Sharnford parish council Clerk: Karen Leck Brambles, Parsons Lane Sharnford LE10 3PY

Tel: 07422 718186 Email: [email protected] ------


Minutes of a Virtual Meeting of Sharnford Parish Council held at 7:30 on Thursday 17th December 2020, via Zoom.

Present: Cllr M Shirley (Chairman) Cllr J Feast (Vice Chairman), Cllr G Peryer, Cllr L Martin, Cllr M Dalton-Brown, Cllr S Stanley, Karen Leck (Clerk)

Also, Present: Cllr M Wright (Leicestershire County Council), Cllr I Hewson ( District Council)

Absent: None

20/153 Apologies for Absence None

20/154 Declarations of Interest Pecuniary and Non-Pecuniary Cllr Stanley – Youth Club Treasurer Cllr Shirley – STAG Secretary, Environment Group Treasurer

20/155 Minutes of the meeting of the Parish Council held on 19th November 2020. Resolved that, the minutes of the meeting of the Parish Council held on 19th November 2020, a copy of which had been circulated, to each member, is a true recording of the proceedings.

20/156 Public Participation A member of the public brought to our attention an issue regarding parking on pavements on Park View. Cllr Shirley agreed to raise the concern and Cllr Wright (LCC) suggested raising the issue with Blaby Community Safety Team and the Police.

20/157 Clerks Notes 20/005 Community Emergency Store – Roof repairs complete, window boarding and painting still to be carried out. Regarding the equipment inside the store, the village requires an action plan for various emergency scenarios. Training to be sourced for both Flood Wardens and a volunteer group. Clerk to contact Resilience Team at LCC. 20/093 Volunteering in the Village – Enviroment Agency inspected brook regarding falling tree and debris. No obvious concerns, however, height of bridge is a concern and work to commence on clearing the sides to help flow of water. Regarding sewage, signs to be erected along brook with Environment Agency number for people to report blockages and signs of sewage. 20/093 Tree Inspection – Climbatize to commence work around the village in February. Regarding trees for Poors Meadow, clerk to contact Tree Warden for recommendations on tree types. Resolved to publish tree inspection report on website. 20/094 Ministry of Housing Communities & Local Government – ‘Planning for the Future’ white paper. Government are currently revising, no update at this time. 20/094 S106 Offsite Open Space Contribution – The next proposals to be forwarded by 21st January 2021. Currently

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quotes being obtained for the Youth Club fence and St. Helen’s Church path (again Faculty required) resolved to get further quotes on the footpath. 20/128 St Helen’s Churchyard – Regarding memorial inspection, one quote from G Sellers obtained, further quotes required. Clerk to contact other parishes re inspections. 20/135 Traffic speeding on Aston Lane and in the village – Highways to provide information from average speed cameras. Information on Community Speed Watch to be gathered and Police to be contacted for advice on speed awareness in and around the village. 20/135 Street Lights – Leicestershire County Council confirmed responsibility for streetlights on Aston Lane. The three pole bracket-mounted lanterns in and next to Poors Meadows are the responsibility of the parish. Eon contacted regarding contract and possible overpayment of maintenance charges. On the issue of the footpaths in and around Sharnford, Cllr Wright (LCC) still pursuing through the special projects team and looking into the criteria, as to whether the community project money can be used to clear the footpaths. 20/135 Issue re Dog faeces on footpath – Posters to be displayed in problematic areas. 20/144 Drains – Leicestershire County Council have cleared some of the drains in the village, however some drains require further investigation.

20/158 Information Update

20/159 District Councillors Councillor Iain Hewson Councillor Hewson is Chairman of Council The latest from your Council Tier 3 announced for district The Government announced this morning the tiers that each areas will go into when lockdown ends on Wednesday 02 December. The whole of Leicester and Leicestershire (including Blaby District) will be in Tier 3, the "Very High Alert" tier. This means that from 02 December, new rules will be in place, including: • You must not meet socially indoors or in most outdoor places with anybody you do not live with, or who is not in your support bubble, this includes in any private garden or at most outdoor venues • No socialising in groups of more than six in some other outdoor public spaces, including parks, countryside accessible to the public (rule of six) • Hospitality (bars, pubs, cafes and restaurants) are closed, except for takeaway, click-and-collect, drive- through or delivery services • Hotels, campsites, guest houses must close • Indoor entertainment and tourist venues must close • Leisure and sports facilities may continue to stay open, but group exercise classes (including fitness and dance) should not go ahead • Organised outdoor sport, and physical activity and exercise classes can continue, however higher-risk contact activity should not take place Lots more information about the Very High Alert tier is available on the Government's website, including specific types of businesses who can or cannot open, and exemptions. a829dfa41be3/Tier_3_Graphic.pdf Next Wednesday (02 December), we will all (regardless of the tier) be able to:- Visit essential and non-essential retail • Visit personal care services (hairdressers, beauty salons, tanning salons etc), and gyms • Host and attend weddings (see tier for restrictions) • Attend collective worship • Go to certain leisure and sporting facilities such as gyms, sports courts and leisure centres (indoor group activities cannot take place in tier 3) • Attend outdoor sports • Meet others in outdoor public spaces (subject to the rule of 6) Everyone who can work from home should do so.

