2 3 Rw Willy Faces Fondren for First Time in 58 Years
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/2 3 rw Volume 75, Number 26 Rice'VRESHEs family newspaper Friday, ApriRl 15, 198 8 Willy faces Fondren for first time in 58 years by Lisa Gray noticed that the light on the architec- points, a more stable and less risky The campus police have reported ture building was off and that a group method than the one-point hoist used Wiess senior Patrick Dyson to Proc- of about 20 people was gathered by Art Mechanics, Inc. tor E.C. Holt in connection with the around the statue. He pulled over a The structure used to lift the statue T uesday morning rotation of "Willy's pick-up he saw leaving the quad- consisted of three chain hoists at- statue," the 2,000-lb. statue atop the rangle and took the name of its driver, tached to a beam on top of two A- tomb of the university's founder. Patrick Dyson. When the officer re- frame supports. After the statue had Dyson and a group of fellow prank- turned to the quadrangle, the people been lifted off its pedestal, the two sters lifted the bronze statue from its on foot had fled. side hoists were detached so the statue pedestal using a structure they say Proctor Edward Holt summoned could be rotated. (See diagram, page meets uniform building codes, and ro- Dyson to his office and gave Dyson 6.) tated the statue 180°, allowing the the choice between a University Martin de Nicolas says the A- statue to face Fondren Library for the Court trial and a summary decision by frames, which were held by pulleys to first time in its 58-year existence. the proctor. Dyson says the proctor the statue's granite base, were far Dyson and fellow prankster Jorge recommended a summary decision, stronger than needed to lift the statue. Martin de Nicolas, a Rice alumnus, since University Court delays might He, Dyson and others tested the struc- are appealing to the Rice community mean his case would not be judged ture by lifting Martin de Nicolas' car, for donations to help Dyson pay the until after graduation, too late for him a Toyota Corolla, and swinging the related fines. Anyone wishing to help to receive his diploma during the May car slighdy, to simulate rotating the Dyson defray the cost may send dona- 7 commencement ceremony. Dyson statue. tions to Wiess Resident Associate also says the proctor named a prob- Martin de Nicolas says that the John Bennett, at Wiess College. able sentence: disciplinary probation pranksters used eight straps of two- Dyson estimates the university's and a fine to cover the university's inch nylon webbing to lift the statue, costs were over $1000, though as of cost in returning the statue to its origi- each of which had a working strength Wednesday Dyson had not been able nal orientation. of 6000 pounds. The straps, they said, to get a statement of cost from Art Dyson and Martin de Nicolas„say were chosen because they would not Mechanics, Inc., the subcontractor. the statue could not have been harmed abrade the statue. According to Police Chief Mary in the prank. The structure's designer, A Rice spokesman had told the Voswinkel, Officer George Lozano they said, has a Rice master's degree Houston Chronicle that cracks in the investigated the activity in the quad- in civil engineering. The structure wooden A-frames left by the statue 7 rangle Tuesday morning, after he was designed to lift the statue at three see Statue, page 6 Brown, Lovett hold TG today by Megan Dixon Memorial Center. Anumber of events such notables as head football coach Brown College and Lovett College will take place in an effort to raise and athletic director Jerry Bemdt, will co-sponsor an unusual tyjje ofTG money for the Texas Children's Mack of "Gallery Furniture Saves party today from 4 p.m. to 6 p.m. in Hospital's Child Life Fund. You Money" fame, former Sid the field between the Jones Graduate Among the events will be a dunk- Richardson College member Ivan School of Business and the Rice ing booth that will be occupied by Putzke of the Campus Police, Student Workers from Art Mechanics give Willy back his normal view. —L. Cowsar Association President Andy Karsner, and former S A President Kevin Gass. Three attempts at sinking the volun- President supports Rice vs. Texas, 6-4 teers will cost one dollar, with pro- ceeds going directly to the children's hospital which donated the booth. If Jackson suspension the celebrity guests are all able to finish their runs as dunkees, then by Mary Elliott single-engine Cessna plane last Fri- random people from the crowd may President George Rupp denied day. He said, "I did it because I feel be called on to participate. Lovett College sophomore