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Archive 1029 BANKERS-continuecl. HER MAJESTY'S CHIEF OFFl~ERS OF STATE. Neck, John F., & Co., 110. Cannon-street. gate-bldgs., Fenchurch-st., E.c.; Si, THE CABINET. New Loudon and Brazilian llank, Li­ 0 mited, 8, 'l'okenhouse-yanl, E.C. TJ~ l·!~:~~ti~~: J?il'-'I Lm·rl of Trtasury .•...•.... Rt. Hon. Williaf!1 E. Gladstone, 10, Downing-st. Northl'ote, C. & C. J., Palmerston-build- bard-street. E.C. Lori.l 1Iir11t Ohancello·r ............ Rt. Hon. Earl of Selborne, 30, Portland-place, w. ings, Bishopsgate-street, E.c. The Imperial Hank, 6, Lothbury, E.c.; Lorcl Lieu.tenant of frelmul ........ Rt. Hon. Earl Spencer, '!.7, St. Jnme8'S-Jilace, s.w. Paley, Sc·riven, & Co .. 34, Gt. St. Helen's. Victoria }fansions, Victoria-st., s.w.: Loni P1·esicle_nt oftlie Council ancl i Rt. Hon. Lord Carlingford, 4, Hamilton-place, w. Phillips, ~:• Sou~. & ,Co., 1~0, ~a nu on-st. :md 1, Sydney-pl., Onslow-sq., s.w,, Lo1·rl P1·w11 Seltl . .... 5 Post, Mai tm, & Co., ::i, Fenclnu ch-st.,E.c. The Nationul Bank, 13, Old Broad-st.; ('liancellor ofExcliequer .......... Rt. Hon. Hugh C. E. Childers, 117, Piceadilly. w. Praeds & Co., 189, Fleet-st1 eet, E.C. Home Depm·tment .• Rt.. Hon. Sir ,V.V.Har!'ourt,i,Graftc•n-st.,Bond-st. Prescott, C1we, & Co., 62, Thread needle-st. g;a~~~-~~~~~SJ9: ~f~~~~r.ada~~;g: . Foi·e"m A.f!iifrs .... Rt. Hon.Earl Granville,I8,Carlto11 Honse·ter.,s.w. Queensland National llank, Limited, 29, town; 286, Penton ville-rd.; 158, High- S.'•(';/a.1'/es C,,/orlies .... ...... Rt. Hon. Earl of Derby, 2~, St .. James's-sq., s.w. Lombard-street, E.C. ~ late. wa,. ............... Rt. Hon •.)farqnis of Hartington, 78, Picl'adilly, w. 1 ~:· Gl~1~~~fe7":~~\~.\ an~~lgi~-~tt~tl:: lIncl-ia . ...... ......... Rt. Hou. Earl ofJ{imberley, 3i>, Lowndes· sq., s.w. t~:~~~~i~be~;.~, ~c3~~:~7; ~~~~1~~!: row-rd. FiNf Lo rel of the Aclmii·alty ..... Rt. Ho11. Earl of N•wthl:;rook, Admiralty, s.w. lane. Trnninger & Co., 41, Threadneedle-st. Clwncellor of D11 ch11 of Lrwcaste1-.. Rt. Hon. John G. l>oclson, 6, Senmore-plaee, w. Turner, A. P., & Co., 50, Threadneedle- P1·nident of the Bo(1.1•rl of Trcule •. Rt. Hon. Josh.Clrnmherlain,40,PrincC''s-gdns.,s.w. ~f~i~~~l~~~,~&c3o.~Y3?i~Yr~itt~~~: w· street, E.c. f'l'l',•ident Local Govemment Bom·rl Rt. Hon. Sir. C. W. Dilke, Ht., 76, .Sloane-st., s.w. Twining, Richard, & Co., 215, Strand,w.c. ~~i~~~~~y :t1~ti~~f,;&wcJ~ri~~-£~~b:i·<l- Union Bank of Australiu, 1, Bank-build- Scotland. Ireland. street, E.c. Lo1'Cl Hiolt Oonstnlile- Earl of Erroll Lo1·rl L-ieute111mt-Earl 8µen!'er, K.G. 0 uAW~· k~~~b~?t~;1CZi:on, 2, Princes-st., KePper of G1·ent Seal-Earl of Selkirk Okief Sec1·eta1·y &; Keeper of Privy Seal- ~~~rn~~k ' o~ i~~ii·a?i1~ ~~~~~~!ii~p~: Mansion House; 66, Charing-cross; 14, Deput11-J. H. Mackenzie, Esq. RL. Hon. George Otto Trevelyan gate-street, E.c. Argyll-pl., w .; Chancery-la.; Holborn- LOl'<l P1:iv11 Seal-:V!arnnis of Lothin11 Unclf'rSec.