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The BG News April 2, 1997

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Recommended Citation Bowling Green State University, "The BG News April 2, 1997" (1997). BG News (Student Newspaper). 6155.

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# "Serving the Bowling Green community for over 75years" Yearly organizational fee allocations finalized

□ Committee makes The allocations were made by president for student affairs. tion and answer period from the ran into involved finding the so- recognized and appreciated the decisions as to how the advisory committee for gen- The money was slightly above committee. lution to how much money each service the group provided, but eral fee allocations (ACGFA). the amount allotted for the Stewart said each of the com- organization should receive from felt safety was also a University- much general fee The committee is comprised of 1996-97 general fee. mittee members committed to a the student general fee. wide concern and priority. They money each campus the leaders of each campus or- Tonia Stewart, associate vice week of hearings and delibera- Stewart said the committee want the University to show their ganization. president for student affairs, tions, which made the process wanted to make sure the Univer- support for the organization as organization will Overall, the committee heard said the process stayed fairly move along smoothly. sity was supporting the organiza- well. receive. from 77 student organizations similar to how it had been in "It was a difficult process, but tions as well as the students. By DARLA WARNOCK during the week of March 3. De- the past. I am very pleased," Stewart said. An example of that decision is Ed Whipple, vice president for The BC News liberations were made March 9. Each organization was given IS "I think it went very well." the amount of money allocated to student affairs, approved the A total of $460,541 was divided minutes to make a presentation She said the process was made the Campus Escort Service. recommendations made by the Recommendations for general among the organizations, with on behalf of their group. The ac- especially challenging this year While requesting $56340, the committee and forwarded the re- fee allocations were made and $4,165 reserved for either an ap- tual presentation is eight because of the increased amount group received a recom- sults to their respective organi- finalized recently for the 1997-98 peals or a contingency fund minutes, the seven remaining of new organizations. mendation for $21,000. academic year. through the office of the vice minutes are reserved for a ques- The problems the committee Stewart said the committee • See ACCFA, page three. Railroad crossings Comet Over BG focus of attention □ Groups join forces to educate public on dan- "These are the most gers of railway cross- preventable ings and how accidents accidents. It's can be prevented. statistically proven that the more By SARAH BEDNARSKI publicity, the less The BG News accidents we have." To decrease the number of Joseph Crowell fatalities on American railways, BC Police Sergeant the Ohio State Highway Patrol and Ohio Operation Lifesaver have joined forces. close a few more railway inter- During a week-long campaign, sections. they will Issue public service an- "We've had several accidents nouncements promoting high- in the past and many have in- way-rail safety. volved University students," According to the Federal Rail- Crowell said. road Administration (FRA), Ohio According to Crowell, the Ohio was ranked sixth worst in the na- Operation Lifesaver week has tion for most vehicle-train acci- occurred for the past 8 years. dents. In 1996, there were 14 Motorists need to be aware that fatalities from railway collisions trains cannot stop quickly and it in Ohio. is necessary to exercise caution The FRA reported that in 1996 when approaching any crossing. there were 4,159 vehicle train Ohio Operation Lifesaver said crashes nationwide and 471 were that a motorist should never fatal. drive around lowered gates. They advise that If a driver hears Bowling Green Police Sergeant BG Newt Photo by Doug Khre no viky Joseph Crowell said that railway or sees a train they should stop, accidents can be prevented with and if unable to see clearly in The Hale-Bopp comet streaks across the sky Tuesday evening. The sunrise. The Bowling Green University Observatory is offering education. both directions, proceed with comet can be seen two hours after sunset and two hours before viewing sessions from 8 p.m. to 9 p.m. through Saturday. "These are the most preventa- caution. ble accidents," Crowell said. "It's According to Don Slemmcr, di- statistically proven that the more rector of the Ohio Operation publicity, the less accidents we Lifesaver, motorists have to be Ombudsperson offers objectivity have." cautious when approaching rail- Most Ohioans are not aware way crossings. that a motorist is 30 times more "Remember when you ap- □ Students seeking help students resolve problems "It functions as an alternative intra-group disputes, according likely to die In a crash involving a proach a crossing to look, listen help for resolving con- with the help of a trained media- to more formal administrative to Smith. An eight-hour work- train than in other highway colli- and live," Slemmer said. tor. procedures where decisions are shop conducted by Robert Hol- sions. Slemmcr said that the cam- flicts can utilize Univer- Fourteen mediators are availa- usually made for you to settle the mes, assistant professor of legal According to Ohio Operation paign has been very successful. sity organization free of ble to help facilitate discussions dispute," he said. studies, and continuing weekly Lifesaver, nearly 50 percent of "It promotes safety through between students with problems The student mediators do not training prepared the volunteers collisions at public crossings education," Slemmer said "Not charge. such as roommate difficulties or judge who is right or wrong, but to conduct peer mediation. occur where active warning de- only is the public warned about harassment. facilitate a structured discussion Rich Hebein was appointed vices exist and are working the dangers of highway-rail By MAUREEN BARRY According to John Smith, om- to reach a resolution, Smith said. acting faculty ombudsperson by properly. grade crossings and walking on The BC News bud intern, the service is set up Not only does the service me- former University President Crowell said that the city of tracks, but they are educated on for student use and is run by the diate interpersonal conflicts, but Bowling Green is planning to how to stay safe and alive." A new University service can student population. it also handles inter-group and • See MEDIATION, page three. Faculty, students concerned about future of program □ Graphic design stu- enough to accommodate design the needs the students currently computer, go to the tech lab or rything and understand all the students. have, Raidl said. She feels the Kinkos, which all lack the social things that we didn't have that we dents and instructors "This is one of the "This is one of the biggest, administration needs to realize stability graphic design calls should have." voice concerns over biggest, fastest fastest growing programs we've the importance of graphic de- for." The technological concern is lack of technology in growing programs got," Krueger said. "It has a sign. Raidl said graphic design is a growing rapidly and is increas- great reputation, but it does not There is also a concern about way to communicate to mass ingly vital to students and instuc- their department. we've got." have the equipment it needs. De- the limited output an i work stu- scripts of people and is not an art tors. sign students need advanced dents can do to the lack of re- form that is totally individual. Childers said there has been By TANYA MARKUL technology and they need it sources accessible. She said design is all around us numerous requests made this The BC News Lou Krueger now." There are only three adequate and students with this apprecia- year alone, even from students In the future, the prestige of computers for about 150 students tion for design need to receive themselves, but there has not Lack of technology has the de- director of the School of Art the graphic design program may to use, said Todd Childers, assis- the appropriate technology In or- been any changes. He said he has sign division of the University's suffer from this technological tant professor of graphic design. der to survive in the real world. never seen such dedicated and school of art worried about their setback. He said this does not allow stu- "To compete with students who talented students who could go futures and the design program. Krueger, but mainly graphic de- "If we do not have the support, dents to become very fluent with are also going to be out in the job much farther if they had the There is a parallel problem at sign majors by virtue of their our program is just going to the programs and may force market, we need to have the up- technology their major requires. the University about demands to. size and caliber of the program. flounder and it won't develop as them to spend excess time and graded technology not only to Faculty will be meeting Friday increase and update materials, Graphic design is the largest far as it can," said Cathy Raidl, money on projects. compete, but to have an under- with Charles Middleton, Univer- said Lou Krueger, director of the department within the school of Design Club co-president and "Students are forced to impro- standing of that technology," sity provost, and CJ. Cranny, school of art. art and is equipped with what senior design student. vise due to the computer situa- Raidl said. "If we do not have dean of the college of arts and This lack of upgrading affects Krueger termed outdated tech- The support the design division tion," Childers said. "Students that understanding, we have to sciences to address this concern all students, according to nology that is not efficient receives is not enough to meet will, perhaps, purchase their own take a step back and relearn eve- for technological advances. page two The BG News Wednesday, April 2. 1997

Mike Wendling Opinion Editor Opinion 372-6966

NATALIE MILLER H E Changes at home elicit reflection

Lifetimes are catching up with me. Supposedly, as we mature, the kids next door. I know it's the been a huge leap from my days AH these changes taking place. we adjust to the mass amounts past, but how did the time between of running away from the yucky Hearts and thoughts, they fade, of change In our lives and In our go by so quickly? One day I was boys on the playground to now, fade away. surrounding environments. looking up to the Junior high where I don't mind them so Memories, like fingerprints, are Somewhere along the line. I students In admiration, and then much. slowly raising. learned this, and It makes sense suddenly. I was one. (And It wasn't There's no way to go back to Intellectually. But emotionally. as big of a deal as I had Imagined.) my childhood, and In some —Pearl Jam It's hard to see everything Grade school days used to ways I'm glad. It wasn't all fun changing. stretch on and on. For years, my and entertainment. There was a Change will come, change Is here. It's surreal to see people from routine was the same: walk to lot to learn and some painful NEWS Love fades out. then lone appears. home. Old friends In new, busy school, come home and play, eat growth involved. I know what I Change has been, change will be. lives or those Just doing what supper, do my homework, watch do now because of where I've "Serving the Bowling Time will tell, then time will ease. they've always done. I feel very TV, go to bed. Weekends were been, and what I did with the transformed In relation to relatively calm, not like the furious knowledge I had. The past gives "I know what Green community for —Collective Soul everyone else. I used to be release they've become now. us what we have today. pleased when my relatives Sleepovers were a big deal. Going Human nature wants to hold I do now over 75 years" I spent my spring break visiting would say "1 can't believe how out to eat at McDonald's was a on to the good times in the past. because of familiar places and people Instead much you've grown up." Now. I special treat. Sometimes it feels like nothing 210 West Hall of lying on a beach somewhere. I'm think those thoughts to myself I see all the changes In my could ever match a time or place where I've Bowling Green State University content In my tanlessness be- about my sisters, my cousins family. My younger sisters are that we've experienced. We've all been,and Bowling Green, OH cause 1 enjoyed revisiting old and the neighborhood kids. going to the movies with their gained more responsibility and what I did 43403 friends and my old hangouts. It's They used to pester me. and friends, and talking to boys on the wisdom. It's soothing to remind with the [email protected] amazing that so much has now we can actually relate. 1 phone. This past weekend. I played ourselves of a time when changed while I've been away at even remember when I used to tennis with my "baby" sister relationships were as simple as knowledge I (419) 372-2601 school. I guess I was hoping that tag along with the "big kids." Amanda. 1 couldn't stop thinking asking :"Will you be my best had. The past things would wait until I came I think this is called nostal- that when I was learning to play, friend?" back. Not a chance. I look back gia. Which is defined as: "A she was still In a stroller. She can In these more complicated gives us what Editorial Board 372-6966 and see how much I've changed, bittersweet longing for things, definitely hold her own now. years, I longingly look to the we have and It's normal that the rest of the persons or situations of the Here I am. talking like I'm an past. But there's nowhere to go today." Scon Brown world would do so too. past." It's Interesting that the old lady. Change happens every but forward. I guess I have to Editor Just driving around my old word bittersweet is used. I second of the day. but it takes a say goodbye to my Transform- minute of reflection to realize what ers, my Princess Lela t-shirt, Vince Guerrieri Darla Wamock neighborhood. I see new stores and certainly enjoyed growing up, buildings have risen overnight. but it was a mix of both the has happened In the last month, my suitcase full of useful Junk, Managing Editor Chief Reporter They haven't, it's Just that I wasn't bitter and the sweet. I don't year or ten years and to put it Into and goodbye to the way It used there to see them go up. Progress want to go back, but Just want perspective. to be (and never will be again). Amy Johnson Brandon Wray keeps rolling, whether you are to remember when things were We grow close to those we've But I can still sit and watch the Assistant Entertainment there to see It or not. Which means simpler. The time when my seen change. Those old friends are Dukes of Hazzard or color with Managing Editor Editor that they might tear down the world revolved around what was very dear because they knew us my box of 144 crayons. Some corner candy store for a new 24- on TV or playing outside until back when we were awkward and things never change. Penny Brown Mike Wendling hour gas station. It happens. Many the street lights came on. silly and clueless. Our relatives E-mail Natalie at annemU@ Copy Chief Opinion Editor areas that were rural have seen I talk with my brother Matt and neighbors saw us though She'd like to the age of superstores, strip malls about the days of building Lego learning to roller skate, our first dedicate this column to Robin. IInicki Kobayashi Blake Parkins and mini-marts take over their cities on the dining room table date and pictures on the front Katie and Claudia, her oldest hometowns. Photo Editor Sports Editor and playing freeze tag with all lawn In our cap and gown. It's friends from the good old days.