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Avoid travelling to other parts of the UK other than where necessary, such as for:- • Work • Education and youth services • To receive medical treatment • Caring responsibilities You can travel through other areas as part of a longer journey. District Covid-19 numbers update The consistently high rate of cases over recent weeks has seen our area as one of the worst hit by the second wave. The latest figures show Leicestershire's rate for every 100,000 people is 305 - compared to England's figure of 218. Blaby District has the second highest rate in the County, with figures of 361 per 100,000. Whilst this figure has fallen in the last week from 429 per 100,000 people, its vital that we all do the right thing and continue to work together to reduce these figures. Government's Winter Plan This week the Government released it's Winter Plan, which is designed to suppress the virus, protect the NHS and the vulnerable, keeping education and the economy going and providing a route back to normality. Vaccines are at the centre of the plan. Next month, the government will be ready for a UK-wide vaccination programme to begin, provided regulators approve the vaccines. Scientific advances in vaccination and treatments should reduce the need for economic and social restrictions from the spring. Census 2021 on the way 2021 will see Census work begin. Carried out every decade since 1801 (except 1941), the Census helps to decide how services are planned and funded in our local area, whether it's a doctor's surgery, bus route or housing. This year's Census, taking place from March, will also be able to be completed online for the first time. Get ahead and get more information by visiting the Census website. Bin calendars being delivered This week we started delivering bin calendars to every household in the district. These will be hung on the back of your bin. Each calendar also has the plans for Christmas collections, what your deliveries are through 2021 and how you can help us with your excess cardboard. 2021 dates will be available in PDF format on our website from 30 November. Find your schedule online. Asda stops priority deliveries Asda has stopped accepting new referrals from the National Shielding Support System for priority supermarket deliveries. Asda are continuing to offer priority supermarket deliveries to those Clinically Extremely Vulnerable people who are on their system and have accessed delivery slots before 05 November. The six supermarkets still in the scheme are Iceland, Morrisons, Ocado, Sainsbury’s, Tesco and Waitrose. Leisure centres to reopen Leisure Centre and Enderby Leisure and Golf Centre, Everyone Active will reopen their doors on Wednesday 02 December following a month’s closure due to the coronavirus pandemic Both leisure centres will reopen with strict safety measures in place to minimise risks. The activities on offer will depend on the tier we are in, with the Everyone Active website having full information.

20/160 County Councillor Councillor Maggie Wright Councillor Wright is Deputy Leader and Finance & Assets Portfolio at Blaby District Council. Councillor Wright is also a councillor on Leicestershire County Council representing & Croft. December County Report 2020 – MERRY CHRISTMAS AND A HAPPY 2021 Council ready for winter weather The gritters have already been out. The authority has received its first delivery of salt as it looks to build up its salt levels to more than 18,000 tonnes in preparation for the cold snap. In addition to the gritters, there are also a number

