Silambam ASIA Dated: 6 October 2018 SILAMBAM HEAD OFFICE H.E. António Guterres (Management and Training Branch) Secretary-General United Nations World Silambam Association New York, NY 10017 (PPM-002-10-12062018) USA No. 15-1 Jalan Putra Permai 1A, Taman Equine, 43300 Seri Kembangan, Dear Mr. Secretary General, Selangor D.E. - MALAYSIA RE: Letter of Commitment Tel: +6 011 1234 7370 Email:
[email protected] Website: I am pleased to confirm that Silambam ASIA supports the ten principles of the UN Global Compact with respect to human rights, labor, Controller Reg. No.: environment and anti-corruption. With this commitment, we express our Silambam ASIA (PPM-004-10-25112016) intent to support the Global Compact advancing these principles, and will make a clear statement of this commitment to our stakeholders and the SILAMBAM REGIONAL OFFICE general public. (Legal Affairs & Document Control) We are International Non-Government Organisation, also pledge to Silambam ASIA (201614921R) participate in and engage with the UN Global Compact in the following 111 North Bridge Road #08-19 Peninsula Plaza, SINGAPORE 179098 way in commitments to the UN Global Compact and its Ten Principles. Controller Reg. No.: We recognize that a key requirement for participation in the Global Silambam (53325287C) Compact is the submission of a Communication on Engagement (COE) Silambam ASIA (SILA) (53269224A) that describes our organization’s efforts to support the implementation of the ten principles and to engage with the Global Compact. We support public accountability and transparency, and therefore commit to report on progress within two years of joining the Global Compact and every two years thereafter according to the Global Compact COE policy.