www.mustangdaily.calpoly.edu CALIFORNIA POLYTECHNIC STATE UNIVERSITY, SAN LUISOBISPO - í Getting their chance: Tuesday, October 24,2000 Club sports play on nciv Sports Complex fields, 8 Crazy creations: Cdass amis for patents, 3

Volume LXV, Number 35, 1916-2000

High: 76° Low: 52°

Maldonado seeks fourInto the future more years in Assembly

By Megan Shearn t.ites ,ire with him this election MUSTANG DAILY SfAFF WRITER ll iiiiul. ‘T\e h.kl ,1 ttre.it time," he s.uJ. Tikt iIk’ iitK' ,inJ iIk' poli- “I’xe workei h.iri tor this Jisirict tk', inomilknt ni,m Alx'l • iiul rei'iesentmu the people." M.ilJon.Klo s.ikI, .iikl \vli;it .M.iklon.klo s.ihl there \ou 'Ik' I' wli.il \Mii ”rt. M l N . ,ire three proKct' th.il he "I'lu ,1 h.iivl WDiku'," lu' has workevi h.irJ on iltii' s.nJ. ' i t I J o n ’i know tin.' mu his time m ottke. 1 le • in^wkT, I’m not .ilr.iiJ to .icqiureJ a Sic'' million g :-:- , . □ ' "T ,1'k. 1 tiwit |X'opk- ilu' wav ur.mt tor Irish 1 lilis, tli.it I u.int to Ix' trv.itvJ." -j (1 which is 50,c'c''c'' .icres ot M.iUon.klo IS runnim: co,ist.il laiul th.it runs t .ut.iiiist (.^ll I \ i v pliilosophv protv's- ^ .A tit'iii Mont.in.I Ji Oro to Price . sor L.inv 1 loiilLiatv to kw p hi' |oh as (,'.imon Ro.kl. .Also, ,i SVS million / .isM.‘inl''lvm.in in tlir OrJ ii'irk t tor ur.mt w as un en tor the preseiw .it ion B e T I anotlu r tom wars. ot l.iikl ,11 the CLimhri.i h.ist West IV to iv I'-t'-M, M alJon .klo savs hv R.iiich. s.iw himsclt Jrnim: a ir.ktor .iiul The S.m Luis t-Thispo Ohiklreiis workini; lor liis tamiU’s Imsinv", Museum ,ilso receivei S200,c''Cc'' to .Xuro-l.il [arm s m S.inta .M.iria. |,il exp.iiuL st.inJs tor tiiv tirst thivc k ttvrs ol tliv “.■Ml ot this \v,is workmu touether siatv j.ilisco in Mvxico th.it w.i' with kick L't’C'onnell .mJ people ol M.iiion.klo's t.itiur’s hoiiK- Yvt in the communitv," he s.uJ. th.it mi'iiKiitoiis w.ir, M.iklon.klo hot colleue 'tiklents, .M.iklon.klo ANDY CASTAGNOLA/MUSTANG DAILY sk’v kiwi to run tor .i t.it\ council \ otei ves on the C .'.il Or.mt hill th.it positk'ii in S.mt.i M.in.i. Ben Kasdan, right, architecture junior and president of the American Institute of Architecture at Cal .illows .1 stiklent who meets cert.im Poly, gathers ideas from students for a Centennial time capsule. His ARCH 351, architectural design, ‘i tiit .It the tmic' th.it L'owrn- economic ,md .ic.ulemic require' class is working on designs for the capsule throughout the quarter. The university will choose a final ment w.isn’t io in *: its |oh," he s.iki. ments to receive .i lull scholarship to design from the students'work. “The people neeJeJ better customer ,in\ C'.ihtorni.i St.ite I'niveisitc cam- ser\ ice." piis. ,A stiklent w ho h,is ,i 2.0 01V\ or .-\s the cliche uoes, “The iv't n hiuher ,mJ is p.irt ot ,i t.imilv ot tour historv.” m.ikmu SU.OOO or less c.m recene .i M.iklon.klo wun the cit\ council Six vie for City Council seats S I ,c^0c^ schol.irship ttwv.irJ .i comiiiii' spot. Two ve.ifs Liter lie r.in tor nit\ colleue. .A siuJeni trom ,i t.imiK By Megan Shearn ,nul is ciirreiitlv ,i ch.iirm.in tor the the Pl.mmnu ( loiiimission where the m.ivor ot S.int.i .M.iri.i .inJ won ot tour m.ikmu SM.cW lv ' It m iuht I v h.ird to pick |iist "he represents the 'seiisilie C^'llc'ue ot -Vre hitec tiire .md By Cindy Carcamo RepuBlic.iii P.irtv earlier this \e.ir. tVV 11. middle’ ol the cit\ .ind he i' Km iroiiment.il iX 'iun. Schw.nt: sees MUSTANG DAILY CONTRIBUTOR ■A lonutmie RepuBlic.m, he Two qx)|s .ire o|xn for .1 Bridue Ixtweeii the sim il.irities Ix tw veii serv iivu the piiBlic swirchckl over this snnimer to the citv council till' elev-tioii. extreme |x)sitions." III citv council .md Ixinu .m .iiclntect. Xowinu In re-mst ill conserc .itn e Retorm P.irtv, .i popuh't p.irtv est.iB- .iiid'IX c.indki.ites .ire v vmu y .y p. Ciiovvth Is .1 Biu issue tor ".•\s ;in .irchilec I we uei in to conir.ic- •\meric.in v.iliies, Retorm P.irtv c.iin h'hckl Bv Ross Perot .itter.i third p.irtv tor the se.its. The c.indi- this ii|xom iiiu election .ind tii.il m.itters,” he s.iid. “,A person dki.ite P.it Buck .in.in is one ot sown ch.illenue m 1992. Buch.in.in, 61, d.ites r.iiiue trom ,i citv I l.nie sees urovvih .is soinethmu th.ii is eiiu.iuc"' me to dc'iun .i home. 1 pledue c.iiklkl.itc's s^k-kmu the presklenti.il tm.illv won the Retorm P.irtv’s vote, council iiiciiniK iit to ,i I lear't ('..I'tle iiiev it.ilie. to mv client th.it I w ill do mv Iv 't se.it on No\ . 7. onlv .itter w.irrmu .lu.im't ch.illeiiuer tout uiiide. Two c.indki.ites come “We need to re-ch.ir.icteri:e the vvi irk." Bikh.m.in, who is one ot nine chil­ lohn 1 l.iuehn. ’str.iiuht ott C.'.il Polv’s c.impii'. But the issue," 1 l.nie s.nd. "W e don’t h.ive the Rc'sixmsiBilitv .ilso pi.IV' .1 kev p.irt in dren trom .1 close-knit (Litholic t.imi- ■Atter <1 elr.iwn out tiuht, the c.indki.ites’ B.ickuroiinds .ireti’t the only opixirtunitv not to. But wee.in sh.iiv it." citv council .md .irchitectiire. Iv m northwestern W.i'hinuton .md Beeler.il Bdection (aimmission elirect- • ispect ot the camp.iiuii th.it is v .I'tlv dit- 1 l.nie sees housinu short.luc' .it .ill “W'lieii we m.ike the pi.ill' tor .i received his M.isters m |ourn.ilism ckl $ 12.6 million m c.imp.iiun tiiiiels to tereiit. Then ideas .ire, tint. income levels .is .i proBleni th.it needs ,i house. I h.ive .i res|xmsiBilitv to iiidiold trom Ckilumhi.i I'niversitv, r.iils Buell,in,111, kleiititymu him ,is the solution. th.it pl.in," Schw.irt: s,nd. .lU.imst the rise ot .1 "judici.il ilict.itor- riuhttul Retorm P.irtv nominee, Both sides of the story “ .At .1 cottee slioix the owners .md 1 le s,nd that his role .is counciliu.m is ship," homosexu.il riuhts, work! uov- ll.iucim conceded the Retorm ticket, Candidate: Allen C. Haile emplovees should live wilhin vv.ilkmu ,1 communitv res|X)iisiBilitv .i' well .is ,i eminent, loose Borders .ind .iBortion. ,ind IS now focused on riinninu .i> the Occupation: University Administrator dist.mce ot the store," I l.nie s.nd. resiMiisiBilitv to mdiv idii.ils. Ills views ot Natur.il L.iw P.irtv c.indid.iie. Age: 69 1 l.nie siip|x>rts SCAAR .md Me.i'ure In Ills st.iiemeiil tor e.indid.icv c o n s e r V ,111 s m Buell.Ill,111, ,1 T \' comment.itor .md CLiiidid.ite .Allen C L 1 l.nle,vlirectorot S. 1 le opix ISC'S Measure T. Schvv.irt: writes, "As ,i de'iun profes- mckkles .1 tor- former ,iide to Preskleiits Nixon ,iiid conimiinity .ind uoveriiiiieiit.il rel.itioiis sion.il I h.ive the v I'loii skills needed tor eiun policv th.it Re.iu.in, rem.ims firm on his coiiserv - ,it (!.il Pole, s.iys contr.irv to o|nnion he Years of training cre.itive stiliitioiis to ihe pniBleiiis uvn- puts .America’s .itive St.nice. c.in serve two m.isters; the citv .md C'al Candidate: Ken Schwartz er.ited Bv communitv urowtli." miht.irv .ind eco­ \ lie vows.to shut down the I .S. Pole. Occupation: Appointed Incumbent Schw.irt: opposes Sl ''.-\R .md nomic interests IVp.irtmeiit ot Kdiic.ition, close the 1 l.nie s.nd knowniu Both sides is ,ni Age:75 Measure S. 1 k i' in t.ivorot Me.isiire T over uloh.il uo.iU. N.ition.il Kiidowmeiit tor the .Arts .idv .int.iue — Ix-niu .ilie lo L h ik .it ix i iB- Ken Schwart: is the .ipiiomted B II c h ,1 n ,1 n ,md to uc't “t'kkl, the BiBle .md the leiiis tli.it come w ith h.iv iiiu .i 't.ite col­ mciimlx'iit c.mdid.ite riiiinmu to keep Preserving the "SLO" life t.Ivors school Ten (. Aimm.indmeiits" B.kk m school. leue 111 S.in Kills yTBis|xi Sikh .1' tr.ittic. Ills s)x>t on the council. Schvv.irt: took Candidate:BillTyson vouchers, pum Buell,111,111 .il'o w,lilts to h.ilt immi- PAT BUCHANAN: noise .ind so.irniu rent costs. the |xisition .ipproxnn.ilelv tw o ve.irs Occupation: Hearst Castle tour guide riuhts, ,iikl .1 16 ur.ition Bv douBlinu the si:e ot the Presidential can­ “I imderst.ind Kith sides, the students .i‘Uo when K.ithv Smith slep|X'd down Age:71 percent tl.il t.ix I ’.S. Border Patrol ,ind improv inu didate. ;ind citv. The students ,ire streiiulh lor from her position due to t.nnilv proB- Bill Tvson knows w Ii.ii sets him ip.irt oti e.irnmus owr B.irriers m liiuh-tr.ittic Border towns. the citv, not somethniu lo Bl.nne .ill lems. trom the other c.indki.ites. S^TcVO. He lie .il'o is verv .id.im.int .iBout the prolieiii' on." I l.iile s.nd. Schvv.irt: ,md his t.imilv h.ive Ix-eii “ 1 h.ive .1 cre.itive B.ickui'oimd in dP VViiuki .ll SO Build ,1 n.ition.il missik- preserv.ition ot the B.iiulnh l.inuu.iue 1 l.nie h.is .1 lonu h i'to rv in |siiBlic ser­ residents ot .Sini L u i' L'*Bis|m sine e 1952. ve.irs m .irketm u .md .idveriisinu. 1 know defense 'Vsiem .ind would e nd toreiun 111 .Americ.i. vice. lie h.is worked in v.irioiis oruani- Schvv.irt: h.is ,i pk-thor.i ot experience in how to ,m.ilv:e ,nid tix |>roBlems,’’ he .ikl, except 111 national dis,isicrs. “We .lie mov inu tow.ird ,i coimtrv :alioiis such .is the ^Kc'l L'h.imlxr ot Buch,111,Ill’s iillr.i coiiserv .itive liK.ii uoveniineiit. k\l to his split trom the Commerce, Kconomic l orec.ist Pro|ect In 1959, Schw .irt: w.is .ippointed to views see BUCHANAN, page 2 see COUNCIL, page 6 m

