3/16/2017 Page 1

City of Board of Police Commissioners 1301 Third St. Room Detroit, Michigan Thursday, March 16, 2017 3:00 p.m.

Meeting before the Board of Police Commissioners at Detroit Public Safety Headquarters, 1301 Third St., Detroit, Michigan on Thursday, March 16, 2017.

ATTENDEES FOR BPCM: Reginald Crawford Eva Dewaelsche Conrad Mallett, Jr. Derrick Sanders Willie Burton


Reported by: Sherrayna Coleman, CSR-6485 3/16/2017 Page 2 1 TABLE OF CONTENTS



4 Call to Order...... 03

5 Invocation...... 03

6 Introduction of Commissioners...... 03

7 Approval of Agenda for March 16, 2017...... 10

8 Approval Minutes for March 9, 2017...... 11

9 Introduction of BOPC Staff...... 11

10 BOPC Officers' Report...... 11

11 Chief of Police Report...... 20

12 Presentation to the Board...... 25

13 BOPC Standing and Ad hoc Committee Reports...... 43

14 Report from Board Secretary...... 49

15 Old Business...... 50

16 New Business...... 51

17 Oral Communications/Public Comment...... 56

18 Adjournment...... 66







25 3/16/2017 Page 3 1 Detroit, Michigan

2 Thursday, March 16, 2017

3 3:03 p.m.

4 ------

5 CHAIRPERSON BELL: I'm going to call the

6 meeting to order. Welcome to the weekly

7 afternoon meeting of the Board of Police

8 Commissioners. I am your chair, Willie Bell from

9 District 4 and this is the Board of Police

10 Commissioners. Make sure you're at the right

11 place at the right time. I'm going to ask that

12 our chaplain, she is going to introduce herself

13 and have an opening prayer. And keep in mind the

14 officers who are facing health challenges from

15 the incident last night.

16 (Whereupon the Deputy Chief

17 Chaplain Taylor conducted the

18 opening prayer.)

19 CHAIRPERSON BELL: Thank you, Chaplain

20 Taylor. I'm going to ask commissioners to

21 introduce themselves but we have an excused

22 absence for Commissioner Elizabeth Brooks and

23 Commissioner Richard Shelby and hopefully

24 Commissioner Lisa Carter will be joining us

25 shortly. So I will start to my left. 3/16/2017 Page 4 1 COMMISSIONER CRAWFORD: Commissioner

2 Reggie Crawford, District 3.


4 Ricardo Moore, Vice-Chairman, District 7.


6 Derrick Sanders, At-Large.


8 Eva Garza Dawaelsche.

9 CHAIRPERSON BELL: Thank you. I cannot

10 call the meeting officially to order because we

11 do not have a quorum at this time so we would

12 move to introduction. To my far left sitting in

13 for the Chief of Police James Craig is Deputy

14 Chief, one of my favorite deputy chiefs, René

15 Hall. She's joining us this afternoon

16 representing the Chief and she will be reporting

17 out in some time frame. If you want to introduce

18 any staff at this time.

19 DEPUTY CHIEF HALL: At this time I'll

20 have them stand up. Starting with DC Washington.

21 MS. WASHINGTON: Cilia Washington, Legal

22 Adviser.

23 MR. HUGH: Sergeant Hugh with Office of

24 the Chief.

25 MR. SIMS: Deshawn Sims. 3/16/2017 Page 5 1 MS. YOUNG: Lisa Young, agency CFO.

2 DEPUTY CHIEF HALL: Sharon Tillman is

3 back in the back trying to hide.

4 MS. TILLMAN: Sergeant Sharon Tillman

5 from Recruiting and we also have retired Joanna

6 Lee Johnson.

7 CHAIRPERSON BELL: Thank you, Deputy

8 Chief. Next would be introducing of the Board

9 staff Mr. Gregory Hicks, our board secretary.

10 Thank you, Mr. Chair. Just wanted to indicate

11 that we have several members of our staff who are

12 present today. To our immediate right is Robert

13 Brown and on the first row Ms. Underwood, Ms.

14 Johnson, Ms. White and then I'm going to come

15 back to, Chief Drake's staff. I also want to

16 indicate that Gail Oxendine is also present.

17 She's in the front row. And I would also want to

18 report to you that Denise Ward is the--I'm sorry

19 -- Shay Coleman is the court reporter. Media

20 services is taping or doing the audio visual work

21 today and Sergeant Quinn is taping today's

22 activity. Ms. Drake.

23 MS. DRAKE: Good afternoon. For the

24 record, Pamela Davis-Drake, Chief Investigator.

25 With us today I'm going to have them introduce 3/16/2017 Page 6 1 themselves.

2 MR. CRIMWELL: Asa Crimwell,

3 supervising investigator.

4 MR. AKBAR: Lawrence Akbar, supervising

5 investigator.

6 CHAIRPERSON BELL: Thank you, Mr. Hicks

7 and staff. Good to see you this afternoon. Do

8 we have any elected officials or representative

9 of any elected officials?

10 (None responded.)

11 CHAIRPERSON BELL: Wow. We're all

12 family. Okay. I see Madam President. Could you

13 introduce yourself.

14 (Inaudible)

15 MS. BUTLER: Katrina Butler (ph),

16 Community Relations Council.

17 CHAIRPERSON BELL: And I see Sharon

18 Panell (ph). Please stand up.

19 MS. PANELL: Sharon Panell from Detroit

20 Police Academy.

21 CHAIRPERSON BELL: Thank you for your

22 attendance. Any others that we might have

23 missed?

24 MS. SMITH: I'm Bernice Smith, your

25 precinct delegate from 149. 3/16/2017 Page 7 1 CHAIRPERSON BELL: Good to see you, Ms.

2 Smith. Thank you. The next item would be my

3 report. Mr. Secretary, do I have to pause to

4 give that report or see if we're going to get a

5 quorum or if I can do announcements.

6 MR. HICKS: No, Mr. Chair, I don't think

7 there's any problem with you giving the report.

8 There's no action items in your report that

9 requires a vote of the Commission.

10 CHAIRPERSON BELL: Okay. Seems like

11 we're in order. I just want to report out that

12 we all know the non-fatal shooting of two Detroit

13 police officers I'm pretty sure Deputy Chief Hall

14 is going to respond to that. My understanding

15 they are well and we continue to pray for

16 recovery from the Wednesday night incident.

17 The next announcement would be, I'm

18 somewhat out of order, but March 30th we have a

19 community meeting on immigration at Lesaed Youth

20 Center and there's a flyer and I'm going to ask

21 our Chair to report out on that in one second --

22 well, why don't we do it now.


24 Chair. We at our last meeting agreed that given

25 -- well, the last couple of meetings we had 3/16/2017 Page 8 1 talked about having a community meeting, a

2 special community meeting, in Southwest Detroit.

3 We had some leaders from the community come and

4 address the Commission indicating that there was

5 a lot of fear in the community and that things

6 were happening as it relates with the community

7 and the police and so we felt that it might be a

8 good idea to have a meeting there so that we

9 could kind of reassure the community and lay some

10 of those fears and maybe even educate the

11 community on some resources that might be

12 available to our immigrant community and maybe

13 some of their friends, family that may be

14 undocumented.

15 And so we did put a panel together

16 and I want to thank the Chair for being so

17 receptive to our having this forum and also the

18 Board Secretary and staff who have helped put

19 together a panel that will be at that meeting

20 March 30th at 6:30 at Lasaed Youth Center. There

21 is a flyer available at the back of the table. I

22 put some out there and I encourage you to take

23 them. We did them in English and Spanish because

24 we want to spread them out to the community far

25 and wide. So if you have any constituents who 3/16/2017 Page 9 1 would be interested or any people that you know

2 of that are working with the immigrant community,

3 this would be a very good meeting for them to go

4 to because it's a different area of questions

5 that we're answering and that is law enforcement

6 and that kind of information. So we did--we do

7 have four individuals that are going to--I'm

8 sorry--five individuals that are going to be on

9 the panel. We have Dr. Agustin Arbulu who is the

10 Director of Michigan Department of Civil Rights.

11 We have Chief James Craig. We have Council

12 Member Raquel Castaneda-Lopez from the Detroit

13 City Council, Adonis Flores from Michigan United

14 and they're doing a lot of work in the community

15 with regard to immigrants and, you know, working

16 with undocumented immigrant members as well.

17 And then we have Michael Nolan, who is an

18 immigration attorney with Clark Hill who has an

19 extensive background in working with immigrant

20 community and dealing with a lot of the issues.

21 So we're also going to invite community

22 organizations to have resource tables. We'll

23 have a few so that in case individuals from the

24 community need some discussion or assistance

25 we'll have those resource tables available. So 3/16/2017 Page 10 1 we were able to organize this in a very short

2 period of time, so we hope it will be very

3 helpful to our community. I want to thank

4 Ms. Cilia Washington because she's also been

5 helping and very kindly referring people for the

6 panel as resources for this event. So thank you

7 very much to everybody for helping to plan it.


9 Commissioner Dewaelsche. I want to acknowledge

10 Commissioner Conrad Mallett let who has joined

11 us. Good to see you this afternoon, sir.

12 COMMISSIONER MALLETT: Thank you, sir.

13 CHAIRPERSON BELL: It appears we now

14 have a quorum. Therefore, I'm going to call the

15 meeting officially to order again and we already

16 conducted roll call and I'm going to ask

17 Commissioners to approve the Agenda for this

18 afternoon's meeting.



21 CHAIRPERSON BELL: Those opposed?

22 (None responded)

23 CHAIRPERSON BELL: Motion carried. The

24 next item of business will be approval of the

25 Minutes from March 9, 2017. 3/16/2017 Page 11 1 COMMISSIONER MOORE: So move.


3 CHAIRPERSON BELL: Those in favor, aye?

4 (Several responded by indicating

5 aye.)

6 CHAIRPERSON BELL: Motion carries.

7 Thank you. I would continue on with my report

8 and thanks Commissioner Dawaelsche. That's a

9 very, very important meeting, I'm informed, not

10 just for the community but Metropolitan Detroit

11 and I warrant to extend the invitation and get

12 the word out as we go forward March the 30th at

13 6:30 p.m. That's a major time change in our

14 meeting schedule so I want to do everything we

15 can possibly do in terms of promoting and making

16 people aware.

17 Tomorrow March 17th would be graduation

18 class 2017 at Greater Grace Temple. You know the

19 address. You should know the location. It's

20 going to be at 10:30 a.m. and we had opportunity

21 to speak to the class on Monday morning and I

22 commend Chief Investigator Pamela Davis Drake for

23 bringing the weather and getting there on time.

24 It was good dialogue; approximately 30 young

25 people. And they were very enthused in terms of 3/16/2017 Page 12 1 entertaining all our questions, concerns and

2 interactions with that particular class. And we

3 have another class scheduled for next Monday for

4 those who might want to attend, Commissioners,

5 it's going to be at 10:30 at the Academy. So

6 that's good dialogue and they are looking forward

7 to graduating tomorrow. We are looking forward

8 in graduating tomorrow and giving their

9 assignments. I see Assistant Chief James White

10 has joined us. Good to see you and some others

11 may have joined us. Thank you. I appreciate

12 her.

13 Commissioners, you have a recommendation

14 we need to work that up in terms of body cameras

15 and electronic control weapons, and we need your

16 feedback so we can share this feedback with the

17 Department. You have that before you. You have

18 the information so as we move forward on that.

19 And there's also you have communication in

20 reference to on accord. Please read the

21 information and give us some feedback on that

22 particular item. So we appreciate that.

23 I just want to, on a sad note, make

24 mention that former retired Commander Troy

25 Quinn just in the last 24 hours, so lift up his 3/16/2017 Page 13 1 family as we go forth. There's no other

2 information at this time. My classmate who was

3 also interim chief investigator here with OCI and

4 also supervising Investigator Harrison Tolver's

5 (ph) mother passed and we offer condolence to the

6 family and we lift them up. And the funeral is

7 not this Saturday but next Saturday. We will

8 circulate the information on that. As you will

9 know, family members work for OCI, so keep that

10 in mind, that would be your grandmother. So as

11 we move towards bereavement keep them in your

12 prayers, as they say, in the spirit of it all.

13 That's all I have to report out at this time, and

14 I'm pleased that we're moving towards

15 March 30th. I think it's crucial that we respond

16 to the issues at hand because it's a whole lot of

17 issues of fear in the land and we want to try to

18 alleviate that as far as our role in terms of the

19 DPD and the Board of Police Commissioners and

20 others who have been working their due diligence

21 in that particular issue. We have resolution for

22 two individuals who are retiring from the Detroit

23 Police Department and I'm going to ask, first of

24 all, our Vice Chair to lift up the first one in

25 terms of Officer Ward. 3/16/2017 Page 14 1 MR. MOORE: Resolution on Retired Police

2 Officer Vannice Ward. Whereas Mr. Vannice Ward

3 was appointed to the Detroit Police Department on

4 January 17, 1995 and upon graduating from the

5 Detroit Metropolitan Police Academy, Officer Ward

6 began his career assigned at the 9th Precinct.

7 Now, therefore be it resolved that the Detroit

8 Board of Police Commissioners speaking on behalf

9 of the Detroit Police Department and the citizens

10 of the City of Detroit, recognize the devoted

11 commitment to public safety of Officer Vannice

12 Ward. His pride and dedication has been valuable

13 assets to the Department and merits our highest

14 regard. We thank and congratulate you, Officer

15 Vannice Ward. Move for adoption, Mr. Chair.


17 CHAIRPERSON BELL: Its been properly

18 moved. Those in favor.

19 (Several responded by indicating

20 aye.)

21 CHAIRPERSON BELL: Resolution passed.

22 Thank you. The next resolution Commissioner

23 Crawford is going to address that and you're

24 going to take the podium because that young lady

25 is in the house. 3/16/2017 Page 15 1 COMMISSIONER CRAWFORD: After I read

2 this resolution I have some personal comments.

3 I'm really Honored to stand here and read this

4 resolution pertaining to investigator Suzette

5 Sharper. Resolution honoring Investigator

6 Suzette Sharper. Whereas Ms. Suzette Sharper was

7 appointed to the Detroit Police Department

8 October 13, 1986. Upon graduating from the

9 Detroit Metropolitan Police Academy, Officer

10 Sharper was assigned to the 8th Precinct.

11 And whereas, Officer Sharper faithfully

12 and dutifully worked in numerous areas of the

13 Department which included the 6th Precinct,

14 Narcotics Section, the 12th Precinct and

15 Community Policing Division.

16 And whereas Officer Sharper's upward

17 career in-law enforcement was demonstratively

18 enhanced by her love for the City of Detroit and

19 its citizens. She was promoted to rank of

20 investigator on March 21, 1997 and assigned to

21 the Police Recruiting Section where she remained

22 until retirement and whereas Investigator Sharper

23 was the deserving recipient of one (1) Chief's

24 Unit Award, one (1) Departmental Citation, three

25 (3) Chief's Citations, her Firearms Qualification 3/16/2017 Page 16 1 categories of over the last sixteen years are

2 eight Expert, fourteen (14) Sharpshooter and five

3 (5) Marksman. She also received a Major League

4 Baseball All-Star Recognition Award, the Rosa

5 Parks Funeral Recognition Award, the Super Bowl

6 40 Recognition Award, and numerous letters of

7 commendation from citizens and superiors.

8 Whereas, Investigator Sharper has proven

9 herself selfless and giving to the call of public

10 safety. She will retire from the Department

11 March 24, 2017 with over 29 1/2 years of

12 dedicated service to the citizens of Detroit.

13 Now, therefore, be it resolved that the

14 Detroit Police Commissioners speaking on behalf

15 of the citizens of Detroit and Detroit Police

16 Department recognize and honor the long

17 commitment of Investigator Sharper. She has

18 devoted her life to public service and safety and

19 has executed duties of a remarkable officer.

20 Your exemplary efforts and selflessness giving

21 merits to our highest regard. We thank you and

22 congratulate you, Investigator Suzette Sharper.

23 Detroit Board of Police Commissioners. Thank

24 you.

