221 October 2002 Category 1
Obstructive The Surgical Technologist OCTOBER 2002 16 RICHARD EVANS WILLS, MD, FACSM, FRSM, MBA MICHAEL NORTON, DC LARA CREASEY KETTEN, MA JANE VINCENT YOUNG, MA Uropathies rinary flow can be reviewed the anatomy of kidneys. obstructed at any loca- This article discusses the remain- tion between the glome- ing obstructive uropathies. rulus and the end of the Kidney stones are one of the U urinary meatus.2 The most common of these disorders. clinical pathology can cause The number of cases has increased intraluminal pressure, increased steadily over the last urinary tract infection (UTI), 20 years. As many as 10% of all urinary stasis, formation of Americans will have a kidney stones, and the possible loss of stone in their lifetime. The disor- total renal function.2,3 The CE der affects men more often than article in September’s Journal, women; however, the number of “Renal Transitional Cancer,” dis- cases in women has also risen cussed obstructive tumors and over the past 10 years.20 OCTOBER 2002 The Surgical Technologist 17 221 OCTOBER 2002 CATEGORY 1 Hydronephrosis sis, hematuria, diabetes mellitus, prostatic There are two types of hydronephrosis, primary enlargement (either benign or malignant), trau- and secondary.With primary, there is no ureteral ma, surgery, should be worked up for possible dilation and the obstruction occurs at the urinary tract obstruction.2,3,4 The patient with ureteropelvic junction.The causes of obstruction bilateral obstruction will show prerenal are due to: intrinsic stricture; a defect in the func- azotemia.As
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