OFFICIAL HANSARD REPORT 3–13 December 2010 (Pages 253–446)
2010/11 SESSION of the BERMUDA HOUSE OF ASSEMBLY OFFICIAL HANSARD REPORT 3–13 December 2010 (pages 253–446) Hon. Stanley W. Lowe, OBE, JP, MP Speaker Disclaimer: The electronic version of the Official Hansard Report is for informational purposes only. The printed version remains the official record. Official Hansard Report 3 December 2010 253 BERMUDA HOUSE OF ASSEMBLY OFFICIAL HANSARD REPORT 3 DECEMBER 2010 10:00 AM Sitting Number 5 of the 2010/11 Session [Hon. Stanley Lowe, Speaker, in the Chair] The Speaker: We are going to move on. PRAYERS MESSAGES FROM THE SENATE [Prayers read by Hon. Stanley Lowe, Speaker] The Speaker: There are none. CONFIRMATION OF MINUTES 19 AND 26 NOVEMBER PAPERS AND OTHER th th COMMUNICATIONS TO THE HOUSE The Speaker: The Minutes of the 19 and the 26 of November have been circulated. Honourable Mem- The Speaker: I now recognise the Honourable and bers should have found them in their seats. Learned Member, Premier Cox. Is there any objection to the confirmation of th th Premier Cox has the floor. those Minutes, the 19 and the 26 of November? Agreed to. INSURANCE ACCOUNTS AMENDMENT (NO. 2) REGULATIONS 2010 [Motion carried: Minutes confirmed] Hon. Paula A. Cox: Thank you, Mr. Speaker. MESSAGES FROM THE GOVERNOR Mr. Speaker, I have the honour to attach and submit for the consideration of the Honourable House The Speaker: There are none. of Assembly the Insurance Accounts Amendment (No. 2) Regulations 2010, proposed to be made by the ANNOUNCEMENTS BY THE Minister responsible for Finance under the provisions SPEAKER OR MEMBER PRESIDING of section 53 of the Insurance Act 1978.
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