2 Tuesday, October 24,2000 News Mustang Daily Students MALDONADO Propositions deal with campaign spending, denied aid continued from page 1 taxes, industry regulation, retirement plans .ind who h.is ,i LO Cd’.A, ciiii receive By Carolyn Ficara tliem heim: re-insi,ited to state Uovernor. $20,000. Politic.il parties, for drug use tull tuition to .1 C'Sl.I. A student in .1 MUSTANG DAILY STAFF WRITER______retirement is th.it tliey .ilre.idy m.ike thouuh, have no limit. The hill .ilso t.imilv ot six m.ikinu $74,000 .1 ye.ir enonyh money. The s.il.iries .ire hiuh would en.ict Internet tilinu ot contri- (A D Nc.trlv 7,000 collcuc 'tii- or less c.m .iKo receive tull C2SU They don’t wear m.ikeiip or red enough th.it .1 private retirement hutions .md voluntary spendmu lim­ i.lcnt> will) .ipplicJ tor lin.inu.il .iiJ tuition with .1 TO CiP.A. ries, .ind they don’t Iv.ive the l.itest proi:rr the hdiie.it ion to sue their Assembleyman. he reciuired in the l,eyisLiture to r.iise will he on tlie h.illoi Nov. 7. .ire so restrictive that c.iiidid.ites will IVp.irtment, s,nd Mt'iwl.iv. UMOs. or impose new t.ixes. The .irt^iiment Proposition U. it p.issed, will h.ive to intensity ettorts to r.iise The tot.il ot the two i^roiips is less "It we’re eoim: to prosper, we need in t.ivor ot the proposition s.iys repe.il .1 l.iw m.ide in th.it money. th.in 1 percent ot those who .ipplied. Letter educ.ition tor our children,” ( ailitorni.ins should h.ive more con­ removed st.ite lecisl.itors from Piihlie Students c.iti lose otie ve.ir ot teder- he s.ud. “The monev .it schools Opponents s.iv contrihut ion trol over new, ,ind more kinds ot, Kmployees’ Retirement System .il .lid elieihilitv tor .1 tirst convictu>n needs to he spent vviselv." reporting to the st.ite is enoiiyh reu­ t.ix.ition. It IS their view th.it tees .ire (PKRS). M.iny st.ite employees h.ive 1)11 .1 (.Irue-pt'ssession ch.iree, .iiid two On the m.itter ot heiilth c.ire, ní.it ion. Bec.iuse voters c.m see hidden t.ixes. They .ire costs th.it .ire this retirement pl.in. Employees ye.irs tor .1 socon».l conviction. They M.ildon.ido s.ud th.it p.itients need where a c.indid.ite’s money is cimiinu simply p.issed on to the consumer. m.ike .1 5 percent don.ition to the >..111 he suspended indetimteh tor .1 to he put hetore the process. IXictors trom, they c.in decide how it miuht Those .ly.mist Proposition 57 s.iy pl.in .ind the st.ite p.iys .iceordinc to third com iction. .ilso need to he .1 p.irt ot the decision .ittect decisicuis. th.it hiy hiisiness like toh.icci) .md oil what the PHRS investment e.irns .Ahout 7'^V,vW .ipplic.lilts initi.illv pre )cc'ss. The .iruuinent in t.ivor ot companies .ire trying to yet out trom each year. The proponents’ opinioii t.iiled to .iiiswer the question ot M.ildon.ido supports the hill th.it Proposition 54 is th.it hmitinu the under the he.ilth c.ire costs .md envi­ is that t.ikiny .iw.iy legislators’ retire­ whether thev Ii.kI heeii convicted ot would .illovv Mexic.in t.irm workers to .imoiint ot money .111 indiv idii.il or ronment.il cle.inup johs. usme ilrutis when they tilled out their ment henetits is pen.ilizini; them tor mi^r.ite h.ick .md torth hetween their hiisiness C.III contrihute to .1 c.iiidi- (^ilitorni.ins ,ire f*' h.ive to pay student ,ud .ipplic.itioiis. But the serving C^ilitorni.i, Losmi: six or home .ind the United St.ites. d.ite will put the election process these costs it the eorpor.itions don’t. Hdiic.itioti IVp.irtment cont.icted eiyht ye.irs ot retirement savinjis M.ildon.ido’s t.ither c.ime to the Kick in the li.inds c>t C2ahtorni.uis. .Aeeordiny to .1 report tiled with the m.inv t't those students, ,ind the num- causes .1 eonsider.ihle drop in retire­ United St.ites to seek .1 better lite tor The eontrihntion limit tor .1 Secret.iry ot St.ite eoncerninu e.im- her *)t those who h.ive not vet ment income. his t.imilv .ind tound it in S.int.i st.itevvide ottice hy .111 individii.il p.iiyn spending, oil, tohaceo .ind .iiiswered is now down to 275,yVO. l.euisl.itors now earn over $^0,000 M.iri.i. would he $5,000 under Proposition .ilcohol eorpor.itions spent over $1 <1 ye.tr, >le tor house .iren’t Repiihlic.in or HUGE OCTOBER 2 0 () 0 "h o we .ire, 24.26 lVmcxr.it," he s.nd. “Neither .ire wh.it we st.iii».l he.ilth cure or educ.ition." tor .iiid wh.it we K-lieve in our coun- SIDEWALK 9am . pm3 The role th.it S.icr.miento pl.iys is trv." where M.ildon.ido sees the ditter- Ills Hunt honestv .ind |•*olltlc.ll ence. views h.ive hroueht criticism. ► ► ► “lloul)».ite believes th.it the I Ic h.is sp,irked re.ictioii troin orii.i- niz.itions such .is the N.ition.il .inswer lies in S.icTiimento," he s.nd. .AssiH. i,ition tor the ,Ad\ .incement ot "1 believe more in the people, not in (Colored People, which h.is even put the yovernment." tuit sc-ver.il indictments ot his st.ite- meiits, includiiii’ ,1 report ot rem.irks thev kihel .inti-Semitic, c,illed "P.it Bileh,111,111 111 I lis Own NX’ords." .Most ,in,il\sts predict th.it SALE Buc h,in,in's st.irk mess.iee ot ect'iiom- ic dec line will t.ill on de.it e.irs .mioiie •CAL POLY voters eti|ovitie the presetit ecotiotnic SIERRA SAVE UP TO | > upsw itie. CLOTHINGS GIFTS "lie spc'.iks to the polittcs c>t dis- SUMMIT cotitetit," s.iivl .Andrew Koliiit, direc­ SKI AREA •SCHOOL SUPPLIES tor ot the Pew Rese.irch (.Vnter tor Seasonal Jobs with People .ind the Press, during .111 inter- 75% OFF ON V lew with the Los .Anyeles Times m Great Benefits M.irdi. "lie needs h.id tunes, or tor We will l>e acceptintf appliratiotis •GENERAL READING and interviewing for sea.sonal people to Ix' .iiiyry iihoiit somethiiii,'." winter emplovTnent at the ski area Buell.111.Ill’s str.itc'tzists s.iid their & REFERENCE BOOKS .'>926.'» Hwy. 168 takeshore, CA c.indicl.ite c.iii tiiid support .luioiiu Fri. Oct. 27lh (Z. .Americ.iiis who h.ive not sh.ired in 9am - 6pm, and the economic prosperitv. Sat. Oct. 28lh •TEXTBOOKS "The preserv.ition c>t the .Americ.ui 9am - 4pm repiihlic torever, ” s.nd Biich.ui.in diir- W'e have a variety of great johs to mt’ .111 interview with Los .Anyeles hire for. Please come up or call •COMPUTER SUPPLIES Times ill Septemher List ye.ir. “Th.it’s 559-288-2500 El Corral Bookstore wh.it I will .ichieve hetore thev lower .\n K( )K www.elcarralbaakstare.cam me into the tzround " .Ml jotis are hu .ilcrl in the .Siei r.i N.itioiial Forest. Mustang Daily Tuesday, October 24,2000 3

