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817 BRISTOL AND SUBURBAN TRADES DIRECTORY. COF -----------------------------·------------------------------ ------------------------------ BALDWIN LOWELL, (factor), Heyward• A. G. & Co. Clifton Down Thorne William&Jamed, StapletonR3ad Redcliff Railway wharf. Tel. N o1792 station, Whiteladies road station BEDMINSTER, EASTON, Honeyfield \Villiam H. 39 Luckwell Thome Bert, 1 Roman rd, Lr. Eastc.n KINGSWOOD& PARKFIELD road, Bedminster Tiley Brothers, Montpelier Railway Collieries,ltd. (the) ,Coke and" Royal" Huntley & Co. hmited, Lawrence Hill station, Station road, Montpelier and Patent Fuel Manufacturers. Head station; 182 Eastou road; 19oa Chel 146 Gloucester road. Bishopston office, Kingswood collieries, Speed tenham road, Wapping; Station rd, Twining L. & Co. 91 .Alma rd, Clifton well road,St George. Branch offices: Montpelier; 351 G-loucester road, and Clifton Down station, White Upper Railway wharf, Midland Horfield and Wappiug ladies road, Clifton rd, St Philip's and Midland Railway Iles George, Cuckoo lane, St George Walker William Henry, Cote Bank yard, New Station road, Fishponds Imber G. W. & Co. Upper Railway lodge, Westbury road, Westbury-on station. 'l'elegraphic.Address, " Coal, wharf, Midland road, St Philip's Trym Bristol.'' Tel. No. 93 Kingswood Knee & Co. Lawrence Hill station Walker William Thomas, 44 Hayward Binding Christopher, Bishopsworth Lucas & Co. U poer Railway wharf, road, Barton hill road, Bedminster down Midland road, St Philip's W allis Samuel, KingslanLlRoad siding, Biss Fredk. & Co. Itd. ; reg. office, 40 Macey Edwin, 30 Cambridge road, Feeder road, St Philip's marsh-see Broad street Westbury-on-Trym advertisement Bristol Co-operative Society limited Maker Albt . .58 Greville rd, Bedmmster Wapping Coal Co. limited, 3 Bathurst depots, Montpelier fltation, Station Martin C. H.
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