Saenko et al. EvoDevo (2019) 10:16 EvoDevo

RESEARCH Open Access Unravelling the forming the wing pattern in the polymorphic butterfy numata Suzanne V. Saenko1†, Mathieu Chouteau2†, Florence Piron‑Prunier1, Corinne Blugeon3, Mathieu Joron4 and Violaine Llaurens1*

Abstract Background: Unravelling the genetic basis of polymorphic characters is central to our understanding of the ori‑ gins and diversifcation of living organisms. Recently, have been implicated in a wide range of complex polymorphisms, from adaptive colouration in butterfies and fsh to reproductive strategies in birds and plants. The concept of a supergene is now a hot topic in biology, and identifcation of its functional elements is needed to shed light on the evolution of highly divergent adaptive traits. Here, we apply diferent expression analyses to study the supergene P that controls of mimetic wing colour patterns in the neotropical butterfy Heliconius numata. Results: We performed de novo transcriptome assembly and diferential expression analyses using high-throughput Illumina RNA sequencing on developing wing discs of diferent H. numata morphs. Within the P interval, 30 and 17 of the 191 transcripts were expressed diferentially in prepupae and day-1 pupae, respectively. Among these is the gene cortex, known to play a role in wing pattern formation in Heliconius and other . Our in situ hybridization experiments confrmed the relationship between cortex expression and adult wing patterns. Conclusions: This study found the majority of genes in the P interval to be expressed in the developing wing discs during the critical stages of colour pattern formation, and detect drastic changes in expression patterns in multiple genes associated with structural variants. The patterns of expression of cortex only partially recapitulate the variation in adult , suggesting that the remaining phenotypic variation could be controlled by other genes within the P interval. Although functional studies on cortex are now needed to determine its exact developmental role, our results are in accordance with the classical supergene hypothesis, whereby several genes inherited together due to tight linkage control a major developmental switch. Keywords: Supergene, Wing pattern, Lepidoptera, Heliconius butterfies, Transcriptome, RNA sequencing, Gene expression

*Correspondence: [email protected] †Suzanne V. Saenko and Mathieu Chouteau contributed equally to this work 1 Institut de Systématique, Evolution et Biodiversité, UMR 7205 (CNRS, MNHN, Sorbonne Université, EPHE), Muséum National d’Histoire Naturelle CP50, 57 rue Cuvier, 75005 Paris, France Full list of author information is available at the end of the article

© The Author(s) 2019. This article is distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License (http://creat​iveco​mmons​.org/licen​ses/by/4.0/), which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided you give appropriate credit to the original author(s) and the source, provide a link to the Creative Commons license, and indicate if changes were made. The Creative Commons Public Domain Dedication waiver (http://creat​iveco​mmons​.org/ publi​cdoma​in/zero/1.0/) applies to the data made available in this article, unless otherwise stated. Saenko et al. EvoDevo (2019) 10:16 Page 2 of 12

