H5972 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE June 24, 2008 The SPEAKER pro tempore. The gen- ergy and Commerce Committee. And foresight to pursue this project as it has be- tleman from Indiana has 111⁄2 minutes. we honor his work, not only on behalf come a critical center in taking care of return- Mr. BUYER. Mr. Speaker, I yield as of America’s veterans, but I also re- ing heroes from the war against terrorism in much time as she may consume to Dr. member his work on the Health Sub- Iraq and Afghanistan. ILEANA ROS-LEHTINEN of Florida. committee. It worked out very well, Naming the Spinal Cord Injury Center for Ms. ROS-LEHTINEN. I thank the his knowledge of Energy and Com- MIKE BILIRAKIS will be a lasting tribute to a gentleman from Indiana, the ranking merce along with his work on the man who never forgot our Nation’s commit- member of Veterans’ Affairs, for this Health Subcommittee on the House ment to our veterans. It is also a special honor time. Veterans’ Affairs Committee. And he to a member of this House who did not seek I am so honored to be here tonight was able to integrate his work with acclaim or recognition. He just worked hard congratulating our good friend, Mr. Health and Human Services and NIH every day for the people of his district and for MILLER of Florida, for this bill, and and research and met with the VA and the veterans who wore the uniform. Congressman BILIRAKIS, another Flor- research. Your work is highly recog- Mr. Speaker, I urge all of my colleagues to ida colleague, for speaking on this bill nized and remembered by the House. join in approving this legislation to honor one as well. But I also know that, Michael, if you of this House’s quiet heroes who is a cham- I rise in strong support of House Res- were still here, you would be just as pion of those who bore the uniform in the olution 4264 to rightfully name the De- concerned as I am with regard to the past, do so now, and will into the future. partment of Veterans Affairs Spinal high cost of energy because you voted Mr. FILNER. Mr. Speaker, I urge my Cord Injury Center in Tampa, Florida on a lot of efforts to bring down energy colleagues to unanimously support the as the ‘‘Michael Bilirakis Department prices for all Americans, which include bill. of Veterans Affairs Spinal Cord Injury our veterans. I have no further requests for time, Center.’’ and I yield back the balance of my b 1915 I had the honor and the pleasure of time. serving with Congressman Mike Bili- So with that I urge all my colleagues The SPEAKER pro tempore. The rakis here in the House for almost 17 to support the legislation before us in question is on the motion offered by years. He was a colleague, a statesman, naming this spinal cord facility on be- the gentleman from California (Mr. a fellow Floridian. Mike was and con- half of Michael Bilirakis. FILNER) that the House suspend the tinues to be a strong voice for our Mr. Speaker, I yield back the balance rules and pass the bill, H.R. 4264. country’s men and women proudly of my time. The question was taken. serving our country. He was also an ad- Mr. FILNER. To the now Congress- The SPEAKER pro tempore. In the vocate for Florida’s environment, in- man BILIRAKIS, you honor your father opinion of the Chair, two-thirds being cluding the protection of our pristine with your work on the committee and in the affirmative, the ayes have it. coastlines. But his time here in the your advocacy, and we look forward to Mr. BUYER. Mr. Speaker, I object to House was truly defined by his supreme many years of that. the vote on the ground that a quorum dedication to veterans, serving on the And, of course, Mr. Speaker, this is is not present and make the point of House Committee on Veterans’ Affairs not an obituary. Mike Bilirakis is very order that a quorum is not present. for his entire tenure in the U.S. House. much alive and working for veterans The SPEAKER pro tempore. Pursu- After 24 years in Congress, this fine still. His work on the Commission for ant to clause 8 of rule XX and the public servant retired in 2006. However, the Future of America’s Veterans is Chair’s prior announcement, further we all have the wonderful pleasure