25 CHAIRPERSON BELL: Its been properly 3/16/2017 Page 17 1 moved and supported. Those in favor, aye.

2 (Several responded by indicating

3 aye.)

4 CHAIRPERSON BELL: Those opposed.

5 (None responded.)

6 CHAIRPERSON BELL: Motion carries.


8 note, some 20 something years ago, very fortunate

9 that then Officer Sharper, ultimately

10 Investigator Sharper became a part of a group of

11 police officers. We started an organization

12 called DAAP, Detroit African American Police, and

13 she worked tirelessly for years with our

14 organization. Not only for the betterment of the

15 Police Department but also for the community.

16 I mean, countless days and months of

17 work not only in the community but within the

18 Department. I do appreciate you for standing up

19 all those years and not only in the beginning of

20 the group but, you know how hard we work to make

21 this a better place and a better department. I

22 can say on behalf of the members of that

23 organization too, thank you.

24 CHAIRPERSON BELL: I think that your

25 better half will want to join you at some 3/16/2017 Page 18 1 in time. He's my former officer of the 4th

2 Precinct. He followed me at OCI Lloyd Sharper

3 and he's part of the 7-Mack and Gratiot group of

4 people that served this Department back in the

5 '70s. Thank you esteemed Board. I'd like to

6 recognize each and every one of you and thank you

7 for this opportunity to address you.

8 I'd also like to recognize my esteemed

9 supervisors and also my staff and co-workers, my

10 staff, but my co-workers and each and every one

11 who is in attendance here. I am humbled by this

12 award. I really appreciate this. I am a product

13 of Detroit and the Detroit Public School. I

14 really appreciate the opportunity. I appreciate

15 and I lift up the names of the trailblazers who

16 made it possible for me to come onto the Police

17 Department.

18 I really appreciate that and it has been

19 my pleasure to serve the Department and the City

20 of Detroit for actually over 30 years. I would

21 like to say an old African proverb I am because

22 you are. Because you are awesome, because you

23 persevere because of your wit, your direction,

24 your friendship, your honor and all of the other

25 positive things. 3/16/2017 Page 19 1 Lastly, but definitely not least, I'd

2 like to lift up and recognize my husband, retired

3 Lieutenant Lloyd Sharper who has well over 30

4 years of service with the Detroit Police

5 Department. I appreciate him. He's been my

6 mentor, my friend and he has definitely

7 encouraged me as we both together served the City

8 of Detroit. Thank you and God speak to each and

9 everyone.

10 CHAIRPERSON BELL: We wish you the best

11 in your retirement and your challenge, your life,

12 there is life after retirement and I wish you all

13 the sunshine and all God's blessing each and

14 every day. I have one challenge for you, take

15 care of Brother Sharper. It's always good when a

16 person take time to come out and receive those

17 resolutions. It's always a blessing to see and

18 interact with them, but your recruitment family,

19 your last assignment, to share that with you and

20 I know you have a celebration coming up on

21 Monday. I'm going to try to get by that. It's

22 just really a blessing.

23 The next point of business would be our

24 very own Deputy Chief René Hall who is going to

25 report out for Chief Craig and we are now joined 3/16/2017 Page 20 1 by Commissioner Willie Burton.

2 MS. HALL: Good to see you this

3 afternoon, sir. The first thing I want to talk

4 about is I'm going to give you some crime

5 statistics. We are steadily seeing a decrease

6 in our aggravated assault and as well as our

7 robberies. We've seen a slight increase in our

8 now fatal shootings and our homicides, but they

9 are trickling down. We are only two more this

10 year than we were this time last year for our

11 homicides, and for our non-fatal shootings we're

12 only three more this year than we were this time

13 last year.

14 I do want to take a moment just to bring

15 you up to speed with the officers and the

16 incidents that happened last night. As most of

17 you know, and have seen the news, we have two of

18 our officers from the 3rd Precinct who were

19 engaged by gunfire by a lone assailant. We have

20 since apprehended him. It was a coordinated

21 effort last night by Michigan State Police,

22 Border Patrol, DPS, FBI, ATF. When we talk about

23 law enforcement and brotherhood and sisterhood,

24 it is truly and truly an honor that when one of

25 us calls for help or says officer down; we never 3/16/2017 Page 21 1 want to hear that. We never want to hear those

2 words, but the kind of response that we got on

3 last night and on so many other times that it's

4 too many to count, but just that level of respect

5 and the togetherness that we shared makes this

6 job worth doing it even in the danger that we see

7 on everyday.

8 The officers are in stable condition.

9 One of the officers took a bullet to the ankle.

10 He has a broken leg. He went into surgery this

11 morning. He is still doing fine. The other

12 officer, I don't necessarily want to call their

13 names, but the other officer took a bullet to the

14 neck. He's still awaiting a surgery. There's

15 going to be a few more complications. We're just

16 asking each and every one of you to continue to

17 lift us up as a Department and the two of them

18 individually and their families in prayer. We

19 truly need that. We know that they're going to

20 be okay. We believe that. Just thank you for

21 your continued support, Board, your texts, your

22 calls, those of you who showed up at the multiple

23 locations. We just appreciate everything that

24 you guys do for us in and the support that you

25 give to us. 3/16/2017 Page 22 1 You already talked about, Mr. Chairman,

2 the graduation on tomorrow, so I do not have to

3 talk about that, and just at this time there's

4 going to be a presentation regarding the charter

5 improvement plan by Assistant Chief White.

6 CHAIRPERSON BELL: I want to pause for

7 one second. Commissioners, do you have any

8 questions or concerns for Deputy Chief?


10 statement. I wish the officers a speedy recovery

11 on behalf of the Board.



14 I can make one comment. I know I've said this

15 numerous times, as a lifelong resident of Detroit

16 is the speed at which you are apprehending the

17 criminal. I was amazed that it was being shown

18 on TV. It was just being announced that two

19 officers were shot and then within the hour,

20 couple of hours, you apprehended them so I just

21 want to commend you and I feel so much safer as a

22 resident, so thank you very much, for that.

23 MS. HALL: Thank you. I do want to say

24 that that is due to our relationship with you and

25 our community. We cannot without the help of you 3/16/2017 Page 23 1 -- we've got telephone calls. We got tips from

2 everyone who could possibly have known this

3 individual and where he once resided. So it's

4 our relationship and we can just continue that

5 and we're doing our part to ensure that that

6 relationship stays strong, so thank you very

7 much.

8 CHAIRPERSON BELL: Thank you. AC White.

9 ASSISTANT CHIEF WHITE: Good afternoon,

10 Board. Assistant Chief James White. So we have

11 a number of reports that are being prepared for

12 the Board's approval. We have a few reports that

13 I'd like to just talk about briefly one being the

14 plan of action, which is a very comprehensive

15 approximately sixty page document that my staff

16 actually--my staff of one is in the process right

17 now of breaking out with regards to answering the

18 questions from the previous plan of action.

19 Then we have the improvement plan which

20 is another document that I have with me today

21 that we've just completed. This is a 78 page

22 document which by charter talks about where we

23 are with the Department and where we intend to

24 go in the near future and the future state it

25 will conclude with the ideas that we're bringing 3/16/2017 Page 24 1 forward for 2017 and then there's the annual

2 report, which is approximately a hundred pages.

3 So, as you can imagine, it's a great opportunity

4 to gain some efficiencies and process by

5 presenting one report that I believe encompasses

6 all of those concerns and that would be the

7 annual report. So, I don't know, certainly this

8 is not the time to resolve that issue but I just

9 want to make the Board aware that there are three

10 reports that, in essence, are asking the same

11 information. I believe that we can accomplish it

12 by dedicating those efforts and resources to

13 providing you with a comprehensive annual report.

14 COMMISSIONER MOORE: Through the Chair,

15 just a quick point of clarification. Are all

16 three reports separate requirements of the City

17 Charter?

18 ASSISTANT CHIEF WHITE: The only report

19 that I see that's a requirement of charter would

20 be the annual report, and I'm sorry, there's two

21 reports. There's a plan of action and the

22 improvements report.


24 CHAIRPERSON BELL: Commissioners, any

25 other questions? 3/16/2017 Page 25 1 (None responded.)

2 CHAIRPERSON BELL: What would be the

3 timeline for combining this report in terms of

4 reporting out? What would be your projected

5 time?


7 year I'm going to provide all three reports and

8 today I'll be leading in the record the

9 presentation, not the entire report, because as I

10 indicated, it's 78 pages. The Board will be

11 provided a digitized copy of this report and I

12 will be reading into the record just the

13 executive summary of the report.

14 We are in the process of completing the

15 survey unless the Board's pleasure is that the

16 survey is not required. There will be no

17 opposition from me on that and then the annual

18 reports conclusion is scheduled for the next

19 thirty days.

20 CHAIRPERSON BELL: That's the end of

21 comments. Okay.

22 ASSISTANT CHIEF WHITE: So the executive

23 summary, the executive overview will be just a

24 formal reading to the record. The charter of the

25 City of Detroit requires that the Police 3/16/2017 Page 26 1 Department submit an annual improvement plan to

2 the Board of Police Commissioners and the Mayor

3 of the City of Detroit. This requirement stands

4 up to reason and organization that's complex and

5 multi-faceted as the Detroit Police Department

6 must undergo constant reevaluation to make sure

7 members are missing according to nationally

8 recognized best standards and practice in a

9 manner that is both progressive and practical.

10 To help ensure an improvement plan the Chief has

11 impaneled a team of administrators to assess

12 their current operations and to note any need for

13 improvements.

14 Emphasis was placed on transparencies

15 and candor and minor issues were not to serve as

16 pretext for major issues. The team's work was

17 then collected, reviewed and organized under this

18 cover. We continued striving to provide optimal

19 service for those who live, work and play in the

20 City of Detroit. The Department has been running

21 an aggressive recruiting campaign and they're

22 doing outstanding work, I might add, and this

23 initiative in order to continue to attract some

24 of the best and the brightest as we lose some of

25 our brightest; like Investigator Sharper. Those 3/16/2017 Page 27 1 types are certainly irreplaceable but we are

2 striving to get that done.

3 The strong concentration of building

4 state of the art high tech infrastructure, we are

5 looking to update our current technology and

6 equipment needs for our personnel. That's going

7 to include things such as the Real Time Crime

8 Center, new communications, and in fact this new

9 building; those types of things.

10 We're excited to be a part of such an

11 exciting time in the Department's history. This

12 document will illustrate some of the innovative

13 technological advancement that the Department is

14 currently undertaking. Some key improvements for

15 2017 will include but will not be limited to the

16 completion of the new 8th Precinct facility, the

17 completion of the 3rd Precinct facility, which is

18 a design built out that will take what's

19 currently there, build a locker room and turn

20 that building into a police precinct. Further

21 expansion of the Green Light Project expansions,

22 additional police vehicles being incorporated

23 into the Department's fleet, the expansion of the

24 Department's ranks through hiring initiatives and

25 the completion of the body wear camera and in-car 3/16/2017 Page 28 1 video initiative. The purpose of each of these

2 projects is to help facilitate the Department's

3 crime reduction efforts. Any improvement plan

4 will be reduced to mere words if there was not an

5 accountability mechanism to ensure the

6 Department's command staff adheres to it. For

7 this reason, the Chief tasks oversight of this

8 plan to select them members of the Department

9 senior management team, the deputy chief, myself

10 and the remaining members of the senior plan

11 management team completed in those documents.

12 He invites the Board of Police

13 Commissioners to follow up on any matters at your

14 discretion that you find after you review the

15 documents. We look forward to working with the

16 Board of Police Commissioners and the City's

17 various departments towards the improving the

18 quality of life for the members of the City of

19 Detroit. Thank you. Any questions?

20 CHAIRPERSON BELL: Commissioners?

21 (None responded.)

22 CHAIRPERSON BELL: We look forward to

23 updating in terms of overall report. Thank you

24 for this update.

25 ASSISTANT CHIEF WHITE: And this will be 3/16/2017 Page 29 1 sent digitally today. You will have this

2 document.

3 COMMISSIONER MOORE: Quick question. Is

4 that available to the public now as it stands

5 now?

6 ASSISTANT CHIEF WHITE: I would like for

7 the Board to review it and provide you any

8 answers to any questions that should come up,

9 maybe next week's session, and then we can clean

10 up the final document. We have not sent it to

11 the Mayor's office yet. So after your questions

12 I'd like to go back, address your questions. If

13 it changes any data that's in the book, if you

14 want to add something, you question anything

15 that we have in it, and then the final draft will

16 be made available to the community.

17 CHAIRPERSON BELL: Any other questions?

18 (None responded.)


20 MS. WASHINGTON: Through the Chair. I

21 have a quick presentation by DC Washington

22 regarding some repeals.

23 DC WASHINGTON: Thank you. Through the

24 Chair, if I may take just a moment just a bit of

25 a liberty to follow-up on AC White's 3/16/2017 Page 30 1 presentation, which a lot of hard work did go

2 into gathering those documents in reaching out to

3 the units. Mr. Secretary and I worked very, very

4 well together in working through requests that we

5 get. I would like, if we could, because a lot of

6 what we get is in more than one place in terms of

7 responses to the Police Commissioners because we

8 want to be totally responsive. In addition to

9 what AC White presented, I would submit to this

10 Board in addition to what is in place now for

11 improvement plan, goals and successes, that the

12 consent decree that our Chief brought us out of

13 with the assistance of this Board and with the

14 hard work of AC White I'm not sure if this Board

15 has copies because not everybody was here then of

16 the judge's opinion.

17 Sitting in that courtroom with the judge

18 and hearing him, a former Police Commissioner,

19 feeling so impassioned about the role of the

20 Board of Police Commissioners and how he wants

21 to see what's happening now, I thought it might

22 be helpful to bring some copies to .

23 Because in fact, this is--this was the very first

24 improvement plan and I can share that if it

25 pleases the Board. 3/16/2017 Page 31 1 CHAIRMAN BELL: We would appreciate it.

2 MS. WASHINGTON: Because I don't know

3 that you all have ever seen it.

4 CHAIRPERSON BELL: We haven't and we

5 were not here outside of some of the staff, but

6 that would be really helpful in terms of where we

7 are today and in terms of what's transpired.

8 MS. WASHINGTON: And in terms of the

9 process, when I get the request from the Police

10 Commission I should continue to forward the

11 responses through Mr. Hicks. Is that acceptable?

12 CHAIRPERSON BELL: Yes. Because we're

13 trying to have the Board function through the

14 Board secretary. That is the focal point of how

15 we have operated in the past. We have a great

16 relationship so we can continue to do that.

17 Thank you for allowing me to go off script a

18 little bit.

19 CHAIRPERSON BELL: We appreciate it. I

20 know you understand the role of the Board because

21 you work for the Board and we appreciate your

22 wisdom and insight. We might not always take it

23 but we welcome it. But I appreciate the

24 relationship. There has always been

25 relationships since 1974. And this Board, 3/16/2017 Page 32 1 Mr. Chair is known for being able to get along

2 with the Chief of Police. When I went to NOPO

3 and I went to those conventions and part ICP and

4 major city legal advisors. Not everybody has

5 what we have here and I think that it's

6 notable. We want to keep that going and keep

7 moving into the same direction.

8 CHAIRPERSON BELL: It's like coming into

9 a marriage. We came into this under the

10 emergency manager. We had came in as seven

11 individuals. It came down to six, and as we have

12 outgoing commissioners and we had incoming

13 commissioners, so its been a flow of

14 commissioners since we have arrived in 2014; you

15 know that. And, therefore, the training and

16 documentation and different personalities I think

17 we've come a long way in terms of elected and

18 appointed and all that.

19 But basically we've got one goal; and

20 that's to serve the City of Detroit in terms of

21 public safety in terms of quality and

22 accountability, so I think that's why we're here.

23 Hopefully as we leave our seats in the future

24 that we carry on the tradition. So I appreciate

25 that role because the Chief in terms of the the 3/16/2017 Page 33 1 Department is operating. We are oversight. And

2 oversight is still being explored. So what does

3 that mean? People don't really know, and

4 sometimes we somewhat hit and miss but we try to

5 stay in our lane, you know. We want

6 accountability and I think there's going to be

7 some hick-ups, some issues, as Commissioner

8 Mallett would know, and challenging jobs

9 administrating. We respect that.