-::iir R. G. U. Hamilton, x:.c.11. 1 Xa.-tn·ofHouselwlrl - DnkeofArg-yll,K.T. As~t. rlo.-,v. S. ll. Kaye, Esq., Q.c., LL.D. ~~~~la~xl\1;:~~e f~;u ~o~1iii75'r~~J~.h~~; U ~~~i{ ~;m~k 6:ft ~~~~~~:nt· ci~~i;r1ilt~:·c. Sta11dm·cl Benrer-Earl of Lauderdale 1 1 Lombard-street, E.c. Union Bank of Sriain and England, Li- L01·1Z High Com.-Earl of Aberrleen ~;;~f;''M:~;:J~~ i~:i ;~[1f.;\1~~lt e, Esq. Samuel, Montag-n, & Co., 60, Old Broad-st. mited, 21, Old Broad-street, E.c. Lo1·dJ1istice Geml.-Rt. Hn. J ohn Inglis Oo11fl'oller-CoI. J. A. l'aulteild 1 7 L<I. J u.<tice Olk.-Rt. Hn. Lord :V1011ereiff Clurn1l1el'lain-Col. G. R. Dease ~~~~~t8f;. ~~~i!1:·&· c~~: iUC~~e~:if8h~5~: ¥~~~~i~~~ <i.~'.n&18~~. sb~A~~~ F['{e~h~~-;!: L01·rl Advocate-Rt. Hon ..J.B. Balfour Lei .Chancellor-Rt.Hn.SirE.~ullivan, Bt. Seyd& Co., 38, Lombard-street, E.c. Watson, ·wm., & Co., 27, Leadenhall-st. 7 Attorney-Genenil-Ht. Hon. John Naish 8hank, John, 4, Bank-buildings, Metro- Wells, l!'argo, & Co., 99, Cannon-st., E.c. ~~ }~i~;~-,~e:ke:;i~~~eE;1~s2t~ d1~~i;w Solicitor-Genernl-Saml. WalKer, E~q. Cattle Market, N. 'VesternAnstrnlianBank,54, Old Broad-st. Com. of Foi·ces- M.·Gen. A.111.1\lncclonald Commnrl;·. of tlte Forces-Uen. Sir T. M . Smit.Ji, Payne, & Smiths, 11 Lombard-st. West London Commercial Bank, 34, A.~.~ist. Acljutant-Genl.-CoI. R. Preston, Steele, K.c.11. ::iocicM Gi!11crale (de Pans), 38, Lom­ Sloane-square, Chelsea; 18!3, Earls C.B, Dep. A<ljut.-Gen.-Col. Sir T. D. Baker. bard-strePt, E.c. Court-road; 1, Victoria-road, Battersea­ K.C.B. Standard Bn!'lk of British South Africa, park; and ~14. Upper Kennington-lane. Limited, 10, ClemenL's-lane, E.c. White & Shaxson, 8, George-yard, Lom­ Stillwell & Sons, 21, Gt. George-st., s.w. bard-street, E.c. The City Bank, Thrcndneedle-st. (corner Whiteley, Wm., 43, Westbourne-grove,w. HER MAJESTY'S HOUSEHOLD. of Finch-la.), E.c.; 34, Old Bond-st.,w.; Williams, Deacon, Thornton, & Co., 20, Keeper of Pr'iVJ, P1wse a11cl Priv. Seery.­ 159, Tottenlrnm-ct.-rd., w.; 61, Lud­ Mist1·essofRoliPs-DnchessofRoxburgh~ Birchin-lane, E.c. Rt.I-In. Gen. Sir H.F. Ponsouby, x.c.11. Groom-H. D. Erskiuc, E~q. gate-hill, E.C.; 221, Edgware-rd., w.; Yokohama (Japan) Specie Bank, Li­ As~istants-Capt. F. J. Edwards, c.B. 7,Loumles-ter., Knightsbridge,w.; Ald- Clerk-James JJontein, E,q. mited, 84, Bishopsgate-st. ·within, :E.c. Capt. A. Bigge Capt. Yeomnn of G11u,·1l-Lonl Monson Secretai·y Privy Purse-D. C. Bell, Esq. Cnpt. Gent.-at-A1·ms-I,1wd <.'arrim.;ton LORD STEWARD'S DEPARTMENT. Jlnste1· of Cm·emo11ies-Gen. l:iir Francis THE ROYAL FAMILY. Seymour, llnrt., x.c.B. Delln of Oluipel Roynl - Bishop of London THE QUEEN. Alfred Ernest Albert, Duke of Edin- ~~.