SSttuuddeenntt NNootteebbooookk ffir r A m e a k t A Course i a of Study for o u n Q Young Friends Suggested for Grades 6 - 9 Developed by: First Friends Meeting 3030 Kessler Boulevard East Drive Indianapolis, IN 46220-2913 317.255.2485
[email protected] QQuuaakkeerr AAffffiirrmmaattiioonn:: AA CCoouurrssee ooff SSttuuddyy ffoorr YYoouunngg FFrriieennddss Course Conception and Development: QRuth Ann Hadley Tippin - Pastor, First Friends Meeting Beth Henricks - Christian Education & Family Ministry Director Writer & Editor: Vicki Wertz Consultants: Deb Hejl, Jon Tippin Pre- and Post-Course Assessment: Barbara Blackford Quaker Affirmation Class Committee: Ellie Arle Heather Arle David Blackford Amanda Cordray SCuagrogl eDsonteahdu efor Jim Kartholl GraJedde Ksa y5 - 9 First Friends Meeting 3030 Kessler Boulevard East Drive Indianapolis, IN 46220-2913 317.255.2485
[email protected] ©2015 December 15, 2015 Dear Friend, We are thrilled with your interest in the Quaker Affirmation program. Indianapolis First Friends Meeting embarked on this journey over three years ago. We moved from a hope and dream of a program such as this to a reality with a completed period of study when eleven of our youth were affirmed by our Meeting in June 2015. This ten-month program of study and experience was created for our young people to help them explore their spirituality, discover their identity as Quakers and to inform them of Quaker history, faith and practice. While Quakers do not confirm creeds or statements made for them at baptism, etc, we felt it important that young people be informed and af - firmed in their understanding of who they are as Friends.