Unit 5: Holidays and Observances
Unit 5: Holidays and Observances Unit 5: Holidays and Observances Objectives At the end of this unit, you will Be aware of the following · Impact of holidays on tactical operations · Solar/lunar calendar differences · Common Era abbreviations · Muslim calendar distinctions · Jewish calendar distinctions · Two high holy days of Judaism · Passover’s importance for Jewish faithful · Eastern Orthodox Christian calendar distinctions · Four important Muslim holidays · Importance of Friday as the day of Muslim communal prayers · For Orthodox Eastern Christians, the Easter season is the focus of church year celebration · Festivals and home celebrations for Jewish, Russian Orthodox and Muslim peoples Identify · Solar/lunar; Julian/Gregorian calendars · Christmas, Easter, Epiphany · C.E., B.C.E., A.H., Ramadan, muezzin · Rosh Hashanah, Yom Kippur, Pesah · Hijra, Ashura, Isaac · Shia, Sunni, imam, zakut · Lent, Pascha, Pentecost, Theotokos, chrismation · Ash Wednesday, confirmation, Ascension · Mawlid al-Nabiy, ‘Id al-Fitr, Id al-Adha · Epiphany 221 Unit 5: Holidays and Observances Realize · Julian calendar influence in Orthodox Eastern Christianity · Reasons for variation of Easter date each year · Importance of events in the life of Mary (Theotokos) in the church calendar of Orthodox Eastern Christians 222 Unit 5: Holidays and Observances Unit 5: Holidays and Observances “You’d better understand the environment, the culture, because what may make sense to you may not make sense on the ground and may actually be counterproductive.” -- General Zinni, CENTCOM Commander, 27 Dec 1998 I. Introduction Knowledge of key holidays and observances contributes to sensitivity and awareness of Middle East culture. In addition, tactical operations also may be directly affected as a result of religious holidays and events.
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