BANKERS-continuecl. HER MAJESTY'S CHIEF OFFl~ERS OF STATE. Neck, John F., & Co., 110. Cannon-street. gate-bldgs., Fenchurch-st., E.c.; Si, THE CABINET. New Loudon and Brazilian llank, Li­ 0 mited, 8, 'l'okenhouse-yanl, E.C. TJ~ l·!~:~~ti~~: J?il'-'I Lm·rl of Trtasury .•...•.... Rt. Hon. Williaf!1 E. Gladstone, 10, Downing-st. Northl'ote, C. & C. J., Palmerston-build- bard-street. E.C. Lori.l 1Iir11t Ohancello·r ...... Rt. Hon. Earl of Selborne, 30, Portland-place, w. ings, Bishopsgate-street, E.c. The Imperial Hank, 6, Lothbury, E.c.; Lorcl Lieu.tenant of frelmul ...... Rt. Hon. , '!.7, St. Jnme8'S-Jilace, s.w. Paley, Sc·riven, & Co .. 34, Gt. St. Helen's. Victoria }fansions, Victoria-st., s.w.: Loni P1·esicle_nt oftlie Council ancl i Rt. Hon. Lord Carlingford, 4, Hamilton-place, w. Phillips, ~:• Sou~. & ,Co., 1~0, ~a nu on-st. :md 1, Sydney-pl., Onslow-sq., s.w,, Lo1·rl P1·w11 Seltl ...... 5 Post, Mai tm, & Co., ::i, Fenclnu ch-st.,E.c. The Nationul Bank, 13, Old Broad-st.; ('liancellor ofExcliequer ...... Rt. Hon. Hugh C. E. Childers, 117, Piceadilly. w. Praeds & Co., 189, Fleet-st1 eet, E.C. Home Depm·tment .• Rt.. Hon. Sir ,V.V.Har!'ourt,i,Graftc•n-st.,Bond-st. Prescott, C1we, & Co., 62, Thread needle-st. g;a~~~-~~~~~SJ9: ~f~~~~r.ada~~;g: . Foi·e"m A.f!iifrs .... Rt. Hon.,I8,Carlto11 Honse·ter.,s.w. Queensland National llank, Limited, 29, town; 286, Penton ville-rd.; 158, High- S.'•(';/a.1'/es C,,/orlies ...... Rt. Hon. , 2~, St .. James's-sq., s.w. Lombard-street, E.C. ~ late. wa,...... Rt. Hon •.)farqnis of Hartington, 78, Picl'adilly, w. 1 ~:· Gl~1~~~fe7":~~\~.\ an~~lgi~-~tt~tl:: lIncl-ia ...... Rt. Hou. Earl ofJ{imberley, 3i>, Lowndes· sq., s.w. t~:~~~~i~be~;.~, ~c3~~:~7; ~~~~1~~!: row-rd. FiNf Lo rel of the Aclmii·alty ..... Rt. Ho11. Earl of N•wthl:;rook, Admiralty, s.w. lane. Trnninger & Co., 41, Threadneedle-st. Clwncellor of D11 ch11 of Lrwcaste1-.. Rt. Hon. John G. l>oclson, 6, Senmore-plaee, w. Turner, A. P., & Co., 50, Threadneedle- P1·nident of the Bo(1.1•rl of Trcule •. Rt. Hon. Josh.Clrnmherlain,40,PrincC''s-gdns.,s.w. ~f~i~~~l~~~,~&c3o.~Y3?i~Yr~itt~~~: w· street, E.c. f'l'l',•ident Local Govemment Bom·rl Rt. Hon. Sir. C. W. Dilke, Ht., 76, .Sloane-st., s.w. Twining, Richard, & Co., 215, Strand,w.c. ~~i~~~~~y:t1~ti~~f,;&wcJ~ri~~-£~~b:i·