Background elements are functionally involved in this wing colour Te evolution of complex requiring the coor- polymorphism. Te concept of supergene is now a hot dinated diversifcation of several traits is a puzzle. Te topic in biology, and identifcation of its functional ele- persistence of intraspecifc polymorphisms with several ments (distinct genes vs. mutations in a single gene) is diferentiated variants segregating within a single inter- needed to shed light on the evolution of highly diver- breeding population facilitates the identifcation of genes gent polymorphic traits. Here, we apply diferent gene and epistatic interactions that control the developmental expression analyses to study the supergene that controls a switches involved in their emergence. Unravelling the well-documented polymorphism in a classical ecological genetic architecture of polymorphic traits is therefore model, the wing colour variation observed within popu- central to our understanding of the origins and evolu- lations of the neotropical butterfy H. numata. tionary diversifcation of complex phenotypes. Heliconius are chemically defended butterfies famous Te maintenance of discrete adaptive morphs that for their colourful wing patterns acting as warning sig- require the co-variation of multiple phenotypic modali- nal towards predators [16]. Most species are involved ties is surprising because interbreeding among morphs in Müllerian associations with other locally should lead to recombination between co-adapted loci, abundant unpalatable species. For example, H. numata shufing allelic combinations, and resulting in maladap- exhibits extraordinary resemblance to a number of spe- tive intermediates. Recently, the dissection of several cies from the distantly related genus , which cases of balanced polymorphism has revealed a genetic diverged from the genus Heliconius over 90 million years architecture where a single Mendelian locus coordinates ago [17]. A handful of genetic loci of major efect explain major phenotypic changes (see [1] for a review). Tese most of the variation in wing pattern within and among polymorphic loci could either be composed of a single the majority of Heliconius species (reviewed in [18]). causative gene with diverse pleiotropic efects, or of sev- Recent studies have revealed the molecular identity the eral tightly linked genes acting on one modality each, i.e. major loci: the transcription factor optix is responsible so-called “supergenes”. Supergenes are usually described for turning on and of red, orange, and brown pattern ele- as clusters of two or more loci, each afecting a diferent ments [19], while the presumed cell cycle regulator cor- morphological or behavioural trait; tight physical linkage tex acts as a switch for black [20], and the regulatory gene and/or chromosomal inversions suppress recombination, aristaless controls white/yellow colours [21]. Te mor- such that multiple characters are inherited as a single phogen WntA, in turn, controls the size and shape of the Mendelian locus [2, 3]. Tis architecture prevents sub- elements switched on and of by the frst two loci [22]. optimal allelic combinations and results in the long-term Tese and a few other, yet unidentifed loci belong to the co-existence of multiple well-diferentiated variants (e.g. genetic tool-kit that controls variation and produces both [4]), or conversely in reproductive isolation and specia- convergent and divergent wing colour patterns in Helico- tion among ecotypes (e.g. [5]). In over 80 years since the nius and other butterfies [23, 24]. proposal of this idea [6], supergenes have been reported In contrast to most Heliconius species where all indi- in a wide range of complex polymorphisms, from adap- viduals display the same colour pattern within each local- tive colouration in butterfies and fsh, through social ity, H. numata shows a stable local polymorphism of structure in ants, to reproductive and behavioural strate- wing colour pattern, with up to seven distinct morphs gies in and plants (e.g. [7–12]). Te emergence co-occurring in a single population [25]. Tis polymor- of such genetic architecture, however, remains puzzling. phism is almost entirely determined by a single locus, Despite the panoply of complex polymorphisms associ- the supergene P, found on linkage group 15 and char- ated with supergenes, molecular evidence for the involve- acterised by long-range in complete linkage ment of multiple genetic elements remains scarce. Te disequilibrium [26]. Recombination in this region is sup- individual genetic components have been characterised pressed due to the presence of two chromosomal inver- in detail only for the self-incompatibility supergenes in sions arranged in three distinct gene orders co-existing fowering plants [13, 14]. For the polymorphism in wing within populations [7] (Fig. 1). For example, the morph colour pattern in Papilio polytes butterfies, controlled silvana is controlled by Psil which corresponds by a large inversion, supergene architecture was pre- to the standard, ancestral gene arrangement, shared with sumed for long time. However, recent gene expression most Heliconius species, while bicoloratus (Pbic) is deter- data showed that this variation is controlled mostly by a mined by the frst inversion, a 400-kb segment containing single transcription factor doublesex, located within the genes from Hnum000020 to Hnum000040; the second inverted region and acting like a major developmental adjacent inversion, a 180-kb segment containing genes switch between diferent morphs via alternative splic- from Hnum000041 to Hnum000053, forms yet another ing [15]. It remains unclear whether multiple genetic gene order associated with several other morphs such Saenko et al. EvoDevo (2019) 10:16 Page 3 of 12

Fig. 1 Diferential gene expression across the P supergene region. Expression diferences in prepupal (blue) and day-1 pupal (red) wing discs for 191 transcripts with a BLASTn hit to the interval between 1,126,790 bp (gene Hmel000020) and 1,722,158 bp (gene Hmel000053) on H. melpomene genomic scafold 215006 (cf. [35]). Signifcantly (FDR-adjusted p value < 0.001, see grey dotted threshold line) diferentially expressed transcripts are indicated with bright colours. The corresponding H. melpomene genes are highlighted with orange (in case the diferentially expressed transcripts match exons and introns) or yellow (in case the transcripts match introns only). The four examined morphs belong to three diferent gene orders: (1) ancestral (silvana), (2) frst inversion (bicoloratus), and (3) frst second inversions (tarapotensis and aurora) +

as tarapotensis (Ptar) and aurora (Paur). Tis supergene H. melpomene [19]. Is cortex the unique factor control- architecture presumably locks together the genetic com- ling the developmental switch between mimetic patterns binations producing mimetic colour patterns: haplotypes in H. numata, similar to doublesex in P. polytes? Or are controlling distinct morphs rarely recombine, therefore other genes within the P locus involved in pattern vari- maintaining co-adapted alleles together. Remarkably, ation as well, making the P a classical supergene, i.e. “co- the P locus contains the gene cortex, the expression of adapted combination of several genes locked in inverted which in fnal instar larval wing discs is associated with section of ” [27]? Here, we apply diferent some black elements on the hindwings of H. numata and gene expression analyses to investigate the role of cortex Saenko et al. EvoDevo (2019) 10:16 Page 4 of 12

and other genes within the P supergene in controlling the 2.0 Fluorometer (Life Technologies) and a 2100 Bioana- variation of H. numata wing patterns. First, we perform lyzer (Agilent Technologies). RNA sequencing and diferential expression analysis of Library preparation and Illumina sequencing were per- the supergene P genes at relevant stages of colour pattern formed at the Ecole Normale Supérieure core genomic development. We then investigate the diferences in spa- facility (Paris, France). Messenger (polyA+) RNAs were tial expression patterns of candidate genes in the devel- purifed from 1 µg of total RNA using oligo(dT). Librar- oping wing discs. ies were prepared from pools of fore- and hindwing RNA of each individual using the TruSeq Stranded mRNA kit Methods (Illumina). Twenty-four libraries (multiplexed by six on Butterfy rearing four fowcell lanes) were sequenced on Illumina HiSeq Heliconius numata butterfies were collected in Tarapoto, 1500 sequencer using 51 cycles per run, yielding 42 ± 15 . Adults were fed with sugar water and , and million single 50-bp passing Illumina quality flter reads provided with Passifora caerulea for egg deposition. Lar- per sample. Sequencing lanes were randomized among vae were reared on P. caerulea and P. edulis plants. samples.

