Busbridge C of E (Aided) Junior School Headteacher Recruitment Pack for September 2017

Genesis creation art project

A Group Two school with a before and after school club. OFSTED “Good” and SIAMS “outstanding” In on the outskirts of the market town of WelcomeWelcome toto BusbridgeBusbridge CC ofof EE (Aided)(Aided) JuniorJunior SchoolSchool

After 15 great years, our Headteacher is retiring and we are grateful that you are interested in finding out about us.

Our motto is and this is lived through everything we do.

Children are at the heart of our school so the first thing you’ll read after this introduction is an advertisement for the position of Headteacher written by the children themselves.

We are a well thought of, oversubscribed two form entry junior school of 240 pupils with close ties to the Church and local community.

We are nestled on the edge of the Surrey market town of Godalming and we are fortunate to have an outlook offering beautiful views over farmland. The pupil population of Godalming is generally stable and pupils tend to enter the school with above average prior attainment.

Our school is open from 7.50am am through our pre-school club and the school day The school is a happy, begins at 9.00am. The school day ends at 3.30pm and our after-school club closes friendly community… at 6.00pm. Teachers create a positive climate for learning. We have a fantastic team of staff, PTA (called ‘The Friends of ’) and OFSTED, 2013 Governing Body who are committed to the education and holistic development of our pupils.

Our teachers are incredibly dedicated, creating learning experiences which are consistently good to outstanding. We have created a non-teaching post for the deputy Headteacher and this has been a successful partnership with our Headteacher.

Our new Headteacher will bring spiritual leadership in sharing the Christian Values of the school as we seek to grow as an outstanding learning community. We’re excited that our new Headteacher will build on many of the things we are good at, help us to review where we might develop and offer vision and leadership to take us into the future. Children’sChildren’s ** Busbridge Junior AdvertAdvert

is looking for is what we do

* a new This advertisement was created by every child at Busbridge C of E (Aided) Junior after a whole school assembly on inspiration, leadership and vision. Each class created idea maps which were used by the school council. HEADTEACHER!!

This amazing school is searching for a Headteacher who What you need to be… is bubbly, supportive and hands on. Kind, caring and friendly Would you like to be our new Headteacher? Fair but firm Inspiring and intelligent Well, if that’s a yes you could be it! A leader who is democratic and includes us in making decisions A good role-model A good sense of humour yet also sensible Responsible and resilient Keeps promises and be trustworthy What is brilliant about our school... Treat us well and fairly Treats the building well The food is yummy and it has a 5 star rating All the pupils are easy to make friends with Creative and like new ideas Everyone is always encouraging Vision for our school to make it even better The teachers care about us What we want to give you The playground is a perfect size You will learn at our school that trust and creativity Our staff are kind and fair is an aspect of every child It makes good memories for us We are a friendly and welcoming community The ambassador, class rewards and behaviour We encourage perseverance when mistakes occur ladder works really well Humility and understanding is important to every Really good clubs child that steps inside the gates The ice lollies on sports day

We hope that you feel you would be perfect for the job LetterLetter fromfrom ourour ChairChair ofof Governors...Governors...

The ad that our children put together is a good reminder of who we are and what we stand for. Their straight talk is amazing and I believe there is much we can learn from them, too. I very much agree with their ‘bubbly, supporting and hands-on’ definition.

Bubbly because you are truly excited by the possibility of influencing society through the development of people. Every one of our children comes with talents which we don’t want them to bury (Matthew 25:14). Instead, your energy rises as you see each one of them as full of potential, only limited by perceptions which you are willing to challenge. Of course running a school has plenty of opportunities to distract our attention, but you are able to come back to a strong sense of purpose, putting children first and enjoying the journey.

Supportive as part of a team who wants to make a difference. In today’s world, we can easily get bogged down, going through the motions as we increasingly get more boxes to tick. However, our community becomes a reminder of our privileged opportunity to make society better, where children become the protagonists of a future where values come first. You believe in partnerships with our staff, our church, our community, our parents and, of course, our children. Creating a supportive environment will allow everyone to be part of God’s plans (Jeremiah 29:11).