Copy Staff 372-2604 Kristen Sherlock, Assistant Copy Chief Lauren Flynn Damion Heinlschcl SWING BREAK §&&(&(£ (£A$B Darren Lidcrbach Beth Kerby Olivia Inkrolt Kerri Killion CP»"**( Results') Elizabeth Reiter Kelly Von Glahn

Reporting Staff 372-2604 Beers Consumed Sarah Bednarski Jack Buehrer Maureen Barry Tanya Markul ElSGOOil Jennifer Schab SunkurnS

Art Staff 372-6966 &r

Production Staff 372-8296 Jennifer Apt Andy Cantrell Jen Casperson Brian Gallatin Chad Gamby Jeff Gayton Stacy Hubert Heidi Kropf Macgie Kushlak Greg Schwitzgabel •GUEST COLUMNIST Cathy Raidl Tiffany Wcndcln Jessica Wherry Carla Zvosec Don't always trust reliable sources Advertising Staff 372-2605 Brian Beleski Melissa Binkley As all Americans know, the because on this night she was '96 (If you are a professor that I knew that already." Christ) Hagerman Alison Polley newspaper Is a vital means of particularly worried. have now and you are reading this, I'm all for solving the Lon Patton Jim Vassallo communication In our society. The reason? She had Just note that I am not talking about Kennedy assassination, but I Almost everyone can be reached by read an article that listed Ohio you—you're all great!) who had think that this particular theory the newspaper and It Is a source of as the state with the most UFO some Ideas that were a little off the Is as askew as a magic bullet. Letters to the Editor Important Information, entertain- sightings. She started thinking wall. (As were many of the theories ment and education. (oh no) and realized that there One day, he excitedly an- about life that we learned In If you would like (o submit a Letter (o (he However, knowing this does not sure are a lot of corn fields nounced In class that he knew that class.) Editor, please follow these guidelines: mean that one should attach between here and there, and who had assassinated JFK and. It was then In my college • Make sure the letter Is 500 words or less. extreme significance to every since most of those UFO abduc- luckily for us. It related to the topic career that I developed the Please include your address, major, aca- article or bit of Information that tions occur in remote areas like that we were studying. He looked notion that professors have bad demic class and phone number (phone one reads in any given paper. cornfields, she got quite worried around the room for a while to days. We really shouldn't listen numbers are strictly for verification and not for publication). There are examples everywhere that I might have recently make sure that everyone was to eueryfhing they say. • Letters must be typed,and not handwrit- of people who choose to throw become one of the statistics. paying close attention. His voice I believe that therein lies the "We must ten. Letters brought In saved on a common sense out the window I laughed in hope that she started out in a whisper and he most valuable lesson In college. Macintosh-compatible disk are pre- when reading the news. For was Joking, but to tell the truth, spoke very slowly so that we could We must strive to sharpen our strive to ferred. example. 1 know of one particularly I'm still not sure. The only thing get down everything he said: critical thinking skills and to sharpen our • Bring the letter to Room 210 West Hall, keen news reader. (All right, the on my mind at the time was The government has a Federal question everything we read or or e-mail us at bgnews<& critical think- Be prepared to show valid Identification. person I'm talking about Is my that 1 really had to think of a Reserve which Is the source of the hear In order to determine • Space limitations may prevent The BG mom.) I drove back to school one way to get her to stop reading national debt. It was established whether or not It's a veritable ing skills and News from printing ail letters received. Sunday evening after visiting my newspapers. [somewhere around 1914 but I load of crap. I thank God for to question The BG News reserves the right to edit mom In Dublin. Ohio and did not Another means of valuable don't remember because the class skepticism when I remember any and all letters. call when I reached my destina- Information that we have at our was two whole semesters ago| and that if we did believe everything everything tion. The reason I did not call was fingertips are our classes here when John Kennedy was In office, we read from "credible sources" we read or Copyright © 1997. The BG News. Bowling not because of a lack of thought- at BGSU. Just like the articles he made a plan to get rid of It." or heard from "qualified per- hear in order Green. Ohio. Reprinting of any material in this fulness. I didn't call because I In newspapers, classes are an His voice now growing with excite- sons" such as professors, we publication without the permission of The BGNews never do. My family figures wisely Important source of Informa- ment. would all be going through life to determine is Strictt) prohibited. that If they do not get a call all tion, but not all things we hear "Just two weeks after he an- believing that JFK was shot by whether or The BG News is an independent pub/nation night. I must have arrived safely. If in class can be made significant nounced that plan," [dramatic conspirators In the cinema and founded in 1920 and is published daiiv during the pausel, he was shot! Do you all advertising Industries, math Is not it's a academic sear and weekly during the summer se something had happened. I would In dairy life. veritable load mester. be quick to call them to come and Some professors (not ALL. think that's a coincidence? I don't easy and cornfields should be Opinions expressed in columns and letters to save me. mind you. Just some) incorpo- think so. The Federal Reserve and avoided at the cost of abduction. of crap." the editor are not nee essardy those of the student On this occasion however, two rate Ideas Into their lesson the assassination were all part of bod\. faculty; University administration or The BG hours after 1 arrived safely back In plans that are surely meant for an elaborate plot to keep power Amee Wanzo Is a guest News Unsigned editorials are the opinion of the BG, I got a phone call from my no other purpose than to over poor people, minorities and columnist for The News. Ques- Spring 1997 BG News staff. frantic mom. She explained to me befuddle and disorient us. For other underprivileged citizens. So tions and comments can be sent The BG News encourages its readers to notify to 210 West Hall or alwanzo9 the paper of any errors in stories or photograph that she had called to make sure example. I had one professor are the advertising Industry and de\i riflions that I had reached Bowling Green. during the spring semester of the movie Industry. But you all Wednesday April 2. 1997 The BG News page Ihre'e

LOCAL OHIO Weather Wednesday, April 2 ACGFA Funding 1997-98 Accuwealhcr* forecast for daytime conditions and high temperatures. MICH UHCiANl/VriON MQUtfff ALLOCATION

Vudrmii gin/ IIJ Toledo | 64°~|

African IVopIr* AMOC

Alpha I'hi Onu-gj 2.2M.00 Mansfield 64

Archittclurt SludcnU I.2M.00 1.440.00 1,310.00 A man complained that two people w ere having sex In a car IND At. by his residence Friday night. When police arrived the couple \mnr*t> Intrrnjtionjl' said they werejust talking.

Arnold Air Sci.-tj A— Three Juveniles were tramping through yards and ruining Dayton 1 66°| »*how) flower beds. The woman complained that they were tearing

BCSU Collcgt Replbjicjm- N7A up her yard and wanted extra patrol In the area. BGMNm I'd !>.,„,,- MjrJlhon 28.014.00 1.000.00 1,500 00 A man complained that an elderly man walked past his Cincinnati! 67° |

M(. Nr«, 1 >rkjiiu/.ilMirr 9,600.00 9,600.00 8,730.00 house In a bathrobe and slippers. He thought the man was BG »*.!,—. i confused. The police arrived and took the man home. Sludrnl Union 20,306.00 20.100.00 18,460 00 Btack Sw»|- «UHPt, Hoard ..I Bljck Cultural Some golf flags were stolen in the 900 of Fairview Friday night. The man reported that unknown persons stole KY Portsmouth 169° Cimpus Escort Service the flags and damaged the poles. He thought that It might i jmpus [our <.UKI<"-' occur again and wanted extra patrol at night.

Chinw. Studcnl Scholar! A—oc. a* A woman reported that her cat was lost. She said that he l-'gi;'' 3,840.00 3440.00 was friendly and wasn't wearing any tags or collar. It got out Showers^storms Rain Flumes Snow Ice Sunny Pt Cloudy Cloudy Via Associated Press GraphicsNot PtltiSiRimPI- of the house by accident. Dry Dm* „-j. 1 .unnmK^Club* A man complained that two boys were shooting off bottle rinvironrncrtUl Action Crvi IS. 1110.00 15.100.00 rockets on the 200 block of Manvllle. He said that the rocket Around Bowling Green iimmi^SotUt,- went off by his car. When police arrived they found no prob- (.ospel ( hoir 7.3M.00 S.394 0<1 6,722 lem. CrMhulcl

I nbun/Ca} Alliance- 5.340.00 5.340 DO 5.020 sault, a fourth-degree felony. He faces six to 18 months In prison IflMMMi ■HrBNrl A man complained that the neighbors behind him are al- and a $5,000 fine. NA ways leave their dog out. He reported that it barks constant- Bowling Green police said Hunter used an aluminum baseball NAACT '«■■■■ MMi ly. Police arrived and a neighbor was trying to calm the dog bat to strike the head of Andrew Bohmer, a student from Delaw- Son Irulilnu..,! Mudr-nH AllOC 3,100.00 taoo.oo 2.619 ofc-diM- tMBMBLut* down. are, during an Oct. 31 fight outside an apartment building. OH C amour. Connection 5478.00 5 800.011 5.250 Two other University football players, Terrance Alphonso, 22, OrnirrlJAlion DcnlopnwrH UMfttt NA and Joseph O'Neill, 20, were indicted last month on one count A woman called police and complained that a man was each of felonious assault in connection with an Oct. 13 assault on banging her next door neighbor's door. When police came the a man in Tuxedo Junction, a downtown bar. Pjnhrllcnir C ountrl man said that he needed a place to stay. They transported Their cases have been assigned to DeCessna. Pre trial confer- mammammammm ences are scheduled for April 28. Resident Sludrnl Awocijtion 15300.00 15,500 00 15.500 him to his home.

Russian Club* H Tonight's brass concert cancelled udcnl Construction Minjtr The BG Brass Quintet concert that had been scheduled for to- ludVnl Council for Exceptional Bike On ■■■■■■■■ night at the Musical Arts has been cancelled, as opposed dent's lor (Jujtit) I ducilion' to Tuesday's performance as was reported in yesterday's News. USCIuckUIBfMud Incorrect information was supplied to The News regarding the 1 M' ^_^^ 307IJJ) 3O.7N.0O 27.936 cancellation. Undcnjyxnwlh* . * •th.Ht.^ 00 81,253 Umvenuty AmlmmW Voiun'er ' I'-ogrrts' WIGU-FM Around the Nation WFAL WMimforMrain World Student Association in 550 on 10,550 00 JUNTOS ^., Late season Nor'easter dumps snow on New TOTAL 576,929.00 456,376.00 England • new orgaribraUnns In 19

BG News Graphic by Andy Easllahe BOSTON - New England towns had begun putting their plows away after a winter of below-average snowfall, and hardware I stores had set up their displays of patio furniture. Then, April ACGFA Fool! Boston started digging out Tuesday after its biggest snowfall Continued from page one. reserved money. ever in April, a Nor'easter that blew away the tip of one of the Stewart said the committee ^mM ■KJJ ^^a^C_ masts on the USS Constitution, the sturdy frigate known as Old zations shortly before spring made a strong committment to Jtfmm Ironsides. break. making the right decisions and Snow piled up nearly 3 feet deep from New Jersey into Massa- Whipple said he commended recognized the achievements of chusetts, shutting down airports, closing schools and knocking the committee for its hard work each organization. out electricity to hundreds of thousands of people, some of whom in making the recommendations. "There's a lot of organizations won't see their power restored for days. "It's a practical joke. It's April Fool's Day," Christie Humph- He will hear any appeals organi- who are doing tremendous rey told her astonished 2-year-old son, Sam, as he looked at the zations may have and make fur- things," Stewart said. "They real- snow in North Andover. ther recommendations from the ly took the process seriously." Strangers to the area thought differently. ra»JrF '• „^^F ^H "This is what I think of in a Currier and Ives print. It's just MEDIATION beautiful," said Joe Moore, a visitor from Oklahoma City enjoy- photo provided ing Boston's Lexington Square. Continued from page one. "President Ribeau wants to de- velop a campus-wide ombudser- University Provost Dr. Charles Middleton rode for the first five Cronkite reported doing well after quadruple Paul Olscamp, who first recog- vlce," he said. minutes of the Bike-A-Thon sponsored by Pi Kappa Phi. Partici- bypass surgery nized the University's need for Peer mediation, which is used pants ride a stationary bike while accepting donations, which an ombudservices office. at many levels, including ele- will be forwarded to benefit Children With Handicaps. The Bike- A-Thon runs through 2 p.m. today. The ombudservlce has also mentary schools, has the ability NEW YORK - Walter Cronkite underwent quadruple heart been a concern for the present to work out compromises that are bypass surgery Tuesday, and an assistant said the operation University administration, ac- acceptable for both parties, Students wishing to use the send e-mail to o m went extremely well. cording to Hebein. Hebein said. free service can call 372-9644 or [email protected]. "The doctor was very pleased," said Marlene Adler, an aide to the 80-year-old Cronkite. The former CBS anchorman was found to have clogged heart arteries during a regular checkup and did not suffer a heart at- Bradley accepts job with network tack before the four- to five-hour operation at New York Hospi- tal, said Julie Sukman, another aide. The Associated Press tribute stories about American star quit the Senate after three and reporting for CBS. Adler said the surgeon, Dr. Wayne Isom, told her that "Cron- life to the TV network's weekend terms last year but hasn't closed "I want to focus on our chang- kite was In wonderful physical condition beforehand. He went NEW YORK -- Former Sen. Bill newscasts. the door on political life. ing circumstances in our country through it extremely easily and well and there were no sur- prises." Bradley has landed a job with The New Jersey Democrat and He said Tuesday that he ex- - economically, socially, eth- CBS News, where he will con- former professional basketball pects to do a mix of commentary nically and politically," he said.