Genotyping assays de novo transcriptome assembly and gene expression Te genotype of each individual at the supergene P was analyses determined using PCR-based genotyping assays based All bioinformatics analyses were performed on the Gal- on intron length and SNP polymorphisms at the cor- axy server [29] of BioInformatics Platform for Agro-eco- tex gene (modifed protocol of Chouteau et al. [28]). systems (BIPAA) of French National Institute Genomic DNA was extracted from the bodies using Qia- for Agricultural Research (INRA) in Rennes, France. gen DNeasy Blood & Tissue kit cf. the manufacturer’s Low-quality (< Q30) reads, adaptor sequences, and ribo- instructions. PCRs with forward 5′-CGTAGC​ GAC​ CCG​ ​ somal RNA-like sequences were removed with Prinseq AGA​TTC​TT and reverse 5′-ATACAT​ GGC​ CAC​ AGT​ ​ [30], Cutadapt [31], and riboPicker [32] tools, respec- TGA​TTC primers were carried out with 5 min at 94 °C, tively. A total of ~ 959,842,465 high-quality clean reads followed by 35 cycles of 25 s at 94 °C, 25 s at 58 °C, and from all samples were used to de novo assemble the wing 60 s at 72 °C, and a fnal elongation phase at 72 °C for disc transcriptome with the software Trinity [33] and 5 min. Gel electrophoresis was used to determine the size following parameters: SS_lib_type F, kmer_size 25, sil = = of the resulting PCR products: 374 bp (present only in P max_pct_stdev = 100, minimum contig length = 200 bp. haplotype), 925 bp (present only in Pbic), or 644 bp (pre- Quality of the assembly was evaluated by estimating tran- sent in Pbic, Ptar, and Paur). Te PCR products were also script abundance using the RSEM method [34] and sub- sequenced directly with the same primers to determine sequently computing N50 and ExN50 statistics. Te latter the genotype on the basis of diagnostic SNPs. takes into account the expression levels of each contig and is therefore a more suitable contig length metric for Library preparation and RNA sequencing transcriptomes. To identify transcripts with orthologs in Individuals for RNA sequencing were collected from sec- H. melpomene, all RNA sequences were aligned to the ond generation of crosses between butterfies displaying Hmel2_cds and Hmel2_scafolds databases (downloaded aurora, bicoloratus, silvana, and tarapotensis phenotypes from Lepbase v4 [35]) using NCBI BLASTn. (Fig. 1). Wing discs were dissected in PBS from prepupae Reads from each sample were mapped to the assembled and day-1 pupae and stored in RNAlater. We used wing transcriptome using Bowtie2 [36]. Mapped reads for each disc from prepupae with genotypes Paur/Paur (n 4), Pbic/ transcript were counted with samtools idxstats [37]. Read bic bic tar tar tar = P (n = 4), P /P (n = 3), and P /P (n = 3), and from counts were used to identify diferentially expressed tran- day-1 pupae with genotypes Paur/Paur (n 4), Psil/Psil scripts with the Bioconductor EdgeR package, as it per- tar tar = (n = 3), P /P (n = 3), resulting in 24 samples in total. forms best for datasets with small numbers of replicates One forewing and one hindwing of each individual [38]. were homogenised in 350 µl of RTL bufer with the Tis- Comparison of diferential expression in genes located sue Lyser (Qiagen, Hilden, Germany). Total RNA was within the supergene with respect to the genes located extracted according to the manufacturer’s protocol in the rest of the genome were performed using gene set (RNeasy Mini kit, Qiagen, Hilden, Germany) and eluted permutations test using the gene set enrichment analy- in 30 µl of RNase-free water. To avoid genomic contami- sis described in Subramanian et al. [39]. For each pair of nation, RNase-free DNase treatment (Qiagen, Hilden, phenotype within the two developmental stages, we used Germany) was performed during RNA extraction. RNA the 191 transcripts mapped to the supergene P has a gene quality and concentration were measured with a Qubit set and performed 1000 permutations to test whether the Saenko et al. EvoDevo (2019) 10:16 Page 5 of 12