Hands-on as you have a passion for the reality of what we do, interested in connecting with others at a meaningful level, enjoying the interactions that make things happen every day. You are also able to stand back and see the big picture, reminding everyone of what is truly important. You believe this balance is key (Matthew 10:16) and can help others discover how to make it happen.

I imagine that you have a lot to take in right now. Surely more questions than answers and a cocktail of feelings that range from excitement to uncertainty. May I strongly suggest that you come to visit us, speak with people and experience what makes us choose to be here. With warm regards,

Dr Javier Bajer Chair of The Governing Body

WhatWhat wewe offeroffer aa newnew HeadteacherHeadteacher

Children who are enthusiastic and love learning in a nurturing and secure environment where ideas, change and vision are celebrated. “Pupils enter and leave the school with high Teachers who are “good” to “outstanding” in creating learning environments, attainment.” highly motivated, give their own time and energy for clubs and extra-curricular OFSTED, 2013 activities and who are highly regarded by parents.

An excellent leadership team with a deputy Headteacher who is released from class teaching to take significant leadership in the school as a close head-and-deputy team.

A Governing Body which fosters good life-balance, cares about every member of staff and is committed to professional development and supporting aspirations for CPD. We are a school which has recently assisted three teachers in their development into Headship and Deputy Headship and our excellent deputy Headteacher is on the NPQH programme. We will work with you to support your professional development as appropriate.

Supportive parents who identify the features of the school as being the teachers and their passion and commitment; that their children love school, learning and education; the clear values, ethos and caring identity for all within a Christian foundation.

Staff who seek to be inspiring and are always looking for new opportunities for learning.

Buildings in good order and a prudent financial position with additional support from ‘The Friends’ and local church.

A local church with a strong youth and children’s staff team for assemblies, PSCHE, RE, pastoral and spiritual support.

A school with a desire to be led into a new future which offers opportunities and possibilities. WhatWhat wewe areare lookinglooking for...for...

Approachability & Inspiration Because you love to see others grow in ability and for those entrusted with your leadership to thrive in a collaborative atmosphere. You will have experience of evaluating and improving standards through the observation and feedback of lessons, pupils’ work and planning, scrutiny and analysis of performance data.

Appetite & Excellence You are called to lead teaching and learning to inspire the next generation. You will have a genuine heart for teaching children even if you are not always in the classroom and this passion flows through all the decisions you make in a wider context.

Resilience and Drive You understand the challenges and stresses facing a Headteacher in the current climate but have resilience when faced with problems and a positive attitude which will encourage and motivate the rest of the staff whatever the situation.

Christian Values & Vision You’ll want to take us to the next level as a school. You’ll recognise that those of different faith and no faith share many of our values but you will lead with distinctive Christian values which underpin the DNA of the school.


We are aware that we are not perfect and we don’t expect our new Headteacher to be perfect either. We are seeking someone to lead us in forging a new future.

The SIP identifies:

 Leaders and Governors develop even deeper understanding of the school’s effectiveness  Develop further the teaching sequences of maths  Promoting the achievement of disadvantaged pupils and in particular in maths  Further enhance SEND provision  Ensure SPAG prepares children for work in their next Key Stage  Develop use of imagination and creativity through delivery of a holistic arts curriculum  Continue the journey towards outstanding teaching and incisive feedback and assessment

Areas for future consideration identified by the Governing Body:

Inspiring leadership, vision and direction leading to outstanding experiences for the children.

Holistic outstanding learning which is shaped by far more than OFSTED requirements so creating a dynamic environment which is well placed for changes in education.

Admissions and celebrating our popularity. We are an oversubscribed school in an area of housing growth. Smaller schools such as ours suffer in the funding allocation. If future schools need to be larger than our 240 pupil numbers then we are open to finding creative solutions.

Teaching school. Considering our long history of good teaching and learning with an established leadership team and being a positive educational community we would be interested in exploring becoming known for training and keeping good teachers.