Students get grants for inventions Upgrading a PC is By Jenifer Hansen te.ii.hes MF' 2 1 4 , suhmitted the stu­ MUSTANG DAILY STAFF WRITER______dent prototvpe ot the tlexihle Kilt -I to the NCdl.A tor yr.int consider.i- NU‘ch.inK It ''Win like vmir PC is l.ikmu real-world prohlems, develop prac­ p.itented products. coffee maker, more .ind moiv time in lo.id those pro- tical solutions aiul commerci.ih:e Students th.it participated in the designed by Cal KiMiiis on your h.ird disk.’ Fo.id times their innov.itions," according' to its MF 2H Pliilosiipliv ot IX-sinn Poly ME 234 stu­ seem to kee|' Kcttinc k'liKer .ind the Weh sue. course designed iisummK, .mil il.ite. This works re.illv well it viui would serve ulty .ind students tor the cre.ition he s.ud, hut .itterw.ird they .ire usu­ le.ive your 1\ ' on .ill the time. Fverv many different .ind establishment ot proyr.iiiis .ind ally h.ippv with the experience once in .1 while, it’s ,ilso .1 kihxI iile.i to technological and courses that promote suth entre­ they Ket with completelv desiKmiiK run ReKclc.in, .1 little |''roKr.im th.it c.in convenience pur­ preneurship, such .is the Philosopln .ind develo|sim,' their inno\.iti\e Iv ilovvnio.iileil .It vvwvv.dovvnload.eoni. poses. ot IVsimi cl.iss. ide.is. This IS espc'ci.illv im|x>rt.int .itter unin- COURTESY PHOTO/SAEED NIKU st.illmK one ot those hulkv intriMv e pro- 'jr.iiiis like .AOh. It vou h.ive .1 little c.isli, consuler huvim,' more R.AM. Fetore se.irchiiu: C alifornia Polytechnic State I niversity tor R.AM , ViUi need to km>vv vvh.it H I 2000 iñmmumn' k iiiil ot R.A.M vt>ur IX ! supports. It vou ASSOCIATED STUDENTS, INC. h.ive .1 hr.indeil IX,’, vour instruction 50 % off III.m il.il sh o iilil s.iv. Odds .ire th .it it Flic .Annual .Audits ofthc .Associated Students. Inc. and you houcht your P(' .mvrime within the l.ist three ye.irs, you need to huv the IJniversit) Union for l Y 1000-2000 ha\e been i l l 2 0 0 0 tSeberm tes PC 100 RAM DIM M iiUKlules. These completed. have 168 puis .md do not need to he inst.illeil in p.iirs unlike the okler Public infomiation copies are a\ ailableat the .ASI Business R.AM, which .ire c.illed SIMMs. o n ice (111 ’ 212 land at the Campus Librar)’. R.AM IS e.isv to inst.ill. .All you nw il to ilo is open up your PC ' .md pluK it m. There’s niilv one type ot slot th.it It’ll tit in, so the oikls .ire th.it unless ' i i-a II 1029 Chorro • Downtown SLO you h.icks.ivv vour R.AM to m.ike it tii -- > 'rifely. 7 8 1 in to .1 siii.iller, incorrect slot, vou (O.DCK,P Open 1 lam to 6pm daily c.m’t miss. A c'iM>il pi.ice to look tor R.AM is w \\vv.crucial.com. There ,ire more ilr.isiK options. )ou could huv .1 new processor .md moth- Get Set For Cal Poly Journalism’s erho.ird. .An .AMP Thunilvihiril ii 7cY .Ml I: w n il .1 Kood iiiolhei ho.ird ( I ree omine 111! A'sl S .A7v or .Ahit R I 7 6th annual Career Day R.AIl A tor '' RV. hut then vou nevil lo he sinv ih.n vour i.isine o Ci'inp.iiihle Saturday, October 28 • 9am - 2:30pm wilh ihe new motherho,n\l .iiiil |\icks eiiouKh ot ,1 povvei suppR to m n vour new lovs Mult lincili,I devices, ,1 Bldg. 3, room 213 modi ni .md R.AM t.is loiut .i' it s P( ' .ire reus.ihle. Phis, wilh the .ihove seiup vou c.m e.isilv ii|''Kr,ide .md keep hiiildint; over tune, .0 n vv ill Keynote Speaker: Marty Baron 1,1st vou .1 loiiK tune. C>t course, the otilv problem would he piittitiK the Executive Editor, Miami Herald whole tliitiK touether. .Atid unless you're ,1 tech vvhtz, you’ll proh.ihiv h.iv e to p.iv somehodv lo do it tor you. Most pi.ices ch.ii'Kc' .1 l.ihor cost ot 84v''.v\''. It only vou knew somehodv joined by a cast of recruiters and who knew enough .ihoiit IX's ,md vv.is nic e enouLth to do it tor tree. Fessoli ot the week, he nice to ueeks. We c.m media professionals. build vour Pc's tor tree. 4 Tuesday, October 24,2000 Opinion Mustang Daily

1». ^ Ä .*ir A. .• A '-.'d fS Serious talks wW ■* s r . greatly benefit cx .... friendships /f' ,