diferential expression ranking signifcantly difered to total assembled nucleotides are included in the top 88% the rest of the genome, using the GSEA software (http:// abundant transcripts (N = 7331) after normalising for softw​are.broad​insti​​.jsp). read coverage. About 92.5% of the assembled sequences represent unique transcripts, whereas 4004 represent Wing disc in situ hybridizations (ISH) diferent isoforms of 2957 genes, some of which have Fragments (~ 300 to 700 bp long) of 28 candidate genes up to 20 splicing variants. Te transcriptome is avail- expressed within the P interval (see Additional fle 1: able for download at Transcriptome Shotgun Assem- Table S1) were cloned into pCRII dual-promoter vector bly Sequence Database of NCBI (NCBI BioProject using the TA cloning kit (Life Technologies). Plasmids PRJNA555830). were isolated with QIAprep Spin Miniprep Kit (Qia- A high-quality genome assembly is currently unavail- gen) and used as template for PCR reactions with vector able for H. numata. Te assembly consists of more than primers M13F and M13R. Te amplifed products were 20,000 scafolds with N50 of 61.3 kb (cf. Lepbase v4 [35]). cleaned with QIAquick PCR purifcation kit (Qiagen) and Terefore, we performed the analyses using the reference used for SP6 or T7 transcription. Digoxigenin-labelled genome assembly Hmel2 (795 scafolds, N50 = 2.1 Mb riboprobes were synthesised using SP6 and T7 RNA [41]) of the closely related H. melpomene, diverged from polymerases and DIG RNA labelling mix (Roche Applied H. numata around 4 Mya [42]. Of the 53,719 transcripts Science). present in the H. numata wing disc transcriptome, more Individuals used for ISH came from a H. numata stock than 99% (53,301) could be aligned to the H. melpomene (a mix of diferent morphs) maintained in the greenhouse genomic scafolds. However, only 27,999 H. numata at MNHN in Paris. At least fve individuals of each (sil- transcripts were identifed as orthologous to 12,835 vana, tarapotensis, and bicoloratus) morph were used for out of 21,661 transcripts in H. melpomene coding DNA ISH. Wing discs were dissected in PBS from last instar sequence (CDS) database. Such discrepancy might come larvae, fxed in 4% formaldehyde in PBS, gradually dehy- from important alternative splicing variations between drated and stored in methanol. ISH was performed cf. species, or incompleteness of H. melpomene CDS the protocol described previously in Martin and Reed database. [40]. Briefy, wing discs were gradually rehydrated, incu- We identifed 191 transcripts corresponding to 169 bated 5 min with 25 μg/ml proteinase K, post-fxed with unigenes (i.e. 157 transcripts with just one isoform and 5.5% formaldehyde in PBS, and incubated in a standard 12 transcripts with 2–8 isoforms) in the H. numata hybridization bufer supplemented with 1 g/l glycine transcriptome that were aligned to the interval between and 30 ng/ml riboprobe for 20–24 h at 63 °C. For sec- 1,126,790 bp (gene Hmel000020) and 1,722,158 bp (gene ondary detection of the probe, wing discs were incu- Hmel000053) on H. melpomene genomic scafold 215006, bated in a 1:3000 dilution of anti-digoxigenin alkaline i.e. the interval homologous to the P supergene. Of these phosphatase Fab fragments and stained with BM Purple 191 transcripts, 72 have a BLASTn hit to one of the 36 (Roche Applied Science) for 3–6 h at room tempera- (out of the 41 present in this interval) predicted genes in ture. Stained wing discs were photographed with a Leica the H. melpomene, with multiple short transcripts being DFC420 digital camera mounted on a Leica Z6 APO part of the same gene. Hence, the majority of the genes stereomicroscope. in the P supergene are expressed in the wing discs of H. numata at the prepupa and/or day-1 pupa stages, when Results wing pattern formation occurs. Te genes not found in Assembly of the H. numata wing disc transcriptome the transcriptome, and therefore not expressed at the We performed a de novo transcriptome assembly using relevant stages, are Hnum000051, Hnum002023g1, Illumina RNA sequencing data on fore- and hindwings Hnum032679, Hnum032683, and Hnum032685. None of of 24 individuals (14 prepupae and 10 day-1 pupae). them is annotated for gene ontology terms. Trinity yielded 53,719 transcripts with a cumulative length of 34.37 Mb and the mean, median, and maxi- Diferential expression within the P supergene mal transcript length of 640 bp, 367 bp, and 33,692 bp, To identify the genes within the P locus potentially asso- respectively. A large part of the assembled transcripts ciated with wing pattern development, we performed (20,406 out of 53,719) fall within the size range of 201– diferential expression analysis using wing disc sam- 300 bp; 9162 transcripts are longer than 1000 bp, with ples of diferent morphs (3–4 biological replicates per 12 exceeding 10 kb. We calculated the transcript N50 morph) at two developmental stages (prepupa and day-1 statistics of 980 bp. However, when excluding the tran- pupa), known to be important in wing pattern forma- scripts expressed at very low levels, the maximal N50 tion in other butterfies [43]. Principal component anal- value of 1356 bp was found for Ex = 88, i.e. 50% of the ysis showed a clear segregation of prepupal and day-1 Saenko et al. EvoDevo (2019) 10:16 Page 6 of 12

