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Coll. Antropol. 30 (2006) 3: 653–658 Review

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Roxani Angelopoulou, Giagkos Lavranos and Panagiota Manolakou

Department of Histology and Embryology, School of , University of Athens, Athens, Greece


Sexual dimorphism, i.e. the distinct recognition of only two per , is the phenotypic expression of a multi- stage procedure at chromosomal, gonadal, hormonal and behavioral level. Chromosomal – genetic sexual dimorphism refers to the presence of two identical (XX) or two different (XY) gonosomes in and males, respectively. is due to the distinct content of the X and Y-chromosomes in both genes and regulatory sequences, SRY being the key regulator. (AMH, , Insl3) secreted by the foetal testis (gonadal sexual dimorphism), impede Müller duct de- velopment, masculinize Wolff duct derivatives and are involved in testicular descent (hormonal sexual dimorphism). Steroid receptors detected in the , link with behavioral sexual dimorphism. Further- more, chromosome genes directly affect brain sexual dimorphism and this may precede gonadal differentiation.

Key words: SRY, Insl3, testis differentiation, , androgens, AMH, Müller / Wolff ducts, , brain, be- havioral sex


Sex is a set model of anatomy and behavior, character- latter referring to the two identical gonosomes in each ized by the ability to contribute to the process of repro- diploid cell. duction. Although the latter is possible in the absence of sex or in its multiple presences, the most typical pattern The basis of sexual dimorphism in derives and the one corresponding to humans is that of sexual di- from the evolution of the sex chromosomes2. According morphism. The term sexual dimorphism has been used to recent findings, both X and Y chromosomes have to describe morphological differences between the sexes, evolved from autosomal ancestors about 300 million but can be extended to any biologically-related process years ago3,4. At the time, a failure in homologous recom- that varies between males and females1. bination resulted in the formation of a small area that This quality achieves to offer the necessary variability wasn’t identical in the two chromosomes. The presence in phenotype features, in and parental or absence of this region coincided with a different pat- chromosome fusion in fertilization, while at the same tern of development that altered activity, re- time it ensures the maintenance of androgens and es- sulting in a sex – determining role. In all mammalian or- trogens within an acceptable proportional ratio. Thus, ganisms surviving today, this area appears to retain the sexual dimorphism is the phenotypic expression of a mul- regulatory function and is therefore described as the tistage procedure at chromosomal, gonadal, hormonal sex-determining region of the (SRY gene)5. and behavioral level. However, it must be pointed out, that the genetic basis of sexual dimorphism is not limited to a single gene. In fact, sequence analysis has suggested a gradual structural Chromosomal – Genetic Sexual Dimorphism conversion process. According to this theory, the X and Y chromosomes have experienced repetitive recombination In humans, the typical male usually has a diploid failures throughout time, leading to the accumulation of karyotype of 46 chromosomes, including 22 autosomal micro- and macroscopic specializations, which finally pairs and an XY pair of gonosomes (46, XY). Alterna- lead to the extensive differentiation in the current struc- tively, a standard karyotype would be 46, XX, the ture of the two gonosomes4,6–8.

Received for publication July 15, 2006

653 R. Angelopoulou et al.: Establishing Sexual Dimorphism in Humans, Coll. Antropol. 30 (2006) 3: 653–658

The particularly small Y chromosome, in comparison Gonadal Sexual Dimorphism to its X partner, cannot be simply attributed to chromo- somal recombination. Therefore, one must assume that The expression of the SRY gene is the key parameter every failed recombination was followed by some level of in gonadal differentiation. In males, SRY is expressed in genomic instability, which caused partial deletions of the Y differentiating epithelial cells of the gonadal anlagen, i.e. Sertoli cells that encompass germ cells forming the semi- chromosome-ancestor. Today, males carry a Y chromosome 16,17 that almost entirely (95%) consists of non-recombinant niferous cords . SRY is expressed only briefly, and sequences, allowing recombination with the X chromo- therefore, one may assume that it acts as a form of mo- some only in polar regions, the so-called pseudoautosomal lecular "switch", triggering a gene cascade that promotes regions, PAR1 and PAR29. The non-recombinant region male phenotype (Table 1, Figure 1). Indeed, of the nu- (NRY) seems to have developed around the SRY gene to merous downstream genes, current research mainly fo- include a variety of genes and regulatory elements that cuses on two major gene products, both deriving from cooperate to produce the main features of the male phe- Sertoli cells. The first is the SOX9 protein, which appears to coordinate the formation of seminiferous cords within notype. Owing to this observation, it has recently been the developing testis. The action of SOX is necessary for proposed to rename this area as the male-specific region of the Y chromosome, or MSY. Moreover, it has been sug- gested that the MSY has the ability to exchange DNA be- tween its own different units, allowing some level of vari- ability. This unique quality is based on the presence of palindromes, which increase its stability and determine the positions of Y-Y recombination9–12. According to this, one should expect that, the Y chromosome retains its current length, after millions of years of gradual deterio- ration, a concept that remains to be proven9,13,14.