T 1iin I ,itt(.'iuk\l a conicivncc on rola- iion"hii''> not |usi ivlationship''wiili I'oytncnJs . ^ 1 or nil ltrn.'n>.K, Init w ith parents anJ trienJs in uvneral. I learneJ qiiite a kit akt)iit uliat it means to lis­ ’V ten to others, to exaluale liow I spmul mv time anJ to heckle what im prioritles .ire. m v One ot the conterence spc.ikeis m>iJe a list ol lexels ot relationships. It started at ‘‘ac>.|iiaintance," worked its I SHd U uS' : iV \\a\ ihroiiLth “companion” and “allv" and ended at HAVe L€PT A “triend." The spcMker ulentitied each le\el with .1 hriet detini- Lom& T I H C Sf/i tion. .An ac>.|iiaint,ince is someone you know at.1 hasu lewl, someone \ou would nod to in the I ’niversity / \S. 5V .j £*■ • ■ '•tj I nion. .A com|\inion is literally someone you hre.ik s hread w ith. .An ally is someone you .issociate with because ol mutual hetietit. .Atid finally, a friend is some­ one with whom you .ire inti- ■-M R V d n A / llll^ ir acquainted, in thescmisc * th.it the two ol you know the det.iils of e.ich other's liees, 1 riends sp(.'iid time toyether ,ind h.iee comers,itions th.it >qo heyond sh.illow discussions of l.ist muhf’s "hriends" episiide or the cjuality of c.impus fiiod. d he List thinc: I u .int is ,i chees\ hue; session or m.is- si\e oxerh.iul of m\ current rel.itionships, hut I still h.id Hillary isn't even a New Yorker to stop ,ind think .ihout how I see my friends .ind others in m\ life. C.irpethayeer: n. ,1 Northertter who boldly ventured where no first l.idx h.id But lìot ,ill New Yorkers are buyinti it. •As it stands, I h,i\ e plenty of friends. NX'e f.iirly requ- went South to profit from unsettled con­ Clone before ,1 run tor the U.S. Sen.ite. Hnter fhe key word "llill.irx tlin to n ,’’ l.irK t.ilk ,ihout our lives, our coiKerns. our prohlems ditions .ifter the ('ivil W.ir. 1 ler motive is now ele.it .is ,|.ix. .md yoii’ll fmd numerous Web sites toni­ • ind our successes. I keep in touch .ilmost vl.iih with Modify this definition to fit the year 1 lill.irx h.is never lived m New \ork mi: llill.iry ,is thè nexi ejueen ot hieh school frieiivls c i,i e-m,iil. I’ye h.id countless hours 20c^c' .ind It re.ids - ( '.irpeth.iyeer: n. (besides the p.ist 10 months), nor has .Amene,I ,il thè r.ite she’s comi;, noi t»i I'f kite niüht vlorm coineis.itkins ,md lone: w.ilks dowii 1 lill.irx Rodh.im-t'linton. she worked in New York (except on her mention thè m.my sites dedic.ited to I'oK (..'.inyon. I'\e louitccl 111 plenty of ciu.ilitx time with hirst I.idles .ire supikised to retire c|ui- i.imp,m:n), or paid t.ixes m New York. 1 lill.irx h.iters x c ntini: their feelmes on m\ friends. etly with their hush.inds.N.incy Ree.in She ohx iousK kicks underst.mdini; .ihout thè first lady. .Altc'i he.iriiiü the t.ilks this weekend, however, I .ind B.irh.ir.i Inish t.ided out ot the spoi- New York ,md New Yorkers. V('h.it 1 lill.irx’s m.ikini: .m eiicore even think im “ciii.ihty tune” convers.itions could me.1 little heht when thoiich thè .ludieiìce isn’t st,indilli; ‘'H priinim.'. .Although 1 do h.ive me ininuful t.ilks with tm m.ikes her think she c.m represent New their presi­ friends, the ratio of he.irtfelt words to cjiiotes from “The 'fork m the Seti.ite’ Wh.it’s wroivq w ith theii teel cl.ippiiu; tiercelx. 1 he medi.i Commentary hiis- >imi''sons" |s, quite fr.inkly, poor. .After .1 two-hour ch.it denti.il .Ark.ms.IS.’ 1 l.is 1 lill.irx C 'Imton become .itleiìlion on 1 lill.irx’s r.ice fot thè sen,ite session, m\ friemis ,ire less hkeh to h.u e .1 t;re.iter «r.isp h.ind’stime too yood for her home.’ shouid be .1 remmder to Amene.1 tli.it lit wh.it m.ikes me tick .ind .ire more likely to s,i\, "Boy, w.is up, hut 1 lill.irv tdinton is .mother In .111 .ippe.ir.mce on the “L.ite Show ii’s lune tor someihiiii; differeiit. She’s Rx.in sure sounds like 1 lomer.” story. The huinper stickers worn so with Ihixid Letterm.m,” llill.iry w.is iryiiic to keep thè ch.ir.ide comi;. While 1 ,im somewh.it proud of im .ihilitx to immi- proudly on c.irs over the p.ist eiylìt xe.irs yixen ,1 cjui: about New York. The slìow’s over, llill.iry. Cìo home. t.ite \ irtu.ilh every c.ist memher of telex ision’s lonyest- re.idmi: “Impeach Cllinton, .md her hus- Rem.irk.ihly, she .msweied every c|ues- To Ark.iiis.is, runniti!.; c.irtoon senes, this t.ilent is not uoini: to win h.ind too," .ire proof th.it llill.iry h.is tion correctly, from the st.ite bird to the me .iny lony-Listini: friendshijss. Our spe.iker noted th.it t.iken thmus one step further tor first number ot counties in the st.ite. Jolie Walz is a journalism senior and collei;e is h.isie.illx the l.ist opportumtx for huildint: '■ndi l.idles m W.ishmuton. Whether she xx.is Wow! New Yorkers could now put Mustang Daily staff writer. qu.ilitx rel.itionships. .As ,1 »qr.idu.itinu senior. I’m ,1 little proposing ,in ori;.ini:ed he.ilth tare pi.in their f.iith in this scand.il-ridden out-of- fri'qhtened hy the prospect of le.ix iiu>. th.it would end .ill,or st.indinr; hyher st.iter. She h.id everyone fooled when I do sev the x.ilue in h.ixme simple common interests, Letter policy m. in durim,' the Monit.i Lewinsky sc.in- the New York lAiily News reported th.it such .Is mox les or music, hut tr.idiive c|uotes, spcirts st.i- Columns, cartoons and letters d. il, llill.iry’s h.id her h.inds in every- one of llillarv’s press people s.ud she h.id tistics or l.ishion tips m.ikes for .1 prettx flimsy found.1- reflect the views of their authors and thiny. .And she’s not re.idy to let yo. been extended the courtesy of reviewing tion. In 20 xe.irs. I’d r.ither lx- .ihle toe,ill up someone do not necessarily reflect those of So why w.is 1 s»i shocked hy rumors the c|uestions befoteh.md. You wouldn’t .ind h.ixe more to s.ix th.in “IVoh! RemeinIxT me.’” Mustang Daily. th.it she would run tor the Sen.ite.’ The h.ive known it if you watched the show. I’d like to s|,irt turnine more convers.itions to serious Mustang Daily reserves the right р. ist eiyht ye.irs h.ive obviously been .1 to edit letters for grammar, profanities topics. .Althoiieh stieietx m.iy tend to steer .iw.iv from She tried to pull the wool over New с. ireer .idx .incinu ploy hy I lill.irx with and length. Please limit length to 350 such siihiects ,is reliyion .ind polifics, ».lisciissme them York’s eves .is she did to .Americ.i durinj; e. ich move c.iretully pl.inned. Why words. m ix help to exiMiid mx point of x lew. This is proh.ihly ,1 her two terms m the White I louse, would It he .my different with the luuise Mustang Daily encourages com­ eood practice tor lU't ,ihout .inxho.lx. Rememher th.it dc'strox me' Whitew.iter billmi: records ments on editorial policy and univer­ huntim: in New York.’ W.is she- pl.mniiu; .md posinu .IS .1 devoted wife. New York next tune xoii sit vlown ioe.it with .1 roomm.ite, house- sity affairs. Letters should be typewrit­ for her retiremenf with Bill.’ The medi.i m.ix look like .m e.isyt.injct Thex sup­ m.iie or cl.i'sm.iic. Inste,id ot heino.intne the .iddition ol ten and signed with major and class went cr.i:\ .it the prospect of the Rohert 1 'oxxiKx, Jr. to the c.ist ol “.Allx McK mI,” .isk ported .1 c.11 pelh.ieuer helore. In the standing. Preference is given to e- (.'Imtons m New York. In j.inii.itx. she .ihout xour triend’s t.imilx h.ickennind, mor.il convic­ Rf64 Sen.ite election. Robert Rennedx, mailed letters. They can be mailed, tions nt lone-ranee eo.ils. Then, re.illx listen. left the White I louse for Cdi,ipp.k|u.i, .m oiit-of-st.iter, defe.ited .1 New Yorker faxed, delivered or e-mailed to NY. .After .1 month .md .1 d.iy .is .m otti­ hx 71'-).0c''c^ votes. The New York limes ajarmani^caipoly.edu. Ryan Miller is a journalism senior and Mustang Daily ci.il New Yorker (the recjuired time peri­ h.is endorsed 1 lill.iry oxer Republicin od ot residence to run tor office), 1 lill.irx opinion editor. R k k L.irio of l.ony Iskind.