pupa samples (circles vs. squares in Additional fle 1: AG and GT in the fanking 5′ and 3′ regions, respectively, Figure S1), with a single tarapotensis pupa as an outlier. suggesting that those could be alternative splicing forms Overall, 1048 (in prepupa) and 3488 (in day-1 pupa) of of cortex, whereas other transcripts could be distinct the 53,719 transcripts were identifed as diferentially non-coding RNAs. expressed between morphs using a false discovery rate Furthermore, two transcripts corresponding to difer- (FDR) adjusted p value of < 0.001 and at least a twofold ent parts of Hnum000024 (predicted similar to Sur-8, a change in the expression level. Neither WntA nor optix, positive regulator of Ras signalling) CDS were expressed two major wing patterning genes in Lepidoptera (acting diferentially in both prepupae (comp35224_c0_seq1, at larval and late pupal stages, respectively [19, 22]), and high in homozygote bicoloratus and tarapotensis, low unlinked to the P interval, show diferences in expression in aurora) and day-1 pupae (comp35900_c0_seq2, high levels among H. numata morphs. Te diferential expres- in tarapotensis, lowest in silvana), see Table 1. We also sion within the supergene was generally more marked found Hnum000049 (predicted protein coding) to be than in the rest of the transcriptome, as revealed by gene upregulated in bicoloratus homo- and heterozygotes at set enrichment analysis (see Additional fle 1: Table S2). the prepupa stage. Gene Hnum000026 (putative poly(A)- Within the P interval, 30 and 24 of the transcripts specifc ribonuclease) was upregulated in tarapoten- mapping to the supergene were indeed diferentially sis and downregulated in silvana (in comparison with expressed among morphs at the prepupa and day-1 pupa aurora) in day-1 pupae, whereas Hnum032678 (predicted stages, respectively (bright blue and red dots in Fig. 1). protein coding) showed the opposite pattern. Finally, However, seven of the 24 transcripts had very high gene Hnum002023g2 (predicted protein coding) was expression levels in a single tarapotensis day-1 pupa (an downregulated in both silvana and tarapotensis at that outlier in the PCA plot, see Additional fle 1: Figure S1) in stage. comparison with two other samples of the same morph and therefore were not taken into consideration in fur- Diferential expression in relation to supergene structure ther analyses (pale red dots above the threshold line in Our experimental design allows for comparison of gene Fig. 1). Moreover, the majority of diferentially expressed expression across diferent gene arrangements within transcripts within the P interval generally have low the P supergene (Fig. 1). For instance, day-1 pupa stage expression levels as indicated by negative logCPM values allows for comparison of the ancestral gene arrangement (Table 1). in silvana versus both frst (400-kb segment containing Five transcripts were expressed diferentially at both genes Hnum000020–Hnum000040) and second (180-kb developmental stages (Table 1). Tree of them corre- segment containing genes Hnum000041–Hnum000053) sponded to the gene cortex, known to play a role in wing inversions characteristic of tarapotensis and aurora. pattern formation in Heliconius and other Lepidoptera We found eight transcripts (indicated with * in Table 1) [20, 44], whereas the other two matched the introns of to be consistently up- or downregulated in silvana and Hmel032680 (predicted WD repeat-containing protein) showing the opposite pattern of expression in tarapo- and Hmel000036 (predicted WAS protein homologue tensis and aurora. Remarkably, the frst four of those are 1). Moreover, 22 transcripts expressed diferentially in located near the left breakpoint, whereas the other four prepupae corresponded to the very large (more than are closer to the right breakpoint of the frst inversion. 100 kb) frst intron of cortex. At this stage, expression Some of these transcripts correspond to introns of pre- of cortex CDS and the majority of intron transcripts dicted genes or intergenic sequences. Hence, the frst was highest in the bicoloratus homozygotes (Pbic/Pbic), inversion does not only afect expression levels of the intermediate in bicoloratus heterozygotes (Pbic/Ptar) existing genes, but also introduces novel expression pat- and aurora, and lowest in tarapotensis. In day-1 pupae, terns. Morphs analysed at the prepupa stage, on the other expression of cortex CDS was highest in silvana, inter- hand, difer in the presence (in tarapotensis and aurora) mediate in aurora, and lowest in tarapotensis. However, or absence (in bicoloratus) of the second inversion. Te only one transcript that corresponded to the frst intron presence of this genomic rearrangement is associated of cortex was diferentially expressed at this stage. To with decreased expression of transcript comp166797_c0_ establish whether the transcripts in the frst intron of seq1 (Hnum000049). cortex represent alternative splicing variants (as has been observed in H. melpomene [20]), we performed BLASTn Variation in cortex expression patterns in larval wing discs to H. numata scafolds on Lepbase v4 [35] and examined To establish the relationships between expression and 20-bp sequences fanking those transcripts for presence adult wing patterns, we performed in situ hybridiza- of GT–AG, indicative of intron splicing sites (see Addi- tion (ISH) with probes against 28 candidate genes (see tional fle 1: Table S3). At least nine transcripts have both Additional fle 1: Table S1) from the P supergene. As Saenko et al. EvoDevo (2019) 10:16 Page 7 of 12 Prepupa Prepupa Prepupa Prepupa Prepupa Prepupa Prepupa Prepupa Prepupa Prepupa Prepupa Prepupa Prepupa Prepupa Prepupa - 1 pupa Day Both stages - 1 pupa Day Both stages Both stages Prepupa - 1 pupa Day Prepupa Prepupa - 1 pupa Day Prepupa - 1 pupa Day Prepupa - 1 pupa Day - 1 pupa Day Prepupa Prepupa Prepupa DE signifcant DE signifcant (FDR < 0.001) 3.95 4.00 2.67 − 6.95 − 4.80 − 5.15 − 3.61 − 7.93 − 7.32 − 6.32 − 7.93 − 4.12 − 5.67 − 6.95 − 5.05 − 8.88 − 4.48 − 5.73 − 2.59 − 3.48 − 1.67 − 6.98 − 2.74 − 6.62 − 0.17 − 6.33 − 0.47 − 5.80 − 0.18 − 1.09 − 4.34 − 1.36 − 6.98 Log CPM Log 1.9 1.0 0.5 1.1 3.7 1.0 1.6 0.5 2.2 0.0 1.2 0.6 1.0 1.0 0.1 0.9 1.4 − 1.0 − 3.2 − 3.8 − 2.4 − 0.6 − 1.2 − 1.4 − 0.4 − 9.5 − 0.9 − 1.4 − 0.5 − 2.1 − 2.4 − 1.8 tar − 0.9 1.1 0.1 0.0 0.1 2.5 3.4 2.4 3.9 3.7 3.8 3.9 5.1 2.9 0.5 − 2.4 − 1.1 − 0.8 − 3.2 − 3.8 − 3.7 − 3.2 − 4.6 − 3.7 − 1.1 − 3.3 − 2.6 − 0.4 − 5.1 − 1.6 − 3.0 − 2.9 − 6.6 sil − 3.7 Day-1 pupa (logFC Day-1 aur) vs. 2.22 0.25 1.20 2.29 2.21 1.59 − 1.42 − 4.18 − 1.77 − 3.16 − 2.78 − 2.38 − 2.35 − 3.40 − 1.78 − 3.43 − 2.22 − 2.91 − 4.13 − 2.05 − 5.21 − 2.36 − 2.69 − 2.91 − 0.80 − 1.80 − 2.73 − 4.05 − 1.97 − 4.61 − 2.05 − 1.82 − 2.08 Log CPM Log 0.6 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 3.1 2.9 1.0 1.7 2.2 0.0 − 4.2 − 0.7 − 3.2 − 3.2 − 4.1 − 4.1 − 0.5 − 0.8 − 3.2 − 4.1 − 6.0 − 3.0 − 3.3 − 5.8 − 4.1 − 3.1 − 5.8 − 7.5 − 0.9 − 8.3 − 3.4 tar 4.0 5.7 7.9 5.1 7.6 4.2 6.3 2.7 3.0 7.3 6.9 4.0 3.2 8.1 3.6 0.5 0.5 0.2 4.1 1.7 3.0 2.5 3.8 0.6 1.5 2.9 3.2 7.7 − 2.6 − 7.5 − 1.0 − 1.3 − 2.8 bic/tar 5.5 6.9 9.0 6.2 8.9 5.0 8.0 4.1 3.8 8.7 7.4 5.2 4.4 8.5 3.5 1.1 0.9 4.6 4.3 2.1 4.9 0.9 3.5 3.4 3.4 0.9 8.9 − 1.9 − 1.7 − 2.1 − 7.5 − 0.1 − 3.0 bic Prepupa (logFC vs. aur) (logFC vs. Prepupa Cortex 1 intron Cortex 1 intron Cortex 1 intron Cortex 1 intron Cortex 1 intron Cortex 1 intron Cortex 1 intron Cortex 1 intron Cortex 1 intron Cortex 1 intron Cortex 1 intron Cortex 1 intron Cortex 1 intron Cortex 1 intron Cortex 1 intron Cortex 1 intron Cortex CDS Cortex CDS Cortex 8 intron HMEL002023g2 CDS HMEL032678 CDS Cortex 1 intron HMEL000024 CDS Cortex 1 intron HMEL000024 CDS Cortex 1 intron HMEL000024 intron 2 HMEL000024 intron HMEL032677 intron 3 HMEL032677 intron Cortex 1 intron HMEL000022 intron 2 HMEL000022 intron Cortex 1 intron Intergenic Best BLASTn hit in Hmel genome Best BLASTn Hmel2) scaf215006 (version Cortex 1 intron 1,242,543 1,242,240 1,241,750 1,241,616 1,241,229 1,239,339 1,235,209 1,234,155 1,232,299 1,231,923 1,230,537 1,230,060 1,229,498 1,228,279 1,221,611 1,207,870 1,205,329 1,205,329 1,205,576 1,158,885 1,153,003 1,254,350 1,151,211 1,254,035 1,150,543 1,252,499 1,149,824 1,148,671 1,250,088 1145125 1,248,924 1,135,136 Median position in scaf215006 1,243,573 morphs at prepupa and/or day-1 pupa stages and/or day-1 morphs at prepupa among H. numata diferentially expressed in the P region List of contigs comp90384_c0_seq1 comp83470_c0_seq1 comp31128_c1_seq2 comp31128_c1_seq1 comp62384_c0_seq1 comp321273_c0_seq1 comp700774_c0_seq1 comp472259_c0_seq1 comp467980_c0_seq1 comp407210_c0_seq1 comp423466_c0_seq1 comp415437_c0_seq1 comp601770_c0_seq1 comp398064_c0_seq1 comp407410_c0_seq1 comp388498_c0_seq1 comp45148_c0_seq1 comp45148_c0_seq2 comp217022_c0_seq1 comp292494_c0_seq1 comp284389_c0_seq1* comp572350_c0_seq1 comp35224_c0_seq1 comp527091_c0_seq1 comp35900_c0_seq2* comp386445_c0_seq1 comp90289_c0_seq1* comp94831_c0_seq1* comp615571_c0_seq1 comp96881_c0_seq1 comp144920_c0_seq1 comp141924_c0_seq1 1 Table Contig comp382243_c0_seq1 Saenko et al. EvoDevo (2019) 10:16 Page 8 of 12 - 1 pupa Day Prepupa Both stages Both stages - 1 pupa Day - 1 pupa Day - 1 pupa Day - 1 pupa Day Prepupa DE signifcant DE signifcant (FDR < 0.001) 1.02 − 0.96 − 3.57 − 2.54 − 2.11 − 1.21 − 1.46 − 2.08 − 7.38 Log CPM Log 0.5 0.1 0.2 1.7 1.5 − 2.3 − 3.5 − 9.1 − 0.4 tar of counts-per-million) values are proportional are values of counts-per-million) 2 log 1.0 − 3.6 − 4.1 − 9.1 − 3.6 − 3.0 − 3.7 − 4.1 − 3.2 sil Day-1 pupa (logFC Day-1 aur) vs. 0.14 − 4.21 − 0.93 − 3.57 − 2.96 − 2.11 − 3.12 − 6.18 − 2.98 Log CPM Log 0.1 1.4 0.0 3.2 − 0.9 − 7.9 − 8.6 − 2.0 − 1.6 tar 0.6 5.0 2.4 4.1 6.2 − 7.9 − 8.6 − 0.8 − 0.3 bic/tar 0.1 5.9 0.2 2.2 3.2 8.2 − 3.8 − 8.6 − 0.4 bic Prepupa (logFC vs. aur) (logFC vs. Prepupa Intergenic HMEL000049 CDS HMEL000036 intron 4 HMEL000036 intron HMEL032680 intron 1 HMEL032680 intron HMEL032680 intron 3 HMEL032680 intron Intergenic Intergenic HMEL000026 CDS Cortex 1 intron Best BLASTn hit in Hmel genome Best BLASTn Hmel2) scaf215006 (version 1,638,684 1,578,231 1,488,546 1,474,761 1,470,921 1,464,919 1,407,093 1,387,318 1,257,539 Median position in scaf215006 morph (set to 0). LogCPM (i.e. ­ (i.e. 0). LogCPM morph (set to in aurora values with expression in comparison changes (FC) (negative) fold of up- or downregulation (positive) 10 (continued) comp17881_c0_seq1 comp166797_c0_seq1 comp211996_c0_seq1 comp223361_c0_seq1 comp131953_c0_seq1* comp54294_c0_seq1* comp8094_c0_seq1* comp115525_c0_seq1* comp331233_c0_seq1 to overall expression levels of each gene.*Genes located near the breakpoints of the frst inversion located of each gene.*Genes levels expression overall to 1 Table Contig − log represent Values Saenko et al. EvoDevo (2019) 10:16 Page 9 of 12