to important. It’s going to be very timely. proceedings on this motion will be serve with his son, GUS BILIRAKIS, and It’s going to be significant. And I hope postponed. I’m honored to serve with GUS on our we all listen to what he says in his new The point of no quorum is considered Foreign Affairs Committee. We’re de- role on that commission. withdrawn. lighted to see him follow in his father’s And, Michael, if you’re watching, I f don’t always meet your ideal of civil- footsteps in his passion for our vet- EURIPIDES RUBIO DEPARTMENT erans. ity, but I remember your teaching. I remember your example every day. OF VETERANS AFFAIRS OUT- Naming this Department of Veterans PATIENT CLINIC. Affairs after Congressman Mike Bili- GENERAL LEAVE rakis is certainly a sound tribute to a Mr. FILNER. Mr. Speaker, I ask Mr. FILNER. Mr. Speaker, I move to man who gave so much to his commu- unanimous consent that all Members suspend the rules and pass the bill nity, to our brave service men and may have 5 legislative days in which to (H.R. 4289) to name the Department of women, and indeed, to our country. revise and extend their remarks and in- Veterans Affairs outpatient clinic in I urge all Members to vote in favor of clude extraneous material on H.R. 4264. Ponce, Puerto Rico, as the ‘‘Euripides this resolution that rightfully honors a The SPEAKER pro tempore. Is there Rubio Department of Veterans Affairs man such as Congressman Mike Bili- objection to the request of the gen- Outpatient Clinic’’. rakis, a friend to all, and especially to tleman from California? The Clerk read the title of the bill. our veterans. There was no objection. The text of the bill is as follows: Mr. BUYER. Mr. Speaker, our good Mr. YOUNG of Florida. Mr. Speaker, I rise H.R. 4289 friend, Michael Bilirakis, and his wife, in strong support of H.R. 4264, legislation to Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Rep- Evelyn, I’m sure are listening right designate the ‘‘Michael Bilirakis Department of resentatives of the United States of America in now. And to my good friend Michael, I Veterans Affairs Spinal Cord Injury Center’’ at Congress assembled, know this is a little uncomfortable lis- SECTION 1. NAME OF DEPARTMENT OF VET- the James A. Haley Hospital in Tampa. ERANS AFFAIRS OUTPATIENT CLIN- tening to your colleagues say nice First, I want to commend my colleague from IC, PONCE, PUERTO RICO. things about you while you’re alive, so Florida, JEFF MILLER, a distinguished member The Department of Veterans Affairs out- I thank the chairman for doing this of the Veterans’ Affairs Committee, for intro- patient clinic in Ponce, Puerto Rico, shall bill. ducing this legislation to honor our former col- after the date of the enactment of this Act And we recognize you, Michael Bili- league and my friend MIKE BILIRAKIS. be known and designated as the ‘‘Eurı´pides rakis, because your presence here was There is no member of this House who de- Rubio Department of Veterans Affairs Out- significant. You heard a very personal voted more of his time and energy to improve patient Clinic’’. Any reference to such out- patient clinic in any law, regulation, map, admission on behalf of the chairman. the quality of care for our Nation’s veterans document, record, or other paper of the And I think all of us on the committee than MIKE BILIRAKIS. Long a member of the United States shall be considered to be a ref- could say the very same thing that the Veterans’ Affairs Committee, he made the es- erence to the Eurı´pides Rubio Department of chairman had said. Michael was very tablishment of the Spinal Cord Injury Unit at Veterans Affairs Outpatient Clinic. good at keeping and maintaining civil- Tampa one of his highest legislative priorities. The SPEAKER pro tempore. Pursu- ity, and it’s about who he was as a per- As a result of these efforts, we have at ant to the rule, the gentleman from son. Tampa the finest center of its kind anywhere California (Mr. FILNER) and the gen- I also had the opportunity to serve in our Nation taking care of seriously injured tleman from Indiana (Mr. BUYER) each with him on the powerful House En- veterans. We are thankful that MIKE had the will control 20 minutes.