For females, the double presence of the X chromo- some seems to be related to sexual features. However, in all higher mammals that have developed an MSY region, extending the sex determining abilities of the SRY gene, some model of inactivation has been employed15. This mechanism leads to dosage compensa- tion between the two sexes for the large majority of X-linked genes6. The remaining genes escape inactiva- tion, which predisposes for their differentiated role in fe- males, owing to their double expression from the two X chromosomes, as opposed to a single copy in XY males. However, not all of these genes have been found to con- trol sex-related functions. Therefore, one may assume that certain autosomal genes must also play an impor- tant role in the establishment of the female sex pattern.

The crucial role of the sex chromosomes in dimor- phism is particularly stressed by the phenotypic disorders associated with cytogenetic alterations. Despite differ- ences in their clinical manifestations, gonosome ane- uploidies, such as Kleinefelter and Turner syndromes, are always characterized by gonadal dysgenesis and in- . Fig. 1. Genes implicated in gonadal sex differentiation.


Molecular markers Testis (XY) Ovary (XX) Molecular markers Testis (XY) Ovary (XX)

11.5 days post conception (dpc) 12.5 days post conception (dpc) Sry +– Sry –– SOX9 ++ – SOX9 ++ – DAX1 ++ ++ DAX1 +/– ++ AMH –– AMH ++ –

654 R. Angelopoulou et al.: Establishing Sexual Dimorphism in Humans, Coll. Antropol. 30 (2006) 3: 653–658 normal testis development, since its absence totally in- and development, are controlled by androgens and hibits it, regardless of SRY expression, as experiments estrogens26–29. Both types of hormones may act in andro- with mutant SOX deficient mice have shown. This in- gen and receptors, thus altering the outcome at volves both Sertoli and Leydig cells, since the latter are a cellular and tissue level. It is important to note that, induced by SOX9 to express the FtzF1 gene, whose prod- while mainly act in the form of , i.e. uct is the main regulator of androgen production, i.e. the final product in the aromatase chain of reactions, an- steroidogenic factor 1 (SF1)18,19. drogens act as both, testosterone, and the most enhanced Although testis formation is largely androgen-inde- form, (DHT). The latter is produced pendent, it seems that subsequent development of the or- from testosterone by the action of the enzyme 5a-re- gan depends on continuous trophic exposure to androgens. ductase. Testosterone and DHT bind to a specific high- The latter are produced by Leydig cells and accumulated -affinity intracellular receptor and, ultimately, this hor- by the androgen binding protein produced by Sertoli mone-receptor complex enters the nucleus and modulates cells. Experimental data in adult rats show that a stable of tissue-specific genes and their protein androgen to estrogen ratio is vital to retain both ovary products. Testosterone-receptor complex mediates devel- and testis histological organization. opment of the Wolffian derivatives whereas DHT-recep- Testosterone promotes Wolffian duct differentiation tor complex modulates differentiation of the urogenital into the male reproductive tract through the formation sinus and male external genitalia. The response of target of the epididymides, vas deferentia and seminal vesicles. tissues to testicular hormones lasts for a particular de- On the other , Sertoli cells produce the Anti Mül- velopmental period, which constitutes the sensitive pe- lerian Hormone (AMH), shortly following SRY stimula- riod for hormone action. Hormonal treatment of females tion. This hormone inhibits the development of the Mül- in adulthood has negligible effects on genital - 27 lerian ducts in the male embryo20–22. logy . The differentiation of external genitalia into labia majora, labia minora, clitoris and part of the vagina is In females, absence of the SRY gene allows the forma- stimulated by estrogens. Androgens together with AMH tion of an ovary. Among the major regulators of this pro- and insulin-like growth factor 3 (Insl3) are involved in cess, one may refer to the DAX1 protein, which is associ- testicular descent to the scrotum, via activation of the ated with follicular cell function and the formation of the Lim1 transcriptional factor. In the female embryo, the primordial follicles. The importance of this product is un- absence of androgen holds the ovary by the suspensory derstood by the result of its duplication in male rats. In ligament inside the abdomen and, as Insl3 is not present, this case, regardless of SRY or SOX action, DSS-AHC the gubernaculums fades away before it has a chance to critical region on the X chromosome gene 1 (DAX1, also yank the ovary outside30. known as NrOb1) achieves the of the geni- tal structures, a process described as dosage-sensitive sex reversal23. In addition, experimental data suggest that its presence, in small quantities, in males, may actually be Sexual Dimorphism of the Brain required for the initial organization of the epithelium Until recently, scientists believed that the way in forming seminiferous cords. As far as ovaries are con- which each individual chooses to determine his/her sex cerned, steroid producing cells are represented by the in- constitutes a final, "behavioral" level in sexual dimor- ner and outer theca. The SF1 protein is the key regulator phism, attributed to psychological rather than organic of androgen production in these cells as well, but it also factors. However, it has been suggested that sex hor- helps to limit P450 aromatase activity, thus achieving an mones might be involved in processes within the central optimal androgen to estrogen ratio. nervous system (CNS) which cannot explain sexual pref- In the absence of male hormones, the Wolffian ducts erences, but they may constitute some kind of predisposi- degenerate, whereas the Müllerian ducts persist and dif- tion to homo- or hetero-sexuality. This concept has given ferentiate into the female reproductive tract, including rise to extensive research on this field of Neuroscience, the oviduct (fallopian tube), uterus, and upper leading to reviews and original papers on the issue of the portion of the vagina. Homeobox A (Hoxa) genes are ex- so-called "sexual brain"31,32. pressed along the craniocaudal axis of the Müllerian Of the various functional regions of the CNS, those ducts and specify the identities of the developing struc- that seem to be closely associated with the sexual behav- tures. The expression of a lin-11, Isl1 and mec-3 ho- ior are the , the and the bul- mologue (Lim1, also known as Lhx1) which encodes a bocavernosus nucleus in the spinal cord. The hypothala- LIM class homeodomain protein, in the epithelium of the mus represents a central area in the regulation of the Wolffian and Müllerian ducts highlights the initial sexual autonomous nervous system and the function of vital or- 24,25 duality of the forming reproductive systems . gans. Regions related to sexual dimorphism, perinatally, include the preoptic area and the anteroventral peri- Hormonal Sexual Dimorphism ventricular nucleus, both bearing estrogen receptors. On the other hand, the septal AVP, the spinal bulbocaver- The external genitalia and the secondary sex features, nosus nucleus (SBN) and the nucleus robustus archis- such as osteology, muscular strength, voice depth, triatum seem to retain a role in length, lipid distribution pattern, facial characteristics throughout life. With the exception of the SBN, which

