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u T m COUnty Chronicle. VOL. 3. CASS CITY, MICH., FRIDAY, OCTOBE~ 25, ~9o~. NO. ~3. favor of the license law, yet at the Wli(l IIIV. W[AV[I same time I see no reason Why a man has to fall every time he is tempted. Fall ISusiness Has a man any more right to visit a OI>I>OITINII¥[Ol YOIII(i P[OP[[ i A CAilIO[II Illl ll[W FASIOI saloon than his mother, sister or wife? The idea of pu~ting a mantle of char- The Subject Discussed by Rev. M. Will Be Here the First Sunday ity around every man who gets drunk, I The Chronicle offers a full year s scholarship to the person who secures the i J. Crowley at Town Hall. In November. simply because he is "tempted" is a most votes, If you desire it, work and get your friends to do the same ~i~ ~ i rediculous farce. Most of the saloon loafers need thedevil knocked out of E look for a very heavy trade this fallarid busi- ~ flITS lAcK AT I[V. TOrI[T ltAS AN INT[I[STINfi cArEEr them, and then the license question ness has started out with a rush that indicates will take care of itself. The Tri-Counby Chronicle has pur- [mailed to the Chronicle office on or that our expectation will be more than reahzed. We are Thlnks Mr. Torbet Made Erroneous Was Raised in Poverty and Surround I know of more than one inst:mce cllased an $80 full year scholarship of before the last day of the month in , Statements. Says Catholic ed by Evil Companions. Is now a where a man has taken a young and ready to show you the largest and most complete line of the International Business College,of which issued. Courch Is not a Sect. Successful Mfnlster. happy girl from tlle tender care of her Shoes, Clothing,'Hats, Caps, Gloves, Mittens, etc.; to be parents, and promised to love and Saginaw, Michigan, which will cover 4. No one one in any way connect- clmrish, but instead he would let her a complete course in book-keeping, ed with the Chronicle will be allowed seen in the Thumb. Ready and willing to show yofi the Rev. M. J. Crowley, Gagetown, dis- Rev. R. Weaver, who has been call- starve and go half clad in cold weath- short-hand, type-writing, etc., a thor- to vote or solicit votes. coursed on "Why I am a Catholic,' to best values to be had. Ready to convince you that you ed to the Baptist pulpit of this place, er, while he smoked his cigar and fill- ough, practical training in all the de- 5. The standing of the various con- a large audience at the town hall last expects to preach his introductory ed up on "distilled death." I say give partments of busines. This Sbholar- testants will be printed in the Chron- are making a mistake if you do not see us before you buy. Sunday evening. He prefaced his ad- sermon on Sunday, :Nov. 3rd. • him the benefit of the whipping post, ship The Chronicle proposes to present icleeach week. At the close of the dress by citing a few paragraphs from Mr. Weaver has a most remarkable or else tie him up to the corner of the to some young man or young lady and contest a committe of three or five a historical work on "Christian Per- tfistory of which the following is a hay barracks and lay the post on his our subscribers are invited to decide disinterested persons will be chosen secutions ~' written by Asa tL Craig, brief sketclJ. He was born in the back. Tllat's what such fellows need by their votes who shall be the luckey to count all the votes and award the Mukwanago, Wis. The author claims early fifties in the "old country," and to awa,(en tlmm to a sense of duty. one to receive it. scholarship to the winner. to be a Protestant, and states that is the nephew of Richard Weaver, Even then he would not suffer half as In another column will be founda the Protestants have persecuted the Saginaw. Mich.,Get. 10, 1901, o ][, D,, Crosby & Son I Enghmd's greatest evangelist during much as his wife has suffered from letter from the president of the Inter- To Whom This May Come, Greeting: Catholics fully as much as tile Catho- the19th century, known ~ tlm world cold, hunger, shame and disgrace in- national Business College regarding This is to certify that F. Klump, editor lics have persecuted the Protestants. of the Trl-County Chronicle. has purchased over as the "Converted Collier. '~ Ilicted upon her by a brute of a hus- this scholarship. Rev. Crowley also took occasion to from this college a seholarshlp valued at When only three weeks old he