A Church of School in name, identity and purpose by developing the existing connection with the Church to enhance creative learning through use of the church building for school visits and further embed the visions and values of the school in its Christian foundation.

Genesis creation art project

DistinctiveDistinctive valuesvalues

Our school values are shaped by our motto of The cross in the logo is the same as that of Busbridge Church (www.bhcgodalming.org)

We seek to build an inclusive Christian community which explores the diversity of culture and belief through trust and understanding.

 Everyone is treasured as a unique child of God and encouraged to love themselves as well as one another.  A love of learning and a zest for life are stimulated within a secure, positive and inspiring environment.  Every child is deserving of our highest aspirations and is supported to “Explicit Christian values are thrive socially and academically to achieve their individual best. central to the high quality of  Children learn to be responsible, resourceful and resilient citizens of the relationships that permeate the future, with hope and courage in their hearts. whole school community.”  Mutually supportive relationships are nurtured between pupils, staff, SIAMS 2014 parents, governors, church and community, promoting a sense of belonging.

Church school We are a school which is open to all people of faith and none, and recognise and respect that other people arrive at their own values by differing routes. We welcome and fully include everyone in our school family but the Foundation of the school is clear about the identity, existence and purpose of the school.

We have close links with our Church through weekly visits to the school by the Church staff team including weekly acts of worship, support for RE, PSCHE and pastoral care. We regularly worship in the church building opposite the school with special services for the start of the new school year, Christian festivals and other occasions. More information can be found at www.bhcgodalming.org/local-schools.

The church uses the school site on a Sunday morning for its children’s ministry and for its contemporary congregation.

FactsFacts && FeaturesFeatures Children The children are why we exist. They are at the centre of everything we do so you’ll not be surprised that we’d like you to meet some of the children if you come for interview. This won’t be a ‘paper exercise’ – we’ll be taking their views seriously because our children are fully involved in how the school works.

Our Children...

SEND SEND CPP/Early including 2016/17 FSM Ever 6 CIC PCIC statement/ ESL Help Total SEN EHCP Support support

Number 11 8 3 2 24 6 6 6 X

Amount/pupil £1320 £1320 £950 £1900 X X X X £31,730

Pupil Progress...

Year Level Reading % Writing % Maths % Yr 3 % working at Greater Depth 53 25 29 % working at Expected Standard 35 47 65 % working towards Expected Standard 9 23 7 % working at Foundation for Expected Standard 5 7 7 Yr 4 % Level 2+ 100 100 100 % Level 3 49 46 56 Yr 5 % Level 2+ 100 100 100 % Level 3 59 30 59 Yr 6 % Level 2+ 95 93 95 % Level 3 53 28 42 “The leadership team’s checks on teaching are comprehensive and effective.” Senior Leadership Team OFSTED 2013 The Senior Leadership Team (SLT) is a committed, experienced and exceptionally supportive team.

Deputy Head Head of Upper Head of Lower Headteacher SENCO (not class based) School School Rachel Barker David Evans Rachel Barker Karen Cartwright (Literacy & Assessment)

Deputy Headteacher and staff development We are a supportive school. Since September 2015 the school has operated a successful partnership between the Headteacher and Deputy Headteacher whereby the Headteacher moved to a four day week and the non-teaching Deputy Head stepped into this position for one day a week.

This agreement has now ended but we are committed to ensuring the Deputy Head is non-teaching in order to ensure that there is a cohesive approach to pupil premium and assessment, the intervention teaching programme and behaviour management. These areas are exceptionally well led by the deputy Headteacher.

We would be open to discussing a flexible approach to Headship where this was mutually beneficial for both the Headteacher and the school community.

We have supported several staff through NPQH, MA research and other aspects of CPD in recent years.

