No. 15.] WEDNESDAY, JUNE 7. [1876. Circular Orders and Miscellaneous Information. Stealing in Dwellings, from the Person, &C
EZ £:: [ PubUshed by Authority. ] This Gazette is piMished for Police information only, and the Police throughout the Colony are instructed to make themselves thoroughly acquainted with the contents. If. S. SMITH, Superintendent of Police. No. 15.] WEDNESDAY, JUNE 7. [1876. Circular Orders and Miscellaneous Stealing in Dwellings, from the Information. Person, &c. CO. 7««.—In accordance with the provisions of the On 1st inst., from EUzabeth WooUam, Fremantle, Ordinance 39 Vic. No. 15, the following rule will be —3 dress skirts, light tweed, jdaid shawl, and um observed by the Police throughout the Colony:—- brella ; complainant was under influence of Uquor When a Warrant for the apprehension of any person when making this report, and no further description could be got; enquiry wiU be made.—CI. 122. has been issued by a Magistrate at any Station, the Police Ofiicer or Constable in charge of such Station will forward to each Police Station in the Colony, On night of 3rd or morning of 4th inst., from the verandah of shop of Y. Boladeras, Goderich Street, and to the Detective Ofiice in Perth, a copy of such Perth,—half a bag bran; description of bag, thin Warrant, countersigned by himself, attaching to the material, and marked 165 in black ink, and Y B Copy Warrant the Form No. 198, giving an accurate with red ink.—C.L 123. description of the person required to be apprehended. On 3rd inst., from dwelUng-house of Hannah Arrests in all cases can be effected by the Police on Brown, Murray Street, Perth,-—8 yards light colored such Copy Warrants.
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