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Plant signalling peptides

ARTICLE in ACTA PHYSIOLOGIAE PLANTARUM · FEBRUARY 2003 Impact Factor: 1.52 · DOI: 10.1007/s11738-003-0043-y



Justyna Wiśniewska Alina Trejgell Nicolaus Copernicus University Nicolaus Copernicus University



Andrzej Tretyn Nicolaus Copernicus University



Available from: Andrzej Tretyn Retrieved on: 03 August 2015 ACTA PHYSIOLOGIAE PLANTARUM Vol. 25. No. 1. 2003:105-122


Plant signalling peptides

Justyna Wigniewska, Alina Trejgell, Andrzej Tretyn

Nicolaus Copernicus University, Institute of General and Molecular Biology, Department of Biotechnology, Gagarina 9, 87-100 Torud, Poland

Key words: CLAVATA3, ENOD40, insulin-like mal systems these intercellular communications , natriuretic peptide, phytosulfokine, signal- are mainly mediated by chemical signals such as ling peptides, systemin, RALF. steroids, peptides and other small bioactive com- pounds. Peptides are probably the most commonly used signal molecules in animal systems. This is Abstract most likely to be a result of several factors: the ease Biochemical and genetic studies have identifiedpeptides that with which structural variation can be introduced; play crucial roles in plant growth and development,including the availability of a common secretion mechanism defence mechanisms in response to wounding by pests, the control of cell division and expansion, and pollen self-incom- for peptides; and also the fact that the activity of patibility. The first two signalling peptides to be described in peptide signalling molecules can be controlled by plants were tomatosystemin and phytosulfokine(PSK). There common processing and modification mecha- is also biochemicalevidence that natriureticpeptide-like mole- nisms. Dozens of signalling peptides have been cules, immunologically-relatedto those found in animals,may exist in plants. Another example of signalling peptide is identified and most are recognized by specific re- ENOD40, a product of a , whichbecame activeearly in the ceptors anchored in the plasmalema of the recipient root nodulationprocess followingRhizobium infection of le- cells (Bisseling 1999). gumes. Other predicted bioactive peptides or oligopeptides have been identifiedby means of genetic, rather then biochem- Hormone is a term once applied in both botanical ical methods. The Arabidopsis CLAVATA3 protein is re- and zoological contexts. For animal physiologists it quired for the correctorganization of the shootapical meristem and the pollen S determinant S-locus cysteine-rich protein denotes any molecule, usually of small molecular (SCR also called S-locus protein 11, SP11). mass, secreted outside cells and carried to specific The plant signallingpeptides discovered so far are involvedin target cells/organs by whose response they bring various processes and play an importantrole in communication about a specific and adaptive physiological re- between cells or organs, respectively.This reviewwill focuson sponse. Hormones tend to be either water-soluble these peptides and their role in intercellular signalling. peptides and , or steroids. In animals, poly- peptide hormones classically fall into two major Introduction categories: endocrine hormones (Douglass et aL 1984) and membrane-anchored growth factors In multicellular biological systems, cell-cell inter- (Massague and Pandiella 1993). The endocrine actions are indispensable for coordinating cell polypeptide hormones, and some growth factors, growth and differentiation in various organs. In ani- are synthesized as preprohormones in the secretory


pathway of specialized cells and are sequestered in Plants are using small (phyto)hormones such as: vesicles until released into extracellular compart- auxins, cytokinins, gibberellins, abscisic acid, ethyl- ments in response to appropriate physiological cues ene (Kende and Zeevaart 1997) and brassinoste- (Douglass et al. 1984). Processing of polypeptide roids (Bishop and Koncz 2002) for cell-to-cell hormones from larger prohormone precursors in communication. They work at low concentrations vesfcles is mediated by members of the endopep- (excluding nutritious activity), and regulate growth tidase family. The hormones are then transported to and development of plants by modifying a gene ex- target cells, either nearby or long distances away, pression and/or metabolic processes. Besides these where they are recognized by specific receptors to "classical" hormones plants may also use oligo- initiate signalling pathways. Some well-known ex- and polypeptides as signalling molecules, which amples are: growth hormone, adrenocorticotropic may play similar role to peptide hormones from ani- hormone, oxytocin, vasopressin, calcitonin, para- mal and yeasts. thormone, glucagons, insulin and endorphins (Douglass et al. 1984, Massague and Pandiella 1993). Polypeptide hormones are usually small, be- Systemin ing derived from precursors that are 100-500 aa in Systemin, a polypeptide isolated from plant tissues length (Douglass et al. 1984). Some of these poly- (tomato leaves), is synthesized as a result of me- peptides are produced as a single copy from a pre- chanic damage to plant organs or injury caused by cursor, such as insulin, but some precursors harbor an insect. It is able to move fast in plant and to in- several copies of the hormone, such as proence- duce encoding proteinase inhibitor I and II - phalin, while still other precursors are processed to one of the elements of a cascade leading to immu- produce multiple hormones having different phy- nological reaction (Pearce et al. 1991). siological roles, such as pro-opiomelanocortin (Massague and Pandiella 1993). The variability of Systemin regulates the activation of more than 20 structural conformations is critical for the high defensive genes. During systemic reaction, the sti- specificity of receptor binding that exists among mulation of MAP kinase (Mitogen Activated Pro- hundreds of polypeptide hormones (Ryan et al. tein Kinase) is followed by synthesis of trypsine in- 2002). hibitors (Meindl et al. 1998, Pearce et al. 2001b). As a result of direct action of systemin on uninjured m different scenario for polypeptide synthesis and cells, the changes in cytoplasmic concentration of release is found with membrane-anchored precur- Ca 2+ ions are observed. These changes cause the sors of growth factors. Examples include TGF-ot activation of phospholipase A (PLAe), which ca- (Transforming Growth Factor, 50 aa derived from a talyses the degradation of membrane ingredients 160 aa precursor), EGF (Epidermal Growth Factor, leading to releasing of a free linolenic acid from 53 aa derived from a 1207 aa precursor), and membranes and converting it to jasmonic acid TNF-~t (Tumor Necrosis Factor, 157 aa derived (Ryan 2000). Simultaneous increase in cytoplasmic from a 233 aa precursor) (Massague and Pandiella Ca 2+ concentration leads to modulation of plasma 1993). The precursors of most members of this membrane H+-ATPase and in consequence to class of polypeptides are generally between 150 to membrane depolarization and changing of ion 650 aa in length, although some are larger. They are fluxes (Moyen et al. 1998, Ryan and Pearce 1998). synthesized through the secretory pathway; the In plants defensive mechanisms polyphenol oxi- proproteins, however, are not processed in vesicles dase, calmodulin and H202 are also involved. Ac- but are anchored in vesicle membranes. The vesi- cumulation of these compounds is observed after cles fuse with the plasma membrane of the cell, ex- wounding or treatment with systemin or metyle- posing the polypeptide to the extracellular space. jasmonate (Constabel and Ryan 1998, Schaller Upon appropriate cues, membrane-associated pro- 1999, Bergey and Ryan 1999, Ryan 2000, Oroz- teases are activated that release the factors, which co-Cardenas et al. 2001). Increased polygalactu- can be recognized by their receptors (Douglass et ronase activity under influence of systemin and as a al. 1984, Massague and Pandiella 1993). result of leaf injury is also observed (Bergey et al.