Teaching staff team

Year Year 3 Year 3 Year 4 Year 4 Year 5 Year 5 Year 6 Year 6

Steph Lucas/ Debbie Sarah Shelly Tim David Name Laura Bishop Gabby Frey Emma Wright Mistry Warner Pearne Evans Toulson

Music RE PE Music Maths Roles MFL PSCHE & Outdoor Geography History Library Science Computing Learning Other staff We have a number of dedicated Learning Support Assistants who undertake a variety of roles and we are fortunate to share the employment of a Home School Link Worker (Mrs Debbie Wilson) with Busbridge Infant School.

There are capable and professional teams in the school office, catering and the Before/After School club and we have our own full time Premises Manager. Staff details can be found on our website under ‘staff’.

Approach to Learning We believe that learning should be irresistible, and offer a rich and engaging curriculum which focuses on creativity and first-hand experience. There is a balance of academic, artistic and physical education, as well as that of social and emotional well-being which prepares our pupils for future citizenship.

We offer a wide and exciting range of extra-curricular opportunities such as clubs, educational visits, themed days, sporting events, plays, musical performances and assemblies.

We use a range of teaching methods and resources to ensure the children find the way of learning that suits them best. Our aim is to inspire a joy of learning which we hope will stay with the children into adulthood.

Learning environment and environs The school was founded in 1867 and has been on the same site ever since. An effective maintenance and improvement programme keeps the buildings in good order.

Substantial development work and new buildings have been added to the school in the past few years including new classrooms, a learning base, purpose built dining hall and IT suite. Future considerations are the main building roof and the playground.

Our on-site Premises Manager carries out routine maintenance. Mario is a well-known and loved figure and lives next to the school in a property owned by the local church and which is offered to the school on a peppercorn-style rental.

Finance We have an excellent school Bursar who is highly capable in the area of financial management. The school has a revenue budget of close to £1,000,000 and prudent financial management has ensured that we have a positive carry-forward each year.

The school is well placed for support from its local community and this enhances the life of the school at a time when school budgets are tight. ‘The Friends of Busbridge’ is a very active group and is run as its own registered charity (Charity number 1108322) and the friendly, professional team of parents who take it forward each year raise significant funds, often in the order of £20,000. Busbridge Church gives an annual gift (£4,000) to the school and also raised £16,000 in 2013 for new buildings.

Federalising, academisation and confederation The Governing Body considered federalising with another local school in 2011 but benefits were not considered favourable by either school. As a Church Aided School we are required to ensure that the Christian foundation is secure and not diluted. The Governing Body has reconsidered federalising as part of the process for appointing the new Headteacher, including consulting with the Diocesan Director of Education. There are no plans to federalise with other schools in Godalming. “Changes to the governing Academy status was considered in 2015 and, after extensive research body and their additional including meeting with the Director of the Diocesan Good Shepherd Trust (GST training mean that governors MAT), it was felt that the school was well placed to develop its own vision. The Governing Body has left further consideration of joining the GST for the future give effective support to the and does not believes that this needs to be a subject for immediate school, and ask searching consideration. questions of it.” OFSTED 2013 We are active in The Godalming Confederation of 16 local schools and are committed to supporting, and being supported by, one another. Please see www.godalmingconfederation.org.uk

The Governing Body The Governing Body is a supportive and committed group which works alongside the Headteacher and the Senior Leadership Team.

The Governing Body includes people with experience in business, leadership, HR, the legal profession and finance. It takes its lead from the Headteacher and sees its role as supporting the Headteacher’s vision for the school as a community and centre of learning.

Our area If you are unfamiliar with Busbridge then you might like to look at the school website under ‘vacancies’ for a short 360 degree video of the school and its immediate environs.

Godalming is a delightful historic market town with some 22,000 inhabitants - and very popular with families in particular. Located in south-west Surrey the town is four miles from and 30 miles from London. Godalming has a strong sense of identity and community, with many recreational opportunities, including stunning local countryside, excellent leisure centres, live music in the park every Sunday during summer, great cafes and restaurants and much more. Widely considered to be a very desirable place to live the town straddles the River Wey.

We have created a short video of the school and its locality and this can be viewed on the school website under ‘vacancies’.