655 R. Angelopoulou et al.: Establishing Sexual Dimorphism in Humans, Coll. Antropol. 30 (2006) 3: 653–658 only contains androgen receptors, the others seem to be a) 1.8 regulated by both androgen and estrogen receptors (glu- tamate secreting neurons). This is true for the poste- 1.6 rodorsal medial amygdala in adults. , on the 1.4 other hand, is known to bind to the subunit of GABA- 1.2 nergic neurons. 1 Although the exact target for sex hormone activity in 0.8 the CNS is not clear, research has provided some proba- ble candidates. These include, for example, the ciliary 0.6 neurotrophic factor (CNTF) receptor, which regulates Testosterone (µg/g) 0.4 neuronal development. Moreover, PGE2 may promote 0.2 "masculinization" of the preoptic area in the hypothala- 0 mus, but it cannot justify the differences in volume ob- 17 dpc 21 dpc 22 days 1 dpp 3 dpp 5 dpp served between the two sexes. Granulin is an androgen- Age -induced modulator of epithelial growth, highly expressed in the ventromedial and arcuate nucleus of the hypo- b) thalamus33. Prenatal exposure to high androgen concen- 1 trations is often found in the history of homosexual 0.9 women, while androgen insensitivity is detected in some 0.8 men submitted to surgical sex reversal. ) 0.7

µg/g Differences between male and female brains are thought ( 0.6 to arise largely through the actions of gonadal secretions 0.5 during a critical period of brain development34.Inhu- 0.4 mans (as in rats) circulating testosterone displays 2 0.3 peaks. The 1st peak, in male embryo, occurs in the Testosterone 0.2 2nd trimester of gestation and the 2nd peak in the 1st year 0.1 of post-natal life (Figure 2). Thus, higher levels of testos- 0 terone during foetal and neonatal life cause the masculi- 90 dpc 180 dpc 270 days 300 dpp 360 dpc 540 dpp nization of the brain31,32. Age