Adam Jarman editor in chief production managerTrent Nahas Tuesday, October 24,2000 Kirsten Orsini Meinhard managing editor ad manager Nick McClure Karin Driesen news editor Volume LXV,No.35 national ad directorJenny Ferrari Ryan Miller opinion editor © 2000 Mustang Daily classified ad managerShannon Brunelle Matt Sterling sports editor Mustang circulation Claude Loftus Robin Nichols arts & features editor D A ILY ® ad reps Will Elkins, Alexis Garbeff, Michelle Kerr, Jenifer Hansen, Michelle Hatfield, GRAPHIC ARTS BUILDING, SUITE 226 EDITORIAL (805)756-1796 Ellie Koscheski, Elizabeth Perhach, Matt Reagan, Megan Shearn copy editors Adam Russo, Andrew Salituri, Lindsey Wilcox CAL POLY SAN LUIS OBISPO ADVERTISING (805)756-1143 Daniel Gonzales photo editor ad designers Jordyn Cutler, Alex Lambert, Sheri Candice Phelps graphics editor SAN LUIS OBISPO, CA 93407 FAX (805) 756-6784 Sakamoto Cisco Cabral illustrator web & technology managerBrian Anderson mustangdaily.calpoly.edu [email protected] Aaron Lambert photo tech business managerA.J.Schuermann Diane Flores faculty adviser Printed by University Graphic Systems Th/s is a 'no cleavage'paper." Mustang Daily Opinion Tuesday, October 24,2000 5

votes in .1 p.irticul.ir st.itc win the h.ive never h.id someone to vote Letters to the editor entire st.ite .ind .ill elector.il votes for in the p.ut. Cal Poly’s Mech.i th.it yo ulony with it. Now. pre­ president .md mv felKiw Sound tamiliar.’ yest you t.ike a neutral perspective election polls show th;it the win­ IVmocr.itic N.ition.il Convention Nader is a break priitester, Ryan Tr.immel, h.is .1 This is what little 1 know ahout and re-e\'.iluate your opinions and ner ot m.iny st.ites is iilre.idy decid­ from two-party cycle very fittiny f.ivorite (.juote By R.ilph Nader, tor 1 am not the well- preconceptions. It re.illy is a ditter­ ed. C.'iilitornia is one ot these. Editor, Br.int: B.inon, “Hvery yeneration educated political science senior th.it ent world than how it is portrayesl Most polls .ire showiny Core with must, out of rel.itive obscurity, dis­ "A \’otc tor Ralph Nader a \ ote Mr. IVake is: like the Kd-man saul, By the media. .1 rel.itively l.irye le.id i>t 10 per­ cover Its mission, fulfill It, or tor Cleorye Bush, pl.iiii and simple." he represents the consumer advo­ Check it out. “t^ur country’s cent in our state. Votiny tor Nailer in C/alitornia will not help Bush Betr.iy it." tUir mission is to ch.il- said the wise C'al Poly student in cate. tuture is at stake,” remember.’ lenye corpor:ite power .md our “Oreen party, Nader don’t have a Who is the consumer.’ Yes, tli.it is win, since Core alre;idy h.is tune is now. ch,inee,” (Oct. B)). correct, you are. Nader was the yuy Darrin Cohune is a biochemistry Cahtorni.i locked up. Am 1 to take it that you are su>>' who went Betöre C^myress ;ind ch.il- senior. IV.istic.illy cuttiny the U.S. unl­ Jesse McGowan is a political sci­ i^estiny instead ot votiii),' tor some­ lenyed the Biy tobacco industry and it.iry is .imony the most com- ence senior and member of the one 1 want to win, 1 should \'ote tor the Biy auto industry. Both ot which Vote for who you pelliny re.isoiis to support N.ider Progressive Student Alliance (PSA) simieone 1 think mi^ht win.’ Pet me siyned checks tor nemocr.its and want to win .md the Creen P.irtv- The Utnted and United Students Against t.ike a look at my two options. Bush: Republic.ms. States speiiils as much as the next Editor, Sweatshops (USAS). .1 third-yeneration politician, hiy-oil Pver notice how no candid.ite is six nations cotnBined on .1 miht.iry The Creen P.irty h.is taken owning’ NRA memher who caters to anti-tobacco.’ He Brouyht .iBout new we are told is solelv tor our protec­ the wealthy and ser\ es hiy Business satetv st.in^lards .ind commissions all some coloss.il strkles in recent tion .iiul the m.iinten.mce v't peace Shaving concrete or (.Hire: a ci'iist.intly tlip-tP>ppin}4 tor the sole purpose ot what.’ Yes, months. This protouiul yrowth ;ind throuyhotit the world. We .ire .iKo could cause collapse undecisive, inaccunite tact-spoutine th.it is correct, your s;itety. proyress is well ilhistr.ited B\ the told such .1 m.issue expeiisliture u Editor, incre.tsinyly fe.irtui ,inti-Nader (admitted) put: who serves hiy Busi­ Your yo\ ernment h.ites Ralph necess.iry to yuard .lyainst “royue” In response to List Mond.iv’'' messayes cominy trom the Core ness. Skle iK'te: The onlv convinc- N.ider (the reason he is B;inned trom states and m.iint.iin.111 .ictive tor- front-p.iye artwle (“P.irkmy ^truclure ini: 1 needed to not \ ote tor C uire public deb.ites By the ruliny parties) c.impaiyn. eiyn policy Bec.iuse, .is IV.ike puts closer to perfection," Oct. 16): NB. w.is his .mswer to (.'tpr.ih’s i|uestion Bec.uise he r.iises a stink, tries to “1 le will not win this election," It. “ ... It was our .ip.ithetic n.iture W.ilsh interviews Cmdv C.impBell, .iBout his tavorite Book. ch.inye thinys ,md exposes vour yov- Hddie Dr.ike writes (“Creen P.irt\, tow.irds toreiyn pitlicv in the e.irly .issoci.ite director of uimersitv M.iyBe the Oreen Party (which 1 ernments lies. Th.it is the onlv re.i- N.ider d('ii’t h;i\ e a ch.ince,” C\t. 20th centurv th.it helped c.it.ipult police, .iBout some of the piaiBlems know little about) and Nader have son 1 need to vote tor someone. BB in .in ettorr to enliyhten us us into World W.irs 1 and II” with the p.irkiny structure. Cfne little ch.ince ot winning;. So what.’ Simpliticxl cxiu.ition: R.ilph Nader Nader supikirters. My colle.iyue, Well, many ot these “royue" problem is tin. sle.ir.mce levels in 1 low m.inv times .ire we uoinc' to touyht Biy Business. Biy Business runs Mr. Hr.ike, .iKo yoes on to w.irn us st.ites such .IS North Kore.i .md sotne parts ot the structure. h.ne to k'o through this RepuBlican/ your yovernment (ie. IVmocr.its .ind th.it we .ire actu.illy helpiny the C'uB.i .ire simply not p.mniny out t-'.impBell st.ites, “They .ire ;it lVmocr.it cycle Betöre we re.ilize RepuBlu..ms) It vou .ire not h.ippy wrony ci'ipor.ite p.irtv yet elected .IS thre.its to our s.itety. Tod.iy, the feet riyht now. But they should Be .it 6 feet 2 inches.” She yoes on ti' sav. th.it the only ditterence Between the with how your yovernment is run, .md th;it N.ider’s \ iews on eventu- U.S. tuilitary u i|uite active .ill “We’ll |ust shave it until the heiyhi two is where they yet their money then who should you vote tor.’ allv cuttiny the military in h.ilt..ire over the yloBe. Atiil they neesl to is riyht." trom.’ .Another Republic.in/ IVmocrat .ind out ot touch. iVtenders ot the Be in order to protect U.S. multi- Is she s.iyiny th.it thev .ire yoiiu; Both ot these chumps .ire tr.it- just ht)pe it will Be ditterent this Business (.hte .ire worricki .ind n.ition.il corpor.ite interests, no to (.hisel two inches off the overhe.ul house Bred c.ireer pj.ilitici.ins who time around.’ excited, indeckl. matter the cost. But don’t “yet concrete Be.im.’ .As .irchitectur.il know the riyht thiny to say in order So, Mr. IV.ike, Betöre vi>u embar- OK, Core supporters, let’s yet c.iuyht up in the prop.iy.md.i,” enymeermy students curretitlv to yet the attention ot the lynor.int pr.iymatu.. The presidenti.il elec­ r.iss the entire politic.il science Ur.ike says ,is Both ca)rpor.ite p.ir- enrolled m reinforced concrete .American puBlic like yourselt, Mr. dep.irtment .lyain with y.irb.iye like tions are decided throuyh the ties portray Americ.i .is deteiwlers desiyn, the onlv thmy we c.m sav is IV.ike. Oun control, t.ix retorm, “vote tor the lessi.-r ot two evils hlectt>ral Colleye, ,i s\siem where ol democr.icv throuyhout the th.it vou c.m’t |iist “shave" off two mi|^ro\ed educ.ition, crime Bill. iiiste.id ot three" eomment.irv, I suy- c.iiivlid.ites wim recei\e the most world, mdu isiBle and uiwler Cod. inches trom concrete. There is some It is the “repuBlicr.it" prop.iy;inda thmy c.illed ivB.ir inside. m.ichme, Imwever, th.it Blinds ReB .ir or remtoremy B.ir is wh.it Attention Students, Faculty & Staff: jseople from seeiny the impen.ihst keeps .1 concrete structure from col- connection Between yeiiocid.il l.ipsiny. It you take th.it .iw.iv, you’ve Has Cal Poly ever scared you?Tell us about it ...tell us about your s.mctions in Ir.Kj .iiwl huye miht.irv yot voui'self .1 Biyyer problem th.m .lid to the murderous yovernment .m iS-foot cle.ir.mce. POLYFrights ol ColumBi.i. We |iist ho|x- we w ill not see voii Ol course N.ider will not win. chiselmy .iw.iy .it the structure .md h.ive It coll.ipse on you. Mustang Daily is presenting Cal Poly's Scariest in the Halloween edition. But every vote for him will Build .1 Vote on the following and return it to Mustang Daily (Bldg. 26, Room 226), Creen P.irty cap.iBle ol dele.itiny Forrest Banning and Cesar Garcia are the corpor.ite duopoly in the fax it to 756-6784 or e-mail responses to editor(®mustangdaily.calpoly.edu. architectural engineering seniors. future. .Atid if you like Core, Bv .ill DON'T FORGET, JUST ON-CAMPUS ITEMS AND PLACES. means vote for him, the Creen P.irtv does not necki you. My ple.i Research supports yoes out to a yroup much l.iryer fair rodeo animal C a l Poly's scariest than youny Core supporters - the treatment Building nt>nvoters of my yeneration who Editor, Twice .1 ye.ir (sprmy .md f.ill), U.il Course Poly holds .1 rodeo. The misyuided. Elevator misinformed, deliisjon.il .mim.il riyhts .ictiv ists come out of the Food item « woodwork .md spre.id their pri'p.i y;invl.i. Usu.illv, there .ire multiple Major letters to the editor |''rmtckl m Both Place to eat Must.my IXiiIv .md The Tribune 1 .im a represent.itiv e of Briends ol Place to live 'N Rodeo, .1 n.ition.il ory.mi:;ition Í' whose yo.il is lo eiliK.ite the yener.il Place to study public with f.ktii.il inform.ition on Place to work how well the .mim.ils m rodeo .iik tre.itckl. Rest room .As Ms. She.irn so .idegu.itelv stat Re-Elect Professor Settle ed (“.Anim.il riyhts pl.iy Biy m Other rodeo," (.Vt. BB, iniurv to rodeo Our Mayor November 7 slock IS Below I percent. She oBv 1- oiislv researched her .irtu le. Also... Th.mk vou for prmtmy the truth. SETTLE Tell us about Cal Poly urban legendsand ghost stories. Anything M ayor Djinn Ruffner is an extended edu­ you've heard, seen or wondered about just might be a POLYFright. cation representative for Friends of Rodeo. Don't hold back ... we can take it. Give us your responses and they just might appear in the Halloween edition. NO MORE CLASSES