Useful websites BJS: www.busbridge-junior.surrey.sch.uk Busbridge Church: www.bhcgodalming.org Village hall: www.busbridgebridge.org.uk Godalming town council: www.godalming-tc.gov.uk BIS: www.busbridge-infant.surrey.sch.uk St Edmunds: www.stedmundsschool.co.uk

TheThe JobJob andand ApplyingApplying Busbridge CofE (Aided) Junior School

Safeguarding and child protection We are committed to safeguarding and promoting the welfare of children and young people and expect all staff and volunteers to share this commitment. We ensure that all our recruitment and selection practices reflect this commitment. Two Governors are trained in Safer Recruiting. Staff and the Governing Body are Prevent trained and have undertaken appropriate Safeguarding training.

How to apply We would like to extend a warm invitation to visit us before applying. To arrange a visit please call Liz Mitchell in the school office on01483 417302.

For questions about the contents of our recruitment pack, please contact the Vice Chair of Governors, Rev Simon Taylor on 01483 421267 or email [email protected]

You are invited to provide further information in support of your application. Please make full use of this section on the application form. Please refer to the person specification for the post and also include:

 The reasons why you are applying for this post;  The personal qualities and experience that you feel are relevant to your suitability for the post;  Key responsibilities and achievements in your present or most recent job which are relevant to this application;  Details of any relevant interests or activities.

Deadlines for applications are: Midday, Monday 6th March 2017

Please use the application form provided and email to [email protected] (This is a secure email address).

Or by post to Liz Mitchell, Busbridge CE (VA) Junior School, Brighton Road, Godalming, Surrey, GU7 1XA Posted applications should be addressed on envelope as ‘Confidential Headteacher Application’

Shortlisting: Monday 6th March and Tuesday 7th March 2017 Interviews: Thursday 16th March and Friday 17th March 2017

Safer recruiting: Safer recruiting trained governors are involved in the Headteacher selection process. All successful candidates will be subject to Disclosure and Barring Service checks along with other relevant employment checks prior to confirmation of appointment. JobJob DescriptionDescription -- HeadteacherHeadteacher (Reflecting the National Standards for Headteachers, 2004)

Purpose of the Post The core purpose of the Headteacher is to provide professional leadership and management of the school which will promote a secure foundation from which to achieve high standards in all areas of the school’s work, as well as to safeguard the safety and welfare of children and young people.

The Headteacher must establish high quality education by effectively managing teaching and learning and using personalised learning to realise the potential of all pupils and staff. The Headteacher must foster a culture that promotes excellence, equality and high expectations of all pupils and create a productive learning environment which is engaging and fulfilling for all.

Accountable to the governing body, the Headteacher provides vision for the school and ensures that it is managed and organised to meet its aim and targets. Working with others, the Headteacher is responsible for evaluating the school’s performance and identifying the priorities for continuous improvement and raising standards. He/she develops policies and practices and ensures resources are used efficiently and effectively to achieve the school’s aims and objectives and for the day-to-day management, organisation and administration of the school.

Through partnerships with the Diocese, LA, The Godalming Confederation, individual schools and other services and agencies for children, the Headteacher plays a key role in contributing to the development of the education system both locally and in the wider community.

Busbridge Junior is a Church of England VA foundation school working in close co-operation with Busbridge and Hambledon Church and the parish it serves and the Diocese of Guildford. The Headteacher builds effective collaboration with the parish and shows by example that the school is distinctly Christian in all its aspects. Collaboration with the Diocese and other church schools emphasises the Anglican nature of the school. In particular the Headteacher leads and inspires a Christian ethos in the staff and pupils.

The six key areas of Headship are:  Shaping the Future Headteachers, working with the governing body and others to create a shared vision and strategic plan which inspires and motivates pupils, staff and all other members of the school community.

The Headteacher will:  ensure the vision for the school is clearly articulated, shared, understood and acted upon effectively by all  work within the school community to translate the vision into agreed objectives and operational plans which will promote and sustain school improvement  demonstrate the vision and values in everyday work and practice  ensure creativity, innovation and the use of appropriate new technologies to achieve excellence  motivate and work with others to create a shared culture and positive climate  ensure that strategic planning takes account of the diversity, values and experience of the school and the wider community.