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! page four The BG News Wednesday, April 2, 1997

STATE ■ Units still available for fall '97 R.E. Management Columbus courts "Quality Off-Campus Housing" Officials upbeat •841 Eighth Sr. «840/850 Sixth Sr. NHL hockey team •Manville Ave •Campus Manor despite setback •825 Third Sr. »313 N. Main The Associated Press sports entrepreneur and a key member of the Columbus in- The Associated Press university also has received CHECK OUT OUR SUMMER RATES COLUMBUS - Political and vestment group, said the NHL other calls in the last few days business leaders will try to show visit is an important way to give BATH, Ohio - Ohio State expressing Interest, he said. CALL US TODAY visiting National Hockey League the league a sense of what University's proposed $13 mil- OR STOP IN FOR BROCHURE officials on Wednesday that Columbus has to offer. lion sale of the Firestone es- "It will take a little time to Columbus is a big league city. "I think the biggest thing will tate fell through after a de- go back and market the prop- M-F 8 to 5 An NHL committee led by be to give them assurances and a veloper pulled out of the erty, but we hope to continue SAT 8 to 12 113 Railroad Sf. Commissioner Gary Bettman positive feel about the major agreement, but university with a sale as soon as possi- 152-9302 (n.xt to Klnlco'*) will arrive tonight, tour the city league design of the sports com- officials remain optimistic. ble," said Haverkamp. Wednesday morning and meet plex," Hunt said. "It's one thing "We are still confident of Biskind, a North Olmsted with an investment group seek- to read about It or see some selling the land at a good developer, had intended to ing an expansion team, The drawings, but it's Important for price," Robert Haverkamp, build what it called an "eco Columbus Dispatch reported. them to have a firsthand look at the university's assistant vice residential community that The visit will conclude with a the site and how it fits into the president of business and ad- was sensitive to the balance noontime downtown rally led by downtown area." ministration, said Tuesday. between the needs of nature Gov. George Volnovlch. Pizzuti and Hunt said some of ■f fiii "In fact, we think the land is and man." •■We're hoping they'll walk those in the NHL group, which probably even worth more our away with a positive feeling will include as many as eight now because of the environ- But owner Daniel Biskind about the city," said Columbus team owners, have never been to mental cleanup we have done said the proposed village-style % real estate developer Ron Pizzuti, Columbus. on it." development did not receive >%}*,$•' mforld a member of the Investment "There are those who might Ohio State bought the sufficient community support. assume that Columbus is not a At EDS, we're nol just "some big computer company." wtfre ;i • omuhlng (inn ;in group. "They want to have confi- 1,500-acre estate in 1995 for $5 Some residents had opposed information services provider and a business partner. From banks m Belgium MKl dence that the public is suppor- major-league city. Of course, million through a gift clause in the plan to build 750 upscale manufacturers in Brazil, to the doctors, grocers and insurance ftgentB iit your town. tive, the corporate community is that is completely absurd," said the will of Raymond Firestone, homes and the zoning changes We have the following outstanding opportunities for entry-level candidate! In the supportive and that we will have Hunt, majority owner of the southeastern Michigan area and throughout the nation: the son of Firestone tire mag- that would entail. a facility." Crew Major League Soccer team nate Harvey S. Firestone. Customer Assistance Representatives Franklin County voters are be- and the National Football Cleveland-based Biskind Neighbors and environmen- Successful candidates must poss ing asked on May 6 to approve a League's Kansas City Chiefs. Development Co., which had • Strong communicauon and • < H KKI academic record talists had pressed Ohio State problem solving skills • Customer iervt< e aperient e .5 percent sales tax increase over offered to buy the land, an- to preserve forests and wet- • Ability to work flexible hours • Proficiency In Spanish or three years to pay for a After the morning tour of nounced Friday that it was lands on the property, and • Automotive technical French a plus 21,000-seal arena and an adjacent Columbus, the group will fly to withdrawing from the deal. knowledge a plus • Compulei skills a plus voters approved a tax levy to 35.000-seat soccer stadium. St. Paul, Minn., for an afternoon Haverkamp said that the attempt to buy about 700 acres Everything you need to succeed - training, salary, benefits ,m<\ The NHL group also will meet visit. university would contact pre- of the estate. The township opportunity - is here for you. If you are interested in a with representatives from HOK Next week, the committee will challenging future with outstanding career Opportunities, please vious bidders, including John had joined with a nonprofit mail, FAX. or e-mail your resume to EDS. Depi 72-6161, Utn EDS Sports Facilities Group of Kan- spend a half day in each of the Chlebina of Bath Township, land conservancy to bid on the SC. 700 Tower Drive Troy. Ml 48098; FAX (810) 265-1301; email sas City, Mo., the architectural other cities being considered for the Trust for Public Land of land, but the trust's $11 mil- staffi ng

The Associated Press But the soft-spoken woman As jury selection crept along - said she could still recommend only nine prospects had been in- DENVER - A prospective death for whoever was responsi- terviewed after a day and a half juror looked across the court- ble for the April 19, 1995, blast - the woman was the latest pros- room at Timothy McVeigh on that tore apart the Oklahoma City pect to reveal strong feelings Tuesday and couldn't believe the federal building and killed 168 about the case. young man with the buzz cut, people, including 19 children. Most of the comments, blue oxford shirt and quick smile "If he has done this," she said, however, have dealt with the could be a terrorist bomber. "you pay for your crime." blast itself and its aftermath "He looks like a nice kid," said McVeigh leaned forward, arms rather than the state of the evi- the middle-aged woman. "It's on the defense table, eyes glued dence. overwhelming for me to think to the woman as she spoke. In the Only one prospective juror, an that this person who looks like front row, McVeigh's father, Wil- agent for photographers and art- the average type of person could liam McVeigh, sat with his head ists, said she's already made up do such a thing." down. her mind that McVeigh's guilty. JOHN NEWLOVE REAL ESTATE SUMMER & FALL RENTALS (Too many to list)

Large assortment of WE'LL GIVE YOU 10 WEEKS. Houses, Duplexes, Ten weeks may not seem Me much lime to prove you're capable of being a J, leader But it you re tough, smart and determined, ten weeks and a lot of I* 4 and Apartments hard work could make you an Officer of Mannes And Officer Candidates liii'i'iniiiiiiiiiiiiii,iii- School IOCS} is where you'll get the chance to prove you've got what it takes to lead a life full of excitement, full of challenge, fuH of honor Anyone can say they've got what ii takes to be a leader, we'll give you ten weeks to prove it Cmpt. Minor and Capt. Anderson will be handing out Stop in to 319 E. Wooster for a brochure of complete more Information and answering questions on Marino Corps Officer Programs at the University Hall today details and speak with our friendly staff! from 9:30 am to 3:30 pm. If you are interested please coma by or call 1-80OS92-731B. 354-2260 John Newlove Real Estate 319 E. Wooster Marines t£rIQUAl HOlltINQ (across from Taco Bell) 0»»ORTUN(tr Wednesday, April 2, 1997 The BG News page five

NATION Stock market steadies after steep near-disaster tumble The Associated Press The sliding Dow NEW YORK - The stock mar- The Dow Jones industrial average has lallen about 7 percent Irom its recent ket steadied Tuesday, helping the high on March 11. Some of the key events in the market's rise and (al: Dow Jones Industrial average halt its worst slide in nearly a 7200-1 1 decade, but nervous investors 711,1 continued to shy away from i ■Sjjl Federal Re si rates shares in smaller, riskier com- 7000- panies. With investors seeking safety 6900- ^^^A in big-name issues, the Dow took 6800- " Strong rclail sales 1 ^^^^_ back some of the 300 points it lost figures spark inflation H 16611.05 6700- ', worries. Dow drops 1 Dow falls on mounting over the two previous sessions 160 points anxiety over and closed with a gain of 27.57 at 6600-^ Reserve meeting 6,611.05. Broader stock indicators 6500 S I I hovered near Monday's closing MurfcJ Aprtt' levels, ending the session mixed. "A little bit of consolidation A manufacturing trade group its key lending rates higher for following a big drop, a little bit of reported Tuesday morning that the first time in more than two bargain hunting, and a little bit of American factory activity accel- years. relief among a nervous bunch of erated at the fastest pace in more The increase was widely anti- people who thought the market than two years, reinforcing wor- cipated, but investors quickly was going to f reef all," said Larry ries that strong consumer de- grew worried that the Fed might Rice, chief Investment officer at mand may aggravate inflation- raise rates several times in the Josephthal, Lyon & Ross. ary pressures such as rising pro- coming months, cutting deeply The Nasdaq market, laden with duction costs. into company profits by muzzling technology shares and smaller, But the National Association of consumer borrowing and spend- more speculative companies, Purchasing Management's re- ing. again suffered the most damage. port also suggested that prices Declining issues outnumbered For the most part, however, paid by factories for raw materi- advancers by a 7-to-6 margin in stocks traced the moves of a me- als were steady or falling a sign Tuesday's dealings on the New andering bond market. that inflation remained under York Stock Exchange, where "Predictably, you have a rally control. volume totaled 507.06 million in the Dow, which leaves every- "The price component was shares as of 4 p.m., down from thing else behind. (Blue-chips) good, but tone of activity was 555.78 million in the previous AinoclMrd Pr»i> ph«o seem safer, the obvious vehicle very strong. The economy is real- session. of preference for professional ly rocking along," said John Traders at the New York Stock Exchange reach the end of a busy day that saw erratic trading and the The Standard & Poor's traders," said Rice. Dow Jones close up 27.57 points at 6611.05 Tuesday. Shaughnessy, research director 500-stock list - down more than Bonds rebounded during the at Advest Inc. in Hartford, Conn. 33 points over the prior two ses- day after an optimistic read on At this rate, the economy's sions and off nearly 6 more at the latest economic data revealed growth for the fin: quarter and one Tuesday afternoon - Wall Street suffers point loss, that an important force behind all of 1997 could be "well above rebounded to a gain of 2.52, inflation has remained tame. what the Federal Reserve has closing at 759.64. The NYSE's Before Tuesday morning's ec- characterized as a sustainable, composite index rose 1.25 to stockholders stay in the game onomic reports, the yield on the noninflationary rate." 399.80. 30-year Treasury bond - a key A separate report on Tuesday, The Associated Press sionals nationwide suggest most money is still coming into stock determinant of borrowing costs meanwhile, revealed that a The beleaguered Nasdaq com- people share Mrs. Silberstein's funds than leaving. for companies and consumers - widely followed gauge of future posite index, down more than 12 Barbara SUberstein learned at family philosophy, at least for At Janus In Denver, the ratio o rose as high as 7.13 percent. economic activity saw Its biggest percent from its all-time high an early age that a little patience now. A poll conducted by Money has been 5-to-l in favor of pur- The long-bond yield hasn't fin- jump in a year during February, and more than 5 percent for the can yield big dividends when it magazine that will be published chases, said spokeswoman Jenni ished a day that high since July 9, exceeding forecasts. year, feU 4.77 to 1,216.93. The comes to playing the stock mar- in the May issue found 99 percent Pieratt. Just four days before last sum- Fed chairman Alan Greenspan American Stock Exchange com- ket. shrugged off the recent market Financial advisers say small mer's nail-biting selloff. As bond has repeatedly warned that the posite index, which is also domi- Her father kept his cool after decline and stayed fully invested. Investors - many of whom buy prices recovered, the yield dip- Fed will act aggressively to keep nated by technology issues and the 1929 crash and eventually re- The resilience of ordinary in- stocks for retirement, college or ped to 7.07 percent, down from a lid on inflation. Last week, the smaller companies, fell 2.44 to couped enough losses, and then vestors may have helped stabi- other long-range goals - are bet- late Monday's 7.09 percent. central bank nudged one of the 566.27. some, to retire to Florida years lize the stock market on Tuesday ter off sitting tight, focusing in- later. She held tight during the as the Dow average rose 27.57 stead on the fundamental finan- tttt*tt*tt** 1987 crash and has since accu- points to close at 6,611.05, regain- cial health of the companies a XTL<2- tr xr mulated a sizable portfolio. ing a bit of the nearly 300-point whose stock they own, such as PREVtfiW= TRACKER itti*ti***tt Now, the retired tax preparer loss over the prior two trading whether sales are strong or man- from Columbus, Ohio, and her days. "Phone inquiries are up, agement is capable. daughter, Doreen Hulsey, a but we've had very little redemp- SPECIAL ADVANCE SCREENING 33-year-old software engineer tions ... maybe between $15 mil- Market fluctuations, the ex- from St. Louis, are resisting the lion and $20 million," said Robert perts say, are just a normal part temptation to bail out from the Doll, director of equity fund in- of investing - and there have latest downturn that took 7 per- vestments for New York-based been many over the years. cent off the Dow Jones industrial Oppenheimer, which manages 60 In fact, over the last seven average since its mid-March mutual funds with assets totaling decades there were losses in 20 high. $65 billion calendar years, but during that "My father used to say, 'If the Other big mutual fund com- time, stocks doubled in value on fundamentals of your stock are panies report similar activity. average every seven years, ac- good, take two aspirin and go to "So far, it's been a fairly mild cording to market researchers bed,'" said Mrs. Siibersteln, 70. reaction," said Steve Norwitz, a Ibbotson Associates in Chicago. "I've told my daughter the same spokesman for T. Rowe Price As- "It's not a matter of timing the thing." sociates in Baltimore. He said market. It's time in the market," While some nervous investors that some stock investors are said Hank Madden, who runs are fleeing the stock market, in- switching into bond or money Madden and Associates Financial terviews with financial profes- market funds but that more Consultants in Jacksonville, Fla