1999). In plants and animals there are large analo- (Dombrowski et al. 1999). It was affirmed how- gies in signal transduction triggered either by ever, that extracts from tomato leaves lack the po- wounding or pathogen. In case of plants, the signal tential enzymes that could separate systemin from molecule conveying this information is systemin, prosystemin. whereas jasmonic acid is responsible for direct physiological response (Ryan 2000). In animals, Li and Howe (2001) isolated another prosystemin this function is played by cytokines and prosta- (prosys B) from tomato leaves, which varied from glandins (Bergey et al. 1996, Barciszewski and the earlier one in positions of a few amino acids and Legocki 1997, Stratmann et al. 2000). resulted from an alternative splicing.

Systemin is a polypeptide consisting of 18-amino It was shown recently that the polypeptides similar acids with the sequence to systemin also function in other species of Sola- AVQSKPPSKRDPPKMQTD, naceous family beside tomato (potato, black night- which is active when present at fentomoles per shade and bell pepper) (Constabel et aL 1998). The plant (Bergey et al. 1996). The cDNA and gene identity of amino acids sequences of systemin-like structures reveal that this polypeptide is present in polypeptides in these species ranges from 73 to 88 proteolytic cleavages from the C-terminal region of % (Constabel et al. 1998). Recently, two poly- a 200-amino acid precursor called prosystemin (Ta- peptides have been found in tobacco and, because ble). The gene coding of the prosystemin is com- of their biological activity, are called systemin I posed of 11 exons containing five repeated regions (Tob Sys I) and II (Tob Sys II) (Pearce etal. 2001a). in central region (McGurl and Ryan 1992). It was As in the case of tomato these two kinds of systemin also shown that as a result of prosystemin proteoly- in tobacco are also built of 18 amino acids. How- sis both molecules of systemin and longer poly- ever, there are some chemical differences between peptides could appear. Both prosystemin and all these two types of systemin from both plants. The products of its proteolysis (containing an 18-amino molecules of Tob Sys I and II are linked to pentose acids systemin fragment) reveal biological activity sugars, removal of which deprives them of their bi-

Table. Properties of known plant signalling peptides.

Peptide name Function Precursor Signal se- Size.of peptide Bidnding protein or recep- quence tor(s) Systemin defensive responses 164-165,200 aa No 18 aa LLR receptor kinase (depend on species) (160 kDa) PSK-ct cell proliferation 89 aa 22 aa 4-5 aa LLR receptor kinase (120 kDa) CLAVATA3 shoot meristem or- 96 aa 18 aa 78 aa CLV1 and CLV2 LLR recep- ganization tor kinase complex (185 kDa) SCRISPt 1 self-incompatibility74-77 aa Yes (no de- 50-59 aa SRK receptor kinase tailed data) (110 kDa) ENOD40 root nodulation No No 10-13, 24, 27aa bind to Nodulinl00 subunit of (depend on species) SuSy RALF inhibition root 115 aa 25 aa 45 aa binding protein growth and seed (120 kDa and 25 kDa) germination IrPNP regulation of ion Yes (no detailed data) ? ? ? transport and tran- spiration Leginsulin (insu- ? Yes (no detailed data) .9 32 aa Bg protein lin-like peptides)

abbreviations: aa - amino acids, No - lack, LLR - leucine-rich repeats, ? - unknown


ological activity. Moreover, tobacco systemin con- density in the growth medium has to be higher than tains hydroxylated prolines. Both systemin moleo 10,000 cell/ml. It was shown that cells in low-den- cules are the products of a single gene encoding 165 sity cultures rapidly proliferated after media ob- amino acids prepropeptide, which has a signal se- tained from rapid dividing, high-density cells cul- quence on its N-terminus (Pearce etal. 2001a). Be- tures were added to that culture. It was assumed on sides the gene encoding this prepropeptide, another this basis that dividing cells secreted a specific fac- gene was also found in tobacco (Pearce et al. tor into their environment. This factor maintains the 2001a). It encodes a 164 amino acid peptide that mitotic activity of whole cell culture (Matsuba- contains 18 amino acids systemin sequence. Be- yashi and Sakagami 1996). cause it was identical to Tob Sys I (except for hav- ing Ala instead of Thr at 3 position) it was called Matsubayashi and Sakagami (1996) were the first Tob Sys Ia (Pearce et al. 2001a). Besides some dif- who isolated two active factors, termed phytosulfo- ferences in chemical structure, systemin from to- kines (PSK-a and PSK-B) from conditioned me- mato and from tobacco are similar in terms of their dium derived from mesophyll cell culture of aspa- functional properties (Lindsey et al. 2002). ragus (Asparagus officinalis L.). They promoted cell division at nanomolar concentrations The prosystemin is synthesized within cells sur- (10-8-10 -9 M) even as low initial cell densities as rounding vascular bundles of leaves, stalks and 320 cells/ml (Matsubayashi and Sakagami 1998). shoots. It was also established that systemin could The presence of PSK-a in suspension-cultured as- move relatively fast through phloem from injured paragus mesophyll cells was detected immunologi- places to other plant organs (Narvaez-Vasquez et cally in the first 48 hr after initiating the cultures al. 1995), where it bound to the receptor proteins re- and 48 hr before the first cell division was observed sponsible for physiological response (Bergey et al. (Matsubayashi et al. 1999b). 1996). In studies conducted on cell suspension from tomato, it was found that the protein receptors PSK-a is probably necessary for plant cell prolife- (of 160 kDa molecular weight) were located on a ration in vivo as well as in vitro (Yamakawa et aL surface of a plasma membrane and that they bound 1999, Yang at al. 2000). It promotes somatic em- systemin. It was shown that plant systemin-binding bryogenesis of carrot cells (Kobayashi et al. 1999, protein was similar to animal cytokine and growth Hanai et al. 2000b) and a tracheary element differ- factor receptors (Stratmann et al. 2000). Scheer and entiation of Zinnia mesophyll cells (Matsubayashi Ryan (2002) found that it was a member of a family etal. 1999b) in the presence of adequate concentra- of the leucine-rich repeats (LRR) receptor kinases. tions of auxins and cytokinins. (Matsubayashi et al. It had an extracellular (N-terminal) systemin-bin- 1999a). Therefore, it was proposed that mature ding domain, a transmembrane domain, and a cyto- PSK was secreted from individual cells in response plasmic (C-terminal) kinase domain (Meindl et al. to changes in the levels of auxin and cytokinin 1998, Scheer and Ryan 1999, 2002). Furthermore, (Yang et al. 2001) and that it played a role as an extracellular domain of this receptor exhibits a pro- autocrine-type growth factor regulating cellular tease activity. On this basis it is assumed that when dedifferentiation and proliferation in plants. PSK-a the systemin fulfills its physiological function, it promotive effect on chlorophyll synthesis in etio- undergoes degradation by its own receptor (Leon et lated cotyledons of cucumber as well as on a growth al. 2001). and a chlorophyll content of Arabidopsis seedlings in conditions of a high nighttime temperature was also shown (Yang et aL 2001). PSK-a stimulates Phytosulfokines adventitious root formation in cucumber hypocot- yls and adventitious bud formation in Antirrhinum many years it was well known that the relative For majus (Yamakawa et aL 1998). growth rates of suspension-cultured cells depended strictly on the initial cell density (Stuart and Street During recent years peptides identical with PSK-a 1969). Even if sufficient amount of auxin and have been purified from media derived from at least cytokinin is present in the medium, the initial cell 12 plant cell lines including dicots (Matsubayashi