 Leading Learning and Teaching Headteachers have a central responsibility for raising the quality of teaching and learning and for pupils’ achievement. This implies setting high expectations and monitoring and evaluating the effectiveness of learning outcomes.

The Headteacher will:  ensure a consistent and continuous focus on pupils’ achievement using data and benchmarks to monitor progress in every child’s learning  establish creative, responsive and effective approaches to learning and teaching  ensure that learning is at the centre of strategic planning and resource management  ensure a culture and ethos of challenge and support where all pupils can achieve success and become engaged in their own learning  demonstrate high expectations and set stretching targets for the whole school  implement strategies which secure high standards of behaviour and attendance  determine, organise and implement a diverse, flexible curriculum and implement an effective assessment framework  take a strategic role in the development of new and emerging technologies to enhance and extend the learning experience of pupils  monitor, evaluate and review classroom practice and promote improvement strategies  challenge underperformance at all levels and ensure effective corrective action and follow-up.

 Developing Self and Working with Others Headteachers, as well as being committed to their own continuing professional development, support all staff to achieve high standards through performance management and effective continuing professional development practice.

The Headteacher will:  treat people fairly, equitably and with dignity and respect to create and maintain a positive school culture  build a collaborative learning culture and, with other schools, a learning community  develop and maintain effective strategies and procedures for staff induction, professional development and performance review  ensure effective planning, allocation, support and evaluation of work undertaken by school staff, ensuring clear delegation of tasks and devolution of responsibilities  acknowledge the responsibilities and celebrate the achievements of individuals and teams  develop and maintain a culture of high expectations for self and others and take appropriate action when performance is unsatisfactory  regularly review own practice, set personal targets and take responsibility for own personal development  manage own workload and that of others to allow a healthy life balance.

 Managing the Organisation Headteachers provide effective organisation and management of the school and seek ways of improving organisational structures and functions. People and resources within the school should be organised to provide an efficient, effective and safe learning environment.

The Headteacher will:  create a structure which reflects the school’s values and enables the management systems, structures and processes to work both effectively and legally Cont...  produce and implement clear, evidence-based improvement plans and policies for the development of the school and its facilities  ensure that policies and practices take account of national and local circumstances  manage the school’s financial and human resources effectively and efficiently  recruit, retain and deploy staff appropriately to achieve the school’s vision and goals  implement successful appraisal processes with all staff  manage and organise the school environment efficiently and effectively to ensure that it meets the needs of the curriculum and health and safety regulations  ensure that resources are used to improve the quality of education for the pupils and provide value for money  use and integrate a range of technologies efficiently and effectively to manage the school.

 Securing Accountability Headteachers account for the efficiency and effectiveness of the school to the pupils, parents, carers, governors, the Diocese and the LA. They promote collective responsibility within the whole school community and contribute to the education service more widely.

The Headteacher will:  fulfil commitments arising from contractual accountability to the governing body  work with the governing body to enable it to meet its responsibilities  develop a school ethos which enables everyone to work together, share knowledge and understanding, celebrate success and accept responsibility for outcomes  ensure individual staff accountabilities are clearly defined, understood and agreed and are subject to review and evaluation  develop and present a coherent, understandable and accurate account of the school’s performance to a range of audiences  reflect on personal contribution to school achievements and take account of feedback from others.

 Strengthening Community Headteachers should collaborate with other schools in order to share expertise and bring positive benefits to their own and other schools and be willing to work jointly with the church and community to promote the school’s Christian values in the way the school is run, policies are formed and behaviours developed.