lost, band. This contest will be conducted as controvert some statements made by ~0.00, good for twelve month's actual attend- his mother, and a few years later his I say, give him the whipping post fairly and impartially as it is possible ance~ln this college, whleh will entitle the Rev. A. Torbet in regard to Catholic father passed away leaving him to the and if that won't do, then duck llim to do and the prize is well worth work- one on whom he confers it to a thorough, doctrine as set forth by the Gagetown practical training in all the w~rlous depart- care of a stepmother, who was very in the river a few times it won't ingfor. If you are a young man or a divine. ments of business, and to a complete short- kind to him. While only a lad he was matter if he is left there for awhile. young lady and want a business educa- %umber is Mr. Crowley said he did not desire liand, typewriting and office trainln g, If com- apprenticed to a cup maker in one of MI~S. R. BRow:N, tion, interest your friends and get pleted within twelve months. to enter into a controversy with Rcv. tile numerous potting factories of Nbvesta, Mich. them to save their coupons and cast This scholarslflp nodoubt, will decide the Torbet, but felt it hisduty to object North Stafford. Not being satisfied their votes for you. destiny of someone, and should be of inesti- to some erroneous statements made mable value to wlmever procures it. with his pay, young Weaver went to BOY LOST AND FOUND. The contest will be conducted under For any information regarding this college by the reverend gentleman. "Mr. the following rules:~ Everytliing in the work in a coal mine, the occupation Last Tuesday, Gilbert McKee, tlm or the scholarship, write to us and we will Turbet would make people believe readily respond. Yours very truly, line of Building Mater- Of his l'ather before him. Before he seven year old son of Gee. HeKee, 1 Each copy of the Chronicle issued ial is moving at the tlmt tile Catholic church sends all was fourteen he barely escapedwith will contain a cnupo n good for five International Business College. Evergreen township, was placed in F. lI.'IIarper, President. low prices at which we Protestants to eternal damnation," his life in consequence of an explosion votes. Each coupon will be dated said tim speaker. 'q object. I said care of conductor Wickware at Clif- are offering it. It will and since that time he lms had sever- ford by his grandparents at whose and must be voted, that is brought or pay you to look our nothing of the kind. We believe all al narrow escapes from death. mailed to the Chronicle office on or October 215, 'OI christians regardless ,~i' church con- home the lad had been staying for stock over and take ad- During his early years, Mr. Weaver before thelastday of the month in nection will be saved." Fa~hc]" Crow- some time. Mr. Wic,¢ware was to see vantage of some of the had many trials to endure. His as- which the paper is issued. ley referred to the fact that the Pope that tile boy got off at Cuss City when snaps we have to offer sociates in life and work were of the 2. Every new subscriber, paying for and many Catholics offered prayers tile train arrived there. However, Chronicle in lowest .type morally. But strange as the Chronicle, will be given a voting for the reposeof President McKinley's the youngster got tim start of the it may seem, the young boy kept his certificate good for 2 votes for every ~tllllbCt', soul. The speaker objected to Mr. conductor. When the train pulled Scholarship own company. He set his mind upon cent paid. These certificates must Torbet calling his church a sect.. "A into Kingston, and while Sir. Wick- %atb, books and every copper he had to be signed by the subscriber, and sect is abody ~ff men who dissent Ware was busy with his work Gilbert Contest. spare went in that direction. Al- brought or mailed to the Chronicle %bin0le , from an established church. The ignorantly or otherwise left tlhe train though del~rived of the advantages of office on or before the last day of the Protestant denominations are sects and went up town. Soon after the a public school training he did not al- month in which issued. Persons pay- Door , %a b, but not the Catholic church for it has train had started, the boy was missed Good For FIVE VOTES low this to become a barrier to his in- ing $1 in cash have200 votes, 50 cents, always existed.