AMERICAN COASTER ENTHUSIASTS - 2020 ELECTION 2020 taken on these responsibilities and dedicated their Candidate efforts to help lead the club. While I have a vision, it Platforms requires the entire EC to create the reality. for In the past two years ACE has: • Launched a new website ACE Offices: • Expanded our member and industry communication efforts with improved IAAPA Expo coverage • Created the member-only online version of President ACE News Vice President ROBERT ULRICH • Given back to the community with charitable Turtletown, Tennessee efforts through the new “ACE Cares” initiative • Secretary Candidate Platform for President Started a well-received monthly podcast • Initiated a member recognition process with
[email protected] and When elected your president two years ago • Continue to grow, now with over 6,000 members I advocated member participation, new member Treasurer recruiting, improved communication with members Personally, I am fortunate to have attended all of and the industry, and empowering entrepreneurialism the national events as president, and regional and to promote club “ownership” by all to demonstrate park events to the best of my ability. Presented in alphabetical why ACE is the premier coaster enthusiast social order, by office. club. The Next Term Since joining in 1995 I have continuously volunteered to help ACE become the best community While I am satisfied with ACE today, I think there All condidates submitted it can be. As an assistant (1997-2001), Southeast are still many areas for improvement. Elsewhere platforms for this publication. regional representative (2001-2010), region during this election is a bylaw change to add an director (2010-2014) and now as ACE president, operations director and redefine the membership my philosophy can be summarized as the “ACE director position.