RESPONSES DUE NO LATER THAN WEDNESDAY, OCT. 25,2000 I______I CoBil «pproved throughout Calffonil* w««^. t rmffl c a c h ool. c om 6 Tuesday, October 24,2000 News Mustang Daily

th.it li.n qn.nhei .1 thè inonster ol iirh.in n it 1C' tor rc'ivleiits ot .ill .lees, incluvline ( 'ommittee. "lie c.iretiilly coiisklers .ivlvice trom COUNCIL 'lir.iw l ... th.it li.n .1 l'.n^ion tor ptesi.'r\- ,111 est.ihli'lim eiit ot ,i |XMiii.inent smin'i Runiiini: tor cit\ council i' ,i neu St.lit, lellou council memhers, commis­ continued from page 1 ine it' neiehhorhooih. ... .iiiil th.it i en te r." ro.ivl 111 Mullioll.iiivTs lite. sioner', .iikl other avlvi'ors, .invi the |xo- 'triec' to proto.t lt^ 'in.ili hiMiiesses Kttrev woiilvl ,ilso like to pro\ ivle tkil "It’s time tor ,i neu p.ilh in lite .iiivI to ple. It 1 .1111 electcil to latv (Miincil, I troni vlomiii.itlon h\ mee.i'iiiilii'trie' I’l )lv er.klii.iti'' u ith |oh'. t.ike the next step," she s.ikl. u ill, ( K)vl u illiny, vlo .ill 111 m\ power to he.klviii.irteiVvl eheuliere." “W’e iine't in the 'tiuleiits tor loin to .Mulholl.iiivl '.Ikl 'he is ,111 honest per­ I\M'n ivmvJ in .inJ l'i^iinvni- lollou the course ih.it h.i' Ixvn set lor lesoli 'iiiY' )rt' .Me,mire S .invi oppo'- liv e ve.irs," he s.ikl. "IM like to see some son uiiodi vs her homework .iiul .ilw.iys 1\ ,1 tinir .il 1 k',ir'>t the citv” es Me.mire T. ol the iine'tmeiil st,i\ here." 111.ikes c'vluc.Itevi vleci'ioiis. She’s ne\'er lursek r.in lor m.ivor in PW4 .iiivI (. Kii u\ir> .li^ii Twmì k'tl l.n'> lettrei '.ikl C ol I’olv «ravls vion’t li.n e sh\ .il\)ut (.•xpres'iin: her opinion. PWS tor the opportumtv in presentmy .\nl;^.•k■^ lo (.lìii'v thr "SLO" lite .nul Vying for Cai Poly grads the o|nion ot st.i\ iiii: m S.in Liii' Ohispo she h.i' workevi repe.itevllv with '.ikl lu' li.Mi't lookc'J l\ick >incc. V't, his ivle.is. Candidate: David A. Jeffrey hec.iiise ot the Lick ot |oh opportunities. neiyhhorhoovl yroiips m opposition to S.iii l.iin i.'>his|\) |sii’t toivii^n to Tv^nn; “The .iiisuer is not in yovernment Occupation: Occupational Therapist 1 le'vl like to see more liieh-tech .iiivl dexelopmeni protects th.it shi- s.uvl Ile li.i' Iven \Mtinii thè eii\ Miue hut in t ukI We Trust," he s.ikl. Age: 52 ein iroiiiiieiit.il johs open up uitli thre.iteti the existence ot the neiyhhor- “1 ivinemlxT wlien 1 liyiieni >treet IiihkIs. lursc'k’s ivleas ot spintu.ility .ire con- l\i\ kl .A. lettrev li.n ,i pl.in ol .iction '.il.iries (.omp.ir.ihle to Silicon V.illev. Ii.kI 111) tree» .iiul .i 't.i\ ,it tlie M.iJonn.i “1 touyht liown ,i sew.iye tre.itment sivlerevl outspoken to m.iny, hut hi' tor uh.it he woiikl like to vlo it he pet' lettrev opposes Mea'iire S .iiivl t.ivors Imi eio-t Vk" Ile ".iiJ. pl.int .ind yot the project moderated," elei.tevl: soKe tr.ittic prohleiin. Me.mire T hec.iiise ot the pK)teiitial motivation lies not onlv in Clod hut in In T\M)n workeil oli thè "1 uoiikl like to liK)k .it Ivtter treeu.iy tin.inci.il imixict on the citv. she salvi. his l.itlier. I luin.in Kel.itioii' t'oiiiiiiisMon, uhkh Iler tiyht to preserve the neiyliK)r- on-r.iiiip' .Itivi iii.ike streets more hike Yet, he w.i' the tirst c.iiivlkl.ite to "My l.ither r.in .is ,i c.indivl.ite tor Jetermine' hou iiuieli inonev non-prot- hiHxls ot S.in Luis (.'>his|X) levi to her ,iece"ihle," lettrey vikl. “Hspeci.ill\ hike w.ilk the precincts tor su:n.itiires. presivlent on the sivi.ilist ticket not it i:roup> reeei\ e. vlecision to sup|Mrt SLYAR, hut she p.itlis hy thè r.iilroiivl tr.icks." “1 thoiidi It was wrony tor the city to exixvtiny to win hut to hriny his ideas Tvm'II li.i" 'een nrh.in ^pr.iwl i^o Kkl not .iccept the tirst 5,C'00 siyn.itiires,” he vii vsii’t think It’s yoiny to solve .ill ot the I le is not .1 sir.ineer to ex|X‘rience to jvople,’’ he s,iivl. in Lon .Aiiitelei .iiiv.1 i.livMi't u.int th.it to '.Ikl. city’s yrowth prohleiiis. uhen it come' to workinp u ith thè city. In the List 20 ye.irs |ursek s,iivl he has h.ippeti in S.in Lui' t-ìh^po. Itk .iIm) .i lettrev oppose' SC^AR Ixx.iiise the “It will yive us some hre.itliiny riHim, Ili' li't ot ex|XTience incluvles: xDliin- made a huye tr.instorm.ition in his kleas. re,non th.it he Mippoi ts SOAR. .ind It’s .1 yiH)d tiHil to vlecivle how we teerine uitli thè Sheritt IVp.irtment, measure neevR more Kx.il voice .iiivI the w.int to yrou in the tutiire," she s.iivl. “I’m .1 vlitferent |X'rson tli.in 1 w.is in “It^ Niieh .1 woiulertiil u.iv ot lite ser\ ine on thè .Alcoliol .invi Driie ^0-year tune periixl is not reason.ihle tor Mulholl.invl s.iivl that SC^AR c.in lx* the tirst 60 ye.irs ot my lite," he s.iivl. here,” he nuJ. ‘Tee ^eeii somethinj: i;o .AvIvÌMiry IVi.irvl .ind servine iis ,i meni' the me.isiire to K' voted out, he saivl. \otevl out siHiner th.in 50 years, which jursek joined the Morro R.iy teiTihlv u rolli: in Lo> .Angele'«." Ix-r ot thè C'hinese Cìiirvlen Steenne she s.iys is contr.iry to wh.it op|sonents Roaiivloake Cdiurch otC ukI .ind was Tyson woiiKl like to .ipplv hn .in.ilyt- ('ommittee. 