et aL 1999b, Hanai et al. 2000b) and monocots PSK-a precursor- preprophytosulfokine (PP-PSK) (Matsubayashi etal. 1997), suggesting that they are containing 725 base pairs. The gene is encoding an widespread in higher plants (Yang et al. 1999a,b). 89-amino acid polypeptide (9.8 kDa) with 22-amino acid hydrophobic N-terminal signal peptide (Ta- PSK-a is a disulfated pentapeptide ble), commonly found in animal hormone precur- [H-Tyr(SO3H)-Ile-Tyr(SO3H)-Thr-Gln-OH] sors. The N-terminal signal peptide is supposed to and PSK-13 is a C-terminal-truncated tetrapeptide mediate translocation across membranes of the [H-Tyr(SO3H)-Ile-Tyr(SO3H)-Thr-OH], endoplasmic reticulum during prohormone synthe- which probably is derived as degradation product sis and to allow its secretion into the extracellular of PSK-a, having lost the C-terminal Gin, probably space. The PSK sequence occurs only once in this by carboxypeptidase cleavage (Matsubayashi and sequence and is located at the C-terminus (Yang et Sakagami 1996). Deletion of the sulphate groups of aL 1999b). PSK gene is expressed in the leaf, apical Tyr 1 and Tyr3 resulted in nearly full loss of PSK-" meristem, hypocotyl, and root of seedlings, as well activity, indicating that the modification of both as in cultured cells (Matsubayashi et aL 1999a). amino acids was very important for biological ac- tivity. Synthetic analog of PSK-a without the first Four genes, AtPSK1-AtPSK4, encoding precursors and the second C-terminal amino acids retained 8 % of PSK-ct have been identified in Arabidopsis and 20 % of the activity, compared with native (Yang et al. 2000, 2001). Analysis of AtPSK2 and PSK-~t, respectively. In contrast, an N-terminal AtPSK3 cDNAs, shows that both of these genes truncated analog exhibited little or no activity, sug- consist of one intron and two exons. Both AtPSK2 gesting that the N-terminal sulphated threepetide is and AtPSK3 encode PSK-ct precursors (Yang et al. the active core (Matsubayashi and Sakagami 1996). 2001). Each protein has a probable secretion signal As mentioned above, also in animal sulphated tyro- at the N-terminus and a single PSK sequence close sines are structures found in peptides. The exam- to the C-terminus. Both precursors contain dibasic ples of compounds of that kind are neuropeptides. processing sites flanking PSK, analogous to animal Removal of these residues from these oligopeptides and yeast prohormones. Although the PSK domain leads to loss of their biological activity (Hanai et aL including the sequence of PSK-a and three amino 2000a). It seems that PSKs are the only example of acids preceding it are perfectly conserved, the pre- post-translational sulphated tyrosine residues in cursors have limited similarity among Arabidopsis plants. and rice (Oryza sativa) (Yang et al. 1999b, 2000, 2001). This suggests a new level of diversity among PSK-a derived from a larger precursor polypeptide polypeptides that are processed into the same sig- and its amino acid sequence is perfectly conserved nalling molecule in plants, a scenario not found in among various species (Yang etal. 1999b). Synthe- animals and yeast (Yang et al. 1999b, Yang et al. sis of PSK-ct seems to be similar to animal poly- 2001). peptide hormones and growth factors. The rice PSK gene (OsPSK) is a single-copy gene consisting of PSK is derived from post-translational modifica: one large intron and two exons (Yang et al. 2000). tion. The presence of O-sulphated tyrosine in PSK Analysis of this sequence indicates that it codes implies that tyrosyl-protein sulphotransferase


signal extracellular domain 36-aa transmembrane cytoplasmatic peptide (21 tandem copies island domain kinase domain of a 24-aa LRRs)

Fig. 1. Schemeof the 120-kDa receptorkinase of PSlk [aa-amino acid, LRR - leucinerich repeats] (modifiedfrom Matsubayashi et al. 2002)