VerDate Aug 31 2005 04:12 Jun 25, 2008 Jkt 069060 PO 00000 Frm 00106 Fmt 4634 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\K24JN7.141 H24JNPT1 smartinez on PROD1PC64 with HOUSE June 24, 2008 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE H5973 The Chair recognizes the gentleman H.R. 4289, which would designate the Moments later, when a rifle company com- from California. outpatient clinic in Ponce, Puerto mander was medically evacuated, Captain Mr. FILNER. Mr. Speaker, I yield Rico, as the ‘‘Euripides Rubio Depart- Rubio assumed command. He received a third myself such time as I may consume. ment of Veterans Affairs Outpatient wound as he ‘‘selflessly exposed himself to I rise today to offer my support of Clinic,’’ we honor the bravery and sac- the devastating enemy fire to move among his H.R. 4289, a bill to name the VA out- rifice of Captain Rubio. men to encourage them to fight with renewed patient clinic in Ponce, Puerto Rico, Mr. Speaker, I reserve the balance of effort.’’ after Euripides Rubio. my time. While helping to evacuate wounded com- The Congressional , Mr. BUYER. Mr. Speaker, I rise in rades, Captain Rubio observed that a smoke Mr. Speaker, is the highest military support of H.R. 4289, a bill to name the grenade, intended to mark the Viet Cong posi- decoration for bravery beyond the call Department of Veterans Affairs out- tion for U.S. air strikes, had fallen perilously of duty and action in the face of enemy patient clinic in Ponce, Puerto Rico, as close to friendly lines. Captain Rubio ran to attack. Euripides Rubio was awarded the ‘‘Euripides Rubio Department of reposition the grenade but was immediately the Medal of Honor posthumously. His Veterans Affairs Outpatient Clinic.’’ brought to his knees by enemy fire. Despite citation reads as follows: I commend my colleague Mr. his many wounds, Captain Rubio picked up ‘‘For conspicuous gallantry and in- FORTUN˜ O of Puerto Rico for intro- the grenade, ran through the deadly hail of fire trepidity in action at the risk of his ducing the bill. to within 20 meters of the enemy position, and life above and beyond the call of duty. I cannot improve upon the words of threw the grenade into the midst of the enemy Captain Rubio, Infantry, was serving as Chairman FILNER. I urge my colleagues before he fell for the final time. Because of communications officer, 1st Battalion, to support this bill and honor the ex- Captain Rubio’s actions, U.S. aircraft were when a numerically superior enemy traordinary valor of Captain Euripides able to identify and destroy the hostile posi- force launched a massive attack Rubio. tions. against the battalion defense position. Mr. Speaker, I yield back the balance The Medal of Honor citation ends with these Intense enemy machinegun fire raked of my time. simple and powerful words: ‘‘Captain Rubio’s the area while mortar rounds and rifle GENERAL LEAVE singularly heroic act turned the tide of battle, grenades exploded within the perim- Mr. FILNER. Mr. Speaker, I ask and his extraordinary leadership and valor eter. Leaving the relative safety of his unanimous consent that all Members were a magnificent inspiration to his men. His post, Captain Rubio received two seri- may have 5 legislative days in which to remarkable bravery and selfless concern for ous wounds as he braved the withering revise and extend their remarks and in- his men are in keeping with the highest tradi- fire to go to the area of most intense clude extraneous material on H.R. 4289. tions of the military service and reflect great action where he distributed ammuni- The SPEAKER pro tempore. Is there credit on Captain Rubio and the U.S. Army.’’ tion, re-established positions, and ren- objection to the request of the gen- There are many important ways in which tleman from California? dered aid to the wounded. Disregarding this Congress and this country can honor our There was no objection. Nation’s warriors. We can—and should—work the painful wounds, he unhesitatingly Mr. FORTUN˜ O. Mr. Speaker, it is with great assumed command when a rifle com- to ensure they have the proper equipment pride that I submit this statement for the they need to fight. We can—and should—work pany commander was medically evacu- record in support of H.R. 4289, which will ated. Captain Rubio was wounded a to ensure that their families are taken care of name the Veterans’ Affairs Outpatient Clinic in during long deployments. We can—and third time as he selflessly exposed him- Ponce, Puerto Rico after Captain