10 MS. WASHINGTON: We certainly, and I

11 certainly, stand personally, and I think I've

12 made myself available if there's anything that I

13 can do to help I'm willing to do that.



16 I might, one of the things I think the Board

17 should be prepared for is the occasion of

18 disagreement between DC Washington and our Board

19 Secretary. You've got to do your job because you

20 can be damn sure we're going to do ours. So if

21 there comes a time where you feel like we have

22 run up too close to the supervision line and

23 we're dipping into management, you have an

24 obligation as the lawyer for the department to

25 speak up and say that. The chairman I think is 3/16/2017 Page 34 1 very, very conscious of the role that we play.

2 He's trying to articulate it regularly so the

3 public understands what our role is, but there is

4 always going to be some dynamic tension and there

5 are going to be days where the tension, using the

6 marriage analogy, where it appears we might not

7 be on the same page or maybe not speaking to each

8 other.

9 So, but like I said, you're the lawyer

10 for the Department. Mr. Hicks is the secretary

11 for the Board. It cannot be that you always

12 agree so don't be afraid. Step up. You do what

13 you gotta do. We're going to do what we gotta

14 do, and if it appears on occasion that it's

15 uncomfortable so be it, that's the way it's

16 going to be, but we are all acting, as the

17 Chairman said, in good faith. I just want the

18 Board to be prepared. There may be occasions

19 where Celia stands up here and says I disagree

20 and here's why.


22 Commissioner Mallett.


24 Chair, Commissioner Mallett, disagreement, it

25 will be okay. 3/16/2017 Page 35 1 CHAIRPERSON BELL: We know that's the

2 case.


4 in a while disagree, but it's gonna be all right.

5 MS. WASHINGTON: Absolutely. I

6 appreciate the comments. Mr. Hicks and I, we

7 have our moments, but we have them behind closed

8 doors and we have--I can't remember what he calls

9 it, but they're robust conversations, so I do

10 appreciate the support of the Commission.


12 do want to state that we are empowered by the

13 charter and we have to do due diligence and also

14 follow the charter. And we'll do our part to

15 make sure that happens.


17 attorney for the Department.

18 MS. WASHINGTON: So thank you. And to

19 move forward, so today we had a brief training

20 for our motor men and command staff and I

21 appreciate DC Hall for pulling everybody

22 together. And the reason it's probably important

23 and relevant for this audience because it is

24 televised. In the past there have been a number

25 of issues with taxicab drivers. Its been a very 3/16/2017 Page 36 1 hot topic. Councilman Cushingberry has taken the

2 lead on that. The result of all of those

3 discussions in my opinion has resulted in a

4 change of the statute. So it probably is worth

5 mentioning that effective the the 21st of March

6 the State will gain regulatory control over

7 taxicabs, limousines and what we call

8 transportation network companies. So that's your

9 Ubers, your Lyfts. So what does that mean to the

10 public? It means that the Detroit Police

11 Department will no longer be enforcing certain

12 things.

13 Now, when it comes to traffic laws,

14 violation safety, running red lights, the type of

15 violation that we're familiar with, the police

16 will still be empowered to do that. There are

17 only, under the new statute, there are only four

18 civil infractions that the police can enforce.

19 It's not just for Detroit. It's for any local

20 municipality that's for improper signage;

21 whereas, before your Ubers and your Lyfts were

22 unidentified vehicles. Now they have to have

23 some identifier and it has to be consistent. The

24 transportation network companies cannot hail

25 fares. 3/16/2017 Page 37 1 So in the past there's been issues with

2 the taxicab drivers, the concierge individuals

3 from the hotels and the Uber drivers having

4 arrangements so they can't--they can only respond

5 to requests for transportation on the network;

6 the TNC that was an issue. Let me just say the

7 goal in this, and I understand the State

8 legislature's point, they heard the taxicab

9 drivers and they just wanted to level the playing

10 field. There can't be excessive in their minds

11 enforcement on one side and then you have the

12 Ubers and Lyfts doing whatever they want. So now

13 these TNCs and Ubers and Lyfts have to carry

14 proof of insurance on them at all times.

15 And then the final piece is that they

16 cannot discriminate. So LARA is the regulatory

17 agency that will be regulating the taxicab

18 drivers. They have not come out with the

19 regulations yet. I'm working with the Law

20 Department so as those rigs are promulgated

21 through LARA we'll make sure our officers are

22 informed. But any interest that there are any

23 unfair or inappropriate pressure on one it should

24 be over.

25 COMMISSIONER MOORE: You said TNC, 3/16/2017 Page 38 1 Transportation Network Companies and those are

2 the companies that get their fares through a

3 network.

4 CHAIRPERSON BELL: Thank you for the

5 updates. There's one thing off the plate in

6 terms of taxicabs perhaps dealing with that

7 issue somewhat outside of the Traffic Enforcement

8 Section. You don't regulate and all that.

9 MS. WASHINGTON: And trip sheets was a

10 big deal. There was some push back on the

11 necessity or even do you need them anymore; do

12 they serve a purpose, but the State Legislature

13 actually now mandates trip sheets for everybody

14 and there are certain offenses in the Act and I

15 have copies of it, so you can take a look. It

16 actually rises to the level of a thousand dollar

17 misdemeanor if they fail to do it.

18 CHAIRPERSON BELL: Thank you. I do have

19 one concern at our last meeting and you were

20 there, officer from the 5th Precinct name has

21 surfaced several times on issues. We had them

22 talk to the Department and also with our staff.

23 I just want to know could we get some type of

24 report back in reference to this high profile

25 individual? Did we end up with any citizen 3/16/2017 Page 39 1 complaints from the individuals involved to the

2 officer that was named from the 5th Precinct?

3 MS. WASHINGTON: Yes, we do have. If

4 you're speaking to the vendors license?

5 CHAIRPERSON BELL: Yes. So in 2015 the

6 Chief feels very strongly, and you probably

7 noticed his body language last week, so there was

8 a directive that was put out with regard to, in

9 addition to Chief, the Law Department, had

10 directed us to suspend those tickets; short

11 version. So there's two issues; there's the

12 scalping and the vending. No citations to be

13 issued. We re-flashed that tele-type, and

14 Commander Betson (ph) and I are looking at those

15 specific tickets for those individuals and we

16 report back on the final outcome.

17 CHAIRPERSON BELL: Thank you for that,

18 but the other part was the demeanor. And my

19 understanding that this is a high profile issue,

20 so I'd like to see what will be the response of

21 the commanding officer or the Chief in reference

22 to this particular officer. Because my

23 understanding in talking to Chief Drake, they

24 have a profile and it was brought to the

25 Department's attention quite some time ago. So 3/16/2017 Page 40 1 we need to know what is happening with that. If

2 you don't know you can report it in the future

3 but if you want to respond, because it was quite

4 clear that these were good people, in a manner

5 they were really emotional about demeanor.

6 AC WHITE: So, with that, I know that

7 Chief Drake took the citizen complaint and that

8 will be investigated and I'll report back at a

9 later time as far as what the outcome is. But

10 know that we take it very seriously, and that it

11 will be thoroughly investigated, and I did meet

12 with each and every one of the folks that came to

13 that meeting. I stayed an hour behind the

14 meeting and heard all of their complaints. I

15 have been in constant contact with them and that

16 we will be able to report the outcome as far as

17 them, but as of right now, they're in a good

18 place the actual folks that came to the meeting

19 because they know I'm working on it.

20 CHAIRPERSON BELL: Thank you for the

21 update. It was so emotional that we have to have

22 a response.


24 say that I would like to wait until our

25 investigation has been completed before we, you 3/16/2017 Page 41 1 know, kind of expound on anything. We all heard

2 the Complaints last week and there's a formal

3 investigation now. So upon the completion of

4 that investigation then we can come back, which

5 is I think, in essence, to the Chair.

6 CHAIRPERSON BELL: Well, that's fine,

7 but this matter is sort of somewhat outstanding

8 from past investigations, so I don't want us to

9 continue 90 days and this officer is still

10 engaging in this type of behavior. This is the

11 pattern that we have already outlined and already

12 brought it to the attention. So that's why I

13 don't want us to procrastinate and say wait

14 another 90 days; we need to address this issue

15 now.

16 AC WHITE: So I personally had a

17 conversation with the officer. The officer will

18 not be issuing anymore of those type of ticket.

19 So, as far as future concern, as far as for

20 future holidays or vending, that will not occur.

21 And then we moved immediately to issues a

22 teletype, so as the Chief said in the meeting, no

23 officers will be writing those type of tickets.

24 We're out of that business and the teletype was

25 reflagged so it won't be a reoccurrence of that. 3/16/2017 Page 42 1 MS. WASHINGTON: I just wanted to speak

2 to the demeanor and just highlight that each and

3 every one of the individuals that complained

4 about this one particular officer, had to say

5 that 99 percent of their encounter with the

6 Detroit Police Department was positive. So that

7 I just wanted to remind the public that the

8 standard that the Chief has set for our

9 Department as a whole, we do not tolerate it and

10 we will not tolerate it from this officer as

11 well.

12 Once the investigation is complete we

13 will move to make sure that if his behavior was

14 not in line with the direction of the Detroit

15 Police Department that he will be disciplined.


17 MS. WASHINGTON: I just have one last

18 thing through the Chair. Just on behalf of the

19 Chief Investigator Sharper for 30 years of

20 service and we appreciate you and wish you God's

21 speed and thank you very much.

22 CHAIRPERSON BELL: Thank you, Deputy

23 Chief Hall. Okay. As we move on to getting

24 standing or ad hoc committee reports at this

25 time. 3/16/2017 Page 43 1 COMMISSIONER MALLETT: Mr. Chairman, if

2 I might. Occasionally, I get copies of the

3 citizen complaints that are filed and I trust the

4 judgement of Chief Investigator Drake and these

5 are in her judgement serious citizen complaints.

6 So what happens is these get boiled down, and I'm

7 going to return them back to her, but all of

8 these then are referred to the Chief for some

9 degree of counseling or the imposition of some

10 kind of recognition around the fact that you've

11 had some failure in terms of the policies and

12 procedures.

13 So, obviously, you guys keep a record of

14 what it is that is done. Is there a way for us

15 to--do we, Mr. Chairman, maybe I'm missing it

16 understand what the punishment that has been

17 played out what it was in a particular case. All

18 these say refer to the Chief for disposition.

19 What was the disposition? I'm just wondering

20 what goes on. Drake, do you know?

21 MS. DRAKE: Yes, sir. For the record,

22 Pamela Davis-Drake, Chief Investigator. We do

23 receive quarterly reports from Disciplinary

24 Administration, and it does--we provide a

25 spreadsheet for them. It kind of is a flow 3/16/2017 Page 44 1 chart. It talks about the case numbers and so

2 forth when the case actually came in to us, when

3 it was closed out. All of the findings and of

4 course the allegations, and at the end

5 disciplinary administration fills in the

6 disposition. So we get that on a quarterly

7 basis. I provide that to the Board on a

8 quarterly basis. So you should be receiving

9 those. If you haven't received them please let

10 me know because I will provide it for you.

11 Also in our last 2015 report, annual

12 report from the Office of the Chief Investigator,

13 those dispositions were in there and that

14 information, again, does come directly from the

15 Disciplinary Administration.

16 COMMISSIONER MALLETT: I guess the only

17 thing, Mr. Chairman, I would note is that when we

18 get the report it's hard for us to relate it back

19 to actually what occurred and so I don't have a

20 solution. I'm just raising it up as a potential

21 issue. Drake, I'm going to return these to you

22 because they have questions on them and perhaps

23 you can answer them for me.

24 MS. DRAKE: Sure, no problem.

25 CHAIRMAN BELL: Maybe we can make sure 3/16/2017 Page 45 1 that we're aware of the quarterly report that's

2 coming back. Perhaps you can even report out in

3 terms of your report in terms of where we stand,

4 because that's an issue that we've been trying

5 to get our arms around that so we appreciate

6 that.

7 MS. DRAKE: Just as a reminder, you've

8 been getting those reports now for about a year

9 and a half.

10 COMMISSIONER MALLETT: I have no doubt

11 that the process is working. I also have no

12 doubt that I have not been paying attention.


14 I could ask a question, quick question. On the

15 quarterly report how will it be listed on there?

16 Those that are referred for further disposition

17 to the Chief, how is it listed on the quarterly

18 report?

19 MS. DRAKE: I don't have the report in

20 front of me, but I know it is broken down by the

21 type of disciplinary that is given out. It could

22 be informal counseling. It could go all the way

23 up to a day suspended.


25 categorized? It says refer to the Chief. 3/16/2017 Page 46 1 COMMISSIONER MALLETT: Oh, yeah.

2 MS. DRAKE: All of the cases go

3 to--well, actually, all of the cases--not just

4 the ones that are sustained, but all of the cases

5 go to the Chief of Police designee. The

6 sustained matters then are sent to disciplinary

7 administration and they basically make the

8 decision as to what type of discipline the

9 individual will receive. Again, it can be

10 anywhere from informal counseling all the way up

11 to suspension. It just depends on the degree and

12 frequency. The Department can probably give you

13 more information on exactly how they break it

14 down and how they make that decision, but it is

15 very clear on the report that we receive, what

16 type of discipline they receive.


18 question is how you tie it.

19 MS. DRAKE: You can tie it to the case

20 number. The case numbers are on there. The BBC

21 and the--I believe the names of the individuals

22 are on there. Again, it has the allegation, the

23 finding and what the disposition is at the end.

24 So you can't tie it. It doesn't have any

25 narrative on the report, obviously, if we're 3/16/2017 Page 47 1 talking about a substantial number of cases every

2 month you're not going to be able to get all

3 the narrative in there, but you can tie the

4 specific case to the disposition. You can track

5 it.

6 CHAIRPERSON BELL: Could you recirculate

7 the last quarterly report. And what we're really

8 concerned with is the frequency of a particular

9 individual in high profile cases. But any

10 demeanor if it adds up is a major concern of

11 ours.

12 MS. DRAKE: And you do also receive--I

13 know the citizen complaint committee, I provided

14 that to them. I do have--I do see Mr. Hicks on

15 the report as well, the top 20 every quarter. So

16 you receive that as well or you should be

17 receiving it. I know the citizen complaint

18 committee does get that.

19 MR. MALLETT: Can you make sure we all

20 get that, Mr. Chairman.

21 CHAIRPERSON BELL: Yes. I'll send it to

22 Mr. Hicks and he will disseminate it.

23 CHAIRPERSON BELL: I want to acknowledge

24 Chief Craig has joined us.

25 CHIEF CRAIG: Thank you, Mr. Chair. 3/16/2017 Page 48 1 CHAIRPERSON BELL: Chief, do you want to

2 make any comments?

3 CHIEF CRAIG: I just wanted to give the

4 Commission an update. I just left the hospital

5 and the 3rd Precinct. Both officers are still in

6 recovery. However, one officer is going to have

7 at least three separate procedures so he's still

8 in significant pain. The second officer did have

9 surgery and he's going to be going through

10 therapy. So he will probably be released sooner

11 than later, but both are very fortunate.

12 As I reported out, the one officer who

13 sustained the gunshot wound to the leg was shot

14 twice in his upper torso. Had he not been

15 wearing protective body armor we'd probably be

16 having a different conversation today. Actually,

17 both are very fortunate. The suspect is still in

18 recovery at another hospital and it looks like

19 he's in stable condition at this point.

20 CHAIRPERSON BELL: Thank you. Any

21 questions or concerns. Thank you for we already

22 acknowledged outstanding work of DPD in terms of

23 apprehending individuals in a timely manner and

24 maintaining their composure with all of the

25 issues surrounding incidents like that. 3/16/2017 Page 49 1 I will tell you this was probably one of

2 the better managed incidents that I've seen in my

3 time here. It certainly was very heightened,

4 very dangerous. The suspect certainly from the

5 video from the in-car really depicts mostly the

6 entire incident. Clearly the suspect was

7 dangerous. He was aggressive. When he concealed

8 himself within the perimeter it was quickly

9 established the officers who ultimately arrested

10 him. He was again making an effort to silently

11 attack those officers so this individual was a

12 very dangerous person.