(TPST) is involved in PSK biosynthesis (Hanai et steroid receptor BRI1 and has been shown to be al. 2000a). It is assumed that, similarly as in case of critical for its function (Li and Chory 1997). The animal peptide hormones PSK-ot is set free as a re- cytoplasmic region of the predicted amino acid se- sult of proteolytic degradation of the precursor. The quence contains all 12 subdomains found in almost enzymes taking part in this reaction can be present all eukaryotic serine-threonine kinases. The kinase in a cell wall or in an extracellular space (Hanai et region of this protein shares substantial sequence al. 2000a). identity with those of the known plant hormone re- ceptors BRI1 and CLV1 (Li and Chory 1997, Clark The fact that PSKs are active in suspension cultures et al. 1997). Southern blot analysis of carrot has facilitated the search for binding proteins that genomic DNA with the full-length cDNA of this might serve as a PSK receptor. Evidence for the protein indicated that a single gene encodes this existence of high-affinity binding sites for PSK in protein. Northern blot analysis, showing the ex- rice plasma membrane was provided. The observed pression pattern of the corresponding gene, de- binding of [3SS] and [3HI labeled PSK was compe- tected a single class of mRNA. This mRNA accu- titive and reversible, and localized to the outer sur- mulated ubiquitously in leaf, apical meristem, face of the cell membrane (Matsubayashi et al. hypocotyl, and root of carrot seedlings, although its 1997, Matsubayashi and Sakagami 1999). Ligand expression level was far lower than that in cultured saturation analysis using [3H]-PSK revealed the carrot cells Matsubayashi et al. (2002). existence of both high- and low-affinity binding sites with KdS of 1.4 nM and 27.0 nM, respectively. It was calculated that each rice cell might possess CLAVATA3 more than 104 sites able to bind PSK-ct. Because auxin and cytokinin have no influence on this pro- In Arabidopsis thaliana the presence of genes tak- cess, it is considered that PSK-ot co-operates with ing part in cellular path of transduction signal con- these hormones in the process of cell division by its trolling SAM (Shoot Apical Meristem) cell prolif- own receptors or/and by signal transduction path- eration and differentiation was discovered (Clark way. 1997, 2001). To these genes belong: CLV1-3 (CLAVATA) and WUS (WUSCHEL)(Clark et al. Using 125I-labeled PSK analog, Matsubayashi and 1995, Laux et al. 1996). CLV1 encoded transmem- Sakagami (2000) showed that putative receptor brane receptor Ser/Thr kinase consisting of a leader proteins for PSK were 120 kDa and 160 kDa glyco- sequence, a putative extracellular domain of 21 sylated membrane proteins. Recently Matsubaya- leucine-rich repeats (which often appear in recep- shi et al. (2002) purified a 120-kDa membrane pro- tors domain binding signal peptides both in plants tein, specifically interacting with PSK, from carrot and in animals) and 15 putative N-linked glycosy- microsomal fractions. The corresponding cDNA lation sites (Clark et al. 1997). CLV2 encoded a re- encoded a 1021-amino acid receptor kinase (112 ceptor similar to CLVI but devoid of cytoplasmic kDa) that had features found in several hormone re- domain. In vivo, inactive complex CLV1- CLV2 is ceptors in plants and animals. It contained an formed (185 kDa weight), which is linked with NH2-terminal hydrophobic signal sequence, disulphide bridge. CLV1 and CLV2 are expressed in extracellular leucine-rich repeats (LRRs), a trans- the central layer of the SAM (Fletcher et al. 1999). membrane domain, and a cytoplasmic kinase do- CLV3 contain the sequence of small extra-cellular main. Seventeen potential N-linked glycosylation polypeptide (78 amino acids) with an amino-ter- sites were also found. The major extracellular do- minal putative signal sequence (Fletcher et al. main of this protein contained 21 tandem copies of 1999). So far CLV3 is not homologue to any known a 24-amino acid LRR (Matsubayashi et aL 2002). It plant or animal protein. It is synthesized in SAM re- was suggested that this string of LRRs played a key gion on L1 and L2 tunica layer of nondifferentiated role in protein-protein interactions. In addition, a cells, especially near the apical surface (Fletcher et 36-amino acid island was detected in the 18th LRR al. 1999). Cock and McCormick (2001) found that (Fig. 1). An island domain has also been found a 13-amino acid conserved domain of CLV3 ex- among the extracellular LRRs of the brassino- isted in the C terminus of five maize endo-


cell wall main, and to the autophos- CLV3 X phorylation of CLV1 (Flet- cher 2002). The phosphory- lation of the intracellular do- mains of CLV1 activates, whereas its dephosphory- plasma membrane lation terminates specific signalling pathway. It was affirmed that two additional proteins, KAPP (Kinase- -Associated Protein Phos- JC_ °'" phatase) and Rho GTPase- -related protein are involved MAPKs? 4 "*/ " GpP? in CLV1-CLV2-CLV3 ac- tion (Fig. 2). This 450-kDa complex may control WUS gene expression through MAP kinases (Mitogen- Fig. 2. A modelof CLAVATAsignal transduction(modified from Clarc 2001): I- formation -Activated Protein kinase) of the complex CLV 1-CLV2-CLV3, II - activation of the intracellularprotein kinase do- (Fletcher 2002). WUS pro- main of CLV 1 and autophosphorylation,III - formationof the complexCLV-KAPP - Rop, motes cell division in the IV - transport of signal through MAPK kinases which restrain WUS gene expression. meristems and acts antago- nistically to the CLV genes sperm-specific polypeptides (ZmEsrs) and (Laux et aL 1996). The posi- DeYoung and Clark (2001) showed this domain in tive and negative feedback interactions between the C terminus of 21 Arabidopsis CLV3-1ike poly- CLVgenes and WUS maintain the balance required peptides, which began with either a dibasic (20 for stem cell proliferation, both temporally and spa- polypeptides) or a single basic residue (6 poly- tially (Schoof et al. 2000). Rop GTPase and KAPP peptides). However, WUS encoded putative tran- phosphatase take part in modulation of CLV1 scription factor, which promoted and/or restrained phosphorylation status and because of that antago- the cell divisions. It is interesting that this gene ex- nistically regulate cell proliferation in SAM pression always takes place in a few cells located in (Fletcher et al. 1999, Clark 2001) (Fig. 2.). the central part of the L 3 layer. Although WUS gene expression takes place only in these cells, its pro- SCR/SPll duct is transported to others cells of the SAM, which undergo division and then differentiation For a few years genetic mechanism of sporophytic (Clark 2001). self-incompatibility (SI), in which genes expressed in the pollen and in the stigma determine whether The signal transduction pathway in SAM, leading pollen-stigma interaction is compatible or incom- either to stimulation or inhibition of cell prolifera- patible, is well understood in Brassicacae. SI is tion, is still not well known. Especially important is controlled by a single multiallelic locus (S-locus) the balance between regulation of cell proliferation (Brugiere et al. 2000). This S-locus is highly p61y- and organ formation in the shoot and flower meri- morphic and more than 60 different S alleles have stems of Arabidopsis. It is considered that CLV 1 as- been identified in brassicas. Molecular analyses re- sociates with CLV2 through disulfide bonds and vealed a complex structure for the S locus, which forms 185 kDa complex (Clark 2001). CLV3 pro- contains several physically closely linked genes tein interacts with receptors CLV 1-CLV2. Binding (Gaude and Cabrillac 2001). Three genes have been of CLV3 leads to formation of the complex (CLV 1- involved in recognition of self-pollen by stigma. CLV2- CLV3), to activation of protein kinase do- Two of them SLG (for S locus glycoprotein) and


SRK (for S locus receptor kinase) are A expressed in stigma, whereas the third pollen grain pollen grain SCR gene (for S locus cysteine rich) is only expressed in pollen and in the tapetum (Schopfer et al. 1999, Lind- , *@ sey et al. 2002).

