Wealth Management Northern New Jersey Randy Neumann, CFP® ew Jersey’s Randy Neumann Randy Neumann is by all accounts one of the region’s Wealth Management premier independent fi nancial 600 East Crescent Avenue, Ste. 104 Nplanners, whose uniquely American life Upper Saddle River, NJ 07458 story refl ects a character and determina on rare among even the most successful Tel: (201) 291-9000 professionals. Compe ve and self-reliant Fax: (201) 291-9799 from an early age, the Cliff side Park na ve
[email protected] worked his way through college as a www.randyneumann.com professional boxer, and not simply as an anonymous journeyman: Neumann boxed his way into the elite of the sport, earning a Education na onal (6th) – and world (9th) – ranking as Fairleigh Dickinson University, B.A., a heavyweight by the age of 28. Business Administra on, 1975 Today, a fi nancial planner and advisor for more than 30 years, and a skilled and Affiliations published writer, Neumann possesses • CERTIFIED FINANCIAL PLANNER™ a serene and humble manner that both • Instructor, Na onal Ins tute of a racts and reassures clients. “Most fi nancial a week to “my offi ce” at Gleason’s, where he planners don’t have boxing posters on their Finance refi ned his skills as a “skinny” heavyweight. offi ce wall,” says Neumann. “The quali es • Columnist, The Ridgewood (NJ) He became a popular fi xture. “Some of the that made me a good boxer – discipline and News, Kearney (NJ) Observer locals rooted for me because they thought persistence – have defi ned me ever since.” • Former Instructor,