BLAN■ VIN A MAN giUIVII A SICON W»iniB iKBWUIiW MmwnnSX ROOK >«fi*Wti M^iHinu«aMiiniDiffisimur»^rwoiiii m-rnxm


Wednesday April 2 Pick Up Passes at the Stop by and see the new Union Activities Organization 6:30 PM & 9:00PM Tracfcer and Metro 3rd Floor Union between Education and Gish Film Theater University Halls * A pass does not guarantee a seat m. TRACKER

U. >U*. II. <-». U. Ma IS l-*Mf «■« Gmrttb page six The BG News Wednesday, April 2, 1997

Blake Parkins Sports Editor Sports 372-2602 Falcons blank Michigan □ Masterful mound performance gives "It was an outstanding job by the pitching Bowling Green a shu- staff today, and it was led by a freshman." tout victory over an ex- plosive Michigan team. Danny Schmitz Falcon baseball coach Coach's exit ByJIMTOCCO The BC News brings about His four-bagger was all BG Hundley said. "I just settled The Falcons won their third needed, as the pitching staff con- down and let my natural ability consecutive home game yester- tinued to mow down Wolverine takeover." mixed bag day afternoon by shutting out the batters. powerful Michigan Wolverines, Game winner Jeff Hundley All told, the Falcons pounded of emotions SO. (1-1) entered the game in the out eight hits, led once again by The Wolverines, previously fourth inning, in relief of starter third baseman Brian Cannon. To hear members of the Falcon averaging over nine and a half Joe Cheney. Hundley faced some Cannon's two doubles on the day basketball team say it, they have runs per game, were shut down tough going early on. lost a valued member of their raise his season average to .413. family. by a Falcon contingent of five After striking out Michigan Cheney pitched three innings To hear many Falcon fans, pitchers who struck out a com- shortstop Brian Kalczynski, In the starter's role, giving up however, it's a decidedly bined 14 batters, walking just Hundley gave up a to just one hit and walking one different tune: the bad uncle is four. Derek Besco. while striking out three. Junior out the door. The Falcons first reached the Then, home Rick Blanc, sophomore Chris Jim Larranaga made it official scoreboard in the fourth inning, plate umpire Vaught and sophomore Jason yesterday, accepting the head when Jason Mike Haley Kelley added a scoreless inning coaching job at George Mason Calvin slashed a single to left- called a balk on of ball each. University in Fairfax. Va. That center field, knocking in Matt Hundley, mov- ended an 11-year reign at Bowl- The Wolverines had gone 39 ing Green that, depending on who Mylanrek. ing Besco to one talks to, can be remembered BG coach Danny Schmitz de- second. Hund- games without being shut out be- In many different ways. cided to have freshman Matt ley then walked fore they ran into the Falcon Past team members speak of a Best pinch hit for Calvin in the Mike Cervenak pitching staff. sixth inning. Best stroked a "It was an oustanding job by family atmosphere and how Lar- and ran the Schmitz ranaga did his best to look out for homer to left that accounted for count to 3-0 the pitching staff today," his players' best interests, on and three of the Falcons' four runs against first baseman Jeff Van Schmitz said. "And it was led by off the court. There is no denying that inning. Best, a freshman Sickle. Hundley settled down a freshman. We also played solid the conviction that the Falcons from Lima, has collected four though, rallying to strike out Van defense today, so it was a good feel for their departed coach, es- hits, including six RBI and two Sickle and induce a fly ball on the game all around." pecially the current players. homers, in just 10 collegiate at- "This was just a really good Then there are the others: fans, next batter. boosters and others close to the bats. "I was just thinking too much," team win," Hundley said. program have been relatively quiet, but it's no secret that many of them did a little dance last week when the rumors of Lar- ranaga's departure began to cir- BG sets torrid pace culate. Whatever the individual feel- ings about Larranaga are around the Bowling Green community, BC Scwi FUc Piolo on Tuscaloosa track he left behind 11 years worth of numbers that leave little to Indi- Jim Larranaga exits Bowling Green as the program's secood-wioningesl vidual conjecture: coach in history. He takes over a George Mason team that has been □ The Falcon women ■ An 11-year record of 170-144 mired in an extended slump, and approaches the challenge with lofty return from a success- "We had a lot of personal records and I think (.541), including just 154-143 expectations. (.519) against Division I teams. ful spring trip down it's surprising when anybody PR's in the first ■ A penchant for beating big south, leaving the team outdoor meet of the year." teams but not winning big fames. Larranaga's teams beat Ken- Colonials welcome excited about the out- tucky, Michigan State (twice), door season. Ohio State, Penn State and Pur- Steve Price due over the past 11 years, but Larranaga to Fairfax Falcon track coach quality road wins in conference By BRETT THOMPSON play were scarce. The BC News Bowling Green was also 0-4 in The Associated Press and I'm really excited about it." put and Javelin. the MAC semifinals under Lar- "There's an old cliche While most of the campus Sophomore Emily Cokinos Kristin Inman, coming off a ranaga, never reaching the MAC FAIRFAX, Va - Jim Larran- spent spring break burning in the started her outdoor season with strong Indoor season, continued championship game. aga was officially hired Tuesday that says defense Florida heat, the Bowling Green an incredible throw In the jave- her dominance as she set four ■ Just one regular-season con- to succeed Paul Westhead as wins championships. women tracksters were burning lin. personal records. ference championship in 11 basketball coach at George up the track in Alabama. Cokinos set a personal record Inman placed eighth in the seasons. Mason. And my goal is to win These numbers certainly are The Falcons traveled to Tusca- and provisionally qualified for 400-meter hurdles with a time of not mind-boggl ing. They are, in Larranaga takes over a team a national loosa last week to kick off their the NCAA's with a throw of 153 61.69. She also placed 15th in the actuality, rather mediocre. that has not had a winning season outdoor season at the Alabama feet, 5 inches. She beat her pre- 100-meter hur- But Larranaga wasn't neces- since 1990 and has been beset by championship." Relays. Fifty teams participated vious best by over two feet. dles with a time sarily on a level playing field at off-court and attendance prob- Jim Larranaga In the meet. The throw by Cokinos was good of 14.70. Bowling Green. The resources lems. He signed a five-year con- The meet featured a record- for a second-place finish out of 43 Inman fol- available at BG - i.e. salaries and tract believed to be worth about new George Mason basketball breaking performance in the competitors. She expected a good lowed this up recruiting budgets - don't match $600,000. coach shuttle hurdle relay, an NCAA performance, but was surprised with personal what is the norm at other Divi- Westhead was fired March 3 provisional qualifying mark by by how good it was. records in both sion I-A schools, much less in the after the Patriots finished 38-70 Emily Cokinos in the javelin and "I was surprised that I got a the shuttle Mid-American Conference. over four seasons and never fin- Larranaga was a master re- ■Bowling Green star point guard an amazing 17 personal records. personal record, but I expected hurdle relay cruiter, filling the barn we know ished higher has selected the According to BG coach Steve to do well this season," Cokinos and the than seventh in Price, the team's strong per- said. "I've been lifting weights 400-meter run. as Anderson Arena with the tal- same agent who represents Mi- Inman ents of Antonio Daniels, Anthony the nine-team chael Jordan as the NBA's June formance was a pleasant sur- and I hadn't lifted before college, Other high Stacey and Shane Kllne- Colonial Athlet- draft approaches. See page eight. prise. so I'm a lot stronger this year. placers for the Falcons included Ruminski - three of the last six ic Association. "It was a really good first meet "I also compete well in bigger Missy Lyne, fourth in the MAC Freshmen of the Year. "I plan to for us," Price said. "A lot of good meets, so that helped me a lot," 10,000-meter run; Becky Bamett, But there his bench coaching treat the things happened, most notably Cokinos said. "I do better when sixth In the heptathlon; Elyse was always suspect. His frantic players like ships," said Larranaga, whose the showing by the shuttle hurdle I'm throwing against better Roethllsberger, fifth in the twirls while pacing the sidelines members of my were trademark - and subject to Bowling Green team finished relay team. They broke the throwers." hammer throw; and Heather criticism and jokes in the stands. extended fami- 22-10 last season. "And my goal is school record by a full second Although she was impressed Nordgren, sixth In the hammer It's certain that Larranaga did ly and treat Larranaga to win the national champion- and one of our top runners didn't with her performance, Cokinos throw. "more with less" resource-wise, them like I ship." even run in the event." expects to improve as the season "It was a very good opening and if he can be commended for would any of my sons," Larran- In his 11 seasons at Bowling Absent Becky Bamett, the re- wears on. meet for us," Price said. "We had anything it should be that. aga said. "They will be given a Green and two more at American cord-breaking relay team was "I would like to throw 160 to a lot of personal records and I No one can fault Larranaga for set of guidelines to follow. And if International, Larranaga's teams made up of Kaleitha Johnson, 165 this year," Cokinos said. "I think it's surprising when any- the dedication he showed the they cross over those lines - and went 198-169. Bowling Green Kristin Inman, Brook Miller and think I can do it because I've body PR's in the first outdoor program throughout his tenure. even the best kids sometimes do played In the NIT in 1990, 1991 Karyn Heaney. The team placed been throwing really well in meet of the year. Inman had a big He continually fought for more - they will be disciplined in a and 1997. His Bowling Green third by flying to a time of 59.03 practice. I finished second in the day with her four PR's and Ste- resources for his program, and way which will help them to learn teams twice finished in the top 10 for events like Midnight Madness seconds. MAC last season, and I'm aiming phanie Heldt had a big PR in the he raised his own money and from their mistake." in the nation in field goal per- The old record of 60.02 was set for first this year." high Jump. It's promising for this handled his own publicity. He Unlike Westhead's run and centage. in 1995 by a team that also fea- The top performer In the meet early in the season." was nothing if not dogged when it gun style, Larranaga preaches Before going to Bowling tured Johnson and Inman. was senior Nikki Sturzinger, who The Falcons host their first came to that - even if it meant tight defense and a far more con- Green, Larranaga was an assis- "If we had run a 59.03 at this finished in the top three in three outdoor meet of the season Fri- turning off other members of the servative offense. tant under Terry Holland at both time last year, we would have events. day and Saturday. Twenty-one "There's an old cliche which Davidson (1971-76) and Virginia ranked tenth in the nation," Price Sturzinger took second in the teams will be running in the • See BROWN, page nine. says defense wins champion (1980-86). said. "That's pretty significant discus and third in both the shot meet.