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of snow wardens based in communities across the county who grit paths, as well as farmers who during deep snow, fit ploughs to their tractors and assist the council in clearing roads. The authority is working with parishes to encourage more people to sign-up to its Snow Warden Scheme and help keep the county moving during the winter. The County Council’s Warm Homes service helps vulnerable people to save on their fuel bills. For advice visit or call 0116 3054286 Leicestershire to trail lateral flow tests (Covid-19) The council is to receive up to 80,000 kits a week as part of the Government’s plan to expand asymptomatic testing across the county. After productive discussions with the Department of Health and Social Care Leicestershire County Council was added to the list of trial areas. Strategic Transport Priorities On Friday 20th November 2020 Cabinet members discussed a blueprint setting out the key, long-term approach to transport priorities for the city and county over the next 30 years. Earlier this year, there was a consultation on Leicester and Leicestershire’s Strategic Transport Priorities (LLSTP). The LLSTP outlines where the two authorities can work together in delivering the transport initiatives and infrastructure to support growth, particularly around tackling the effects of climate change, alongside continued support for the local economy and jobs. It also acknowledged the need to understand and then review changes in patterns of travel behaviour because of the COVID-19 pandemic. Another key thread of the LLSTP is a big push to improve rail services. The report outlines that while services to East Midlands’ cities such as Derby and Nottingham are good, improvements are needed in reaching West Midlands cities such as Coventry and Birmingham. The cabinet paper also reflected on a report by Midlands Connect (notes provided separately). Passport to more recognition for carers. The county council is encouraging unpaid carers to apply for a “carers’ passport” which ensures they receive the right support at the right time as they continue in such a valuable role. The identify card has been developed as a response to the difficulties and challenges which carers face, often on a daily basis, as well as giving the important recognition, particularly during the current pandemic. The “passport” is recognised across Leicester, Leicestershire and Rutland and is supported by VASL – Leicestershire Support for Carers and their partners in the city and Rutland. Carers who are already registered with Support for Carers will automatically receive their wallet-sized passport by post, they can also email the team at [email protected] to request a downloadable version for a phone or a lanyard if preferred. To apply for a carer’s passport, or more information, please contact Support for Carers on 01858 468543 or visit Foster Carers Needed There are currently 683 children in care across Leicestershire, and the council is always looking for kind-hearted people to join their network of foster carers and make a difference to young lives. Foster carers must be over 21 and have a spare room in their home, as well as patience, understanding and lots of love and support to offer a child. There is no upper age limit and full training is provided. Leicestershire Foster carers have access to 24-hour support to help them achieve the best outcomes for young people in their care. There are many ways to foster, including long-term fostering, meaning that children remain in a permanent placement with their foster carer, and supported lodgings which involves offering a room and support to a young person over the age of 16. Specialist foster carers roles are also available, for those from professional caring backgrounds to work with some of the county’s most complex young people, supported by a dedicated team at the council. To find out more about the different ways to foster and how you could change lives, including your own, visit or call 0116 3050505 New measure in force after avian influenza case confirmed in Melton A temporary control zone has come into force after a case of avian influenza was confirmed at a site near Melton Mowbray. This means it is a legal requirement for all bird keepers in the affected area to follow increased measures. Public Health England has confirmed that the risk to public health is very low and the Food Standards Agency has said that bird flu poses a very low food safety risk for UK consumers.

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Bird keepers and members of the public should report any dead wild birds to the DEFRA helpline on 03459 33 55 77 and keepers should report suspicion of disease to Animal and Plant Health Agency on 03000 200 301 Businesses urged to get ready for the end of EU transition on 1 January The Government’s is being signposted as the site for businesses to visit to understand the actions they need to undertake to ensure they are prepared. One to one support sessions and webinars can be booked online at Blaby DC Local Plan Timetable (for information) Subject to the agreement of Council, this is a timeline for when the next Local Plan consultation will take place: A report is going to be taken to Council in December asking for approval of a new timetable for producing the new Local Plan (this timetable is formally known as the Local Development Scheme). If the Local Development Scheme is accepted without any changes, the Council will be undertaking a regulation 18 consultation on the new Local Plan towards the end of January.

20/161 HNRFI Planning Application Comments submitted to the Planning Inspectorate on 10th December 2020. Formal consultation to begin 2021.

20/162 Youth Club Refurbishment Work is now complete on the central heating and decoration is being finished. Car park to be resurfaced (if budget allows) Quote for gate to be arranged.

20/163 Playground Annual & Weekly Inspections Annual inspection report received. Swing seats to be replaced in Park View children’s park. Further work to be carried out in both playground and fitness areas. Resolved to publish inspection report on website.

20/164 Planning Matters 20/1081/FUL Description: Erection of four linked industrial units for light industrial / storage and distribution use on open storage land. Location: John Brindley Transport The Close Aston Lane Sharnford Resolved to make the following comment to Blaby Planning Department ‘Before the development is permitted and brought into use, drainage should be provided within the site such that surface water does not drain into the public highway. No development should be permitted that further exceeds the capacity of the sewage pumping station. Plus increase in HGV traffic in and around the village.’ 20/1228/FUL Description: Partially remove chimney stack to the rear of chapel. Location: Sharnford Methodist Church Chapel Lane Sharnford Leicestershire Resolved to make ‘no comment’ to Blaby Planning Department E20/0341/COU View Farm, School Lane, Sharnford, Leicestershire Vehicle repairs business in operation

20/165 Finance Discussed budget for 21/22 Resolved by majority vote to accept an increase to the precept of 2.5% to £25625.00. Payments Name Description Gross VAT Payment Nh.Horticulture Services Cemetery Maintenance £170.00 0.00 Cheque N A H Services Repairs to Shed Roof £900.00 0.00 BACS LRALC Clerk’s Training £120.00 0.00 Cheque Karen Leck Clerk’s Expenses £197.66 3.37 BACS Mike Shirley Christmas Lights Competition £70.00 0.00 Cheque Resolved to approve the following payments

Receipts Name Description Amount Payment

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20/166 Items for Next Agenda

20/167 The next Parish Council Meeting is on Thursday 21st January 2021 at 7:30pm via Zoom

Meeting closed 9.50pm

Approved By:……………………………………………………. Date:

Mike Shirley - Chairman

Chairman’s Initials