THE JANUS PROJECT WORKSHOP PROCEEDINGS MARCH 21-22, 1997 MONTREAL, QUEBEC CCLOW CCPEF 47 Main Street Canadian Congress for Congrès canadien pour la Toronto. Ontario Learning Opportunities promotion des études chez la M4E 2V6 for Women femme Tel: (416)699-1909 Fax: (416)699-2145 email:
[email protected] Registered charity no.! N° d'enregistrement de la charité 0615- 179-13 CCLOW'S JANUS PROJECT Conference Proceedings The Janus Project: New Learning Technologies & Women March 21-22, 1997 Hotel du Fort, Montreal, Canada Proceedings prepared by Christina Starr _______________________________________ A national voice for women's education and training in Canada Un porte-parole national de l'éducation et de la formation des femmes au Canada Also available from CCLOW's Janus Project: New Learning Technologies: Promises and Prospects for Women, A Discussion Paper prepared for CCLOW by Jennifer O'Rourke and Linda Schachter, March 1997 edited for CCLOW by Christina Starr, May 1997 Available for $14.95 + $2.50 (postage and handling) +$1.22 (GST) = $18.67 Orders can be sent by fax, e-mail or mail, or by calling the CCLOW office. ToII free: 1 -800-858- 7 558 What is CCLOW? The Canadian Congress for Learning Opportunities for Women is a national, feminist organization dedicated to addressing education and training issues for girls and women. Our goal is to achieve social, political and economic equality for women through improved and expanded learning opportunities. Key focus areas are literacy, educational equity - with special emphasis on young women and violence as a barrier to women's education - and job training.