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' Wednesday, April 2, 1997 The BG News page seven


"This year I'm a lot more ma- Cincinnatiforward to ture," he said. "I know what I'm doing. I'm just ready to go ahead "There's no doubt in and do it." my mind. I'm ready." bypass senior season The 6-foot-7, 260-pound for- ward from , Pa., was The Associated Press Bearcats were considered one of the main reason Cincinnati was Danny Fortson the most dangerous teams in the ranked No. 1 in I Cincinnati junior forward CINCINNATI - Part of Danny country. Without him, the the preseason. Fortson wanted to stay and take offense is certain to struggle. Fortson was I one more shot at an NCAA title. "I had to explain to him that we featured on the I time fighting through zone de- His business sense overruled his won before he got here, and we'- cover of Sports fenses that turned him into a pin- heart. re probably going to win after he Illustrated's | ball. The second-leading scorer in leaves," Huggins said. "That's basketball pre- After a victory over Southern University of Cincinnati history not part of the equation." view issue,I Miss on Feb. 26, Fortson said the announced Tuesday that he will Fortson said he made a final which sug- officiating would be the main give up his final year of eligibili- decision in the last few days. He gested that the | consideration in his decision ty to enter the NBA draft. said he would have liked to stay road to the Fortson about the NBA draft. "It's basically a business de- for one more season, "but at the Final Four "I guess they're trying to give cision," an unusually subdued same time you've got to grow." went through Cincinnati. me a sign: 'Get the hell out of Fortson told a news conference In his three college seasons, Although Fortson had a specta- here.' That's what the message at the school's basketball arena Fortson became the school's No. cular season, he couldn't carry is," Fortson fumed at the time. "I've thought about working on 2 all-time scorer, trailing only the team any farther than the Fortson also clashed with Hug- my dream. My dream is to play in Oscar Robertson, and one of the Conference USA regular-season gins, who benched him for a the NBA. country's most dominant front- championship. The Bearcats lost game against DePaul. Huggins "I think I can play. There's no line players. in the conference tournament suggested that Fortson - who doubt in my mind. I'm ready." The only thing he failed to do and in the NCAA tournament. was urging teammates to get him Throughout the season, Fort- was lead the Bearcats to the Final Part of it was the lack of a point the ball more often - wasn't on son left little doubt that he was Four. He scored only 16 points in guard to get him the ball. Part of the same page with the head headed that way. Fortson, who a 67-66 loss to Iowa State in the it was the backcourt's inability to coach. has a knack for drawing fouls, second round of the NCAA tour- take the pressure off of him by Fortson leaves Cincinnati with fumed over the officiating and nament last month. hitting from the perimeter. And 1,881 career points. He had three suggested it would get even Fortson considered leaving part of it was Fortson's stormy of the top five games in school AnvcUfrd PITH photo tougher if he stayed. after his sophomore season, but relationship with officials. history for shooting percentage, Cincinnati Bearcat forward Danny Fortson declared himself eligible Coach Bob Muggins said that decided to stay for one more year He fouled out of five games including a school-record 93.3 yesterday for the NBA draft. The junior All-American was considering Fortson felt bad about leaving to develop his game and make a and got a half-dozen technical percentage (14-of-lS) against staying in school to make another NCAA title run. Cincinnati. With Fortson, the run at a national title. fouls. Fortson spent much of his Eastern Michigan last Dec. 19. PRO BASEBALL Mesa spends opening day in court

The Associated Press her liberty, unzipped her pants under an Ohio law that expands women against their will at the and inserted his hand while forc- the definition of rape to include motel. CLEVELAND - Indians pitch- ing her back," Assistant Cuya- penetration However, Mesa's attorney, er Jose Mesa lured two women to hoga County Prosecutor Mike other than Gerald Messerman, said the a motel and raped one of them on Nolan said in his opening state- intercourse. women arranged a meeting with the drive there, a prosecutor told ment in Mesa's trial on rape and Mesa, also Mesa and a group of his friends, a jury Tuesday. other charges. charged with including teammate Manny Ra- "Jose Mesa restrained her of Prosecutors charged Mesa gross sexual mirez and Mesa's brother, Man- imposition and uel Mesa. felonious as- Messerman also said there was sault, again no evidence that a purse was sto- was accompan- len or that Mesa had any sexual ied by his wife, Mesa contact with either of the women. Mirla, for the second day of the trial. She sat Nolan had said the women had next to Indians owner Richard called Mesa on his cellular phone Jacobs. to arrange a meeting so they The first testimony was ex- could get his autograph. pected to begin later in the day, "What she said she wanted was the start of the baseball season. not an autographed baseball, and The Indians begin the season not Jose Mesa," Messerman said. Wednesday at Oakland without "She said she wanted Manny Mesa, their star bullpen closer Ramirez for her birthday." with 85 saves the last two One camera is in the court- seasons. room, but no witness who AuocUlcd PT*M ph«l« has given the Indians permission requests privacy can be filmed Major League Baseball Umpires Association general counsel Richie to place Mesa on the restricted or photographed, according to an Phillips and Cincinatti Reds managing executive John Allen display a list indefinitely. order issued by Cuyahoga plaque Honoring the late John McSherry at Cinergy Field. Mesa could face up to 10 years County Common Pleas Judge in prison on the rape charge and Thomas P. Curran. up to eight years on the assault count. Mesa, who saved a major The charges are related to a league record 46 games in 48 Umpire remembered complaint by two 26-year-old chances with a 1.13 ERA in 1995, women who alleged that Mesa gave up 20 hits in 13 2-3 innings The Associated Press McSherry, how much he is and a friend fondled them at a with a 6.59 ERA during an exhibi- missed and how much he meant motel in the suburb of Lakewood tion season marred by legal dis- CINCINNATI -- A year to the to baseball," Allen said. after meeting them in a down- tractions. day that umpire John McSherry The Rev. Mike Leshney, who town nightclub Dec. 22. He faces a separate trial on a collapsed on the field and died of works at a local high school, Nolan told the jury of six men gun charge. Messerman esti- heart failure, the Cincinnati Reds briefly paid tribute to McSherry and six women that Mesa lured mated the trials will last a total of dedicated a room in his memory in the interview room behind the women to his car and then to two weeks. and eulogized him as "an um- home plate. the motel by stealing a purse pire's umpire." "It can be said of John that he from one of them. Mesa's family also has legal McSherry was stricken seven was an umpire's umpire," the Lakewood Assistant Prosecutor Mike Nolan delivers the prosecution's He also said Mesa and his troubles, according to a pub- pitches into the Reds' opener at Catholic priest said. opening statement and lose Mesa's rape trial. friend, David Blanco, fondled the lished report. Riverfront Stadium last April 1 Richie Phillips, head of the and died a short time later at a umpires' union, accepted the hospital. His death prompted plaque and thanked Allen for the umpires to pay more attention to tribute. Phillips called McSherry Reds pummel Rockies Tigers blow five-run lead their conditioning. a good umpire. Owner Marge Schott's reaction The Associated Press singled, stole a pair of bases and The Associated Press Clark hit a two-run double in the - saying she felt cheated because "More significantly, he was a scored on one of the Rockies' two fifth to put the Tigers head 5-0. the game was cancelled - also marvelous human being," Phil- CINCINNATI - Deion Sanders errors. MINNEAPOLIS - Detroit's Detroit, which set an AL record drew attention and started her lips said. "He lived for baseball returned to baseball with a big Hal Morris had a pair of run-s- pitchers didn't miss a beat. with a 638 ERA in 1996 en route slide towards relinquishing day- and for his fellow man each and game and the Colorado Rockies - coring singles and an RBI double. Given a chance to hold a five- to a 109-loss season, gave up to-day control of the club. every day." one of baseball's worst road John Smiley was the winning run lead, the Tigers self- three runs in the bottom half. Pat John Allen, who is running the Although Phillips was upset by teams last year - fumbled pitcher. Kevin Jarvis got the destructed on opening day, losing Meares tripled, Todd Walker Reds for the next two years, had Schott's comments about around in the field, helping the save by pitching the final three to the Minnesota Twins 7-5 Tues- walked on four pitches and Doug a plaque made in McSherry's McSherry's death, he declined to Cincinnati Reds pull away to an innings. day night on Pat Meares' two-run Brocail threw a wild pitch that honor. It will be displayed in the talk about the matter Tuesday. 11-4 victory Tuesday afternoon. Loser Kevin Ritz gave up eight homer in a four-run eighth. brought home the first run. umpires' dressing room, which Schott, who is barred from taking Sanders opened a four-run first hits, four walks and five runs in Melvin Nieves hit a three-run Chuck Knoblauch doubled and was dedicated to his memory. part in day-to-day matters, did inning with a double. He later five innings. homer In the fourth and Tony Rich Becker hit a two-run single. "We're still talking about John not attend the ceremony. GRAND OPENING FOR NEW LOCATION! GRADUATING TEACHERS APRIL $-5 Looking for a Teaching position? Baseball Football Uncertain where to begin? Uuti Softball Hockey Tennis Wrestling WE CAN HELP1 Raquetball Basketball + For $25 per state we will return a complete School District Listing for state(s) requested. Soccer Volleyball Lacross' * Lists include addresses, phone numbers,county and enrollment where available. TOTAL SPORTS SOURCE Swimming * Any U.S. State or Territory is available. Track and Field 1045 N. Main St. • Bowling Green Send a SASE with a cheek or money order for $95 oer state to: Sports Medicine RMB 353-3411 (wrapt, braces, etc ) Post Office Box 3503 Officials Equipment & Accessories For All Sports Ccnterlinc, Ml 48015-0503 Imprinted Sportswear Field Equipment For Teams I I page eight The BG News Wednesday, April 2. 1997 Forrest Creason Sports Briefs Baseball Standings Golf Course American League National League SPRING MKMBKRSHIPS Daniels selects David Falk as his agent K.I.I I'...- Road EeHDivMeai Easl Division W L Pet. CB Bowling Green, OH * All the golf you can play W I. Pet. GB David Falk has been selected as Antonio Daniels' agent, the Baltimore 0 0 .000 - Honda 1 0 1.000 - (419) 372-2674 until May 9th...$40 Bowling Green senior announced Tuesday. Bout on 0 0 .000 _ Montreal 1 0 1.000 - Phone for Tee Times Falk, who also represents Chicago's Michael Jordan, Philadel- Detroit 0 0 .000 - Philadelphia 1 0 1.000 - • Full season pass...$160 New York 0 1 .000 Atlanta 0 1 .000 1 phia's Allan Ivcrson and Washington's Juwan Howard, will coor- Toronto 0 I .000 New York 0 1 .000 1 dinate Daniels' contacts and contract negotia- Central DMalaa Central nK^cn tions with NBA teams. W 1, Pet. GB W L Pet. CB H The NBA draft is set for June 25 in Charlo- Chicago 1 0 loot - Cincinnati 1 0 1.000 - ^ Cleveland 0 0 .000 Houston 1 0 1.000 - tte. Daniels, the Falcon point guard who is the Pittsburgh school's second-leading scorer of all time, is KanaaiCity 0 0 .000 1 0 1.000 - a Charge past to Minnesota 0 0 .000 Chicago 0 1 000 1 Bursar Account expected to be a lottery pick. Milwaukee 0 1 .000 1 St. Louis 0 1 .000 1 Daniels also announced Tuesday that he will West Division West DMn with proper ID W L Pet. CB * You must have a bypass the NBA camp in Phoenix later this W 1. Pet. CB month, saying that his standing has risen so Seattle I 0 root _ San Diego 1 0 1.000 - valid atudent ID 1 0 1.000 m Colorado 0 1 .000 1 high with NBA scouts that attendance at the Los Angelas 0 1 .000 1 camp will not be necessary. Instead, Daniels Anaheim 0 0 .000 Oakland 0 0 .000 San Francisco 0 1 .000 1 will conduct personal tryouts with several in- Tueeday-i Camea dividual teams before the draft. Danieb Tuesday- ■ Cams Montreal 2. St. Louis 1 Several teams have shown peak interest, including Chicago, Lata Garni «• Included Cincinnati 11 Colorado* Qlioaan White Sox 6. Toronto S, 10 innings Florida 4, Chicago Cubs 2 Milwaukee and Vancouver. Each sent several scouts to see Dan- Texa»6.Milweukee2 Philadelphia 3. Los Angeles 0 &@®&Soontral Diviwon WISIBtN COtstMBttl W L T Pts CF GA x-Dellaa 46 23 6 98 234 177 DRINK SPECIALS Big 10 for Olympics Midwest BWa— « Detroit 36 24 16 88 238 182 6-9PM...Ladies 0nly...Fri. & Sat. GB •marts. 35 35 6 76 215 IX x Utah 17 the hiring at a campus news con- 54 .761 Anaheim at San Jose, 10:30 p.m. Cleveland Arizona already talking of repeat Stale The Associated Press freshman Mike Bibby said after the school's fight song. enter the upcoming NBA draft. he and junior backcourtmate "Knowing these young people, That, however, didn't deter Pi- INDIANAPOLIS - College Miles Simon put on one of the I know they're not going to be tino from talking about next basketball has always been best two-guard performances in satisfied," Arizona's Lute Olson season's Final Four in San An- defined by decades. recent championship games. said after winning his first tonio. UCLA dominated the 1960s and They are a good reason why national title in an impressive "I'd like to win it every damn Stellar Field the 70s. The 1980s saw improba- Arizona's first national cham- 24-year career as a head coach. year I coach," Pitino said. "And I ble champions such as North pionship was barely done when "They do have to understand that hope [Temple's] John Chaney at 2:00p.m. Carolina State, Villanova and the subject of a second was everybody is going to be coming and [Kansas'] Roy Williams win Kansas. brought up. at them with everything they've it another year because I'd like to The 1990s is the decade of Only Duke in 1992 has been got." see the peers I have so much re- teams attempting to repeat, and able to repeat since UCLA ended Just like UNLV, Michigan and spect for, like Lute, happy, and Arizona's 84-79 overtime victory its seven-year run as champion in Duke, Arizona will have all its they deserve that" over Kentucky on Monday night 1973. key players back for a repeat is keeping that storyline alive for There also was Arkansas in run. That's what made Kentuck- The season of parity, in which one more year. 1995 and Kentucky this season, y's close encounter so exception- only Kansas was considered a Even before Arizona's players as well as UNLV, which was al. great team, ended with a team could clip the tags from their knocked off by Duke in the 1991 Coach Rick Pitino had lost four that finished in fifth place in the championship caps, talk of a re- semifinals as defending national starters to the NBA draft, then Pac-10 winning it all with a run We know how to combine peat trip to the Final Four is champions, and Michigan's Fab saw leading scorer Derek Ander- that included a victory over the already a hot topic. After all, this Five, which lost title games In son go down midway through the one great team. a psychology education with is a team that knocked off three 1992 and 1993. season with a knee injury. With There already have been a No. 1 seeds without having a A likely preseason No. 1 choice All-America sophomore Ron number of coaching changes, and a full time job. After all, senior starter. next season, the Arizona players Mercer leading the way, Ken- more are coming. There will be "I'm just so happy that we won and coaches will hear the word tucky came as close as Arkansas some surprise announcements of we do it ourselves. my first year and we're going to "repeat" in the coming months as to joining the repeaters' club. underclassmen deciding to leave try to repeat next year," Arizona much as they hear "Bear Down," Mercer has already said he will school early.