~~ s~!:;~.~~;;.~~f \~.~~S~Tbane Sub-Denn-Rev. F. Garden ALEXlNDRIN AVICTORIA' born }fay 24, Compt1·oller-Rt. Hon. Lord Kensington Ole1•k of tlte OloNet -Hp. of Worcester 1819; married, Feb. 10, 1840, to Prince ~~~~1123~0ig74~ua~~~d6' ~~~fes~aM~~·~e 8 1 1 Resident Chaplain-Dean ofWiudsor Albert Fras. Aui;s. f'has. Ema11uel of Alexandrovna of Ru5sia. :e~. lf/1G,~: czo~}:'.!._~ :~.?~~:~~~ \~;~·B· Saxe Coburg and Gotha (bo?'li Aug. 26, Helena Augusta Victoria, born May Pnym. of Houselt.- G. .l\1n1rable, Esq. 1819; died Dec. 14, 18GI). Issue- 25, 1816; married, July i>, 1866, Prince Victoria A delnide ::\'IaryLouisa,Princess Christian. ~~:~;~~:;;~va:.~i~'~}~,~~e~~Iarqnis of MASTER OF THE HOTISE'S DEPARTMENT. Exeter Royal, born Nov. 21, 1810: married, Jan. Louise Caroline Alberta, born Marrh ,~faster of Hoi·se-Duke of 'VPstminster 25, 1858, Prince Fredk.William of Prussia. 18, 1848; married, March 21, 1871, the High Almone1·-The Denn of Windsor Clm·k Jlcirslwl-L ,nl Alfred Paget Albert Edward, P!'i11ce of Wales, born Marquis of Lorne. LORD CHAMBERLAIN'S DEPARTMENT. Grown Equerry & Secreta·1·y-Col. G. A. 1 Arthur William Patrick Albert, Duke Maude, c.B. ~1~~c!'ss ~fe:xa~~~~egf ~:~~~ai~; ~1:ri of Conn aught, born May I, 1850; married, Lorll Oliamue1•la'in-Enrl of Keumarc 1 March 13, 1879, Princess Louise Mar­ Vice clo.-Rt. H ,n. Lord Charles Bruce DecA\i:i!~t4vk:~~r Chrl~~~~en-Edward, born garet of Prussia. Oompt1·olle1·-I-In. 8. C.13. Pousonby Fane JJfaster of the Buckllouncls-EarI of Cork. Jan. 8, 186i. Leopold George Dnncnn Albert, Duke Chief Olei·k-G. 'l'. Hertslet, Esq. and Orrery Geol'gtJ Frederick Ernest Albert, born of Albany, born April 7, 1853; married, June 3, 186:). Louise Viutoria Alexandra Dagmar, tl1:~~ i};.~~~'; ~~~dc::rNi e~~f lgli.Wal- born Feb. 20, 1867. Beatrice Mary Victoria Feodore, born PRINCE OF WALES'S HOUSEHOLD. Vi~toria Alexandra Olga Mary, born Ap1il 14, 1857. Gl'Oom of tlte Stole- --- I Private Secretary-Francis Knollys. July 6, 18G8. H er Majest!l's Cousins. Compt?-ollei· & Treab'Ure1·-Lt.-Gen. Sir Esq., c.E. Maud Charlotte Mary Victoria, born George William, Duke of Cambridge, D. M. Probyn, x.c.s.r. Nov. W, 1869. born March 26, 18 ·9. Augusta Caroline. born .Tuly 19, 1822. A11'i,i ~~?:1a i'n~l~~'is1r~rn April 6, Mary Adelaide, born Nov. 27, 1833. Alice Maud Mary, born April 25, 1843; H er ].fa,iesty's Aunt. CROWN LAW OFFICERS. married, J\JIY 1, 8<i2, Prince Louis of Augusta Wilhelmina Louisa. Duchess. Atto,·11e11· General-Sir Henry James I Solfoitor-General-Sir Farrer Herschell Hesse ; died Dec. 14, 1878. of Cambridge, born July 25, 1797. 15 14 .
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