Www .Cdcc.Net State of the Base Briefing Breakfast at Dover AFB To
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Chamber Vol. 42, No. 10 www.cdcc.net October 2018 The onnections15th Annual Holiday Gift Auction Candidates’C Interviews Photography by ................ Pages 8-12 The 15th Annual Holiday Gift Auc- evening of holiday gift shopping, with Grill ·Dinner Certificates ·Wine & IN THIS ISSUE... tion: The Treasures of Kent County cocktails, great food and an opportu- Brewery Tour ·Fine Jewelry ·Home will be held on Wednesday, October nity network to grow your business! Décor ·NASCAR Tickets with Pit Members Enjoyed A 24 at Maple Dale Country Club from The Annual Holiday Gift Auction Passes 5:30 – 8:00 PM. This event will help is comprised of a two-part silent auc- and so much more! Night at the Races promote holiday shopping at local tion and a live auction. There will be Purchase your tickets the night ..................... Pages 7 businesses and support of organiza- amazing gift baskets, unique experi- of the Auction or by contacting the tions and events! This is the largest ences and gift certificates to some of CDCC at (302) 734-7513. The cost is fundraiser of the year for the Central your favorite stores and restaurants. only $10 per guest or $15 per couple LCD Class of 2019 Delaware Chamber of Commerce Check out the list below for a teaser! and includes food, entertainment, (CDCC). It is open to CDCC members (For more items, visit www.cdcc.net/ and 1 drink ticket. Opening Retreat and guests for an evening of unique auction) See you Wednesday, October 24 at ................... Pages 14 and exclusive offerings! Join us for an ·Themed Gift Baskets ·Charcoal Maple Dale Country Club! State of the Base Briefing Breakfast at Dover AFB to be held in November The Central Delaware Chamber date on their accomplishments in Thank you for supporting the State of Commerce Military Affairs Com- the State of the Base Briefing to of the Base Briefing. mittee and Dover Air Force Base in- the community from Colonel Joel You don’t want to miss this great vite you to attend the State of the Safranek, Commander of the 436th opportunity to show your support Base Briefing (MilCon) Breakfast Airlift Wing. U. S. Senator Tom of the Dover Air Force Base and the brought to you by Signature Spon- Carper, U. S. Senator Chris Coons, wonderful military men and women sor Delaware Technical Community and Representative Lisa Blunt there. Contact the CDCC Office at College. The breakfast will be held Rochester will give remarks regard- 302-734-7513 for more information on Monday, November 19th from ing U.S. military activities during or to reserve your seat today ($22 for 7:30 – 9:30am at The Landings on the presentation. Chamber Members / $27 for the Pub- Dover Air Force Base. Platinum Sponsors include Axia lic). Due to security requirements You can learn about the Dover Management, Chesapeake Utilities for DAFB Entry Access each attend- Air Force Base’s activities and con- Corporation, Dover Federal Credit ee will need to provide: Full Name, struction projects that have been Union, HealthSouth Rehabilitation Date of Birth, Driver’s License Num- completed over the past decade Hospital of Middletown, Harrington ber & State of Issue. The deadline www.cdcc.net to prepare the Base for long term Raceway & Casino, KraftHeinz to register is Friday, November 2nd. viability as well as future projects Company, L&W Insurance Agen- We look forward to seeing you at being planned. You will get an up- cy, and R & R Commercial Realty. The Landings in November! 2 Chamber Connections, October 2018 The Holidays are HERE!!! I really did not want to be the cious hors d’oeuvres and spending first to say it, but here I go: The time with some great people at a holidays are right around the cor- festive holiday celebration? I know ner! And as we all know, once the it really does sound too good to be holidays start, so does the holiday true, but it is, and you can expe- shopping! rience all the fun for yourself by I am one of those people who attending the CDCC Annual Hol- Chamber Connections loves the hustle and bustle of the iday Gift Auction on Wednesday, Published monthly by the Central Delaware Chamber of Commerce, the first accredited Chamber of Commerce season. I love running around October 24 at Maple Dale Country in Delaware. We represent the interests of the small business community. Over 800 businesses support CDCC. from store to store to find that Club starting at 5:30 p.m.! OFFICERS & BOARD OF DIRECTORS perfect gift, to find all those great All the “hidden treasures” of Chairman ........................................Sean Mace, Eden Hill Medical Center “hidden treasures.” Speaking of Central Delaware will be right First Vice Chair ........................ Shane Breakie, Chesapeake Utilities Corp. “hidden treasures,” are you aware there, at your fingertips, and for (USPS 462-490) Vice Chair, Economic Development .......................................................... of all the “hidden treasures” that those hard-to-buy people on your .......................................Stephanie Preece, Del-One Federal Credit Union Central Delaware Central Delaware merchants have list, we have put together some Vice Chair, Organizational Development . Evans Armantrading, Jr., CNU Fit Chamber of Commerce Vice Chair, Community Affairs ................Dina Vendetti, St. John’s School to offer you for your holiday gift great and unique live auction Vice Chair, Legislative Affairs ....C. Scott Kidner, C.S. Kidner & Associates shopping? packages that provide one-of-a- 435 N. DuPont Highway Vice Chair, Military Affairs ...... Lynne Schaefer, Dover Federal Credit Union For many people, holiday shop- kind gifts and one-of-a-kind expe- Dover, Delaware 19901 Treasurer .................................. Christina Lessard, Lessard Builders, Inc. ping is one of their least favorite riences. It just can’t be any easier! 302-734-7513 Vice Chair, Smyrna-Clayton ................... Dana Wattay, Wattay Accounting Past Chairman ..................... Janie Libby, Dover Downs® Hotel & Casino parts of the holiday season. My The event is also open to the pub- theory on that is these people are lic, so Chamber members please Board of Directors just not aware how fun holiday feel free to bring guests. Rachel Bowden, Kraft-Heinz POSTMASTER: Ed Ide, i3a Consulting Engineers & Construction Managers shopping can be. Did you know So, the Holidays are here, and Send address changes to Jesse Kelleher, Harrington Raceway & Casino that there is a way that you can your holiday shopping just be- Chamber News, Jenny Mabus, Bayard Pharmacy do all your shopping in one place came easy and fun! Join us on Dr. Wilma Mishoe, Delaware State University 435 N. DuPont Highway, with more than 120 gift items from Wednesday, October 24 at Maple Shari Sack, Aflac MidAtlantic Region Team Sack Dover, DE 19901 John Shevock, Bayhealth Medical Center which to choose all while enjoying Dale Country Club starting at 5:30 Brian Stetina, Faw Casson refreshing cocktails, eating deli- p.m. Katrina Sullivan, Delaware State News Subscription Price: Lincoln Willis, The Willis Group Hon. Jim Hosfelt, Kent County Levy Court $20.00 per year Col. Joel W. Safranek, Commander, 436th Airlift Wing, DAFB (included in membership dues) Administrative Staff Judy Diogo, President Periodical Postage Paid at Cristal Brenneman, Executive Assistant & Director of Special Events Kevin Edwards, Director of Membership Services & Retention Dover, DE 19901 Cindy Friese, Assistant for Special Events & Sponsorships Katie Dodge Gillis, Marketing and Communications Director Heather McTheny, Director of LCD and Membership Services Cheryl Whitney, Administrative Assistant Member Chamber of Commerce of the United States Chamber Connections Production and Layout by: Delaware State News Additional mailings are available for a $20 subscription fee. In many cases, more than one individual in a member business would like to receive information from the Chamber. By forwarding the subscription fee, the Chamber will satisfy the second class postage requirements and that individuals will be added to the mailing list. Chamber Connections, October 2018 3 CDCC joins Willis Law, LLC for a ribbon cutting ceremony DOVER – The Central Delaware Chamber of Commerce (CDCC) joined Laura Willis of Willis Law, LLC on Thursday, August 30 for a ribbon cutting ceremony. The event marked the grand opening of the new practice located at 117 West Reed Street. As an attorney with more than ten years of experience, Willis brings a wealth of credibility and knowledge to her profession. Her specific practice areas include es- tate planning (wills, durable powers of attorney, living wills, trusts) and business transactions (contract drafting and review, business coun- seling). A variety of factors – among them family and flexibility – influenced the decision to open a solo practice. Willis is excited for the opportunity to focus on the practice area about which she is most passionate: es- tate planning. “Through this practice area, I aim to educate people about the impor- tance of having a proper estate plan in place, and to streamline and sim- plify what can be an emotional, and Laura Willis (holding scissors) celebrates the grand opening of her new law practice, Willis Law, LLC, with friends, family and com- seemingly overwhelming, process,” munity supporters. the attorney explained. “I hope to a part in its revitalization, giving various charitable organizations, tate planning and business clients develop a reputation for providing a high level of legal service, while back to the community that has and are members in several profes- first-rate legal services, while nev- placing the highest priority on pro- been so generous to her. She and sional networking groups. er losing sight of the qualities that fessionalism, personal attention, her husband, Lincoln, also a small Willis hopes that the future have made my practice a success and responsiveness.” business owner in the Dover area, brings growth, but smart growth, so far: professionalism, kindness, For Willis, opening a business are involved in many initiatives with a continued focus on a fami- accessibility, and an appreciation in the heart of downtown Dover is dedicated to supporting Kent ly-oriented, client-focused vision.