Hilllsa^^™ \dler School-i SUMMER • 1997 «***»•»«—-» ^""SS-lrNvch.*, e.,0 "" »»»« ANNOUNCING MERCER MANOR, — -'"" Capital University's Summer Institute in Science and Mathematics GREENBRIAR, INC. Session I • June 11 -July 11 Ar the Adler School of Professional Psychology, all of Oneof'BQ'sty'ivest our faculty members are active clinical professionals. Session II • July 15-August 11 So you'll benefit from their practical knowledge. And This summer program offers courses for college and university pre-profes- you'll net to enjoy an academic climate geared toward sional students. Each course is equivalcnl lo Capital's regular 14-week semes- Located on Mercer Road. working professionals: ter, bul offered in an accelerated formal Students benefit from small class si/c. These apartments feature: • Masters and Postgraduate programs, may lead to doctorate a student-centered approach and tutorial suppon. Call now for more informa- • Most classes on Friday evenings, Saturdays and Sundays tion concerning this fast-paced, exciting and intense summet program. G/Two Full Baths • Small classes Course offerings include: £Z • Variety of programs in Counseling Psychology, Marriage W3 Bedrooms «S. himily Counseling, Substance Abuse Counseling.. • General Chemistry • Organic Chemistry • Adlerian Psychology Ed Fireplace • Chemical Analysis I (Quantitative Analysis) • G7 Air Conditioning So whether you already hold a degree or you're an • Calculus • Physics • Biochemistry • undergraduate, call or e-mail us. We've been helping Gif Furnished working professionals For more information, call Karla Davis. read, ,n advanced Adler School of Co-Director, at (614) 236-7115. >sycholog> Professional Psychology e-mail: [email protected] CALL OR STOP IN FOR MORE DETAILS for 25 years. IORT WAYNE Visit out Web site: 224E.WOOSTER 352-0717 1720 Beacon Street • Fort Wayne. IN 46805-4749 (219) 4246443 • adlerpsyStortwayne rnfi net Capital University is an equal opportunity institution h.-.l a| Plilfcajllllld I'mhol-jtY a *.«*tr.l b» rhr North ( fM "> iht SjtMinjI B-.i.J In < .fulled ( <****!.*,. In, These classes fill quickly. Register early.

I i u Wednesday. April 2. 1997 The BG News page nine

BROWN jeeKeivp Continued from page six. year, when I^rranaga came to doesn't have football or hockey to lories for Jim Larranaga? Maybe, the aid of an ill person while a worry about. but doubtful. AFfoL n-13 community. group of 30 people could only Will more resources mean T-Shirl Sale Violenl Ktinnirs ('oncerI He has been, and always will stand and watch. Would more resources at Bowl- more success for him at George April 7-11 Friday April 11 be, a staunch family man. The ing Green have meant more vie- Mason? We'll see. Union Foyer ^v£N/:> Anderson Arena family, including his players, was But other episodes re- 10 a.m. - 4 p.m. 8 p.m. first and everyone on the outside membered include public snubs, $ - fans, supporters, the media - broken agreements and a general was second, meaning oftentimes ill-will. Tired of American Heart the warm greetings or the extra time for an interview just weren't Whether right or wrong, like it Association throwing Fighting Hestl OUMM M there. or not, that was Jim Larranaga. Those who know him best con- At George Mason, Larranaga sider him a deeply caring indi- your weight Sibs-N-Kids Carnival Wet, Wild and will have virtually unlimited re- Look for (he calendar vidual. An episode remembered sources, including a ISO percent Saturday April 12 Wacky Water (l-mrs Mac Countryside next week with the list Friday April 11 by some in the Falcon camp was pay raise, a 10,000 seat arena and Exercise. of all the Sibs-N-Kids in the Detroit airport earlier this an athletic department that around? 2-5 p.m. Cooper Pool Free Weekend events. 6-9 p.m.

Questions? Call the Office of Student Activities @ 372-2343. UNIVERSITY AMBASSADORS VISION IS STEPPIN' OUT Alpha Phi - Susie' Alpha Phi Trlurs Apnl 3. Reminder: There to no mealing toright. 10 Ihe CLUBS Of TOLEDO Congrats to my favorite The BG News Aprils meeting will be on April 9th ot 9:15 Meet al 8 30pm al the twin, Suz on her pearling pm In Mlleil Alumni Center. Elerdona for ofl campus student center to Ben Your sneakier PREFERRED PROPERTIES Classified next year's Executive Board ".ill be hetoV COME ON OUT! than we thought' Hope to see you there! 530 S. MAPLE ST. 352-9378 Ads Love. Your twin A the rest of the family University Computer Service* Now Leasing Spring 97 Seminars 372-6977 LOST & FOUND Applications are now available for the Summer & Fall The following Un varsity Computer Services fhc BI"INH I ^nmiruium jgnntlmy seminars are open to anyone at BGSU. You individual i' (iniupiin the h.i«<* of fKC tfl.CQlofi .rerd. LOST: Men's BGSU Class Ring Gold. Class ol The Holts A. Moore Memorial Scholarship was I&, Piedmont * Birchwood Place must caH 372-2911 to register tor the seminars. religion munful Mtfia, ttuil PHMMMOB, ditjbihiy. 96, w/ signature Great intrinsic value. Please established to recognize students who oontnb- »iatu» J» J «ttcin of '" ir* PBtd ot ■) MfcW \tfM\ A complete seminar list can be found on the help Reward illound. Call 352-7164 ute to Bowling Green State University through Mini Mall * Small Buildings pdMfttCi) Mills' WWW at: participation and leadership in University hnp//www.bgsu edii/depa/tmems/uca/semina Stolen Swords, guitars, leather uickets. TV B jd.erti-cnwm .mh *\ ihm* n-jnd in he (Indoor heated swimming pool, sauna. ' Please call 35? 1456 dcljmj|iu>. ..Klitii inl*iiul hj»is mitloilinr; or fjlst? 1.500 will be awarded tor the 1987-M aca- HydraSpa I Intro to PageMaker (Mac) This seminar demic year ■n rulur* Ml tillMMllWI .rt -ur.,.,1 tn ftlilinf <«d Whirlpool, complete exercise equipment. •ppfn.aJ covers base desktop publishing using Page- Maker for the Macintosh. Pnor knowledge of To be considered lor the scholarship, a student complete IV M *«r*i. J« jfiwum ■•pen lit the public, rrxngmrrt Macintosh concepts is recommended Please locker room and shower facilities.) the impcn-ihiliti 01 rrcn-nnnj jll i>l thi* l>pc of * must: bring a blank 3.5" disk to the seminar * be a ruing junior or senior Itiinf -nd inrrefnrc tiK(mi4£e< tiur n*lr" to he-.T SERVICES OFFERED All residents receive a membership to' Ah* J> - he i jrr.ilnr -nh | hunnr^ tvii«v ^ndinu mone> Wednesday, April 9th from 2.00-4:00 P.M. in * have a 3 0 cumulative GPA 'Cherry-wood Health Spa iif pti»\Hl«n( pervmoliredil mformalinn Pie4^ icmem 126Hayes Hall. ' demonstrate active participation in Umvensiy her. tf ■■ -mull wo |i"id 10 he irue. it j-mhabiy b Friday. Apnl nth from 2 00 4 00 PM m 126 organizations, and Hayes Hall. Pregnant? * be available lor a personal interview with the You can help u> "v .aHing the 4d>cn»inn ilcprimcni M Free Pregnancy Tests Confidential A Canrtg selection committee 4l9-»7;ihM*.ilh>nufcoinp«-ini'.«mJ»uK(c»iH>o. VV< 354-4673 BG Pregnancy Center rat j-llhji vnuplr** [*•>*«]« mu'nj^K Jddrco aftJpNsnc Intro to PowerPoint (MAC) This seminar nuntbci ili>fi|! »nh ><>ui lOOnfk .IKIIIWHI' *>th II«II covers the basics of the presentation g'aphics Applications are available m Student Financial help «e .an nude I he B(i Nr.. * IKIK- pwMtcaitMi software package PowerPoint, including creat- SKYDIVING CLASSES IN BOWLING GREEN Aid, Room 231 Administration Building, and ing overheads and on screen presentations STARTING APRIL 5TH Student A Group dis are due by Apnl 11.1997 Pnor knowledge of Macintosh concepts « rec- counts. Visa, M/C accepted SKYDIVE B G ATTENTION ALL STUDENTS!!! Oranta a ommended Please bring a blank 3.5" d Steve Ludd Operating System, ru commands and file ma- current listings April 2.9:00pm.m Rm 117BA nipulation. TRAPPER also includes extensive AAA1 • NATIONAL DATING HOT LINI $5.20 statistics programs. Attendees must have a 1 -900-414-7008 tut 1128. $2B0/min GREEK WEEK IS COMING" ServU |619V345 8434 18. T-One Ask Your Rep For Details Phi U' Phi U TRAPPER account. To obtain a TRAPPER ac- fours: 4:30-7:00 count, visit the UCS Computer Help Center in WW^VWVVVVVVVrVVVVVVVVVUVvVVrVvTirVVVVVV. Last meaong ot the yeari 100 Hayes Hall. Accounts must be created at Alpha Phi' Alpha Phi' Alpha Phi NTRAMURAL ENTRIES DUE: MEN'S IN least 46 hours m advance Tonight @> 9 00pm m tna Congrats Stacy NERTUBE WATER POLOAPRH 2: MEN'S FCSGatlena. Pizza party & Fnday. Apnl 16th from 1:30-3:30 PM m 126 on your pearling to your ESPN manl SIMGLES * COREC DOUBLES TENNIS- Hayea Hall Love, Your Family APRILS ALL ENTRIES DUE BY 4 OOP.M IN The Pheasant Room Officer elections will be held Coma join trie fun! Alpha Phi • Alpha Phi ■ Alpha Phi 130 PERRY FIELD HOUSE ON DUE DATE Intro to PowerPoint (IBM) This seminar All You Can Eat LOOKING FOR YEAR ROUND OR Phi U • Phi U covers the basics of the presentation graphics software package PowerPoint, including creat- Alpha Phi' Alpha P- SUMMER EMPLOYMENT? .ng overheads and on-screen presentations TIRED OF WORKING WEEKENDS? Spaghetti REALITY SUCKS! Pnor knowledge of Windows concepts is rec- The sisters ol Alpha Phi Earn $0.00 an hour A great benefits Come to Gamestost to Escape ommended. Please bring a blank 35" disk to would liut to thank ■ UPS your dinner includes ail you can eat spaghetti with our Lisa knel for planning a Go to RM 360 Student Services Apni 4th-8 00pm-Midnight the seminar very own special saute, tossed salad, dinner rods eir butter. Apnl 5th -2 00pm-Midnight Monday. April 21st from 2:30-4:30 P.M. in 128 wonderful spring break to schedule an appointment to meet 222 Education Bldg. Hayes Hall. with the Sigma Chi's from with a representative on Mage Tournament, Whte Wolf Games. Thursday. April 24th from 230-4:30 P.M. In Harvard We had ablest Fnday. April 4,1987 O "n* 0. and much more 128 Hayes Hal UPS IS AN EQUAL OPPORTUNITY EM- Thanks Lit* PLOYER $ 4.95 Other sandwiches & dinners always available CAREER IN LAW Xours: 4:30-7:00 PISANELLO'S r*r*vvvy\r*\rrf\r*vy^r*vyr*^***^r*^*^^ Open Weekdays at 4 p.m. Our graduates work in law firms, corporations, and Open al Lunch Fri.. Sat. & Sun. Meal Card Accepted 4:30-7:00 pm government agencies. 203 N. MAIN, B.G. 352-5166 'Big Charge Accepted 11:30am-UOvm & 4:30-7:00 • 5 month program with internship • National placement assistance • American Bar Association approved • College degree required • 20 Years or Excellence DENVER PARALEGAL INSTITUTE 1401 19th St.. Denver. CO 80202 800-848-0550 http://www