The SLG gene encodes a glycopro- tein secreted into the cell wall of stig- stigm ati c ~ ~ stigm ati c matic papillae (Nasrallah et al. 1985). papilla ~ ~ papilla This gene is usually intronless (except + * aquaporin (-) aquaporin (+) a few alleles, which contain one in- + , tron, where two proteins are encoded: closing of water channels opening of water channels a secreted and a membrane-anchored form) (Tantikanjana et al. 1993). The growth inhibition growth SRK gene consists of seven exons and of pollen tube of pollen tube encodes a membrane-protein that consists of: an extracellular domain, Fig. 3. A modelof signalperception and responsein the SI responsein Brassica: A which acts as a ligand-binding region, - self pollen,B - non-selfpollen. a single transmembrane region and a cytoplasmic domain exhibiting a serine-treonine with SLG, but not as strongly as with SRK. The bio- kinase activity (Giranton et al. 2000). logical significance of SCR-SLG interaction how- ever, is unclear (Franklin-Tong 2002). There are The SCR genes show structural polymorphism and two possibilities: SLG might modulate the encode small hydrophilic cysteine-rich polypep- SRK-SCR interaction response or SLG is involved tides (<10 kDa), similar to pollen coat protein to pollen adhesion tothe stigma via its interaction (PCP), containing 74-77 amino acids with the puta- with proteins present on the outside surface of a tive signal peptide cleavage site (Schopfer et al. pollen grain (Brugiere et al. 2000). 1999, Matsubayashi et al. 2001). Mature SCR pro- teins (named also SP11) consist of 50-59 amino ac- ids and might diffuse between developing pollen ENOD40 and migrate through the cell wall from the pollen Some soil bacteria (mainly belonging to genera coat to the plasmalemma of the interaction stig- Rhizobium) are able to induce nodule formation on matic cell. These proteins bind the ectodomain of the roots of legumes. The interaction between these SRK, but binding is possible between specific al- bacteria and host plant starts with signal exchange leles (Gaude and Cabrillac 2001). Therefore, SRK and recognition of the symbiotic partners (Mikla- and SCR appear to act as a receptor-ligand pair dur- shevichs et al. 2001). Secreted by plant roots spe- ing pollen self recognition (Lindsey et al. 2002). cific flavonoids stimulate bacteria, which in turn Gaude and Cabrillac (2001) suggested that interac- start to synthesize lipochitooligosacharides (LCO), tion of SCR with SRK leads to a conformational called Nod factors (Lerouge et al. 1990), responsi- change of the SRK kinase domain that allows acti- ble for activation in roots Enod (Early nodulin) vation of SRK receptor kinase, which in turn is in- genes (Ryan 1996, Barciszewski and Legocki volved in initiation of a signal transduction cas- 1997, Downie and Walker 1999, Miklashevichs et cade, leading to the SI response. ARC1 protein, al. 2001). ENOD40 is one of the earliest nodulins, which interacts with the cytoplasmic domain of which is expressed by Rhizobium in the legumes SRK is one of the components of this pathway (Crespi et al. 1994, van de Sande et al. 1996). (Kachroo et al. 2002). The study of Ikeda et al. (1997) showed that a specific aquaporin (water The ENOD40 gene was found in several legumi- channel) could be an end point of SCR-induced sig- nous species. Its homologues were also present in nalling pathway (Fig. 3). SCR also may interact same non-leguminous plants - tobacco and rice


ENOD40 is first expressed in oyb e~tl the pericycle adjacent to the protoxylem poles in legume ENOD40 gene [ aFIll RF:I roots. It is also expressed in Jl the dividing cortical cells, and that in consequence leads to ENOD40 peptides initiation of nodule develop- ment (Charon et al. 1997, Downie and Walker 1999, Lindsey et aL 2002). It seems that ENOD40 does not induce Alfalfa a process of cell division by itself, but rather its action de- ENOD40 gene I K3RF I K3RF II pends on other factors in- volved in cell cycle activa- ENOD40 peptides ~ 27:a~ tion. Mylona et al. (1995) suggested, that it could Fig. 4. Localization of sORFs on ENOD40 genes and encoding peptides from alfalfa and change the cytokinin/auxin (modified from Ryan et al. 2002) ratio in cortical cells.

(van de Sande et al. 1996, Kouchi et al. 1999). Recently, R6hrig et al. Genomes of different legumes contain more than (2002), using wheat germ in vitro translation sys- one copy of that gene (for example soybean, alfalfa tem, showed that two small peptides of 12 aa (A) and French bean) (Kouchi and Hata 1993, Papa- and 24 aa (B) were directly synthesized on soybean dopoulou et al. 1996, Fang and Hirch 1998). All ENOD40 mRNA. Both peptides specifically bind these ENOD40 genes contain two highly conserved to the same 93-kDa protein, nodulin 100, which is a short open reading frames (sORF); called boxes I subunit of sucrose synthase (SuSy), the enzyme and II (Fig. 4). In alfalfa ORF I at the 5' end encodes that catalyzes the reversible conversion of sucrose 13 aa and ORF H in central part of gene encodes 27 and UDP into UDP-glucose and fructose. It is pos- aa peptides (Albrecht et al. 1999, Sousa et al. tulated, that binding of peptides A and/or B to SuSy 2001). In soybean second sORF of 24 aa overlaps may either regulate enzyme activity or may direct the box I 12 aa sORF (Ryan et al. 2002) (Fig. 4). At SuSy to specific intracellular sites (RiShrin et al. the 3' end is a region encoding a conserved untrans- 2002). On the basis of their data Rthrin et al. (2002) lated RNA domain with highly stable secondary suggested that ENOD40 peptides were involved in structures, which may be involved in initiating the control of sucrose utilization in nitrogen-fixed plant cell division (Crespi 1994, Fang and Hirh nodules. 1998). However, ENOD40 has no N-terminal tran- sit sequence and therefore it seems unlikely that it is ENOD40 gene is expressed not only during root synthesized in the Golgi system or in the cytosol nodule morphogenesis, but also during lateral root (Ryan et al. 2002). development (Papadopoulou et al. 1996). The gene homologous to the ENOD40 in rice may play a role ENOD40s are produced as short peptides com- in vascular differentiation (Kouchi etal. 1999). Ex- posed of 13 (alfalfa, pea, vetch), 12 (soybean, lu- pression of gene similar to ENOD40 in tobacco pine) or 10 (tobacco) amino acids (van de Sande et protoplasts increases their sensitivity to auxin. al. 1996) (Table). These short peptides are biologi- Moreover, ENOD40s are induced during early cally active without their posttranslational modifi- steps of mycorrhizal interactions (Fang and Hirsh cation. However, other biologically active plant 1998). This suggests that some levels of signal peptides (e.g. systemin) are produced by the cleav- transduction in both symbiotic interaction: myco- age from their precursors (Sousa et al. 2001, and rrhizae and nodule formation are common (van see Table). Before initiation of cell division Rhijn et al. 1997). This hypothesis was indepen-