Tom that the administration is being un - Chuck Yates, one of the four social Jackson a repeal of Proctor Edward necessarily harsh with Tom. It's way coordinators at Brown College, also Holt's decision. The proctor sus- out of line with precedent and with asked Houston Mayor Kathy Whit- pended Jackson for the rest of this common sense."c mire and President Rupp to occupy semester and for next semester as of Other students protested the the dunking booth. The mayor's of- last Thursday. proctor's decision on Jackson's be- fice never responded to the request. Jackson, a former Student Associa- half by sending letters to Rupp, ac- Rupp responded negatively when tion senator, had violated his discipli- cording to Jackson. "Apparently they asked if he would allow himself to be nary probation on March 10. He was had a lot of letters in Rupp's office. dunked for a charity organization, arrested for disorderly conduct and Probably about 100 or more. And I commenting that such an event was public intoxication. Proctor Holt took want to thank everyone that helped "childish" and that he hadn't done "independent action" on the case a me," said Jackson. such things since he was six or seven few days later. Rupp believes that the Thresher at the Strawberry Festivals in the East, Rupp denied Jackson's appeal after reporting has been one-sided. "So far according to Yates. At that time Rupp weighty consideration of the matter. the reporting in the Thresher has only was not aware that the charity in- "My decision involved careful con- showed one side of the case," Rupp volved would be the Texas Children' s sideration with all of the people in- said. Hospital. volved in the disciplinary process: the Rupp believes that disciplinary "Rupp called it childish, but we're University Review Board Chairman, cases should be confidential. Because doing it anyway," said Yates, adding, the master (of Lovett) and the proctor. « of this belief, it has been difficult for "I just thought that Rupp [in the dunk- This issue is not one of simply sus- Holt and Rupp to discuss the case and ing booth] would generate a lot of taining the proctor," Rupp said. highlight both sides of the issue. money for the fund." In response to student concerns Other events at the TG include about the possible abuse of independ- Boat Races in which teams of five will ent action, Rupp said, "I also sus- INSIDE: participate in a sequential chugging tained the decision of the University Review Board on the question of Opinion:-*The 10-month-old contest in a single elimination tourna- meat joke is real, p 3. ment until one team is declared the independent action." winner. In order to participate in the Many students believed that the Feature: Page three girl, p. 9. Boat Races, each team must register proctor's use of independent action with Lovett College Social Coordina- was unfair. One of Jackson's friends, Fine Arts: Hamlet says 'Hello' tor Eric Steiner. who wishes to remain unidentified for again, p.10. There will be a five dollar entry fee fear of prosecution, dropped posters that said "Amnesty for Tom Jackson" Sports: Win some, lose sijpne per team with the proceeds again against UT, p. 13. v John Pope (right) revels in the glory of being the winning pitcher against see TG, page & between Baker and Wiess from a number 2—ranked Texas on April 9. (See story, page 13) —L. Cowsar 2 Friday, April 15,1988 THRESHER Opinion Thanks, pranksters, f/7 from Willy and us A small group of students made the whole campus smile Tuesday morning when they rotated Willy's Statue to face Fondren Library. Rumors of unsuccessful plans to rotate the statue have periodically surfaced, so when the real thing actually happened, it was almost unbelievable. Unfortunately, most people missed seeing the infamous results of the early-morning trick; by late morning, the statue had been _ ^ tender as man's love turned back around. The biggest shame is that they didn't leave the statue up long enough might be for a maid, to take pictures of Willy against the backdrop of the Sallyport. A picture like that should grace the admissions brochures Rice sends out. How Or children's love be can there be any really good pictures of the statue with Fondren Library hulking behind it? for their mums, Tuesday's prank is proof of what someone can accomplish with a Rice education; spending only $400, several students did what the There's no tenderer love university had to do with a crane and professionals skilled in moving artwork. Those professionals couldn't even do as good a job as the Than the Residents love students who moved the statue; in putting the statue back, they bent one of the corner pins.