the prepupal and day-1 pupal wings are too fragile to be throughout the wing which is, in turn, determined by used in ISH, we performed the latter on the wing discs upstream positional signals. As in H. melpomene, difer- from the last instar larvae. For all but one candidate, ISH ential expression was not confned to cortex exons [20], resulted either in the ubiquitous expression or in the as 22 transcripts up- or downregulated at the prepupa absence of any detectable signal (see Additional fle 1: stage map to its frst intron and could indicate unidenti- Figure S2 for examples). However, in line with the pre- fed splice variants or non-coding RNAs. vious study [20], clear diferences in the spatial patterns We also found that the majority of genes in the P inter- of expression were observed for the cortex gene (Fig. 2 val were expressed in the developing wing discs during and Additional fle 1: Figure S3). In particular, the pat- the critical stages of colour pattern formation, and nine tern of cortex signal in larval hindwings refects the of them were expressed diferentially among morphs. In amount of black pigment in the adults. Moreover, cortex addition, expression levels of several contigs correspond- is expressed in the black forewing tip in bicoloratus (but ing to intronic and intergenic regions correlate with the not in other morphs), and in the so-called “comma mark” presence/absence of the chromosomal inversions within on the forewing of silvana. Tese results are consistent the P interval. Large genomic rearrangements are fre- with the fndings of the diferential expression analyses, quently associated with gene silencing or ectopic expres- e.g. high expression levels of cortex in bicoloratus and low sion patterns (e.g. [46, 47]). Additional studies of gene in tarapotensis at the prepupa stage. expression and function will investigate whether these changes indeed play a role in colour pattern variation in Discussion H. numata. In addition to developing the frst transcriptome resource Most of the genes within the P interval are expressed in for H. numata, we performed diferential expression (pre)pupal wing discs, and quantitative as well as quali- analyses at two developmental stages to identify genes tative variation in expression of multiple genes has been involved in variation of wing colour patterns in this spe- detected between P genotypes, suggesting that inver- cies. A large number of genes throughout the transcrip- sions are associated with drastic changes in expression tome were diferentially expressed among H. numata throughout the P region. Furthermore, variation in cor- morphs: 1048 (out of 53,719) at prepupa and 3488 at tex expression revealed by ISH is restricted to certain day-1 pupa stage, providing a long list of putative candi- parts of the wing and therefore does not fully recapitu- dates. However, because variation in H. numata colour late the variation in adult wing pattern, suggesting that pattern is known to be controlled by a single Mende- other genes located in the P interval may play a role in lian locus located in the P region [26], these transcrip- colour pattern variations, independently of variation in tional diferences could be explained by (a) downstream black elements observed across H. numata morphs. Te responses to signals coming from the supergene and co- technical limit of ISH focusing on the restricted devel- segregating parts of the genome and/or (b) physiologi- opmental windows may prevent us to detect other genes cal response to fuctuating feld conditions in Peru. Tis involved in the developmental switch between mimetic highlights the need for mapping the loci of interest prior patterns in H. numata. Identifying the functional role of to diferential expression analyses in order to limit the cortex using CRISPR/Cas9 knockout, for instance, would number of candidate genes identifed by RNA sequenc- help understanding its implication in the development of ing, and target the causative region. diferent colour patterns in H. numata and its putative By specifcally focusing on the P locus, previously interactions with other genes. shown to control colour pattern variation in H. numata Nevertheless, our current results are overall consist- [7], our experiments, even though they were limited by ent with the hypothesis that the P locus acts as a classical a number of morphs, replicates, and developmental time supergene, whereby several linked genes are involved in points, confrm the role of cortex in the variation of some the developmental switch between the diferent mimetic black pattern elements on the wings across H. numata patterns. It should be noted that the second inversion has morphs. Colour pattern phenotypes caused by cortex been recently shown to be followed by a third rearrange- expression in H. melpomene and H. numata strikingly ment, whose limits are not fully determined yet (unp. difer, suggesting that the emergence of novel patterns data), so that genes located further away from the region is caused by heterotopic expression, i.e. changes in the studied here could also be involved in the developmental spatial regulation of cortex. Similar to optix which causes switch. variation in red pattern elements [45], the evolution of Even though our ISH experiments performed at late black colour patterns within and among Heliconius spe- larval stage cannot fully demonstrate the supergene cies may be mainly driven by evolution of regulatory hypothesis, our study opens up new perspectives on the regions, changing the localisation of gene expression architecture of the P locus in H. numata. Because of the Saenko et al. EvoDevo (2019) 10:16 Page 10 of 12