dently strongly supported by Endre et al. (2002) and RNP (Renal Natriuretic Peptide, urodilatin) and Stracke et al. (2002). (Gering 1999, Takei 2001). In mammalians and hu- mans ANP is released into blood circulation from Stracke et al. (2002) cloned orhologous SYMRK the right atrium of the heart and its main task is to (symbiosis receptor-like kinase) genes from support a proper flow of the blood stream. Other bird's-foot trefoil (Lotus corniculatus) and pea NPs, expressed in different parts of kidneys, control (Pisum sativum), which were required for both fun- water and ion homeostasis (Goetz 1991, Koller and gal and bacterial recognition. The determined Goeddel 1992, Anand-Srivastava and Trachte cDNA sequence codes a protein of 923 aa, with a 1993, Vesely et al. 1994, Patil et al. 1997). signal peptide, 3 extracellular LRR domains, a transmembrane and an intracellular protein kinase During several previous years it was shown that domain (Stracke et al. 2002). The NORK (nodula- animal NPs could influence a variety of processes tion receptor kinase) gene cloned by Endre et al. in plants. Synthetic rANP (rat ANP) of concentra- (2002) from Medicago sativa is a coding protein tion lower than 1 ~tM induced opening of stomata nearly identical to SYMRK. The genes identified pore in Tradescantia sp. (Gering et al. 1996). This by both groups seem to belong to the LRR receptor polypeptide loses its biological activity after break- subfamily. Nevertheless, the mechanism by which ing disulphide bridge between 7th and 23rd amino bacterial Nod factors are recognized by SYMRK acid residue, and this could suggest that a specific and NORK receptor kinases in legume plants re- secondary structure of protein decides on its bind- mains unknown. There are two possibilities: Nod ing to a receptor (Pharmawati et al. 1998a). The factors might directly or indirectly bind to extra- presence of specific rANP binding sites in cell cellular domains of these RLKs. Because LRR se- membrane from leaves of Tradescantia sp. and quence motifs have a general function in protein shoots was proved by in situ method by Suwastika recognition it is more probable that both SYMRK et al. (2000). The stimulating influence of rANP on and NORK receptors are only indirectly involved in opening stomatal guard cells was reversibly inhi- recognizing Nod factors. It is postulated that pri- bited as a result of preceding treatment of stomatal mary recognition could be performed by. secreted guard cells with guanylate cyclase inhibitor - LY extracellular molecules, which are recognized by 8353, while 8-Br-cGMP (cell permeant cyclic the LLR receptors after binding of lipo-chitooligo- cGMP analogue) reacted in the similar way as saccharidian to chemical structure Nod factors. rANP. These results suggested that in plants (like in This function may be played by lectins, well known animals), NP reaction depended on the stimulation for their involvement in carbohydrate-recognition of guanylate cyclase activity (Pharmawati et al. mechanisms (Spaink 2002). 1998a). The increase in cytoplasmatic cGMP con- centration could have a significant influence on a Natriuretic peptides rate flow of membrane water and ions, what was confirmed experimentally. By applying the Natriuretic peptides (NPs) or natriuretic factors 2H-NMR (2H-Nuclear Magnetic_Resonance) (NFs) belong to a large hormonal protein family method it was revealed that rANP promoted radial (Martin et al. 1990, Vesely et al. 1993) that was water movements from the xylem of Tradescantia identified in vertebrate (Gering et al. 1996, Takei shoots. Similar mechanism was revealed for 2001), various invertebrate species (Takei 2001), in 8-Br-cGMP, while LY 83583 and HgC12 (water Paramecium sp. (Takei 2001) and plants (Vesely channels inhibitor) restrained this process. On this and Giordano 1991, Billington et al. 1997, Yang et basis it was assumed that NPs could control trans- al. 1999c, Gering 1999, Vesley et aL 2001). In port of water via the regulation of guanylate cyclase mammalians, several kinds of NPs were classified, and water channels activity (Suwastika and based on the place of synthesis and the NPs fun- Gehring 1998). ction: ANP (Atrial Natriuretic Peptide), VNP (Ven- The antibodies against different fragments of ani- tricular Natriuretic Peptide), BNP (Brain Natri- mal ANP react with proteins present in plant ex- uretic Peptide), CNP (type C Natriuretic Peptide) tracts. It has been established by applying various


methods that in plants many types of NPs (which result suggests that cell membranes in plants con- molecular weight ranges from 3 to 10 kDa) may oc- tain a specific NPs receptor, having activity of cur. This corresponds to the size of C-end frag- guanylate cyclase, as it in case of animal receptors ments and whole (pro-NP) of animal NP (Pharma- NPs (Chinkers et al. 1989, Pharmawati et al. 1998b, wati et al. 1998b). Koller and Goeddel 1992).

In extracts from leaves and shoots of Dracena Pharmawati et al. (1999) observed that in maize goldseffiana the presence of rANP (1-98, 31-67, root vascular tissues irPNP caused an immediate 99-126) homologues was detected (Vesely and net H + influx and delayed net K + and Na + uptake. Giordano 1991). The quantity of this polypeptide in Delayed net K + influx was also observed in re- the studied plant was similar to this occurring in sponse to 8-Br-cGMP, however, it was not accom- heart atrium and ventricle of rat and ranged from panied by significant changes in net H + fluxes. 124 to 129 ng/g of plant tissue (Vesely and Gior- Pharmawati et al. (2001) also confirmed that ANP dano 1991). Furthermore, by means of high- and irPNP considerably increased the amount of -performance gel permeation chromatography cGMP in protoplasts of stomata cells. IrPNP did not (HPGPC) ANP-like peptide and its prohormone induce the increase in cGMP in the presence of were detected in leaves and stems of Metasequoia EGTA, which decreased the intracellular Ca 2+ level glyptostroboides (Yang et al. 1999c). The profile (Pharmawati et aL 2001). elution of an equivalent to the animal ANP, from a fraction derived from Metasequoia stems, showed Synthetic peptide identical to C-end (aa 99-126) of that it is a little larger, compared to the pure, syn- rANP also changed osmotic potential in protoplasts thetic rANP. These facts suggest a possibility that obtained from mesophyll cells, in a manner de- ANP may be present in this plant as a prohormone, pending on the concentration and the time. It was like in an animal kidney. It is considered that ho- shown that regulation of osmotic potential in plant mologous protein system was already present at the cell depended on NP, but was independent from early stage of the land plants evolution to allow cGMP. This data confirms the suggestion, that plant trees to reach heights greater than of 9 meters and proteins that are homologous to C-end of vertebrate made easier the transport of water and mineral salts proteins take part in maintenance of water and ion in stems (Yang et al. 1999c). balance (Maryani et al. 2001).

A protein isolated and purified from ivy (Hedera Evidence confirming the presence of the protein helix) extracts, equivalent to human ANP (1-28) hormonal system in plants is a recent report by was called irPNP. Its molecular weight is similar to Vesely et al. (2001). B y Southern blot hybridization rANP and like this polypeptide it stimulates open- method, they showed the presence of the ANP gene ing of stomatal guard cells. This effect was ob- sequence in ivy (Hedera helix) roots, stems and served at concentrations of IrPNP 100 times lower leaves. Northern blot analysis of the whole RNA when compared to rANP (Billington et al. 1997). isolated from leaves, roots and stems showed pre- IrPNP increased endogenic cGMP level in stele tis- sence in stems of a single ANP transcript - mRNA sue isolated from maize roots (Zea mays) as fast as of 850 bp, homologous to mRNA prohormone rANP did (within 30 seconds). The maximum con- rANE Data presented by the authors indicates that tent of this cyclic nucleotide was observed 10 min- despite the filogenetic distance between plants and utes after irPNP treatment, and after another 5 min- animals there is a similar hormonal system (Vesley utes cGMP concentration returned to the initial et al. 2001). level, cGMP also delayed the inflow of the K + ions Discussed data gives the evidence supporting the but this effect was not correlated with proper existence in plants equivalents of animal natriuretic changing of the H + ions. Increase in the cGMP level peptides. In both types of organisms, the mecha- was accompanied with potassium inflow into the nism of signal molecule activity could depend on root cells (Pharmawati et al. 1998b). However, af- regulation Of water and ion balance. We need fur- ter applying synthetic animal ANP, kinetine and LY ther studies to better understand the role of NPs in 83853 no physiological effect was observed. This plant. Theses studies will show in which cells and