—i ~ ■ I OK KKVI1 Winthrop Terrace Apts. Fall '97 and Spring '98 Time is running out Limited Summer Available to register for the Featuring: 18th Annual RA Drive In Workshop Campus Shuttle • 1 & 2 BR. Furn./Unfurn. to be held April 5th at 1 & 2 Full Baths • 3 Great Locations Bowling Green State University! 352-9135 Cost is only $15 for BGSU Students Please call for more information For more information, call (419) 372-6644

\ page ten The BG News Wednesday, April 2, 1997

WEDNESDAY APRIL 2,1997 I12 PMI 12:30 I 1 PM I 1:30 I 2 PM I 2:30 I 3 PM I 3:30 I 4 PM I 4:30 I 5 PM I «t:30 I 6 PM I 6:30 I 7 PM I 7:30 I 8 PM I 8:30 I 9 I'M I 9:30 110 PMI 10:30 111 PMI 11:30 112 AM BROADCAST STATIONS JB. Toung and BIS r As tm world Turns £ GUKUng Light (In stereo) EEXHEE^H Jeoparrjy! bomeoody s Lynn • arrow (In itereo) S. Oavlims MHyChUdrwOC On. Ul« to Uvt I Ganarsl Hospital a Roste 0 Donnsll 1 Entartsin Hard Copy Grace Couch « Drew Cany ArsanioX Prinwlima Live I Nighiline3C|Politlcalty s> Cosby MoascasI DayaolOurUwal) Another World 1! Sunset Beach I Baywatch ■ Uontel Williams J. Cops* Real TV 1 Newaradio Single Guy Wings JC Men-Bedly Law 1 Order Mad Dog" MVfS'rlX Tonight Show (In Stereo) Wholey InatJiKtlonal Progni Sewing B.ll Nye Creatures Wiehbone Sendiego Barney Buainees LincolnCtr Great Performances' Emmekne" (In Stereo) Charlie Rose (in Steroo) |Newshour Instructional BMNye Painting Gourmet Embroidery Magic Bus Sendiego Wiehbone News-Lehrer M FusscM LincolnClr Great Performencee "Emmaana" (In Stereo) Served Charlie Rose (In Stereo) Dating Copeland Truth "•ao"" Gargoyles Bobby Bobby Beettebotg *"9"» Quaca Simpsons Home Imp. Mad-You SeinleldU Home imp. Beverly Hills, 902101 Party d Five 3C Star Trek Voyager Jt Roseanne Dinosaurs • '.i-ftoooV Che Conn" At Home... USA Fkntslones King Arthur Live at Five Bloomberg News Cookin Bloomberg Sentinel "Buck or Wh«e" Star Trek: Voyager.« News Sportstalk Uf.s ;• All Family Brady ISMc-SlaT Kxig Arthur | AlaOdinJ Bobby Bobby Beetleborg Rangers Freeh Pr. Mr. Cooper Simpsons |MartinJt: Home Imp. Home Imp. NBA Basketball Detroit Patois at San Antonio Spurs. (Live Fresh Pr. [Married.. SUr Trek CABLE STATIONS COM Kids in Hal unman Daily Show |Dr. Kan E Saturday nsgtw uvs a) Ears)) ropoeoBri (tym)vai Kilmer. DreamOn |Da»ty Show | Dream On |0raSfflOn |DreamOn |Movie:..'l Top Secret'" (1984) ValKilrier iDailyShow IComiciTick 1 SportscentoiHi Latin Futbol Weekly Skiing Wheekhr Racehorse PRCA Rodeo (R) NFL Greet NBA Today Up Close Sportsosnter IMajor League Bssabsl Chicago Cubs at Florida Markre. (Lve) 3C Major League Baseball: Teams to Be Announced. Movie • •• "SweetD'ea/7is"(l965)Jessca Unge Movie:««'.» "Sla/rre«Gener»lions'(l994)'PG,rx Movie: •• •7*anoOu|-|l9B7),PG-l3' Mov* ... Gfiosl 11990. fantasy) Paf-;kf»ay;.; PG-13 Jl Movia:«'r T»ojney"(l9W|,R,I Cevs finest Hour Drag Racing: NHFtA Motoisports Hour Cycle World More and Les Levine Innerview Sporls Tdnile NBA Action Racing Thor'bred Sports Writers on TV This Week in NASCAR Les Levine Major League Baseball: Indians at Athletics SOFT Believe It-Net Mysteries Monsters Gallery Beyond Bionic Woman Six Million Dollar Man Twil Zone Drrkside Quantum Leap aT. Seaquesl DSV Forever Knight J Sightings (In Stereo) it Quantum Leap J. Seegueet USA~ [11:00) Movie: "Kngnr USALive USALive USA Live USA Live USAUve USALive Top Cops Wmgs X |Wings at Renegade "Siuas" .1C Highlander: The Series Murder, She Wrote:? Movie: "APraver riffle 0ar*"(t997)LyndaCarter Wings X Wings X Stalkings