Fig. 2 Expression patterns of cortex in larval wing discs of diferent H. numata morphs. Expression of cortex in late larval wing discs is associated with the amount of black pigment in the hindwings (top and bottom panels, stars and dashed lines indicate corresponding areas of the wings), the “comma mark” on silvana forewing (red arrows), and the black forewing tip in bicoloratus

technical constraints of ISH on wing disc, we studied supergene P is a classical supergene, or whether cortex only a limited time window of wing pattern formation. alone fully controls the developmental switches involved However, variation in colour patterns could be trig- in colour pattern polymorphism in H. numata. gered by heterochrony in gene expression, or diferential expression at stages not targeted here. Further studies on extended developmental time series are required to uncover full genetic control of such striking variation and Additional fles to investigate the genetic architecture of the P supergene. Additional fle 1: Table S1. Information on probes used for ISH in H. Conclusions numata larval wing discs. Figure S1. Principal component analysis (PCA) plot of read counts matrix from RNA-seq data. Table S2. Gene set enrich‑ Here, we developed the frst transcriptome resource for ment analysis comparing the rank of diferential expression in transcripts H. numata and performed diferential expression analy- mapped to the supergene P to the rest of the transcriptome using 1,000 ses during wing development to identify genes involved transcript permutations. Table S3. Analysis of splicing sites in the frst intron of cortex. Figure S2. Examples of expression patterns observed in in forming the supergene and contributing to the expres- larval wing discs of H. numata. A. Ubiquitous expression, B. Expression in sion of diferentiated phenotypes. Our analyses confrm the trachea, C. No detectable signal. Figure S3. Expression patterns of the role of cortex in the formation of black wing pattern cortex in larval wing discs of H. numata (all samples). elements. Our results are consistent with the hypothesis that other genes in the P region may play a role in col- Acknowledgements We thank Monica Arias and Nicolas Chazot for help with butterfy rearing, and our variation in H. numata. Functional studies on the Anthony Bretaudeau and Fabrice Legeai from BIPAA for help with RNA-seq gene cortex and exploration of longer developmental analyses. time series will now be required to conclude whether the Saenko et al. EvoDevo (2019) 10:16 Page 11 of 12

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