Due to the fact that, specific central nervous system Fig. 2. Levels of testosterone in foetal and neonatal a) rats and regions and behavior can be fully sex-reversed by treat- b) humans: dpc – days post conception, dpp – days post partum. ing females with testosterone or preventing the action of testicular hormones in males, no other factor need to be invoked in order to explain the sexual differentiation process in those cases35. dimorphic nucleus of the POA (SDN-POA) have more modest effects. Treating female rats with testosterone, just before and after , causes the SDN-POA in Testis-Dependent Sexual Dimorphism adulthood to be as large as in normal males, whereas cas- trating male rats at birth results in a smaller feminine Several masculinizing effects of androgens in the SDN-POA in adulthood. Thus, sexual differentiation of brain result from aromatization of testosterone to estro- this nucleus resembles that of the genitalia, i.e. androgen gen, catalyzed by aromatase, an enzyme abundant in the 36 early in life permanently masculinize this brain regi- hypothalamus . Only aromatizable androgens, such as on39–41. testosterone, exert a masculinizing effect in female rats, not non-aromatizable androgens, such as 5-dihydro- However, a divergence has been observed on these neu- testosterone (5-DHT). But, in addition to aromatase, ral sexual dimorphisms. Some rely on perinatal actions of the brain contains 5-reductase. The type 2 isoform of testosterone (SDN-POA, AVPV) and some require both 5-reductase (5-R2) is expressed in cerebral neurons perinatal and adult testosterone (septal vasopressin, BNST, SNB, RA)34. Yet, others require testosterone only in and its maximal expression occurs a few days after birth, 41, 42 in males than in females. This enzyme (5-DHT) seems adulthood (MePD – Prostero Dorsal Medial Amygdala) . to be a morphogenetic signal for the development of In some cases, testosterone acts only on estrogen recep- 32 tors (SDN-POA, AVPV) or activates both androgen and aromatase-expressing neurons of the hypothalamus . 43, 44 However, the importance of 5-DHT in brain mascu- estrogen receptors (septal vasopressin, MePD, RA) . linization is limited because men with homozygous inac- In other cases, only androgen receptors act perinatally tivation of the 5-R2 gene and their model (5-R2 (SNB). knock-out mice) a proper identity and behavior37,38. Testis-Independent Sexual Dimorphism Lesions of the entire preoptic area (POA) in the ante- rior hypothalamus eliminate virtually all male copula- Recent studies have shown that, sex-specific differ- tory behaviors, whereas lesions restricted to the sexually ences observed in both mammals and can be associ-

656 R. Angelopoulou et al.: Establishing Sexual Dimorphism in Humans, Coll. Antropol. 30 (2006) 3: 653–658 ated with X and Y chromosome-linked genes acting di- nal transplantation studies in quails also support a role rectly on the brain cells45. In several species of songbirds, for genetic sex in controlling sexual differentiation in the males sing more than females, a functional difference brain. This means that, an important contribution to the that matches a structural difference: the forebrain re- process of brain sexual dimorphism is given by the action gions controlling song, including the Higher Vocal Cen- of genes, acting locally, within the brain ter (HVC) and the nucleus Robustus Archistriatum (RA). (somatic) cells and steroid hormones are produced in These nuclei are much larger in males and contain larger situ, to virilize the song system47. neurons, than their female counterparts. The forebrain song circuit shows marked sexual differentiation, which Microarray screening of genes that were expressed does not seem to be due solely to gonadal hormones, but differentially in the brain of male and female mice, be- rather might result from differences in neuronal sex fore gonadal hormone secretion, allowed the identifica- chromosome genotype46. tion of 57 female enhanced genes and 24 male enhanced Manipulating males with gonadal estrogen do not genes, at embryonic day 10.5 (E10.5). This means that prevent masculine development, so it seems that brain sexual differences in gene expression in neuronal cells, cells may produce de novo estrogen () to in- before gonadal hormone secretion, play an important duce HVC ingrowth and masculine development. Neuro- role in sexual dimorphism in the brain48,49.


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R. Angelopoulou

Department of Histology and Embryology, School of Medicine, University of Athens 75 Mikras Asias, Goudi, 115 27, Athens, Greece e-mail: [email protected]

657 R. Angelopoulou et al.: Establishing Sexual Dimorphism in Humans, Coll. Antropol. 30 (2006) 3: 653–658



Spolni dimorfizam, odnosno raspoznavanje dvaju spolova unutar vrste, fenotipska je ekspresija vi{efaznog postupka na kromosomskoj, gonadnoj, hormonalnoj i bihevioralnoj razini. Kromosomsko-genetski spolni dimorfizam odnosi se na postojanje dvaju identi~nih (XX) ili dvaju razli~itih (XY) gonosoma kod `ena i mu{karaca. To je posljedica razli~itog sadr`aja X i Y kromosoma na oba gena te regulatorskih sekvenci, a SRY je klju~ni regulator. Hormoni (AMH, testoste- ron, Insl3) koje izlu~uju fetalni testisi (gonadni spolni dimorfizam) prije~e razvoj Müllerovog duktusa, maskuliniziraju derivate Wolffovog duktusa te su uklju~eni u testikularno propadanje (hormonalni spolni dimorfizam). Receptori ste- roidnih hormona, na|eni u `iv~anom sustavu, ve`u androgene uz bihevioralni spolni dimorfizam. Nadalje, geni na spolnim kromosomima direktno utje~u na mo`dani bihevioralni dimorfizam, {to mo`e prethoditi gonadnoj diferen- cijaciji.