aaraos Salon pi Beauty 1 CuNura UNIVERSITY AMBASSADORS A fun place to work ad Me long learning expo Lawn Mainwnanc* 2 bdrm apt includ util . laundry 8 cable TV. Call lor LanelSpsoals nencas await you at YMCA camp* NISSO- Part A101 Dma poaiDona avail. FOR SALE Prefer non smoking lemales. Grad students Make your appointment todayl Reminaer: There no meeting Bnlght. April's KONE (resideni camps OSCOOA. Ml) and Call 352-5822 welcome 353-5074. 425 E Wooetev (behind Dewy Mart) meeting will be on April Bth at 9:15pm in Mien Ohryeea (day camp In Hoty. MJ) Areyouacar- 2 sublease's needed lor 2 bdrm apartments in 354 2018 AlumniCenlar Elscsons for nail yaar's Execu- ing, creative 8 an enthusiaatc person? Do you Lifeguards * Assl Mgr CaftjficaDon required. ' 2 bdrm apl lor rent. 2 lul barh 'umishedfor fall summer. Very close 10 campus. $480rmo nveFioardwilrjeheldHoceloseeyoutherel enjoy being outdoors & have prior experience Sand lamer o' mteresl ft resume to: 11720 Su- 97- spnng '98 Free waler starting m May Call 354.4303. working with children? Now faring male & fe- Part-lima empto anl with coaeaa Panama par R.dge Rd BG Call 354-7293 male resident A day camp counselors, lite 403 Ugh St Apt A BG. 1 bedroom $320/mo. you arori'l believe. Ttva Ohio Air Natkonal WANTED guarda/awimming instructors, equestrian, arts 2 bdrm apl. tor rent 2 full bath furnishedtor Avail May. Call Khnsta @ 3532068. Guard hi; immediate perl-time opening* Ne»»d©d Babysmer tor 2 yr. old boy m my BG 8 crafts, nature & drama/music instructors summer ol '97. Free waler. with banelta. It you own use home. Mon., Wedt, A Fn Y 7 30am S 30pm 812 3RO sl. Brand new 3 bdrm house Applications avail, in Student Employment Of- Call 354 7293. 127,000 In school tu.tlon, Ova Toledo AJr Call 352- 1fl47 after 6pm. $79Srmo. 1 bath plenty ol storage, new carpet •• Roommat* Wanted " ffc* or call David Marks al 810-887 4533 National Guard has ■ spot for you. CALL 486-66 Mult-media PC Compleie *485 - Lap ■ high effideny furnace - new stove 8 refndger- 97 98 school year. Court St Apta Hem Hiring tor summer. AZG Research Start- NOWI l-aoo-TOs-aoe* or local ATTENTION ALL MAJORS Make $8,300 this lop 386 w/ primer $290. Mac plus w/ printer ator washer/dryer coin operated. Small fenced »i 87 50 s month Call Maggie 353 4228 ing pay $5-25. To gain valuable market You B be glad you dtd! summerl Find out why PAG, IBM and hun- research experience. Jobs consist* ol com H90 Ca'IZach 353 4512 in back yard. No pets allowed - Avail imme- dreds of others want students who have puwr aided telephone interviews Come apply diately Cc.l 419-474-5344. 2 aubieaeera needed Summer 1997. House worked in our program. 95% ol student using at 13330 Bishop Rd., Bowling Green or can Brother word processor with monitor for sale. PLAY WOMEN'S HOCKEY doe* to campus. Cheap rent. Call NHU at our placement office found career job* last 352-61 '5. e«. 214. like new Only $125 Call 354-5037. BGSU Woman's Ice Hookey Club 352-8627 yoar Cal 1 800-289-3848. Beautrlul 3 bdrm house avail for rent Now hiring summer Ras. Advisors. Pick up an Intormasonal Meeting Fender bass amp 300 wan. during 07 96 school year $660 per/mo. 2-3 summer suokeeaers needed. 2 bdrm house Child car* needed for the summer for our 11 application frcm 440 Student Services. Starting Ice Arena Lounge $375 030 Call 353-6269 AS A P. 10 yourself Close 10 campus reasonable rant. and 3 year ok) boys Waterviiie area. Experi- March 31.1937. 353-2160 352-5289. Emily or Jl. ence necessary Non-smoker. Looking for a OWN YOUR OWN BUSINf SS HERE AND IN Hatting RAPID FUNi dependable, caring person who enjoys D 4 G RENTALS-ONLY 2 UNITS LEFT1I ALL Feme*) euMeeeer lor Fal 97. Cloee to Campus THE PHILIPPINES WITHOUT GOING Exerting Spretg bme rafting in WV. New and interacing and playing with kid* - not just Mountain bike lor sale, including OF OUR UNITS ARE WITHIN 2 BLOCKS OF Call 372-5447. THERE. CALL 410-5470024 COLLECT F Gauley Rivera. STUDENTS SAVE S Sooals watching TV. Must also recognire a mess bike lock. One year old. in CAMPUS. NOW RENTING FOR FALL, AT- and Retreats Spring apeoala. Guitar Player. into Jeff Back, looking for bass YOU HAVE RELATIVES OR FRENDS IN e»cel»ni condition $100 00 or TRACTIVE WELL MAINTAINEOUNITS: when it's made and realize if s hie/her reepon- THE MANILA AREA WILL MEET WITH YOU Call Mary 1-800-418-1442 tor info. player 8 drummer to uwn Cell Chris 839-3823 sitxiity to see dial it's cleaned up. Must have beet offer. 353 9114 ask tor Paul IN BG TO EXPLAIN BUSINESS. NO PRES- own rekabie transportation. Relerences re- 608 E WOOSTER/SPACIOUS DUPLEX LO- Looking for a Bummer eubteaser for 5th St Apt. SURE, INVESTMENTS OR GIMMICKS quired If interested, please call (419) CATED DIRECTLY ACROSS FROM CAM- SEEKING PLAYERS 18 AOVER FOB USSSA Call 353-3321. Ask tor Kevin. 2 bdrm* 8 2 MUST HAVE NAMES BY APRIL 5TH HE Real life in stylel For Sale 1992 Corvette 878-7527. CLASS baftrooma. FORE MANH A RER RETURNS TO STATES Coupe 2 tope, 350 LTI. 8 spd . polo green ml PUS UPPER UNIT-2 BDRMMAXOCCUP 4 LVE Men's Softball team tor Sunday nights COUNSELORS INSTRUCTORS neededl tan leather interior. Boss CO 8 cassette player, RESERVED PARKING. Roommat* needed asap to share big houeo Pem/sburg Pizza Hut. Now Hiring I All posi- and Tuas. reghts at Carter Park in Bowling 100 positional Coed summer camp. Pocono $' 9 000 Call Kathy 372 7600. Groan, OH Also tournaments on Weekends in t200dop.$158 25/mo . ual 353-1355. tions. Apply in person at 1131 Louisiana Ave 850 SCOTT HAMILTON ONE UNIT REMAIN- Mia., PA. Good salary raps I (908) 889-3339 or call (410) 674 7034 tor moreinto. Northern Ohio Contact Bob hller oVecfly in Summer sublessor needed. Own room ING EXCEPTIONALLY NCE 2 BDRM UNIT Counselors, cook, naturalists needed at co-ed Toledo at 474-1733. 835 rf Bowling Green Ha- Call Lynn 354 1301 Sewers Needed, Must have surger. Red '88 Mustang LX lots of AIR COND MAX OCCUP 4 LAUNDRY FACIL- summer camp near Arm Arbor. Ml. Cal sten! or $50 rl non-rasidanl Work out ol home. eitras asking $4700 ITIES ON PREMISES. RESERVED PARK- 313878-8828 tor more into. 352-1589 ING Stan saving tor a Rainy Day by opening a Hun- WANTED TO BUY American Flyer Lionel 8 655-2116 ting*, on Bank Savings account at our office m Marx train sel Aurora race car sets A old US Daycare Administrator 12 e hours ol early childhood development A CALL D8G RENTALS AT (419) 287-3233 ANO the Student Union By opening file account military items. Highest pnoee paid Can collect Spnng. Summer A Fall help needed. Para- SEIZED CARS from $178 Porsches. Cadil psychology ooureework required. Background ASKfOREVAORELLIE. you wilt be registered to win a Huntlngton Goll 313854-3021. chute packing Training provided. Must be de- lac*. Chevys. BMWs. Corvettes. Also Jeeps, in early childhood preferred. Submit resumes UnaillHI pendable EiaDngjob, good income For more 4WD'a Your Area Toll Free 1-800-218-9000 House for Rent 3 Bdrma, to: mlocailSKYDIVEBG 352-5200 Elf A-2076 for current listings Spacnus, Washer/dryer. Ask lor HELP WANTED 17550 EuMrRd Nikki or Carrie On corner of E Merry UNI VERSFTY AMBASSADORS Bowling Green. OH 43402 SUMME R AT PUT-IN-BAY UT TICKETS 8 North Summit. 353-7191. The Pern/ Holiday Hotel is seeking employees- For May 24th Columbus concert Reminder: Thar* is no meeting tonight. April's tor all positions. Housing avail. Call Barb Call Aaron 0354-1348 meeting vntl be held on April 9th at 0:15pm in JlOOO's POSSIBLE TYPING Part Tim*. At EARN $500 or more weekly stuffing envelopes Chrysler at 410-265-2107 or write Perry Hon Houses; 1 8 2 bdrm furn apts. year. 9 mo, 8 at home Sand long SASE to Country Living Mileti Alumni Canter. Electiona lor next year's Horn*. Tol Free (1) 800 2189000 Eat. T - day Hotel PO Box 1B0. Putin-Bay, OH 43456 summer leases 352-7454 12076 tor listings. Shoppers. Dept U1. 2130 O'Neal Lane, #127, Executive Board win be held Hop* to a** you Bekxi Rouge. LA 70816 Summer jobs Cleveland area $500Avk Cieva ItOOO's POSSIBLE READING BOOKS Pan Issjal land area home improvement co. Hinng all po- NEED SUMMER SUBLEASFR3II Tan*. Al Horn*. Tol Free (1) 800-218 9000 Earn $8,0O0.0Otrns summer whsla eamtfig an FOR RENT sitions, will train, start asap. Call |216) 2 bdrm furn apt. dose to campus internship and building an impressive resume Ext. R-2078 tor Lutings. 692-3346. Free A/C-Hea|iGasiH20l in the fields Of MARKETING. MANAGEMENT. $1500 weekly potential mating our circulars 3S2-7S97 GENERAL BUSINESS, and SALES. Quality SUMMER LIFEGUARDS A SWIMMING '97-98 school year 2 bdrm turn aots 705 7th No experience required Begin now. For Info Tuition Paintara is currently looking to hire 1-2 INSTRUCTOR POSITIONS call 301-429-1326 SL 8 724 6th St. $500Vmo includ FREE h*at. BGSU students to IMI positions in the SylvanJa. Student Recreation Canter water, sewer, gas 8 HBO Call 354 0914 Now accepting Rental Apllicatjons for Fall And "Travel down south, work your butt off and get Meumee, and Toledo areas this summer. At Appiicaions available m SRC office Summer leases. Cal 354 8800 •97,98,S/V paid for it Earn 82200 per month. Call this Bme we are looking to fill business posi- Apply NOW) For more into call 2-7477 316 E. Merry $4 50/mo 1-800-289-3848 tion*, not a painting/laborer position. For more One A Two bdrm apts. avallabl*. University Management Inc. information call 1 -800-356-5987. Positions will 328 L*roy $350Tno 200 Summer jobs kaft: NY, PA, MAINE TEACH ENGLISH ABROAD- 309 1/2 E Merry rooms $190Vmo Courts & University Village located al Clough be filing quickly. and Mercer Call 352-0164 353-5800 Teach/Summer Campa-awlmming How would you kke to teach basic 146 S College erf $23(Vmo (WSktGT), sailing, windsurfing. canoe, waler FuN-bme A part-time sales consultant. Availa- conversational English in Eastern Call 353 0325 Flent our Apt for summer & New New New New New ble Mon. through Sat. tor plumbing showroom sM, tennis, arts/crafts, baseball, basketball, Europe? Learn about many rewarding Summer Rentals also avail We'll buy you ■ dreikl New Apartments lor Fal 1997 gymnastics, outdoor educ, piano accompa- Saks* sip A interior design background help- opportunities with great benefits! Air conditioning, large balcony, dishwasher. t Mm.. 710 N. Enterprise Rent start* mst. Aliens Streisand 1 -800-443-8428 ful Sand resume by April 18 to. The Kohler Call Global Information Services 1 bdrm unturn 616 2nd Sl No pets. $315 plus garbage disposal 8 4 odmis 35? 6633 al$375/mo. . utilities Bath House. 125 E. Indiana Av*. Parrysburg. 1-206-071 3664 em K55442 250 COUNSELORS and INSTRUCTORS OH 43551. util Call 354-9740 Rooma tor rent Summer ft Fall. Victorian neededl Private, coed summer camp in Po- 1 to 2 roomate needed lor E. Woosier St. House, wafc 10 school, parking, dose » down- cono Mtni . NE Pennsylvanie Lohikan. Box Horn* City ice Company is now hinng tor these The Garden Restaurant, Port Clinton. OH. house Irom May 97 May 98 $l8fimo Call town, private entrance, kitchen, 2 baths. Can 234BG. Kerakvonh. NJ 07033 (908) 278-0908 positions Rouse Drivers. Production Stackers. Lake Erie tourist commjntty is hiring people tor 353 8915 352-5817 Truck Loaderr Gompeotive wages/flenble lood service and kitchen Please apply in per- schedules. Locctona throughout all ol Ohio son or by mail to: 226 E. Perry St.. Port Clinton. 12 month leases starting May 1997: Subleaeer needed beginning April Iet Management Inc. and Southeast lAcNgan. Call tor details at OH 43452 or call 419-732-2151. 408 E Court IS-1 BR Duplex I person House 2 bWs Irom campus Own bedrm. $170 I 800<99-«070. $340. UM mo nag Call Jo* 352 0387 days. 352-9091 HWsdale Apt. Large studio* high VAN DRIVER part time position to provide 424 V2S Summit Erfic -1 person av*8 vaulted codings, unique floor JOB OPENING transportation to and from social service $220 . tlec Subleases needed immediately tor summer. plans and carports 12montti A marketing firm in the Toledo area has an agency. Must be between the ages of 21 - 65. opening lor an account executive To be suc- have a valid ONo driver s kcense and an excel- GraduateSsident 1 to3Br apts . Large 2 bdrm apt. unfurnished, do** to cam- lease starts al $350 cessful, you must be ■ business-savvy mar- lent driving record. Submit resume to PO Box Avail in August. pus, pets welcomed, pool A dub house. Rent keter who is creative, organized, and able to 736. Bowling Green. OH 43402. EOE. Sieve Smith 3S2-8B17 (no calls alter 8pm) best offer 352 9409 handle multiple dienta. You must be detail- oriented, able to successfully negotat* with chants, and be en independent sell starter as wall as a team player The ideal candidate must have excellent written/verbal skills and Management Inc. be computer literate (MS Word. Excel. Power - Point). Now Accepting Applications Hug* 1 bdrme, 215 E. Poe Rd. Laundry on site, lots of parking. Starts Qualified candidates should mail confident re- sume to: al W40/monlh «elec. Account Executive Job Opening POBox36 Fall 1997 BG News Editor Holland. OH 43526 Landscape Construction Co. Flexible scheduling Summer 1997 BG News Editor Management Inc. Call 686-7865 Efficiency Apt*., 215 E Poe Rd Starts 1997-98 Gavel Editor at J230 All utilities included Hall the Dine In or Carry Out security deposit holds it now. 1997-98 KEY Yearbook Editor CAFE: 1997-98 Miscellany Editor Management Inc. "Good Cookin' - Cowboy Style" 830 Fourth St The Willow House 1997-98 Obsidian Editor t* now leasing for next year 1 bdrm. gas heat. A/C. starting at $340/montti 353-CALL For a complete list atop by our Application forms may be picked up at 204 West Hall office, 1045 N. Main, or call Open 11:00-3:00 Mon.-Sat., and Friday nights 'til 9:00 353-5800 109 North Main Street, Downtown Bowling Green, OH Deadline is Thursday. April 17, 5:00 pm