1 le wiis .ilso ,i Ternice 1 lill Activist with a capital to the measure are usiny in their aryu- ic.il skills to eitv eouiuil, hiir hn inoti- neiehhorhoovi orennirer tor niilro.iJ "A" inst.intly ch.inyed. jursek no lonyer ment. v.itiotì stenis troni .i neyMtiw incklent noise .iiul .iir qii.ility compli.ince. Candidate: Christine Mulholland inavie vlecisions without seekiny Clod’s tYi Measure S anvl T, Mulholl.ind witlì thè city. Frolli 19% to 2000 jettrey serx eJ ;is Occupation: Community Service help tirst. said that she would honor the vote ot “It yonr lionie m ertlows with si'\v;it:e vice chairniiin ot thè SLO C'ity worker “1 seek CIikI’s devisions .ind awiivl the pc'ople either way. .iiul thè city Ji vs not help, tlien you’ve Pl.innme Ckniimission. C'hie exjxTience Age: 49 m.ikiny decisions loyic.illy," he s,iid. uot .1 prohlem,” he s.iiJ. (diristine Mulholl.ind is ,i tiery scTvine on thè commission stiiiuls luit in Seeking God's truth jursek vlecided not to t.ike any mi mey Tyson s,ikl th.it thè city is not res|-H)n- his miiul; m.iint.imine housine in thè Ckimmunity Serx ice worker .iiul com­ tor his camp.iiyn. 1 le has ,i viream alxuit Candidate: Lark Jursek sive to its [vople. vlountown .irea. munity activist. San Luis Clhisj-io. “.A lot ot .ittention t;ivs to Jown- Occupation: Retired “We helvl thè city eovemment to thè "1 don’t t.ike action liyhtly. 1 stand up “1 think "SLO" shiUlivi think yloh.illy towiì," he s.ikl. "Essenti.illy .i city n s.inie st.ifivl.irJs ot e\ er>Kxlv else," he tor wh.it 1 K-liexe,” she s,iid. Age: 81 hut ,ict livally," he s.ikl. “We won’t tinvl .iK)iit hoiMiii: people." s,ikl. “Tliey were toreeJ to keep lioimne For n years Mulholl.invl h,is Ixvn L.irk jursc'k’s st.itement tor c.indivl.icy the .inswers here hut out in the worlvl." T\son woiilJ like to yi\e |vople thè in thè downtown .irea." t.ikiny action hv volunteermy .it public is short ,invl simple — it’s tive sc-ntences jursek Is in tavor ot SO.AR .invi opiMrtiiiiitv to prescTve tlieir neidìKir- lettrev writes in his st.itement .it schiHils, the P.irent Teacher .Asstx i.ition lony. op|"H)ses Me.isure S. He is t.ivor ot IìihkU .mJ thè “SLO" iviiy ot lite. www.siocitv.or}: ot issues he wouLl like IV).ird .ind the SchiHil Sit (^uinul. She "I Kliew th.it the citv ot S.in Luis In his st.iteinent tor e.iiulkl.icv Tvson to help Work tow.irJs: "provide attord- was elected to the lVi.ird ot Trustees tor Ohisjx) IS healthy .iiivI strony. .iiivI on the Measure T. write'. “1 li.iw .1 \ ision ot S.in Liin .ihle lìoiisine, .is well .is supixirt iiiiich HtX^SLO .invl IS currently ,i meinlvr ot riyht tr.ick," he s,iivl. “I Ix-lieve th.it the "1 vIon’t w.int the city to lose control t">hi>[\> th.it chernhc' its w.iy ot lite. neevlevi sv»u.il .iixl recre.ition.il op}\irtii' the countv’s W.iter Resources .Advisory m.iyor c.in t.ike much crcxlit tor this. ot Its huvlyet," he siivi.

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www.gene.com Mustang Daily Sports Tuesday, October 24,2000 7 COMPLEX Travel day filled with accusations continued from page 8

NEW YORK (AP) - t W Mike Knoblauch on the bench. Torre .ilso Mets PH Lenny 1 l.irriN >.iiJ he c.ilm him Jown Liter .it Jmner. new t.icililies. Pia::;i calleJ Rot;er ('leinens “unsta-saiJ IVnny Neayle woulJ pitch spent the rest ot SunJ.iy night’s Cuven .1 J.iy ti> think .ibout it, “CYir yo.il is t»i yet .ill tielJs on .in .innu.il si.heJule tor operation .in»l reii- hie” anJ Ea^eEall he^jan an investi­Chime 4, r.ither th.in DaviJ Ck)ne. ttame “tryiny to hit a ball rit;ht ottTorre JiJ not ch.inye his st.ince, gation, It was clear where this Jay Yet on this atternoon, as Yankees his toreheaJ.” ov.ition,” she s.ikl. thouyh he saiil he ci)ulJ see why the was lieaJeJ. owner Cieortte Steinbrenner yave A J.iy later. Piazza seemeJ uncer­ C')t course, the empiì.ws with the ■Mets were anyry. So on a travel Jay that reqiiireJCJemens a he.irty p.it on the back tain what to think. complex will lx- the new opixirtunities no travel, there w,is only one topic Jurinu workouts, those moves “He scemeJ “I c.in unJerst.mJ their com­ it ixovkles, .iikl M.iloney is well .iw.ire at Shea StaJiiim anJ both teamscauseJ little stir. extremely .ipolo- ments,” he s.iiJ. "UnJerst.mJ th.it ot the Ixnetits it will yive the entire stu- ayreeJ: The ima^e ot (Jeinens InsteaJ, all tietic .inJ unsure Royer is we.irmy our unitorm, .mJ Jent UiJy. “The opemny ot the Sports C 'om|4ex thritwinjt the jaytieJ barrel ot the talk con- anJ contuseJ we’re yoiny to yo t>verboarJ to b.ick Pia::a’s hat was sure to he the lastinttc e r n e J anJ unst.ible," he me.ins th.it .inv stuJent who w.ints to him, not necess.irilv .lyreemy with imaye ot this Work! Series. C' 1 e m e n s saiJ. “Now th.it 1 yet on .1 tielJ w ill be .ible to,” she s.iiJ. everythiny th.it h.ippens, C)K.’ “This is Jetinitely yoint; to he tor­ throwing .i h.ive h.iJ time to “Plus, It me.ins .ill te.mis w ill he .ible to ture it you have to watch that time chunk ot think .ibout it, 1 Jo “1 Jon’t conJone wh.it he JiJ. pr.ictiee on c.impiis.” ,inJ time a^ain,” New York YankeesPi.i::.i’s sh.it tereJ believe his .ictions Rut .ly.im, 1 still holJ to the t.ict .Any club sport c.in potenti.illy manatter Joe Torre s.iiJ MtmJay. bat within two shoulJ be lookeJ at th.it he JiJn ’t throw it .it him,C''K.’” reserve sp;ice

