A-133 Compliance Audit an Audit of an Agency Receiving Federal Funding
1 TERMINOLOGY USED IN IOWA SCHOOL FINANCE A-133 Compliance Audit An audit of an agency receiving federal funding. This agency is called a sub-recipient. The audit must be conducted by an independent auditor and be done in compliance with the Single Audit Act Amendments of 1996 and OMB Circular A-133. At a minimum, the audit must include an examination of the systems of internal control, systems established to ensure compliance with laws and regulations affecting the expenditure of federal funds, financial transactions and accounts, and financial statements and reports. An A-133 Compliance Audit is required as part of the annual audit of all Iowa school districts and AEAs that expend at least $500,000 from federal awards. Abatement A reduction in amount, usually referring to taxation. Account A descriptive heading under which are recorded financial transactions that are similar in terms of a given frame of reference, such as function, object, or source. Accounting The procedure of maintaining systematic records of events relating to persons, objects, or money and summarizing, analyzing, and interpreting the results of such records. Accounting Basis Iowa school districts and AEAs are required to use modified accrual for governmental funds and full accrual for propriety funds. This is the same basis of accounting as the fund financial statements in an audit. Accounting Records The records kept of revenue, expenditures or expenses, and balances. These documents may be able to provide more detailed information on specific items than is published in the district's financial reports. Accrual Any assets, liabilities, revenues or expenditures/expenses that are not recognized in the same accounting period as the one in which the cash is received or disbursed.
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