Mother of 3 Is Slain
West Keansburg Eyes-'Bivorce9 From Hazlet SEE STORY BELOW Weather HOME Fair continued very cold through THEDAILY tomorrow, Ugh both days in Red Bank, Freehold teens. Low tonight around zero. FINAL Outlook Saturday, fair continued I Long Branch cold. 7 MONMOUTH COUNTY'S HOME NEWSPAPER FOR 89 YEARS DIAL 741-0010 VOL. 90, NO. 138 RED BANK, N. J., THURSDAY, JANUARY 11, 1968 10c PER COPY PAGE ONE In Her Matawan Store Mother of 3 Is Slain MATAWAN — A widow and Middlesex County medical exam- ly alone in the store at the time 5 feet, 2 inches tall, 135 pounds, mother of three children was shot iner. of the shooting. light complexion and wearing to death yesterday afternoon in He said Mrs. Rapolla had been Police said a cash register glasses. When seen, he was wear- shot five times with a .22 cali- drawer was open, but it was not ing a light colored, shiny jacket. her market on Main St. during ber pistol. An autopsy to deter- known how much money, if any, Mrs. Rapolla was the widow of an apparent robbery. mine cause of death will be held was taken. No one in the area Fred Rapolla who died four years Mrs. Carmella Rapolla, 47, of 2 today. had heard shots, police reported. ago. Her children are Daniel, 6; Main St., died at 3:49 p.m. in Mrs. Rapolla was shot in her Bulletin Issued Marie, 12; and Joseph, who is in the Perth Amboy General Hospi- store, Rapolla's Market on Main Police issued a bulletin for a his third year at a New England tal of gunshot wounds in the St.
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