Euripides self to the devastating enemy fire to should—work to ensure that, having left the Rubio. Captain Rubio was an officer in the service, our veterans receive the best edu- move among his men to encourage who fought and, at age them to fight with renewed effort. cational opportunities and medical care avail- 28, died in combat in the jungles of South able. Simply put, we should fight and sacrifice While aiding the evacuation of wound- Vietnam. For the actions that led to his death, ed personnel, he noted that a smoke on behalf of those who have fought and sac- Captain Rubio was posthumously awarded the rificed for us. grenade which was intended to mark Medal of Honor, one of four residents of Puer- the Viet Cong position for air strikes There is something else we can do, too. to Rico to have earned this supreme honor. Something we as a country do not do enough had fallen dangerously close to the By naming the veterans’ clinic after Captain of. And that is to publicly honor the most re- friendly lines. Rubio, Congress pays tribute to his courage markable instances of bravery on the battle- ‘‘Captain Rubio ran to reposition the and, by extension, honors the hundreds of grenade but was immediately struck to field displayed by our men and women in uni- thousands of sons and daughters of Puerto form. In the last two years, six Americans his knees by enemy fire. Despite his Rico who have served in the armed forces of several wounds, Captain Rubio scooped have won the Medal of Honor for their actions this great Nation. I thank the Congress, and in Afghanistan and Iraq. And yet one must up the grenade, ran through the deadly particularly the Veterans’ Affairs Committee, struggle—often in vain—to find stories in the hail of fire to within 20 meters of the for helping to preserve the memory of an ex- mainstream press about these present-day enemy position, and hurled the already traordinary American. Euripides Rubios. Had they lived, these he- smoking grenade into the midst of the It is fitting that Ponce, where Captain Rubio roes would likely have been reluctant to talk enemy before he fell for the final time. was born in 1938, is known as ‘‘the City of about themselves. Such is the nature of sol- Using the repositioned grenade as a Lions.’’ Captain Rubio truly had the qualities of diers. It is our obligation—and it should be our marker, friendly air strikes were di- a lion—strength, courage, and fidelity. Those privilege—to publicly honor their achieve- rected to destroy the hostile positions. who served alongside him in the 1st Battalion, ments. And H.R. 4289 does precisely that. Captain Rubio’s singularly heroic act 28th Infantry remember him as an inspirational Thanks to Congress’s actions today, I know turned the tide of the battle, and his leader and as a model soldier completely that many children in Puerto Rico, looking extraordinary leadership and valor committed to his country and to his comrades. upon the clinic that bears his name, will ask were a magnificent inspiration to his It is impossible to read Captain Rubio’s their parents or grandparents who Euripides men. His remarkable bravery and self- Medal of Honor citation without shaking one’s Rubio was. It is my fervent hope that, from the less concern for his men are in keeping head and wondering how the world produces answer given, they will learn about this Lion of with the highest traditions of the mili- men of such caliber. On the day of his Ponce, who died far too young, but whose tary service and reflect great credit on death—November 8, 1966—enemy forces short life was filled with greatness. Captain Rubio and the United States launched an attack against the battalion’s de- Mr. FILNER. Mr. Speaker, I ask my Army.’’ fensive position in the Tay Ninh province. Ma- colleagues to approve H.R. 4289. In the words of the veterans’ groups chine gun fire, mortar rounds and rifle- Mr. Speaker, I yield back the balance who support this legislation, ‘‘Captain launched grenades exploded within the de- of my time. Euripides Rubio’s selfless and coura- fense perimeter. Captain Rubio chose to leave The SPEAKER pro tempore. The geous actions, which earned him the the relative safety of his post and ‘‘braved the question is on the motion offered by Congressional Medal of Honor, reflect withering fire to go to the area of most intense the gentleman from California (Mr. the highest ideals of the United States action where he distributed ammunition, re-es- FILNER) that the House suspend the Army and serve as an inspiration for tablished positions and rendered aid to the rules and pass the bill, H.R. 4289. the people of Puerto Rico, soldiers and wounded.’’ In the process, Captain Rubio was The question was taken; and (two- civilians alike.’’ Today, by passing wounded twice. thirds being in the affirmative) the

