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The Oonsittee of Council submit for Your nonour's

approval the accompanying Supplementary Memorandum of the 24th

instant, from the Minister of Finance, representing

the importance of the coal exporting industry of this Province,

and recommending that in the event of any arrangement being, mane

with the Government of the United States with a view to reciprocity

in the exchange of natural products between the two. countries

that mod' be included in the list of articles affeoted by such


The Committee advise that a copy of this Minute and of the said Memorandmm, if approved, be forwarded to the Honourable the Secretary of State for transmission to the Right Honourable Sir .

Presiding Member, Executive Council. e/54°-0:,7,/i121-e-a 2/IL f 77

/94 "baud 4i 6 98 gy_k

ef,9z.„ Uzi 'it Rz 2/ LS (IL/471. MWORANIIJM ,

of the Lieutenant Governor in Council


For the consideration of Her Majesty's Commissioners at the


at . Supplementing its memorandum of the 7th instant, this

Government desires to bring to the attention of Her Majesty's

Honourable Commissioners the magnitude of the coal exporting

industry in British Columbia and the importance of its interests being considered should any arrangement for reciprocity of

exchange in natural products be entered into with the Govern- ment of the United States.

As in the case of other industries the conditions

of which this Government has had the opportunity of presenting

to Her Majesty's Honourable Commissioners, so in regard to the

coal mining industry the circumstanoes in British Columbia are

almost the reverse of those Which prevail in and other

parts of Eastern Canada. The excellence of the coal of this Province and its duperiority over that found in the Pacific,

Coast States of the Union, has secured a market for our coal

in San Francisco and other places. The customs duty which is

levied on coal imported into the United States, greatly reduces the demand Which would otherwise exist for British Columbia

coal, as on account of the addition made to its cost by the

imposition of this duty, it comes into unfavourable competition

with inferior qualities of coal sold at a lower price.

Should Her Majesty's Honourable Commissioners conclude any arrangement with the Government of the United States for

reciprocity in the exchange of natural products between the two

countries this Government would respectfully but earnestly.ask that

coal be included in the list of articles coming within the opera- tion of Each an arrangement.

Minister of qnanoe.

Dated the 24th day of September, 1898.