How stereotyping shapes the public image of Italian Americans today. SEND YOUR CONTRIBUTIONS TO
[email protected] or mail to: Italian America Magazine, 219 E Street, NE, Washington, DC 20002. Include name and daytime telephone number. No telephone calls please. Mailed submissions cannot be acknowledged. Contributors’ names, when known, are in parenthesis. By Dona De Sanctis • ANTI-ITALIAN PRIEST Italy is the Rob Astorino likened curse of the Church, according to Fr. his opponent, the cur- Ray Blake who, in his August 17, 2014 rent governor, Demo- blog, complained that speaking Italian is crat Andrew Cuomo to essential for people seeking to advance a mafia boss. During a in the Church. Father Ray July 28 campaign stop in He added that “certain Italian cul- Blake ... no Syracuse, NY, Astorino New York’s Republican fan of Italy ture” is associated with corruption and compared Gov. Cuomo’s gubernatorial hopeful Rob Astorino [L.] and his oppo- inefficiency because it wants to employ “everyone in the involvement in an anti- nent, Gov. Andrew Cuomo. village...even buying a cup of coffee in a bar practically corruption probe to a always involves half an Italian family, someone to take “mafia boss” making “an offer you can’t refuse.” the order, someone to give the order to, someone to Both men are of Italian heritage. The Sons of Italy® make the coffee and someone to clear-up afterwards,” immediately issued a statement criticizing the remark. he said. Francis Fraietta, Connecticut • IS NOTHING SACRED? “Those who...have gone • HOT TEMPERS = COLD GELATO? Italian ge- along the evil ways, as in the case of the lato has less fat and fewer Mafia ..