Bureau of Investiga- from Florida. tion has been asked by the Government of Mr. CONNOLLY of Virginia. Mr. I yield back the balance of my time. Mexico to assist in investigating the death of Speaker, I rise in strong support of this The SPEAKER pro tempore. The Mr. Salcedo; resolution, and I yield myself such question is on the motion offered by Whereas innocents are directly impacted time as I may consume. the gentleman from Virginia (Mr. by drug-related violence in Mexico; On December 31, Mr. Agustin Roberto Whereas the Mexican drug cartels are CONNOLLY) that the House suspend the ‘‘Bobby’’ Salcedo, a high school vice major producers and suppliers to the United rules and agree to the resolution, H. principal and school board member, States market for heroin, methamphet- and a young leader of several local or- Res. 1144. amine, and marijuana and the major transit The question was taken. country for 90 percent of the cocaine sold in ganizations, was brutally murdered The SPEAKER pro tempore. In the the United States; while on a family vacation in Durango opinion of the Chair, two-thirds being Whereas the National Drug Intelligence state, Mexico, at the hands of violent in the affirmative, the ayes have it. Center, a component of the U.S. Department men with ties to Mexican drug cartels. VerDate Mar 15 2010 02:37 Jun 20, 2010 Jkt 089060 PO 00000 Frm 00018 Fmt 4634 Sfmt 0634 E:\RECORD10\RECFILES\H09MR0.REC H09MR0 mmaher on DSKD5P82C1PROD with CONG-REC-ONLINE March 9, 2010 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE H1191 While enjoying the company of fam- Merida Initiative, significant gains the holidays. On New Year’s Eve, he ily and friends at a restaurant in the have been made against narcotraf- was out with family and friends at a city of Gomez Palacio, Mr. Salcedo and fickers and organized crime in Mexico local restaurant when gunmen burst in five other patrons were taken hostage over the past couple of years. and dragged Bobby, along with five by a group of masked, armed individ- However, as is to be expected, the other men, out of the restaurant at uals.