Agenda of Ordinary Council Meeting
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Ordinary Meeting of Council Wednesday 24 June 2020 4.00pm Council Chambers 209 Comur Street, Yass PRAYER: All Stand: Mayor: Let us be still and remember the presence of God. As we commence our meeting let us together pray for guidance and help. All say together: Almighty God, we ask your blessing upon this Council. Direct and prosper our deliberations to the true welfare of Australia and the people of Yass Valley Amen. FUTURE MEETINGS July 2020 Wednesday 22nd 4.00pm Ordinary Meeting of Council Ordinary Meeting of Council A G E N D A Open Forum Page No. Webcasting This meeting is being webcast, a reminder to those in attendance that you should refrain from making any defamatory statements. Acknowledgement of Country I acknowledge that we are meeting on the ancestral land of the Ngunnawal people. I recognise the Ngunnawal as the traditional custodians and pay respect to the Elders of the community and their descendants. 1. Prayer 2. Apologies 3. Declaration of Pecuniary Interests/Special Disclosures 4. Confirmation of Minutes Minutes of Ordinary Council Meeting held on 27 May 2020 ........................................................5 5. Mayoral Minute Nil 6. Director of Planning & Environment Reports 6.1 Planning Proposal - 'Coolawin', 208 Sibley Road, Gundaroo .......................................................16 6.2 Rye Park Wind Farm .....................................................................................................................20 6.3 Development Consent No DA190011C - Residential Subdivsion, 4056 & 4078 Gundaroo Road, Gundaroo ..........................................................................................................26 6.4 Community Grants Policy .............................................................................................................43 6.5 Rates & Charges Donations Policy .............................................................................................. 44 7. Director of Infrastructure & Assets Reports 7.1 Gundaroo Detention Basin Scheme - Concept Design and Sutton Stormwater Network Upgrade Scheme - Concept Design Report ...................................................................45 7.2 Kerbside Collection Survey Results - Gundaroo, Sutton and Bookham .......................................47 7.3 Yass Memorial Hall Community Consultation Outcomes Report ................................................50 7.4 Yass Repertory Society - Request for Storage Assistance ........................................................... 53 8. Director of Corporate & Community Reports 8.1 2020/21 Operational Plan (including Making of the Rates) .........................................................55 8.2 Investment and Borrowings Report ............................................................................................ 73 9. General Manager Reports 9.1 Public Notices and Advertising .................................................................................................... 78 10. Notice of Motion Nil 11. Questions with Notice Nil 12. Minutes and Recommendations of Council Committees 12.1 Minutes of the Canberra Region Joint Organisation Board Meeting held on 13 May 2020 ............................................................................................................................................ 80 13. Confidential Matters Nil Close of Meeting Time Chris Berry GENERAL MANAGER Minutes of the Ordinary Meeting of Council Wednesday 27 May 2020 4.00pm Council Chambers 209 Comur Street, Yass Minutes of the Ordinary Meeting of Council held on 27 May 2020 Table of Contents 1. Prayer ................................................................................................................................ 2 2. Apologies ........................................................................................................................... 2 3. Declaration of Interest/Disclosures ..................................................................................... 2 4. Confirmation of Minutes ..................................................................................................... 3 5. Mayoral Minute .................................................................................................................. 3 6. Director of Planning & Environment Reports ....................................................................... 3 6.1 Local Strategic Planning Statement ............................................................................................... 3 6.2 Planning Proposal - 80 Murrumbateman Road, Murrumbateman ............................................... 4 6.3 Development Consent No DA190157 - Residential Subdivision, 141B Rossi Street, Yass ............. 4 6.4 Development Application DA190211 - Importation of Material for Internal Access Roads, 33 Hillview Drive, Murrumbateman ................................................................................................... 5 6.5 Development Application No. DA200046 - Carport, 30 Lute Street, Gundaroo ............................ 5 6.6 2019/20 Community Grants Round 2 ............................................................................................ 6 7. Director of Infrastructure & Assets Reports ......................................................................... 7 7.1 Walker Park - Facilities Upgrade Project ........................................................................................ 7 7.2 Yass Water Treatment Plant Upgrade Project: Preparation of Detailed Design and Business Case - Preferred Upgrade Option ................................................................................................... 7 8. Director of Corporate & Community Reports ....................................................................... 8 8.1 Investment and Borrowings Report ............................................................................................... 8 8.2 Third Quarter Budget Review Statement 2019/20 ........................................................................ 8 9. General Manager Reports ................................................................................................... 9 9.1 Independent Ombudsman ............................................................................................................. 9 10. Notice of Motion ................................................................................................................ 9 11. Questions with Notice ......................................................................................................... 9 12. Minutes and Recommendations of Council Committees ....................................................... 9 12.1 Minutes of the Rescue Committee Meeting .................................................................................. 9 13. Confidential Matters ......................................................................................................... 10 9.2 Local Government NSW Membership .........................................................................................10 Minutes of the Ordinary Meeting of Council held on 27 May 2020 Open Forum Presentations to Council – Items on the Meeting Agenda SPEAKERS VIA ZOOM 6.4 – Development Application DA190211 – Importation of Material for Internal Access Roads, 33 Hillview Drive, Murrumbateman Noel McCann Natalie Weglarz Council Meeting - The Mayor declared the meeting open at 4.16 pm. Present Councillors Rowena Abbey, Mayor, in the chair, Cecil Burgess, Geoff Frost, Nathan Furry, Allison Harker, Jasmin Jones, Michael McManus, Mike Reid (via ZOOM) and Kim Turner. Also present were the General Manager – Chris Berry, Acting Director of Planning & Environment – Liz Makin, Interim Director of Infrastructure & Assets – Steven Beasleyb, Director of Corporate & Community – Mark Eady (via ZOOM) and Corporate Planning & Executive Support Officer – Shirree Garland. Acknowledgement of Country 1. Prayer RESOLVED that Item 9.2 Local Government NSW Membership, be dealt with in Closed Session in accordance with section s10(A)(2)(a) of the Local Government Act as the discussion will refer to personnel matters concerning particular individuals (other than councillors) of a confidential nature that would, if disclosed prejudice the matter in an open meeting would be, on balance, contrary to the public interest. (McManus/Furry) 71 FOR: Councillors R Abbey, C Burgess, G Frost, N Furry, A Harker, J Jones, M McManus, M Reid and K Turner AGAINST: Nil 2. Apologies Nil 3. Declaration of Interest/Disclosures Councillor Abbey declared a non-significant, non-pecuniary conflict of interest in Item No 6.3 – Development Consent No DA190157 – Residential Subdivision, 141B Rossi Street, Yass and stated that she believed her interest would preclude her from voting. Reason: Councillor Abbey declared an interest as she is the owner of a neighbour property. Councillor Turner declared a non-significant, non-pecuniary conflict of interest in Item 6.6 – 2019/20 Community Grants Round 2, and stated that he did not believe his interest would preclude him from voting. Reason: Councillor Turner declared an interest as he is a presenter on Yass FM100.3, who were an applicant for this round of funding. Councillor Reid declared a significant, non-pecuniary conflict of interest in Item 6.6 – 2019/20 Community Grants Round 2, and stated that he believed his interest would preclude him from voting. Reason: Councillor Reid declared an interest as he is a member of three of the Committees