13 CHAIRPERSON BELL: Thank you, Chief.


15 MR. HICKS: Thank you, Mr. Chair. I

16 just wanted to bring to the attention of the

17 Board that where it appears tonight that several

18 of these reports appeared to collide with each

19 other. I just want to remind you of the process.

20 Roughly at the first of the year when you

21 authorized a new schedule for the entirety of the

22 year that schedule was shared with the

23 Department and each of the varying reports and

24 other activity was listed in connection with

25 those. 3/16/2017 Page 50 1 The two of those that are required by

2 charter as Chief White indicated the other one

3 really goes back to a report that was issued by

4 the Department in 2014 that quite frankly had

5 been on our side had nothing to do with the

6 Department was kind of laying around. We thought

7 as we began to look forward in terms of the

8 annual report and the improvement plan to simply

9 ask what had taken place between the 2014 report

10 and now.

11 That's what they're referring to as a

12 survey and the basic organization of that survey

13 lists out the varying things on the report and

14 just asks whether or not this is completed, 75

15 percent completed, 25 whatever the case may be,

16 so that you would just have a sense of something

17 that occurred from 2014 which was an extensive

18 report. So I wanted to simply point out those

19 things. Beyond that, Mr. Chair, I have nothing

20 to add in terms of a report tonight.

21 CHAIRPERSON BELL: Thank you, sir. Any

22 questions or concerns for Mr. Hicks? Mr. Brown,

23 have you circulated the cards? Thank you. Old

24 business?

25 (None responded.) 3/16/2017 Page 51 1 CHAIRPERSON BELL: New business.


3 Through the Chair under new business. There was

4 a media report today about some Detroit Police

5 Officer charged with a felony out in Ypsilanti

6 and the media report said he was suspended

7 without pay. So I will presume that will come

8 before us shortly.

9 CHIEF CRAIG: I'm not sure unless it

10 was an old case. There was a case that was

11 somewhat dated so I don't know what case.

12 MS. WASHINGTON: We suspended him last

13 year in October.

14 CHIEF CRAIG: So I guess he's still

15 without pay.


17 CHIEF CRAIG: One of the other ones

18 we're circulating.


20 Chief. There was one other matter. I was so

21 consumed with the events last night and today we

22 did have another officer shooting incident part

23 of a task force operation. As you know, Detroit

24 Police Officers work on a number of task force

25 officers with the US Marshals FBI Task Force. 3/16/2017 Page 52 1 Today in the City of Warrant DEFAT Task

2 Force went to serve a felony warrant for criminal

3 sexual conduct in the first degree of an

4 individual in the City of Warren. They had

5 contact with the individual. During that contact

6 the suspect pulled out a gun and began to fire on

7 the three agents including one being a Detroit

8 Police Officer. All returned fire and that

9 person succumbed to his injuries. So that matter

10 is being investigated. The criminal

11 investigation is going to be done by the Michigan

12 State Police with agreement of Warren because the

13 matter did happen in Warren. We will do a normal

14 administrative investigation following the

15 criminal.

16 CHAIRPERSON BELL: Thank you, Chief, for

17 that update. Announcement our next meeting is

18 going to be March 23th 3 p.m. publishing safety

19 headquarters. The next community meeting we

20 already made mention of is going to be March

21 30th 6 p.m. at Lesaed Youth Center at 7150 West

22 Vernor Highway and we're definitely high

23 profiling that meeting and I would hope that you

24 will share that with others not just in Detroit

25 but any other community that want to attend. 3/16/2017 Page 53 1 Item Number C would be our community meeting on

2 April 13th, which is on the second Thursday, 6:30

3 p.m. 11th Precinct New Greater Zion Hill Church

4 18891 St. Louis. That's east side. Someone

5 asked me what is the major artery there 7 Mile

6 and Mound area. But thank God for GPS in this

7 day and age. I just want to also announce that

8 the radio patrol which is really taking off is

9 having an appreciation recruitment night city

10 wide, and I call it the Old Redford Theatre 17360

11 Lahser Road March 20th. It's on a Monday. The

12 doors open at 5:30 and there's going to be

13 activities, awards, et cetera, free screening of

14 The Watch at 7 p.m.

15 So this is the radio patrol who's doing

16 an excellent job trying to get people to see in

17 city wide so I would hope that--I don't know

18 about the free popcorn, but it's free screening

19 of The Watch. Chief Craig might sponsor the

20 popcorn.

21 CHIEF CRAIG: I don't do popcorn.

22 CHAIRPERSON BELL: And there's another

23 announcement I wanted to make and that's AC

24 Dole (ph) and Stephen Doehen (ph) retirement

25 party scheduled for March 30th on the same night 3/16/2017 Page 54 1 but it's at 5 p.m. I can't recall the location.

2 We'll make sure that we have the proper

3 information to share with him as LeSelle brought

4 his retirement of 30 years. I'm going to miss

5 him tomorrow because sitting next to him and we

6 always have this interaction with each officer

7 come across this stage from the height to the

8 weight or whatever. He always say don't look so

9 serious as you salute so I just enjoy his company

10 in terms of many years. He's another one of

11 those veteran officers you will know that's

12 leaving this department and that's why we are

13 recruiting to get a good people to replace good

14 people. So that's the challenge.

15 I had talked to community activists and

16 he said his son is moving back from LA and he

17 want to apply. I guess he had been in the

18 military. I think I conveyed to him he can apply

19 on-line.

20 CHIEF CRAIG: Leaving Los Angeles?

21 CHAIRPERSON BELL: Yes, leaving LA

22 coming back to Detroit.

23 CHIEF CRAIG: After last week with the

24 cold weather maybe I should have a talk with him.

25 CHAIRPERSON BELL: I'm recruiting him 3/16/2017 Page 55 1 and another one of your interns is graduating

2 this June. The young man I met he's in upper

3 Michigan somewhere. He says he's already

4 applied. He wanted to join. Two good people. I

5 know I don't know the other young man, but I'm

6 saying I know his grandfather has been in our

7 community and just took over Community Relations

8 in the 5th Precinct. J. Henderson is his name.

9 You probably interact with him but he said his

10 grandson is coming back home and he wants to join

11 DPD family. We can't say enough about

12 recruitment in this Department.


14 I can make one announcement. There is an

15 event coming up, Lieutenant, and I wondered if

16 you could give us an overview on it.

17 UNKNOWN SPEAKER: We have an event here

18 on March 24th. It's going to be the Women Behind

19 the Badge. We're having young ladies come in to

20 share the career in law enforcement and clear up

21 some myths and misunderstandings about women

22 being in law enforcement and help them to start

23 their career path with us. That's going be 11 to

24 2; however, we do have the events completely full

25 so we won't be allowed to allow new individuals 3/16/2017 Page 56 1 in, but we'll be more than happy to host again in

2 the near future.


4 CHAIRPERSON BELL: Thank you. That's

5 good news. The next item of business would be

6 oral communications from the audience. You have

7 two minutes, and I ask that you respectfully

8 respond. You're speaking to the Board and we

9 will entertain your concerns because we respect

10 you for coming out. Please give your name and

11 Mr. Brown is going to start the process.

12 MR. BROWN: For Mr. Chair, our first

13 speaker is Peter Rhoades followed by Ms. Smith

14 and then Ms. Butler.

15 MR. RHOADES: My name is Peter Rhoades

16 and I'm a resident of Detroit. I live up in the

17 2nd District. That would be the 12th Precinct

18 Green Acres Subdivision and they're celebrating

19 their 30th anniversary of citizens patrols

20 coming out in a couple weeks. Now, that's not

21 why I'm here.

22 In fact, I don't even have a problem. I

23 do have a concern and a slight heads up. In the

24 newspaper it said that Wayne County deputies

25 would be taking over exterior outside patrol 3/16/2017 Page 57 1 around sports venues like the new Little Caesars

2 Arena and Comerica Park. There's a lot of

3 institutional knowledge that goes into how to

4 patrol around sports venues, including scalping

5 tickets, don't do that; giving a ticket for

6 vending without a license, don't do that.

7 There's a lot of things, a lot of details, and my

8 concern is when they take over they won't have

9 that institutional knowledge. They're going to

10 be giving out tickets, probably improper tickets,

11 and then what's even worse is after everything

12 kind of blows up on them they will say we're

13 following Detroit Police Department procedure

14 Board of Commissioners procedures so it's your

15 policies and you don't want that.

16 So my suggestion, my recommendation, is

17 Detroit reach out to Wayne County, give them the

18 standard operating procedures, let them know what

19 the real policies are and that way it will avoid

20 confusion, avoid the end problem; that way being

21 proactive you can stop this before it happens.

22 Now, I'm sure that there's somebody on

23 staff who could do this, probably Ms. Washington,

24 but somebody should really be reaching out to the

25 Wayne County people to make sure they know what 3/16/2017 Page 58 1 our true policies and practices are. Thank you.

2 CHIEF CRAIG: First of all, the media

3 representation of that is incorrect. Wayne

4 County is not taking over policing at Little

5 Caesars Arena, Tigers. They have been asked.

6 It's kind of a best practice, like in a lot of

7 major cities, that there's a multi-jurisdictional

8 approach to policing these venues. We don't have

9 a problem with that. I had a meeting as recent

10 as several hours ago with Mr. Fenton who runs

11 security for both the Tigers, and so there was

12 never an intent to have Wayne County take over.

13 I had a conversation with the Sheriff,

14 but at this point, and as Fenton will tell you,

15 we are still the lead agency. It's in the City

16 of Detroit so it's really a non-issue.

17 MR. RHOADES: Sounds good.

18 CHAIRPERSON BELL: Commissioner

19 Crawford.


21 expound on that. I work for Wayne County. I can

22 assure you from the union perspective that first

23 proposal that they brought to us as union

24 members, it won't pass. As a matter of fact, the

25 union leadership may very well have some issues 3/16/2017 Page 59 1 and be in trouble with its membership but that's

2 separate. What I thought of this from the

3 beginning was it was disrespectful to present any

4 proposal without picking up the phone and calling

5 the police chief in Detroit or perhaps informing

6 the City, the mayor in the City of Detroit that

7 they were informed prior to this.

8 I'll say that you're absolutely correct

9 in terms of the knowledge and expertise, and I'm

10 sure I would probably be under probably over 300

11 years of experience in downtown services. I'm

12 talking about Detroit Police officers that

13 work for downtown service that have done that

14 historically for years, but if you put together

15 all the experience and seniority that's in that

16 union it's 300 years I'm sure one or more.

17 I think by no way is this a done deal.

18 I'm very familiar with secondary employment and

19 what they're trying to do. It was stated last

20 week on the record that this is the City of

21 Detroit. Downtown is Detroit, the neighborhoods,

22 it is Detroit. So, first and foremost, even

23 though I understand things are negotiated, et

24 cetera, and maybe Detroiters may be a part of

25 that process, but at least to inform us of what's 3/16/2017 Page 60 1 going on or the potential of what they're trying

2 to do would be appropriate. Anything else is

3 disrespectful in my opinion. Thank you


5 Commissioner Crawford. Thank you, Chief Craig.

6 And I just hope that we maintain it, but millage

7 and others pay their fair share for police

8 service in terms of like other cities who are

9 paying their fair share. I don't know how

10 accurate that article is, but I'm concerned about

11 making sure they compensate Detroit Police

12 Department in terms of our budget and manpower.

13 I'm pretty sure the Chief and the Mayor is

14 working on those particulars. Thank you for

15 bringing it to our attention and thank you for

16 coming this afternoon to see us.

17 MR. RHOADES: Well, it was nice to be

18 here.

19 MS. SMITH: Good afternoon. Bernice

20 Smith. Good to see you, Chief and the

21 Commissioners. I'm very, very glad of the news

22 that we have received and I want all of us to

23 know God is good. Everyone just about knows my

24 love for the Police Department so I was quite

25 concerned because my children live in that 3/16/2017 Page 61 1 particular area, but they were about a mile away

2 on the Boulevard. So immediately I called after

3 seeing you on TV and they were fine because

4 they're a away on the Boulevard from

5 Pinewood. In the mean time, being the person

6 that I am, I had a telephone call that I had

7 received, and the information is very vital and I

8 will tell you about it after the meeting is over

9 with because I think you need it to know what's

10 going on.

11 I did go down there in that particular

12 area and I was familiar with one particular area

13 of the block, which is on 23rd Street where my

14 children used to go. My last set of girls used

15 to go to the catholic school there. So you have

16 core city down there on 23rd right on the corner.

17 I used to go there with my grandson and we would

18 give out the food. So in the mean time I did

19 talk with some people down there and they were

20 very informative so I will give you this

21 information that I received and I think it would

22 be very vital to the case. And again, I just

23 want the police to be careful out here and I

24 always tell them I love you and be careful out

25 here because your life is very important. That's 3/16/2017 Page 62 1 what I wanted to tell to the Commission this

2 afternoon. Thank you so much.


4 MS. BUTLER: Good afternoon. My name is

5 Fredia Butler. I'm a community activist. To the

6 Chair, I would like to address Deputy Chief Hall.

7 When I first--before the Chief came in I had

8 already said that I wanted to say this to her.

9 She only stayed at the precinct a hot minute, so

10 she didn't stay long enough for me to protest to

11 keep her there. The first thing she talked to me

12 about was the power of prayer, and I keep our

13 officers in prayer every day and I'm sorry to

14 hear about our officers that were injured and I'm

15 concerned about the mental illness because I

16 understand he suffers from schizophrenia who was

17 involved, but yet and still they're relaxing the

18 gun issues so mental ill people can get guns.

19 I'm really concerned about that because I had

20 spoken with a woman who was mentally ill and

21 during her illness she was telling me she knew

22 what she was doing but she said she could not

23 control it. She would know that.

24 The other thing I'm concerned about was

25 the incident about the DPOA president that he had 3/16/2017 Page 63 1 been suspended with pay and was it a felony that

2 he committed? I'm glad you are aware that he

3 committed but still--he wasn't really punished

4 for that. When we're talking with our young

5 people and the work that our police officers are

6 doing, I don't want any young person losing

7 respect for our officers because they do an

8 outstanding job.

9 Our commander, his name is Brian Monte

10 and Sergeant White have been unsuccessful. They

11 feel at least the sergeant said she felt that

12 because we wanted to have the program at the

13 police station and the way kids and people feel

14 about our officers but I was very, very concerned

15 about this gentleman not receiving I feel proper

16 punishment for what he did and it was known what

17 he did.

18 CHIEF CRAIG: Just for the record, Chief

19 of Police did suspend without pay improperly, but

20 I did suspend him without pay. The appropriate

21 process is that I suspend with pay and then I

22 bring it to the Commissioners and the Commission

23 decides whether or not the individual member is

24 suspended with or without pay. So the process

25 was followed. And, in terms of due process, the 3/16/2017 Page 64 1 officer is still entitled to due process.

2 So to say he's got to go through the

3 Court system and once he completes that we have

4 an internal process that the person goes through

5 that we do for any officer.

6 I just believe in everybody being

7 treated fairly.

8 CHAIRPERSON BELL: We can't have a

9 response back. You make your statement and so

10 the Chief responded and Commissioner Crawford.


12 absolutely correct. Suspending without pay is

13 not a form of punishment. And also, too, it was

14 the Board. The vote per the City Charter, it's

15 the Commission that can suspend without pay and I

16 voted to suspend without bay. So my colleagues

17 voted to suspend with pay. That's what democracy

18 is all about so to speak. I wanted to move on

19 beyond that, but having said that, it was three

20 years ago. Commissioner Mallett once stated to

21 me that as a commissioner I could attend any

22 meetings I wanted to attend, and the reason I-

23 COMMISSIONER MALLETT: I've been in this

24 thing three years already?

25 COMMISSIONER CRAWFORD: Two and a half; 3/16/2017 Page 65 1 something like that. I'm losing track of time,

2 so many issues, but I just wanted to say that-

3 COMMISSIONER MALLETT: So what wise and

4 wonderful thing did I tell you?