Its postseason basketball tournament The conterence haJ .i men’s tour- committee to Jevelop .i men’s tourna­ The P.ic-lO h.is never helJ .1 C'lartner is excite»! .iKnit wh.it the S|xirts ( kimplex provkies. because ot numerous problems, the n.iment trom W87-W but Jiscontm- ment. wdinen’s tourn.iment. W.ishinyton “It IS .1 ilram.it ic improvetiient tor coitterence annoiinceJ .MonJ.iy it ueJ it, citmy scheJulmy anJ .itten- “We believe the tourn.iment will senior Wiunen’s .kiministr.itor M.irie e\er\»>ne who yets t»i us».* it,” hes.u»|. will holJ .in annu.il tournament J.mce problems ,mJ c.illmy the tour- be .1 m.ijor .ittr.iction on the P.icitic Tuite ch.iirevi .1 yroup to pi.in the “The s»_h»Hi| h.kl .iti increilible Lick ot CO.lst. women’s event. .ly.im, beymnmy m M.irch 2002. n.iment a Jistraction trom the .ith- suit.ible tiekl sp.ice. It w.is .ipp.irent to An eiyht-team men’s tournament letes’ schiHilwork. Th.it wasn’t .ilw.iys the case, .is “The P.ic-lc' Tuirn.iment will lx- ever\»me who pl.iye»! .it or visite»l Ckil .inJ a 10-team women’s tournament “The (conterence’s) athletic Jirec- schiHil presiJents citeJ .i Jecline in the ciilmin.ition ,mJ hiyhhyht ot the kilv.” will lx- helJ at Staples Cxmter in Los tors have K“en workmy to initiate aattenJance .it the tourn.iment .is one wiimen’s se.ison.” Tuite s.uJ. “The CLirtner h.is hiyh pniisc' tor the torces Anyeles. The winners will e.irn the new tournament tor the men’s pro- ot the major problems when it was television cover.iye an»l other ex|"Hi- that br»Hiyht .iKmt the creation ot the conterence’s .lutomatic biJs to the yrams because ot the mcre.iseJ visi­ JiscontinueJ. sure it will pniviJe our teams shouki Sjxirts Ckimplex. NC'AA tournament. bility it will proviJe the conterence at No tin.inci.il terms »it the c«mter- .issist us in yaininy Ivrths m the “The entire thiny h.is Ixvn .1 h.iiul- in-h.inJ, coo|X‘r.itive, yeniiine ettort by The Pac-lO’s decision le.ives the the time ot year when colleye basket­ ence’s Jeal with St.iples Cx-nter were NC'A.A ch.impionship .inJ yiHs.1 s«.‘eJ- .ill s».‘».t»irs »if the universitv,” he s.ikl. Ivy Leayue as the only Division I con- ball IS nationally hiyhliyhteJ,” s.iiJ.innounceJ, anJ .i leayue spokesm.in inys.” Classified Advertising Graphic Arts Building, Room 226 Cal Poly, San Luis Obispo, CA 93407 (805) 756-1143

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. »'it'. Time to - •• Ü-

Club and Division I sports are already taking advantage of the Sports Complex fields 'V M By Jon Hughes MUSTANG DAILY STAFF WRITER

1 lu' i i \ l iti > >1 i iiiiil: ol i Ih ' ^pi lit' ( iiniMi. \ li.i' hroiiiilit cxi. itrim nl to lilt.' t iitiii I ,iin|'ii', i'lit It' till"«.' wlui p.iriK in uliil\ intiMinnr.il .inJ inUT-

».>'ll(."ji,iK'.iiliL t K II I ' ,1 vliA c liipiiK Hi ili.it I' K'ii'_'o w k Iik-.

I lu' I,I.111ini: i \ \ i i t ' .inJ pr.ii.tk c ',

m\Mil\ .ilk\ i.itiiii: ilic vliIlKiiltv nt tiiuliii'^ ik'Ll 'p.ki.' tor rAi'tiiii: u m iii ' th.it li.ivi,' 'll iiu’'jli.\l to u',1111 ,k lO " lo t.k lilt I f ' 111 till.' p.i'l. IV'iii.ip' tlir L'lv.iU 'l Iviu-tk i.ii k'' ot ilk' Sport' L :oiii|'k'\ will Ix' soiik' ot tiu 'in.illor (.Ini' u.mi', toucvl in iIk - p.i'i to 'li.iiv iiiiniin.il pr.kiki.' 'p.ko w ith o ilk r k'.mi-. L ,il I’oK tk'U lioikox pri. 'kk ni lill \ o'l i'oxi. lU'J .ihoiit llu' lu w oppor- ninilk ' ill,It ilk' (.oiiipk'N w ill |'ro\ i.lo tor ilk' U'.mi. "It w ill Iv iiki. to Ix' .il'k lo pl,i\ lioiik' L.'.iiik'' lor tin.' tii'i link' cm 'i." 'Ik' '.lul. “ It w ill ,il'0 lu'lp w ith pr.ktki,' ,inJ u.klinu: virili' not to li.u'c to 'li.iiv tk kl' w nil iwii oilk'i U'.ini' .It ilk' '.iiik' tiiiK'." \V't ,il'o '.II, I ill,It ilk' i;iv.ii coiivliiion ot ilio ik w tkki' will Ix' ivtrw'liinij .ilU'r \v',ii' ot pr.ktkiiUL on ilk- Ix.il-np okkr l.kililk'', ni.iiu ot wlikli .iru in.irivvl hv vk .ivl i:r,i" .iiivl poiliok''. “ I Ik tiV'liiik'ii on ilk' U'.ini vion’t niivki'l.iiivl how <;iv.it il n, hnl ilk' okk i Clockwise from top, lacrosse, “ k., pkiu i' ilo," 'Ik' '.iivl. " I lk' Im II' won’t lx- iIm iiu np .iikl hitiniu' in in tin.- t.kc rugby and ultimate frisbee .iin Ilion.'." team members take advantage of the Sports Complex opening f or u'.ii', tlk iliiv't.' 'l'vioi' ot L ;.il Pol' .iihk'tk' h.iw 'iittuvil h\ Ix'iiiv; to get their first chances to play toiwvl to 'll.in.' ,1 ' 111.ill nniiilx'r ot tk kI', ino't ot w hkh v'cri- not cvinippr'il to on the new fields. Teams are h.iiivlk' tlk' v'\i.i.'"ivi' ii'i.'. .\ ' .1 n.'nlt. tin. tk'kl' h.iw Ix'coiik' lorn np .iikl looking forward to scheduling worn viown. home games on campus and Roi. '^I'ort' P in xlo r M .iiw M.iloik'V ti'i-U tin.' Sport' (. !onipk'\ w ill Ik lp using better quality fields. with tlk' n.'i:nl,ition .iiiil ivvo\orv ot tin.' okl tk k i' in .ivlvlition to pnw iilinu



Sports Trivia Scores Schedule Yesterday's Answer: MEN'S SOCCER VOLLEYBALL FRIDAY Cal Poly 0 Cal Poly 0 • Women's volleyball vs. Boise State Lenny Wilkins is the NBAs all-time winning 1st Sacramento State 1 Long Beach State 3 • at Mustang Stadium FOOTBALL coach. • at 7 p.m. UC Davis 62 Cal Poly 0 • Men's soccer vs. Cal State Northridge Cleveland 28 Pacific 3 Congrats Steve Corino! • at Mustang Stadium • at 7 p.m. Briefs SATURDAY Today's Question: • Football vs. Hofstra Another Olympic athlete disqualified When was the last televised Cal Poly football • at Mustang Stadium DENVER (AP) For Brandon Slay says his Olympic wrestling game? gold medal is even sweeter because he knew "the agony of defeat • at 12 p.m before the thrill of victory" • Women's volleyball vs. Utah State The International Olympic Committee on Monday disqualified • at Mott Gym Germany's Alexander Leipold, who had beaten Slay in the 167 172- pound freestyle final in Sydney, foi using a banned steroid • at 7 p.m. Ple.ise submit sports triviFi answer to [email protected] Leipold was the third gold medalist from the Sydney Games to be Please inducte your name The first correct answer received via e-mail will disqualified because of the use of performance-enhancing drugs be printed in the next issue of the paper