Outstanding Alumni College of Architecture • Texas A&M University Outstanding Alumni College of Architecture Texas A&M University This is an official publication of the College of Architecture at Texas A&M University. It was published in conjunction with the college’s 2004 Outstanding Alumni Awards. Corrections to the biographical information appearing in this publication may be e-mailed to
[email protected], or mailed to Dean’s Office, College of Architecture, 3137 TAMU, College Station, TX 77843-3137. Outstanding Alumni biog- raphies can be accessed online at the college’s Web site: http://archone.tamu.edu. MESSAGE FROM THE DEAN “There is perhaps no greater measure of “a school’s success than for its graduates “to command the respect of those whom “they were prepared to serve.” Each year the College of Architecture at Texas A&M University hosts a special event honoring the many extraordinary former students who over the years have laid the foundation on which the college has built a tradition of excellence through academics and research. The Outstanding Alumni Award is the highest honor the college bestows on its former students. There is perhaps no greater measure of a school’s success than for its graduates to command the respect of those whom they were prepared to serve. The former students we honor this year, as well as those recognized previously, have not only gained the respect of their peers, but have been acclaimed as pioneers in their respective fields. They have advanced their professions with new knowledge wrought through innovation, extraordinary talent, and hard work.