Pain Medicine 2016; 17: 250–263 doi: 10.1093/pm/pnv095 EDUCATION & TRAINING SECTION Original Research Article Pain Psychology: A Global Needs Assessment and National Call to Action Beth D. Darnall, PhD,*,a Judith Scheman, PhD,†,a Design. Prospective, observational, cross-sectional. Sara Davin, PhD,†,b John W. Burns, PhD,‡,b §,b ¶,b Jennifer L. Murphy, PhD, Anna C. Wilson, PhD, Methods. Brief surveys were administered online to Robert D. Kerns, PhD,k and ,a six stakeholder groups (psychologists/therapists, Sean C. Mackey, MD, PhD,* individuals with chronic pain, pain physicians, pri- mary care physicians/physician assistants, nurse *Stanford University School of Medicine, Department practitioners, and the directors of graduate and of Anesthesiology, Perioperative and Pain Medicine, postgraduate psychology training programs). Division of Pain Medicine, Stanford Systems Neuroscience and Pain Laboratory, Palo Alto, Results. 1,991 responses were received. Results California; †Center for Neurological Restoration, revealed low confidence and low perceived compe- Cleveland Clinic, Cleveland, Ohio; ‡Department of tency to address physical pain among psycholo- gists/therapists, and high levels of interest and need Behavioral Sciences, Rush University, Chicago, for pain education. We found broad support for pain Illinois; §Chronic Pain Rehabilitation Program, James ¶ psychology across stakeholder groups, and global A. Haley Veterans’ Hospital, Tampa, Florida; Institute support for a national initiative to increase pain train- on Development & Disability, IDD Division of ing and competency in U.S. therapists. Among dir- Psychology, Oregon Health & Science University; ectors of graduate and postgraduate psychology kPain Research, Informatics, Multi-Morbidities and training programs, we found unanimous interest for Education (PRIME) Center, VA Connecticut a no-cost pain psychology curriculum that could be Healthcare System, Departments of Psychiatry, integrated into existing programs.
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