The Headteacher will:  ensure the School ethos reflects its Church foundation  build a school culture which takes account of the richness and diversity of the school communities  create and promote positive strategies for challenging prejudices and dealing with harassment  develop strategy to permeate Christian values whilst being inclusive and embracing people of all faiths and backgrounds  ensure learning experiences are linked and integrated with the wider community  ensure a range of community-based learning experiences  collaborate with other agencies in providing for the academic, spiritual, moral, social, emotional and cultural well-being of pupils and their families  promote and support the exploration of personal faith for children  create and maintain an effective partnership with parents and carers to support and improve pupils’ achievement and personal development  will seek opportunities to invite parents and carers, community figures and businesses into the school to enhance and enrich the school and its value to the wider community  will contribute to the development of the education system by, for example, working in partnership with other schools co-operate and work with relevant agencies to protect children.

BusbridgeBusbridge JuniorJunior SchoolSchool PersonPerson SpecificationSpecification HeadteacherHeadteacher

Selection Criteria Assessment Method


Qualified Teacher Status Application form Certificates Evidence of further professional development

NPQH (optional)


Successful teaching and curriculum experience Written statement Interview Experience of management of human and financial resources at a senior level Presentation

Recent and relevant leadership experience at Deputy Head level or above

Experience of teaching key stage 2

Professional knowledge and understanding

Knowledge of national education strategy, the wider context for schools and the Written statement contribution of education to promoting and sustaining a fair and equitable society Interview Presentation Understanding of quality in learning and teaching and how to achieve excellence Written exercise

Understanding of values development within the broader curriculum to support the school community, local community and pupils as citizens of the world

Knowledge of monitoring and evaluating performance and use of school self evaluation in order to raise achievement

Understanding of tools for the interpretation, analysis and use of data to inform school improvement

Knowledge of key considerations in effective management and deployment of people and other resources

Knowledge of best practice and procedures for safeguarding children and young people


Skills Able to manage change i.e. national, local and school

Able to communicate effectively orally and in writing to a range of audiences Application form Written statement Able to think creatively to anticipate and solve problems Interview In-tray exercise Able to formulate a vision and strategy for the school and secure commitment to it from others Ability test Skills task Able to drive for improvement and challenge underperformance Group exercise

Able to establish and sustain appropriate structures and systems and monitor them

Able to motivate, challenge and influence others to attain higher goals Able to develop and empower individuals and teams

Able to use new and emerging technologies to support improvement Able to deal sensitively with people and resolve conflicts

Professional Qualities Approachability & Inspiration Because you love to see others grow in ability and for those entrusted with your Interview leadership to thrive in a collaborative atmosphere. You will have outstanding experience Group exercise of learning walks and lesson assessments and desire excellence and work at this for the Presentation good of all.

Appetite & Excellence You are called to lead teaching and learning to inspire the next generation. You will have a genuine heart for teaching children even if you are not always in the classroom and this passion flows through all the decisions you make in a wider context.

Resilience & Drive You understand the challenges and stresses facing a Headteacher in the current climate and have resilience when faced with problems and a positive attitude which will encourage and motivate the rest of the staff whatever the situation.

Committed to the development and maintenance of good relationships with staff, parents, pupils, governors and the community

Positive, enthusiastic outlook, embracing risk and innovation Demonstrate respect and empathy towards others

Resilience, perseverance and optimism in the face of difficulties and challenges The ability to be consistently decisive, consistent and focused on solutions

Commitment and dedication to social justice, equality and excellence

Engagement in collaborative partnership working, within and beyond the school Capacity to be flexible, adaptable and creative

Committed to the continuing professional development of self and others within the school Committed to a collaborative school vision of excellence and equity that sets high standards for all and welcomes and secures the support of others in achieving it

Christian Distinctiveness The governors expect the Christian ethos to be fundamental to and permeate all aspects of the school life and curriculum. The Governors therefore seek to hire a committed Application form Christian as Headteacher. Interview

Christian Values & Vision You'll want to take us to the next level as a school in teaching, learning and encounter. You’ll recognise that those of a different faith share many of our values but you will lead with distinctive Christian values which underpin the DNA of the school.

The school is committed to safeguarding and promoting the welfare of children and young people and expects all staff and volunteers to share this commitment. Appointment to this post will be subject to an enhanced Disclosure and Barring Service check.