6 any meetings I like and I respect that and I say

7 that applies to Commissioner Burton also. With

8 with all due respect to Commissioner Burton, and

9 I certainly hope that he and I can sit and have a

10 conversation perhaps after this meeting or as

11 soon as possible, because I have received some

12 calls yesterday that he attended the DPOA

13 meeting. And being that the president of the

14 DPOA issues came before us, whether you voted to

15 suspend or without pay is one issue, but I just

16 think it's kind of inappropriate to attend their

17 meeting until that issue is resolved with his

18 president and it is a concern because I wouldn't

19 want any of us as commissioners, or particularly

20 Commissioner Burton, to be in any way hoodwinked

21 or played so to speak by anyone in leadership of

22 the DPOA; be it the president or anyone. And I

23 say this with all due respect, and I certainly

24 hope, sir, that you and I can sit and have a

25 conversation and that we both would be blessed 3/16/2017 Page 66 1 with some wisdom and knowledge after that

2 conversation. Thank you.

3 CHAIRPERSON BELL: Okay. If there's no

4 other business before this Body, we don't

5 restrict commissioners from attending any

6 meetings anywhere, any time and say what they

7 want to say. The Board's decision on this matter

8 was voted on by this Board and we moved on in

9 terms of due process, but that is an old issue

10 and everybody have their opinion and their

11 concern, but the Board has spoken and voted and

12 we move on. If there's no other business we

13 entertain a motion for adjournment.


15 CHAIRPERSON BELL: Those in favor?

16 (Several responded by indicating

17 aye.)

18 CHAIRPERSON BELL: Those opposed.

19 (None responded.)

20 CHAIRPERSON BELL: And thank you for

21 coming and having a great afternoon, and Sharper

22 family, bless you.

23 (The proceedings concluded at 4:28

24 p.m.)

25 ------3/16/2017 Page 67 1 C E R T I F I C A T E

2 3 4 I, Sherrayna Coleman, do hereby certify 5 that I have recorded stenographically the 6 proceedings had and testimony taken in the 7 meeting, at the time and place forth, and I do 8 further certify that the foregoing transcript,

9 consisting of (67) pages, is a true and correct

10 transcript of my said stenographic notes. 11

12 13

14 ______April 6, 2017 Sherrayna Coleman 15 CSR-6485 16

17 18

19 20 21 22 23 24 25 3/16/2017 Page 1

A 43:24 44:5,15 announced 22:18 Arena 57:2 58:5 a.m 11:20 46:7 announcement armor 48:15 able 10:1 32:1 administrative 7:17 52:17 arms 45:5 40:16 47:2 52:14 53:23 55:14 arrangements absence 3:22 administrators announcements 37:4 absolutely 35:5 26:11 7:5 arrested 49:9 59:8 64:12 Adonis 9:13 annual 24:1,7,13 arrived 32:14 AC 23:8 29:25 adoption 14:15 24:20 25:17 art 27:4 30:9,14 40:6 advancement 26:1 44:11 artery 53:5 41:16 53:23 27:13 50:8 article 60:10 Academy 6:20 Adviser 4:22 answer 44:23 articulate 34:2 12:5 14:5 15:9 advisors 32:4 answering 9:5 Asa 6:2 acceptable 31:11 afraid 34:12 23:17 asked 53:5 58:5 accomplish 24:11 African 17:12 answers 29:8 asking 21:16 accord 12:20 18:21 anymore 38:11 24:10 accountability afternoon 3:7 41:18 asks 50:14 28:5 32:22 4:15 5:23 6:7 appeared 49:18 assailant 20:19 33:6 10:11 20:3 appears 10:13 assault 20:6 accurate 60:10 23:9 60:16,19 34:6,14 49:17 assess 26:11 acknowledge 10:9 62:2,4 66:21 applied 55:4 assets 14:13 47:23 afternoon's applies 65:7 assigned 14:6 acknowledged 10:18 apply 54:17,18 15:10,20 48:22 age 53:7 appointed 14:3 assignment 19:19 Acres 56:18 agency 5:1 37:17 15:7 32:18 assignments 12:9 Act 38:14 58:15 appreciate 12:11 assist 30:22 acting 34:16 Agenda 2:7 10:17 12:22 17:18 assistance 9:24 action 2:2 7:8 agents 52:7 18:12,14,14,18 30:13 23:14,18 24:21 aggravated 20:6 19:5 21:23 Assistant 1:20 activist 62:5 aggressive 26:21 31:1,19,21,23 12:9 22:5 23:9 activists 54:15 49:7 32:24 35:6,10 23:10 24:18 activities 53:13 ago 17:8 39:25 35:21 42:20 25:6,22 28:25 activity 5:22 58:10 64:20 45:5 29:6 49:24 agree 34:12 appreciation assure 58:22 actual 40:18 agreed 7:24 53:9 At-Large 4:6 ad 2:13 42:24 agreement 52:12 apprehended ATF 20:22 add 26:22 29:14 Agustin 9:9 20:20 22:20 attack 49:11 50:20 Akbar 6:4,4 apprehending attend 12:4 addition 30:8,10 All-Star 16:4 22:16 48:23 52:25 64:21,22 39:9 allegation 46:22 approach 58:8 65:5,16 additional 27:22 allegations 44:4 appropriate 60:2 attendance 6:22 address 8:4 alleviate 13:18 63:20 18:11 11:19 14:23 allow 55:25 approval 2:7,8 attended 65:12 18:7 29:12 allowed 55:25 10:24 23:12 ATTENDEES 1:16 41:14 62:6 allowing 31:17 approve 10:17 attending 66:5 adds 47:10 amazed 22:17 approximately attention 39:25 adheres 28:6 American 17:12 11:24 23:15 41:12 45:12 adjournment 2:18 analogy 34:6 24:2 49:16 60:15 66:13 Angeles 54:20 April 53:2 67:14 attorney 9:18 administrating ankle 21:9 Arbulu 9:9 35:17 33:9 anniversary area 9:4 53:6 attract 26:23 administration 56:19 61:1,12,12 audience 35:23 announce 53:7 areas 15:12 56:6 3/16/2017 Page 2 audio 5:20 16:25 17:4,6 49:17 56:8 56:14 62:4,5 authorized 49:21 17:24 19:10 57:14 64:14 available 8:12 22:6,12 23:8 66:8,11 C 8:21 9:25 29:4 24:24 25:2,20 Board's 23:12 C 53:1 67:1,1 29:16 33:12 28:20,22 29:17 25:15 66:7 Caesars 57:1 avoid 57:19,20 29:19 31:1,4 body 12:14 27:25 58:5 awaiting 21:14 31:12,19 32:8 39:7 48:15 call 2:4 3:5 award 15:24 16:4 33:14 34:21 66:4 4:10 10:14,16 16:5,6 18:12 35:1 38:4,18 boiled 43:6 16:9 21:12 awards 53:13 39:5,17 40:20 book 29:13 36:7 53:10 aware 11:16 24:9 41:6 42:16,22 BOPC 2:9,10,13 61:6 45:1 63:2 44:25 47:6,21 Border 20:22 called 17:12 awesome 18:22 47:23 48:1,20 Boulevard 61:2,4 61:2 aye 11:3,5 14:20 49:13,14 50:21 Bowl 16:5 calling 59:4 17:1,3 66:17 51:1 52:16 BPCM 1:16 calls 20:25 53:22 54:21,25 break 46:13 21:22 23:1 B 56:4 58:18 breaking 23:17 35:8 65:12 back 5:3,3,15 60:4 62:3 64:8 Brian 63:9 camera 27:25 8:21 18:4 66:3,15,18,20 brief 35:19 cameras 12:14 29:12 38:10,24 bereavement briefly 23:13 campaign 26:21 39:16 40:8 13:11 brightest 26:24 candor 26:15 41:4 43:7 Bernice 6:24 26:25 cards 50:23 44:18 45:2 60:19 bring 20:14 care 19:15 50:3 54:16,22 best 19:10 26:8 30:22 49:16 career 14:6 55:10 64:9 26:24 58:6 63:22 15:17 55:20,23 background 9:19 Betson 39:14 bringing 11:23 careful 61:23,24 Badge 55:19 better 17:21,21 23:25 60:15 carried 10:23 Baseball 16:4 17:25 49:2 broken 21:10 carries 11:6 basic 50:12 betterment 17:14 45:20 17:6 basically 32:19 beyond 50:19 Brooks 3:22 carry 32:24 46:7 64:19 Brother 19:15 37:13 basis 44:7,8 big 38:10 brotherhood Carter 3:24 bay 64:16 bit 29:24 31:18 20:23 case 9:23 35:2 BBC 46:20 bless 66:22 brought 30:12 43:17 44:1,2 began 14:6 50:7 blessed 65:25 39:24 41:12 46:19,20 47:4 52:6 blessing 19:13 54:3 58:23 50:15 51:10,10 beginning 17:19 19:17,22 Brown 5:13 50:22 51:11 61:22 59:3 block 61:4,13 56:11,12 cases 46:2,3,4 behalf 14:8 blows 57:12 budget 60:12 47:1,9 16:14 17:22 board 1:3,9 2:12 build 27:19 Castaneda-Lopez 22:11 42:18 2:14 3:7,9 5:8 building 27:3,9 9:12 behavior 41:10 5:9 8:18 13:19 27:20 categories 16:1 42:13 14:8 16:23 built 27:18 categorized believe 21:20 18:5 21:21 bullet 21:9,13 45:25 24:5,11 46:21 22:11 23:10 Burton 1:18 20:1 catholic 61:15 64:6 24:9 25:10 65:7,8,20 celebrating Bell 1:21 3:5,8 26:2 28:12,16 business 2:15,16 56:18 3:19 4:9 5:7 29:7 30:10,13 10:24 19:23 celebration 6:6,11,17,21 30:14,20,25 41:24 50:24 19:20 7:1,10 10:8,13 31:13,14,20,21 51:1,3 56:5 Celia 34:19 10:21,23 11:3 31:25 33:16,18 66:4,12 Center 7:20 8:20 11:6 14:17,21 34:11,18 44:7 Butler 6:15,15 27:8 52:21 3/16/2017 Page 3 certain 36:11 challenging 33:8 cities 58:7 60:8 66:21 38:14 change 11:13 citizen 38:25 command 28:6 certainly 24:7 36:4 40:7 43:3,5 35:20 27:1 33:10,11 changes 29:13 47:13,17 commander 12:24 49:3,4 65:9,23 chaplain 3:12,17 citizens 14:9 39:14 63:9 certify 67:4,8 3:19 15:19 16:7,12 commanding 39:21 cetera 53:13 charged 51:5 16:15 56:19 commend 11:22 59:24 chart 44:1 city 1:2 9:13 22:21 CFO 5:1 charter 22:4 14:10 15:18 commendation chair 3:8 5:10 23:22 24:17,19 18:19 19:7 16:7 7:6,21,24 8:16 25:24 35:13,14 24:16 25:25 comment 2:17 13:24 14:15 50:2 64:14 26:3,20 28:18 22:14 22:13 24:14 chief 1:20 2:11 32:4,20 52:1,4 comments 15:2 29:20,24 32:1 3:16 4:13,14 53:9,17 58:15 25:21 35:6 34:24 41:5 4:16,19,24 5:2 59:6,6,20 48:2 42:18 45:13 5:8,15,24 7:13 61:16 64:14 Commission 7:9 47:25 49:15 9:11 11:22 City's 28:16 8:4 31:10 50:19 51:3 12:9 13:3 civil 9:10 36:18 35:10 48:4 55:13 56:12 19:24,25 22:5 clarification 62:1 63:22 62:6 22:8 23:9,10 24:15 64:15 chairman 22:1 24:18 25:6,22 Clark 9:18 commissioner 31:1 33:15,25 26:10 28:7,9 class 11:18,21 3:22,23,24 4:1 34:17 43:1,15 28:25 29:6 12:2,3 4:1,3,3,5,5,7 44:17,25 47:20 30:12 32:2,25 classmate 13:2 4:7 7:23 10:9 CHAIRPERSON 1:21 39:6,9,21,23 clean 29:9 10:10,12,19,20 3:5,19 4:9 5:7 40:7 41:22 clear 40:4 46:15 11:1,2,8 14:16 6:6,11,17,21 42:8,19,23 55:20 14:22 15:1 7:1,10 10:8,13 43:4,8,18,22 Clearly 49:6 17:7 20:1 22:9 10:21,23 11:3 44:12 45:17,25 close 33:22 22:13 24:14,23 11:6 14:17,21 46:5 47:24,25 closed 35:7 44:3 29:3 30:18 16:25 17:4,6 48:1,3 49:13 co-workers 18:9 33:7,15 34:22 17:24 19:10 50:2 51:9,14 18:10 34:23,24 35:3 22:6,12 23:8 51:17,20 52:16 cold 54:24 35:11,16 37:25 24:24 25:2,20 53:19,21 54:20 Coleman 1:24 40:23 43:1 28:20,22 29:17 54:23 58:2 5:19 67:4,14 44:16 45:10,13 29:19 31:4,12 59:5 60:5,13 colleagues 64:16 45:24 46:1,17 31:19 32:8 60:20 62:6,7 collected 26:17 51:2,19 55:13 33:14 34:21 63:18,18 64:10 collide 49:18 56:3 58:18,20 35:1 38:4,18 64:11 combining 25:3 60:5 64:10,11 39:5,17 40:20 Chief's 15:23,25 come 5:14 8:3 64:20,21,23,25 41:6 42:16,22 chiefs 4:14 18:16 19:16 65:3,5,7,8,20 47:6,21,23 children 60:25 29:8 32:17 66:14 48:1,20 49:13 61:14 37:18 41:4 commissioners 49:14 50:21 Church 53:3 44:14 51:7 1:3,10 2:6 3:8 51:1 52:16 Cilia 4:21 10:4 54:7 55:19 3:10,20 10:17 53:22 54:21,25 circulate 13:8 Comerica 57:2 12:4,13 13:19 56:4 58:18 circulated 50:23 comes 33:21 14:8 16:14,23 60:4 62:3 64:8 circulating 36:13 22:7 24:24 66:3,15,18,20 51:18 coming 19:20 26:2 28:13,16 challenge 19:11 Citation 15:24 32:8 45:2 28:20 30:7,20 19:14 54:14 citations 15:25 54:22 55:10,15 32:12,13,14 challenges 3:14 39:12 56:10,20 60:16 57:14 60:21 3/16/2017 Page 4