VerDate Aug 31 2005 05:20 Jun 25, 2008 Jkt 069060 PO 00000 Frm 00107 Fmt 4634 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\K24JN7.144 H24JNPT1 smartinez on PROD1PC64 with HOUSE H5974 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE June 24, 2008 rules were suspended and the bill was the highest traditions of the Marine Corps ers, an organization committed to pay- passed. and the U.S. Naval Service. He gallantly ing tribute to the men and women who A motion to reconsider was laid on gave his life in the service of his country. have made the ultimate sacrifice on be- the table. H.R. 4918, which would designate the VA half of liberty. f Medical Center in Miami, Florida, as the I am privileged to represent the 18th ‘‘Bruce W. Carter Department of Veterans Af- Congressional District of Florida, BRUCE W. CARTER DEPARTMENT fairs Medical Center’’ honors the service and hometown to many servicemen and OF VETERANS AFFAIRS MED- sacrifice of this Marine Corps hero. women who have bravely defended our ICAL CENTER Mr. Speaker, I reserve the balance of interests every day. My husband, Dex- Mr. FILNER. Mr. Speaker, I move to my time. ter, served our country in Vietnam as a suspend the rules and pass the bill Mr. BUYER. Mr. Speaker, I yield U.S. Army ranger and was severely (H.R. 4918) to name the Department of such time as she may consume to Dr. wounded in combat. My stepson Doug Veterans Affairs medical center in ILEANA ROS-LEHTINEN of Florida to and his wife are captains in the U.S. Miami, Florida, as the ‘‘Bruce W. speak on the bill. Marine Corps, having served our coun- Carter Department of Veterans Affairs Ms. ROS-LEHTINEN. I thank the try in Iraq. And I am deeply and per- Medical Center’’. chairman and the ranking member. sonally interested in all of the affairs The Clerk read the title of the bill. Mr. Speaker, I am so honored that we related to veterans to make sure that The text of the bill is as follows: have this legislation before us. H.R. we honor them with the benefits that H.R. 4918 4918 honors a brave soldier, a brave ma- they so richly have earned through rine, who gave his life for our country. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Rep- their sacrifice. They have served our resentatives of the United States of America in And this legislation to name the De- country proudly, and they deserve to Congress assembled, partment of Veterans Affairs Medical be treated with great respect. SECTION 1. NAME OF DEPARTMENT OF VET- Center located in my hometown of Those who dedicated their lives to ERANS AFFAIRS MEDICAL CENTER, Miami, Florida, as the ‘‘Bruce W. the service of others truly embody the MIAMI, FLORIDA. Carter Department of Veterans Affairs heart and the spirit of all that is best The Department of Veterans Affairs med- Medical Center’’ is a great honor not in America. And that can truly be said ical center in Miami, Florida, shall after the just to the family and to the legacy of Private First Class Carter, of his date of the enactment of this Act be known that Bruce left, but also it honors the and designated as the ‘‘Bruce W. Carter De- dedication to freedom and of his fellow partment of Veterans Affairs Medical Cen- selfless sacrifice of all of our members Marines, and it must never be lost in ter’’. Any reference to such medical center in and all of our veterans. the dusty pages of our history book. any law, regulation, map, document, record, Bruce was born in New York, and he Through the naming of this medical or other paper of the United States shall be moved with his family to Texas, then center, we will be remembering not considered to be a reference to the Bruce W. Louisiana, and then they settled in just Bruce’s sacrifice but the sacrifice Carter Department of Veterans Affairs Med- South Florida. He attended Miami and service of all of the brave men and ical Center. Springs Elementary School and then women who proudly serve and wear our The SPEAKER pro tempore. Pursu- Miami Springs High School before en- Nation’s uniform. ant to the rule, the gentleman from listing in the U.S. Marine Corps in I thank the chairman of the Vet- California (Mr. FILNER) and the gen- Jacksonville, Florida. He was promoted erans’ Affairs Committee for this op- tleman from Indiana (Mr. BUYER) each to Private First Class January 1, 1969, portunity, and I especially want to will control 20 minutes. and deployed to Vietnam in April of thank the ranking member, my good The Chair recognizes the gentleman that year, serving as a radio operator friend from Indiana, for this time. from California. with Hotel Company, 2nd battalion, 3rd Mr. BUYER. Mr. Speaker, I would Mr. FILNER. Mr. Speaker, I rise to Marines, 3rd Marine Division. ask all colleagues to support H.R. 4918, offer my support for the bill to name Sadly, his hopes, his dreams, his life- a bill to name the Department of Vet- the VA Medical Center in Miami, Flor- long ambitions were brutally cut short erans Affairs Medical Center in Miami, ida, after Bruce W. Carter. in Vietnam. On August 7, 1969, in com- Florida, as the ‘‘Bruce W. Carter De- I have a biography, but I never knew bat north of the Vandegrift base in the partment of Veterans Affairs Medical Mr. Carter and I’m sure Ms. ROS- Quang Tri province, Private First Class Center.’’ LEHTINEN knows him best or knows his Carter threw himself on an enemy gre- I want to thank my colleague Dr. record the best. nade, giving his life in service to our ILEANA ROS-LEHTINEN of Miami, Flor- Mr. Speaker, I rise today to offer my support country so that his fellow Marines ida, for introducing the bill. of H.R. 4918, a bill to name the VA Medical could survive. Mr. Speaker, I yield back the balance Center in Miami, Florida, after Bruce W. His sacrifice embodies the honor, the of my time. Carter. courage, and the commitment to free- Mr. FILNER. Mr. Speaker, I also For his actions during Operation Idaho Can- dom which is characteristic of both a thank the gentlewoman from Florida yon in the Quang Tri Province of the Republic hero and a United States Marine. for telling us so eloquently about Mr. of Vietnam in 1969, PFC Bruce W. Carter was On September 19, 1971, at a ceremony Carter. posthumously awarded the Medal of Honor in attended by his mother, Georgianna GENERAL LEAVE 1971. The citation reads, in part: ‘‘Georgie’’ Carter-Krell and other fam- Mr. FILNER. Mr. Speaker, I ask Pfc. Carter and his fellow marines were ily members, Private First Class Carter unanimous consent that all Members pinned down by vicious crossfire when, with was posthumously awarded the Medal may have 5 legislative days in which to complete disregard for his safety, he stood in of Honor for his unwavering patriotism revise and extend their remarks and to full view of the North Vietnamese Army sol- and sacrifice. For his valor Private include extraneous material on H.R. diers to deliver a devastating volume of fire First Class Carter has also received the 4918. at their positions. The accuracy and aggres- , the Combat Action Rib- The SPEAKER pro tempore. Is there siveness of his attack caused several enemy bon, the National Defense Service casualties and forced the remainder of the objection to the request of the gen- soldiers to retreat from the immediate area. Medal, the tleman from California? Shouting directions to the marines around with one Bronze Star, and the Republic There was no objection. him, Pfc. Carter then commenced leading of Vietnam Campaign Medal. Mr. FILNER. I would urge my col- them from the path of the rapidly approach- However, the legacy of Private First leagues to support unanimously H.R. ing brush fire when he observed a hostile gre- Class Bruce Carter’s commitment to 4918 and yield back the balance of my nade land between him and his companions. our Nation endures. It endures in his time. Fully aware of the probable consequences of mother, Georgie, who has carried on The SPEAKER pro tempore. The his action but determined to protect the men her son’s legacy through her leadership following him, he unhesitatingly threw him- question is on the motion offered by self over the grenade, absorbing the full ef- in an organization known as the Gold the gentleman from California (Mr. fects of its detonation with his body. Pfc. Star Mothers organization. Today FILNER) that the House suspend the Carter’s indomitable courage, inspiring ini- Georgie is serving her second term as rules and pass the bill, H.R. 4918. tiative and selfless devotion to duty upheld national president of Gold Star Moth- The question was taken.

VerDate Aug 31 2005 06:03 Jun 25, 2008 Jkt 069060 PO 00000 Frm 00108 Fmt 4634 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\K24JN7.145 H24JNPT1 smartinez on PROD1PC64 with HOUSE