File No. -------18037 Item No.8------- SUNSHINE ORDINANCE TASK FORCE AGENDA PACKET CONTENTS LIST Complaint Committee Date: June 26, 2018 (j) ({) Petition/Complaint& Supporting Page:_\ ~ Documents Memorandum - Deputy City Attorney Page: \VH RespondenfsResponse Page: -~p ' ~ Correspondence Page:_ D Order of Determination Page:_ D Minutes Page:_ D Administrator's Report Page:_ D No Attachments OTHER D D D D D D D D D Completed by:_---=C....:..... =Le=g=e:..:....r ______Date 06/18/18 *An asterisked item represents the cover sheet to a document that exceeds 25 pages. The complete document is in the file. P165 Young, Victor From: administration <
[email protected]> Sent: Friday, April 06, 2018 5:45 PM To: Young, Victor Subject: RE: SOTF- Sunshine Ordinance Task Force response to request RE: Brown Act Violation Complaint Yes, I would like to file a complaint with the Sunshine Ordinance Task Force against: Mark Farrell Aaron Peskin Hi,lary Ronen Norman Yee Sandra Fewer Jane Kim Jeff Sheehy Please consider the allegations in my earlier letter to constitute my complaint, and please initiate the complaint J)rocedures. Sincerely, Reverend Dr. Amos C. Brown President SF NAACP ·From: Young, Victor [mailto:
[email protected]] Sent: April 5, 2018 10:40 AM To: administration <
[email protected]> Cc:
[email protected]; Chris Hyland <
[email protected]>; Calvillo, Angela {BOS) <
[email protected]> . · Subject: SOTF- Sunshine Ordinance Task Force response to request RE: Brown Act Violation Complaint Dr. Brown: At the April4, 2018, meeting the Sunshine Ordinance Task Force {SOTF) reviewed your March 13, 2018, letter requesting that the Office of the District Attorney, Ethics Commission and SOTF investigate allegation against certain members of the Board of Supervisors.