63:22 65:19 41:19 47:10 35:9 27:5 66:5 56:23 57:8 conveyed 54:18 currently 27:14 commitment 14:11 65:18 66:11 coordinated 27:19 16:17 concerned 47:8 20:20 Cushingberry committed 63:2,3 60:10,25 62:15 copies 30:15,22 36:1 committee 2:13 62:19,24 63:14 38:15 43:2 42:24 47:13,18 concerns 12:1 copy 25:11 D communication 22:8 24:6 core 61:16 DAAP 17:12 12:19 48:21 50:22 corner 61:16 damn 33:20 communications 56:9 correct 59:8 danger 21:6 27:8 56:6 concierge 37:2 64:12 67:9 dangerous 49:4,7 Communication... conclude 23:25 Council 6:16 49:12 2:17 concluded 66:23 9:11,13 data 29:13 community 6:16 conclusion 25:18 Councilman 36:1 dated 51:11 7:19 8:1,2,3,5 condition 21:8 counseling 43:9 Davis 11:22 8:6,9,11,12,24 48:19 45:22 46:10 Davis-Drake 5:24 9:2,14,20,21 condolence 13:5 count 21:4 43:22 9:24 10:3 conduct 52:3 countless 17:16 Dawaelsche 4:8 11:10 15:15 conducted 3:17 County 56:24 7:23 11:2,8 17:15,17 22:25 10:16 57:17,25 58:4 22:13 45:13,24 29:16 52:19,25 confusion 57:20 58:12,21 46:17 55:13 53:1 54:15 congratulate couple 7:25 56:3 55:7,7 62:5 14:14 16:22 22:20 56:20 day 19:14 45:23 companies 36:8 connection 49:24 course 44:4 53:7 62:13 36:24 38:1,2 Conrad 1:17 court 5:19 64:3 days 17:16 25:19 company 54:9 10:10 courtroom 30:17 34:5 41:9,14 compensate 60:11 conscious 34:1 cover 26:18 DC 4:20 29:21,23 complained 42:3 consent 30:12 Craig 4:13 9:11 33:18 35:21 complaint 40:7 consistent 36:23 19:25 47:24,25 deal 38:10 59:17 47:13,17 consisting 67:9 48:3 51:9,14 dealing 9:20 complaints 39:1 constant 26:6 51:17 53:19,21 38:6 40:14 41:2 40:15 54:20,23 58:2 decides 63:23 43:3,5 constituents 60:5 63:18 decision 46:8,14 complete 42:12 8:25 Crawford 1:16 66:7 completed 23:21 consumed 51:21 4:1,2 10:19 decrease 20:5 28:11 40:25 contact 40:15 14:23 15:1 decree 30:12 50:14,15 52:5,5 17:7 22:9 dedicated 16:12 completely 55:24 CONTENTS 2:1 34:23 35:3,11 dedicating 24:12 completes 64:3 continue 7:15 35:16 40:23 dedication 14:12 completing 25:14 11:7 21:16 51:2,19 58:19 DEFAT 52:1 completion 27:16 23:4 26:23 58:20 60:5 definitely 19:1 27:17,25 41:3 31:10,16 41:9 64:10,11,25 19:6 52:22 complex 26:4 continued 21:21 65:5 degree 43:9 complications 26:18 crime 20:4 27:7 46:11 52:3 21:15 control 12:15 28:3 delegate 6:25 composure 48:24 36:6 62:23 criminal 22:17 demeanor 39:18 comprehensive conventions 32:3 52:2,10,15 40:5 42:2 23:14 24:13 conversation Crimwell 6:2,2 47:10 concealed 49:7 41:17 48:16 crucial 13:15 democracy 64:17 concentration 58:13 65:10,25 CSR-6485 1:24 demonstratively 27:3 66:2 67:15 15:17 concern 38:19 conversations current 26:12 Denise 5:18 3/16/2017 Page 5 department 9:10 42:6,14 51:4 District 3:9 4:2 24:4 12:17 13:23 51:23 52:7,24 4:4 56:17 effort 20:21 14:3,9,13 15:7 54:22 56:16 Division 15:15 49:10 15:13 16:10,16 57:13,17 58:16 document 23:15 efforts 16:20 17:15,18,21 59:5,6,12,21 23:20,22 27:12 24:12 28:3 18:4,17,19 59:21,22 60:11 29:2,10 eight 16:2 19:5 21:17 Detroiters 59:24 documentation elected 6:8,9 23:23 26:1,5 devoted 14:10 32:16 32:17 26:20 27:13 16:18 documents 28:11 electronic 12:15 28:8 33:1,24 Dewaelsche 1:17 28:15 30:2 Elizabeth 3:22 34:10 35:17 4:7 10:9 Doehen 53:24 emergency 32:10 36:11 37:20 dialogue 11:24 doing 5:20 9:14 emotional 40:5 38:22 39:9 12:6 21:6,11 23:5 40:21 42:6,9,15 different 9:4 26:22 37:12 Emphasis 26:14 46:12 49:23 32:16 48:16 53:15 62:22 employment 59:18 50:4,6 54:12 digitally 29:1 63:6 empowered 35:12 55:12 57:13 digitized 25:11 Dole 53:24 36:16 60:12,24 diligence 13:20 dollar 38:16 encompasses 24:5 Department's 35:13 doors 35:8 53:12 encounter 42:5 27:11,23,24 dipping 33:23 doubt 45:10,12 encourage 8:22 28:2,6 39:25 directed 39:10 downtown 59:11 encouraged 19:7 Departmental direction 18:23 59:13,21 enforce 36:18 15:24 32:7 42:14 DPD 13:19 48:22 enforcement 9:5 departments directive 39:8 55:11 15:17 20:23 28:17 directly 44:14 DPOA 62:25 65:12 37:11 38:7 depends 46:11 Director 9:10 65:14,22 55:20,22 depicts 49:5 disagree 34:19 DPS 20:22 enforcing 36:11 deputies 56:24 35:4 Dr 9:9 engaged 20:19 deputy 3:16 4:13 disagreement draft 29:15 engaging 41:10 4:14,19 5:2,7 33:18 34:24 Drake 5:22,23 English 8:23 7:13 19:24 disciplinary 11:22 39:23 enhanced 15:18 22:8 28:9 43:23 44:5,15 40:7 43:4,20 enjoy 54:9 42:22 62:6 45:21 46:6 43:21 44:21,24 ensure 23:5 Derrick 1:18 4:6 discipline 46:8 45:7,19 46:2 26:10 28:5 deserving 15:23 46:16 46:19 47:12 entertain 56:9 Deshawn 4:25 disciplined Drake's 5:15 66:13 design 27:18 42:15 drivers 35:25 entertaining designee 46:5 discretion 28:14 37:2,3,9,18 12:1 details 57:7 discriminate due 13:20 22:24 enthused 11:25 Detroit 1:2,5,10 37:16 35:13 63:25 entire 25:9 49:6 1:11 3:1 6:19 discussion 9:24 64:1 65:8,23 entirety 49:21 7:12 8:2 9:12 discussions 36:3 66:9 entitled 64:1 11:10 13:22 disposition duties 16:19 equipment 27:6 14:3,5,7,9,10 43:18,19 44:6 dutifully 15:12 essence 24:10 15:7,9,18 45:16 46:23 dynamic 34:4 41:5 16:12,14,15,15 47:4 established 49:9 16:23 17:12 dispositions E esteemed 18:5,8 18:13,13,20 44:13 E 67:1,1 et 53:13 59:23 19:4,8 22:15 disrespectful east 53:4 Eva 1:17 4:8 25:25 26:3,5 59:3 60:3 educate 8:10 event 10:6 55:15 26:20 28:19 disseminate effective 36:5 55:17 32:20 36:10,19 47:22 efficiencies events 51:21 3/16/2017 Page 6

55:24 far 4:12 8:24 57:13 20:4 21:25 everybody 10:7 13:18 40:9,16 food 61:18 46:12 48:3 30:15 32:4 41:19,19 force 51:23,24 55:16 56:10 35:21 38:13 fares 36:25 38:2 51:25 52:2 57:17 61:18,20 64:6 66:10 fatal 20:8 foregoing 67:8 given 7:24 45:21 everyday 21:7 favor 11:3 14:18 foremost 59:22 giving 7:7 12:8 exactly 46:13 17:1 66:15 form 64:13 16:9,20 57:5 excellent 53:16 favorite 4:14 formal 25:24 57:10 excessive 37:10 FBI 20:22 51:25 41:2 glad 60:21 63:2 excited 27:10 fear 8:5 13:17 former 12:24 go 9:3 11:12 exciting 27:11 fears 8:10 18:1 30:18 13:1 23:24 excused 3:21 feedback 12:16 forth 13:1 44:2 29:12 30:1 executed 16:19 12:16,21 67:7 31:17 45:22 executive 25:13 feel 22:21 33:21 fortunate 17:8 46:2,5 61:11 25:22,23 63:11,13,15 48:11,17 61:14,15,17 exemplary 16:20 feeling 30:19 forum 8:17 64:2 expansion 27:21 feels 39:6 forward 11:12 goal 32:19 37:7 27:23 felony 51:5 52:2 12:6,7,18 24:1 goals 30:11 expansions 27:21 63:1 28:15,22 31:10 God 19:8 53:6 experience 59:11 felt 8:7 63:11 35:19 50:7 60:23 59:15 Fenton 58:10,14 four 9:7 36:17 God's 19:13 Expert 16:2 field 37:10 fourteen 16:2 42:20 expertise 59:9 filed 43:3 frame 4:17 goes 43:20 50:3 explored 33:2 fills 44:5 frankly 50:4 57:3 64:4 expound 41:1 final 29:10,15 Fredia 62:5 going 3:5,11,12 58:21 37:15 39:16 free 53:13,18,18 3:20 5:14,25 extend 11:11 find 28:14 frequency 46:12 7:4,14,20 9:7 extensive 9:19 finding 46:23 47:8 9:8,21 10:14 50:17 findings 44:3 friend 19:6 10:16 11:20 exterior 56:25 fine 21:11 41:6 friends 8:13 12:5 13:23 61:3 friendship 18:24 14:23,24 19:21 F fire 52:6,8 front 5:17 45:20 19:24 20:4 F 67:1 Firearms 15:25 full 55:24 21:15,19 22:4 facilitate 28:2 first 5:13 13:23 function 31:13 25:7 27:6 32:6 facility 27:16 13:24 20:3 funeral 13:6 33:6,20 34:4,5 27:17 30:23 49:20 16:5 34:13,16 43:7 facing 3:14 52:3 56:12 further 27:20 44:21 47:2 fact 27:8 30:23 58:2,22 59:22 45:16 67:8 48:6,9,9 52:11 43:10 56:22 62:7,11 future 23:24,24 52:18,20 53:12 58:24 five 9:8 16:2 32:23 40:2 54:4 55:18,23 fail 38:17 fleet 27:23 41:19,20 56:2 56:11 57:9 failure 43:11 Flores 9:13 60:1 61:10 fair 60:7,9 flow 32:13 43:25 G gonna 35:4 fairly 64:7 flyer 7:20 8:21 Gail 5:16 good 5:23 6:7 faith 34:17 focal 31:14 gain 24:4 36:6 7:1 8:8 9:3 faithfully 15:11 folks 40:12,18 Garza 4:8 10:11 11:24 familiar 36:15 follow 28:13 gathering 30:2 12:6,10 19:15 59:18 61:12 35:14 gentleman 63:15 20:2 23:9 families 21:18 follow-up 29:25 getting 11:23 34:17 40:4,17 family 6:12 8:13 followed 18:2 42:23 45:8 54:13,13 55:4 13:1,6,9 19:18 56:13 63:25 girls 61:14 56:5 58:17 55:11 66:22 following 52:14 give 7:4 12:21 60:19,20,23 3/16/2017 Page 7

62:4 Harrison 13:4 65:9,24 in-law 15:17 gotta 34:13,13 headquarters hopefully 3:23 inappropriate GPS 53:6 1:11 52:19 32:23 37:23 65:16 Grace 11:18 heads 56:23 hospital 48:4,18 Inaudible 6:14 graduating 12:7 health 3:14 host 56:1 incident 3:15 12:8 14:4 15:8 hear 21:1,1 hot 36:1 62:9 7:16 49:6 55:1 62:14 hotels 37:3 51:22 62:25 graduation 11:17 heard 37:8 40:14 hour 22:19 40:13 incidents 20:16 22:2 41:1 hours 12:25 48:25 49:2 grandfather 55:6 hearing 30:18 22:20 58:10 include 27:7,15 grandmother height 54:7 house 14:25 included 15:13 13:10 heightened 49:3 Hugh 4:23,23 including 52:7 grandson 55:10 help 20:25 22:25 humbled 18:11 57:4 61:17 26:10 28:2 hundred 24:2 incoming 32:12 Gratiot 18:3 33:13 55:22 husband 19:2 incorporated great 24:3 31:15 helped 8:18 27:22 66:21 helpful 10:3 I incorrect 58:3 Greater 11:18 30:22 31:6 ICP 32:3 increase 20:7 53:3 helping 10:5,7 idea 8:8 indicate 5:10,16 Green 27:21 Henderson 55:8 ideas 23:25 indicated 25:10 56:18 hick-ups 33:7 identifier 36:23 50:2 Gregory 1:21 5:9 Hicks 1:21 5:9 ill 62:18,20 indicating 8:4 group 17:10,20 6:6 7:6 31:11 illness 62:15,21 11:4 14:19 18:3 34:10 35:6 illustrate 27:12 17:2 66:16 guess 44:16 47:14,22 49:14 imagine 24:3 individual 23:3 46:17 51:14 49:15 50:22 immediate 5:12 38:25 46:9 54:17 hide 5:3 immediately 47:9 49:11 gun 52:6 62:18 high 27:4 38:24 41:21 61:2 52:4,5 63:23 gunfire 20:19 39:19 47:9 immigrant 8:12 individually guns 62:18 52:22 9:2,16,19 21:18 gunshot 48:13 highest 14:13 immigrants 9:15 individuals 9:7 guys 21:24 43:13 16:21 immigration 7:19 9:8,23 13:22 highlight 42:2 9:18 32:11 37:2 H Highway 52:22 impaneled 26:11 39:1,15 42:3 hail 36:24 Hill 9:18 53:3 impassioned 46:21 48:23 half 17:25 45:9 hiring 27:24 30:19 55:25 64:25 historically important 11:9 inform 59:25 Hall 1:20 4:15 59:14 35:22 61:25 informal 45:22 4:19 5:2 7:13 history 27:11 imposition 43:9 46:10 19:24 20:2 hit 33:4 improper 36:20 information 9:6 22:23 35:21 hoc 2:13 42:24 57:10 12:18,21 13:2 42:23 62:6 holidays 41:20 improperly 63:19 13:8 24:11 hand 13:16 home 55:10 improvement 22:5 44:14 46:13 happen 52:13 homicides 20:8 23:19 26:1,10 54:3 61:7,21 happened 20:16 20:11 28:3 30:11,24 informative happening 8:6 honor 16:16 50:8 61:20 30:21 40:1 18:24 20:24 improvements informed 11:9 happens 35:15 Honored 15:3 24:22 26:13 37:22 59:7 43:6 57:21 honoring 15:5 27:14 informing 59:5 happy 56:1 hoodwinked 65:20 improving 28:17 infractions hard 17:20 30:1 hope 10:2 52:23 in-car 27:25 36:18 30:14 44:18 53:17 60:6 49:5 infrastructure 3/16/2017 Page 8

