June 2021 Embassy News
Inauguration of Red Cross building at Chebba village municipality in South Lebanon. It is a GOI funded project for the benefit of Chebba and nearby villages and municipalities, e!ecuted through Indian battalion at UNIFIL. Issue No. 4; June 2021 Embassy News Celebrations at Indian %attalion at "#I$IL As part of India@75 celebrations, Indian Battalion at UNIFIL organised a cultural show and an exhibition on a! "#, "$"%& The e(ent was attended by )d*A of the Indian +,bass! -hri Jagjit -ingh, and senior UNIFIL o0cers, local ,a!ors and other dignitaries& & India' Lebanon Relations in the past ( years) *hoto +!hibition As part of India@75 celebrations, A,bassador 1r& -uhel Ajaz 3han inaugurated an Exhibition on the activities done b! the +,bass! in the last " !ears at the +lite )entre in Tripoli on 4% ay "$"%& A,bassador 3han interacted with facult! and guests of the Elite )entre& 5e visited the India )orner at the librar! center& A,bassador 3han presented a plaque of appreciation to 1irector of the )entre s& I,ane 3a,ali 1ernai7a for pro,oting India8Lebanon friendship& 1 Issue No. 4; June 2021 Embassy News Inauguration of Red Cross %uilding at Chebba on 5 June (.(/ A,bassador of India, 1r -uhel Ajaz 3han, acco,panied by 5ead of )hancer! r& Jagjit -ingh (isited -outh Lebanon on .une 5 and inaugurated the newl! constructed 9ed )ross Building at )hebba ,unicipalit! and dedicated the building to the people of )hebba& The building is part of :o(ern,ent of India’s support to the local co,,unities in -outh Lebanon& The inauguration was organi2ed by
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