tissues the pro-peptide forms of these compounds IGFII (Insulin Growth Factor I and II) act via mem- are synthesized, how their maturation proceeds, as brane receptor, protein kinase. Its activation leads well as they should also explain what is the struc- to stimulation of tyrosine kinase activity intrinsic to ture of their receptors and how they work. the receptor and phosphorylation of tyrosine resi- dues on both the receptor itself and other target cel- lular proteins (Komatsu and Hirano 1991). RALF So far there is no direct evidence that insulin or its During isolation of systemin from tobacco leaves homologues are present in plants. Goodman and another short protein was isolated. Because this Davis (1993) affirmed that insulin markedly acce- 5-kDa polypeptide induces a rapid alkalinization of lerates (five times) cotyledons growth of sunflower the culture medium of tobacco and tomato suspen- (Heliaticus annuus), watermelon ( Cirullus sp. ) and sion cells it was named RALF (Rapid Alkalization cucumber (Cucumis sativus). This was the first evi- Eactor) (Pearce et al. 2001 a). It has been shown that dence that insulin and IGF promoted the rate of a clone isolated from a tobacco leaf cDNA library post-germinative development in plants. The pre- coded a 115 amino acids pre-proprotein, which sence of protein kinases in plant tissues and well contained a 25-amino-acid signal peptide (Table I) known role of insulin in fat and carbohydrate me- at its N-terminus and 45-amino-acid RALF se- tabolism, persuaded scientist to explore probable quence at its C-terminus. Within the RALF two influence of insulin and IGF on the activity of en- disulfide bridges were identified between Cys-18 zymes involved in conversion of fat to carbohy- and -28 and between Cys-41 and -47, which were drates in fat storing seeds. They detected an in- necessary for biological activity. RALF pre-pro- crease in the enzyme activity, which occurs during proteins are present in various tissues (xylem fibre, converting fatty acids from triglycerides to carbo- cambial region, callus) and organs (leaves, roots, hydrates. The activity of acyl CoA dehydrogenase, hypocotyls, fruits) from 16 species of plants repre- citrate synthase, malate dehydrogenase increased senting 9 families. It has been shown that RALF twice at insulin concentration of 0.1 U'dm -3 in all genes are highly conserved. The sequence identity three plant species, when compared to control. of tobacco RALF pre-proprotein from leaves with During germination of oil storing seeds there is a respective protein from tomato is 87 %, Arabi- rapid, synchronous increase in the activity of dopsis 80 %, potato 74 % and Medicago 71%. glyoxysomal enzymes and in the number of RALF polypeptide not only induced a rapid glyoxysomes. An increase in both glyoxysomal en- alkalinization, but also induced MAP kinase activ- zymes activity (e.g. isocitrate lyase, malate syn- ity (Pearce et al. 2001b). Moreover, tomato syn- thase), as well as catalase and glycolate oxidase ac- thetic homologue of the polypeptide inhibited root tivity (enzymes which do not take part in con- growth and development as well as germination of vertion of fatty acids from triglycerides to carbohy- tomato and A rabidopsis seeds (Pearce et aL 2001 b). drates) was found. Comparable effect was observed RALF gene products are found in different organs in case of seeds treated with IGFI and IGFII (Good- and cells of various species, suggesting that RALF man and Davis 1993). might have a more general role in plants (Ryan et al. 2002). Currently conducted studies should explain In recent years many publications appeared, point- the molecular mechanism of RALF, as well as the ing at the presence of insulin-like substances in structure of its receptor. some plants, whose action is linked to improvement of glucose metabolism. Water extracts from such plants as: Medicago sativa, Eucalyptus globulus, Insulin-like peptides Agrinomia eupatoria, Coriandrum sativum, Insulin is the protein hormone, secreted by Viscum album, Zygophyllum gaetulum, Sambucus beta-cells of vertebrate pancreas in response to high nigra, Aloe vera and Globularia alypum stimulate blood glucose levels. It is involved in maintenance insulin secretion from pancreas 13 cells, growing in of a proper glucose level in blood. This hormone vitro (Gray and Flatt 1997, Gray and Flatt 1998a, and two structurally related polypeptides IGFI and Gray and Flatt, 1998b, Gray and Flatt 1999a, Gray


and Flatt 1999b, Skim etal. 1999, Gray etal. 2000, ing insulin or insulin-like factors, it seems that leg- Okyar et al. 2001). The water extract from men- insuline is putative plant protein hormone (Watana- tioned plants did not lose its activity after treating be et aL 1994). Moreover, it was found to be highly with high temperature. However, this activity was similar (65 %) to the PAlb peptide of pea seed 2S lost (depending on plant species) after treating the albumin PAl (Higgins et al. 1989). The structure water extracts with acid or alkali (0.1 and biosynthesis of this PAlb peptide was de- HCL or NaOH). scribed but the function and site of accumulation is not known. In soybean seeds (Glycyne sp.) the presence of a cysteine-rich glycoprotein- Bg (Basic 7S globulin) (Watanabe et al. 1994) was found. The protein Conclusions homologues to Bg were discovered also in other The field of plant signalling peptides is set to ex- Leguminosae plants (e.g. azuki bean, lupin, mung pand (Gering 1999, Lindsey 2001, Linsey et al. bean, cowpea) and cultured carrot (Dancus carota) cells (Komatsu and Hirano 1991). The Bg was able 2002, Matsubayashi et al. 2001, Ryan and Pierce to bind insulin, IGFI and IGFII and had a protein 2001, Ryan et al. 2002). As the genomics and kinase activity, which corresponded to about two proteomics tools are applied to the functional ana- thirds of the tyrosine kinase activity of the rat insu- lysis of plant peptides, we can expect new classes of lin receptor. This suggested that this type of protein small polypeptides involved in signal transduction. could be involved in mechanism regulated by insu- For example, the fully sequenced Arabidopsis ge- lin in many plant species (Komatsu and Hirano nome includes a large number of short open reading 1991). However, there is no evidence that Bg~like frames for possible peptide signal molecules (The proteins function as insulin receptors or IGF recep- Arabidopsis Genome Initiative, 2000). tors in plants. The structural characteristics of Bg The classification of the above described poly- (Komatsu and Hirano 1991) were compared to peptides into: hormone, growth factor or signalling those of the insulin and IGFs receptors. No peptides is difficult on the basis of currently avail- homology in amino acid sequence was found able data. Several plant polypeptides such as among these proteins (Ullrich et al. 1985, 1986). Bg PSK-ct, systemin, CLV3, SCR, RALF, irPNP and showed structural similarities to the insulin recep- leginsulin are synthesized as pre-proproteins (Ta- tor in glycosylation, the presence of a cysteine rich ble), apparently through the secretory pathway like domain and subunits (27 kDa and 16 kDa) linked animal hormones and growth factors (Lindsey together by disulphide bridge. Bg is localized in the 2001). Conserved dibasic pairs of amino acids that middle lamella of cell walls and the cell membrane are candidates for processing proteinases sites are (Nishizawa et al. 1993); it suggests that Bg may found in all tomato-related prosystemins (Con- have insulin receptor-like function. Watanabe et al. stabel et al. 1998), in all nine of the Arabidopsis (1994) succeeded in isolating the protein (4 kDa) RALF precursor proteins (Pearce et al. 2001b), in from germinating seeds embryo, which could bind three out of four PSK-ot precursor proteins (Yang et with Bg protein and took part in binding insulin to al. 2001), and in 20 out of 26 CLV3 precursor pro- this peptide. It was called leginsulin and consisted teins (DeYoung and Clark 2001). At least in case of of 32 amino acids. It had a stimulating effect on a systemin, the dibasic amino acids may be sites of phosphorylation activity of Bg, which may suggest degradation. Whether the same dibasic sites in that it was involved in cellular path of signal other signalling polypeptides lead to their produc- transduction. Analysis performed using a mass tion or to degradation remains to be determined spectrometry revealed that this protein was (Lindsey 2001, Rayan et al. 2002). Only the precur- post-translationally cleaved (glycine residue from sors of tomato prosystemin and of ENOD40 do not C-terminal was removed) similarly as in the case of have signal sequences (Table 1) and are apparently numerous protein hormones in animals. Leginsu- synthesized in the cytosol on free ribosomes, a sce- line's cDNA was cloned, sequenced and although nario not found with animal polypeptide hormone its sequence was not similar to cDNA clones encod- precursors.