27:4 27:1 kind 8:9 9:6 65:21 initiative 26:23 issue 13:21 24:8 21:2 41:1 leading 25:8 28:1 37:6 38:7 43:10,25 50:6 League 16:3 initiatives 39:19 41:14 57:12 58:6 leave 32:23 27:24 44:21 45:4 65:16 leaving 54:12,20 injured 62:14 65:15,17 66:9 kindly 10:5 54:21 injuries 52:9 issued 39:13 knew 62:21 Lee 5:6 innovative 27:12 50:3 know 7:12 9:1,15 left 3:25 4:12 insight 31:22 issues 9:20 11:18,19 13:9 48:4 institutional 13:16,17 26:15 17:20 19:20 leg 21:10 48:13 57:3,9 26:16 33:7 20:17 21:19 legal 4:21 32:4 insurance 37:14 35:25 37:1 22:14 24:7 Legislature intend 23:23 38:21 39:11 31:2,20 32:15 38:12 intent 58:12 41:21 48:25 33:3,5,8 35:1 legislature's interact 19:18 58:25 62:18 38:23 40:1,2,6 37:8 55:9 65:2,14 40:10,19 41:1 Lesaed 7:19 interaction 54:6 issuing 41:18 43:20 44:10 52:21 interactions item 7:2 10:24 45:20 47:13,17 LeSelle 54:3 12:2 12:22 53:1 51:11,23 53:17 letters 16:6 interest 37:22 56:5 54:11 55:5,5,6 level 21:4 37:9 interested 9:1 items 7:8 57:18,25 60:9 38:16 interim 13:3 60:23 61:9 liberty 29:25 internal 64:4 J 62:23 license 39:4 interns 55:1 J 55:8 knowledge 57:3,9 57:6 introduce 3:12 James 4:13 9:11 59:9 66:1 Lieutenant 19:3 3:21 4:17 5:25 12:9 23:10 known 23:2 32:1 55:15 6:13 January 14:4 63:16 life 16:18 19:11 introducing 5:8 Joanna 5:5 knows 60:23 19:12 28:18 introduction 2:6 job 21:6 33:19 61:25 2:9 4:12 53:16 63:8 L lifelong 22:15 investigated jobs 33:8 LA 54:16,21 lift 12:25 13:6 40:8,11 52:10 Johnson 5:6,14 ladies 55:19 13:24 18:15 investigation join 17:25 55:4 lady 14:24 19:2 21:17 40:25 41:3,4 55:10 Lahser 53:11 Light 27:21 42:12 52:11,14 joined 10:10 land 13:17 lights 36:14 investigations 12:10,11 19:25 lane 33:5 limited 27:15 41:8 47:24 language 39:7 limousines 36:7 investigator joining 3:24 LARA 37:16,21 line 33:22 42:14 5:24 6:3,5 4:15 Lasaed 8:20 Lisa 3:24 5:1 11:22 13:3,4 Jr 1:17 Lastly 19:1 listed 45:15,17 15:4,5,20,22 judge 30:17 law 9:5 20:23 49:24 16:8,17,22 judge's 30:16 37:19 39:9 lists 50:13 17:10 26:25 judgement 43:4,5 55:20,22 little 31:18 42:19 43:4,22 June 55:2 Lawrence 6:4 57:1 58:4 44:12 laws 36:13 live 26:19 56:16 invitation 11:11 K lawyer 33:24 60:25 invite 9:21 Katrina 6:15 34:9 Lloyd 18:2 19:3 invites 28:12 keep 3:13 13:9 lay 8:9 local 36:19 Invocation 2:5 13:11 32:6,6 laying 50:6 location 11:19 involved 39:1 43:13 62:11,12 lead 36:2 58:15 54:1 62:17 key 27:14 leaders 8:3 locations 21:23 irreplaceable kids 63:13 leadership 58:25 locker 27:19 3/16/2017 Page 9 long 16:16 32:17 8:20 10:25 mentor 19:6 14:15 35:19 62:10 11:12,17 13:15 mere 28:4 42:13,23 64:18 longer 36:11 15:20 16:11 merits 14:13 66:12 look 28:15,22 36:5 52:18,20 16:21 moved 10:19 38:15 50:7 53:11,25 55:18 met 55:2 14:18 17:1 54:8 Marksman 16:3 Metropolitan 41:21 66:8,14 looking 12:6,7 marriage 32:9 11:10 14:5 moving 13:14 27:5 39:14 34:6 15:9 32:7 54:16 looks 48:18 Marshals 51:25 Michael 9:17 multi-faceted Los 54:20 matter 41:7 Michigan 1:4,5 26:5 lose 26:24 51:20 52:9,13 1:12 3:1 9:10 multi-jurisdi... losing 63:6 65:1 58:24 66:7 9:13 20:21 58:7 lot 8:5 9:14,20 matters 28:13 52:11 55:3 multiple 21:22 13:16 30:1,5 46:6 mile 53:5 61:1 municipality 57:2,7,7 58:6 mayor 26:2 59:6 military 54:18 36:20 Louis 53:4 60:13 millage 60:6 myths 55:21 love 15:18 35:3 Mayor's 29:11 mind 3:13 13:10 60:24 61:24 mean 17:16 33:3 minds 37:10 N Lyfts 36:9,21 36:9 61:5,18 minor 26:15 name 38:20 55:8 37:12,13 means 36:10 minute 62:9 56:10,15 62:4 mechanism 28:5 minutes 2:8 63:9 M media 5:19 51:4 10:25 56:7 named 39:2 ma'am 35:11 51:6 58:2 misdemeanor names 18:15 Madam 6:12 meet 40:11 38:17 21:13 46:21 maintain 60:6 meeting 1:9 3:6 missed 6:23 Narcotics 15:14 maintaining 3:7 4:10 7:19 missing 26:7 narrative 46:25 48:24 7:24 8:1,2,8 43:15 47:3 major 11:13 16:3 8:19 9:3 10:15 misunderstand... nationally 26:7 26:16 32:4 10:18 11:9,14 55:21 near 23:24 56:2 47:10 53:5 38:19 40:13,14 moment 20:14 necessarily 58:7 40:18 41:22 29:24 21:12 making 11:15 52:17,19,23 moments 35:7 necessity 38:11 49:10 60:11 53:1 58:9 61:8 Monday 11:21 neck 21:14 Mallett 1:17 65:10,13,17 12:3 19:21 need 9:24 12:14 10:10,12 14:16 67:7 53:11 12:15 21:19 33:8,15 34:22 meetings 7:25 Monte 63:9 26:12 38:11 34:24 43:1 64:22 65:6 month 47:2 40:1 41:14 44:16 45:10 66:6 months 17:16 61:9 46:1 47:19 member 9:12 Moore 1:20 4:3,4 needs 27:6 64:20,23 65:3 63:23 10:20 11:1 negotiated 59:23 66:14 members 5:11 14:1 24:14,23 neighborhoods man 55:2,5 9:16 13:9 29:3 37:25 59:21 managed 49:2 17:22 26:7 morning 11:21 network 36:8,24 management 28:9 28:8,10,18 21:11 37:5 38:1,3 28:11 33:23 58:24 mother 13:5 never 20:25 21:1 manager 32:10 membership 59:1 motion 10:23 58:12 mandates 38:13 men 35:20 11:6 17:6 new 2:16 27:8,8 manner 26:9 40:4 mental 62:15,18 66:13 27:16 36:17 48:23 mentally 62:20 motor 35:20 49:21 51:1,3 manpower 60:12 mention 12:24 Mound 53:6 53:3 55:25 March 1:6,12 2:7 52:20 move 4:12 11:1 57:1 2:8 3:2 7:18 mentioning 36:5 12:18 13:11 news 20:17 56:5 3/16/2017 Page 10

60:21 41:9,17,17 17:11,14,23 particulars newspaper 56:24 42:4,10 48:6,8 26:4 50:12 60:14 nice 60:17 48:12 51:5,22 organizations party 53:25 night 3:15 7:16 52:8 54:6 64:1 9:22 pass 58:24 20:16,21 21:3 64:5 organize 10:1 passed 13:5 51:21 53:9,25 officers 2:10 organized 26:17 14:21 Nolan 9:17 3:14 7:13 outcome 39:16 path 55:23 non-fatal 7:12 17:11 20:15,18 40:9,16 patrol 20:22 20:11 21:8,9 22:10 outgoing 32:12 53:8,15 56:25 non-issue 58:16 22:19 37:21 outlined 41:11 57:4 NOPO 32:2 41:23 48:5 outside 31:5 patrols 56:19 normal 52:13 49:9,11 51:24 38:7 56:25 pattern 41:11 notable 32:6 51:25 54:11 outstanding pause 7:3 22:6 note 12:23 17:8 59:12 62:13,14 26:22 41:7 pay 51:7,15 60:7 26:12 44:17 63:5,7,14 48:22 63:8 63:1,19,20,21 notes 67:10 officially 4:10 overall 28:23 63:24 64:12,15 noticed 39:7 10:15 oversight 28:7 64:17 65:15 number 23:11 officials 6:8,9 33:1,2 paying 45:12 35:24 46:20 Oh 46:1 overview 25:23 60:9 47:1 51:24 okay 6:12 7:10 55:16 people 9:1 10:5 53:1 21:20 25:21 Oxendine 5:16 11:16,25 18:4 numbers 44:1 34:25 42:23 33:3 40:4 46:20 66:3 P 53:16 54:13,14 numerous 15:12 old 2:15 18:21 p.m 1:7 3:3 55:4 57:25 16:6 22:15 50:23 51:10 11:13 52:18,21 61:19 62:18 53:10 66:9 53:3,14 54:1 63:5,13 O on-line 54:19 66:24 percent 42:5 obligation 33:24 once 23:3 35:3 page 2:2 23:15 50:15 obviously 43:13 42:12 64:3,20 23:21 34:7 perimeter 49:8 46:25 ones 46:4 51:17 pages 24:2 25:10 period 10:2 occasion 33:17 open 53:12 67:9 persevere 18:23 34:14 opening 3:13,18 pain 48:8 person 19:16 Occasionally operated 31:15 Pamela 5:24 49:12 52:9 43:2 operating 33:1 11:22 43:22 61:5 63:6 64:4 occasions 34:18 57:18 panel 8:15,19 personal 15:2 occur 41:20 operation 51:23 9:9 10:6 17:7 occurred 44:19 operations 26:12 Panell 6:18,19 personalities 50:17 opinion 30:16 6:19 32:16 OCI 13:3,9 18:2 36:3 60:3 Park 57:2 personally 33:11 October 15:8 66:10 Parks 16:5 41:16 51:13 opportunity part 17:10 18:3 personnel 27:6 offenses 38:14 11:20 18:7,14 23:5 27:10 perspective offer 13:5 24:3 32:3 35:14 58:22 office 4:23 opposed 10:21 39:18 51:22 pertaining 15:4 29:11 44:12 17:4 66:18 59:24 Peter 56:13,15 officer 13:25 opposition 25:17 particular 12:2 ph 6:15,18 13:5 14:2,5,11,14 optimal 26:18 12:22 13:21 39:14 53:24,24 15:9,11,16 oral 2:17 56:6 39:22 42:4 phone 59:4 16:19 17:9 order 2:4 3:6 43:17 47:8 picking 59:4 18:1 20:25 4:10 7:11,18 61:1,11,12 piece 37:15 21:12,13 38:20 10:15 26:23 particularly Pinewood 61:5 39:2,21,22 organization 65:19 place 3:11 17:21 3/16/2017 Page 11

