Our M Ission
February 2013 Volume 36, Number 1 PAID NM Permit 8 ® CIMARRON T h e m a g a z i N e o F T h e P h i l m o nt S Ta ff a ss o c i aT i o N® U.S. POSTAGE Non-Profit Organization high countrY check us out! www.philstaff.com ® Mission unites (PSA) Association Staff Philmont The and present— staff—past Philmont the adventure, purpose of serving the the for Ranch Scout Philmont of experience and heritage Boy Scouts of America. and the 17 DEER RUN ROAD CIMARRON NM 87714 Our Mission HigH Country®—Volume 36, Number 1 PhilmoNT STaFF aSSociaTioN® February 2013 board oF direcTorS ed PeaSe, ediTor mark dierker, layouT ediTor Jim lyNch, PreSideNT in this issue ScoTT ToNey, Vice PreSideNT, memberShiP raNdy SauNderS, associaTe ediTor Tim roSSeiSeN, Vice PreSideNT, SerVice daVe kenneke, STaff contribuTor JohN murPhy, Vice PreSideNT, deVeloPmeNT columns keViN “leVi” ThomaS, carTooNist ray czech, SecreTary Jack PerSoN, TreaSurer 4 from the prez contribuTiNg ediTorS roberT birkby daVid caffey NaTioNal direcTorS 5 from the editor bill cass gregory hobbS ray baTchelor WarreN SmiTh mark STinnett bill caSS 30 ranch roundup mary STueVer STePheN zimmer keN daViS mark griFFiN 32 i-camp HigH Country® iS The official PublicaTioN oF The lee huckSTeP 37 trail talk Philmont STaff associaTioN® aNd iS PubliShed Six STeVe rick TimeS Per year aS a beNeFiT To its memberS. STeVeN zimmer 39 good campsite © 2012, The Philmont STaff associaTioN, iNc. regioNal direcTorS all rights reSerVed. No coPyrighT claimed For NorTheaST articles PreViouSly coPyrighTed or Public maTerial.
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