your eSIM digital experience Benoit Jouffrey, VP Connectivity & Embedded Solutions 40% of connected objects will be cellular

CE Devices 14 Bn = cellular 10.5 Mobile Phones 31Bn BN Tablets CONNECTED Laptops ‘THINGS’ BY 2023 B  Opportunities 23IoT Connections for eSIM/RSP by 2023N

Cellular IoT Non-Cellular IoT 3.5 GSM radio technology • Bluetooth BN with MNO subscription 16.3 • WiFi  Opportunities for eSIM/RSP BN • LoRa • Sigfox  No eSIM/RSP Source: Mobility Report 2018

2 MWC 2019 Barcelona - Conf idential Consumer IoT is highly diverse Consumer (M2M)

Consumer Electronic (CE) IoT Industrial Automotive

3 MWC 2019 Barcelona - Conf idential eSIM activation customer experience with rich devices

QR code activation Physical voucher

Carrier application

QR code activation Digital voucher

4 MWC 2019 Barcelona - Conf idential Many consumer IoT devices serve just one purpose

Have only features fit for their purpose No or basic display No camera Limited interaction capabilities Cellular only

Run on simple OS with no RSP support included

Still the end user is in the driving seat eSIM activation experience must adapt

5 MWC 2019 Barcelona - Conf idential Leveraging the eSIM in consumer IoT devices

Complete GSMA Local Profile Agent functionality in an eSIM Universal and secure activation flows suitable for any IoT device (OS agnostic) Simple to integrate, no complex necessary with LPAe GSMA standard and interoperable Consumer spec Pull user-interface One SKU for any IoT device

Complementary to existing approach, universal and cost effective

6 MWC 2019 Barcelona - Conf idential How does it work?

Device Device Operator Operator Rich UI UI Mapper




Profile Profile package Consumer package Consumer IoT

7 MWC 2019 Barcelona - Conf idential Extending connectivity to consumer IoT: LPA@device vs LPA@eUICC

LPA@eUICC Tens of PROs Based on GSMA specs. STK is supported by $$ Reference design default on any mobile • OEM focus on provided by SIM vendors chipset from any vendor. hardware. GSMA specs 1 2 3 Ready for transparent for OEM Just adapt to the UI the any operator • LPAe turns the eUICC Get eUICC Decide UI for commands that manages worldwide in a valuable tool Tens of w ith LPA eSIM $$ management LPA logic at eUICC compliant enabling connectivity in a with GSMA straight way • eSIM vendors guarantee interoperability and OEM requires GSMA compliancy connect a low cost device Hundred LPA@device CONs of $$ • Higher complexity: LPA 1 3 logic has to be Design & implement a LPA Ad-hoc completely developed Get eUICC according to device OS, certification Ready for application or native level specific • Costs: understanding operator specs, developing SW, testing,… & Certification 2 4 (SM-DP+) Understand • Longer time-to-market Interop tests to guarantee and eUICC GSMA LPA LPA against eUICC, SM- product specs, DP+ and operators processes, …

8 MWC 2019 Barcelona - Conf idential Some LPAe use cases

Buy a new IoT personal tracker with data connectivity included and activate with one click

Buy a new IoT home appliance and add it to my personal IoT data plan

Other devices: wearables, furniture, clothes, alarms, environmental sensors, …


9 MWC 2019 Barcelona - Conf idential LPAe to foster the consumer IoT market

Connect more devices securely

No device certification needed

Simple development

Shorter time to market

10 MWC 2019 Barcelona - Conf idential Take away – Telefonica plans • Continue working with our partners: o To get LPAe ready in more eUICC products (currently on products) o To ensure LPAe is properly supported in SMDP+ servers (currently on Gemalto products)

• Promote and explain to the industry how LPAe can be easily used to include cellular connectivity on a wide variety of products: o PoC with key partners o Reference design / demonstrators o Clarifications / additional information in the GSMA specs

 This is not at all a proprietary solution, it is included in GSMA specs and Telefonica is pleased to collaborate with industry at GSMA to get LPAe ready to be used as widely as possible.

11 11 Thank you for your trust!

Benoit Jouffrey Connectivity & Embedded Solutions

12 MWC 2019 Barcelona - Conf idential