30:6,10 40:18 53:21 59:10 36:10 42:7 50:9 67:7 positive 18:25 problem 7:7 publishing 52:18 placed 26:14 42:6 44:24 56:22 pulled 52:6 plan 10:7 22:5 possible 18:16 57:20 58:9 pulling 35:21 23:14,18,19 65:11 procedure 57:13 punished 63:3 24:21 26:1,10 possibly 11:15 procedures 43:12 punishment 43:16 28:3,8,10 23:2 48:7 57:14,18 63:16 64:13 30:11,24 50:8 potential 44:20 proceedings purpose 28:1 plate 38:5 60:1 66:23 67:6 38:12 play 26:19 34:1 power 62:12 process 23:16 push 38:10 played 43:17 practical 26:9 24:4 25:14 put 8:15,18,22 65:21 practice 26:8 31:9 45:11 39:8 59:14 playing 37:9 58:6 49:19 56:11 please 6:18 practices 58:1 59:25 63:21,24 Q 12:20 44:9 pray 7:15 63:25 64:1,4 Qualification 56:10 prayer 3:13,18 66:9 15:25 pleased 13:14 21:18 62:12,13 procrastinate quality 28:18 pleases 30:25 prayers 13:12 41:13 32:21 pleasure 18:19 precinct 6:25 product 18:12 quarter 47:15 25:15 14:6 15:10,13 profile 38:24 quarterly 43:23 podium 14:24 15:14 18:2 39:19,24 47:9 44:6,8 45:1,15 point 17:25 20:18 27:16,17 profiling 52:23 45:17 47:7 19:23 24:15 27:20 38:20 program 63:12 question 29:3,14 31:14 37:8 39:2 48:5 53:3 progressive 26:9 45:14,14 46:18 48:19 50:18 55:8 56:17 Project 27:21 questions 9:4 58:14 62:9 projected 25:4 12:1 22:8 police 1:3,9 prepared 23:11 projects 28:2 23:18 24:25 2:11 3:7,9 33:17 34:18 promoted 15:19 28:19 29:8,11 4:13 6:20 7:13 present 5:12,16 promoting 11:15 29:12,17 44:22 8:7 13:19,23 59:3 promulgated 48:21 50:22 14:1,3,5,8,9 presentation 37:20 quick 24:15 29:3 15:7,9,21 2:12 22:4 25:9 proof 37:14 29:21 45:14 16:14,15,23 29:21 30:1 proper 54:2 quickly 49:8 17:11,12,15 presented 30:9 63:15 Quinn 5:21 12:25 18:16 19:4 presenting 24:5 properly 14:17 quite 39:25 40:3 20:21 25:25 president 6:12 16:25 50:4 60:24 26:2,5 27:20 62:25 65:13,18 proposal 58:23 quorum 4:11 7:5 27:22 28:12,16 65:22 59:4 10:14 30:7,18,20 pressure 37:23 protective 48:15 31:9 32:2 presume 51:7 protest 62:10 R 36:10,15,18 pretext 26:16 proven 16:8 R 1:20 67:1 42:6,15 46:5 pretty 7:13 proverb 18:21 radio 53:8,15 51:4,24 52:8 60:13 provide 25:7 raising 44:20 52:12 57:13 previous 23:18 26:18 29:7 rank 15:19 59:5,12 60:7 pride 14:12 43:24 44:7,10 ranks 27:24 60:11,24 61:23 prior 59:7 provided 25:11 Raquel 9:12 63:5,13,19 proactive 57:21 47:13 re-flashed 39:13 policies 43:11 probably 35:22 providing 24:13 reach 57:17 57:15,19 58:1 36:4 39:6 public 1:10 reaching 30:2 policing 15:15 46:12 48:10,15 14:11 16:9,18 57:24 58:4,8 49:1 55:9 18:13 29:4 read 12:20 15:1 popcorn 53:18,20 57:10,23 59:10 32:21 34:3 15:3 3/16/2017 Page 12 reading 25:12,24 45:25 19:25 24:2,5,7 resources 8:11 real 27:7 57:19 reference 12:20 24:13,18,20,22 10:6 24:12 really 15:3 38:24 39:21 25:3,9,11,13 respect 21:4 18:12,14,18 referred 43:8 28:23 38:24 33:9 56:9 63:7 19:22 31:6 45:16 39:16 40:2,8 65:6,8,23 33:3 40:5 47:7 referring 10:5 40:16 44:11,12 respectfully 49:5 50:3 53:8 50:11 44:18 45:1,2,3 56:7 57:24 58:16 reflagged 41:25 45:15,18,19 respond 7:14 62:19 63:3 regard 9:15 46:15,25 47:7 13:15 37:4 reason 26:4 28:7 14:14 16:21 47:15 50:3,8,9 40:3 56:8 35:22 64:22 39:8 50:13,18,20 responded 6:10 reassure 8:9 regarding 22:4 51:4,6 10:22 11:4 recall 54:1 29:22 reported 1:24 14:19 17:2,5 receive 19:16 regards 23:17 48:12 25:1 28:21 43:23 46:9,15 Reggie 4:2 reporter 5:19 29:18 50:25 46:16 47:12,16 Reginald 1:16 reporting 4:16 64:10 66:16,19 received 16:3 regularly 34:2 25:4 response 21:2 44:9 60:22 regulate 38:8 reports 2:13 39:20 40:22 61:7,21 65:11 regulating 37:17 23:11,12 24:10 64:9 receiving 44:8 regulations 24:16,21 25:7 responses 30:7 47:17 63:15 37:19 25:18 42:24 31:11 receptive 8:17 regulatory 36:6 43:23 45:8 responsive 30:8 recipient 15:23 37:16 49:18,23 restrict 66:5 recirculate 47:6 relate 44:18 representation result 36:2 recognition 16:4 relates 8:6 58:3 resulted 36:3 16:5,6 43:10 Relations 6:16 representative retire 16:10 recognize 14:10 55:7 6:8 retired 5:5 16:16 18:6,8 relationship representing 12:24 14:1 19:2 22:24 23:4,6 4:16 19:2 recognized 26:8 31:16,24 request 31:9 retirement 15:22 recommendation relationships requests 30:4 19:11,12 53:24 12:13 57:16 31:25 37:5 54:4 record 5:24 25:8 relaxing 62:17 required 25:16 retiring 13:22 25:12,24 43:13 released 48:10 50:1 return 43:7 43:21 59:20 relevant 35:23 requirement 44:21 63:18 remained 15:21 24:19 26:3 returned 52:8 recorded 67:5 remaining 28:10 requirements review 28:14 recovery 7:16 remarkable 16:19 24:16 29:7 22:10 48:6,18 remember 35:8 requires 7:9 reviewed 26:17 recruiting 5:5 remind 42:7 25:25 Rhoades 56:13,15 15:21 26:21 49:19 resided 23:3 56:15 58:17 54:13,25 reminder 45:7 resident 22:15 60:17 recruitment Rene 1:20 22:22 56:16 Ricardo 1:20 4:4 19:18 53:9 René 4:14 19:24 resolution 13:21 Richard 3:23 55:12 reoccurrence 14:1,21,22 right 3:10,11 red 36:14 41:25 15:2,4,5 5:12 23:16 Redford 53:10 repeals 29:22 resolutions 35:4 40:17 reduced 28:4 replace 54:13 19:17 61:16 reduction 28:3 report 2:10,11 resolve 24:8 Rights 9:10 reevaluation 2:14 5:18 7:3 resolved 14:7 rigs 37:20 26:6 7:4,7,8,11,21 16:13 65:17 rises 38:16 refer 43:18 11:7 13:13 resource 9:22,25 Road 53:11 3/16/2017 Page 13 robberies 20:7 Section 15:14,21 6:17,19 somewhat 7:18 Robert 5:12 38:8 Sharper 15:5,6,6 33:4 38:7 41:7 robust 35:9 security 58:11 15:10,11,22 51:11 role 13:18 30:19 see 6:7,12,17 16:8,17,22 son 54:16 31:20 32:25 7:1,4 10:11 17:9,10 18:2 soon 65:11 34:1,3 12:9,10 19:17 19:3,15 26:25 sooner 48:10 roll 10:16 20:2 21:6 42:19 66:21 sorry 5:18 9:8 room 1:4 27:19 24:19 30:21 Sharper's 15:16 24:20 62:13 Rosa 16:4 39:20 47:14 Sharpshooter sort 41:7 Roughly 49:20 53:16 60:16,20 16:2 Sounds 58:17 row 5:13,17 seeing 20:5 61:3 Shay 5:19 Southwest 8:2 run 33:22 seen 20:7,17 sheets 38:9,13 Spanish 8:23 running 26:20 31:3 49:2 Shelby 3:23 speak 11:21 19:8 36:14 select 28:8 Sheriff 58:13 33:25 42:1 runs 58:10 selfless 16:9 Sherrayna 1:24 64:18 65:21 selflessness 67:4,14 speaker 55:17 S 16:20 shooting 7:12 56:13 sad 12:23 send 47:21 51:22 speaking 14:8 safer 22:21 senior 28:9,10 shootings 20:8 16:14 34:7 safety 1:10 seniority 59:15 20:11 39:4 56:8 14:11 16:10,18 sense 50:16 short 10:1 39:10 special 8:2 32:21 36:14 sent 29:1,10 shortly 3:25 specific 39:15 52:18 46:6 51:8 47:4 salute 54:9 separate 24:16 shot 22:19 48:13 speed 20:15 Sanders 1:18 4:5 48:7 59:2 showed 21:22 22:16 42:21 4:6 sergeant 4:23 shown 22:17 speedy 22:10 Saturday 13:7,7 5:4,21 63:10 side 37:11 50:5 spirit 13:12 saying 55:6 63:11 53:4 spoken 62:20 says 20:25 34:19 serious 43:5 signage 36:20 66:11 45:25 55:3 54:9 significant 48:8 sponsor 53:19 scalping 39:12 seriously 40:10 silently 49:10 sports 57:1,4 57:4 serve 18:19 simply 50:8,18 spread 8:24 schedule 11:14 26:15 32:20 Sims 4:25,25 spreadsheet 49:21,22 38:12 52:2 sir 10:11,12 43:25 scheduled 12:3 served 18:4 19:7 20:3 43:21 St 1:4,11 53:4 25:18 53:25 service 16:12,18 50:21 51:2 stable 21:8 schizophrenia 19:4 26:19 65:24 48:19 62:16 42:20 59:13 sisterhood 20:23 staff 2:9 4:18 school 18:13 60:8 sit 65:9,24 5:9,11,15 6:7 61:15 services 5:20 sitting 4:12 8:18 18:9,10 screening 53:13 59:11 30:17 54:5 23:15,16 28:6 53:18 session 29:9 six 32:11 31:5 35:20 script 31:17 set 42:8 61:14 sixteen 16:1 38:22 57:23 seats 32:23 seven 32:10 sixty 23:15 stage 54:7 second 7:21 22:7 sexual 52:3 slight 20:7 stand 4:20 6:18 48:8 53:2 share 12:16 56:23 15:3 33:11 secondary 59:18 19:19 30:24 Smith 6:24,24 45:3 secretary 1:21 52:24 54:3 7:2 56:13 standard 42:8 2:14 5:9 7:3 55:20 60:7,9 60:19,20 57:18 8:18 30:3 shared 21:5 solution 44:20 standards 26:8 31:14 33:19 49:22 somebody 57:22 standing 2:13 34:10 Sharon 5:2,4 57:24 17:18 42:24 3/16/2017 Page 14 stands 26:3 29:4 support 10:20 talked 8:1 22:1 16:23 17:23 34:19 11:2 14:16 54:15 62:11 18:5,6 19:8 start 3:25 55:22 21:21,24 35:10 talking 39:23 21:20 22:12,22 56:11 supported 17:1 47:1 59:12 22:23 23:6,8 started 17:11 sure 3:10 7:13 63:4 24:23 28:19,23 Starting 4:20 26:6 30:14 talks 23:22 44:1 29:19,23 31:17 state 20:21 33:20 35:15 taping 5:20,21 33:14 34:21 23:24 27:4 37:21 42:13 task 51:23,24,25 35:18 38:4,18 35:12 36:6 44:24,25 47:19 52:1 39:17 40:20 37:7 38:12 51:9 54:2 tasks 28:7 42:16,21,22 52:12 57:22,25 59:10 taxicab 35:25 47:25 48:20,21 stated 59:19 59:16 60:11,13 37:2,8,17 49:13,15 50:21 64:20 surfaced 38:21 taxicabs 36:7 50:23 51:19 statement 22:10 surgery 21:10,14 38:6 52:16 53:6 64:9 48:9 Taylor 3:17,20 56:3,4 58:1 station 63:13 surrounding team 26:11 28:9 60:3,4,5,14,15 statistics 20:5 48:25 28:11 62:2,3 66:2,20 statute 36:4,17 survey 25:15,16 team's 26:16 thanks 11:8 stay 33:5 62:10 50:12,12 tech 27:4 Theatre 53:10 stayed 40:13 suspect 48:17 technological therapy 48:10 62:9 49:4,6 52:6 27:13 thing 20:3 38:5 stays 23:6 suspend 39:10 technology 27:5 42:18 44:17 steadily 20:5 63:19,20,21 tele-type 39:13 62:11,24 64:24 stenographic 64:15,16,17 telephone 23:1 65:4 67:10 65:15 61:6 things 8:5 18:25 stenographically suspended 45:23 teletype 41:22 27:7,9 33:16 67:5 51:6,12 63:1 41:24 36:12 50:13,19 Step 34:12 63:24 televised 35:24 57:7 59:23 Stephen 53:24 Suspending 64:12 tell 49:1 58:14 think 7:6 13:15 stop 57:21 suspension 46:11 61:8,24 62:1 17:24 32:5,16 Street 61:13 sustained 46:4,6 65:4 32:22 33:6,11 striving 26:18 48:13 telling 62:21 33:16,25 41:5 27:2 Suzette 15:4,6,6 Temple 11:18 54:18 59:17 strong 23:6 27:3 16:22 tension 34:4,5 61:9,21 65:16 strongly 39:6 system 64:3 terms 11:15,25 Third 1:4,11 Subdivision 12:14 13:18,25 thirty 25:19 56:18 T 25:3 28:23 thoroughly 40:11 submit 26:1 30:9 T 67:1,1 30:6 31:6,7,8 thought 30:21 substantial 47:1 table 2:1 8:21 32:17,20,21,25 50:6 59:2 successes 30:11 tables 9:22,25 38:6 43:11 thousand 38:16 succumbed 52:9 take 8:22 14:24 45:3,3 48:22 three 15:24 suffers 62:16 19:14,16 20:14 50:7,20 54:10 20:12 24:9,16 suggestion 57:16 27:18 29:24 59:9 60:8,12 25:7 48:7 52:7 summary 25:13,23 31:22 38:15 63:25 66:9 64:19,24 sunshine 19:13 40:10 57:8 testimony 67:6 Thursday 1:6,12 Super 16:5 58:12 texts 21:21 3:2 53:2 superiors 16:7 taken 36:1 50:9 thank 3:19 4:9 ticket 41:18 supervising 6:3 67:6 5:7,10 6:6,21 57:5 6:4 13:4 talk 20:3,22 7:2,23 8:16 tickets 39:10,15 supervision 22:3 23:13 10:3,6,8,12 41:23 57:5,10 33:22 38:22 54:24 11:7 12:11 57:10 supervisors 18:9 61:19 14:14,22 16:21 tie 46:18,19,24 3/16/2017 Page 15

47:3 26:14 undocumented W Tigers 58:5,11 transpired 31:7 8:14 9:16 wait 40:24 41:13 Tillman 5:2,4,4 transportation unfair 37:23 want 4:17 5:15 time 3:11 4:11 36:8,24 37:5 unidentified 5:17 7:11 8:16 4:17,18,19 38:1 36:22 8:24 10:3,9 10:2 11:13,23 treated 64:7 union 58:22,23 11:14 12:4,23 13:2,13 18:1 trickling 20:9 58:25 59:16 13:17 17:25 19:16 20:10,12 trip 38:9,13 Unit 15:24 20:3,14 21:1,1 22:3 24:8 25:5 trouble 59:1 United 9:13 21:12 22:6,21 27:7,11 33:21 Troy 12:24 units 30:3 22:23 24:9 39:25 40:9 true 58:1 67:9 UNKNOWN 55:17 29:14 30:8 42:25 49:3 truly 20:24,24 unsuccessful 32:6 33:5 61:5,18 65:1 21:19 63:10 34:17 35:12 66:6 67:7 trust 43:3 update 27:5 37:12 38:23 timeline 25:3 try 13:17 19:21 28:24 40:21 40:3,23 41:8 timely 48:23 33:4 48:4 52:17 41:13 47:23 times 21:3 22:15 trying 5:3 31:13 updates 38:5 48:1 49:19 37:14 38:21 34:2 45:4 updating 28:23 52:25 53:7 tips 23:1 53:16 59:19 upper 48:14 55:2 54:17 57:15 tirelessly 17:13 60:1 upward 15:16 58:20 60:22 TNC 37:6,25 turn 27:19 V 61:23 63:6 TNCs 37:13 TV 22:18 61:3 65:19 66:7 today 5:12,21,25 twice 48:14 valuable 14:12 wanted 5:10 37:9 23:20 25:8 two 7:12 13:22 Vannice 14:2,2 42:1,7 48:3 29:1 31:7 20:9,17 21:17 14:11,15 49:16 50:18 35:19 48:16 22:18 24:20 various 28:17 53:23 55:4 51:4,21 52:1 39:11 50:1 varying 49:23 62:1,8 63:12 today's 5:21 55:4 56:7 50:13 64:18,22 65:2 togetherness 64:25 vehicles 27:22 wants 30:20 21:5 type 36:14 38:23 36:22 55:10 tolerate 42:9,10 41:10,18,23 vending 39:12 Ward 5:18 13:25 Tolver's 13:4 45:21 46:8,16 41:20 57:6 14:2,2,5,12,15 tomorrow 11:17 types 27:1,9 vendors 39:4 warrant 11:11 12:7,8 22:2 venues 57:1,4 U 52:1,2 54:5 58:8 Warren 52:4,12 tonight 49:17 Uber 37:3 Vernor 52:22 52:13 50:20 Ubers 36:9,21 version 39:11 Washington 4:20 top 47:15 37:12,13 veteran 54:11 4:21,21 10:4 topic 36:1 ultimately 17:9 Vice 13:24 29:20,21,23 torso 48:14 49:9 Vice-Chairman 31:2,8 33:10 totally 30:8 uncomfortable 4:4 33:18 35:5,18 track 47:4 65:1 34:15 VICE-CHAIRPERSON 38:9 39:3 42:1 tradition 32:24 undergo 26:6 1:20 42:17 51:12,16 traffic 36:13 understand 31:20 video 28:1 49:5 57:23 38:7 37:7 43:16 violation 36:14 wasn't 63:3 trailblazers 59:23 62:16 36:15 Watch 53:14,19 18:15 understanding visual 5:20 way 32:17 34:15 training 32:15 7:14 39:19,23 vital 61:7,22 43:14 45:22 35:19 understands 34:3 vote 7:9 64:14 46:10 57:19,20 transcript 67:8 undertaking voted 64:16,17 59:17 63:13 67:10 27:14 65:14 66:8,11 65:20 transparencies Underwood 5:13 3/16/2017 Page 16

Wayne 56:24 66:1 63:6 23th 52:18 57:17,25 58:3 wise 65:3 Youth 7:19 8:20 24 12:25 16:11 58:12,21 wish 19:10,12 52:21 24th 55:18 we'll 9:22,25 22:10 42:20 Ypsilanti 51:5 25 2:12 50:15 35:14 37:21 wit 18:23 29 16:11 54:2 56:1 woman 62:20 Z 2nd 56:17 we're 6:11 7:4 women 55:18,21 Zion 53:3 7:11 9:5,21 wondered 55:15 3 13:14 20:11 wonderful 65:4 0 3 4:2 15:25 21:15 23:5,25 wondering 43:19 03 2:4,5,6 52:18 27:10 31:12 word 11:12 3:00 1:7 32:22 33:20,23 words 21:2 28:4 1 3:03 3:3 34:13 36:15 work 5:20 9:14 1 15:23,24 30 11:24 18:20 41:24 45:1 12:14 13:9 1/2 16:11 19:3 42:19 46:25 47:7 17:17,20 26:16 10 2:7 54:4 51:18 52:22 26:19,22 30:1 10:30 11:20 12:5 300 59:10,16 55:19 57:12 30:14 31:21 11 2:8,9,10 30th 7:18 8:20 63:4 48:22 51:24 55:23 11:12 13:15 we've 20:7 23:1 58:21 59:13 11th 53:3 52:21 53:25 23:21 32:17,19 63:5 12th 15:14 56:17 56:19 45:4 worked 15:12 13 15:8 3rd 20:18 27:17 weapons 12:15 17:13 30:3 1301 1:4,11 48:5 wear 27:25 working 9:2,15 13th 53:2 wearing 48:15 9:19 13:20 14 16:2 4 weather 11:23 28:15 30:4 149 6:25 4 3:9 54:24 37:19 40:19 16 1:6,12 2:7 4:28 66:23 Wednesday 7:16 45:11 60:14 3:2 40 16:6 week 39:7 41:2 worse 57:11 17 14:4 43 2:13 54:23 59:20 worth 21:6 36:4 17360 53:10 49 2:14 week's 29:9 wouldn't 65:18 17th 11:17 4th 18:1 weekly 3:6 wound 48:13 18891 53:4 weeks 56:20 Wow 6:11 1974 31:25 5 weight 54:8 writing 41:23 1986 15:8 5 16:3 54:1 welcome 3:6 1995 14:4 5:30 53:12 31:23 X 1997 15:20 50 2:15 went 21:10 32:2 51 2:16 32:3 52:2 Y 2 56 2:17 West 52:21 yeah 46:1 2 55:24 5th 38:20 39:2 White 5:14 12:9 year 20:10,10,12 20 2:11 17:8 55:8 22:5 23:8,9,10 20:13 25:7 47:15 24:18 25:6,22 45:8 49:20,22 2014 32:14 50:4 6 28:25 29:6 51:13 50:9,17 6 52:21 67:14 30:9,14 40:6 years 16:1,11 2015 39:5 44:11 6:30 8:20 11:13 41:16 50:2 17:8,13,19 2017 1:6,12 2:7 53:2 63:10 18:20 19:4 2:8 3:2 10:25 66 2:18 White's 29:25 42:19 54:4,10 11:18 16:11 67 67:9 wide 8:25 53:10 59:11,14,16 24:1 27:15 6th 15:13 53:17 64:20,24 67:14 Willie 1:18,21 yesterday 65:12 20th 53:11 7 3:8 20:1 young 5:1,1 21 15:20 7 4:4 53:5,14 willing 33:13 11:24 14:24 21st 36:5 7-Mack 18:3 wisdom 31:22 55:2,5,19 63:4 23rd 61:13,16 70s 18:5 3/16/2017 Page 17

7150 52:21 75 50:14 78 23:21 25:10 8 8th 15:10 27:16 9 9 2:8 10:25 90 41:9,14 99 42:5 9th 14:6