PSK-~t, systemin and CLV3 are secreted outside gies to defense signalling in animals. Proc. Natl. Acad. the cell where they interact directly with specific re- Sci. USA 93: 12053-12058. ceptors. SCR appears to be unique in that it is syn- Bergey D.R., Ryan C.A. 1999. Wound- and systemin- thesized in the tapetum, transported to the pollen, -inducible calmodulin gene expression in tomato leaves. Plant Mol. Biol. 40: 815-823. and then to the stigma receptors. To date, the recep- tors for plant signalling peptide appear to be either Bergey D.R., Orozco-Cardenas M., Moura D.S., Ryan C.A. 1999. A wound- and systemin-inducible leucine-rich repeat receptors (PSK-~t, systemin and polygalacturonase in tomato leaves. Proc. Natl. Acad. CLV1 receptors) or cysteine-rich receptor kinases Sci. USA 96: 1756-1760. (SCR receptor) (Lindsey 2001, Linsey et aL 2002, Billington T., Pharmawati M., Gehring C.A. 1997. Matsubayasbi et aL 2001, Ryan et al. 2002). Until Isolation and immunoaffinity purify-cation of biologi- now, we did not know so much about RALF, cally active plant natriuretic peptide. Biochem. Biophys. ENOD40, irPNP and leginsulin receptors. Studies Res. Commun. 235: 722-725. concerning molecular structure of these receptors Bisseling T. 1999. The role of plant peptides in inter- are currently under investigation. cellular signalling. Cur. Plant Biol. 2: 365-368. Bishop G.J., Koncz C. 2002. Brassinosteroids and plant In final conclusion it is worth mentioning that steroid hormone signaling. Plant Cell 14:97-110. Arabidopsis genome has at least 340 receptor-like Brugiere N., Cui Y., Rothstein S.J. 2000. Molecular kinase (RLK) genes. The largest recognizable class mechanisms of self-recognition in Brassica self-incom- of transmembrane sensors in this plant is Ser/Thr patibility. Trend Plant Sci. 5: 432-438. kinases, including 174 LRR-receptor kinases (The Charon C., Johansson C., Kondorosi E., Kondorosi Arabidopsis Genome Initiative, 2000). Between A., Crespi M. 1997. Enod40 induces dedifferentiation them, only a few are known for their biological and division of root cortical cells in legumes. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA 94: 8901-8906. functions (Torii 2000, Matsubayashi et al. 2002). Therefore, we may predict that in the near future Chinkers M., Gabers D.L., Chang M.S., Love D.G., Chin H., Goddel D.V., Schulc S. 1989. A membrane new types of different signalling peptides will be from of guanylate cyclase is an atrial natriuretic found. peptidereceptor. Nature 338: 78-83. Clark S.E. 1997. Organ formation at the vegetative shoot meristem. Plant Cell 9:1067-1076. Acknowledgment Clark S.E. 2001. Meristems: strat your signalling. Curr. This work Was supported by the State Committee Opin. Plant Biol. 4: 28-32. for Scientific Research, Poland (Grant 5P06A 030 Clark S.E., Running M.P., Meyerowitz E.M. 1995. 16). CLAVATA3 is a specific regulator of shoot and floral meristem development affecting the same processes as CLAVATA1. Development 12 ! : 2057-2067. References Clark S.E., Williams R.W., Meyerowitz E.M. 1997. The CLA VA TA 1 gene encodes a putative receptor kinase Albrecht C., Geurts R., Bisseling T. 1999. Legume that controls shoot and floral meristem size in Arabi- nodulation and mycorrhizae formation; two extremes in dopsis. Cell 89: 575-585. host specificity meet. EMBO J. 18: 281-288. Cock J.M., McCormick S. 2001. A large family of Anand-Srivastava M.B., Trachtc G.J. 1993. Atrial genes that share homology with CLAVATA3. Plant natriuretic factor receptors and signal transduction Physiol. 126: 939-942. mechanisms. Pharm. Rev. 45: 455-497.] Constabel C.P., Ryan C.A. 1998. A survey of wound - The Arabidopsis Genome Initiative. 2000. Analysis of and metyl jasmonate - induced leaf polyphenol oxidase the genome sequence of the flowering plant Arabidopsis in crop plants. Phytochemistry. 47:507-511. thaliana. Nature 408:798-815. Constabel C.P., Yip L., Ryan C.A. 1998. Prosystemin Barciszewski J., Legocki A.B. 1997. Two plant signal- from potato, black nightshade and bell pepper: primary ling peptides: systemin and ENOD40. Acta Bioch. Pol. strctures and biological activities of the predicted 44: 795-802. systemins Plant Mol. Biol. 34: 55-62. Bergey D.R., Howe G.A., Ryan C.A. 1996. Polypep- Crespi M.D., Hurkevitch E., Poiret M., d'Auben- tide signalling for plant defensive gene exhibits analo- ton-Carafa Y., Petrovics G., Kondorosi E., Kondo- rosi A. 1994. ENOD40, a gene expressed during nodule


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Rceeived July 31, 2002; accepted December 05, 2002